Choose WRONG and The Callers DIE - Killer Frequency

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welcome back for the first time to killer frequency that's been a while since we played a horror game that has story to it it has and apparently this game has that according to the steam description I'm a radio host talk show I radio talk show the listeners they're getting called by a killer the callers the callers have a killer that is trying to kill them all right I'm just gonna play the game you guys have been asking me to play it I've ruined this entire intro we're gonna keep it like that that'll show all of the comments that say that my videos are rehearsed let's play okay why did this start off creepy okay so you move with that okay what is this you can open the trash cans why would I need to open that so early what for is there bodies in there you can hold two objects you can swap between them drop objects throw objects okay all right so like so if I select that then I can I can swap it between both hands uh-huh and then place it down like where do I oh by holding the button got it like like that uh-huh I didn't even put it back in the place that I that's gonna trigger some people that's okay that's okay all right I'm gonna put a gun what am I like am I looking for something am I breaking into my own station my oh here we go switch we're good did I turn on the power what did I just turn on get on that way no mames hey Mommy [Music] oh he must just be looking for his girl that's all that just got up in my face inspecting objects press e to begin inspecting okay I got it I got it so you can grab it and then inspect it like that fam what's up okay fam what's good listeners in today's uh radio talk show we are going to be talking about wet tortillas if you've ever experienced with tortillas call me now let's talk about it okay let's get up make put [ __ ] back I don't need to be carrying a mug so being in the alleyway is just teaching me how the controls work I see oh to God I thought that was a person's arm I thought that trash bag was some boobies opening doors hold it and okay yep got it got it got it like I've never played a game before trying to teach me everything what am I gonna do laundry or what happened to my voice just said oh what the [ __ ] I'm amazed I know mommies what the [ __ ] hey yo hey yo there's a shadow behind me somebody's standing right behind me oh no he's in front of me was that my own shadow s [Music] you must be here to talk about wet tortillas you were supposed to call [Music] okay I see you hear something Peggy huh hear what I thought I heard someone yelling or I don't know how Forest is this a joke no I oh I heard it I swear I heard something oh and here I was thinking you'd finally started to ease up you probably just heard some cats outside cats yeah cats don't yell like they're being stabbed not dogs I know what a cat is but I mean does Gallows Creek have a stray cat problem or something not since the rats moved in anyway you ready to do the pre-flight checks seriously do we have to do these checks every time and do you have to call them that Reggie pays us to check the equipment for each show and he pays us to call it a pre-flight check but if you're sure you don't want to I don't know why I'm having fun just like picking up and placing objects let's do the cheeks at the checks all right fine let's get through this teach me how to do this captain speaking really come on let's have a bit of fun with it for once yeah let's start with record playing all right how do you do that okay okay grab a record stick it on the player and hit play yes easy which am I grabbing am I grabbing it is there a specific one I need to grab uh to grab a record and stick it on there right here all right let's listen to uh late night lurkers yeah if you dare nice all right this better not be copyrighted fool got it here we go great now turn it off why it was I was about to start jamming to it all right up next phone line buttons your captain will be waiting to take your call on line one Peach okay uh uh where line one is the leftmost button I see it I see it I see it I see it I got it I got it I got it Peggy I got it who's Peggy this is Captain Donald key calling call me Don you get it yeah it's a riot great and button two works just the same so let's move to the Peggy button what's the Peggy button producer line like I said the Peggy button press it when you need my help during the show hmm is there a Peggy mute button this one right here now come on the Peggy button is the third one on the phone line I labeled it for you I got it I pressed it press for Peggy this is your brain Forest sorry I made you such a fun turkey I'm a turkey now am I okay are we almost done The Sound Blaster next that's an easy yes that one went straight through front of the desk to the right they stink there we go always good for a cheap laugh all right we're all just the volume sliders left these should let you affect pretty much everything but let's test it with a record play a record and change the volume with the music slider yeah I got you I got you this one like that ah seems to be all working we done captain we sure are coming in for landing local time ah should not encourage you I knew you had a fun side it's my fun side that gets me in trouble you're gonna be picking up all these papers Peggy all my spitballs introduction