"Happy Birthday GRIMACE" - The SCARIEST YouTube Shorts in the World? w/Narrator

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narrator turn on your camera we're recording the world's scariest YouTube shorts slash tick tocks in the world question mark oh dude Eddie I'm ready hey have you ever wondered what I might be like if I didn't take this YouTube path and I just finished College uh probably depressed I'm kidding show me depressed dude with the froth yeah dude I've never seen you look like a bro like like right take that [ __ ] off bro now I'm pretty your narrator everybody are you ready narrator what are we doing all right scary Tech talks [ __ ] my bad scary YouTube shorts and scary Tick Tock submitted by you guys over on the scary Eddie subreddit ready for this yeah yeah yeah this first one is titled family reunion [Music] Jesus candle okay uh-huh [Music] did you see it did you see that was that Shadow the Hedgehog wait wait we have to we have to narrate this in the way that those typical horror YouTubers would do it there was a family reunion that was happening and just when you thought that the spirits lingering around could not get any more Restless it happened did you see it let's play that back right as the camera panned over the kitchen whoa you can see a shadow walking by nobody knows if that was the spirit of their dead grandmother or the spirit of their dead grandfather let's go ahead and ask their Auntie hit play and see her reaction oh [ __ ] it was the grandmother yeah you can see it you can see the replay you can tell this was probably taken from one of those channels there it is uh yeah kind of weird huh I think this was just like the pre-screen for the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie it just put shadow in there bro just a black blur fast Shadow isn't it it's just like yeah it's a it's a fast Shadow dude all right next oh my God a leather couch all right you ready for this one narrator oh yeah oh spooky that's a weird photo oh oh hi oh it's one of these man Hi how are you and he's gone narrator explain [Music] green screen [Music] clothes yeah close you know the answer what's the answer [Music] what without the kid and the mask is on the TV in the sharp edges of the entertainment center thing is it hold on do it again do it again okay uh-huh yeah and now he's gone yup yup as soon as he did the little Shake yeah exactly but y'all keep falling for these and y'all keep standing the same [ __ ] over and over and over every week y'all fall for these ones where's the where's the things that make me jump out of my chair I you know what they were probably in episode one two and three of last year I think I think I've done enough of these that like I've run out of scary content to look at narrator no well let's see let's see maybe they did good this week let's see what else they said it was probably just uh that one was just a fluke I'm like pretty sure that I just saw my grandma um yeah I'll just show you I heard some noises upstairs like before just walking around I came up to see what it was no he's got to go upstairs just check it out okay I'll do it I am up here all the different like scary activity has happened and I'm here in what sounds like somebody walk around on the floorboards as I'm up here I can feel like the pressure of steps landing around me um I don't really know what's going on it's uh it just seems pretty crazy to me show me the evidence I don't know this is not what I feel before when I got this house oh [ __ ] oh grandma did you see her wait wait wait wait wait pause pause pause was there someone standing at the door yeah yeah yeah Ollie your mission zoom in enhance image raise the exposures there if there's someone standing at the door and it freaked him the [ __ ] out that's gonna be you bro if like you ever used your Abuelita's freaking cookie recipe without her jelly and she's gonna come back and be like you used mine sugar recipe Eddie but then because she's Mexican she's gonna say te Gustave you know that episode when like Mr Krebs holds a shopping list to scare SpongeBob yes you're gonna wake up and there's just gonna be a little a little sandal or a flip-flop like you're too innocent not a little you're doing this on a little string dude she's gonna be like Oh I'm not a normal food I'm a chocolate a little hard to see in the video so I screenshotted it and I upped the contrast and just you you be the judge look what this [ __ ] is oh he already enhanced the image and sorry Ali I made you do all that work before you uh before he did it himself [Music] leave stop calm down are you what are you so I love I love how uh the banging on the window when he when he turns the light on it's still banging like the sound effects of it is still banging until he opens it I'm like what the good well it's it's made so that it's supposed to scare you you know like it's supposed to look like the ghost is still there banging on the wall but it's just a different take you can see him turn down the opacity right there boom boom but still playing the sound from the previous clip over it yeah yup sorry man look look I just have to debunk