"It Was Hiding In The Attic!"- The SCARIEST TikToks w/Narrator

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Eddie yes [Music] why did you invite me here ah to check out the scaryest videos on the internet dear God all you told me was to grab my blankie yes how is cabron and now we're here [Music] ready any why'd your life turn off [Music] internet trying to get that camera get the light get the light get the light where am I turned off ready narrator [Music] is that is that it did I win you can't say Del Taco and oh your lights turned on okay it worked oh all right okay Del Taco it is even ghost like Del Taco come on bro all right anyway spooky time narrator hi oh my oh you look I I know you're going for a scary look but you look hot as right now up hot yeah bro like that even Jesus even Jesus would come resurrect himself to see that face oh what the wait I'm telling you Jesus is coming back [Music] [Laughter] and lights back on the harbor we haven't even started the video dog decided to start the video with um oh my God hey Alexa turn off gaming station [Music] ask Alexa when Jesus is coming back hey Alexa when is Jesus coming back [Music] it actually looks bad it looks it looks I'm scared bro it's too dark in here though yeah it actually uh this is terrifying actually looks pretty scary in their narrator all right let me show you uh let me show you some scary videos yeah yeah yeah totally can't wait back here uh in a while yeah man uh the scariest tick tocks you know your you know your video uh your scariest Tick Tock video is like one of the highest viewed videos on my channel listen I know you got teen gay but listen man ain't team nay that's right that's right you bring the Thunder with that voice from Down Under that's you my man that's you okay all right here we go ready for the first one I I'm ready to be spoopified oh God it's this girl do you know this girl narrator no but based upon your reaction I sense you have some kind of History she didn't talk at all wow okay hold on let's let's just watch this okay [Laughter] no way no way apps for context you have to know that this girl every time she does every time I see her tick tocks she talks for an entire 30 seconds she says can I show you a scary video and then goes on to explain the video for 30 seconds before she actually shows the video and this is the first time she's actually just like talked for like two seconds hell yeah let that's the content we want to see show me that spoopiness all right here we go see look I wasn't annoyed what the is that what the f that is a man Jesus Christ is that Chris Angel please that's a person yeah that is an ombre yeah it went behind the tree oh I just wanted to grab some coconuts what the hell you see how it disappeared and then reappeared again bro yeah that babies the babies that baby's right you don't think there's balloons you don't think that's balloon balloons balloons mug like are you stupid what kind of balloon looks like a man what if this is like the real life scene from Invincible bro this is like him trying to fly all right narrator what do you think honestly like is it cap I think it might be cap but the thing is here's the thing though like the whole time I was watching it I was expecting like a jump scare I was waiting for something to be like spooky but that's just spooky though like I don't I mean we live in a world where Technology's crazy now that's right that could have Deca my man could have just been in the back rooms you know yeah yeah I mean you never know it we're starting off pretty mild a little little mild it gave me a little uh little eyebrow raise but nothing too bad all right let's watch the next one and see how we fare with this one ready okay okay all right oh [Music] look Michael [Music] now now imagine that's in your house and you go where are you Michael and all you hear is I'm right here come on and said he just shows up like he starts climbing up your stairs like a crab that's uh Michael Jack your son honestly that is actually I I will tell you because I trust you one of the scariest things to me is when something runs at me in a really weird way like if somebody if something's running at me and it's like like it looks like his limbs are distorted you remember the Asylum when Juicy was running towards us from the end of the call and his shadow looked so distorted yeah remember when I was standing there and I couldn't move yeah yeah you're right you're right hate that dude I hate it very uh it's a very unique thing to be scared of oh I hate it it activates my fight or flight brother like this like remember in the clown Motel when you were a clown and I was talking up a big game but I wouldn't move yeah yeah yeah so when your grandma runs up to you for a hug with her uh Parkinson's Limbs and she like does she scare you oh dude my hands are up [Music] what's good grandma grandma's going what's good I'm gonna put you in the shadow box Grandma so I always seen pictures of this guy but I never actually seen the full clip this is and this is uh did you say that a wookie are you okay I awoke somehow somehow I don't know if it was Mexicans Hispanic people okay when we hear English words we just like repeat them and make them our own so remember the song Annie are you okay so we call him eliuoki foreign that's where it came from that's the iuwoki you have such a rich culture of yes yes it's so cool I'm fascinated and who are you Wookie speaking of the Asylum bro oh I've seen have you seen this what watch is so did somebody catch someone what's Spanish for amen amen I'm not allowed to say a prayer because of my religion what the listen bro when I saw this clip I was like I'm forgetting about that I don't even want to see it I don't I don't I just couldn't pretend it didn't happen what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait replay a little bit go back go back let me see this hell no bro either ghost is with us