100 Players Simulate THE HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft!

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imagine spawning into a Minecraft Hunger Games filled with 100 other players with the goal to be the last player alive what will happen when I have to face betrayal and fight against some of Minecraft's deadliest players well I was about to find out as I spawn into this giant arena with 100 other players alright let's go let's go uh oh there's a barrel here we go uh spare some bread all right let's get out of here I then started running through the forest away from Cornucopia as fast as possible as some players already started to die after they had gone for the loot in the middle and as I continued running through the forest I spotted a few players so started following them hoping to group up and form an early Alliance are you guys chill yeah nobody's chill sword you can't trust anybody okay okay I'm gonna run left then come with me stick with me stick with me sword stick with you you just said no one's chill after agreeing to stick together me clown piss and Gabriel under form District 26 and stuck together as we tried our best to escape this area as players nearby continued to die and as we started exploring further into the map we spotted a structure in the distance there's structure over there over where the left we're not we're not going there we're going this direction are you sure there's going to be living there yeah I'm sure sorry we got to get away from everybody oh okay okay knowing that the structures around this map would likely be a hot spot we ignored them and continued running into the distance which turned out to be a great idea as players had already arrived at this place and started fighting over the loot inside oh trippy oh my God this is like the Hunger Games so is players that hung around Cornucopia continue to fight or form their own districts we continued running hoping to avoid any other players that were lurking nearby and eventually we decided to stop running to make some progress by chopping down some trees for basic tools and sharing out the loot that we found in the barrels at the start clown are you good with the boat uh relatively but as I was sharing out the loot clown Pierce quickly crafted a wooden sword and started attacking our teammate whoa doing he's a risk sword we don't take risks come here Gabriel can run forever try with the thought that Gabriel would backstab us at some point clown Pierce decided to try and eliminate him from the games early on which failed as he was able to narrowly escape into the forest and as we continued chasing he led us all the way through the forest and eventually spotted a castle in the distance that he hoped to use as a way to escape or he's going towards a castle he's gonna he's gonna get away here we're gonna need to be careful as we approached this Castle we realized we wouldn't be alone here as a group of five players that had teamed up at the start had already found this place and looted everything inside making them one of the strongest teams at this point meaning going anywhere near them would be a horrible idea clown don't follow don't follow don't follow clown don't no no no he's gonna hold the Gretchen out people to the left look how many people there clown that coming okay okay let's get out of here whoa like run run run run there's so many people hurry up hurry up hurry up why did you do that I mean he was gonna backstab us for sure oh we've created one out of it don't worry sword we're gonna make a whole lot more so is Gabriel Ender had managed to narrowly escape death he stayed silent in the castle as the five-player group that we had seen a few seconds before started chasing us all those people following us there's people following us did we dig down or keep running uh keep running okay with this group right on our tail we had no choice but to continue running as we made our way through the forest hoping to escape their view should we head into the jungle this jungle air oh yeah we could go to the Jungle if you want let's go oh Cloud oh you just created an enemy off the bat oh sword you're teaming with me we're gonna have a lot more than just one oh okay after losing them in the forest it seemed the coast was clear so we made our way into the jungle to try and avoid running into any other groups as players all over the map continue to group up with anyone willing to team to give them a chance of winning this event but now with the threat of nearby players reduced for us after losing them we were able to start talking about our plans moving forward once we can go down and start Mining and stuff we can find like a cave or something exactly we need it we don't have food so we need structures first yeah we need to find the structure get food and then go underground I think we should be in the clear now I don't see anyone I think we should be good I didn't get a player tracker from the middle because I just ran I'm not well I ran with you yeah me too I play a Tracker would have been nice though just to make sure not even to track people but just to know that we're in the clear for most of the time yeah back at Cornucopia the barrels at the middle included several items that were incredibly op at the start of this event such as Shields custom weapons and most importantly a player tracker that allowed you to locate the closest nearby player so in case we were still being tracked somehow we stayed on the move as we went deeper into the jungle is that like a jungle temple here or anything we can loot should we try and go up and see if we can spot one there's an opening a little bit further ahead there oh sure oh wait there's something over there up ahead was a camp but as we arrived we quickly realized that this place had already been looted there's nothing has already been another thing oh it's the thing someone's been here than I shoot that's it oh it has oh well all right we need to watch players in the area yeah only moments before we had arrived a group of players that were also trying to escape the chaos at Cornucopia had swooped through here and taken everything inside so knowing that there were players nearby we had to be careful somebody up there they must have loot you you still got that sword you got a sword I do okay what's up hey guys I'm good you pretty good I didn't know you were drunk not for long [Music] what is that nice come on we can get another one here yeah stuck nice let's go up here he didn't have much loot on him no but I mean they're gonna run flesh somehow with our first two kills in the back only 85 tributes remained this big Dean had already been eliminated but as we looted through these bodies it was quickly clear to us that these weren't the only players nearby all the player player player player over there to the left as well place in life there's a player down there yeah let's get that player we gotta catch up with no idea that we were hunting him down this player continued making his way through the jungle allowing clown pairs to sneak up on him and launch an attack that was it oh wait they drop run flesh oh that's them yes their bodies yeah yeah oh my God I'm eating them right now yeah I thought you realize that you should have bones as well right yeah I do after realizing we had been living off the Flesh of the tributes that we had killed we started looking for a more sustainable food source and as we made our way deeper into the jungle clown Pierce found a mushroom that gave him an idea a red mushroom oh red mushroom you might have an idea oh sorry I might have a devious little plan but we need to find a brown mushroom as well okay I don't know what you mean but I'll I'll trust you with it you don't know what a brown mushroom is yeah but like I don't know what your devious plan is yeah that's good that's good that's good unsure as to what clown was planning we continued making our way through the jungle looking for a brown mushroom and it quickly became clear to us that we still weren't alone here yeah I just heard leaves break oh no that was me that was me no it was to my left yeah here's here there's someone here just watch out I feel like oh yeah no no no no no no no no no no no yes oh I knew there was bro I heard that I heard him break leaves nice okay that's some weight how much weight do they have oh two oh I've got four so make two