The Riftbreaker - FANTASTIC Horde Survival Basebuilder #ad

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my friends welcome to the rift breaker this is going to be a sponsored stream so thanks very much to xor studios for uh sponsoring this one it is kind of like a love child between factorio uh dyson sphere program element td and starcraft i'm just gonna describe it as that because that's probably what you would call it um hey gun ghost thank you for the 300 bits appreciate it my friend and noel somnis thanks for the sub uh we're gonna play the pro or we might not play the prologue today but you could play the prologue if you want to by going on to the link that i'll provide below um the game is free to try right now it's kind of a banger it's a little bit more game than simulation but a lot of folks kind of crave that we did the prologue a little while ago or i did the prologue when i was trying it out so i think i'm gonna go on to survival mode but it's pretty much like wave survival defense um fantastic production values on this one but i'm gonna just stop talking and start playing um you could play the prologue right now or wishlist it for fall 2021. um i think that's pretty much all that i wanted to say yeah you could play the prologue it has fantastic voice acting i'm not actually going to start with it because i want to see what the survival mode is about because i think it's exclusively available to me with my uh streaming key there's also some streaming options that i have not actually tried yet but perhaps we'll try later on into the stream if i die we've got do we have different zones we could go to this is the normal zone i think we'll just take the normal zone that would be fantastic to be in the normal zone yeah um in other news i just moved to florida uh so it's sort of like this is really the florida man adventure successful as you can see like weapons activated jesus christ three seconds in i mean the game is already like look at this this is starcraft it will allow me to reconstruct if my armor is destroyed fantastic all right uh they do actually give me objectives in survival mode this is surprising i'm going to go ahead and just kind of play everything and you'll kind of follow along and figure out what i'm doing as i go because i think that's the best way to do it resources to construct a headquarters building all right so we've got a headquarters building you have to construct a base but it's not so much emphasis on resource acquisition it's more like combat and then there happens to be resource acquisition in the middle of it it's emphasized that like you are building your base look at the badass animations though you have multiple weapons on everything what is this you have two weapons on you i can shoot this which is kind of badass but let's get open our build menu and we're gonna do carbonium factory but now we need to do a little bit of drilling by hand first interesting things to do let's automate this standard protocol advises to set up walls and set notes so we've got carbonium carbonium is like the iron of factorio in a sense why does this game remind me of something i played on sega genesis i don't know i mean this game is pretty much taking influences from a lot of other things as far as i can tell but that's fine you know nothing wrong with that um carbonium factory now we're gonna try to actually be efficient this time because i was not the last time that i did this uh and then we're gonna rely on some of this carbonium for more power plants god only knows what carbonium is like it could be uh soylent green we don't really know okay so we've got an incoming attack in 415. as far as i can tell survival mode is just gonna be like uh wave defense but i'm still trying to figure out like what is this probably harmful to me because it just took down my shields uh there are my shields and there's my help around the clock carbonium power plants are very effective but they use up the deposits now i don't really know why they're just describing all of the elements in the game i already did this in the prologue i thought this would be a little bit quieter but yeah florida florida water so now we're doing a lot of drilling by hand we want to end that hopefully because yeah you got to automate as much as you can in this energy connectors okay so we me thinks that we aren't getting carbonium fast enough so we're just going to go ahead and take some more um fantastic okay great uh now we do want to get there is like rimworld right so they're uh solar panels and uh what do we got we got wind turbines we got all kind we got all the oh baby a triple look um yeah but i mean like need i even say anything i feel like that my commentary is useless here like it's just it's so beautiful so incredibly beautiful but i'm just i find that i enjoy watching the animation so much that it distracts me from like the systems in the game um i guess carbonium is just carbon rich mineral deposits i mean like 3d printing god there's so many technologies in this uh hang on a second i'm getting kind of distracted now we also have to get what is it ironium factory this was important what i like about this game is i mean hold your ears closed if you don't want me to spoil the prologue for you but i'm gonna spoil the prologue for you um yeah the prologue ends with one of those situations where like uh you know like you actually can't beat it like you're not meant to beat the prologue which is actually quite exciting because you know life is hopeless and this is just a big simulation so that was why i found the prologue enthralling okay now we've got ironium and carbonium and uh can i still drill i can still sort of drill here but obviously you know like try to get as many resources as you can you've got the amount extracted from the ground up there like clearly we are we don't have enough hydronium we we're gonna need some more ironium up in this up in this bee uh and we also are going to need more power because i had surprisingly little power when i played this before carbonium power plant what we really need to do is get out there and explore now like in uh geothermal event what even is this didn't even discover a lot of this stuff in the prologue it's it's a very beautiful game what was the other one i was thinking of path of exile paths of exile resource named cobalt vein see this i didn't even encounter previously fantastic but then there are also these um bad people that we need to kill so you're you have a sword which is kind of badass and that is obviously infinite energy because swords never run out plate what are even are these didn't see any of these in the other bit that i was playing but very well very well let's get some uh storage solid material storage automatically gathers and service salon expands the global storage space for all so i think that all resource transportation just happens automatically as far as i can see but we're going to create some walls to keep everyone out that's what our main goal is um keep everyone out and we'll put this garbage over here but it's very tower defensive i'm just going to scatter them kind of haphazardly at the beginning but eventually we will create more of like a wall it will allow us to craft new weapons and upgrades all right so we're being helped a lot by this robot man as well as other useful it's very helpful very helpful and it will produce more ammunition for your guns yes that is an important has the best commentary it makes games hey thank you very additional much hubs so we need these ai hubs to what do we need these for power plants carponium okay so we're gonna need carbonium it's like an ever increasing search for carbonium look my power plant can't even take all of this oh god yeah we're running low on power we're running low on everything to use repair kits if necessary is this carbonium here too this is carbonium fantastic okay we're going to just ah we've got another attack coming but it's kind of like an ever uh never-ending fight for more resources which is kind of like factorio-y you know you'll probably like it and we need more carbonium for this obviously using a carbonium power plant uses up a lot of okay here they come i don't i don't know i it sounds like a lot of father-son tension though but thank you for the for the sub it's a game of schlongs and no soundness from before thank you for the uh sub i missed that so it's uh but i don't know what are your thoughts like just that's my overall impressions at first like this is a solid game like i was just surprised that i did not know about it prior to receiving an email about it because a lot of folks have told me like that they knew about this banger for a while um i just felt like an ignoramus for not seeing it before but yeah that's my overall impressions a little more game than factorio and all that i always find that wave survival lends itself to this feeling of like impending doom which is kind of exciting and enthralling you know um let's go ahead and make some more power connectors and then we'll actually start to try to you know organize everything we just got to get everything hooked up to a grid okay now we need to defend this land because uh the evils of communism have spread really far okay there we are the graphics the graphics are pretty cool like i feel like how is there so much game and production value going on so quietly that i didn't see so for me that was a stumbling stumbling point okay now we've got why is it called the rift breaker you ask the goal of this game is to construct a rift to get back to earth because we're very far from earth because earth is running out of resources uh obviously it's very far in the future then we've only got a certain amount here okay don't question it so here we are we're constructing these rifts and we can actually transportation look i just transportation right there amazing right so we can transportation anywhere we need to uh now do we have enough power for this we are getting like this dotted power and that power plant does not look good uh to be honest with you so let's get some diversified power grid we're also going to go ahead and um just poop out these wind crap how do i sell this there we go it sounds like someone's trying to sell something there we are okay we're going to build all of the wind turbines right next to each other ah great okay so i've used lots of carbonium now great hey hypocritical hippopotamus thank you for the sub my friend yeah so i kind of think of this as like playing as liberty prime and trying to defend capitalism from the rest of the world now this is somewhat helpful but i'm trying to figure out exactly how the numbers tell me about my power grid uh the incoming attack i've got an armory that i've got to build so let's get that up where abouts is that i'm detecting here we go okay so this thing i'm gonna put i'll put that like there now there is weather in the game and that determines like whether wind power or solar power is better at any particular time so we're gonna again equipment god damn it ion storm is messing everything up yeah so we're gonna have to wait this one out it looks like uh jesus what even works in an ion storm yeah kind of like that factorio uh you know wall building simulator it's got some of that in it too but i guess i don't know like using the terrain to our advantage i literally cannot do in an ion storm that is a maze so amazing energy storage i suppose we'll add a couple of these too now i got very confusion when i was playing the tutorial because i was like uh i didn't really plan anything so this time i'm going to actually try to do that looks like we have excess energy though that's good um what else do we need so we'll just build everything in a line reconstruction finished all right so we've got new areas where enemies could come in from i just want to defend the resource acquisition ammunition for my weapons survive until you're gonna open a rift back to earth okay so i've got does this automatically happen i did not get to this part but let's go ahead and we'll do some environmental destruction uh just because they think that this deserves showing up just look at how destructible the environments are is carbonium naturally occurring i don't know i think of it like fossil fuels like we have a limited number but it just takes an incredibly long time for them to replenish seems to be one of those types of things do we have this yeah we also have this badass sprint ability that i quite like i don't know there's a lot to like here like oh god almost blew myself up very badass very badass now i do have these health packets and do we have yes we do have mines so we can lay down mines i don't even have all the powers that i did in the prologue i did get more powers in the prologue but let's try luring some enemies to a mine you know just poop out a mine and okay there it is amazing right so i really didn't