The Demon on Goatman's Bridge (w/ KallmeKris)

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this place has demons yeah this place has satanic dark stuff [Music] when you're off your game is when they attack i think something's following us less than a minute we're 200 feet away is there anybody in here hello all right we're good we're officially at goatman's bridge mosquitoes snakes demons we're not cancer anymore so let's put on the boots put on the mosquito spray and go [Music] tonight we investigate the old alton bridge also known as goatman's bridge now this place is not only known to be super haunted but it's actually listed as one of the top five most demonic places in america we've even heard and researched that this place compares to the demonic activity of the conjuring house if that puts anything in perspective there's many things of evil happening not only including demons themselves a level of spirits but also just general satanic worship rituals happening constantly alice the ghost are david howe we'll keep y'all safe you know when we do ghost investigations come check her side out check him out guys maybe alice will join too you never know that's alice goes to several of them that were the real active scurry demon ones so this one's not an active scary demon one it is a demon one i'm sorry oh god i'm becky vickers the author of the secrets of goatman's bridge how long have you been involved with the goatmans bridge and it's 25 years 25 years everybody talked about this bridge so finally i went down one night got some fantastic evps really rouchy get out stay back mad yeah great yeah we had an experience on friday the 13th makes sense yeah where one of our investigators caught a really cool shadow figure of a black cloak she got scratched i wanted to know why you would say this is an evil spirit for sure oh yes yes oh my god the hell yeah [Music] the hell out of me you're going to cross paths with some people that are going to be in the black hooded clothes they're going to have big leather books look guys don't make eye contact okay keep your head down they're not going to burn you at the stage have you seen them personally yes you hear the rubs no so [Applause] every other tour we see a mutilated animal what the insides will be taken out put on one side of a pentagram and the body on another cats and dogs oh nothing dogs and dogs a lot of squirrels we did find an altar there we had a lady on one of our tours that told us she was a wiccan and she said no one that she knows would have done it she said it was definitely a sacrifice an offering to summon something to the location great something bad there's a lot of witchcraft been done on this bridge on the actual bridge on this bridge come here at halloween you will have kids all gathered around here doing ouija boards like crazy you never know what you're gonna get here that's very terrifying i [ __ ] your mom shitless romans 12 24. yes i do remember that in the bible yes there is usually penises all over this bridge gross uh this place has been investigated hundreds of times and you guys have probably heard about ghost adventures because during the first episode of this season we went to zac bagan's haunted museum and they had the craziest experience at goatman's bridge so during their investigation late at night they were doing rituals zach felt possessed at one point aaron got thrown 20 feet and then their still photographer ashley actually got possessed that truly truly happened i was there to witness that a thousand percent dude chills over yeah that girl it was traumatizing she quit the show right her eyes turned pure black i mean i witnessed what i i mean this i promise this really truly happened so i'm like we have to get you away from here there's a lot of satanic activity happening underneath the bridge too oh god that's if y'all really brave i'm not going down oh we're brave y'all go right on down underneath this part of the bridge we're going to go down this trail you might feel something crabby have you felt that before yourself yes have you seen the goat man himself i have seen uh red eyes red eyes okay i have not seen him myself so you guys going down there later then dude that's probably where zach vegans did his like rituals it is that's probably where the snakes are at honestly like open portals here oh yeah let me tell you please okay so when you're on the roof there is a tree that you're gonna see it's split and we had a medium tell us that's the portal the tree splits it comes back together and that's where you'll find a lot of satanic stuff okay so let's say we convinced chris to jump through that tree [Applause] what do you think would happen dip in the hell about it i have toured maybe a thousand people through their halloween before told everybody please don't touch it the one young man that just had to touch it was 16 and he was involved in a really bad car wreck going home oh my god i'm not doing okay yeah is that this point where's the split tree this is probably it this is it what we were talking to somebody that was saying that it was like a portal to hell this is the one i'm thinking of so i never heard of a split tree myself but this is the one i know that this is gonna be a lot yeah he just said this is where all the candles yes touch it that's what she said did you just go and touch that no [Music] that's that's the cutest thing i've ever seen you know i didn't want these shoes anyways yo that was like fun that was a giant heat wave yes and then now it's freezing again like that was hot the goatman is not just one specific thing it's actually an accumulation of all these negative things that happen on the bridge over the years it is the true demon it's an entity it never once was human just formed from the satanic rituals the bad luck all the suicides everything over the last 150 years could it possibly be an igor that took form as something basically when you have all that negative energy in one specific spot it becomes even more negative just because people are constantly putting that energy there and you know what that reminds me of too back in 2017 in suicide forest in okigahara japan people would go there to commit suicide and nobody really knows why a lot of people believed it was because there was a negative energy persuading somebody to do that and there was a