The SCARIEST Videos in The World | Nukes Top 5 w/Narrator

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Eddie please Eddie please you know what time it is baby you're gonna make me scared before I get on a plane that's not cool narrator it is midnight yeah and we have a plane to catch to Japan four hours to go meet up and record with the boys yup and I've called you so that we can record and watch the scariest videos on the internet and now there's one man that I know post s some really scary stuff sometimes oh yeah have you heard of nuke's top five no one second it was so scary it made you choke dear God well yeah today uh-huh you will learn about nuke's top five nice do you have your spooky setting ready why are your lights still on what are you talking about you you want my lights off hey Alexa turn off gaming station [Music] oh that was cool all right today's that brought to you by by hoyo verse the same people who made gentian impact it's available on both mobile and PC and with the game data being shared on the client side that means you can pick up where you left off anywhere anytime the gameplay is designed to be easy to learn and easy to play which gives you more time to explore new worlds increase your combat power and overcome powerful enemies or even meet new friends there's a whole universe to explore with different planets each with their own level of detail there's Treasures you can find puzzles to solve it's a beautifully constructed sci-fi World you'll need to use your own unique strategies in battle that means finding the best upgrades and character combinations that are effective against a wide range of enemies so click the link in the description and download honkai Star rail right now and get yourself an extra 50 Stellar Jades using the redeem code right here on the screen thanks again Hawkeye star rail now back to the video all right my man here we go you ready for this uh not really but I will try my best to be brave here are the top 5 scariest ghost videos that'll make you cry for Daddy awesome I'm going to comb my beard because I'm nervous but you look happy on the surface oh you like that rhyme that was pretty good all right let's play nice oh the witching board popular normal live streamer Ricky Velasquez and his wife Liz travel to an allegedly haunted house somewhere out in the middle of nowhere in Mexico well apparently the story of this place is truly dark and disturbing talk to me talk to me we'll only mention that the house was once home to an extremely large family named Hernandez okay hold on I know that every family with the name Hernandez is a large family it's a large family hey look look Sanchez family is very large Fernandez family is very large any family with Miho I hear they're pretty large everyone every family's got a pizza large yeah 100 like as in there's a lot of us very good my mom has uh an aunt yeah that had 20 children [Music] and now that was one ant out of like 16 of them so we we like to get busy uh I don't know dog probably uh probably pretty big bro I'm just saying like you know that thing that that quote about if uh if you put typewriters in in front of monkeys eventually the right Shakespeare you can just pop out a couple kids and they can edit for you they'll just get videos for you make this a family business literally make it a family business the Eddie VR family about 20 welcome back to the Eddie VR family don't even say it all right let's keep watching apparently some tragic and unspeakable event occurred at the Hernandez home and most of the family including many women and children lost their lives no whatever did happen apparently it was so horrific that many people still leave candles at the house to pay their respects to this day really so after exploring the downstairs Ricky and Liz head up to the second floor I got my candles begin to experience something that makes their blood run cold Ricky is broadcasting their exploration Live on YouTube and as he reads comments from his live stream audience this happens what oh wait did you hear that did you hear that was that you nope I thought he said no mummies [Applause] you better you better you better grab that Jesus Off the Wall wait hold up sound of running water you're in an abandoned home yep yo you better you better like Jesus man you better pick him up and start crucifying that needs to be lit right now come on let's get lit girl come on let's get Lego shoot I'm almost you talk to it hola something I always say [Music] how could they be so calm I'd be running the out of there you start hearing moans leave I thought Mexicans didn't do this man this is white people what [Music] the couple hears very strange sounds from somewhere on the top floor banging and even what sounds like the voice of a young child so now in an attempt to make contact with the dead Ricky and Liz decide to use a Ouija board no what are you what are you during the weekend session the couple continues to hear disturbing sounds coming from the house then something happens that absolutely scares the out of them [Music] bruh you need to run you need to run while using the Ouija board Liz asks are you here with us yeah we saw it we saw that we saw it yes Ricky believes that he hears the voice coming from right behind him horrifying deathly pale face of a woman can I ask something yeah go ahead how come nuke yeah get sent these videos meanwhile I get sent these videos Muchachos y'all gotta step your game up like this is this has given me chicken skin this this is the kind of stuff I want to see Eddie react to ah dude I this right here is my kind of bro this is amazing couple has had enough and they just run out of there as fast as they can now keep in mind that all of this was broadcast Live on YouTube so whether it's real or not it would have been much harder to fake but true they were live the footage is definitely very creepy but if you want to take a look at the video for yourself you can watch this entire exploration over on the YouTube channel Ricky Velasquez sick bro that's badass out of here see that's that's the thing that like whenever people look at this kind of stuff and they're like oh they use the Ouija board contacted um how come whenever people use a Ouija board they forget to close it after they're done I didn't know that was a thing I've never put the Ouija board because I know that only bad things happen but only bad things exactly I know enough to be because I'm terrified