pieces of bread okay here we go oh the not so hungry games for us after taking down another player and restoring some of our hunger we were starting to make some good progress but with the larger teams also making progress all over the server we'd still have to be careful let's upgrade our sword real quick okay uh this is just a real quick procedure okay I've got an iron one so I'm gonna just scale this tree to see if I can see anything but that's why you do that uh all right be careful try not to separate too much yeah is there anything around here oh there is Yo clown clown clown clown clown hello clown I see something in the distance really okay yeah yeah two seconds I don't know if it's been looted already well let's take a chance we then made our way over towards the structure in the distance and as we approached we spotted another tribute that had also just arrived yeah this looks like a place that has traps be very careful be very careful oh and a player oh hello Matthew please oh that was brutal oh but look at that Loop right let's just check this place out what even is this what's going on what is this there is a trap wait what whoa watch out watch out watch out this this trip my hooks there was a tripwire hog here I think they've already Set It Off oh it goes down this has already been looted yo how did it I thought we ran quick but people have clearly been quicker than us yeah because we didn't get the loot from them yeah none of them have got loot I bet the people that have swooped these have got in and out quick though and we were right similar to the camp a group of players had found the structure a few minutes before us as they hadn't been slowed down by fighting other players allowing them to get in and out of this place pretty quickly with all of the loot before we arrived okay right we need to set up a more sustainable food source because I'm out of food completely right now uh here awesome oh yummy human yay all right we gotta get out of here though we gotta yeah man is everything looted surely not all right what's the plan how much spare Cobble you got spare Cobble I got two oh okay uh I can get some more here yeah should we actually dive down see if we can find one of those mushrooms real quick and maybe get some iron sure okay actually I still I still need something from the surface so I'll just be right back okay so as we made our way underground to start grabbing some resources I quickly found a cave your mind towards me there's a big cave it's uh quite a lot of drip Stone as well oh that could be handy actually yeah it could be could be nice set up a little trap maybe maybe oh I'm as we tried our best to safely navigate this cave we started grabbing all of the iron around us hoping to craft some armor before any more players found us as we had no idea who was lurking nearby and as we made our way through the caves we quickly found exactly what we had been looking for okay yeah you can get that don't worry yeah yeah oh clown what what is that thing right down there okay okay this is very this is huge okay can you tell me the plan yeah I'm intrigued I want to know no no I gotta show you the plan oh okay uh should I carry on mine in or do you want to show me now yeah keep in mind I'll get it ready in a sec okay so was clown wasn't ready to reveal his big plan yet this gave me time to grab a bunch more Ryan and as I continue to explore through these caves I spotted another food source oh okay I'm gonna grab some of these glowberries these are good food with no other source of food in these caves these glowberries would definitely be helpful but not all berries on the server were safe to eat as a few players that were on the surface had grabbed some sweet berries early on which turned out to be poisonous oh this is what I need right now they poisonous are you kidding me bro so was a few players learn about the poisonous berries the hard way we continued Gathering resources underground as some of the larger teams had already geared up their entire group and were starting to make their way around the map looking for players to kill and after Gathering 38 pieces of iron clown had finally collected everything he needed to show me the plan that he had been working towards yup all right what's going on are you ready do I need to should I be close oh oh you're gonna make stew yeah but not just any stew not just any stew sword put in the mushrooms put in the dandelion and put in the bowl okay suspicious eat and watch your hunger yeah but am I gonna get effects from this as well yes watch your hunger oh yep oh my friend have full saturation now this Jew gave us saturation allowing us to heal almost our entire hunger bar every single time it was consumed making this by far the best food source possible for us but with limited dandelions and mushrooms we'd need to try our best to get our hands on some more bone meal to allow us to gather more of the resources that we needed you have more bone meal on you no I've got no bone meal zero bone meal zero unbelievable I know we could try and find a structure with spawners in it get some skeletons oh true or kill some more players oh I like what you're saying devious there isn't it yeah yeah okay well I'm looking at the tab right now there's the highest team that I can see is 41 or 43 actually so this there's quite a lot of small teams out there there's also quite a lot of people Gabriel end up the guy you tried to kill is still alive uh yeah we gotta fix that well it's killing some of the players in the smaller groups would still be dangerous as resurfacing would only expose us to some of the bigger groups that were making their way around the map looking for players to kill Butters day one came to an end defending ourselves would soon become easier as the sun started to rise unlocking the first crafting recipes of the event oh oh okay cool cool yeah let's make a shield yeah yeah let's get that done during this event certain crafting recipes would be unlocked over time meaning we'd slowly be able to progress and eventually craft golden apples player trackers and diamond armor which at the moment was still locked so after making some Shields that had finally become craftable we agreed to continue mining to gather enough resources to make sure that when the recipe for diamond armor was available we could craft it and as we went deeper underground we started finding what we needed well there's more mushrooms down here I've gone a long way from where he is right now but there's mushrooms here oh and it's going all lapis okay that's gonna be helpful for when we go in enchant okay oh diamonds okay it was good that we came down here oh another player just died I wonder how they just died yeah it came straight down oh a gravel here as well should we grab this gravel for Flynn yeah oh oh watch out pretty good honestly I think the most beneficial thing for us right now is just to find full diamond oh my God yeah yeah yeah another word about that uh yeah I agree to be honest so as we agreed that mining for diamonds would be far more beneficial than going up to the surface we got to work and started grabbing a bunch of diamonds from these caves trying our best to avoid the players on the surface that were exploring through the map and finding structures which seem to be very deadly this one said vindicators oh oh hell no full health I got killed instantly oh interesting vindicators so as we questioned how players above were dying we continued Mining and split up as we grabbed as many diamonds as we could eventually allowing us to regroup with more than enough how many diamonds you want 40 41. oh my God we're doing good unbelievable I outdid you but you got more subs so I kind of lose yes this is actually a perfect time to say Please Subscribe I'm trying to hit a million subscribers before this guy before clown piss so please subscribe it's kinda close um I would really appreciate it if you enjoyed this video there's going to be a bunch more like this in the future so just please subscribe yo I think we should try and loot some of these structures that are above the ground as well which will go up we've got diamonds now the structures are gonna have some crazy loot inside and as we made our way to the surface after mining for a while day three had officially started unlocking the crafting recipe for golden apples and player trackers oh hey three oh