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mexican candy with boys mexican candies i bought all the mexican candy that i could mexican candy it's a bag of anchovies those are charales by the way we're not eating that today i'm gonna be the one to guide you through this hold your hand okay look at this lemon flavored hot candy with chewing gum don't read it just that's what it is can we please go not spicy to spicy stop being a man just open it look at what's inside show the inside show the inside it stinks you go like that you get the paste and you eat it chew it it's salty make sure you scoop out like some of the good stuff in mind you might hear me there you go mine has more you're just a that's all you don't even get anything on it it's just bubblegum there you go no we're not starting this i just deep throated you mexican candy my mouth is watering so much right now good do you want to see no don't do that what do you rate it five green cards out of ten not bad not bad dude duvalin be sober be sober [Laughter] be sabor buy flavor okay they come in little packages like that and then you open them [Music] and there you go try it with chocolate and vanilla i've already had all these candies they're delicious to me nice why'd you look at me in the eyes just oh these are delicious what do you what do you rate these fantastic out of what out of fantastic oh what the is it it looks like you're about to shove this up my ass and just eat some sauce up there i mean they're called pelon it's just melon with a pea on the front it's a it's a bald guy all right how the do you eat this thing so you open it yeah you pop it off like this like just pop it okay and then you got you got a bald head and then you squeeze the bottom okay you push it through and you give it hair tell me when to stop all it's as much as you want is it spicy or sweet keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going stop pushing push welcome to every mexican kid's struggle this is not good yes it is eat it no eat it yes it is it's delicious i don't like that gabby do you ever need napkins are you serious that one's not nice are you serious yes i'm very disappointed dude you're like a little kid that's like oh it's too spicy it's just sugar it's not that is not sugar it's nothing but gabby try some gabby don't do it the spoons of peanut butter and jelly i can read this one they all have different you can't read your own languages i'll read it for you let me read it for you it says cuchaleta yeah that's what i was gonna say duo plus means two in spanish stuart does done it oh this has got chili in it too this is like us fighting for the same spoon this is actually russia and ukraine right now it's so salty it's sodium that's salt it's a no it's not sodium is salt no sodium is sodium if you think salt and sodium are the same thing you're not alone but you're also not correct okay well it tastes like either way you guys have these marzipan in australia what is my pan that's that this oh whoa and and you could wear them as eyes check it out dude beep boop beep boop no intelligent life form on this planet wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you have to open it for the no no you up molly what do you mean this one's bad now you broke it another part of every mexican kid's struggle ah if it's not racial and voting violence it's opening a lolly without breaking it i'm not even mexican and i'm going to show you how to open mexican candy without breaking it ready you just got to be soft get in there get in there you got to be gentle gently every every eduardo at home i just the only spanish name i know mexican name oh man mamacita gonna be happy with me that's that is a perfect candy on your first try well no actually that was your second try this is your first that was this one broken out the box oh gosh that's delicious tastes like pink it literally tastes like peanut butter flavored like blackboard chalk [Laughter] [Music] you have notes on the ready dude yeah let me see let me show you how to roll that up real quick cut to add commercial put a bad roll right here put an ad roll right here oh god that actually hurt a little bit oh let me just get some of that mexican candy [Laughter] yeah let me taste some of that real quick oh where would you do that palette we just got back from the clown motel yes but i'm bringing you back with the clown lollipop is it spicy marshmallow with chocolate coating when you why does mine look you gotta peel the gummies off not the gumdrop muttons i'm gonna eat those first okay hmm your beard is really wet they're called tamarikos but we just call them tarugos have you ever seen medieval people like unsheath their swords you ever seen a mexican unsheathed his taruga like this watch [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me throw [Music] i don't like the red powder over everything mmm that tastes really good can you suck that out of the straw right there on that i can't that's gay leave it empty suck it dry gummy king mango oh these are delicious you say that about everything oh it's got red shield i don't want what did you have anything with that red powder over it dude no okay [Music] it's a gummy coated in chamois was like not bad what do you rate that one that's good out of what okay okay okay next thing something sweet please give me something sweet right here i'm i don't that's the sweetest of all the candy there's a chili on the front pika limon pica lemon pica limon it stands for we have a thing in mexico yeah it's called autism where because you eat this you see that entire back has all the ingredients gabby can i see a serious question did he put tuck in on his penis the first time you met so this is just a no lick the back of your hand okay you have to do it like that this is a bag of salt it is why it's spica this is the physical form of chlamydia dude it's burning please don't make me taste that taste it's you breathe you idiot he breathed you got it you got no you can do it you can do it that was delicious i'm very dehydrated now thank you you're welcome i blew my nose on this by the way [Laughter] what's this stand for oh it's another chilly thing you want to see how much my mouth is watering off that other piece is it chocolate no it's snowing what is this pulparindo papalerino this is with real fruit good to see they use real fruit in these yeah it's catamarindo what why do you take fruit and just cover it in spice it stinks man what are you talking about smell that um no it smells like stop being a that smells like wet cardboard yeah dude ever to open your shirt just open it i already took a bite see dude with the camera i didn't see it and actually like taste it make your mouth water in your tastes spice delicia probably we're going with the little cantarito what's that same for jar i don't think i've seen these ones that have this what the what why does it have a bag in it these usually don't come with what i haven't seen them like this they usually come without the plastic they're just like in the jar itself gonna get your tongue in there dude it's like a toy brace there we go now it's ready to enjoy that looks like you just inverted my ass you get to enjoy the whole lot here so i'm going to pull the plastic out there you go now eat the whole thing forward no there's still plastic in it [Music] i can't why can't we ever just do a nice video mango slaps mango slash is there like three of them oh wow yes slaps slaps how are you supposed to eat this i don't know you slap somebody with it it's just you can't even peel it off my bark why'd you break it mine broke oh check it and then you do it like this look look and then now that it's sticking to its self you can yeah that worked didn't it you can like make a you can look at that look at that is it good you're actually just dumb dude shut up oh my god it's broken i'm trying to teach you how to be mexican and you won't follow my instructions oh good see that how to get another tick on your green card application you got to do this that's not what you want you have to do it perfectly like this ready watch this that's one side perfect in there you're supposed to like twirl it on itself so you can suck on it you're not okay now what are you gonna do you eat it no you're supposed to make it a lot the back of it shows you doing a lollipop at the end you twirl it on itself okay next candy slap can we please have the next one be no spice no sodium no chili something nice chamoy picositas belts is this spicy yes i said nothing look at that they're like little guts you know that's cow intestines right is that really i think it's so fatty and chewy it's raw cow intestines for once he actually swallowed it and didn't throw up you threw up with the other that one was actually nice i like that you know how i ate that just said i thought about strawberry jam with your mouth yeah but i thought about strawberry jam next candy what is this thing ah it looks like mcdonald's meat it's a peanut patty peanut patty cacao is it spicy is it spicy no it's not it's like how they get the peanuts like that they break a pinata and then they cover it in cow blood that's delicious tastes like peanuts and paper have some more [Music] good isn't it i don't like my tea the burgers are coming out again that's okay i shouldn't order it why do i have to make nasty videos next candy good job is that how you say it these are minis so they're not like they're usually like four of them marshmallow and strawberry artificially flavored gummies this is so big here we're gonna make the longest booboo lubu in existence no one has ever done this we're going to break the guinness world record for the longest the longest in existence we could have done the whole table but we just don't have time for the video the longest [Music] um rico it's not the right way to say it it's the right way to say it looks like a meatball meatball on stick there you go thank you here's the the cool part about these you ready they have different layers [Music] stop that mmm delicious for a second i just contemplated my life decisions cheers the outside yummy oh wow my teeth how do you do it like that yeah just like that stop it no don't do that molly yeah i'm just getting your fingers ready for later baby send some flavor to those fingers yum you're gonna break the plates i am gonna break that is okay that's a dumb idea it's got different layers and then a gumball in the middle covered in chili and i give up dude what do you mean can we have something without chili just one thing were they good yeah it was all right all right we're doing three in a row here three we're gonna do three together because look we have hold on where's the man we gotta let's put the candy in him the man that's el chavo man el chapo did it okay let's fill him up with his look he's got a hole right here and then we can lucky dip okay how about that yeah just let me cut a hole in yeah man he's not a man he said travel now we lucky dip i'll pick this one if we break it a bunch of paletas andias will come out i wish we could have used that just i hate kids these are watermelon and chili surprise surprise sandylon that's just two l's put together no but it's the sound it makes is sandi yo not lon okay so we got the spicy watermelon and then we have the spicy corn what and the spicy mango so when you stop the ice cream man when he's like you're like hey and then he comes up and you're like can i get a paleta de sandia paleto like corn chili chili they all taste the same that's refreshing okay it's really hmm spicy you like them that much here evan hey can i get one of those can i get them um i got a weak stomach for bodily fluid biscuit biscuit maria cookies product of spain these aren't even mexican wait for real it says product of spain is spain in mexico i don't think it is remove the yes that's what i'm in right now have i been in pain have i been living a lie yet that's my dear call your dad ask if he's actually from spain hello look at my dad shut up jen you dumb we're filming a video right now and eddie's making me try mexican candy right but the problem i have is these biscuits are from spain so i just want to know if you're lying to me those are cookies thank you they are right but look but it says product of spain did you know that i just want to know who's lying to me you this is for him calling you a daddy no that's brenda doesn't get that she's weird dude look at my dad dude he's dripped out my dad's dripped out of his mind look at my dad bro my dad's dripping man swagging dude [Laughter] these are the best with coffee biscuits you dip these in coffee okay in the morning biscuits taste exactly like this i don't give a maria makes these cookies man who's marie maria i don't know maria makes it's her got her name on the cookie does ronald make every big mac no maria works very hard to bring this taste to my palette maria's probably dead bro okay we're gonna do a simple mathematical equation here how many is this three four five six good job now how many is this one that's um ah easy which one's taller one more big tex dill pickle alamo candy company it's from the great taste of texas made in san antonio this doesn't count but we thought we'd get two why does it say do not accept imitations like who's gonna walk up to you with a fake pickle and go hey here you go hey here you go you're actually trying to look it looks like the back of the alien head from alien this is actually what a uh stillbirth looks like look at this this ain't it's ain't normal brother so there's only one way to eat this yeah what's that get on your knees [Music] [Music] what do you think that's not mexican no it's texas that's definitely not from mexico bro that does not taste like home that tastes like jerome all right we're finishing the video up with one final little candy but this one's called the gusano the worm you open it up and now you've got a squishy thingy [Music] it's like you just filled my mouth with tomato sauce [Music] [Music] oh yuck that's also what a still birth looks like did i or did i not earn my green card today no you're supposed to get a perfect score to be mexican you threw up half of the i'll go out and climb the fence i'll show you how i can climb walls i didn't rate any of them a perfect score yes i did i rated you a perfect school all right that's it thanks for watching go to the boys dot store tell me where the money is tell me oh thanks for watching go to the boys store
Channel: The Boys
Views: 6,317,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: Zweb7x-ll6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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