our first segment is guess that scream I thought that was a joke nope and don't blame me for this one it's Reggie all the way and he demands we do it tonight tonight all right guess that scream you're live in three three two I wasn't ready I wasn't ready I'm not ready for this 12 a.m all right all right and um welcome back listeners Creek this is your host Forest Nash and you're listening to 189.16 the scream before we start taking your calls tonight on Gallows Creek's only late night phone-in talk show I need to let you know about a special competition we have for you this evening hahaha guess that scream this is actually one of the station managers better ideas here's how it works I'm gonna play you a scream then you call and guess that scream we need you to guess why they're screaming did they stub their toe saw off a finger or discover the corpse of a loved one that's good now Forest hit them with the tape well play that scream in just a second listen close and then call in to guess that scream what do you mean play the what tape I used to have a tape guy do that for me you're not in Chicago anymore for us tell me just what to do be your own tape Guy come on I gave it to you yesterday just tape right here Forest you do have the tape right America you knew we were doing this tonight Peggy let's be real guess that scream is a terrible idea no I I don't have the tape it may be a stupid idea but that doesn't mean it can't be fun we're going to need a scream tonight for us and you're the one at the mic that's not the one I got the wrong one are you serious I have to do it really Peggy you want you want me to scream you know this show depends on mine yes dude come on Forest a game that fits my career dead air already just think of a scream and let it rip oh God all right here we go sorry about that I had to step away there for a second what is that one listen close and then call in to guess that scream the perturbed Yeti scream what does that sound like so that Yeti just saw something really disturbing falling from a cliff and then the drowning screamed at there that's there that [Laughter] well folks there you have it Cullen with your guesses and if you get it right you could win two tickets to the amazing maze who's gonna guess perturbed Yeti fried dough all right just call in at 555-239 fam with your guest now here's some music while you get dialing yeah should I introduce the song yes some responses have a time limit listening to this next track from late night lurkers if you dare I can't wait to hear what people think that was how the hell did I get into this I got zero listeners bro highlight of my week there's no one watching anymore oh first there's a call coming in oh here we go okay someone is watching shut the music off I got it got it got it where where line one line two line one welcome to 189.16 the screen caller you're talking to Forest Nash what's going on with you tonight Forest thank God I made it through my name is Leslie Harper my 9-1-1 operator and police dispatcher for Gallows Creek why am I getting a call from shouldn't you be working Leslie I've got to say I'm always happy to have a caller but uh shouldn't our 9-1-1 operator and police dispatcher be minding the phones listen I found a body I need your help wait you wanna wait wait you went against a scream is calling me to report a body interesting setup all right I'll bite what's the punch line then finish your voice I'm pretty sure that actually is our 911 operator Peggy I'm not gonna be happy if this is a prank I don't do prank segments on my shows it's in my contract Forrest I really don't think this is a prank wait are you damn wait no wait was my option I want her to guess to scream I need to know if she thinks it's a Yeti or not Leslie a level with you I find this hard to believe but I'll hear you out what exactly is going on Sheriff Matt that's never happened before so I came to the station and I found him oh God poor Sheriff Matthews do you know what happened to him someone got him someone got up very close was that us from the intro you fight back surrounded by Bullet casings I think he tried to shoot it whoever it was but is anyone else at this where's the other officers I don't I don't understand where are the other officers do they know have they secured the scene or whatever cops are supposed to that's right that's right that's right I called you right after I found her God wait please don't tell me that this Hicktown only has two cops be ridiculous we have three Gunderson is on leave Leslie do you have any idea who could have done this not a clue over Leslie you need to call over to Henderson or quiet Ridge they need to send someone over from their Department I tried I'll have to go there myself let them know what's going on and bring help back with me really believe while there's a murderer on the loose who's gonna man the emergency line that's why I called Forest I've routed all 9-1-1 songs what wait hold up hold up this is a really bad idea I know you have no idea I'm the one who calls 9-1-1 this is not a good idea I just wanted to get people guess my screams this is a bad really really bad idea I'm sorry but this is a terrible idea what on Earth made you think to do that you're the only person with experience Manning a phone line around you I just learned like five minutes ago there are lots of up transferable skills between