ton of suicides at goatman's bridge yeah they'd always see abandoned cars and not find the bodies until later on floating down the river something attracted all these people to commit suicide at this specific location very very disrespectful to women women are mostly the targets yeah but sorry i can't make a joke about this i i'm gonna be the one to get possessed doesn't a goat oddly resemble satan himself the goat head is what represents the devil so yeah like they're like directly correlated and i think that's why said entity takes the form of a half goat half human rather than just a human himself so what does the goat man actually look like terrifying that's what he looks like i mean yeah if you're gonna see a half man half goat in the middle of a forest it's gonna be terrifying no matter what it looks like and we're not talking about the goat man from narnia this goat man is described to be eight feet or taller ripped as hell all covered in black or red fur fangs sticking out all black eyeballs and then horns that are so big that they wrap around and curl until they hit themselves i've only seen it once literally this thing walked up on the bridge where we could see full body but we even saw no feet and it pretty much just floated and i'm freaking i'm trying to be calm but i'm like can we help you you know i'm speaking to this thing wait how is it close to you yes i would say 200 foot the bridge isn't that very far we were in the center it was on one end it just kind of turned around and floated back into the woods it wouldn't say anything almost like it was steadying you what the [ __ ] is that what whoa there's noises over there i seen the shadow figure earlier today what hear that yes it was like we know there i know there's cars over there but there is actually something there's gotta be something moving there like a big animal it sounded like someone was walking towards them we just heard it like five minutes ago and it sounds like it's been following us through the trees i'm not kidding no i wanna wait it bro wait yo there is oh my god there's so many bugs flying out my face wait you guys hear that yo what the [ __ ] is that that's something's coming through there is something in here i can't see it i can't see it either but that was definitely like it this sounds like a person running it sounds like this oh my god [Music] dude what there's no wind and that was definitely like something running or walking through trees and like hearing each branch like one after the other was like footsteps things are going to be harder to hear in this video so wear headphones really listen out but i'm telling you there's something walking over there even right now we heard it twice wait wait look at this that is a human foot like bare feet then they like stop and then they start again so what is going on but that must have happened like recently so one of the main spirits we're gonna be talking about tonight is a ghost named steve if you guys thought the goat man was the scary haunted thing that eight foot tall goat apparently steve is worse steve sucks steve will scratch you steve will bite you steve was part of the kkk overall super evil person steve is a spirit of a former grand dragon of the kkk someone who controlled over a quarter million kkk members evil if you could use that word to describe somebody he would be it he had three wives he wanted to have a fourth wife he kidnapped her beat her her long story short she refused to marry him she wanted nothing to do with him and she took some poison to kill herself because of all the beating and all of this but y'all he bit her body so bad and ripped her skin and her inner thighs up that on her actual death certificate cannibalism is a contributing factor to her death oh my god he is more concerned than the goat man we only have one girl target with us and steve might go after her how do you walk alone in these types of woods dude cause he's going to hollis dude is it [ __ ] up to bring a dog to a bunch of demons comment down below would you guys cancel us for that on twitter let me know he just said he saw a shout out figure you did no yeah yeah that's why i turned my flashlight on so you it's so weird because you hear stuff in the bushes when you're walking this way with the flashlight the trees cast shadows yeah but it's hearing the steps for me you know i feel like we're right off the highway so it wouldn't be like large animals so it has i don't know so it's just weird and you'd see it like if i put a flashlight on a big animal you see it moving so what's out there that we can't see one thing if i have to give you a warning yeah about the spirits watch your back literally because you'll feel the shadows you'll feel something even a grab i mean i've had my legs grabbed and it's it's not faint like get out you'll hear a demonic ground and this one will not be a growl in the distance it will be full on right whatever in your mind a demon with the decayed face and dripping saliva and you will hear a that's how it will sound oh this place has demons yeah this place has satanic dark stuff [Music] it's got like a burning from the backpack you think something might be on i thought something was on but it's not at all but it's coming from like the bottom half of my bag it literally felt like i had like one of those insanely hot heating pads on my back pain and i had to like lift my backpack off my body because i was like oh [ __ ] i don't think any of our equipment would get hot why is it called goldman's bridge what started all the hauntings so a little over 150 years ago there was a goat shepherd a pretty successful one actually named oscar washburn he ran his homestead for like 40 years and became so successful people started knowing him as the goat man this being the bridge to his part of town there was a sign that said this way to the goatmans aka the gohan bridge oscar washburn was a very very respected man everybody loved him in this little community but because he was african-american the ku klux klan ambushed him one night while he was walking down the bridge they beat him to a pole put a noose around his head and threw him off the bridge ran away only to come back later to dispose of the body and find that he was not there anymore so they ran back to his house expecting him to be hiding out there burned his entire house