I Mined This Massive Mountain Of Gold To Find This Extremely Rare Gem

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look how clean it is i don't think it's ever been this clean but that's not gonna last long because we've got a rare new gem to bind but first we're gonna need some ground therefore some money so keep the change now that we've got our funding i can't wait to see what it is it's gonna break first one piece of land please and um i'm gonna keep my money there for safekeeping now the good dirt is at the bottom so we've just gotta work our way down but since i'm not having any of it today we're gonna use the better pickaxe which takes a little bit bigger bites and there couldn't possibly be any downside to digging this quickly except for him already stuck in the bottom but look at all the good dirt we've got haven't yet figured out how we're gonna get up and down but it's probably gonna look something like this almost like i planned it out that's pretty perfect but yeah way to go stupid the water is all the way over there but that's a problem for a few minutes from now for now i'm going to give myself just a little room to play with that should be enough for now we can make more if we need it i've mostly got to figure out how to get the water over here would you look at that we're almost there got it pretty much all the way across my land but it was out a little bit i guess before i get too carried away with anything i should probably make sure that the ground down here actually has something in it so a little bit of the good stuff into the bucket which we will put into the pan for no reason and then walk 40 miles over to our water source and then give it a good old-fashioned scrub and there we go we got one big piece of iron so there's definitely big stuff down there that's good enough for me so um now that i've done all of that i realized i could have just put this anywhere and it puts out water anyways so the game is probably not gonna love what i'm about to do but it seems i found a good source for mining dirt just need to find a way to do this it isn't a complete disaster so basically here's how i'm picturing it running these guys are going to produce infinite dirt to these drills these drills are going to drill into it and then send it out to here obviously it's going to get a little bit more complicated than that but that's the basis of this great idea i have it's all starting to come together so now these are all going to spit and the dirt's going to go into conveyor belts they're eventually going to center they'll get grinded up and go that way so let's put one of these grinders to the test is it going to do the job that looks like it's gonna work really nicely i'm gonna end up putting a lot of work into this but i'm really excited to see the massive pile of gold at the end and then after the gold's amazing journey it's all gonna land on a single conveyor here which is gonna go up to the surface to get piled in a massive pile and i can already feel how much the game is loving this so i can't wait till the gold starts flying but this is also where things start to get fun because we're headed for the moon just need my obnoxious pickaxe and we'll dig our way there in record time except for maybe trying to create a mountain out of gold from a fresh save because it's actually a lot of work to do all this but i found the daylight already maybe just a little bit more off the top and it looks like for once i might have actually not timed it this bad i might get a massive pile of gold somewhere over there and i think this should be high enough up that if i want a massive pile of gold they can all trickle down into one gargantuan pile without ever touching up here but i've got the ladders and everything done so let's take a step back and admire yeah i think we could get a pretty big mountain of gold somewhere underneath all that so how do you build that part okay i'm starting to work it out we're just about there to where we can fire up and at least start getting some gold so i'm not going to bother to sort any of the valuable materials that split out of this thing i'm just going to let them all pile up in a massive pile i just wonder how much dirt we're gonna need to find the new gems in ore okay with that last piece i think we might sort of actually be ready to be fair i have no idea if this is really actually going to work i'm just going to turn it on and see what happens and in order to do that i need to put these uh magical water intakes on each and every one of these and then the dirt will start flying but you can already tell that the game doesn't love this and nothing is happening yet there goes the first bit of dirt uh so far so good it's going where it's supposed to i do want to keep an eye on its little adventure at first to make sure nothing strange is going to happen and screw everything up but so far it looks like it's going to make its way to the top fairly nicely that part might need a little work but the dirt seems to be handling itself very well by sitting right in the middle that's very much not what i'm used to but look at it all it's right down the center very cleanly so far this is only one drill going though and we're definitely going to escalate until we can escalate no further but then we're going to take it further anyway and break the game probably also losing another save file in the process but whatever it only takes eight hours to build one of these things anyways what have i got to lose we're going to further break stuff down so it all goes nicely through the little feeder and out spits all the gems in or at the bottom i am too smart i am so smart wow it's falling quite a ways it's going to make a pretty big pile well that's the first bit of it better get back to work i do also think that despite everything going on this is going to be my most reliable setup i've ever made i should just very cleanly produce dirt because i've used everything i've learned along the way so it should be a continuous funnel of uh the good stuff coming up here hopefully there won't be any jam ups if there are we can still adjust but everything's working super nicely so far anyone see any of the new stuff yet if we wait here long enough it'll literally rain down on top of us i had a bit of a strange little hiccup over here so the dirt's stacking up where it shouldn't be whoops gonna have to keep an eye on that because if the dirt gets stopped it doesn't make it to the drill if it doesn't make it to the drill we don't get any gold i think the rest of them are okay i'm just not entirely sure what happened there and then there's always going to be oddities like why that one isn't moving all the other ones seem to be working perfectly they're all in sync with each other this one is being difficult for some reason it's probably because that bar doesn't have room to play