God app is a composition oh gold apples okay that's nice so after cooking our golden crafting a compass we were able to test out the player trackers for the first time all right let's make this this should allow me to track you now yeah nearby four okay right I can track where you are so we can see it's gonna kind of get classified by ourselves yeah yeah it's Oz but if we split up or anything it's not bad I don't wait how near are we talking what like three blocks you're right next to me yeah but it says nearby too yeah oh oh two blocks oh blocks oh oh no players oh oh come on this is going yeah it's going up very fast uh where are they there's a big group of people rolling through after some slight confusion we continued making our way up to the surface on the hunt for some dandelions as we were almost completely out of food and eventually we broke back out into the jungle should we get some High Ground see if we can uh look um let's go we need to get out of the uh dungeon jungle yeah we gotta get out of the Jungle uh well I'm out of food by the way so well you'll be fine yeah well if we run into someone it might be a different situation but no you'll be fine yeah of course are we open let's we need to discuss this as well because the likelihood of us has taken a large team is is unlikely so are you open to joining anybody else joining or are you gonna try and kill them again hmm uh I'll decide in the moment oh God okay I'll probably try and kill him again though yeah I I felt like that was gonna be the end it's fine it's fine we're not gonna need anybody else to win with it being pretty clear that clown didn't want to risk teaming with any other players we continued making our way through the jungle and eventually made our way back towards the camp that we had found earlier on well there's an opening here oh we're back at that camp all right so we're nearly out of the Jungle I think yeah you could bone meal some I'm completely out of food by the way um you could bond me off with some dandelions with my supply of glowberries having completely run out we decided to try and use bone meal to get some more dandelions for stew as we couldn't find any spawning naturally nearby wait let me put this Moss have you got anything that you can compost because you get more bone meal we get a few more here um a lot of seeds I guess yeah throw them in oh that's three more bone meal right there oh look at that two more dandelions oh okay yeah yeah nice oh wait wait here's an idea here's an idea did we just crack The Da Vinci Code oh yeah Moment of Truth there we need it we need it yes okay drop me some more Ryan I need to make some shares with an almost infinite amount of leaves nearby we got to work Gathering them and grabbing as many dandelions as we could giving us enough resources to make a load of suspicious stew and as we worked away in this jungle players all over the map continue to fight bringing the total amount of tributes remaining down to 68. but not all players were dying to each other as a player called Dragon Mack had actually died to his own trap that here tried to make hoping to eventually catch somebody else out somebody died to their own trap so there are traps then that must have been a good trap if it killed him or a bad one and as we joked about this trap or the players all over the map continue to fight as big groups hunted down solo players eliminating them from the event but as these players continue to fight we were still completely off the grid away from everyone as we were busy grabbing dandelions and just messing around I still think we should fish at some point why I want I feel like the one time that I fish I'm gonna get like a good book I don't know this is one I always feel in events and then I spent 30 minutes fishing and then I get fish well we ate food I'm not gonna complain about getting food I've got no food oh we have a lot of food now we could be doing a lot of running looking for people I'm also still kind of curious as to what Rose gives you I might test it there's no way it's not gonna blow me up is it like I'm not just gonna die no it's never gonna kill you it's never gonna it's just not gonna be worth it try roses try it right honestly that one is probably uh region all right let's give it a try here we go night vision ah oh well that yeah that was a waste of time we you do not have to be afraid all we gotta do is not quick drop and then once we have the diamond armor we go to Mid we enchant it and then we go ham I can't promise I'll nobody stands a chance anymore I can't promise on the no Quake drop well you're gonna do your darn best even though clown was against the idea of fishing other districts had actually dedicated a bunch of time to it as the players from District 46 had set up camper a river and had been able to fish out a bunch of enchanted books and Opie bows whereas some other players weren't so lucky as they tried to fish below the surface and were attacked by other players how about we fish oh really yeah well I thought we had less time how to turn tables right blah blah blah blah blah I don't want to hear it is there any more parrots that I can just murder inherently oh my God hey ruthless you tried to kill all teammate at the start after 20 seconds and he's still alive hey that's embarrassing don't say that I don't need to be reminded of it right that's pretty good right let's go let's go finally after being in this jungle for long enough we had enough dandelions and agreed to move on as we made our way out of the Jungle and started looking for some players but as we started our search clownfish spotted something else instead wait look what people what's going on it's a natural dandelion what does that mean that means that they do spawn normally oh okay what did dandelions do with me in the eyes and repeat that question what do Dan oh wait oh dandelions are what we've been getting oh yes yes we then continued on the search for all the players and started trying to relocate the castle that Gabriel Ender had escaped to earlier on after seeing countless players in chat talking about a large team that had set up there which actually turned out to be District 44 which was a five-player team that had taken advantage of this castle by transforming the Hostile mob spawner inside to a mob farm where they were able to farm XP and infinite arrows which would make taking them down very hard but finding the castle again would be harder than expected that castles around here as well by the way somewhere because this this is back towards middle this direction no that's that's the mid Castle was this way no this is mid no I don't no I don't sell yourself sure this is a pretty good event wait what oh shut up no and that took me so long to realize what the hell you were trying to say that was so stupid so after clown made a horrible joke we avoided going back towards Cornucopia as we knew that there would probably be a large teams setting up nearby as the only enchantment table on the entire server was located there so as we went in the opposite direction we entered the planes and spotted something in the distance what does it form oh wait there is a farm and that's not very grown either that looks like it's freshly placed watch out we could be close to someone this Farm actually belonged to a friend of mine that only a few minutes earlier was approached and invited to District 52 meaning there was a five-player group around this area that we had no idea about look at these seeds unless they left the chunks maybe grab it all anyway there's no one around here surely there's got to be someone this Farm's fresh and as we decided to make the most of this place by farming some crops the sun had officially risen for day four supply drops we should get those yeah during the whole of day four Supply crates were going to be dropped into the map giving players access to rare materials like Brewing resources ender pearls and custom weapons so getting our hands on the loot inside of these drops would be very important for the final battle oh What minus one two two uh oh that's on the other side oh that's far should we try though yeah that's true we'll find people there the first supply drop was over 2 000 blocks away from our current location and with the coordinates of this crate being broadcasted to every player in chat we knew that we'd have to be quick if we wanted