need to use that there but i'll just play some of these strategically along the roots because there can get to be quite a lot of enemies this is like fighting the zerg in many ways maybe we could use these trees to explode somehow let's just try placing them all over yeah that would have been kind of uh kind of a shame if i just blown myself up right at the beginning of this right god only knows if we'll be able to get over this thing okay we've used up all of the mines that's right all of the mines so now what have we got ripped back to earth yeah we've got 54 minutes of survival that's good i suppose what am i doing there am i like replenishing something but now that we have the uh what is it the armory i think we can upgrade all of our stuff now so as long as mr riggs that's our robot enter building upgrade mode while it's active mr riggs will apply the next available level of upgrades to selected buildings can we just do this to anything hmm i didn't really get up to this part we have the base up and running okay you'd like to construct more advanced buildings you'll have to oh unfortunately this process also emits a lot okay frequency energy okay so if we upgrade the main base we're probably going to attract more enemies we should strengthen our defenses before upgrading the hq okay so the game is kind of holding my hand here i suppose uh we need more carbonium though it's just an endless search for like i said endless search for carbonium so we're gonna go ahead and make more carbonium that's right carbonium all right fantastic so hopefully this will work in this similar fashion to factorio as i understand but i think that our power grid is better than it was before we've got another attack coming in three two one so get ready for that i'm detecting a large group of creatures heading towards opposition um so we've got some coming in from the south this time do we actually have uh turrets in the south me thinks no we don't so we should probably start building them up uh and finding like natural oh god what is that even oh jesus get out of that mode okay there's different modes in the game there's combat mode which is what i'm in right now normal mode and oh jesus let's get some storage yeah there we go it's not just my sword but i also happen to have this gun there's also a flamethrower and like missiles there's some badass stuff in this game but like damn look at all that look at all that graphics wowsers right i just i haven't played anything with production values this good in this like whole genre in a while it just felt like a breath of fresh air to open this one up brought me back to my youth where games actually aspired to having better graphics rather than better gameplay in many ways not to say anything ill but it's like it is a little it does feel kind of old school you know very game like that yeah i get a very starcraft vibe from it too that's actually a good thing though i like that mind you i like starcraft a lot as a kid and it's bringing me back up uh yeah mountain dew baja blast there on the ground that's what this is oh jesus i mean i'd like to just build an infinite minefield let's make that our aspiration for today but now we've got what is this is this our limit in holding resources so let's go ahead and build up more yes that's right more resource storage we're going to go ahead we're going to try to build everything in like giant lines and grids just because i have a feeling it's gonna get very hard to keep track of where everything is see right now we aren't actually doing anything unfortunately there we go okay let's get more uh good keep diversifying that power grid uh and we'll do more of this it's so amazing and do that and that good okay now we've got uh now this produces energy out of plant biomass from destroyed foliage but do i need to come back and bring it let's just build like one of these i don't really know where i get the plant biomass there's still like i said there's still some stuff i have to discover about this yes that's right this game okay so now we have to save up the carbonium so let's just not spend money on everything we're going to go ahead and just ask the federal reserve to print out some money and then we're going to uh yes that's right we're going to ask for a bailout in a few minutes starcraft was my first rts much love how far can this game zoom if at all i was hoping that there would be a zoom feature as well right now i i've used page up and page down as well as the scroll wheel i cannot find and god i have blown myself up don't worry i meant to do that uh you don't actually die because like i said um we'll be reincarnated fantastic amazing right so we did drop a weapon there but we can i think we can grab it back so far i don't really see any drawback to dying is my one thing but again this is the survival mode perhaps in like a longer more drawn out campaign but that's not to say that it really is gonna save you because i've seen enemy waves in this game get enormous like thousands of enemies on the screen it is very much like a swarm survival type of thing we've got i don't know if this is something that's still in development because i'm playing on that branch but that does not look like the intended resource name but that's fine if the headquarters dies i can't respawn ah that's um exceptional you know i haven't checked if it consumes resources if i die that's a good point yeah maybe it does maybe you do maybe it do that um upgrade uh upgrading headquarters will create a constant energy causes upgrade will also attract a very strong attack uh no we probably want to get ready for that which we aren't oh god hey camard camard mick thank you very much for the sub my friend appreciate it four months god bless hmm a moment a moment let's just prepare the uh american military here we go fantastic right there and there and you know i probably should have given that space and planned it but oh well it's fine all right we're just gonna build another one of these things yes that's right one of these things god only knows what they are okay fantastic now that we have all these iai cores i always tempted to call them i.e course no there we are fantastic all right we'll wait again like that though baby shark do be like that oh jesus i haven't heard that one in a while that meme that mimi meme that smelly smell but yeah the teleportation can be done without any resource use what are we another attacking 249 hey you know what screw it let's just upgrade the base i would like to show you a major attack which i probably won't be able to survive calming down wind turbine power output is coming backwards okay good we didn't want those uh that wind power didn't want too much of that wind power hmm upgrade the headquarters building i'm trying i'm trying oh there we are okay great now we've triggered a strong attack this will attract a lot of attention yeah we've got a lot of attention as much as we can things are going to get very high now question question you should rely on wind energy later it becomes more efficient in storms and acid rain solar energy on the other hand is garbage because it becomes inefficient in the event of weather phenomena ah thank you very much hypocritical hippopotamus i did not know that deeply into the game actually i mean i would be happy to diversify my power grid for al gore that would i'm sure work out wait a second we have to what are these things is this monster hunter world but imagine like hundreds if not thousands of these things on screen that's what this game can get to be so that's what i'm kind of looking forward to that'll be you know my own defeat and demise will be what i'm most looking forward to in playing this game i'm gonna see if i can just explore the rest of the map is it like intentionally limited here i wonder we'll go over here my god what is all of this but yeah look at all of the people and strangely i can just kind of outrun them all okay so it is an intentionally limited map size at least in this survival mode my god i'm in do all right there ain't more of this i don't know but there's something about the combat in this game that just makes me want more though because there are better weapons which we'll kind of upgrade as we go through this the flamethrower in particular is quite badass strong attack incoming okay in five seconds hopefully we'll die and thank you for the 500 bits i'm so mad at myself i didn't rise until now you know what this game really reminds me a supreme commander in total i annihilation i didn't actually try those in on nomenclature let's go out and meet them and i feel like a fraud that i haven't played supreme commander in total annihilation because those were like the og's right oh see i'm collecting all of this plant biomass but does that mean that i give it up when i come back so if i'm near this thing i suppose that just comes from being out in the wilderness okay fantastic look a strong attack now let's just go go ham on this but look at the wave sizes in this though that is very wow oh wow oh god wait i was not prepared for quite this much i should have placed down way more mines okay let's dash out of there we gotta place yet more mines oh what is going on over i and here exploded okay but again like who can fight the zerg waves like i said the worst thing to have happened to you is just like lose all of that lose all of that time with your base look at all the rebuilding i'm gonna have to do now there we go okay all right can't blow myself up with those mines why is my screen glowing red this is concern ah damn it i had like one left but again you see wait i dropped my sword oh jesus hang on a sec i pick back up my weapons so there are some incentives to not get yourself killed and that was really comparatively not such a large wave was that the end of the attack okay all right still uh trying to figure out exactly what happened here i think we mined out all of this carbonium but now we've killed a lot of the waves we did upgrade our base we just happened to lose um almost everything really so yeah let's just get back to mining more carbonium it looks like we still need more goddamn carbonium because we just can't ever get enough it's never enough is all that you can learn from this game yeah it's like a big tyrant actually tyranids tyranids or zerg could be either one any kind of like giant flesh-eating monsters that just love killing people for some reason all bugs dislike humanity because of all the bugs that i killed with my car on my way to florida i'm not kidding it was like there was an entire holocaust of bugs just on the front of my car it was awful it was horrible that's what happens when you drive a car like 70 miles an hour down the road for hours and they're attracted to the headlights okay so we're getting plant biomass what else do we need uh our carbonium acquisition rate is pretty good i appreciate though that this game has like kind of few resources to start with at least so that i'm not overwhelmed there are some games where they like overwhelm you with the resource counts right away so we've got seven minutes to another attack i'm just gonna start laying down mines because you could see how useful these mines are very useful hmm carbonium factory let's just keep getting more of this carbonium we we always need more right oh and actually one other thing that we could do is paint some road tiles in here yeah check this out oh you love roads look infrastructure jesus christ that's kind of badass i mean just the animations are ah yeah look at that now i'm running faster on everything all right i hope we didn't destroy all of the carbonium somehow uh think we're good wasn't that expensive so we should probably lay down more of that actually let's just kind of coat the entire ground in that and then we'll build tons of iron or what is it windmills there we go okay let's uh start getting just like alternating this grid but very useful controls you know like click and drag everything was very easily checking out in that way if you say so i'll do all these windmills hey sinful basilisk thank for the sub my friend it looks like some of these creatures attacks are originating from a common point near our base okay so all right so we've got an enemy base oh fantastic okay we'll go over there in a second and solas says random question what is my favorite game oh god i don't know it depends on when you ask me like sometimes i feel like uh some of the stuff that i play for the main part of the channel that i enjoy but if it's like a really old game i'd probably say night to the old republic as soon as possible as for ones that i play though i don't know i kind of go into phases of when i like them the most yeah it always changes but just to kind of like represent where i came from i like to say an old game yeah let's go with star wars nice the old republic it's a pretty good one something that people will find tasteful