with the edits or that happened I don't know I don't like that oh man you gotta you got a whole Reddit yeah dude this is the subreddit this is a scary Yeti subreddit this is where people come to post the scariest however they post the shittiest sometimes yeah yeah yeah yeah they try their best they do their best you guys have been going through it good recently you know you know what happens when you don't right yeah that chancla that's right man listen like so far some of these have been pretty creepy where's my camera there's my camera some of these have been pretty a little creepy all right if you don't keep sending the Heat Eddie's not the only one that has the chancla all right the boy's that story boys it's with our merch that's right what's this oh all right what do we got behind you oh do you know what do you actually know about the behind you uh no so there there's a there's a creature called the hide behind and what it is is that it follows you it's usually in the woods but it hides behind a whole bunch of stuff including trees um like shrubs everything because it's got a very long gangly body so it can hide behind tree branches and stuff like that and it will follow you through the woods and Whisper and then when you turn around it's gone but it always feels like something's behind you ah kind of like an SCP there's an SCP that like just hangs out behind you and he's just there he's just there you'll never see him but he's always behind you yup or kind of like bloonies do you remember blue knees from the game uh Madison oh yeah okay I see I see you I let's see what zoo we got behind me don't say that don't say that yeah reader what's that narrator what's that behind you bro don't don't seriously I just saw something behind you dude nothing behind me dog in the dark in the dark wall I don't like that Eddie all right turn it back off you won't hey Alexa turn off gaming station yeah in it bro all right so he's turning he's turning it looks like a crazy thing oh hi yeah creepy yeah okay what the is this what kind of animal is that what is that those are Skin Walkers bro that's that guy's kids they rolled in mud I could be that could be number one they need a shower that that they look like Skin Walkers I think I know they do though they do they don't got no face though wait a minute isn't it races to do this kind of thing I mean what if Skin Walkers are just great you don't know let's go to the next one what is that oh oh [Music] hey hey dog listen I'm gonna tell you something right now Colvin started with bats the world's gonna end with zombie monkeys you kick that monkey to the curb no no dude it's missing one hand the other brother's bone is showing ain't no way I'm kicking the out of that dude man I'm kicking that monkey like like I'm like I'm an NFL kicker bro ain't no way oh my God what the hell uh yeah so the monkey had uh is missing one hand and his other arm is just completely just bone and it just rolled up on him like oh yeah you look really tasty yeah yeah something something pulled up and it wasn't me and that was the last video she ever posted selfie selfie all right oh I imagine you hear that bro bro wait hold up she she moaned what the [Music] that way uh they'll Taco away who the has a door to their attic like that yeah what the my man's got a whole ass door oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that's what you were just talking about right something running at you that looks weird yup yup no what is this over here uh this is uh uh uh San Jose I don't light him up very much but uh he makes miracles happen so I'm gonna light him up today San Jose make Miracles today tell all the spicy demons to go away bro because they're gay yeah no gay demons in my house that's right we must protect our bums I hate that dude I hate when things just like run at you what do the comments say about this why just why addicts equals Death if you hear things call the police don't investigate that's some serious stupid white people energy right yep now here's the thing a hundred percent that is accurate but a Texas white person would do that with a gun right right now now Texas white people is different ghosts just come around Texas white people oh or just Texas people in general listen we'll we'll take or load the bullets we'll take them out stomp on them load it with ghost bullets I mean look bro I'm I live in a pretty safe house same but I still like stay strapped while I'm asleep oh dude yeah got at least one gun readily accessible cause if I'm going to investigate I'm going to investigate while protecting myself oh dude yeah in case some like weird limp in my attic charging at me like that yeah nah they're gonna run me permanently yeah mama is going to run to you like and you'll be like laughs in five seven left in five seven musicians out here probably trying to figure out how to laugh in five seven my brain immediately went there it's like how do you do five seven again that was scary though I hate that all right here we go what do we got bear a bear air what is that what is that dude it's cocaine bear your brain normally your brain on drugs I don't like that I don't like that bear cocaine is that what he looks like I don't know what does cocaine bear I haven't seen the movie I mean if you give anything cocaine it's gonna look like that I'll just need a little rock bite Just a Little Rock I just gave me some more some more money be like put it in hahaha Ghost Driver oh yeah at the graveyard damn man people gotta learn to slow down yeah drove straight through the fence wait hold on a damn second wait wait wait wait wait before we continue hold on a second yeah go back watch this okay the tracks look like they're going towards that white car right yeah but there's only one pair but the fence looks like it fell the other way true does it not or is that the bottom of the fence no no Eddie you are correct yeah it's like that brown part right there