to the ground which his family was in killing the entire washburn family oscar washburn even though that is the goat man he's not actually the goat man as in the evil entity oscar's spirit is still haunting this area because of the trauma however he is one of the nicer spirits so again to get this straight oscar washburn was the goat herder but he is a nice spirit the goat man himself the thing that people see today is a demonic entity that haunts this bridge hopefully we can go find him hopefully that was a longer hike than i expected a muddier hike than i expected too oh my god yeah it took us basically to the end of the haunted trail and on the other side is where oscar washburn used to live aka the place that the kkk burned down [Music] guys selena's calling selena [Music] i've never been this kind of sick before i've thrown up 25 times what if this was like an omen i'm not anyone to ever bail and i'm someone that kind of like sticks it out and i'm just like i need to be home which is so strange after we stayed at the most haunted hotel in america sadly we have to say goodbye to selena for this video we really wanted you on goatman everyone wanted you on goatman just be safe we'll see you again the show must go on hello selena spooky boo you're on the camera yeah we're filming you what's i just got into up and i'm in my car when i was on the plane a stewardess like woke me up because i was screaming and i just um i had a very [ __ ] up dream and i just wanted to tell you about the dream just in case it was something and not a dream so it wasn't about the bridge it was you guys were on the trail and um there were these two trees on each side of the trail a little bit away from each other but they kind of like leaned into the trail stop and i just need you guys like just like don't go through that like if you see two trees she told us not to go through it holy [ __ ] selena that is like identical experiences to what we're doing right now like kobe was gonna go touch the tree we were just warned right before we came here about the tree being a portal to hell what the [ __ ] these trees were leaving in and i didn't even know i fell asleep that was the weird thing i've never slept on a paint plate in my life and then the flight attendant was waking me up and everyone was talking looking at me and she's like you were screaming screaming on the plane but i was just like i can't if they get [ __ ] up it can't be my fault tonight no i appreciate it i appreciate it literally the biggest warning i got chills when you said it was selena because i knew you were gonna say something like this dude we were just at that tree ten minutes ago which means she must have had that thought to call us as we were there you know what the [ __ ] up thing was as soon as my plane touched down i felt so much better why are you are you trying to tell us that that was an omen that you guys yeah you were joking that was an omen but it wasn't omen i'm gonna be pretty honest i'm freaking the [ __ ] out yeah you literally just said what we were experiencing right now and you were not part of the conversation that we just had because that freaks me out it's freaking us out we're the ones here we're on a dark trail right now hey guys just so you know we can't be like faking this we couldn't tell her to say this she's been on a plane for the last five hours going to canada the interviewer told us about the trees too exactly it wasn't something we researched i want you guys to be so be careful yeah we will no thank you for the heads up yeah we feel like something's following us already like we can hear it walking in the trees behind us sort of thing okay you go through there and it's like patchy kind of almost like lights are flashing like white and dark really fast just doing my dream but you kind of just i don't know if you're getting chased by something but that's the whole dream is you guys are walking and you can tell that something's kind of not right behind you but off to the side like off to the side that's exactly where we were and we couldn't see it whatever it is then it just flashes and it goes dark and you guys are just screaming and then like we're running with a flashlight the last thing i see is sam and he's crying his eyes out and his dirt all over his face and his blood there's blood and you're crying i have full body chills holy [ __ ] every every pore in my body is [ __ ] i can't and then colby and chris are not there holy [ __ ] what are the odds what are the odds honestly i don't know if it was the demon i don't know what the [ __ ] it was but all i know is that when she looked me up she's like you were just screaming like from this morning selena woke up we were literally in bed together she woke up she got violently ill like threw up like 20 times and it was so creepy and she was saying how it would be an omen and i was like i have such a bad feeling about this and now this [ __ ] is happening and now she's feeling like a little bit better as soon as she's like looking away yeah well thank you again for calling us we um are on kind of like a tour right now so we got to get going but if anything else happens let us know please bye love you bye i knew this morning when she literally as soon as she got sick i knew she was like so sick like that she said something was following us to the side yeah and how many times do we stop and look to the side left side and she said right now you're on a trail with two trees that kind of come together don't go between them i can't that's identical to someone that she has not talked to no that told us that i haven't talked to selena since before we started like none of us have talked to her that just makes me believe in like selena's gift like so much more absolutely i have no doubt in my mind what i that's why i'm i'm ten times more terrified now at the end of the day like she got everything right yeah and then what's to come dude it's like getting worse it's like you crying why am i alone bloody disappear we we've disappeared we disappeared what's that mean let's not split up that's what that's yes no yeah no scooby-doo's gang [ __ ] yeah alice [Music] we recently launched a reaction you guys have been killing it on the support and because of your amazing support right when we hit 500k we're gonna react to what we missed last hell week so with that