the two it's like an interview you ask questions to get information you can use people talking you know guide the conversation and know when to jump in you do know that I'm so good at interviews they sent me from Chicago to Gallows Creek right so why each other discuss ideas work together okay I didn't think the game would go this route Martinez out of that holding cell it looks like whoever attacked her through the key into the cell after they locked the door is there any way you can reach the keys no no there aren't any ball and the door itself only has a food tray slot and that's too narrow for me to reach through there's gotta be another way in all right all right all right here we go here we go the first thing we got to do is everybody chill let's play some music all right relax relax second thing let me think about these answers real quick [Music] awesome [Music] I got it you could try to find another set of keys there's got to be another set of keys somewhere in that office those can't be the only ones exactly yes there must be another set where might another set be in the sheriff's pocket maybe Sheriff Matthews had a set of keys on them when he you know I I crabs but I didn't really look up close one second oh God she's gotta go and look at the sorry Sharon I'm just gonna turn you over and oh I'm so sorry Leslie I [Music] might be them first try [ __ ] I'm Gonna Save this deputy do the keys work minutes yo dog so far so good I suppose I should be on the 911 phone lines I think we can handle this I got no no we got this that seemed to go okay maybe Leslie was right maybe we can handle this 9-1-1 business put on something different the spirit Forest I think you're right though I have to say I well I really real this is the only call like this we get same [Applause] yeah next caller Deputy Martinez is still out cold I'm taking her in the car with me to get help in Henderson if the killer came back now Martinez would be a duck it's up uh yeah it's the right thing to do yeah yeah we don't want to send them over baby I got this [Applause] what my car my car is on fire what do you mean it's on fire how the hell did it just go up in smoke what wait what oh [ __ ] someone's whistling what's happening what's that noise it sounds like whistling whistling it can't be what oh my God say it I can see him see him dead right right with that mask who Leslie who the whistling man the whistling man who's the whistling man serial killer back what the hell oh God do you think you think he attacked Sheriff Matthews and Deputy Martinez he's coming this way uh-oh run lock the doors stay inside and lock the doors right oh I should have picked that whoops my bad Forrest come on you need you need to focus I'm sorry the papers looked very throwable okay okay okay here we go here we go here we go okay so these are timed so what do you do okay you got a killer you can't just hide in the station because he knows you're in the station now you need to run okay you don't just run take a police cruiser there should be police cruisers at the sheriff's office right like you should take one of those I yeah yeah that could work Martinez has the keys to your pocket there deputy and got him for squad car three I saw them parked out front when I got here nice one for us good thinking yes yes wait how am I supposed to get us to the car the whistling man is right there take Deputy uh take Sheriff who who's so Sheriff Matthew's gun is empty because he's shot you have to take Deputy Martinez's gun Deputy Martinez surely carries a gun right could you use that Deputy Martinez's gun is missing what I guess the sheriff must have a gun right can you see it there was a gun next to him let me grab it a new way it's empty he must have emptied it trying to defend himself oh okay okay okay okay here we go here we go is there an is there a weapon lock up there must be a weapon lock up in the station and you have the keys to grab something from there I saw it earlier you might have guessed it was locked well you have the keys yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no what do you mean none of the keys work [ __ ] we're wasting time are there any other weapons lying around that you could use he must have a knife or a flashlight or something heavy or only hold one if I'm carrying Deputy Martinez what should I take you need the taser you definitely need the taser dude the taser uh the pepper he's wearing a mask so the pepper spray might not work take the taser he might be strong so the Baton might not work either you need to be able to get him from far away right okay God and grab Deputy Martinez I'm just putting myself in this situation no no I I can't hear anything exactly it's gone quiet we're knocking oh [ __ ] be careful be careful I don't like it oh [ __ ] Deputy Martinez if you can hear me it's time to move oh I can't hear him yep there you go are you sure about this Leslie no time like the present right so here we go this is [ __ ] again you're hooked into dispatch now so I should be able to radio you when I reach the car if I reach it huh speak to you soon good luck Leslie yeah [Music] that's one Brave woman God I hope she makes it through this don't worry dog with the advice I gave her no I've got to say easy easy really wasn't what I expected when I came into work today well they always say you have to be ready for everything in live radio why don't