"That Dog Is NOT REAL!" - The SCARIEST TikToks w/Mully

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welcome back to oh the world's scariest videos stick talks I'm here with Molly today I'm scared already I'm not really scared because I haven't seen any tick tocks but we are on the scary Eddie Reddit post if you want to submit your scary videos and click the link in description and um you know post your best ones because usually they're pretty poor there you go was that a good plug you proud of me how proud of you hi Poppy let's get into the first one the first Tick Tock of our video so what's the point of this by the way are we supposed to be getting scared well yeah yeah these are supposed to be the scariest videos like I ask my audience for the scariest now a lot of them submit but you know for the most part what goes on the video is supposed to be scary mm-hmm and then after this we're gonna go to your Discord and look at all the scary memes that people send in and not actually scary stuff um no that's usually pretty but anyway first one here we go all right La Llorona what's that stand for the crying lady really she's a Mexican legend please look at that dog you shook the background I was looking at the dog 's not even oh there he goes yes he is oh there goes the dog now he doesn't seem aggressive though he's cautious I feel like this is a different sound from a different video notice how the dog started barking before he started barking yeah well there could be two dogs okay yeah maybe they could be I don't know I'm just real good at smelling and this one let me see what the audience says you know how it goes if you're a child get back in that house and don't come out until tomorrow you know that's the legend of the of the La Llorona right is always crying for her kids and she's out there looking for her kids and so they tell you when you're a kid if you're if you hear a woman crying you have to run back in your house and not come out okay yeah but you know it could just be your alcoholic father just trying to bait you or something yeah we're starting off the video like that sorry [Music] this gave me chicken skin for real what's she saying she's saying what's that noise I'm here by myself I hear a noise from downstairs those are some hands brother oh God you see the eyes yeah [Music] I have stairs in my house and I would my pants if that happened wait what's the dog's name I'm not gonna pronounce that because I'll sound racist yo that is scary though dude what do you think that is I don't I don't like how it disappears yeah that's right dog do you have a basement in your house no don't you yeah you do well I mean my garage is under the house but don't you have like this big glass panel in your garage that shows you like the rock yeah have you ever gone down there ain't no in there nah I'm scared of the dark man I'm scared of the dark I'm scared of like going downstairs and just seeing bro do you ever get up and then go to the bathroom at night and then just go straight to the bathroom without like looking around at anything else at all the dark hallways and so I gotta turn my phone light on ah dude I don't even do that because I'm scared that if I turn on the light Something's Gonna Be there so I just go straight to the bathroom and I just piss in the dark and I don't even look I just look straight down and then you wake up in the morning and there's piss just everywhere well you know that's I'd rather clean up piss than get killed by uh uh something people are convinced that this guy oh God these tick tocks bro okay what's your gripe with these tick tocks let me hear it nah it's just just like these people who get on there this video is right here just judging by this right here it's daytime there's a girl screaming could just be a junkie in the public toilets if you know what I'm saying like you know what dude you and I are on the same page you could make the world's scariest Tick Tock series just a lot less Mexican yeah and it would be like the same yep yo press play betcha all right some Odin watch this came back from fishing and this happened [Applause] thank you what the what the all right I'm done nobody he's like he's with his boys on the boat and he's like man I'm gonna go and film the public toilet so I'm gonna get on Premiere Pro and put some like screaming over it was this a trap to Laura oh God all right I can't finish it that's cringe that's crazy [Music] see how many audio tracks he has in his Premiere project I don't even think that sound was from there it's probably just an overlaid sound that's that's what I'm saying I don't know if like the internet under like most of the internet understands that you can overlay any sound and make it sound like it's coming from different places like Premiere Pro literally you can change the audio to make it sound like it's coming from a different room the size of the room it's coming from the equity verb you can literally just put so many effects on an audio track to make it through this Ollie make me sound like I'm coming from uh the bathroom next door ah help me somebody help me oh must be a skinwalker