make sure to subscribe and let's get back to the video what is that whoa wait do you smoke now yeah oh yeah yeah what is this smells horrible it's like a demonic presence it's smelling sulfur i literally just smelled that the same smell that we smelled on the bus everything's going to [ __ ] very fast it's like it doesn't look as scary probably like on camera because there's cars everywhere and stuff but dude this place is already super active whoa did you hear that yeah that was like the same big animal sound like stomping behind us like two steps and we've crossed the road and it's still following us i don't know you just said there was a lot of shadow figures around on this side it's like as soon as we turn towards them they stop oh they stop god it's like that like boo character in super mario as soon as you look away they're like dude this is it oh what you used to have big letters on it whoa like there's some on there baby this looks like a giant bonfire it's definitely after about four years ago i'm still on it holy crap yo you can see it goodbye xyz up there excellent this is a giant ouija board a giant human ouija board in a haunted forest jesus this is gonna sound fake as [ __ ] too but as soon as i stepped on here like not a full-on headache but just like a little like pound i got heartbeat in my head like doing something wrong sort of thing just stay in them [Music] [Music] what is that a common occurrence yeah what the [ __ ] was that what was that was like a scream right no that was like do you remember oh wait no we didn't even post this on the main channel it's on explore club remember we were in the woods and we heard that door creaking open yes that's what i just heard no i heard it door opening yeah yeah it was a high-pitched screaming type thing and it's not windy how would that swing open what could make that type of sound in the middle of the forest you see anything you just hear it like just walking it's so eerie sometimes it's really close and sometimes it's like 20 feet out chris i don't mean to scare you but i mean you walked in front of us for a second and it seems like it's i you're hearing it the most i am so [ __ ] but you guys are hearing it too i'm hearing it too but it's only when we're walking with you or whenever we leave someone alone i don't even want to say his name you know who the [ __ ] why would you say that whisper attachments you can definitely no they have issues with attachments yeah do not ask open-ended questions is there anyone here we want to talk to the children of this location center yourself think of surrounding with life love of course should i wear a cross or something yes okay yes definitely if you have sage i would smudge yourself before you leave okay uh uncle carson and you being female double jeopardy i'm sorry all right great you're in trouble girl wait what silly why is every ghost after me when you're off your game is when they attack y'all get out there and have fun let me know how it goes guys again if you want to check him out haunted correct check them out go on a little guide yourself come and see alex yeah exactly all right guys it's investigation time we just okay it's always those trees smacking each other yeah we decided that the best first place to investigate would actually be oscar's spot or his old burnt house because he's the nicest ghost here we should start off slow oscar might actually be angry because of all the things that have happened to him first question would be determining if oscar is one is still here and two is he nice or is he not oh also we got to remember not to ask if we're talking that [Music] i remember him saying the two best things were the k2 and the ovilus that work out here so maybe we start with that yeah that's right yo what what what what what the [ __ ] was that what oh my [ __ ] god what oh my god what what i was one of you wearing a backpack right now no no no no no no no oh like why i just put that backpack on i'll show you exactly what i just felt right now oh my god i thought i backed up into a tree there's no [ __ ] there's no trees here i was just standing right here you know what's weird that is exactly like what people say happens you'll feel a hand brush across your waist or across the lower back the little girl that tries to get your attention yeah no hit your hand or something it was i can't i was like did you see me like it was like somebody just did this three times what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] did you get that i don't know we were about to change the mic it was as soon as you turn the camera off oh oh my god holy [ __ ] that was so scary all right we have the mic on now because it was windy as crap we're out in the middle of nowhere guys we don't do these videos you can't see anything behind you it looks like you're on like a black screen like it looks like you're in space without stars that's what yeah like a void oh my god farmers laws basements wait he was a goat farmer or he was a we was what kind of he was he was a yeah goat farmer the goat man disease there was a lot of diseases that the kids died from yeah so the city couldn't leader oh the kkk leader kkk leader oh [ __ ] that's who killed that that's who killed him triangle brave haunting dude it's not shutting up every time we use this it's like one word you know every couple of minutes or so no this is off like crazy what the [ __ ] is going on i don't know i've never heard it go off this much stars can you give us a hint if you are oscar that we're talking to we only want to talk to oscar oscar or the washburn family are you here with us and now nothing dude it went off 50 times a hundred times should we ask if it's somebody else uh that's opening the door let's get a specific oh no power because it's like psychic power like selena oh saying stuff about like a leader makes me think of like the kkk stuff like steve like steve you guys just said his name are you not supposed to say his name no it's not like bloody mary or something like that you look in the mirror steve steve steve what's this guy named steve out of every [ __ ] name group power psychic group psychic they're talking about us psychic again just doesn't make sense that we're here and there's so many words but like the story isn't lining up and there hasn't been anything on the k2 so maybe it's just all