I just like broadcast to the other tones really I'm putting the call through hello Forest Peggy this is Leslie are you there over uh here here we're here over we're here over exactly so I guess you made it to the car then over sorry about the CB C old habit but yes we made it to the car still out cold I don't see the whistling man anywhere and I don't plan to wait in the car with her so I'm going to get us moving Jesus God damn it get get back from her [Applause] what's happening what's happening no whistling no get off her you son of a [ __ ] he's in the car with them fat try honestly Drive we're out of here [Applause] Forest that taser definitely the right yes oh my God I can't believe we escaped well done Leslie you saved a life just another day for you oh my God I saved a life not Leslie it was me I oh how long do you think it's going to take to get help Gallows Creek as a nowhere's bill but it's pretty damn close it's going to take a while maybe two three hours each way slightly less if I put my foot down okay we'll do our best we'll do our best to keep everyone safe until then all right we got this think Deputy Martinez is starting to stir Boris Peggy I've gotta go I'll be out of range soon but I'll radio back as soon as I can once I got the Cavalry all right just take care try not to crash be safe out there now Mexican I heard it here we've got a killer on the streets check check check tonight please make sure to stay safe and Leslie we're counting on you we're gonna get back to the show meanwhile if you have anything on your mind or have any information about this whistling man character then give us a call we'll talk here on 189.16 the scream Ching going here's another hit record for you all to enjoy [Music] yeah I like this game actually insane it's awesome dude this is great it's gonna take her four hours this guy's gonna kill half the town in four hours yeah he is of course that's not helpful I know I know I just don't worry man we got this this is whistling man character anyway he was a serial killer back in the 50s Edward Marshall Mooney went around in a freaky mask whistling and killed about a dozen folks in gallows Creek no reason for it no motive he just whoops okay and and then so he's come back tonight so it's probably just an imitators come back tonight probably not please chased him up to Alice point one night we call it whistling point now and it was well it was on this night actually the police cornered him and he jumped into the river body was never found so is he alive dead I mean what's the story story is he's biting his time right that's the story what's the truth other than we have a whistling killer on our hands tonight I don't know all right uh you know what yes we're just screwed because it sounds like we're screwed we're not screwed and since we're broadcasting this he's probably gonna make his way over to us huh at least we got the word out I guess kind of listening figures do we get at this time on a Thursday after midnight could be around 35 maybe 35 isn't 3500 I didn't realize Gallows Creek was that large no 35 people at best what are you serious we only have 35 we only have 35 listeners 35 yeah and what's the population of gallows Creek 36. exactly oh before my career exploded and I ended up on a Midnight Hour talk show in the town of a thousand people yeah before that around five for most shows on the low end big gas could pump that up to 10 15 easy 5 000 on the low end 5 million million oh we have a call coming in take it when you're ready all right here we go um my bad my bad all right new color Hello uh yeah uh Mexican 9-1-1 how may I help you is everything uh all right uh sir Hey listen this is the wrong platform to be grunting hello hello [Applause] uh hello we have an only fans caller [Applause] sir okay what's your name and why are you calling in that is that is somebody who is not the the man that's just someone pranking us no one's safe uh do you accept requests do you accept requests I've got a list of names I'd love to see in the obituaries maybe you must make a sacrifice to us uh what the [ __ ] are you talking about hey one cheese dusted bread sauce I'll cut you this [ __ ] I'm cutting them off not yet I want to deal with them not yet I want to deal with them from 7 to 11. okay I'll do it okay so cheese I'm here to help the people Mega golf behind the gas station you got it whistling man what is choice wait needless to say I won't actually be going out to the gas station to buy anything for these kids and none of you should be going out tonight either uh actual killer out there wait we probably just led the killer to those kids dedicated to all of you staying inside with your doors and windows locked uh yeah let's play the uh the pandemic song Here We Go uh no it's fine packed up the hell was that kids pretending to be a killer who right now is stalking the town it's a thing a thing oh kids around here they pull pranks pretending to be him by pretending to be this whistling man character they think it's funny it's not and there's no chance that our whistling man was just a prank that Leslie no that that's real Christ let's stay positive we still have a show to do this Show's been ruined all right here we go stop it stop stop playing the lockdown song Here We Go um hello caller you're live on the stream with me Forest Nash well I'm filling in for 9-1-1 tonight what's