if i look at that it's just a nice consistent stream of dirt going up i could probably put a few more drills in and we will no jam ups no nothing just consistent dirt look at the pal we have already hmm maybe i should be sorting it nah we'll be able to see all the new stuff when it lands there's some claudium so we got a little bit of that so it should only be a matter of time oh this is onyx right here this is the new stuff it's black so we'll explore that in a few minutes now that we know what we're looking for because i've gotta go do whatever i just forgot we're gonna get such a big pile this is gonna be stupid so what i was going to do was take this leggy pickaxe and beat this one up just a little to see if i can get some of that dirt out of there so i can get the proper little bar in there oh i just realized that the problem was is this i'm not supposed to have one of these intakes i'm supposed to have the cheater intake in there so now that we've got the dirt back we'll put a cheater on intake on there and then we'll get more gold than before there we go production just went up actually quite a bit that's an extra like 12 and a half percent production and i think we could still do better the game isn't lagging too bad though so i kind of like this balance for now and we're still getting a massive pile of pretty much whatever we want did anybody see where i left that onyx in particular okay i found it again uh we're going to do a little experiment we're going to compare it to say a ruby so first of all i want to see their weight so that is where 61 at 4.11 this is worth 614 so this is worth 10 times as much but i should also be able to grind that into some kind of new gem so if i take that and give it one of those and then what is it worth now one thousand dollars this little black jam is one thousand dollars all by itself so we're gonna need more of those there's probably already a few more here we're just gonna have to dig them out eventually they definitely do seem to be pretty rare though because i'm seeing a lot of the other ones they would be a little bit hard to pick out but there's obviously a lot of green uh and red and uh blue gems okay i just found another one but before i get too carried away i mean relatively speaking i think i'm gonna need one of these compressors that way i can put all of these black onyx jumps into one mega jam that's worth a billion dollars anyways we're gonna cut a second uh onyx gem this one's also worth about a thousand we're gonna press the two together that are worth a thousand to see what they're worth together and go a little steam and pressure has this with a super jam that's worth about less than they are otherwise all right we're not gonna push those together that looks interesting but we're just gonna get a stack of the regular gems because they're worth more not pressed together they're easier to deal with though i'm also gonna need a way to transport them for sale so if i really wanted to do this intelligently and efficiently i would be guiding everything but the black gems basically into something that destroyed itself to be honest i didn't even care if we find that many i'm just really happy to be making a giant pile of gold again there are also these little pieces of dirt that are managing to make it through but there's not much i can do about that now well there's not much i'm going to do about that now found onyx number three and it's worth about a thousand dollars by itself so that's gonna hang out over here with the big black one and eventually we'll get a nice little pile of them i don't know if it's worth it to actually sort all this or not i'm having so much fun otherwise then again i have a way i can do this i know how to do it so uh i'll be back in a minute so i think i have a pretty easy solution everything's gonna come out of the funnel hit a conveyor but then basically go through a sorter right away so everything that's not the black onyx will go out the end everything it is will go that way the other problem is my pile of ore is already so big that i have to build a conveyor way far out just to get kind of beyond it anyways that should be far enough so now all the regular ore is just gonna drop straight down there especially once i give it just a little bit of a funnel and then yep perfect we're gonna restart everything and this is gonna help because the onyx really is very rare i think i found four pieces so far in all of this so i don't know what the odds of that happening are one in hundreds probably i probably i'm also looking past a ton of it because it's not very organized whatever the case ready to go again everything get to work here comes the dirt now way to sit back and wait again see if this is actually gonna work or not okay here's everything coming out and why is that going that way okay that's not the gems okay we're gonna scanner to split it into gems only i guess that's actually iron and not the ore that's cloudium gold iron gem shards i get it now so i can only do gems but as long as the gems are separate that's fine anyways i can sort the gems easier than everything else uh whatever the case we'll pick out the onyx out of this pile then i do really love how she's a constant stream of dirt though i'm tempted to set up even more just to get the progress up a little bit more but as i was walking back over to the ramp i found yet another one now while i'm waiting for that to get to where it's going i have what's called a logic mini nuke okay let's figure out exactly what these do we're taking my nuke for a walk i'm sure my mountain of gold will be fine all by itself unsupervised so this is a logic setup so we need to apply it some power i guess something like that this stuff is all with like logic and gates and stuff which i very much do not understand but we'll figure it out so that's the nuke the power line connects to here uh here's the reactor i think we need to throw a shard up top maybe let's put that one step back uh if we can because we're going to need to put a switch somewhere here okay i couldn't find a switch that's fine i spent all of 10 seconds looking i'm just not really sure if this is going to set this off automatically once you put the water on or how it's gonna work hi there one of your most expensive vehicles please i'll bring it back for a service very soon so now i just gotta manage to get this thing somewhere out to near the nuke and i know these things don't love this uneven ground [Music] well that might have to be as good as it gets wait that should do it right on top this was maybe what i'm looking for a logic switch this all seems familiar now that i've started to play with it so if i touch this that seemed to work the car is floating so it didn't destroy that but it definitely made a mess of um everything else around it so yeah i now see how i can make that work i'm also pretty