residual energy yeah memory disease memory it's like they're trying to tell us something like i think so the whole town had to move because of a disease i don't know if i sound crazy saying that it kind of does no it does like a lot of the words made complete sense yeah because it happens so fast in real time we'll be able to tell like in editing if it was actually trying to tell us something or guys comment down below if you got any message from that yeah if that made sense to you guys power to you i think we should go a little closer to the bridge and see if we get something more active yeah definitely stretch scratch oh wait my god the biggest thing that people talk about is how they get scratched out here like they find scratches on them do you think because the person pushed your backpack you might have a scratch here about that see any scratches on me no yeah you good let me see you wait oh [ __ ] i thought that was a scratch for a second that's come on is there any scratches not on that side i think there was a bunch of spirits personally that were talking about us because it was like group psychic we were talking about selena's psychic abilities and stuff like that nonetheless you backed up and smacked something yeah we think something's been maybe following you yeah because when you walk away you hear the noises and stuff like that yeah and it just said scratch you being female you're in trouble girl what if we are just yeah you could say are we specifically talking to you steve are you here with us can you give us unlock jesus oh my god what does that mean what did you just do i don't know what that means all right we're officially on the bridge alone this place freaks me out especially standing on the bridge itself it has like a different feeling than anywhere else i think it's because we're not in the trees it's kind of weird energy for sure but yeah if this is the main spot should we try some equipment here yeah let's do it we got a flashlight on this side and on this side turning this to dictionary mode stretched scratched again speaking of steve i'm asking you specifically are you here with us right now we're not sure what the hell we got on this thing but if you followed us here please let us know scruple what the hell means goat man himself i don't know the goat man himself is here with us fire nothing during cope dude i know this is kind of terrifying to say but maybe we shouldn't be as specific i know i we gotta be more broad like maybe we should just ask if there's yeah that was me okay oh god do not ask open-ended questions i can't believe we're going against what she just said i'm now inviting any spirits or energies or entities anything around here that can hear me right now can you please come touch one of our flashlights come talk to us with the obvious or make an obvious sign that you're here what sorry i thought i saw something over there elemental isn't elemental kind of the same thing as like i don't know maybe i'm reaching here but isn't there a bunch of earthbound spirits that roam yeah that makes sense a little bit [Music] what i just got badass like pain in my back because i don't know if they could hear you i just got like a fat pain in my back again same spot like right here wait wait chris what isn't that red right there that is red yo wait on the camera you can see so much more looking look at the camera holy [ __ ] is it a scratch it's like a mark it's right i'm gonna touch it it's right there that's exactly what hurts like really bad still are you serious yes no no that's it's weird did something just do this to sam wait was that the obvious sign we were looking for i don't know but it wasn't that lower back pain like the heat yeah no just way up here yeah i've never i don't think had that there is a mark there dude what do you think that means like that's the obvious song we were looking for we just asked amy's spirit what did we ask though any spirit or no no we didn't do it i asked i said any spirit i'm inviting you to come over here give us an obvious sign no boom something smacked you it's not another attachment oh it hurts though that's the weird part i thought like giving away the camera it was like the camera's weight or something but it still hurts you know like if you like pull the muscle yeah you don't have a mark if you have muscle pain that's the thing that's just so weird i don't know i don't know why it's not going away dude that was the sign living paper wow [ __ ] if that was you it hurt my back scratched it or something can you turn on this blue flashlight right next to me all you got to do is walk up here and oh my god i swear to god i know we're standing right there we did not move didn't move at all let's put it here so if that happens again yeah can you show us where you are you want us to go on that side turn on that flashlight if you want us to go on that side the far side you turn the blue flashlight begin it's just cement the submit ouija board that's the only cement thing i could think of i'm just saying this show is perfectly fine that like the flashlights don't just work all the time like there actually has to be something like hitting oh my god oh my god what the [ __ ] something's listening was just like [ __ ] with you 15 minutes of nothing and then boom everywhere if that's you saying you want us to go to that side of the bridge go to the ouija board can you turn that off oh my god and it said begin at the cement that's on that side it is on the on the close side that's the close side guys this is the far side it literally said as we're talking about pushed he was pushed off and hung from this bridge [ __ ] [ __ ] everything's happening now so then i think they want us to go to that side all right let's begin guys holy [ __ ] thank you so much what what no no i'm just i'm just [ __ ] that's crazy it is insane hang and push like what are the [ __ ] odds of this saying that right when we thought there was nothing what the [ __ ] is that i don't know holy [ __ ] that was so loud so close that was so loud what you know that's like the one thing that we didn't really prepare for snakes and demons but there's probably like wolves or something i don't know what's in texas i've had deer deer maybe we're afraid of deer trains trains and goats dude just look around for a second i know it's just creepy we are in