the loot inside so started making our way over but as we made our way across the map we realized the fastest way to the supply drop was by traveling through Cornucopia and as expected there were a lot of players nearby oh there's built here all these people these people these people watch out watch out I see them how many how many I see two one of us got like a pitchfork or something look through that Gap there look at it come here come on come here look through the gap there was two people oh there's a lot there's a lot of them is there oh yeah at least three and they're Enchanted there are so many there's so many of them over there okay come with me please yeah let's go around yeah yeah let's not let's not mess with them yet there's a few too many if there was three they bet they grabbed all the way to the mid probably if they've set up there they're confident they would be I mean they have so many they can be these players were a part of District 14 which had five players that had decided to set up a base at Cornucopia as they planned to control the enchantment table at the middle so after realizing this group was far too big and strong for us to take on we decided to loop around Cornucopia to avoid running into them but the players controlling the middle weren't the only ones nearby as some players had actually set up camp on top of the trees around us meaning as we made our way through the forest over towards the supply drop we had to be careful as we could be attacked at any point people are dying I think they've maybe at the supply drop oh yeah true we're quite a bit out we gotta go left a bit we then continued making our way over towards the drop and eventually spotted some players oh there's people there there's two of them what on horses yeah it turned out these two players had actually looted the supply drop before we could arrive making them incredibly overpowered as they now had access to horses after finding saddles in the crate which they had already used to take down a few players at moments before we had found them and with no idea how strong these two players were we moved towards them hoping to catch them off guard we ran forward but they spotted us oh yeah they do not want to mess with this one charging oh they got balls take the arrows oh they're just wasting out should we focus now or should we go for the drop oh my God that boat is three and a half hearts Michelle watch out watch out Olympic Shield yeah that boat is three and a half hearts as these two players wanted to get back to their group with the loot that they had found in the supply drop they decided to leave they've gone they're gone and as they ran away another broadcast was put out in chat as another Supply crater had been dropped into the map it's a pleasure x five six hundred five six we're here that's right here where look up is it in the sky no X5 oh wait is that it oh yeah it is this supply Crate had been dropped less than 100 blocks away from our location which caused those players on horses to turn around as they wanted to try and get their hands on some more loot like oh watch out the people behind us people be honest people Beyond us ciao oh my god oh oh my God what the hell was that that was that was trap my God no I only got one he got one what completely unaware that this crate was rigged with TNT clown piss opened the chest hoping to grab the loot inside and with TNT being set up underground this allowed us to take down one of these players as their teammate escaped back into the forest we are so lucky we didn't just actually stay for that no I I actually heard it why did you not say to uh trap uh you weren't close enough oh my power three bow nine golden apples 31 diamonds I've got a stack of diamonds watch my back watch my bike holy crap how a strength potion a strength potion yeah wait give me that give me that give me that whoa we could share it it's actually only one person no yeah I know uh how do you make it oh we need I don't know serious probably the drop right oh I take my three books as well then why did it explode we had so much good loot in there what was in it what did you see I saw like uh a bunch of Ender Pearls oh other stuff okay so at least we know though that they're worth getting right that's a yeah oh I put nine golden apples by the way yeah yeah I was gonna say I can drop you a couple of those take four okay right oh there's a moment of stress right there we got through it all right in future if you're here TNT or a trap please tell me don't just be like I was okay my mind was racing with what I should do that's fair that's fine you survived you survived yeah yeah and as we shared out this Loot and thought we were in the clear a large group of players showed up as they wanted to get a hold of the loot as well oh watch out watch out watch out run run there's three of them all Iron normal we could I don't know what you want to do here your call as we ran they held back since they only came over here for the supply cream well as we stopped running another player showed up there's another person another person another person another person he's on his own let's get him let's just get him buddy I'm sorry why did you do that we could have gone up to him [Music] knock knock how do you want me to kill him I'm just swinging to kill him why not are you on your own I'm on my own oh wait wait team team yeah is it what team in here do you want a team yeah I think so I think so okay well these people oh clown those the people are coming after us still anyway always nice okay clown watch up top left top left top left is that that team's here again that team's here again once again clown showed no remorse as he attacked another solo player who was looking to team with us but this wasn't going to be our only fight as one of the players from district 14 that had rushed us at the crate a few minutes before had followed us to the river that team's here I just saw Empire there okay she's back bro I was I was just trying to get him to stop running that's fair oh uh are they coming this way I see someone's like this is funnier than you oh wait look at that that's dark book for us dude we we could have gone mushrooms from there the whole time somebody else has got to have them right surely then I doubt it I wonder if there's a woodland Mansion or a totem um I mean maybe but let's check out the other team we don't want them coming up behind us so let's uh try sneaking up and seeing what they okay they're up to okay the drops there to the left that's why the drops are the drops are too good to not focus them right now if people get the drops then we're gonna be out gear oh still there they are still there ain't poison wait I only see one because she's trying to wait wait wait wait clown I think she might be trying to bite she'll like they crouched in that hole and she's bait and it's new nice nice good stuff all right this player had actually been left behind by her team allowing us to pick up another kill with ease as the rest of district 14 ran off back towards their base at Cornucopia but after we had taken down their teammate they decided to turn around and come back for Revenge oh watch out watch out okay okay that's much more there's 2v2 you can take this let's go Reaper oh my God oh my God clown I thought you died no holy crap I I heard silence and then just a death I thought you died on me nope I would not somehow we were able to take these two players down with ease and decided it was probably best to leave this area as players continue to show up looking for the crate that was the supply drop oh another one oh a supply Crate has been dropped at uh minus oh that's a long way away that's literally about that's back where we just were as more crates were dropped throughout the map all the districts continue to try and get a hold of the loot inside which ended badly for them what oh so as players continue to die all over we decided to head back towards the dark oak forest that we had seen only a few minutes ago in the hopes of finding a woodland mansion inside to get our hands on a totem of undying oh another player just died I've got 13 arrows how many you want 24. wait you want to drop me a few more just because I got the power three no oh okay okay okay I see how it is I see how it is steal my gold still my iron got nothing hey you stole most of my own okay here by the way here's actually