stuck okay well one little nuke did all of that so we definitely have some potential there to make a pretty big hole so anyways how's our mountain of gold since we've been gone why is nothing happening okay so i guess it doesn't really run when i'm not here because here's all the dirt again so that's why i guess i'll just sit here and wait for the rest of my life while also perhaps working on a little side project i'm getting so sick of connecting things together i spent so much time doing this i think this is all going to be worth it though and i've actually kind of got to hurry to get these connected otherwise they're going to be lost in the pile of gold forever which is getting pretty big pretty quickly remember sitting here enjoying my golden gem shower well we're actually getting really close to that suddenly didn't realize didn't think we get anywhere close to make it that high can i have my uh there we go and that one too that's definitely a big pile of gold considering how long we've been at this this is definitely the most efficiently i've ever done it but now that we've mined all those gems do we have any more onyx anywhere at all i'm seeing a lot of everything else now i'm starting to worry it's not actually getting sorted with this stuff it's just going into the pile of other stuff either that it really is just rare we just happened to find the few pieces that did fall into this giant pile at one point okay and we've officially broken something because the uh onyx uh crystal is stuck to me i cannot put it up or put it down or anything it's just following me around now so that's weird couldn't possibly imagine why the game is unhappy so i think we're actually gonna have to reload that's better the game did not want to reload in and it stuck a bunch of stuff in midair but we did that so that might have actually been a really bad idea on my part so i think that if you uh leave while the stuff is in mid-air it freezes in midair and that's not really good for what it is we're doing here where's everything going oh that's where the jam up is so we're just gonna remove the funnel for a second and let that kind of sort itself out uh that can go there for a second please don't fall and um yeah there we go we just gotta let everything through a little bit perfect that's much better we don't even need that funnel there anymore there's so much stuff following through though maybe we do need the funnel just to help it keep uh keep it going somewhere what if we put the funnel there yeah that'll be better everything else whatever go wherever you want to kind of wish i was smelting this now i want to see how much this is worth and things seem to be making it back through the chute so good it's definitely kind of strange wait i found one okay so we're still getting onyx it's just really really rare we basically had to go through this many gems to get one piece to be fair there could also be more in there like this one and i'm not seeing it because it's very hard to pick out amongst everything else okay while i'm at it i think we should find combine some of these uh onyx gems yep perfect with uh some claudium if we can so i'm gonna wander around and gather just a little bit of this there's not actually a ton of it out there there's obviously more than there is onyx but claudium by itself is very rare that pile is getting bigger and bigger so fast uh when you stand on the top now like i can't actually really fit here anymore hey jump right up in there now that's fun but uh yeah i've gathered up a whole bunch of claudium there's still a lot more down there but i can only pick through so many of these pieces okay let's get to smelting some claudium okay so let's see if we can yep there we go we got one of those we need to cut this in half to make a necklace this bar by itself is really only worth twenty six hundred dollars and that's claudium which goes to show again what these black gems are worth because a random one of these is probably worth a thousand dollars yep all by itself but since trying to make one particular uh expensive thing let's put all the gems together while it's definitely doing something there is one big valuable gem this might be the single most valuable resource i've ever held that's worth 8 100 just like that which again is considerably less than they would be worth individually but i want to put them into one single item found one more hiding out there that's probably another thousand dollars or so i might as well combine these now the hard part trying to get these all to stack up nicely on the anvil luckily i am a surgeon basically when it comes to doing these things so i never miss anything that's probably going to cool down fairly quickly whatever give me the hammer and can i not make that claudium it might have to be gold to do that actually yeah i think claudium can only be made into special things and that's okay because we can use a little bit of gold instead then this is one where i wish i just had a raw pile of gold because this would be so much quicker than individually picking up enormous nuggets not sure how much gold is in there but it's quite a bit so we'll put those together and hopefully this actually works this time where's my hammer uh where did my oh did i have a set to ring that was supposed to be necklace my mistake well we have an onyx ring then i think that looks pretty nice kind of wish i didn't cut the gold bar in half but let's go see what we'll get for this okay moment of truth what did mining all of this onyx get us thirty five hundred dollars we lost money on that the onyx by itself is worth like fifteen thousand well whatever i'll take it there's probably a better use for onyx i was just being really lazy and wanted to put it into something in fact that money can just stay there well now there's only really one thing left to do we're going to try and explode my massive pile of gold and i don't really know what's going to happen uh hello does that not work does it need to be directly to the nukes i'm a little confused why it's not blowing up okay well we're gonna manually pull this one then from way back here that one worked there we go gonna have a little hole in the ground now and while that one's doing its thing i want to detonate this one but i'm again going to do if i'm back here because i don't really want to fall into the hole and get stuck well some of this stuff went down in there the nukes not as destructive as you might think it destroys the ground but um oh look at all those those must be pieces of destroyed ore we can do better next time i'm pretty sure that we made a giant pile of gold and that's always fun
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,310,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZO-42rbS9EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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