of Ouija boards and apparently when you use it that's how you you know open a portal to communicate with the dead if you don't end it like you don't if you don't like finish it out or like close it uh like close the conversation then you're just leaving the portal open you're just leaving that Gateway open and then whatever you're talking to which can just follow you around okay so it's kind of like when you talk to a girl but you don't end the conversation she just kind of follows you around it's like she's like you gotta close the door on her otherwise she won't stop like kind of like that yeah exactly okay I got it I got it I didn't realize that Ouija boards work like that it's terrifying also they're made of a they have a little of a special ink along with the wood so if you burn a Ouija board the flame will be blue dead ass wanna try and burn one safely in a safe environment sure what if we use the flame from a Jesus candle oh maybe it will burn rainbow [Music] anyway all right next Torreon number four I decided to go on a very popular tourist attraction cable car ride why does it say why is this happening in Mexico I thought Mexicans would do this man I've been living alive for us up the mountain and through the streets there you go it's a spectacular bird's eye view of the city the group of friends can't help but take a video to capture the moment yeah it happens on this particular ride it is very disturbing wait during the day yeah oh [Music] what what's off what sounds like the voice of a little girl can be heard screaming in Terror and the group has no idea where the voice is coming from now after the video was shared on Facebook many shock viewers believe they hear the girl say quote get me out of here I feel alone [Music] yeah she's saying that unfortunately I don't speak Spanish I do I do please let me know what you think the girl is saying look I I don't it doesn't matter what the girl is saying what I do think is happening is that uh this is uh just a voice overlay and because I can easily you and I narrator can go and get into one of these carts right oh yeah you can go we can go and get in one of these cable cars and we can have a reaction set up we know exactly what the ghost is gonna say later on should we get on and we record our reactions as if the ghost was saying we heard something yep and then we react did you hear that little girl oh my God we put the video here editor add me I'm saying this from a different room did you hear that narrator dude oh my God she said she was alone no she didn't oh she said Mexicans don't do this oh oh so she was maybe she's related to the black-eyed children which black guy's children no black-eyed children Eddie who's the black-eyed children from the last video [Music] because their parents were ah they got the ass whooped I got you okay I think that one is Cap yeah but let's go to number three seven days to die was a popular video game on Steam but now you know it's scary when I talk to you in this tone of voice he's pretty good actually he's not like the Burger King foot lettuce guy that's true Burger King oh my God imagine if Burger King foot lettuce did this oh god dude all right let's see if I I need a video that's going to make me cry for Daddy seven days oh popular Japanese paranormal investigators Tomo and Hiro from the YouTube channel omagatoki film contacted by a desperate landlord of an allegedly haunted apartment the landlord claims that just over 10 years ago a family of three rented the apartment one night the father had an unexplained psychotic break and took the lives of his wife and child inside the apartment their bodies were found hidden in the closet the father went on the Run okay he was never found the horrific incident the owner finds it impossible to get tenants to stay in the apartment for more than a week he says that within seven days all of them abruptly decide to just move out so the landlord challenges the omagatoki team to live in the apartment for one week to figure out just what it is about the property that causes tenants to refuse to stay oh it does to get her Tomo accepts The Challenge and decides to live in the apartment alone for seven days hello records Tomo as he sleeps and spends time in the bedroom where the tragedy took place 18 years earlier how could you even sleep in there dude dude I don't know yeah yeah you go to the shadow realm Yogi we can eat uh email the schedule starts a new horror anime gets reincarnated as a ghost one time I got reincarnated as a teddy bear with a big penis I'll go to bed then nothing really happens I don't know third night at around midnight all right here we go Simone notices something very odd in the bathroom hmm uh it's around midnight right now narrator oh that looks like a very human head yeah went outside to have a look okay you never go outside bro what the oh when it moves and it moves didn't his friend have that head shape green Shadow can be seen in the window maybe it might anything outside that could be casting The Unexplained Shadow then the next night night number four and things get a bit weirder yeah yeah they really like the bathroom the noise okay I don't know if that means it's weirder like isn't it back to normal does that mean it's better yeah has now disappeared as mysteriously as it came is that a good thing while trying to sleep as he keeps getting the Eerie feeling that someone is in the room with him standing near the closet probably eight that's five and six and now Tomo starts to complain that he hasn't been able to sleep as he keeps hearing unexplained footsteps and even more terrifying The Unexplained mumbling voice of a woman now oh and stay Samoa is exhausted and considers quitting the seven day challenge and just going home even though there's only one day left eventually he decides that he can tough it out and stays for the seventh and final night has to get her wakes up the next day refreshed and happy he says he finally got a great night's sleep in the apartment [Music] foreign [Music] well if I got some news for you [Music] and this is when things get weird almost at work hero goes through the footage that was recorded on the final night of the challenge cool and he finds leaves him speechless because something did happen that night something that Tomo has no recollection of something truly chilling okay oh God I hate this he wakes up you know what what the oh what's he doing I don't know what audio is missing okay oh