her name and what's your trouble my name is Sandra sharp and I need the cops now well uh the cops aren't coming I'm sorry but the cops aren't coming Leslie's on her way to Henderson for help what oh god I got you Sandra I got you something it's actually happening okay pay attention a jazz run where are you now don't worry about it you now did you escape to somewhere safe here let me play some jazz for you sorry up is there anywhere else you can go or can you go back to find the keys I think we should ask no no do not go back is there anywhere else you can go is there anywhere else you can go do you have any friends nearby oh I'm not going back out there I [ __ ] oh shoot oh he's back look I don't know anything about cars but I gotta start this engine without the keys and you're gonna have to help me I don't know how to do that I'll call you back when I find it okay uh all right okay 189.16. she's the Sandra is not gonna die tonight hosted by me Forrest Nash your friendly neighborhood radio host this is called the Hang-Ups savior sit tight while the record spins folks this one goes out to you Sandra station have a show about cars the Tamora Twins or something Timberline twins talk Motors yeah you know they're not even Brothers really they look the same though I know but they're not even related it's weird I asked him about it once and they got really sweaty and defensive this is whistling point right here she told me I need to go down the hall and find the the show about the the twins oh what is this place oh [ __ ] this whole place is I can walk the whole thing nice nice nice Ching going okay um listen he's down here and put this down here oh God what is that what was she reading it's useful fix all cars no way there's no way there is no way that was just there like that hang on step one use a screwdriver as a key if it fails remove the steering column cover check the serial number that's perfect what else is here you switch hands oh scream [Music] what else what else we got we got this hi it's GC High doors so few Keys oh chingon she said it was down the hall and to the left right I don't think I need this I'll put that back right there [Music] there are so many creepy noises out here yo Sandra could be calling she's probably dead here we go we got some stuff about cars this has to be important I've borrowed your car theft magazine those huebos Rancheros aren't sitting right gonna need something to read pray for me okay but they went oh that's the man's bathroom I thought I went into the woman's bathroom okay I got it I got it okay so I found the thing I needed to find before I even found it so put this thing right uh now just hold it in your hand put that [ __ ] down we don't need that well here we go all right here we go we got Peggy find anything yeah I found a magazine about hot wiring cars well that sounds perfect that's exactly what I needed first shut the music off all right here we go she's back Sandra Sandra Sandra call her on line one thanks Peggy got it we're back with 189.16 Mexican 9-1-1 how are you holding up Sandra ah the creeps looking through the parking lot trying to find me okay okay use a screwdriver put the screwdriver in the addition and twist clockwise hit the steering wheel with the hammer put the screwdriver in the ignition and twist clockwise Baby I I scored my first too fat to fit oh no diabetic screwdriver isn't working okay okay okay okay here we go here we go here we go remove the steering column cover unscrew the steering column Jazz turn she must be one of them dancers she must be a dancer I'm surprised she knows what the steering column is okay here we go you're doing great do your Jazz breathing Don't Panic do your Jazz breathing don't panic you got this Sandra okay there's a red wire a blue wire a yellow wire a green wire and a brown wire got it got it got it okay we need to check the serial numbers on the steering column what's the serial number on the steering column the number is 576 eight nine four three two zero I got written down on the napkin oh it's right in there it's trying I really was I really was I'm into this I'm into this cabrones all right so if there's a four before a three the four is before the three and number seven in the number then it's red and blue if there's a zero at the end and three doesn't come before a six and it's red and yellow wait a minute no it's red and yellow my bad my bad I read the first one wrong if there's a four before a three before three and seven then it's not that one it's it's red and yellow I almost had her do the wrong one red and yellow red and yellow strip and twist together they're red and yellow wires all right and we twist and we turn oh perfect she's not annoying I hope to see a pink and purple wire now strip the purple wire and brush against the Twisted wires got it strip the purple wire and brush against the Twisted wires okay any questions yes work baby you want to come down to The Jazz Studio you get in for free just lay off the Jazz flag please Sandra but please lay off the Jazz sorry Forest my life actually I'm happy to be me I'm happy for you too Sandra because you were you just have fun with it I don't think Jazz should be that big you got into the situation personality that's all don't worry about him baby he'll learn one day anyway gotta get home now I'm glad I saved her she was not annoying either the whistling man nice