the middle of nowhere [Music] what the [ __ ] was that there it is oh no it's that door it's a tree what there it is there it is did you hear it did you hear the door chris has more balls than me it was close guys it was close whoa there's like a fence back here what is this it's so weird because because as we go in more like it was over there and then it was over here and now it's over there it's like it's like come over here i feel like where's mine hansel and gretel and there's gonna be a damn witch that feeds us and eats us at the ouija board here's the ouija board obvious out of everything it could say on the bridge please said begin at concrete yeah this is the only place with concrete it is and it was the secret spot it's like it knew we went here before so it was like you should begin at the concrete that you saw that's why i think something's following us it knows where we've been basically let's get the spirit box right activate holy spirit can you guys see a light over there there's a light there's a little light [ __ ] creepy i don't want to meet that person that's where the witch lives basically a spirit box just flips through radio frequencies and spits out the clearest words aka the boards with the most energy and hopefully we can talk to him hi is what was talking to us on the bridge still here with us that was spanish can you tell us your name do you know the goatman bridge [Laughter] i just got here do you like us run run hurt something yeah were you the one that just scratched my back yes oh my god were you here and touch chris's backpack [Music] why do you like people coming to this side of the forest is it because this is the most haunted spot of the forest or maybe there's a more haunted spot where would you like us to go come find me come find me i swear are you at the bridge or are you at the tree something new wait okay real quick why do you think it wanted us to come here first is it trying to get us alone so that it can like i don't mean to say this word of course but like touch itself like while we're alone well okay so if the most powerful spot in the whole area is that portal area yeah why would it want us out here you know cause like if you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is that what is that bro dude what the [ __ ] is that such distinct sounds holy [ __ ] something out there can you make a noise in this forest yeah what's the point why lure us over here if like the most powerful of the spirits somewhere else i don't know it's like trying to get us away from there so it's like why did we come here wait can you tell us your name is your name steve [Music] yeah why did you want us to come over here me is it because you saw us when we came over here the first time you wanted to see us again because it's fun that was a lot meet at the forest or something like we got the fold or something really is there a better place in this forest for us to communicate with you is that why you wanted this [ __ ] let's [ __ ] out of me dude i don't know it's super windy out here so first of all it's hard for us to hear like in real life yeah it saw us when we came over here but it's like this is not the best place to like communicate it's midnight right now you know that's like the perfect absolute time to go on to the bridge so then why don't since we don't know exactly what to do why don't we just say whatever quantum quote made us come here that they can follow us over there and then talk to us there all right it's midnight so we're gonna go back over to the goatmans bridge if whatever told us to come over here wants to continue talking with us you can meet us at the bridge we're not sure what you want but if you want to communicate a little bit more clear please follow us but only to the goatsman's bridge all right thank you this place is exceptionally infested with copperheads and watermoxkins these are deadly snakes these are very poisonous and venomous oh my god a snake a [ __ ] snake i swear to god watch out watch out it's right there definitely poisonous we should probably just leave but i want to see it guys now we know the snakes are definitely they're there and they look like the [ __ ] leaves that's terrifying okay all right that is our cue to get the [ __ ] out all right guys now is the time we're back at the bridge yeah it is midnight and we are going to do the ritual that apparently for the last five decades has been summoning the goat man and on our way back we kind of realized that we just invited whatever was over there whatever thing was that an open question it was an open question we were like come follow us we did the one thing she told us not to fantastic great yay we're not good at these things i've noticed so the ritual that was here for decades of getting this goat man to start communicating with people as you drive past this bridge go to the very center honk three times and then you can also knock on the iron trusses three times however two decades ago they stopped allowing people to drive on said bridge so instead we're gonna make our own car that's that why i have a horn in my back wow everything's making sense now and we have two car lights oh my gosh so we are going to be the taco bell drive-through teenagers that what huh did you hear that there's something in the water there's no ripples anywhere what that was such a distinct splash holy [ __ ] we haven't even gone underneath the bridge no that is where the rituals are happening so maybe we'll do this and then go underneath the bridge yeah that's perfect so basically we're gonna work together and we're gonna summon this demon i just figured out that i have a secret talent i know how to sound like a horn oh my god it's a horn that just sounds kind of sad wait didn't selena say that there was going to be some flashing light yes cops cops how far is it going to go this is a spotlight whoa whoa dude it's so bright dude you can see the laser beam it's like a lightsaber holy [ __ ] that's just right now that i'm blind let's do this ritual i'm blind i can't see what was that did you hear that look a little it was like a little girl scream oh my god [Music] we'll get there what the [ __ ] is that no oh it is hi dad yes i'm recording that came from over there that's where we just were it was a little girl screaming bloody murder i'm so glad i was recording you guys have