something oh okay thank you thank you and now as we enter the dark oak forest the hunt for a mansion started what the hell bro you can't even water up a tree this is so bad wait can you shift and do it wait how did you do that break the leaves oh oh I can't even get up there we go all right maybe we could set up a trap at the uh if there is a structure like add the door to it like the other one sure I mean here's the thing here's the thing if we want to be smart we'll set up a trap around the center because then wherever we are on the map we're going to be close to it yeah that's true oh there is is that is that what the magic it's something like that it looks like one probably looted but let's check it out this was a mini Woodland mansion that had actually claimed the lives of four players from District 25 earlier on as they had gone inside and were killed by the custom vindicators that were inside dealing insane amounts of damage and as we had heard these players talking about the vindicators earlier on as we approached we were careful oh it's like a small one whoa whoa oh okay oh I hear of indicator watch out I heard about mobs that one shot people where he's only sure arrows on this well if it's gonna one shot me oh this spawners they will not break okay uh you've got torches oh watch out yeah knock it into me yeah yeah sorry sorry have you got uh cold okay okay cool here oh no oh no no no no no no no no no five Hearts five Hearts five Hearts yeah yeah it's probably not worth it oh they're following us run away they've got some range just keep ruining still coming if they're in there that's not worth it is it not what if we burn the place down they're just gonna swarm us yeah I just feel like it could be an Avoca uh oh well it's fine we could if you wanna but I'm gonna hang back a bit they did five well they took me down to five Hearts um look at that yeah they'll two hit you oh he's still coming this guy's resilient he is he on me are you okay you keep running off oh oh they're not really strong though they're not they're not but they you know if two of them come at you at the same time yeah we could use lava and water to push him back you could break blocks in there right yeah sure that's not weird about it let's do it okay if we fight if you see any volca I'm gonna ask you to do this beforehand because you didn't do it with the Trap call it out and I'll try and take it down with a bow before it activates okay sure that might work so with a plan in mind we approach the entrance to the mansion once again all right uh water's going down are you going in there are you insane yeah the water's down it's fine they can't get to me now Look come here oh there is any volca clown there is an evoker I can see it really I got it I killed it I got it really wait watch out there could be more there's a total mate oh no there's another one oh you've got one as well Vindicator or maybe no Vindicator on maybe Vindicator on me gonna take it down oh my God this gun this one's stronger okay wait you got it where are you oh you're up there I got totem as well all right all right we got two totems holy crap okay the pillagers are upstairs that water was such a such a good play oh I'm so good at Minecraft uh let me get up here after getting not only one but two totems of undying we spotted some players in the distance that belong to district 38 that had set up a camp in this forest for their four-player team and unsure as to how strong their group was we had to play this safe what's the play here then and we could check out what the four man is doing if we sneak up on them we can get two kills before they realize what's going on true we gotta go down though we can't be on top of the trees because I can still see them from here like the render distance is far from yeah we gotta strike before they realize what's going on we gotta get in there we gotta crit them three times as we were outnumbered by twice as many players we had to make sure we weren't seen as we approached their camp and with them looking out over the forest sneaking up on them wouldn't be easy uh have they noticed this or no no no we've got the trees are a lot right now oh they're coming down I'm hiding behind the phone they might be able to hear you hear you no I think we'll go for now they are not looking at us yet I think oh they're looking either way I think we've got a hit I think the farmers are one with the gold boots yo we got this I'm not gonna lie I think we got this well right now what's up guys you good you good right you got one nice right they're all back up there the sword four thousand series yo I know I'm not what are you kidding me it is oh no oh no so don't go in alone no I'm not I'm On Top I've got two on me larva yeah yeah bro they're not doing much they got my shield come on come on no how is he not dead oh I got him I got him with the bow nice Okay found you good is that clown dead no yes come on we got this one more one more I got the other one I got the other this is the last guy him he's weak he's very weak keep chasing he's the last one left oh he's getting away no after taking out three players Tarka bear was able to slip through the forest and started to run eventually leading us all the way back towards the river or if he goes in the water I might be able to get him with the boat come on here we go I've got no arrows left no this guy doesn't stand a chance I'm gonna cut him off yes let's go this guy had 29 diamonds so with the whole of District 38 eliminated we headed back over towards their Camp to loot their bodies after we had abandoned them to chase down their teammate these corpses are going to be gone by now I think so it's just gonna be the loot on the floor probably but I cannot believe yo I did quite well I went up and then they were both on me yeah yeah I I was a little worried about leaving you alone but you did well yeah oh wait until you see the shot that I got on one guy oh it was great um yo I've got two stacks of diamonds this is ridiculous it was literally what we do we make two armor sets we enchant them both and then we combine and we get prod two that is also very smart and as we spoke about having too many diamonds day five had officially begun unlocking the final crafting recipes which included all diamond armor and tools okay do you want to make two sets now do you know what the one thing that everybody always messes up on and I'm not doing it is taking off your armor set to enchant that's where everybody gets called lacking so if we do have two sets anyway we should be good because then we can just keep one on it all the time nicely all right um all right I say we go to Mid enchant this stuff and then we gotta set that trap up yeah that sounds good like even if it's just a full trap to a drip Stone something that if someone like would make it look like a bass so then someone might get curious and go in and then die yeah we could do that this space is kind of nice though I like what these guys did here despite upgrading our armor to Diamond fighting larger teams would be much harder now as they also had access to Diamond Armor but before we made our way over to Cornucopia hoping to enchant our new items clown piss had an idea all right hold on before we go we need to do something important we are getting some uh apples wait can you get it from dark oak yup after getting a bunch of gold from those players we had just killed we needed a load of apples to make sure that we could put it to use so we crafted Diamond hoes and started breaking a bunch of leaves hoping to get apples but in the process we found something else there seems to be a bear over there a bear yep what right there I want to see it oh there's the bear I want to kill it what does it drop oh I've got no arrows okay I need climb to drop me some arrows okay no I'm not going anywhere near that screw that I'm I'm not gonna climb trees oh my God in real life they can so I don't know um hi clown piss I'm once again I can hear it moving I'm once again looking for some Arabs I've got none unless you zero arrows you've nothing okay I'm not gonna keep giving you my arrows they're my errors I got two kills with them [Music] okay whatever kill some chickens as it seemed clown was still unwilling to share his arrows I had to keep my eyes out for some chickens as we continued to break leaves for apples what are you spleefing me I got