we saved another person hell yeah here comes another hit track that we're excited to share with you and remember having car troubles then tune in to Timberline twins talk Motors here on 189.16 Monday to Friday at five take it away Forrest nice I still can't believe this is happening right like Gallows Creek didn't already have enough to worry about what do you mean Gallows Creek is a miserable place to live really miserable Peggy be honest Peggy be honest it's a dump there's nothing to do here hell come on man I'm ready to thank this whistling guy for at least making things interesting well I like it here people are polite and uh oh stab happy don't be awful for us come on there must be something you like about this place some folks have been okay some folks have been okay you're not terrible yeah Peggy's not wild annoying or anything terrible after a while High Praise coming from Horus Nash you know what I mean Peggy I do it's for a snacks for Oh I Think You're Swell anyway I hope the Killer is done for the night there's gonna be another one me too can we at least call off that stupid Guess The Scream contest now now we're gonna keep it going against the screen be a good idea we made it to 12 42. caller on line one [Music] shut up and caller this is Forest Nash host of 189.16 The Scream and tonight's 9-1-1 standings [Music] Brian Ponte uh party's Pizza chingon hey Brian was was uh hello Brian Ponte of ponte's pizza Ponte of ponte's pizza what have you got to say about what's happening ponte's pizza oh you did a really great job and as a thanks for all you did there I just wanted to tell you that I'm sending you some coupons for free pizza hear it ponti's Pizza wow Brian that's really good of you but you really don't have to though oh it's the least I can do and if you like it well you're in luck because we're always running great deals that'll have you eating for pennies I read that and it looked like something the pizza we have is to die for oh oh oh no oh no no no panty that was funny though don't worry about it it's all right thank you Forest I I think Ponte is the punty's a killer is to go a great special this weekend our famous beer and pizza deal wait a minute come on down to potty's Pizza this weekend he just wanted a free ad spot s God damn it you're just calling in to advertise your shop what a dick hang up on him done that's why every time we played a paid ad now a word from our sponsors you know how to play an ad right uh today's episode is brought to you by just okay uh uh and I do I know how to play a cassette yes sure here we go done what about Christian and a proud Patriot Teddy Gallows Jr is Gallows Creek like his father and all his fathers before him Teddy Gallows Jr has worked hard to create jobs improve infrastructure a good place to a family unlike current mayor Linda Cartwright Teddy Gallows Jr lives in gallows Creek he's our neighbor and he stands with our neighbors like Sheriff Matthews who after years of keeping the peace mayor Cartwright is trying to force into early retirement Teddy Gallows Jr doesn't believe in keeping a good man out of a job Teddy Gallows Jr believes in the American dream does Linda Cartwright is the cart right the killer Junior keep Gallows Creek a good American town help him become mayor take a swing for Gallows Creek vote for Teddy Gallows Jr my name is Teddy Gallows Jr and I approve this message holy [ __ ] God what a jackass 100 grade a [ __ ] Melinda Cartwright isn't super herself but she's not yeah we don't have any more of those ads to air tonight do we no just the one good I have to ask though take a swing for Gallows Creek oh he set the home run record for Gallows Creek High uh of course he's one of those guys yep he played lots of sports back in the day and forget it right let's just get back to the show well folks hearing that reminds me that every vote matters that ad really made me want to take a swing at Teddy Gallows you mean take a swing for Teddy Gallows yeah sure let's find out from our next caller who's got their vote one ticket one second I'm just uh yep yep yep yep I just really need to get the shot I'm just welcome to the Scream With Me Forest Nash yeah Leslie this is Maurice Russell from The Gallows reporter I'm at the office this guy just broke in downstairs wait Forrest Nash I want to speak to 9-1-1 put Leslie on hey pal calm down here I am nange at least for tonight anyway damn it son I don't care who you are just put me on with Sheriff Matthew he's dead Matthews is dead are you willing to do an interview for the reporter I should cite you as an anonymous source if that's a concern we're live on the air anything we say can and will be broadcast there's a lot happening tonight you said someone broke in that's not teens that's the real guy but I but I I covered it I don't think it's a teen you don't understand that's not a prankster that's the whistling man a stupid kid every year this happens why did my father be like this just pay attention not a big big 30 years ago anyway I know for a fact Edward Marshall Mooney is dead I don't know who I'm looking at on the security monitor killed Sheriff Matthews Where Are You Now I've been set in the boardroom can you get out of there Maurice is there any way you can get out of there [Applause] I'm going to do it that crash you heard was him tipping over my filing cabinets oh [ __ ] all right here we go here