let's keep laying down mines here there seems to be no limit to the number of mines i can place i'm seeing very dark and heavy clouds on the horizon acid rain is coming okay we've got some acid rain you heard the woman there's a lot of voice acting like more than i'm used to or to be honest with you comfortable with because a lot of the stuff i play has no voice acting whatsoever kind of leads me into the thesis that this is more game than simulation in some ways which is kind of nice for a change uh what did we need to do i'm the source of the okay we're gonna have to go do that but why am i all my buildings acid rain how do we i missed i wasn't listening to the man what are we supposed to do everything is just slightly losing health that is a little uh alarming but i suppose there's not really much we could do this is probably the most terrifying effect that could ever be used but repairing is so goddamn fast acid is damaging our base hey tooth too funky thank you very much for the sub my friend all right what did that woman say about acid rain because i'm also going to die in a few moments if this continues oh it just isn't that long let's get our base back in shape okay good uh well we're gonna need more you gotta focus when you're playing this though because there's a lot to there's a lot you gotta do let's put all this near the hq we want the hq to be pretty well defended just put an ass load of you know no walls just defensive towers this is the factorio way we're going to just take a page from the book of factorio here do all of that not really paying much attention anymore just because i sense that you need to build fast and like even if you don't put things in the perfect spot that seems to be okay hey too funky thank you very much for the uh for the sub hey an omen glacier thank you for the hundred bits i too agree like this this robot this robot's badassness is probably the thing that mainly makes this game stand out to me it controls pretty well the only thing is i wish that there were an easier way to lay down some of these mines the controls but that's all right it's still very nice still very nice so that's sometimes the computer does kind of state the obvious acid is damaging our base but those production values though there's nothing that feels better than this though um just like pooping on them jesus and like i gotta say after all of that like patience like this slow hand that's required by a lot of the automation games i play like factorio it does feel nice to just have like to just poop on him yeah like that now these aren't the only big enemies like one thing that you might be thinking is oh ambiguous amphibian but the enemies are don't lack variety oh well how now brown cow no not necessarily because we haven't even met all of the other uh we haven't met all of the enemies there is actually quite a variety of them and there are some that are like as large as godzilla uh this was very amazed hang on a second we have to place down more mines this looks like a nest of some sort we should clear it out and reduce the strength of hostile attacks oh god what is that i haven't even seen that yet this might be difficult this is like skeletor or something no i don't want these guys to have the mines whoops i didn't mean to build those walls there at all hey exosus mocking it thanks for the sub my friend what it resisted my attack what about walls was being destroyed hang on a second okay this guy is resisting all of my attacks should i be concerned he's resisting everything destroyed okay well he's very slow so i'm just going to head over to the nest and destroy it anyway because not enough plant biomass there are many uh nests like that in this game oh jesus hang on a second oh god wait why did i why did i go here ah this bad this bad okay i realize the hubris in my ways now because you know what i did was that i dropped my machine gun over there now so now i actually have to go back there and get that machine gun otherwise i'm screwed okay so there was something at stake have i heard of dream engines no i've not heard of dream engines what is that hey thank you very much exos machina honestly a lot of people tell me that they use the videos as like background noise for something so uh well that's how i like to god damn it what is that okay hang on a second nest nest bad let's just place mines around it so that those blow up the nest and i'm going to sacrifice my life make myself into a sacrificial lamb here and place it ah god yes i did it okay all right so kind of suicide bombed my way into that but it's it's it was worth it you have to go back there later oh but god damn it look at how many of them there are now i'm probably going to need to figure out like a better strategy than dealing with the massive force because they really do get big uh oh bad thing bad thing okay actually we had the base pretty well defended for that so we're okay build a communications help okay all right if you say so um use the videos for background noise while watching the youtube videos what just like having multiple i you know the only time that i would say i watch multiple youtube videos at once is have you ever played music and then you listen to like the sound of rain falling in the background i just really enjoy the sound of rain falling so sometimes i will do that listening to multiple versions of the same person at once oh god uh bad thing now where is did i okay good i got my machine gun back these guys just like poop out a bowling ball and then they throw it at you they're like professional jugglers jesus well that's not that's only at the circuses that i go to sorry that wasn't very appropriate but some of the wildlife like doesn't want to kill you i don't get why why do i have to kill them what happens to the body the body stays there and then the the body evaporates okay hmm all right well we've got our communications hub going up oh what else do we have uh upgrade ah no that's okay now i'll say this there's a good number of people who will be like uh there isn't enough simulation and that's fair but at the same time there's an another subset of people who often comment on my videos that are like all the games that you play don't really have an end goal so this is kind of nice it's also very satisfying to lay out all of these minds and you've always got an objective in the upper left you know clear timers it gives me a good sense of purpose and sometimes you need that from a game you know you feel that you feel that sometimes maybe yeah you do build myself a bigger oh you're right i should so where do i go i should probably go to the armory for that um oh yes okay hang on a second uh crafting shotgun oh this is very nice blaster standard so if we craft this do we have enough for this completed oh wow standard blaster standard shotgun crafting completed that's another wait a minute do we have these now hmm where do they spawn though a minute wait a moment uh i don't know why it says lt and rt i guess this could be for console too maybe that's why they're making well that obviously that is why they're doing it do we upgrade things too armor plating standard wow many mods research completed oh wow i haven't even looked into many of the resource trees yet i got through most of the gameplay and stuff but not really into this uh so is this my shotgun i've got a machine gun blaster standard hmm skills and consumables upgrades where is our we've got the crafting let's see if we get that shotgun into our hands so we've got that results but then how do i actually equip that where do this go oh here it is fantastic okay well we've got a 50 i don't know why this one is better than the other one but okay all right maybe we get like various qualities or something like that let's equip that oh fantastic now we've got another shotgun oh this is great okay hang on a second let's get shotguns on both of our arms because we can now download new technologies wow now i can go double-wheeled shotgun what is the guy in uh overwatch who does this hey dude you're buns hey thank you very much for those 10 very much unmerited gift subs god bless thank you very much i appreciate that jesus who is the guy who does this dude has been watching my youtube videos glad i caught a stream hey thanks for coming out my friend that means a lot i appreciate it just your enjoyment you enjoyment but the gift subs are very much appreciated as well anyway just move their mouths trying to click the menu in stream like i said i said it at the beginning of the stream but if you want to kind of follow along some of you guys enjoy watching and then maybe playing the games prologues god damn it the prologue is available on steam hmm all right let's head back up there we got to get us back a blaster downloaded shotgun his power on jesus uh yeah so like i said uh occasionally i've been hearing about like fps drops right now so since i'm not in like that crazy verizon fios internet anymore it's uh it's not quite what it used to be so you might see a couple more fps drops in the streams god damn it come on shotguns so you might see some of that but let me know if it becomes like uh pretty bad because then i might have to troubleshoot that a little bit more oh god damn it this is pretty gross actually god what am i even doing to deserve that every center is near our position whoa serious damage to all our buildings in that area look they're like replenishing how do i even get to the center of it can i just do this ah you know i killed myself but i did at least destroy that nest i don't know that's part of my tolerance for this uh new location i'm trying to see if like if there's a trade-off with internet and if it i really miss the internet back in the metro area maybe we'll end up returning but it's uh it's a lot of i needed a change in life it was good you're the best and you know if you end up going back then it kind of makes you appreciate what you start out with more i wonder i do anything with lots of chunks okay so then that makes sense yeah hopefully not unbearable but yeah there's a little bit of it in there actually a little bit more today than it was yesterday it's surprising the earthquake has stopped let's assess the damage oh we had an earthquake wow g willikers jesus hang on a second come back to the base did we really sustain any damage was that mostly just in the other part of the hmm okay repair fortunately you can repair everything in like three seconds new technologies as soon as possible our loadout for the rift jump included my god i finally think i found my goal though in the game because i'm not really as into the base building because it doesn't seem like you're supposed to spend tons of time on it it seems more like upgrade your robot you know this is like custom robo arena it's badass and yet i don't want to just waste it all either all right just spam security towers not enough steel damn it whoops that ran out quick um okay ignore that yeah just do all of that okay now we are gonna need more of that good ironium though um there we go aeronium factory is empty technology cute technology is going to lead the way hmm okay here we go uh more uh we lost a lot of these things in the great war from before just hold it down just okay i've gotten to the point where i've lost patience i'm just gonna place everything everywhere i think that'll probably keep me just as well off hmm all right so we can make all of this what else can we craft though maybe we need to research better items that we could craft like what is this titanium handling palladium uranium cobalt headquarters level three i had to research where are we even researching though removed from research yeah let's just research everything i guess we're researching somewhere we'll just cue everything so that we can get on with it at least it does allow cued research that's quite nice you'd like that okay that seems very good download a new technology good we did that still got 24 minutes to survive i don't know i guys i think we have pretty good odds at this uh at this fight let me just get out these two shotguns maybe i should craft even more shotguns because those were just so good or maybe double not it's crazy about the blasters but maybe no i don't have the ironium i don't know how are we doing what do you guys think of it so far anyway i mean what are your thoughts so far i've been playing for about uh what is it now almost an hour actually the game four goes track spaghetti but you bring it back with base building salsa ready thank you my that sounds very italian of you my friend you just upgradium your weapourium at the armorium oh god ah just nothing like just unloading and just pissing on him ah that feels good that feels really good though oh i didn't think that i saw the map shift a bit but it doesn't really show me that does show the day count over there as well has that like good survival mechanic feel