everything I see I know I just didn't like I'm the same way dude like all of these now is like every time I watch scary [ __ ] with you a lot of the times it's when I see [ __ ] like this I'm like oh I'm going back to when I was in film school and debunking everything with editing I have ruined scary content on the internet but you know what there's gonna be one Eddie no you know what I haven't ruined it okay if there's somebody that's gonna make it better it'll be you guys you guys have to make content horror content better again make horror great again put that on a hat put that on a hat Eddie every boy shoot that we do with haunted houses you just wear that hat wait wait we have to we have to we have to watch it we have to like make it resolved let's see what happens oh so he leaves it's back no this is crazy did you hear this last night it was going last night did you Charlie come here so it was still going yeah yeah Charlie come here yeah you can hear you can hear the banging still going oh over late sound effect sample that overlay it as I continue to talk like this right oh narrator there's been I heard banking oh wait let me turn on my Jesus candle well not not Jesus because I ran out of Jesus Oh spooky all right enough I look like a Pokeball here's Greg what's up Greg Greg here's Greg what's up Greg oh my God Harry Potter right well I want to start this um listen if any of your friends are ever like totally bro you should see this thing that I found in the woods um at that point you're going to but lightly but firmly tell them to go [ __ ] themselves and not be friends anymore you no longer can be friends with them yeah when you get home in your mama asks you hey uh you know what happened to what's his name um they never give him names mom's never remembers so she's never gonna remember that's right I used to be El narices Mr Bergman looks like Voldemort from the Hair Source the from the Sorcerer's Stone when he's on the back of the dude's head and it put narrator I think the most important thing to take away here from this video has been that I'm not crazy you're not you're not crazy I'm not [ __ ] crazy cabrones Latinos be like that I'm not the only one when it comes to Spooky [ __ ] stereotypes are actually true yup 100 spooky Lego take what is this what is that it's not even Legos spooky Lego attack foreign that was funny that was a good one I I needed that narrator this is just a sign that um my subreddit has fallen from Grace well I mean we have fallen from Grace Muchachos this is the horror content you guys post we're we're doomed you know what we need to make our own spooky [ __ ] yeah oh oh what did you see that oh my God your comb was floating spooky this is why you don't play with Ouija boards oh I never play with Ouija boards in Spanish we call it oh my God get rid of it are you okay okay because how do you really know that feeling the Stars I'm sorry are you okay come here guys come on come on [Applause] oh my God James water lots of water because I'm gonna get some water please are you okay what do you mean are you okay she is now possessed I was about to say um number one the girl who's just like do you want some water yeah I I don't know what to you water H2O that'll help you're dumb the only water you need is hh2o holy water that's holy water also I don't know I don't mean to freak out even more but at the very end you can see her smiling when they're all consoling her I just got chicken skin cover on this yes finally something spooky something don't like that this is the kind of [ __ ] this is the good stuff right here this is the good stuff a whole episode of this kind of [ __ ] would be perfect because you could see her like crying and like freaking the [ __ ] out and as soon as they all console her she goes and smiles and you're like nope hey let's see it oh no not trying to be sexist and races but always white girls that do this at sleepovers every [ __ ] time you ain't getting black people with ghosts that's why same with Mexicans way too superstitious yup it's yup it's true that's why I can't handle the [ __ ] we do when we're with the boys what the [ __ ] is this Jingles is just a way oh what the [ __ ] they're putting centipedes and [ __ ] I don't know if like your local HOA is coming over and you just hate them or what I don't know if your mother-in-law's in town or what but that [ __ ] mother-in-law's over for dinner feed that [ __ ] the good [ __ ] yeah hi Sally back rooms found in real life what I find really weird is that all the lights all these these lights are on so that tells me that there is still something active here and kind of just looks like sometimes it's coming up but what the [ __ ] how how what wait what yeah this is a really long video but look nah nah it gets dark what do you mean that's when you know some shit's gonna pop out you know what I mean oh [ __ ] is this yo all right listen you had me until you got to the door I look look I'm just saying in a world where Unreal Engine 5 is a thing that's true and things look hyper realistic that's I didn't even think about that because I was going like I was trying to nitpick like how they were