a whole one apple from 700 leaves really there's no way this is the most efficient I got 11. I got two I think you're stealing all of mine to be honest no I have not bro you're just bad at apple picking oh my bad my bad feathers finally uh hey hey my chicken oh it's my chicken I got there first God I'm never gonna get any arrows around it oh there's another one nice come on give me some feathers no feathers finally after getting enough apples to use all of our gold we crafted what we needed is I then spotted a supply drop in the distance um I see a supply drop over there I mean okay to be fair I'm a little uncomfortable finding in Heights I think we should probably avoid that man you're the god of water bucket clutches uh no I'm not I've seen you clutch a good bucket in my day I'm the god of fighting on the ground with my feet firmly planted oh how humble have you used to call yourself the god yeah I mean fair play you've earned it yeah how much how much have you heard me being humble today yeah not much actually no words can't hurt despite clown being scared we continued making our way over towards the supply drop and quickly realized there was nobody nearby uh yeah I think we just wasted our time there's literally no one here what are we doing why are you still using an iron spear uh because it looks cool it looks intimidating make your dinosaur already ah okay so after upgrading my iron spear to Diamond we finally started making our way over towards Cornucopia to enchant our gear which was hopefully going to be easier after the Stacked group of players from District 53 that had been camping the enchantment table were attacked by killer bees why is there a bee now what the I'm actually gonna die I'm actually gonna die bro it only does poison just yeah oh what the yo get away get in the water they can't get in water they can't get in water as they were killed or forced to take cover from the bees this allowed other groups to finally approach Cornucopia and enchant their gear meaning even though the previous District had been removed by the bees we'd still have some competition as more players had now showed up oh yeah there's oh there are people that's a four yeah oh and they're looking right as well this I think this is the team to our right somewhere watch out they're looking over to our right as middle was being count once again by a stacked group of players another smaller group appeared from the forest beside us giving us the perfect chance to clean up if they started fighting but clown piss of course had other ideas let's push in let's push it and try loving okay you can't place blocks there watch out watch out remember you can't play sports at Mid okay so you can't learn oh there are people who are right to our right there's gonna be two teams here though they're gonna Clean us up let's go oh my God this is the worst idea what the hell what's up guys wait wait wait wait wait wait oh okay I'm out I'm out I'm not trying to uh smoke so will I miss you now you know what I'll leave you alone because no no no no no no no no no you know excuse me you came for me that's it you're getting the smoke you're getting this mode buddy get back here don't do this to me I'm your biggest fan no it's too late now no going back don't do this to me is this player escaped and ran back towards his team I ran back into the forest as me and clown Pace had split up during this fight where the hell did Clan go I swear clown said run at one point I feel like he might have escaped the closest player is I think close right I'm gonna run this way see if I can find anyone oh man okay there's a player this way 170 blocks that could be him I hope he escaped someone died though who died unsure as to if clown was even alive I started tracking the closest player hoping that it was him okay clown is alive where is he is he this way is this him clown but as I started tracking the nearby player it quickly became clear to me that they were hiding in the trees above someone's above me [Music] someone is above me right now but I don't know who it is I need to try and get up there and see this could be clown no it's Knack asleep he doesn't know I'm here he has no idea I'm right behind him I've got to be so stealthy how is he not dead no oh if I I don't know why I took five hearts of damage myself that was the stupidest thing I could have done after a failed attack sleep was able to run ahead hoping to escape but luckily as I chased him towards Cornucopia I spotted clown Pierce who had managed to escape the other players and loop back around cutting this player off wait is that clown oh that's clown yes oh thank God perfect timing yo I think he's low that was incredibly I snuck up on him right at the top of a tree that's pretty close wasn't it sorry I don't know if this guy healed up though I hit him off probably 20 block tree and I hit him with a crit as well so oh okay he's uh he's fairly low but yeah I got no arrows now that we were back together we continued chasing neck asleep through the forest as he led us all the way out towards the planes once again before running out of hunger allowing us to finally catch up oh nice good stuff I'm gonna die with this nice good work and with another kill in the bag we quickly looted his body and prepared to fight again as the five player group that had attacked us only a few minutes ago were still around looking for us okay we got a little bit of Enchanted stuff now wait yeah we as a team you know I ain't got nothing I know but you know I'm a little tankier this can help us both yeah yeah the Trap I think if we set one up I know I've been going on about this quite a lot it's gonna work bro they chased me so easily yeah if we have a trap that we can lead them into and then like drip stone or something it'll work 100 and even if I have to sacrifice myself in the drip Stone trap I've got a totem so I can true but as we stood here discussing the Trap another player appeared out of nowhere and started charging towards us oh oh watch out let's go are you sure I'm pretty sure even though this player wanted peace as expected clown piss wasn't interested in teaming I don't have a teammate I'm sorry oh you guys oh did we just get called yeah we did oh yo the game's the game we've got to do it and quill the game's the game you know this is what it means to be clownfish he's got to deceive people yeah but this is brutal man this is this hurts me good if if I was on the receiving end of this well I'd be mad I know you should be with another player brutally killed pretty much all remaining districts on the server were stacked with five players each there's only 43 tributes remained meaning from now on going into battle would be very dangerous as we were outnumbered by almost every single District which gave us no choice but to finally make the Trap that we had been talking about for so long Alright It's Time to make that trap sure let's go back towards mid okay we can just disguise it as like maybe a mine or something like the lifestyle thing where they did like the uh they went down this Hall and they started placing blocks behind them behind them gonna be going down the hole and there's gonna be this block and once you reach that block you realize that oh I should place a block right here then people are gonna be standing right here because they're trying to chase me they break this block and this is a pitfall oh okay so we need a shovel then oh we got a lot riding on this look at that with clown Pierce having built some of the craziest traps Minecraft has ever seen in the past I trusted that this simple but effective trap would do the job all right cool all right now we just got lore people over wait let me save these coordinates was it Obama yeah Rome is still alive 44. knowing that District 44 was far too strong to take down in a regular fight we knew our only chance of eliminating them would be with the Trap so we made our way back over towards Cornucopia hoping to find our first victims which didn't take long oh they're to our left oh yeah oh my God run to an area where we can go to the Trap yeah sure we can run to the Trap JJ Hughes nope I'm killing the holes I shot the holes she's just gonna trials uh we got a bank right for the Trap I don't say it so loudly instead of finding District 44 we found the players from District 46 that had not only found the other supply drop earlier but