we go Okay so listen think for a second we're getting into it that's right and it would take me a good few minutes to move those cabinets we need to do something but what all we can do from here is first I think I've got it why don't we call the killer we have a bunch of phones set up across the office right in different rooms with different extensions so we call one of them draw the killer away okay and by Marie's time I can hear you can hear the son of a [ __ ] hasn't killed me yet sorry Maurice Peggy and I were just trying to figure out you realize how stupid that plan sounds for that to be successful you're gonna need every phone extension Plus a plan of the entire office flaw all delivered while the Killer is on route [Music] thank God I've always been cool Under Pressure don't go anywhere oh God damn it okay so he's doing it on his own uh we screwed up Peggy Peggy that was a really bad idea yeah you don't think the killer got him do you Mr Russell I'm here let me down we're the fax machine where's the fax machine where the fax machine is again Peggy the fax machine's in the office on the other side of the hall thanks Peggy be right back okay okay in the office in the other side of the hall all the way down here okay listen we're good we're good relax grab the facts from the machine easy here this one got it must be good [Music] what is this extension one extension 3 extension two okay so easy extension four all right all right all right all right we're gonna play a little game with the Killer and we're gonna call them depending on where he's at so Maurice hurry up and tell us hey did you get the fox yes yes I have Mr Russell you uh you still with us I fax yes yes I got it right here I got it right here We're Gonna Save You Maurice okay folks we're back on the line with Maurice let's see if we can help him avoid the whistling man that's right that's right situation the whistling man searched every room in the hall leading up to the boardroom now in the office next door it's now or never plan yours better work I'm ready on my end Forest again we want to draw the killer Away by dialing an extension number and then move Maurice somewhere safe so what extension should I call I don't know where he's at he just entered the boardroom so call the kitchen call the kitchen first call the kitchen the extension is zero two got it yep I'll put the call through when you're ready all right Ash where do I need to go where is he at he needs to go to the archives go to the archives so we're moving to the archives The Archives that's just across from the kitchen no that's stupid sure Nash probably not probably not uh let me rethink this let me rethink this damn it man do you want me to be a headline murder hurry I'm sorry let's dial another room uh second thought let's dial another room what style another boy yes we are I'm sorry this is stressful get another number ready but we probably won't get to change our minds again where do you want me to call call the kitchen call the editor's office just [ __ ] it call the kitchen catch in the extension is zero two got it I'll put the call through when we get ready get we're doing it just do it just do it just do it go to the archives you're moving to just do it just do it just do it sure Nash yes I'm sure I'm sure trust me are you ready Mr Russell don't have much always do go yes sir calling now I can't believe it he's actually heading to the kitchen once he's in the kitchen good plan Peggy you can thank me later don't worry Maurice you can thank me when you're safely home I'm shutting off the TV so he won't see me on the security cameras then making my move I'll call when I get there okay I think he'll make it okay I'm sure he'll be fine but now what do we do we wait we gotta find some way for him to get past that barricade what do you mean I don't think calling the whistling man is gonna buy Maurice enough time to move those cabinets we gotta think of something else yeah maybe we could oh call in coming you ready yeah yeah I got it I got it I got it go go go go ready as I'll ever be I put him through alrighty Mr Russell are you there I just got him out of the kitchen almost as soon as he entered thank God I made it in here in here a second before the killer already searched the kitchen he probably didn't have to look around much okay did he see you or are you safe for now yeah man's playing FNAF right now for a while I'm not out of the woods yet though uh right let's review where we are okay so the only way out is by the stairs right the whistling man has blocked with Furniture right exactly move the furniture out of the way not quickly or quietly so make him go to the editors can you lock him in a room could you lock him in a room that'd probably buy you time enough right maybe no no no no I got it secret archive through my office where we keep our most sensitive records oh a secret archive Reggie would love that what have you got back there juicy secrets about outer space now's not the time Peggy calm your ass down okay it's no time for conspiracy theories kids we're in the big time now I've got it all okay okay tell me what I need to do the ant break out if we can get him in there and I lock him in we can catch the son of a gun exactly exactly God Forest we might be able to end the nightmare right here so should I call the secret archive then and the archive is a room for Secrets not