hell no [Music] what the what what foreign something's going to come out of the closet dog oh dude I guarantee it Something's Gonna Come Out of the Closet do you see it oh so this coming out from his shadow bro what the it's the woman it's the woman just sleeping like nothing happens it seems completely out of it as he grabs the camera and sits in front of a closet the video footage begins to glitch that's miles creepy Smiles at the camera and then inexplicably seems to just start crying for his daddy footage begins to glitch over and over that's the terrifying face of a woman ah look at her that sucks inside the closet no dude Tomo says he doesn't remember anything about the incident and until seeing the bizarre footage he believed that he had slept soundly throughout the night so could it be that the investigator captured the spirit of the woman whose life was taken inside the bedroom the woman whose body was found inside this same closet let me know what you think oh it's okay no thanks bro no thanks what do you think of that no thank you what if you went back and saw some footage and saw something happening in the background I mean that's that's happened to us and it's terrifying every time not like this though this is different this is like this is different though we've had like maybe like a couple hearsay things at haunted places there and there that that being able to be like oh did you sleep good last night Eddie and if you were like yeah I slept all night and you did some weird creepy ass like this part of me wants to say this is staged yeah but it's so good bro I would cover you in Sage man I I would be I would just be like this the kind of that creeps me the because I got I have my closets open at night sometimes and like just waking up and seeing ah I I luckily like my room is like I have the door that faces everything and then on the left is like my bathroom and then the closet area I have all my doors shut like both shut I have too many windows so the Moonlight at night sometimes gets in and like shines just right oh not for me brother all right next one this time I was emailed about a very old video without a source that's been making the rounds on social media in the video a group of friends are camping in the middle of the forest of course they are the night they start to hear strange sounds coming it's gonna be us soon now in what is probably a terrible decision they decide to grab their flashlights and go to investigate what you're not that guy pal is downright chilling okay all right show me something crazy bro is it like a is it like a bear is it a it's like it's probably like either La Llorona El Chupacabra skin walker Justin Walker it's sticks I love that I love that I see some sticks all right here we go all right like what's that nope source of the creepy leaves the group spots what appears to be some kind of creature with glowing eyes white always look sad when you catch them on camera like that like when you every time every time a creepy gets caught in the woods she always has that face like the yeah it's never like a happy or a scary like ghosts are trying to be like it's just always like oh no you got me on my bad side it's like a sad face it's the kind of face that like you make if you get caught masturbating you're like oh no and like videos where they find people in the forest are kind of I don't know it's it's kind of it's kind of hard to say because they there could just be someone dressed up in makeup and they were just there I mean we filmed the video a music video where you guys set me up and dose was in full makeup and mm-hmm I was in the forest and I ran into him and he looked scary as but he was just in makeup like it's the same yeah yeah you never know all right here we go last one all right watch this channel for any length of time you know that I featured a ton of Saudi door kicking ghost hunters these include Adventure Allah yaza 1200 Abdullah alambari and the guy will be focusing on in this video Adventure just Sim Ghost Hunters I've featured then here's a quick tutorial they love hunting gems all right we've seen these in uh in my channel [Music] number two the Gins often seem to throw large objects at them yes yup and they love to throw back holy good you see it seems so playful yeah it does honestly like like music will change any video how do you fake this dude it's not Unreal Engine five and finally number three and most important of all yeah Ghost Hunters love kicking down spooky doors yeah they do hell yeah we just saw this one hey where you going hello Jin X yo what's good homie is this the same one we watched into the same video yeah yeah yeah kick that [Music] [Applause] [Music] and absolutely terrifying [Music] yeah okay what is it foreign foreign I swear to God I've been to a gas station where they argued like this apparently these spooky doors are fighting back now [Laughter] the doors are fighting people out there la la la oh dude is it is it weird that I really want this to happen on when we go ghost hunting I have to like we gotta do an entire episode on Saudi ghost hunting because that seems like it's funniest she's kicking down doors and getting kicked back oh dude a hundred percent all right well uh narrator that was nuke's top five what did you think dude honestly like it was pretty fun the I I am now a huge fan of Saudi Arabian Ghost Hunters yeah up dude all right narrator yes why are you crying Eddie what are you doing did this video made me cry for my dad fool for your dad yeah your dad doesn't live with you why Eddie what is your dad actually there um [Laughter] and cry for Daddy what hi Eddie's Dad hey how you doing how are you I'm good how are you ah I'm fine I'm about to steal your son and take him to Japan ah yeah is tomorrow right yep in four hours okay that's okay okay I'll bring it back in one piece it'll be fine okay I see you tomorrow okay sounds good say hi to the audience [Laughter] oh all right love you guys see you next bye bye guys bye
Channel: special edd
Views: 1,970,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, scary, react, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, mexican youtuber, Eddie tiktoks, eddie tiktoks, best moments, clips, scariest tiktoks, scariest tiktoks in the world, horror clips, scariest videos in the world, duo react, your narrator, narrator
Id: jJrygd6fpRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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