SCARED OF THE OCEAN? (NEW LEVEL) │ Escape the Backrooms

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oh crappers oh no it's getting really foggy we're going to be killed there's a monster why is that let's follow the lights down [Music] hold on a minute ghost oh it's the it's the crapping hub wait a happy crap I can't remember the way back to the hub to the pub come here this is where we need to be yeah maybe we need to travel all the doors no this is where we need to be we need to travel the doors no with this where we need to be oh I've run out of stamina now this is where we finished off last time can I oh yeah can I sort myself out though oh flip my flips have got no sanity I've got a little oh my my Santa's going down I just drank a drink but I'm about to die anyway that sucks this energy about that no let's just drink a snack wait what's this here it says Beware of the thing and it looks like oh it looks like a mixture between a shark and a piece of driftwood so it is something splashing here it's the Loch Ness Monster come here I'm on my own boat oh you are yes I got a second it's Mario Kart all over again Marion's the word oh do we have to get off well I'm gonna go to this is insane I'm going to this building my I'm rowing by just moving my hands left and right oh I get out my way gently up the tossing street are we going to the same thing oh no sorry what the hell is the thing I hear something go to the house on the right first yeah yeah okay yeah let's not do that okay um there's something in the window oh there's a juice in on the thing oh oh oh oh wow you can swim really oh oh that's horrible that I can't get up that was actually a bit like drowning there oh is it juicy oh I've got an energy toss ah how do we get in here oh this is an empty room what the hell no there's too much bubbles yeah I hear bubbles I can't I can't reverse again oh come on reversing takes flipping ages well I don't know oh crash should we go to the far one over there I am anyway yeah is anyone else getting Minecraft Vibes is anyone else keep playing us with a Minecraft soundtrack does anyone else keep getting stuck on this damn roof no because somebody just left it oh there's so many Alma Waters and juices yeah let me have one what is that noise though oh my word dude what the hell my boat just moved by itself should I just pick up all the stuff and go no really because I've taken up the stuff so I'm gonna go now have you guys literally none of you come to the same place as me yeah well I went to the house what sorry I found four I'll pick three of them up oh crap I'm going to this big white house oh I hear a noise it doesn't sound good oh there's fog over here chat wait for me I'm reversing oh crappers oh no it's getting really foggy I'm trying to go back I'm gonna be killed I hear something I wish I was streaming how dude what no who's going forwards it's me dunks is [ __ ] flare oh wait what someone just shot me oh it may it won't go funny no oh dude you have to get over here man quickly I'm getting off what I'm going in here I'm gonna go to where okay I'll go around oh no I'm stuck I'm stuck come on bro you [ __ ] oh yeah that really made me what the heck my thing won't turn left I think you can't row any further I wouldn't go in there you can't turn around oh crap the hell what that's why I just had like a what the heck there's some weird who's there oh crap oh man I don't like this what was that noise what noise that was the funniest thing I've ever seen what the hell are you sure it's not it's not rain no no definitely a monster well whoever that is they're just not moving in their boat someone's doing backstroke in the air will you see the Monster there's another noise oh there's a lighthouse over there oh yeah I'm guessing that's where we need to go oh I hear something does it look like I'm swimming as well no your boat it looks like you're leaning under something I think I think you have to I think you have to go in the water to swim wait am I doing it now you go you go really high above the boats look look at me over here guys let me turn around let me turn around oh I'm reversing no I'm not hitting someone oh wait you can can you sprint paddle I can't move anywhere who's behind me I can't get out you can play with idiots I'm gonna go over here move I'm trying to I'm gonna go on to this come on your boat [Music] cheeky sock buns oh come on you oh if both of you cheeky shoggers are done look where's Lighthouse gone oh watch out for your sanity no I've had it I've had a thing oh someone's swimming on the roof there he checks both on there lay back and relax dude oh you are already except the ambience noises yeah I see the lighthouse it's like a four heart beats oh really flip me no no I can't get out crappers no that was a did you anyone else just see that in the water or was that where I just got out a black I saw a black circle over there I'm gonna go towards that Lighthouse okay we'll follow you but if if your sanity wears out we're gonna laugh it's on a Island Building right well should we all convene on this little sloped roof and we can give you nothing I don't know where you chaps are now the lighthouse the lighthouse all right okay oh oh flip ah what's that oh there's a pier here you can pick up oh my God helmet I'll flip a neck where are you I can't get off this damn flat roof oh my goodness oh let me drop anything oh wow and pick anything out what the hell oh let me pick oh you can't put anything in your main hand when you've got your diving helmet on how do I take it off flip me fit me I think crap some stuff here yeah what's this here you can put stuff in your second hand does it does it run out of play gun or not oh crap no you can't oh what the hell that sucks well we need to drop stuff for Josh are you put yours on as well well I just picked up I got one animal water and one let's just get get this helmet on and we'll just go down here which I assume is where we need to go see what Santa's here okay uh Josh did you pick up that flag on it would you do you put it in your main hand or how do I put it on you click on it yeah I have it's just in my backpack put it in your main hand oh yeah oh I see oh it didn't even give me that option oh crap can you see yours in your inventory then it was what happened isn't because mine just held it in front of me and then oh my gosh oh what the heck oh you this is awesome this is good I like it why is that oh it's all my life what oh what that oh it's really lagging what the hell are we inside someone's mouth no we're at the bottom of the ocean Oh I thought I saw something yeah yeah we did yeah oh my word is so laggy oh yeah already Escape what if if we need the flare gun I haven't got one your swimming chapters lovely to watch you're swimming with one arm is following you conquer I don't know where I'm going but this looks like somewhere where we should go you know let's follow the lights down [Music] someone's really smacking out in front of me go down oh my word see you go down you're gonna kill us I think I found the exit no we haven't been here long enough it's gonna get through it's getting loud no see it's black it's just black get hit again I've got I've gone to an air hole whoops yeah I'll go on black as well no [Music]
Channel: Nippy
Views: 22,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backrooms, Escape the, thalassophobia, Level 7
Id: hi8u5RWaNbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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