available i don't know what it is day-to-day survival everybody loves this day-to-day survival now what happened on the fourth day that you were surviving all of that kind of garbage pooping on them just look at that look at that uh hang on a second the base is in peril but i can teleport i forgot anyway that's that's where the rift comes in the breaker part still trying to figure out exactly what that means but i think it's because you just break a bunch of things all right let's do this but i don't know like in this type of screen or in this type of gameplay it feels more path of exile to me my god are we going to encounter any of the big godzilla ones yet graphics are better than i mean it depends on what your preference is but like i said if you enjoy things that are like very uh very much more game than simulation in that way yeah then maybe maybe you find the new adventure here still in early access though too and i'll also add to that that we haven't actually seen the main story of the game yet my god look at this what the hell is going on oh god god these things came to with their destroyers oh jesus it does feel like very hopeless though at times too like how the hell am i supposed to take out this many even with a lot of turrets jesus it's a lot it's a lot hey gun coast god bless thank you for the sub uh gifts up my friend now jesus hang on a second did we actually manage to fend off the wave or did they just destroy enough of our technology to stop caring that's a little hard to aim destroying the nest is pretty much required to keep the waves at bay yeah i think we've taken out is it all the nests nearby but you know like for all of that destruction what did they actually get they did destroy our ironium deposit which was somewhat depressing but hey stop throwing that yeah good hey gun coast thanks for gifting the other gifts up god bless yeah i don't know uh where are where are we at now i just always feel like a great sense of i give up after i lose to a wave that big but you know like there is plenty of room to kind of come back here now what did we actually lose in that i i'm having a little bit of trouble assessing how much damage has been done though sometimes from wave to wave um but you could pretty quickly repair we'll do that like that takes three seconds which is nothing like factoria whatsoever i could see this game being really interesting if they had a multiplayer component not sure if that's planned or not has been developed new buildings are available for construction or even like competitive multiplayer or something like that does kind of bring me back to that time when rts's got very competitive speaking of which i don't know if you heard about it but the other day company of heroes 3 got announced um kind of like in a similar vein to this ammo storage automatically gathers and starts i will build that because everybody likes some good ammunition um i think we've got enough power we just don't have any of that good ironium let's get that ironium production back i almost feel like i just didn't expand out far enough let's keep going to get more ironium and then we'll add more uh rifts between each of these so that we can go get it they're great okay uh how do i get power to this and let's just build a ass load of uh wind generators i'm just gonna literally do this and see if it works okay understandable that i didn't have enough carbonium for that some of these creatures attacks are originating from a common point near our base okay another base together go and investigate that area did i do a review on manor lords already or no maybe thinking of something else i have not done i actually have not done any reviews but man are lords is that like banner lord but like a spoof game of it yeah i don't know i mean i feel like that multiplayer to this would add a lot but we'll see i don't really know what all the planned features are but uh i mean it's still not even in early access yet it's still just a demo which is crazy i mean like this is a lot of game for a demo so i don't really want to like judge too much it's more just like a preview than anything else what i've been showing who knows what else is coming i'm just the guy maybe we should get another one of these machine guns too this is quite badass we've got a lot of power but we need that ironium and the carbonium the atmosphere is convincing it looks like a weather anomaly is going to hit us in a moment ah these guys some of them explode all right i gotta save these mines for when i get to that base because i usually just sacrifice myself at the base's armor oh god what is that wait they're fighting each other whoa wait a minute what is that who even knows i've got some kind of crystal sort we rain clear it out and reduce the strength of hostile attacks okay okay hang on a second this might be difficult uh we almost got some of the nest hang on a second i don't want to die don't want to die here oh i'm trapped okay get out the double shotguns okay good poop down him let's rift back the oh that was very suave move yeah we have an assload of power you're right i mean damn why can't we hook that up to that what am i missing i'm missing the carbonium the ironium what do i need i seem to have everything maybe it's because it's on this metal floor i don't really know what i'm missing a hail storm is damaging our base if it's because it's the hailstorm yeah let's just repair everything now but yeah i'll say this though the one thing that i do feel like i'm missing is that some of the building feels so fast-paced that i don't really feel like i can appreciate the minutia of it like in a factorio or whatever like that so that is like a fair a fair point i hope that i at least learn the building uh though i'm also like i'm pretty bad at setting things up like that so probably other people will come along other than me and figure out good builds animal biomass power plant animal biomass and fallen enemies that seems pretty good take that oh short range radar ae yeah take that what is this repair facility my god it's just like there's so much to but it is kind of like factorio in that i feel like that there's so many options sprawling out before me at once that i feel stupid because i can't take advantage of everything you know that feeling yeah you do you know that feeling okay we do have the power for this on our grid are we getting the ira okay our resources are improving again just look at all that like that repairs jesus that was fast but the fact that you could repair that fast i mean tells me that that's not the that's not the gestalt of this game that's not really what they're going for they're going for stuff like this now there are supposedly more action rpg elements so let's go ahead and let's look more into those crafting systems maybe there is more research that could be completed it doesn't really seem like like i don't even really even know where the research is being completed titanium handling is happening right now apparently hey dj master funky fresh god bless thanks for the sub yeah repairing at the speed of light hmm um jesus let's just take a look for a second there's so many other uh things you could try out so this is your upgrade screen research we've been doing the research headquarters level three sentinel towers there do appear to be a lot of researches that you can complete though we still only seem to be crashed scratching the surface it kind of reminds me of like that age of empires that good statistics screen you know that energy sensor set of upgrades from mr riggs oh he's already got this okay we're fine don't question it hey reptile genetics god bless thanks for the sub my friend managing to catch the stream would be due just as well as waiting for me to upload a new video i've been trying to get out a video the last day i've just been uh i've been traveling a lot so it's been weird yeah i regret it's been a regrettable amount of time since i've last released one available location there are more locations again we're not really in the campaign here titanium handling all right you know i'm thinking this base may actually survive let's continue it but you know other useful map indicators here we could see what else is going on we can see that there seems to be some sort of demand for something over here i'm detecting a large group of creatures heading towards opposition okay hang on a second don't wait wait a minute uh let's have another small standard machine gun completed good okay okay uh we got another one equipped uh blaster standard ah these things all have such slightly different dps why is that is there like a quality neat all right so now i could either dual wield shotguns or dual-wield machine guns this cool okay dual wielding machine guns good that's what they're supposed to do now here come the enemy goes how is reload how is reload that i assume that you don't want to end up having to use the sword but it doesn't really help that it feels badass to use the sword this one is too large how will i how will i space is under attack he resists sever these ones i did not encounter until just now this is kind of a concern that there are giant rock monsters these are like the jinchiriki or what are what are they jesus the things from naruto you know um okay these weapons we have infinite supplies of this how that's sound effects oh god this could be the end of the base only because i can't kill those ones can anything stop them god it's like being attacked by the nine-tailed fox how what if i really charge this up he resists everything i just don't know what to do i guess i didn't develop enough technology that i could kill these things i think there's a rocket technology that i could have upgraded uh you know what i should have done i realized it now i should have upgraded this other building let's see if we have do we have enough time to upgrade it i don't think so but they are pretty slow at destroying stuff that i might actually be able to repair it before they destroy all of these buildings okay exploit loophole oh that could get kind of old pretty fast hang on a second there was a lot of noise going on over there yeah that was upsetting those things were just too large so what do we do about that strategize what am i supposed to do i can't destroy them with everything because they resist everything wait i know the bosses came around before these aren't even the bosses there are bigger guys than this jesus but look i could repair it faster they're like very large shielded unthreatening enemies why know when to upgrade i want to upgrade hang on a second let's try to build something different okay hang on a second let's try to do something else instead of all this let's try selling the armory yep too bad you can't even destroy these buildings because i'm going to sell them first now we rebuild the armory over yonder where they are not near it now we just keep repairing everything incessantly while they're distracted by it and this is not going to particularly well but all i've got to do is survive another 50 seconds i'm sure we can do that this is kind of weird admittedly this is very weird all right you know just keep keep handling that oh jesus that was a lot of flashing lights need a break from that i didn't see that before like that one there's more movie see the thing that gives me excite about this game is just the fact that there's so many other like upgrades and things that i'm not even really looking at it makes me very excited hmm can i improve the guns headquarters level four cobalt handling how we didn't even get up to this damn yeah let's go this thing whatever we'll just research everything until eventually we have nukes right i suppose okay rocket ah this is the thing that i'm looking for well it's all right man if only i had seen all of this before all right well the more you know right hey gun coast thank you for gifting this up appreciate it sounds like an interesting research specimen we should go to its location and see what we can learn all right armory coming right up if we upgrade that oh you know what i think we need to do is wait for the technology we need to wait oh for god's sake oh that's horrible i know everything is being destroyed around me but just i think i'm just going to leave my base there as it gets destroyed sadly stone guys hate cryo damage i don't think that we have any cryo damage well thanks for letting me know i think i'm just gonna go off and have my own adventure here in the woods titanium more i think what we should have done was that jesus christ it looks like what even is this this creature of this extreme clearly this is a very large animal oh so once we destroy this thing then we could research it more oops i accidentally got into the dev mode what did i do there oh accidentally press tilde oh well all right ah goddamn it these guys are still here all right i get it you're strong you're very strong