bro this is why you shouldn't have dolls like behind you God I swear to God this thing just looked at me oh my God [Music] it wasn't even the odd though I didn't even move it yes they did did they yes they did watch watch I'm zooming in right there boom Oh my God I can't I didn't see it look right there they looked at her and then there and then they didn't look see they're not looking at her and then they're looking at her oh and then they're not this one I think is legit her reaction is so genuine you ever looked like in the back and just you know you see this and you're just waiting for this month I don't know how you turn it size uh look at this look at this he's moved his eyes before at any moment he could move his eyes you know he moved his eyes before right one time one time dude at one time I was sitting one time I was setting up my office and I had him sitting on the stairs and he scared the out of me one one morning hey why did you take him out and sit him on the stairs oh cause I was moving I was rearranging my office watch this hang on hang on hang on hang on look at him do a little head wobble dude what do you think about that you know what I think what great editing good editing yeah great editing oh he just moved again right now okay bro oh the Billy the Puppet move too Billy the puppets made out of foam impossible he just moved okay okay it must be a skinwalk where did the dog go so tell me why I was literally just my pants because I looked over my right and this dog just kind of like it kind of just like looked at me straight in the face and then winked at me it's okay buddy oh don't hop over my car hey um do me one favor and please just try and get back to your owner okay like there's a road right there where people go really fast see like that car right there that could have killed you oh did it go the dog just disappeared bro that's a big dog too they don't just disappear like that man look look look look watch really fast see like that girl right there look he's still in the mirror oh he is in the mirror what the he is in the mirror I was gonna say like it's a different cut but the dog's still leaning over the car in the mirror that could have killed you and then he's just gone hmm you know what that means skin walker I I got no explanation for that dude that's that's the weird one you know what you know what that dog might have died in that same corn that dog might have already been ran over by a car and his Spirit was there to just hang out with his homies yeah and just like warn other people about cars watch out for the car he was waiting for this guy to make a tick tock about him what's this why are they going to put this music on it dude I hate it bro so that's what makes it scary is this music well also the fact that everything's Pitch Black oh if something jump scares me oh cabron [Music] oh that's just his drunk uncle coming in to look for him God I hate when the videos end like that man hit me with that jump scare bro it doesn't matter if these are fake or not because when you're sitting there at night alone in the dark trying to fall asleep and you're just scrolling through Tick Tock and you see this it's enough to make you feel so unsettled my Tick Tock for you page isn't like yours bro I have like dancing women and disabled children like no you ever seen those Tick Tock live streams where it's like a kid on like a ventilator and the dad's like thank you and they're like live streaming for money have you ever seen that that's how's that I'm not so I'm just saying that's so good all right time to go to each each other's for you Pages real quick let's show each other our for you pages I don't know if we should do that yeah Down syndrome oh my God bro I'm not Chris why some random Bogan live streaming I'd be willing to take porn stars always on my for you page someone getting bashed on the news you see what I mean I've got my for you Paige it's just broken you want to see my free page yeah go this is the first one that came up it's just like random memes fat kid going hard on this food bro mukbang with this kid that goes hard what the is this uh roller coaster reactions yeah uh I need to go for a second hold on I'll be back in a second hey come back Molly bartending tricks rapping gaming bartender animals yeah my tick tock's a lot more innocent than he is oh wait where'd he go [Music] Molly right I'm sorry that wasn't my proudest wank ever but Petco had some sorry I okay I'm ready do this man I'm sorry dude all right back to the scariest tick tocks we do I just wanted to compare uh each other's for you Pages ours are wildly different but similar they're all over the damn place again tonight what uh skinwalkers dude where are they keep walking towards it where is it you know this is called like schizophrenia bro something here where there's eyes looking at zoom in by zoom and I mean lean forward ah the eyes son of a that's mice all right whatever you are you need to leave stay out of this place this is our home Josh oh he's got a gun this is our home shoot it you need to leave it's getting intense brother typical Night Out in the Country go out put