to have heard that good man steve oscar if you are out there you're welcome to talk to us we want to know you're here give us some sort of obvious sign or show yourself to us yo what the [ __ ] i'm just kidding oh my god you can't do that when you're the guy that's in the dream crying blood yeah right [ __ ] did i just taunt it yeah probably you are not supposed to top it oh my god that's so crazy what oh my god right there the goat i love you guys way different vibe down here [Music] sneeze of this damn video take a [ __ ] zyrtec dude that is definitely for rituals this is like a fire pit it's hotter down here it is hotter since this is like one of the most popular spots for satanists to go and do their rituals for literally the past 150 years we decided why not do one here so we haven't used the rim pod yet maybe that'll work and then since we didn't really get that great of communication over on the cement block we decided let's do a spirit box again the wet block the semen if we're gonna do a so why not do a full-on seance what if we get this old man's under the bridge too like a lot of people see him under the roof you're right oh we didn't even say that the legend is he sleeps here during the day oh my god is that filming is it yeah i think so hello is something here with us can you make that rim pod that light on the floor go off again if there's somebody here with us [Music] what the [ __ ] all right here we go you just made that rim pot go off and you make it go off again let us know that you're ready for us to start there we go this looks demonic as hell holy [ __ ] the last thing was i'm not biased after the last one was lit exactly what was it after i said demonic you want to talk to us can you turn that run pot off by walking away can you come over here instead dude it was off the entire time does that mean you're ready starve energy now since we created this there's just a to can you step away [Music] i think it got set off by the energy because we literally like completed the circle so i might as well put in the center all right can i see you standing up again this only happened once they were all lit it happened way faster imagine if i do the same thing and set it over there it doesn't go off anything i just did turn it off turn back on [Music] you're still over here and you want to talk to us can you go next level just like you were [Music] so now it doesn't go up over there you have the spirit box i cannot believe what happened that's his way of letting us know it's just here with us like what if something's just standing right there maybe we get the spear box out you think someone is here talking with us that you're on pod is there someone here with us [Music] simon where are you happy ending at the end oh did you have anything to do with selena getting sick this morning i did i don't know so i asked one more time did you make selena sick this morning i didn't if the goat man wants to talk to us we welcome you to speak into this box can you say your name or tell us that you're here we're all here there's been multiple things we invited so is this the most haunted spot of goatman's bridge [Music] do you want to talk to one of us in specific yeah who do you want to talk to who's this one but this one do you mean me sam dude i thought you were that's right is this steve [Music] you know what to do and it blew all the candles out at once i have never seen anything like that full body chill oh my god what hasn't happened to us since the biltmore hotel totally 2019. [ __ ] kidding me what the same time i want to talk to chris why lady where do you want to talk to me you know what to do blows all this did you guys even feel like a breeze that hard like i didn't feel like a big breeze oh my god oh my god that was a chill full body chills instantly want all those me too me too every at the same time you know what to do boom boom and it talked to you i cannot believe that happened dude wait huh what is that person person that doesn't sound a scream does that not sound like a yell but it doesn't sound human it does it sounds like a growl yeah like an angry animal what do you we think of like make sure we say goodbye to this thing and not yeah it doesn't come back our plan was because selena said do not go next to the portal we were just gonna do that a little bit at the very end yeah and not like mess with it we kind of knew all along what we were going to do next and it literally said you know what to do go do it now i think you're right we need to make sure to say goodbye to this and command it because instead of want to talk to you and this is not something you you want at all of this like i don't i don't let's go there's noises yeah let's get out of here let's go cannot come home with us we thank you but we're gonna leave goodbye that is a command that is a command [ __ ] mosquitoes we're gonna use this as we're walking to the most haunted spot but before we get there you guys know what to do leave a like on this video if you're enjoying it if this gets 200 000 likes we'll do another haunted forest area also while you're down there subscribe and hit that bell notifications free makes us happy and we do this for you guys so please shout out to chris for doing the satanic [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah creepy as [ __ ] i'm enjoying it shout out selena too we love you hopefully you're better now into scary words [Music] is this it right here is that close yeah this is a lot closer usually you can even see the candles that are still in there from the last rituals yeah but it had a fat rain couple days ago and it's like tuesday so maybe uh satanic worshipers are on the weekends you know yeah so yeah the next one that's the thing that you're supposed to go through there's no way actually does that say die on it right there yeah beautiful right as you guys were saying i want to see what's behind us over there i heard footsteps three just stepping up towards us oh boom boom boom as a reminder this was the trail that we heard the footsteps in the first place it is yeah right past the portal tree let's do this final investigation maybe let's figure out if it's steve let's figure out what this portal is and why it's here it really is important i mean it looks like the creepiest tree you've ever seen in your life this method as you know sensory