cryo damage how would we have researched cryo damage before this all right i guess maybe this needs a little bit of balancing because sound attack here we go you know in general like i think i should have just started upgrading things earlier because i kind of took my precious time there so if i were to do it again if i could turn back time that's what i do that's what i do now what happened to this other guy one of our buildings i think he's over here right yeah the earthquake is over hey solas thank you for the gift sub appreciate it my friend repair whatever's been damaged hmm are you is various this is definitely reminding me of the zerg queen though remember that or what is it like the hive queen neutralized yes so many rupees drop maybe we can learn something important after researching it in a lab kill the aggressive creature the god damn it i couldn't even read that i am too slow i don't know maybe i'll like i'm just kind of curious what happens after five minutes and i can open up the riff back to earth i'm content to let those guys just continue destroying everything in my base don't you think i mean i think it would be worth it let's just keep on adding more stuff as they fail to destroy my base so many times oh jesus probably will have a slightly anticlimactic man yeah like ultralisks this bad this bad strange though you'd think that they would be like assault type enemies back to earth is powering up as soon as it's opened or if the earth is gonna be the rift is going to send out strong energy waves in a large distance all right so at least you know we're probably going to die in the last wave but at least you'll get to see the exciting death because the depth in this game is actually very exciting like there are huge waves of enemies i was sorry that the last one wasn't more of them it's with the giant rockets yeah well the thing is that i'm just a very good builder i suppose you know like i said everything's kind of early accu god damn it please stop destroying that i worked really hard on these actually i didn't i just kind of threw them all down and i could place down more of them in three seconds oh jesus yeah we'll leave them there that's fine they won't really cause too much trouble i wonder if i could just build a repair facility oh cobalt well we need more of that that's okay i want my communication up anyway is there anything i could do what if i charge this up like to its max still can't do it damn all right let's just get away it's a lot of noise three minutes final attack preparations maybe we could build another one over here though the one thing that i've noticed that you can't do is to build a uh like an entirely new headquarters i think you're limited to one intentionally but in the meantime we can just build a massive wall over here just to keep them out a little bit longer because we do have a lot of that good uh what is it carbonium dammit stop base is under attack oh there they go tower destroyed can we go over here yep i'm doing that ah peace and quiet maybe if we destroy some more of the enemies in other parts of the world though then it'll like uh lessen the final attack for us that we're about to deal with i'm just gonna kind of ignore that for a little while we can always rebuild the base i mean i'll just be reincarnated even if they don't though i suppose maybe when your headquarters is dead does that mean that the game is over in which case i should probably be more worried about that could be could be another rock gentleman maybe if i take him over to this like very cryo looking tree people get hurt by it or maybe i could bring him over to those splody mushrooms good work could work seems legit our towers are out of ammo towers out of ammo too jesus oh god that's horrible uh cryo station i probably should have done that a while back but there's a cryo station i'm taking some dimash i don't actually have a cryo station i believe if i did i would but i don't so i can't we'll just keep laying down mines thoughtfully around the exterior okay fantastic they've taken out the headquarters too so we can just go ahead and rebuild the headquarters um we are going to need more carbonium for that damn it this might actually be the end okay so what have we learned uh pretty much uh you need to start researching technology right from the beginning because some enemies just resist everything but regardless i will wait another 45 seconds just so that you can see the final wave because big waves of enemies are more impressive than anything else in this game and i'm kind of curious as to how we'll be able to deal with those giant hordes in the future wish i had gotten to a better weapon set but maybe it's not meant to be we'll see if we can kind of salvage this run in the next one that i get because i think we will have time for another run one of our energy connectors has been destroyed if we could only like repurpose those rocks somehow maybe i could incorporate it into my armor somehow because there are so many buildings in this game where you could just like reuse base is under attack okay so we've got a few thousand of them let's at least see this final wave oh jesus christ let's see how our base stands against this hole there's a boss right there you see the bosses more rocked men jesus christ oh god it is a spectacle though look at how many of them they're on it's been destroyed oh wait we got defeat i think that was only like the tip of the wave i'm wondering if it's like am i playing that well let's go ahead let's go back to the main menu i mean very impressed very impressed me thinks that the what is it steam page load of save file should we go for survival again we could play the prologue the only thing about the prologue is that you don't really see much more than we just did right there the prologue does have one massive final wave which is quite terrifying um but i feel like that if i had done research from the beginning i probably would have survived that better i've blown up faster than tebow's tim tebow's nfl career oh jesus i think like on the one hand while the prologue does feature of an exciting end i did kind of like how the survival mode just kind of stopped holding my hands for help stopped holding my hand for a while there we'll do that but maybe we'll play i don't really want to do it on easy let's just try it on normal again because i feel like if i had started researching earlier that would have been good but let's also see if we can do i don't know if this is going to be enabled but let's try seeing if the uh the stream features our author already okay so you should be able to here we go okay fantastic so we are connected twitch give me one second okay good um uh to get token paste community voting time 40 seconds that sounds good okay and you can have both positive and negative events okay okay good back normal streaming okay so it does have the streaming thing okay so maybe you should be able to vote in the game yet i don't know if i guess that this is still under development too but you should be able to either give me resources or oh fantastic or make my life living hell please give me some cry weapons activated yeah i mean the fact that they have all of these ambitious things like twitch features you know all of this stuff just in the or what is it in the demo or in the streamer version is pretty nice so we don't know i've got high hopes to build an hq let's scout for a deposit and set up our base close to it all right this time we're going to play much better prepare the vodium we've gathered enough resources to construct a headquarters building finally let's place it close to a carbonium deposit is there a way to let me just go ahead and see can i turn off their talking otherwise we'll just kind of talk over them graphics gameplay audio because i do find that a little annoying when i've done that a lot announcements volume let's turn down the announcements to zero because i'm dialog maybe it's dialog volume there we go i think that's a little bit better because personally once i've heard it a couple times i i think that's enough like i get how it works okay good i think we got them to stop talking but now we've got the uh what have we got the resourcium good let's put the headquarters somewhere like here and then we're just going to try to expand violently in all directions i think that that's pretty much the name of the game here is that you use up resources fast but then you've got to like keep on expanding throughout the map because look at how quickly i'm using up these 12 000 very fast right yeah don't question it i don't know i suppose that it'll be on a timer or something like that if it does work we'll see but i mean the fact that games like what for example seven days to die like it's taken them a pretty long time to get in twitch and i think they did a pretty good job on the twitch integration with seven days but it did take a while you know so the fact that we can like uh the fact that we can get this feature already is pretty amazing pretty amazing resourcium there it is okay so we've got wind power good i don't even think i'm gonna need any of those carbonium plants because i think that it was just most important to just dig up more carbonium i'll keep mining all right i got this this time magic games like zomboid twitch voted events rumor all door fortress et cetera being non-modded options would be amazing i think somebody is actually creating uh a zomboid like twitch viewer voter event kind of thing right now like a mod for that carbonium now we get mass okay good let's just focus on a couple of things let's see if we can like really really up our carbonium production at the beginning i think that this is going to set us way better off and then we'll get right into researching technology because we didn't manage to fight those cryo guys last time but we'll actually try constructing a base and we won't get carried away with all the big guns like we'll we'll think more in the long term here we'll play smarter just because i don't want to get my ass kicked i'll put a huge line of those things down there and then we'll put energy storage down here okay i mean my weapons right now are good enough right i don't have to yeah i'm good if they plan the game with twitch in mind it would be much easier to add that afterwards i mean the fact that they've got all of these like this feels very much like a finished game aside from a few labels and things that are like uh on resources i'm just amazed that it's still in early access and i'm curious like what else is planned but i still have yet to read over any of that kind of stuff let's go in order here and we need more ironium okay then we'll go for some vibronium where is the ironium over here fantastic here is yes this is the ironium good okay so we got like the max number of facilities i assume that that means that we're mining it pretty fast we'll keep on building over these wind plants some absurd distance no god damn it there we go okay now we've got more uh connection everyone loves connection um carbonium factory still need more of that good carbonium okay i'm still hands drilling good yeah we're uh good bring out those factorio moves okay now we're at 55 again good let's just maximize the number of plants over here fantastic good okay we're extracting so many minerals good amazing oh no the power um hmm okay the power is at an all-time low we gotta bring that back need more carbonium okay the power is slowly coming back online negative five negative eight negative six build more storage facilities i think what we gotta do we gotta get our flow going and then once we get our flow going then we can get our storage and then that'll be a buffer for things like windstorms and stuff like that jesus christ okay it is starting to work again good we're making carbonium at an unprecedented rate but now is what happens when we try to gather more now our storage is at 350 carbonium what does it do when we for example try to go out like this we build one of these things we have a lot of ironium and let's also get to that research like asap um build the community okay so we gotta get the communication hub up first so you know maybe we can kind of forgive ourselves here hmm where's the technologies here we need something to lead the way oh fantastic that actually gave us 400 more okay so those storage things should have paid more attention to that before you know the first time i like to just kind of mess up the game and like crash and burn that way i feel like i learn faster than when i do that then if i try to do everything the right way from the start why i make a lot of mistakes but look at all the carbonium that we've already used up we've already used up like oh here we go new vote uh give me ironium take away ironium stronger upcoming attack cancel the upcoming attack or are you gonna type exclamation point a b or c or d or e i would appreciate