gossip so we don't have a [ __ ] oh we're gonna need to change it up then any ideas for us what if is there a TV in there or use a radio use a radio maybe we could use a radio are there no radios at your offices yeah we can use a radio okay that might be what we need then is this portable radio still there where is it oh we got him in the archives looks like you picked the perfect place yes exactly as planned that was a 100 just me thinking ahead that's right that's right on the radio right where I thought it was makes so much noise Maurice turn the volume down Maurice turn the volume down we don't want that thing blasting just yet yeah yeah I knew that Dash I was just doing that when you yelled it [ __ ] you were I'm glad I clicked on the thing Hopkins might just get that day off he wanted he's earned it let's do it for Hopkins for using no one's dying on my watch today cabernones what if I can't have this stupid thing turned up how am I supposed to draw the killer throw it oh that's that's but wait we're the radio we can just be quiet until you're ready that's right yes sure 189.16 I know that's gestation number but a good editor always double checks you confirm that 189 hit the Stinger Peggy get the stinger Peggy 189.16. [Music] hahaha I've got the radio on silent but I'm tuned it now I just need to get to my office sounds like we need to make another call Forest where should we send the killer okay send the killer to the boardroom call the boardroom the extension is zero four that's right it might work the boardroom is fairly close to the editor's office go there yet are you sure he's past the kitchen go in the office space let me have a think again go inside the office space no you can only call The Archives the kitchen no it's the only one the boardroom's the only one that's the only place to go archives in the kitchen We're not gonna call the kitchen again it's not gonna work and the killer go there yeah are you sure yes I'm sure make the call I'm sure make the call okay calling the boardroom now Maurice hurry up all right here we go looks like we're almost through this nightmare any idea what you'll say to draw the killer in I'll impersonate Mr Russell yeah I'm gonna do my best impersonation to Maurice I think that'll draw the killer in what's your Mr Russell impression I think I gave that mask break the slip what a great plan this is pal damn that's a good impression I'll give you give you a for effort oh call coming in here we go all right let's do it let's do it it's a great plan all right where were you hide in the meantime good question you can see under it I've got a big cabinet that'll take me a second to get into anywhere else ah not really there's the secret archive itself but that's where the kill is going I could try the cubicles they're pretty far away yes kept me alive so far Nash do you reckon hide under the desk hide in your cabinet hide inside the secret archive should he hide inside the secret archive because then he can just run out and close the door what do I do ah he should hide inside the cabinet no I think we're screwed because the the killer should have gone into the office space instead hide in your cabinet we'll call somewhere else hide in your cabinet Peggy called the office space call The Archives we know the plan you can trust us okay he's hiding [Music] listen to your old pal Russell and shut up of course I don't think that was enough time for him to hide wait really oh wait are you serious you son of a [ __ ] I told you no that was not my fault for his teeth why did I get the option dead let's put on a song give us some time to recover no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let me load this game it Auto [Laughter] doubt it was a timer it said I didn't realize what I was doing I thought that you every time the timer thing came on you had to make a decision quick I didn't read the third option what was the third option oh God no no I can't go back and change it ah I killed somebody I don't like this game anymore I don't want to play anymore I don't want to play I Feel oh man wait there's a counter for how many paper balls you get into the basket oh that's cool okay I'm gonna continue to do that for the best Peggy folks we'll be back soon if you have any stories about Maurice that you'd like to share give us a call after this next track all right that's it here's my outro record well that's it for me today thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed uh killer frequency let me know down in the comments below I will do an episode two but I'm gonna need you guys to leave a like let me know that you actually enjoyed this I enjoyed this this is this one this just hurt me I feel hurt I feel cheated by the game because I didn't read all the options in a freak down and press the button that's it for me thank y'all for watching I love you guys and I'm gonna see you next time bye [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: special edd
Views: 897,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eddievr, mexican youtuber, horror, funny, meme, funny moments, the boys, scary, eddie, special edd, spooky, scary videos, horror videos, jumpscare, scary phone, killer frequency
Id: aMEMw0rYvOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 1sec (3961 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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