your chickens away confront Skin Walkers before going to bed oh he shot it okay go confirm the body he's gonna come around for a little bit I think that'll keep it away for a while I don't think he shot at it oh God I hope that does it really do he lives in the creepiest looking house in the middle of nowhere it looks like the Amityville Horror house what do you expect dude you live in a creepy home in the middle of nowhere you're gonna get creepy things coming knocking at your door my man tried to shoot El Chupacabra mirrors possible some of these homemade things are actually good oh [Music] actually creepy there cool scared me bro keep for scaring me all right for that jump scare stuff like that man like it's a cheap jump scare but it's still creative you know I like that one too yeah DJ was closing the night when this happens our DJ Wisconsin why why I'll pause for a second dude why why are all the guys who make videos on this so cringe a DJ was closing for the night and then this happens bro my favorite ones are the ones where they Point straight up at the title and they're like and it's like creepy music for like five seconds and they're just like this it's like scariest things caught on camera part 58. this Subway worker was working late and then this happened like just show the clip bro like what the are you saying have you seen oh bro have you seen this one hold up let me go let me go to tick tock real quick the fact that you know this off by heart is quite okay listen it's just because she does the same let's talk about this film it's because she's come up on my it's on my disturbing episodes this episode is so disturbing I don't even know who approved of this but I guess if you don't know the show it was a banger with Mexican moms it ran from 1986 to 2007 and the show basically it takes people it just goes through the whole like she is going on for like a whole minute before she actually shows the video and it's like that every single video bro she's trying to get that watch time brother you know how it is you know how it is I'm not hating but God damn sometimes I just want to watch the scary things and she just talks forever before I show you the scary clip of what happened to the subway worker at 11 PM on Saturday the 12th of December 2001. let me show you my cat I am so excited to show you my cat this cat is amazing shut the up [Music] sorry it triggers me man I get triggered every time dude it's genuinely scary screams of Terror heard coming from a woman off camera crying out for help Graves of Terror are coming from a woman heard crying out loud [Music] they're in a car park aren't they [Music] that's actually right my girl just dropped her last nugget on the floor like there's plenty of things that could run through your mind like when like that is happening it's like okay there could be somebody that's hurt somebody that's actually getting chased by someone like trying to shoot him or like what do you do you know yeah yeah I've got I've actually have uh PTSD from women screaming like this and okay hold on I have to rephrase that because that came out very wrong no hold on let me explain that didn't come out the way I wanted it comment means one of two things either you've heard it in the streets before them screaming at you like that or you just got the most giant act known to mankind and you're just they screaming at you while you're like pumping them [Laughter] you're pumping all that Subway foot young bro they can't handle it they can't handle it Eddie and then you look here at the eyes you go I haven't even put it in yet [Laughter] you are bro [Laughter] no no hold on let me explain okay sorry when I was a kid me and my mom were playing Super Mario Bros 3. I was like oh my god dude okay oh wait wait it's gone I I didn't set this up in the right way dude let me okay hold up [Music] oh what system very important under any ass dude we're playing Super Mario Bros 3 the Mexican Entertainment System let me finish my story if you if you interrupt me again bro I'm kicking you off this video you've already done enough damage in this conversation sorry sorry I didn't say anything it's all you baby [Music] me and my mom were playing Super Mario Brothers 3 and that's where the screaming happened [Music] oh listen we're sitting there playing and we hear this lady screaming from outside our house around wait get the surround sound up too much man that's the problem oh sorry there's a lady screaming help me my son is dead help me somebody call an ambulance and like she's screaming just like the one on the video right and me and my mom just like rushes out and I rush out behind her and my heart is pumping I'm like four or five years old dude I don't understand what's going on and to me it's traumatizing because I see this lady running down the street and she's holding her kid like limp in her arms like this and she's running down the street yelling for help anyway the kid ended up being it ended up being that the kid fainted he passed out and she thought he was dead and so she started shrieking and running calling for help down the street and the kid ended up being