had also spent pretty much this entire event fishing for loot making them incredibly op as they had fished up enchanted books bows and even Saddles which they were able to use to ride horses which would make escaping from them much harder than usual oh my God they're shooting at me that hurts as they chase those down dealing extreme damage with their bow we ran past the Trap by accident giving us no choice but to fight oh my God we ran past it I'm going up I think do you want to go up on the trees that horse is giving him a big advantage they do a lot of damage not the swords bad but Clown's more of a danger whoa whoa oh my God oh no so it's on the truth so it's coming in is he done [Music] Too Close don't let them kill clothes no with one of their players down we were still outnumbered and as we continue to fight we started to split up swords with no choice but to run as I was overpowered by this player the rest of District 46 worked together and eliminated my teammate no because your sword oh my god oh no after being my right hand man since the start clown piss was overpowered by this team leaving me with no choice but to run as they looted his body and took the totem of undying that he wasn't able to use in time there's no way I can take them there is no way they've got all of his stuff as well oh no oh no so was I was now all alone I had to be careful to make sure that that group that was now even stronger than before weren't still hunting me down are they coming they're still over there ah and with no choice but to stay on the move I decided to loop around Cornucopia hoping that the larger teams would eventually fight each other bringing their numbers down giving me a chance to fight them equally but in the meantime finding a group to team up with would be very beneficial so I pulled out my player tracker and started looking for a new teammate how many where's my closest player 130 okay I guess we just gotta try and see if that's a solo player if it is I'm gonna have to beg them to team potato guy the potato guy oh you scared me you want a team here please are you on your own uh I was teamed with John Fortnight so you are leave me a heart attack yeah I know I've just lost my teammate you want to join me yes please teams invite the potato guy I'm gonna trust you here with no other options we decided to team up hoping to give us a chance against some of the larger groups that we're still dominating this event and we knew that if we wanted to try and kill some of these players we'd have to enchant our armor and weapons so started making our way back over towards Cornucopia I've gotta go to middling Channel there's no way I'm gonna be able to take all out those other players if I don't have better armor because they're all enchanted now right you're gonna have to be careful here just watch out okay there's a big team at midnight I see them watch out I don't know if they're chasing someone or if they're leaving mid I think oh there's two teams since the world border had already started to close in players all over the map had been forced to abandon their bases as they were being pushed slowly towards Cornucopia meaning the majority of players were nearby yeah they're about to charge each other and then these guys are going to clean up this is like oh they're fighting they're fighting they're fighting I wonder if wait wait let's sneak around the back and see if we can pick off anybody's trying to run quick run run if we can get behind where they're gonna run from we'll be able to grab them let's go look here's one I knew it was gonna happen but as we made our way over hoping to take out the players that branched off from their teammates we were spotted hell no hell no they spotted us wrong they're chasing us they're chasing us keep running the same team that had killed clown Pace earlier were now chasing me once again which gave me another chance to use the Trap that clown had made hoping to avenge his death I'm going to the Trap if it works it works if it doesn't it was worth a try no why did they not come down here oh my God that would have worked as I had run underground the players on District 46 continued chasing the potato guy eventually catching up to him and killing him and now as I was once again alone I had to come up with another plan I've got to make another trap I need more than one since these players probably knew that this was a trap now I had to quickly make a new one which would be a suicide trap allowing me to take advantage of my totem of undying whilst also taking out a few of their members but as I started working on the Trap the players that had just killed the potato guy started tracking me with their compasses and were planning to launch an attack on me as they snuck up towards my trap that was not ready yet and as I heard some movement above me I checked my player tracker and realized they were right above me as that you had returned before the Trap was ready I was surrounded with no other options as I tried my best to escape into a nearby cave that's all you need to do with no way out of this situation it became clear to me that they needed me more than I needed them as they had one less player than District 44 that was still camping Cornucopia with some incredibly opal loot so instead of forfeiting and allowing them to kill me I accepted their offer to join District 46 with a secret plan in mind all right then buy them now and buy them jjq oh man I'm sorry Gabriel I didn't it wasn't me it wasn't me who are you shooting at well okay right don't question it as it seemed these players already trusted me they had no idea that I only joined this team to take them down from the inside one player at a time to get revenge for them killing clown Pace but this would take some time as I had to wait for the perfect moment to make killing them believable so for now I had to act normal I need to enchant my gear knowing that we'd only be able to take down the other districts if we all had Enchanted gear we made our way back towards the middle hoping to enchant and as expected the players from District 44 were still camping there yeah they're they're all discounted okay you know what guys let's just park with equal numbers Mr jjq led the charges we made our way over towards District 44. wait for us so sword we gave you a chance to join our team bro yeah I joined a different teams oh my God this buddy I asked friend oh no you do have strength I'm going to drop I'm going to drop skunk after losing two of their members the rest of their team ran away into the forest hoping to escape so was they run away into the distance this allowed me to finally enchant my armor and as I stood around the enchantment table I waited for the perfect time to strike hoping that one of my teammates would take off their armor allowing me to attack them but things quickly changed as District 52 that had been hiding underground with all five of their members this entire time made a charge towards us hoping to catch us off guard oh they're coming they're coming they're coming ah you are yes come on give me this kill as well no come on fight yes any arrows any arrows and 30 arrows oh my God after once again taking down a few of our enemies the rest of District 52 ran off into the forest which gave me an idea as to how I could kill one of my own teammates I need to pick one of these guys off at some point I'm running out of time ah I wonder if I get one of them to follow me into the forest I might be able to take them out that way after deciding to try and lower one of my teammates into the forest and kill them I made my way over towards the forest to see if my plan would work but instead run into District 44 and 56 that had joined up and merged teams after they had both lost some teammates when fighting us a few minutes ago causing us to once again be up against a five-player team oh yeah instead of fighting us they decided to once again Retreat back into the forest as they tried to lure us towards the Trap that we had heard of almost shouting about early watch out there's a trap probably there it is hello there there's another hole there's another hole Loop there's another hole Loop goes back to the previous coordinates holy holy I'm digging you in I'm digging you in get in again you're good you're good you're good you're good after that trap had failed they tried to escape underground so I started digging