right yeah or I don't know I could be wrong no you are you are accurate my brain just immediately went there no no it is it is it is I'm sorry it is I'm wrong I'm wrong I'm wrong look at that look at the other fence look at the fence on the right I'm just I'm just being look bro I just analyze these videos watch the fence on the right the fence on the right's got the brown Parts on top like the brown bars yeah exactly because it fell that way wait you are correct go back no I am right see how did the car go straight over it slow down you're right I am right I don't know anymore just say you're smart say you're smart all right I think I'm smart I don't know how it happened all right whatever all right here we go hello first of all you're hearing crying yeah probably be like are you okay is he asking the person in the car you okay what the hell what the what's going on here there's no one in there are you there Miss hello um I call cab that sounds like an overlaid voice right like the way he's saying like oh what the hell are you there oh look there's nobody there oh yeah that that kind of that kind of feels like uh They just added that voice and post this man walked up to this car saw it empty and was like oh I could make a tick tock out of this let me go start from over here and start filming walk up to it and pretend that there's someone in the car the one thing is that is really weird how the fence is the other way and the front of the car is smashed up that is weird I don't well I mean the the car did crash right because like yeah you can see the front fender and yeah how did it happen we don't knows who knows this one's a mystery to me so clearly a sound effect thank you yeah the comments are getting smart now now see I'm teaching these fools you're not just like taking everything and be like that's a skin walker you know yeah come on guys learn your skinwalkers are usually only transformed into animals and come on no no you're Lord bro it's a rock man what I'm trying to find Peter Parker [Laughter] I need to find Peter Parker bro that's funny as have you seen Peter Parker I need to tell I'm sorry about Uncle Ben all right uh yeah that's actually uh that's a little unsettling obviously fake right but it's just unsetting yeah imagine seeing that notice her reaction as she feel a baby in her arms okay baby okay baby blue oh hell no something's behind her baby baby baby blue yo baby blue is right behind me [Music] baby blue blue baby blue blue baby blue prizes [Music] the hell what'd they say I just got chicken skin bro what what they say okay first of all looks like she's doing some sort of like kind of like Bloody Mary Bloody Mary say yeah yeah she's probably trying to like make herself feel a baby so she's saying baby blue baby blue blue baby type yay and then she says my arms are itchy Regina and the girl is saying well get rid of the baby and she's like I can't and she starts freaking out like I can't my arms are really itchy it looks like she can't let go look at it look at her freaking out dude [Music] bruh bruh Mexican moms are not uh are not that good at hiding their rage emotions and and faking them so she is definitely upset oh 100 because lahina made her summon a blue baby now you know they're gonna be getting cleansed with an egg for the rest of their lives bro if you want a blue baby that bad just go someone from the Blue Man Group like it ain't [Laughter] play drums for a living I'm sure they know how to pound that ass bro what you mean look at this look at this light look at this little man dangling yeah around bro no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you run dude Allah foreign okay I don't understand what the you're saying my man but get the out of there my man saying Allah I'm over here yeah bro hey you need to leave yeah yeah I will give you I will give you the award for kicking down that door what if would it like as soon as that started shaking it's immediate yeah yeah you have to kick that in bruh yeah I've seen a few I've seen a few uh uh uh videos from the Middle East like this yeah these are not scared bro they just go straight up and beat the out of ghosts right honestly if some TV show in Iraq made a ghost hunting channel I'd watch it it would be the first show where they would actually catch the ghost yeah actually like strap them to a chair and then them up yeah like they would dip their hands in holy water and be like time's up sugar tits exactly Hoops better than Eddie can't hope to save his life I can't play basketball for bro oh you son of a that was a good one this is how you get jump scared in the streets it just pulls up on you like this yeah in downtown Chicago at night do you have some crack Hey Brother pass me the Rock hahaha uh speaking of cocaine no that's not that's not the rock we're talking about had to replay Zoom then I saw its face okay dude guys in our house oh he's He's full-blown sage in this I hate like the dog ain't doing oh oh hell no I saw that I saw it too did you see it yeah the shadow figure seconds hello that's a big basement that's a dull basement actually hell no bro did you see the shadow man I'm okay bruh no thank you ollie your mission yeah pause the video at the right time zoom in enhanced image Clarity Distortion dust removal zoom in on the face Ollie zoom in on the face [Music] that's a skin walker here I'll I'll do the super nod with you in agreement ready there you go yeah like you're sucking off your microphone no man no I'm always exactly from that sucking sound I'm always here for you Eddie Eddie Eddie hey hey hey stop it I'm always here for you Eddie stop it Karen is that just your stutter or are you actually a skinwalker what nothing anyway if you turn around you never get to see what's on the other side that's where all the gold is waiting over there dude hell yeah what is this guy talking about could be something about gold disturb it's resting place you never crossed