fine but to me it was traumatizing because his lady's running down the street screaming this was in Mexico so we we didn't have like 91 Guan you know um and she probably didn't have a telephone at home but anyway that was the screaming it's not what you thought um why are you not saying anything no I'm listening I don't want to interrupt you again if you interrupt me again bro I'm kicking you off this video I was just with you bro laughs my mom used to play Donkey Kong with me yeah was that before or after the shower incident before don't play video games with me anymore why not this is the shower incident [Laughter] I started off as cute snap but ended scary now I'm scared [Music] cheers what you doing what'd you see oh no what Papa Lucy uh-uh are you saying hi to who are you saying hi nobody of course dude you need to stop that tell these movies start off with a house is like possessed yo nah ah dude my sister used to point at the closet when she was little oh let me tell you yeah you got a story for everything don't you huh yeah my sister was little she used to point at the closet she did she used to point at the closet and she used to say there was someone standing right there and she used to hide under the covers which one Brenda of course it was Brenda yeah the first time I met her she tried to beat the out of me and then the second time on the hand the dog bit me on the hand remember that at Thanksgiving Brenda that closet bro when she was a kid there's something wrong with her was her normal activity bro the dog bit me [Music] yeah that dog was playing around again it's like this big German Shepherd the dog doesn't know you're like dog and you're gonna put your hand up to it and he was like yeah I'd bite you too if I didn't know you and you came up to me like that yeah look I know you dude you have a tendency of coming up to people you just met and you have a tendency of biting people if you see another person that looks identical to you run away and hide okay this girl has the creepiest smile dude she does so many tick tocks like this with giant spider scaring Mexican mom with giant spider oh look at that thing [Music] whoa and that that was your mom she used to be your Mexican mom God imagine you walk and you see a big spider though that's yeah especially if you're a Mexican mom Mexican moms are 10 times more likely to have a heart attack from random things than any other mom really especially when they're holding the broom in a bucket Is that real yeah statistics or yeah those are actual facts Mexican moms have a higher chance of getting heart attacks look it up Mexican um I think you're capping bro oh hard to season Hispanic women wow it's actually real what the oh wait oh apparently yeah true all right I'm gonna call my mom later the last thing you hear here at 1am oh you know what dude these dogs did prep have you seen the dogs that press buttons have you seen the one that like questions his own existence it's this creepiest thing no I haven't okay anyway well that's a thing let's look at this it's a cat [Music] stranger cat he saw a strange cat in the window but imagine that's what you hear while you're while you're just chilling at night your cat presses the stranger button it's like 2 A.M stranger yeah this is why you don't teach animals to talk dude they're gonna with you [Laughter] you're not far out oh oh no not the Amber Alerts bro the amber alert sounds the most terrifying sound I've ever heard I turned mine off dude we don't get Amber Alerts in Australia right so I remember the first time I came to the US and I was like what the was that yeah it's like Amber Alerts like what do they want me to do go and look for a white SUV the fact that you have that many abductions that you need Amber Alerts is kind of disturbing so many people becoming Minecraft youtubers nowadays foreign sends me her videos they actually cut her dude they caught her pot out thank you wait where's she kicking steps is happening dude okay look pay attention she's hearing footsteps and she's like trying to step where she's hearing the footsteps at foreign you oh holy I wasn't expecting that I would do Japanese horror is the worst I love it man it's the it's like the best but it's the worst cause it's the creepiest what you think of today's videos Malik I liked him there was some really good ones I thought they I thought some of them were really good I appreciate having you bro thank you for uh thank you for coming over and watching these scary tick tocks with me and thank you for watching if you enjoyed it please leave so go watch this video next yes I'll be writing you an invoice later all right that's it thank you for watching time bye
Channel: special edd
Views: 1,948,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, scary, react, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, mexican youtuber, Eddie tiktoks, eddie tiktoks, best moments, clips, scariest tiktoks, scariest tiktoks in the world, horror clips, scariest videos in the world, mully, duo react
Id: wlcwMdTGMmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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