towards them and eventually broke through into a cave that they were hiding in this the rest of my team backed me up go up look look look slow cook slowly I can kill um take off he's so low still got other way oh sorry wait sorry sorry as they hadn't expected us to follow their team had now scattered and split up all throughout the caves in the hopes of escaping from us allowing us to start focusing certain players that were on their own well you got way over here quick quick quick quick keep coming he's just dug into the wall here chasing I don't know which one it was is here I'm gonna keep chasing them yeah I think salty yeah don't worry I'm loving him love it come on I'll say you know you're gonna die let's go I don't have a I don't have a pickaxe okay give me this guy's he's got no arrows oh he's got a poison arrow okay so with another tribute down I looked for an opportunity to take out one of my teammates within the chaos but with the whole team nearby it was way too risky and as the rest of District 44 had managed to escape we decided to make our way back towards the surface hoping to catch them as they made their way up Waters we made our way back up we spotted a new player that had been hiding from everyone and avoiding the chaos this whole time so as expected we started hunting him down okay never mind let's just go back to bed no I'm killing this guy I'm not running again he's gotta eat that something he tried to build it up with drip Stone let's go okay who cares uh okay there's not nothing good right here now with all the immediate threats taken care of we were able to make our way back towards the middle as the final players were trying their best to regroup with their teammates after they had escaped in the caves where is a vulma though he was just fishing let's take you she's the enchanting uh about the Infinity for an Infinity ball right now would be so good and as we made our way back over towards jjq my prayers were answered pretty quickly Infinity power one oh my god um can you drop me all arrows for one now I've got one arrow and it's a poison arrow how does that works so with an Infinity bow acquired it was time to hunt down the rest of the players which included my teammates so I had to come up with a way to split them up from each other which would allow me to take them out one at a time I'm gonna split up from you guys because my player track is pointless when I'm right next to you that's not a good idea I then realized it was going to be harder than expected to pick off my teammates as these two decided to stick by my side which ended up actually being a good choice as we made our way back into the forest and spotted the players from District 44 that had just resurfaced there they are I say look go go go go they can't run for that long they're gonna run yeah all three of them are here watch out it's a 2v3 let's go this much damage bro no no no no no somehow these players managed to escape with barely any health remaining but as the team continued to hunt them down they eventually caught up and managed to take down Ava and the banana as holy and yes look took cover up a nearby tree hoping to stay hidden as we continued hunting them down yeah I don't know this way somewhere did I just see someone in the trees well it's water oh wait yeah let's go pack okay let's see if we can see them I don't know where 63 are the birds out of you probably hiding he's scared of us after spotting a sky base with some drip Stone I saw this as the perfect opportunity to take out my teammate as the rest of the team had split up from us meaning we were all alone there used to be a team up here too I wonder where they were yeah there's a drip Stone thing here right now well they have a farm over here oh I see you see you see that person over there on the trees oh that's a group oh there's a few of them there yeah who is that yes finally after waiting for the perfect opportunity one of my teammates was down as the others had no idea what had happened but I wasn't safe yet as two players from District 44 that had taken cover up a tree were less than a hundred blocks away I cannot die now yes I got another one come on I've got to rush these now Infinity bow is coming in clutch I killed my own teammate to be here oh it's you yes oh my God what a shot with another player down my chances of winning this event increased dramatically as I was able to get my hands on more golden apples and protection 2 diamond armor protection 2 diamond let me throw that on and now with my upgraded armor that would hopefully help me take out my teammates I made my way back towards Cornucopia hoping they didn't suspect anything okay Gabriel said they're at Mid okay I've got to pull some some lies out right now oh my God it's Gabriel on his own I could take him maybe oh no no they both just yo hello all right it's a qv4 l definitely died but I got holy and uh yes look nice let's go yeah there's uh well we were up in the trees so it was I yeah I don't know luckily my teammate suspected nothing allowing me to continue plotting to kill them from only a few blocks away but with time running out I had to think quickly there's only two districts now remained District 63 which contained two players and District 46 which we were all a part of so with limited time before the death match I tried to split up my teammates once again each go one way we'll find him very quickly okay I'm going this way okay I'll go this way out of this okay right they've split up swervin is my next victim yo yo they're sticking together so we may as well let's head this way actually no let's go this way this way I think they were up that tree that I was up before but I ran because I needed to get back to you guys with the hopes of hitting swerving off the same tree house as I did to El death way we started making our way over but my plan failed horribly as he spotted the players from the final district oh direct over there I see I see them on that Big Three oh yeah so as we approached the final team I had to improvise this is perfect for me to knock my teammates down I then made my way up the tree hoping to knock my teammate down but as Gabriel Ender and Mr jjq also arrived I knew there was no way to do this without being caught so I changed my focus to the players on District 63 who had spotted me below them fine fine but oh they're running both of these players were able to escape somehow causing a Chase to start as they led us back towards Cornucopia but as we quickly caught up they stood no chance come on sorry Bob let's go come on good stuff good stuff this last guy over here this way I don't give up but this was a very fun event well played yeah GG now with the final District being eliminated all that remained was District 46 and with only one player allowed to be the winner as expected they all started focusing on me as I was the most recent player to join their group where did I just waste stuff got a Bonus but foreign ER decided to team up eliminating swerving from this event as they both put their focus back on me as only three players remained Paul's gonna be dead I ain't got any food food food food food food food no food no food any food with no food remaining I panicked and missed the bread that was floating in the water right in front of me and had no choice but to run as Gabriel Ender was chasing me down as he wanted revenge for going against him at the start and after being shot taking me down to one heart jjq decided to go against Gabriel eliminating him from the event as I tried my best to find some food nearby to heal up I need to find food no please oh come on hot please no no no no no no no no where is the food as I escaped back into the forest dodging the arrows I spotted the church from earlier and prayed that there was some food inside got me something somewhere try count come on please it's not gonna be enough it's not gonna be a no there's nothing left this is it forgetting let me let me offline [Music] oh as I was taken down Mr jjq was the final tribute remaining crowning her as the winner of the first sword 4 000 Hunger Games
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 1,052,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9sL3rNofxO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 16sec (4756 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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