transferring because at first I was like oh it's a green screen in the whole like Mass did whatever and then he got in the hole and I went how do you it's definitely this has to be some sort of like Unreal Engine 5 demo or something and then they added the sound effects later like it they you can just record with the microphone you going down some steps in an echoey room maybe in your basement or something and imitate some of the sound effects like door creaking open that kind of thing but like the door itself looks a little too a little it's like it's trying to be a little too real like you can tell that it's almost like fake you know what I'm saying that is like something about it just seems like it's made an Unreal Engine it definitely is because you've got like I mean these steps right that lead infinitely downwards and the lights being on like how are they getting power all the way down there to begin with so obviously it's not real it's the back rooms Eddie true it's the back room bro they just got power they just got power crazy someone got there and look foreign [Laughter] [Music] I was leaned into that [ __ ] I was like whoa [Music] don't throw out doll heads you can turn them into handy lights for your kids well that's one way to traumatize him you'd need to go to jail if you're doing that [ __ ] scariest thing I've seen all day [Music] Eddie yes is that a chain or a puka shell necklace it's a puke shell necklace let's go [Music] someone somewhere went and found my old yearbook photos and posted them online and they've been making the rounds oh [ __ ] top right is me freshman year on the left is me sophomore year okay and then down right is me junior year the glow up with the puka show let's go no senior year photo yeah I was about to say where's your where's the senior year where you gotta you gotta round it off I got in trouble and um wasn't able to take the pictures that now that's a scary story for another time a man uses Ouija board then this happens but I've had a skill you might like wanna try it Nah if my Alexa starts teething at me bro this is why I don't have an Alexa in my house that foreign first of all what the [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] hello nah nah oh my God oh oh none of that none of that none of that you you put a flashlight down there you son of a [ __ ] there ain't her scared narrator scared hell no don't go down oh my god oh you you're you're dumb oh you're dumb as [ __ ] this is a door hello oh yep you gotta do that you gotta do the little hand you gotta do a little I'm coming for you okay now now fall over fall over oh [ __ ] nah bro I'd be saging the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] I'd be saging though this is good this is good this is some good [ __ ] oh oh oh no um foreign [Music] was good narrator there's this um Trend that's been going around this uh spooky Trend no Eddie it's where uh people are buying not the Grimace Grimace McDonald's shakes Grimace birthday shakes and then this happens be out here at McDonald's a very happy birthday happy birthday what the [ __ ] okay it is rumored that people everywhere who have tried the Grimace Shake yeah have ended up not okay so what's what's the next step Eddie why are you telling me this it even happened to Grandma's a couple blueberries a half a cup of raspberries three scoops of ice cream and a half a cup of milk she tried avoiding the Grim is Shake by making her own and a straw happy birthday grandma that's pretty good oh my God so um you know how in this channel I like to debunk things oh my Shake dude it's it I know it's a shake so I went and got one go ahead bro tell me tell me how good it is how nummy it's gonna be I'm gonna try the grimace shake and debunk this stupid myth once and for all I bet it's gonna taste delicious delicious nothing's gonna happen to me you'll be fine happy birthday Grimace okay and tastes like blueberries yeah see that tastes great even going for seconds nothing happened [Music] narrator Gabby wait what recording everything on this camera I have the hour we need to check on it yeah let me let me go check on him okay all right I'll call you back all right bye Eddie Eddie God it's so creepy with all this Construction where's Eddie Eddie [Applause] all right Miriam woke me up he's been trying to get a hold of you for what he said he was worried he couldn't get a hold of you we were filming a video about Griffin's birthday doing security wasn't he worried about I was just chilling in there playing Zelda dude I'll call him all right let's go to bed up one sec I forgot to turn off the lights [Music] yippee dude [Music] sorry I know it's late [Music] [Music]
Channel: special edd
Views: 1,511,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, scary, react, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, mexican youtuber, Eddie tiktoks, eddie tiktoks, best moments, clips, scariest tiktoks, scariest tiktoks in the world, horror clips, scariest videos in the world, duo react, your narrator, narrator, grimace
Id: dtRveJjNKJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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