deprivation of the spirit box sessions that we have been doing all night a big problem of tonight is not being able to hear it that will help us a lot with this and also make sure that every answer is super authentic because i won't even know what questions you guys are asking me i think it's on the wrong way okay it doesn't matter okay so that's what he's gonna be hearing we'll do this for like five minutes we'll take you out if it goes too long okay he's down under sam can you hear us do you know when you were under during the crescent yeah what the [ __ ] first [ __ ] word are you serious you know who i am either colby or oldie but i thought it said colby do you want to talk to colby do you recognize me he needs to pray what the [ __ ] are we at a portal is this the portal is this where we're supposed to be uh-huh what he needs i have a cross necklace you can't touch me even if you wanted to i think oh discovery where are we discovering are we discovering steve uh the go we're not leaving who are we talking to demon holy [ __ ] what is this tree why does everybody call this the portal oh my god two of these just blew up you're saying i need to pray specifically why what are you going to do to us are you planning on oh my god second time it said cool no my god what do you want with colby you can't touch us you can't touch me i said this is [ __ ] terrified i'm scared for you again what is this what what is this tree behind you why don't you were you the one following us all night nothing so what do you want from us to something are you talking to me right here because you're looking through the portal are you on the other side it's not me like something is looking i don't know so then who are you i'm gonna keep asking until you tell us you said demon but what's your name you already the only person we've been guessing is steve did you hear that too yeah i did hear that i changed from are we talking to the goat man himself there's no way wait he's so close to the tree we can't let him touch that tree no give us a name you know you know it's steve but is steve can you give us some sort of sign from over there what are you gonna do to us if we don't leave too do you not want us here ha ha ha ha like a laughing or something you've been following us all night we know it's for a reason her what do you want from me why are you targeting chris specifically or is it selena between between from forest are you in the forest are you watching us right now you are it's her it's you yo you don't like me because i have the cross necklace i know that you saw that that's why he called me out but he wants you you want life and how are you going to get that i don't like this is this like something to do with possession and stuff you can't follow me back yeah you're not allowed to follow us i own it what the [ __ ] does that mean like what's that even mean [Music] yo this is getting scary yeah yeah yeah two of these were blew out randomly but i'm scared to talk more because the way it's saying stuff is really scary first thing you said was colby right yes yes yeah i said kobe twice yes what our theory was we were talking amongst ourselves is because it could see us it said it was watching us it could see that i have a cross necklace and so it's lying to me saying you need to pray and then we were like okay so who is this you said demon and didn't say any name but i said you know we kept asking what the hell this meant i think it did say from the other side like it was a portal it did when we said like what do you want her it wants you we were asking like why do you want me all this stuff and it said like body and then it said like life yeah this place is known for possession like that is the number one thing happens to multiple people and he doesn't want me here because i have this but he wants her because he's been following her specifically all night that's why i stopped it and that thing just blew out bro oh my god yeah i'm not i'm not comfortable with moving forward we're doing this anymore at least it said the same thing about your attachment i think we should pack up yeah [Music] [Music] that's a [ __ ] [Music] like white and dark like that just in my dreams but you kind of just i don't know if you're getting chased by something you guys are just screaming when she said that i was like oh it's like if you're running with a flashlight if you see two trees just like don't go through the and then colby and chris are not there and i see sam's face all blooded colby and chris were together i was alone under everything came true that was [ __ ] scary i don't know i got close fast yeah it sounded like an owl or something well no i couldn't tell no but no but coyotes running packs and there was definitely at least three i was like there's no way that whole thing comes true not exactly but it's perfect let's get the [ __ ] out of here i'm leaving goodbye goatman you cannot follow us home thank you for talking with us gomen's bridge i think lives up to his name at the beginning i was like there's no way whatever it's just like a scary forest or whatever but the fact that selena's like dream prophecy came true it just shows that there is some sort of energy in these woods yeah absolutely hundred percent thank you thank you for having me first trip you killed it yay i hope i lived up to salmon colby name she killed it when something attacks our friends or threatens to attack our friends it's time to say goodbye so that's why we left but i hope you enjoyed the video and i hope you guys are enjoying season two so far guys if you wanna see behind the scenes of our trip with chris and selena go check out [Music] legit had the scariest thing happened to me in my entire life upstairs right now i can't feel my mouth i can't feel my arms because they're so tingly because i'm numb because everything got sucked out of me dude [ __ ] oh my god
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 23,365,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, buzzfeed unsolved, shane and ryan, goatman's bridge, shanes bridge, shane madej bridge, sam colby celina kris, proof of ghosts, celina spooky boo, terrifying, kall me kris
Id: C8DseiaHFQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 48sec (3588 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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