the research if you want to give it to me i would like that a lot maybe i should give more time to these votes but okay we just got used to it oh fantastic all right good this might actually get us a little bit further in the game good i could use you i could use somebody oh jesus hmm very thank you okay let's make this a let's make this a run to remember let's get up a lot of power now um no i will have nicer things this time ah fantastic okay good hmm i don't think that there's any friendly fire in here either too it should be good just kind of like spamming on everything good okay really quick repair takes like three seconds i like that that's good tasteful okay good now all of our power is on the up and up our base has been improved can we upgrade the we do we just need carbonium all right so now i just need to focus on gathering more carbonium or my thoughts on the rim world update from yesterday i like it i think it's bound for great things i'll be more excited when i see ideology but i kind of want to start a chicken ranch a lot of different options actually your gun fires friendly bullets oh god oh uh stay out of the mountain dew hmm where is the where is the carbonium it just seems to me like resources are farther apart than you would really care for like to defend them all but i suppose that's also based on my urge to have all of my resources in one place i just don't think that there's any more carbonium nearby damn hang on a second let's use this badass dash ability oh hello carbonium hang on a second let me capitalize um carbonium industrialism okay that's good let's get some uh let's get some more of these we haven't we do have an awful lot of it okay we've got that i'm not really gonna make these bases depend upon each other we'll just keep going on with that we used up a carbonium but now we're almost ready to have enough power oh some buildings are which buildings usually the buildings tell me when they don't have enough power hey wesh q thank you very much for the sub my friend thanks for always answering my questions okay we got a new vote uh we could get you research uranium handling thunderstorm fog rain or give me it's kind of a random amount 500 but this is a very nice heads-up display all right wow that is really cool actually hmm all right go ahead i'm not going to try to sway the voting too much you have what you will have what you will more energy storage and can we upgrade this base now okay fantastic we're already upgrading the base we'll get a communication hub up and then we'll be researching stuff um what did we vote on oh because i turned the announcement sound off i didn't really hear it what what one what what is coming the event has ended hmm no more ironium let's go ahead keep on crafting stuff just while we have the time all right headquarters level three we'll just keep on waiting on that communication can we get the calm hub up now that seems like something you gotta rush headquarters level two what else are we gonna need we're gonna need more energy for that is there anything else we're like kind of counting on let's also add in another rift i haven't been building a lot of these things but they are important just so that we can get to this spot whenever we need come on there all right so now i can always just teleport there and back might honestly be more efficient right ass load of uh wind turbines i think we built way too many turrets too early in the last one and we just didn't really need those okay good look at all of the wind power oh god nice that's an ass load of power uh we are gonna need more storage let's go back into this thing and still need more carbonium i should probably get to getting more carbonium soon the winter is coming yeah what we got to get is like the really big upgraded weapon so there is a rocket that you can wield and other stuff like that we'll also just start laying out mines because mines are pretty much like free weaponry as far as i can tell you just gotta wait for them to recharge i think that's like it doesn't actually use up any resources as far as i can tell okay we gotta build an armory now um let's head back to the base armory and then communication hub it's crafting of new weapons and items automatically produces an interesting change okay that's pretty good but i think that this might be even more useful just because we could get right to the research let's do that okay uh oops oh jesus where did all these come from they took out like everything here this is crazy about this game though is that just out of nowhere you get oh god i should have built more turrets i dropped my sword too it ain't easy sometimes you like place down one of those rift portals just for no reason apparently i kind of screwed myself there though ah drop my sword again it's because i just did nothing to defend that area and they would just randomly attacked me or was that the main maybe that was the main attraction okay this is what i guess i've left myself at the peril of them no i don't have any ammo for that i'm literally forced to use my fists here let's head back see if we get that sword that sword was kind of a badass weapon okay there we go we've got the sword back depleted one of our buildings you can resist that jesus just continue wiping them all out with the sword towers still having trouble finding the right difficulty i suppose though i also could have placed more mines it seems like that these early waves of enemies aren't that bad they might have just taken my carbonium though yeah that's pretty much it there's like a little bit of carbonium production ruined um let's go ahead and just build get this thing up right away just so we could get technology this thing good okay that's more research storage so we don't have to worry about surpluses uh let's get more carbonium factories this time we know that we don't really need those carbonium power plants though okay could also be because my upgrading so fast the game did say bigger bass means bigger target ah that could be that we just the weird part is that we hit i guess it still needs a little bit of balancing but we did hit one part where it was just like randomly the enemies got way too powerful for us i think we'll go straight for the rockets this time too just because enemies might resist everything like that okay the carbonium pas deposits look pretty much all right let's just get right back to it good good we'll just get a little bit more of this and then we'll rebuild that seems like rebuilding is worth it though all right hold up just a few of these and we're back in action over here okay we'll teleport back to the main base and they did not destroy this so that's fine good okay uh communication hub's getting up and then that'll give us more research we're peaking with power let's build more power capacitors energy storage yeah or whatever they are not capacitors pretty much that's what they are new technologies are okay i feel like i'm in control now though and what else will we build we'll build a couple of yeah we might as well build a few turrets i don't think i'm gonna build much out beyond this not enough carbonium not enough carbonium again which is just pretty much like the story of my life all right let's uh see if we can find more carbonium because that seems to be like the main that's like the iron bullet manufacturing practically i think we'll just kind of oh here is more carbonium this is a lot of it okay so we should probably just expand out into here right now because it's like like if you can't find any carbonium you're pretty much dead uh all right one two three technologies for development for i think we can cover this with six good okay and now we do have to go to the tech now it seems like that this is just free you just have to use up time now let's see what else we can get for like ammo storage repair facility short-range radar animal biomass power plant geothermal power plant ammo storage sentinel hub tower two communication hub building limit there's a building limit building limit cap increase okay neat hmm how do we get some like powerful weapons pretty fast okay rocket tower so let's go straight for this thing and then we'll go straight for rockets because i just feel like that hitting any hard ceiling like that is kind of dismaying so if we can get that that would be for the best all right good we're kind of growing out of this hard limit on carbonium blue hell take away my ironing okay we got blue hail all right so i'm just constantly being buffeted kind of badass looking though um okay so now we're gonna have to repair it's all right i forgive you you helped me before i'll uh i'll take the i'll take the hit if our friendship depends on it we have to go through some down times you know who and we gotta fight twitch chat i think that the base will be destroyed per se okay looks like we've got a healthy amount of carbonium now getting built let's go teleport back here build a rift oh hell no energy st here we go more more of this thing i can't actually build anything in this rain though i'm pretty sure that sucks all right yeah so it did kind of slow me down a bit all right so be it okay it looks like it's loaded it's letting up now though so we can go back to building good good good good what is this building cap limit oh no research selected okay let's get the research back on good we got that now good artillery tower rocket tower explosive tower yeah this is what we need um and we'll also get the flamer tower because it's kind of badass what can we get geotherm geothermal power plant also looks pretty good yeah but the artillery tower is very very much needed okay now we should probably get ready for this upcoming wave my mind is engaged not enough uh we need ai course okay teleport back there i think i'm going to put these ai cores back in the main base i think i'm getting the gameplay loop now like keep your main base pretty well protected like put your important stuff there export your resource acquisition because there's no such thing as transporting resources it all just kind of magically teleports back to you and then uh you know just keep in constant motion if you want to gain any respect at least that seems uh that seems to be the uh the gist of it to me yeah we don't really need walls well the other problem with walls that you can't actually fire over walls you need to like build a platform on them which is one reason why i kind of refrain from wall building though it is surprising how long it takes them to destroy some of this stuff okay um hmm pull the rift just so that we can get back and forth pretty quickly hmm tower ammo factory produces ammunition for defense towers oh we need those i didn't even know that really hmm i'm just gonna go for like a pretty simple defense like this we'll do something like that and that and that good and then maybe we will actually build some walls just for the sake of kind of seeing how they work good good i think that works it looks fine to me oops uh all right we'll place it there think that's sort of in the right place almost almost at it close enough okay this place is sort of safe uh over here it's sort of like rapidly constructing a bunch of tower defenses i don't really know how else to describe it okay we've got an artillery tower that is yes flamer towers okay now we're talking let's go back to that main base too and we're just going to teleport back there god the teleportation makes everything super nice i'm gonna build an armory here too let's just keep this place really well defended so that we don't have to think about it so much repair everything okay thank you for the extra carbonium appreciate it we're going to be ready for this attack let's get the uh let's see under attack probably need a carbonium oh goddammit now i can't get through there i've got to go out through my gate yes this is actually a thing okay but they did have a pretty hard time with that wall that's good news you know maybe i underestimated the walls maybe they are more important than i really gave them credit for yeah okay you know what walls everywhere walls did not build any defenses at my main base yet unfortunately i am now beginning to realize you know i'll say this i probably won't end up playing as much of this unless if there's a way that i can like build a narrative around it but this is a game i could get into on my own time you know like i don't know if it's going to be as youtubeable but like it is very playable if that makes sense torsolium okay uh well we oh god we just destroyed all of our resource uh caches so that there just do that some of that that's fine okay now let's get these arty towers up not enough carbonium we'll leave this i really need carbonium what is this now okay we've got this oh but we need to then build artillery stuff for this hmm tower ammo factory produces ammunition for defense towers well we're definitely going to need some of these