the trees like that nope hello you idiot why would you let your location be known get out of there thank you thank you you better start that bike up bro yep go the other way run oh yeah get the out of there yo I'm glad why I'm glad you say that bro I'm so happy you said that in that scenario why would you let the thing there know where you are [Music] that's right no no like it it's common sense but some people just don't get it this is why you and me are surviving meanwhile every scary video Hello Ghost oh this is the this is their latest scary video got here now but you wait what's the time stamp yo what what the actually so I wasn't we you and I were not a part of this video no we weren't 5307 let's pull it up it's like 1am and things are starting to get weird all right there you go yeah right there dude look what the is that thing they didn't even notice it what is that now what happens at 3am Man 3 A.M challenges like don't try to zoom in on it and it disappeared oh I don't like that dude oh that's that's where the aliens are bruh I watched this video and I didn't even notice that man neither did I uh yeah I'm glad I wasn't a part of this one yeah I know while this was being filmed uh narrator me and juicy were filming the uh the frying video The Frying video yeah the frying our piss Ed man they were doing some spoopy stuff oh wait Eddie we have some haunting stuff in Japan yeah I know yes we're going to Japan next week we're gonna summon a demon I don't know what the we're doing but um we're good we're gonna do we're gonna do some spooky stuff over there I'm just gonna carry some onigiri and just throw it at are you hungry are you hungry did you just start throwing me rice balls at people I throw it in the darkness I know it throws it back it's me in the face what do you do when you find this run just just run that's an electrician that posted that it was in the electrician's Reddit bro I I walk away I go back to the truck I find the most modify I I I guess the buttons [Music] I'll make a flamethrower all right call 9-1-1 oh it's the dancing lesbian lady the what the dancing the dancing Serbian say that again with a straight face it's the dancing lesbian lady she dances around like that and if you see her run the other way or she charges at you oh well I mean she's fine she's on the you know 30th floor oh I mean yeah but you still gotta go lock your door before she gets there I think oh yeah oh okay all right all right if you see black-eyed children don't let them in they just got beat by their parents [Laughter] uh yeah that's uh we don't even have to watch the rest of it that's funny congrats oh we have fun here special scary vid for the Paisa that's for me all right El Chavo del Ocho yo this was like this is the most famous Mexican show on the planet nice and now he's gonna ruin it for you yeah it's probably gonna say something creepy let's see bro yeah now it is said that there was a ghost on set have you seen that before I've seen a lot of those actually have you seen what the last episode was supposed to be the missing last episode yeah we'll get into the ghost one first and the last episode all right all right I saw at least a few nights ago like in the Noche before I was gonna fall asleep and they're saying like how on a specific day they're recording this episode they felt like very uneasy they felt as if somebody was watching them no hey bro I don't know why bro this gives me goosebumps foreign behind the curtain oh yeah what the yo nah okay that's no thanks yeah kind of creepy man it's kind of creepy look there's someone watching through the thing right there on the right yeah they're talking about that bro yeah like the company that made the that would make the TV show and everything they came out saying that like hey nobody else was back there behind the set you know during filming and like even the actors and the producers that they even set it to they're like nobody else was back here like the only people on set were the actors so that creepy Shadow ghost Imaging whatever it was bro they all believe yeah that actually makes sense because a lot of a lot of like TV shows that were on air back in the day there'd be one like like face fronting sets yeah the audience would look so all cameras All actors and all everybody would be in front yeah there's no reason for anybody to be back there yeah like a plane like like a play yeah yeah yeah um I don't like I don't like date I don't like that either fool that just that's kind of creepy I might have to I'm have to go back and watch El Chapo de Lucha and see if I can spot this is that he said that was the last episode all right I'm gonna check that out see what's up yeah you said last episode all right uh that's it uh narrator what did you think of today's uh videos were they pretty creepy they're pretty creepy the one that really got me was the uh uh my man asking for The Rock he ran out of the bushes [Laughter] really got my ass bro he was full attic was scary for me the attic the attic one was was bad as well like the baby that yeah that one was creepy so as well dude but I got to experience some spoopy things with you yeah yeah everybody uh leave a like for narrator joining the video today um thanks guys but that's it for me I love you guys thank you for watching leave a like subscribe if I've read it that's it for me I love you guys and I'ma see you next time bye stay away from the black eyed children their parents are hunting them
Channel: special edd
Views: 2,455,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, scary, react, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, mexican youtuber, Eddie tiktoks, eddie tiktoks, best moments, clips, scariest tiktoks, scariest tiktoks in the world, horror clips, scariest videos in the world, duo react, your narrator, narrator
Id: lhZjz3rc0Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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