the magical resource transportation is something i'm not used to though and i like that like we needed that pretty badly okay so now my tower uh defense ammunition creators are ready still lacking in power though okay there they go though now they're shooting stuff that's kind of cool wow look at that jesus we'll probably have more soon yep okay that works that definitely works we also have flamer towers coming up now okay let's bring those back to our main base but it definitely like whenever you see somebody playing starcraft well it's always like uh like 20 clicks per second this feels very much like i'm playing at about 10 percent select new technologies for development you know like like you could be playing at such a faster pace if only you could think that fast let's do something like this okay know there's most of the main base yeah that's fine good cut down more trees in this jungle stop the canal tricks attacks find the source of the frequent can optrix attacks okay now we need to go on a mission still low on power though here why are we low on power oh no it's just that things aren't connected to our grid all right very well yeah this seems like the name of the game just spam buildings spam buildings oh that's already got enough power you just gotta do something like this new technologies all right feels bad now do artillery and one of these and one of those just built one of everything you know bass looks pretty badass without really trying that hard though too okay let's try to build some decent weapons now what can we build can we actually build rockets now oops i had cobalt unlock research liquid resources handling thunderstorm fog rain or strong wind uh we have an ass load of power hmm hang on a second i'm going to interrupt the vote because i want to make sure i have this geothermal power plant uh send it to okay we'll add that to the research that way we can kind of upgrade everything all right looks like you guys are gonna opt for more research i can't say i agree with you now i i agree with that thank you for that shotgun small machine gun what do we need to do to get the uh and i'm trying to figure out how we get those rockets in the first place all right fantastic hey thank you for that are coming from a nearby nest we should go there and clear it out right i'm heading over is there like another research tab yeah oh actually that's a good point i think you're right i think that there is ah there is oh so wow wait a minute i don't even see any of these things before rocket launcher grenade launcher oh wow there's really a lot that i have not seen in this game jesus christ extreme rocket launcher grenades for these cryo grenades i should unlock this stuff before dodge rolls radar pulse okay this stuff i've seen reflective armor standard okay this we did not see in the last playthrough because i was not on the screen what do these things do requires an alien research to unlock okay i'm gonna unlock uh this one is this one we're probably going to stop the research on the sentinel towers looks like i can't all right whatever we'll just take it as it is but yeah it looks like that once we get done with this we should be able to uh we should be able to get the better weapons of the game which i had been wanting to show since the beginning nice oops so we've got some fighting going on here oh we gotta protect the ironium somehow but you know like those little zergling rushes aren't really very dangerous it seems like what's more threatening is just uh like getting a big wave that you can't deal with do something like that like very slip shot defenses but you don't really have enough time to just do anything other than click randomly and it does feel like there's a pretty big building system like i would like to appreciate this more we've got a geothermal vent we built right over there but i think we're pretty good on power this is the carbonium that we need carbonium um wall good all right i think we're surrounded of hostile now is coming from a nearby nest all right we've got to wipe out that nest otherwise we're probably going to be dead this is despite the fact that we still haven't even researched many of the good weapons yet i still think that my sword is badass enough to get us through this and we also have that good machine gun yes forgot about that good machine gun hmm okay what's up the canop trixie thanks now what if i have to teleport on the way out i'm just spamming mines for a little while good that's helpful mines are helpful okay this is what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna kind of kite them around here good okay and i'm going to sacrifice myself mm-hmm good i'll go back to this thing and maybe i actually will get out of there okay made it out hey that worked out pretty well can you vote for the nest being out of the same stone as the stone guys i don't know oh like so we could find out if the weapons work we're going to be getting liquid weapons in a couple seconds so what is this the flame throwers like they use gasoline okay fantastic next next so now oh we do have the flamethrower okay so let's build one of these and i guess we'll just try to build more different types of weapons because that's not exactly what we did before okay so i'm going to equip the flame thrower and now we'll switch over to that we still aren't crafting fuel for that so i suppose we need to go in here and make fuel liquid material storage tower ammo factory rare element mine where do we have liquid material creation pipeline transports liquids gas liquid pump pools found on the planet oh god so do we just go over to a pool with something this i have not gotten up to yet well i suppose we're going to need that first tornado near the planet oh jesus christ actually that does sound kind of cool i would like to be sucked into a tornado yes i'll allow it should i call the robot dorothy now okay what is this tornado what is this tornado it's raining yes usually that accompanies the tornado oh somehow i got flamethrower ammo god only knows how unfortunately it had to be in the rain and i don't think that it's the best weapon against those guys but we'll use it anyway ah yes a nice spread of fire okay now this is where this game seems to shine just massive spectacles of destruction i didn't even i missed the tornado where was the tornado okay i'm teleporting i have to get out of here i made this a maze for myself it's very much like the factorio radar system though god damn it why didn't we plan for any of this oh i can still sword through the wall that's fine excellent okay flamethrower time oh very action very action but it does feel you know i could see why you would say it would feel a little bit repetitive but it's uh it's exciting turner is the weapon against was that the thing that was shooting rockets at the enemies did the tornado literally shoot rockets at my enemies i think that we stand a better fighting chance this time though let's see oh grenade launcher yes rocket launcher yes well we're gonna need more ironium before we do that all right let's go ahead we'll get to more ironing deposits but let's um grenade launcher i mean grenade launcher seems kind of badass what does it do i mean obviously that's a little slower and less exciting than i thought it would be but okay you know why other ones were pretty exciting themselves um ironic now the okay the number of resources is beginning to become dizzying okay this game is better than i gave it credit for i feel like an you know i mean i'm even being sponsored right now but and my opinion is improving drastically as i discover more of the gun look at all this stuff that you could do i don't know this is seeming more exciting now that we're getting deeper into it and playing better wow okay let's get a hmm we've already seen the okay we need 300 of them for that give me a couple minutes incoming attack in seven minutes but we're probably gonna have some other garbage that we have to do before that right hey fallen shogun sean how are you my friend have you tried this actually you might have been the only person you there's you are like uh you're like a game sommelier whenever i find an obscure game in my steam library i find it in fallen shoguns and he's like he's got all the games man he knows them all no he's like a game sommelier how are you my friend but this one is this one is actually like one to take home to mom and dad you know this game is is very well jesus christ look at how easily i just built all those walls very wow very well put one there okay nice um skill equals enjoyment and usually in a lot of games i kind of become disillusioned with them once i learn too much of the game and i don't like it as much anymore but this one like i i could with this game you know hang on a second where are we now okay we need more power apparently she got in power source this is so much for stuff running back and forth from base to base you know what we really need to do is just run our power from one base to another i don't know if i'm doing this right but i'm just gonna build a lot of these things because it takes like three seconds to build 20 of these yeah look at that i got them like general electric look we just combined everything hmm why does that do that okay there we go i think that works we've buried our electric grid is that yeah i know i built way too many but i just the resources didn't really matter okay good uh need more you need to construct additional pylons solid material storage because there are more feces in this one new technologies are available for development okay let's see what else they've got well what should we what else should we get in terms of our radar pulse is really good but i don't think it's as important should we get a spear sorry i blocked the vote didn't i let's get a grenade meaty oh that sounds interesting meteor shower we've already seen a tornado near the player that was kind of interesting there's a good variety of a goodly variety of events here though gotta say like i usually it's just kind of like all all talk and no walk as far as twitch integration is concerned this is we've seen a good bit though and i still feel like we're at a pretty early game phase you know yes give me that meteor shower but give me a second to get somewhere closer to where i need to be wow jesus christ look at all that hang on a second so are they still resisting these things i really don't think that we're doing oh we did do damage to the stone guys fantastic we blew them up with grenades okay that was good that was good wasn't it sorry i gotta interrupt this for one second uh all right uh let's get a rocket launcher crafting completed is there anything else we wanted to do shotgun was just kind of meh then we're going to equip that onto our mac uh let's do rocket launchers there's nothing standard about a rocket launcher it's a fantastic weapon i'm not really a huge fan of this blaster let's just do another rocket launcher there because i just don't think it's doing as much damage okay i got i'm dual wielding rocket launchers this is kind of badass i'm charging him up watch this oh jesus christ okay now i'm launching grenades as i'm flamethrowering jesus christ i think that's what this game is about though it's just massive destruction yeah the fact that they have variable stats that's like a little subtle subtle thing but i'm glad that you picked up on that okay now we got to get the research from that thing good we got all the glowy stuff oh wow the game still plays while i'm even while i'm in that screen all right i'd say that we could survive several more waves now we'll definitely be able to make it to the very end of this what is this ali yeah like it has that kind of twin stick shooter vibe to it i don't know i mean if my opinion of this is gradually increased as i've i'd like to see what we can do to get up to that rift at the very end hmm let's just do one general repair because i have kind of left my main base for a while okay that looks okay let's get more research because we really don't want to fall behind now that we've seen that some enemies can just resist every single attack uh weird that we killed one of those big things and we still didn't get an opportunity yet whatever it is there's so much research that we still haven't even unlocked though bioscanner carbonium factory little i don't even feel like i'm gonna have the chance to do some of these things let's do radar pulse i know what that is and what it does let's try dodge roll too see if we can kind of show off some of the other stuff in the game let's just research all of the weapon stuff because i think this is where the game shines i think the combat is actually quite fun all right uh what do we need to do to upgrade this we need a lot more ironium okay so let's just keep on expanding out our territory it's kind of like you conquer a territory and then you just on everything iron deposit depleted that's basically the just that's basically the game play loop here oh jesus has been developed interested in seeing how these things upgrade too i wonder if there's like some kind of nuke there are some abilities where you can just kind of cause a big shock wave around you that was quite nice uh let's see ironium factory good do that something like that it's pretty tight okay nice i like that let's go oh this is useful you can just hold it down like in factorio to keep the power line going that is quite nice yeah this is a very fast paced game technology let's leave that new blueprints are available for crafting um i thought it would it's kind of like a lot of your network is kind of expendable like it doesn't take that long to recreate everything but you got to be able to build stuff up fast i'm starting to get the sense like i'm just holding down the controls here it doesn't even matter if i waste some of the time even if i overdid it on some of that that's fine though you do have to be intentional with your like uh with your defense builds i'll kind of build those in here we need more ai cores i'm just gonna look i'm just building kind of randomly but it's like it works yeah that totally works this crazy tornado near the base oh jesus where if the base is everywhere though all right let's let's see this tornado where is it where where is the tornado probably here yep that is oh that's the tornado what happens if i go into it yep saw that one coming not enough ammunition god damn it wow that thing is really destructive that's doing way more damage than the rock monsters oh god my entire base is like destroyed oh whoops didn't see these things at least we're equipped to take everything out now though but there is like a great sense of desolation and hopelessness that i was looking forward to okay now we might actually have a climactic ending no let's let's see what the rest i mean give me something nice after this now for because you just destroyed my base ah let's see uh hold that fortunately it takes like three seconds to totally repower everything i didn't really know i'm just going to build a bunch of random stuff how many of these did i just build oh no i've depleted you know you're into a game when you just find yourself repeating what the announcers say like this is me being into a game and i feel like i can't really thrive on games like this for the channel because i just get into them but this is a very good one for streaming and just like just getting into it hmm give something nicer hear me was that too torn it no i think that was only one tornado at the base but we were simultaneously being attacked by like a bunch of tyranids liquid material storage see if we can get that giant pool of mountain dew to work for us now come on yes good too i'm curious what this thing could do for me you know i think i overused those uh things from before though this is interesting we haven't even really touched on this yet ooh like satisfactory new blueprints are available let's just run a very long and vulnerable tube here oh wow this is very factorio yeah not even quite sure what resources were running in here this is going to give us water and then i guess we make that into water storage liquid material storage interesting yeah it's definitely i'm like i don't think i picked the right resource there but has anybody seen water since this thing started i like how all of the bad people are just kind of casually chilling about over here i still i'm kind of puzzled how i'm recovering the ammo on these but i guess i did it somewhere in my base the thing is that i can't really appreciate a lot of the like small resource acquisition but i guess that's because i'm just learning the game still it's like when you i first played factorio i was just overwhelmed by the amount of stuff on me i be apologizing factorio so much i guess just because it's the most similar thing in this genre that we play a lot damn i really like how they get jibbed when they die uh there's something satisfying about that like streets of rogue jesus what is that ah but look we are damaging the map good ah that's nice what is that see there are bosses that i wouldn't even realize that was right there now is this area no i'm i can't really stop and look for directions right now that is disgusting oh god look flying am i even hitting it whoa whoa i didn't sign up for this hang on a second how do i how even how even yeah that was a colossus from starcraft 2. jesus what is some of this stuff but damn it i dropped their missile launcher but now the environs are just like so interesting the thing that could be very um saddening about this game though is that like you know you have this huge base and you get the sense that it could just be taken down in like three seconds if you were hit with a big enough attack hmm so let's build rocket towers everywhere just all over the map for no reason damn it we don't have enough carbonium select new technologies for development like this is one of those games where you want to take over the entire map i get the sense like you want to be everywhere at once if you can uh let's see what else okay we've got the radar pulse ability ah fantastic energy sensors titanium machinery maintenance tools and repair tools all right let's try that i'm just going to keep on upgrading my custom robo because i think that's going to be the most fulfilling part of this game even if it doesn't mean we make it for the long run i just think it'll be cool um double frame flame throwers rocket launcher i think the rocket launcher seems to hit about everything uh you know maybe the floating mines will work against those bees and we'll consult that as we get closer to it no i'm not here i'm not here ignore me ignore me i told you to ignore me you should have listened procedurally different map types is it i think you're right sean it's like it's ah god damn it i blew myself up but i also blew up the thing so it was worthwhile hmm the whole game will have different ah wait a minute oh so you are you are the sommelier of which i spake damn it how do you know so much sean jesus christ for uh sorry this is gonna be confusing the vod fallen shogun is my friend sean and he's been uh he's been commenting things about the game in the background i'm trying to be better with this hard to get the twitch you know comments visible maybe i'll find some way to resolve that but for now it's just i am amazed at how much there is to this holy cow well let's see okay i got back my weapon i got to go retrieve back the other one over there god it's like the land before time everywhere i'd like to take revenge on that big one one that looked like the colossus you know i can't even find it i'm a slob jesus good burn burn in the fires of hell jesus explode maybe this is water you know i should have just used the mud water that would have been a better alternative to what i had been doing before is this spore 2.0 it's kind of like custom robo arena in a way do you folks remember custom robo custom robo was a great game brings me back very nice to see my base doing all this good work for me though what are these things ultralisks jesus a new technology has been developed what are they can we upgrade these what else can we have i think you know we just replaced everything with rockets okay uh really gonna be needing some more carbonium soon though you know let's go find another resource uh uh area of that carbonium look here it is what we've been looking for for three seconds and there we go more carbonium yeah i don't know i feel like i've already said many of the things that deserve to be said that's my only source of depression here ran out of power ages ago oh god wait a minute i didn't even notice i was too busy fighting see for me the draw of this game is just because is that the fighting is fantastic i mean the combat feels great i almost feel like that it would be great if there were a mode that were just like a twin stick shooter i don't know if they would consider adding that in the final game i just feel like that it really sticks out with that there's never enough carbonium oranges all right okay we've got uh take away all ammunition i don't know why you would do that but okay earthquake weak wind unlock research biomass energy stronger personally i would like to see the stronger upcoming attack but the choice is yours the choice is yours hmm i don't know why i think that these things are kind of like delayed um are we even connected to the main power grid on this still trying to figure out oh yeah we're just out of power in general build more outside of our walls we'll make it like a medieval town i think we're in trouble i think we're in a lot of trouble now seeing stronger attacks set it to brutal and do a custom difficulty mode jesus oh jesus christ hang on it says everybody in the stream's names now oh that's kind of cool is it because of the stronger attack like these are the people who voted on that that's actually kind of neat oh cool now we've got the bigger uh bigger bosses them's the bigger bosses wow oh god that's everybody that's that's everybody jesus that's actually kind of cool we get our rocket launchers i feel like we're gonna need them but it's neat that you can actually survive against such a big attack like look at that that's enormous jesus you know am i using the right weapons against this jesus christ look at how many of you there are why is this happening okay this is fantastic this is exactly what i wanted to see of this game this is where it seems to excel just look at all of that a building has been destroyed i think the enemies have got like stronger shields or whatever because i can't even break through i'm gonna switch out to my sword in a minute i must have lost my sword somewhere else too what happened on the other side that i haven't even looked at yet oh it's so cool to watch them in fighting in tandem ah yeah there's my sword way over there uh nothing a couple landmines won't be able to solve and i'm just to lean on my turrets for defense jesus christ that thing is enormous i don't even think i'm replenishing ammo anymore yeah now we're going against the big ones wow yep no longer replenishing base ammo under attack yep my ammunition factories are out i literally can't make enough ammo to fight these things off anymore that is pretty neat though i think i think it ended i think it's over let's wait till they've destroyed my hq because there's still more coming oh my god there's so many different types though just gonna get myself killed now oh jesus this was this was a different experience you know i don't often play games with like quite this much action but the production values here for being like what is a studio i've never heard of you know i i don't want to use the term indie studio i don't really know enough maybe they are i have to check out xor studios but this is a neat one with fantastic production values the likes of which i have not seen since like retro gaming this is neat there's something definitely worth checking out here and it's definitely not like factorio like i keep comparing it to this is this is a different animal entirely kind of like combining i would now kind of correct myself from the beginning twin stick shooter along with just like badass starcraft reminiscent reminiscent sort of game along with some factorio elements some like uh building like that but just also fantastic for a spectacle if you want to fight a lot of enemies and there's definitely some path of exile in there too i can feel that actually i'm feeling a lot of path of exile now that i play it more um but it seems like you could play it kind of however you want the building has been destroyed do we actually have ammunition again let's see if we can take down this big guy okay can i take him down he resisted five grenades and five rockets nope i think i gotta die again if i want to do that how about all these mines okay did manage to take him out at least i get that gratification twin stick bullet hell tower defense game yeah this is a lot of different genres at once but i always feel like it's hopeless and i'm definitely gonna die in the end but i don't know we almost made it to the end so neat though again uh major thanks to uh major thanks to xor studios for sponsoring this one the riff breaker guys the demo is totally free go check it out
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 29,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the riftbreaker, riftbreaker, riftbreaker game, riftbreaker gameplay, let's play the riftbreaker, the riftbreaker game, the riftbreaker gameplay, the riftbreaker review, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods
Id: kTupN5LHJaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 8sec (8648 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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