Learning the Ropes in Terraria Hardcore

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welcome into terraria we're uh starting out a new hardcore world i'm very new to this game and i should not be doing this we're playing on classic difficulty though which is why i find this acceptable um and i'm just trying to learn the game it's been a while since i played terraria i think i've got about 10 hours in it but i i do enjoy the idea of perma-death and most people in terraria seem to accept dying in terraria i don't accept death though because you know like when you die your life is over so we're going to see if we can get something together and i just kind of want to like how can you play terraria safely without getting your ass kicked i want to know so we're going to see how far we can get into the game without dying um we've already got enemies because it's raining and because the darkness seems to invite and i don't even know what half the stuff is in this game which is one of the reasons i love it so much i do love i do love terraria though and i've been saving it for 10 years to play this game oh god you don't know how happy i am right now goldfish walk outside when it rains see i'm gonna say naive new stuff like that as i play it oh god we're already dead hang on a second i'm just gonna let ah geez i haven't even even mastered the dodging in this game we've got to make a house for me and this other gentleman to live in um okay apples oh wait that didn't even feel well fed minor improvements to all stats that didn't even improve my health okay i'm gonna need to learn a lot no i'm not gonna die i'm very careful okay all right don't question it okay now what is the uh hang on hey that's gonna box myself in do not trust anyone in this world right now there is an automatic way to create walls in the background right what is that first of all i'm just going to create a big ass house oh god wait a minute no he's i walled myself in i'm already dead the game is over the game is over it's it's jesus as the enemy patterns it's like playing castlevania for one of the uh that's what i was saying i'm playing more terraria because i want to play castlevania i secretly just love metroidvanias and dammit did it have to rain the first second in the world um but yeah i love uh metroid and castlevania there's some of my favorite games uh ever i literally don't remember the controls oh my god okay we gotta craft a door and then we'll be safe from all these fish and they can't as far as i remember they can't destroy my door or maybe they can but we gotta get the guy where did the guide even go where is help when you need it where is help when you need it okay this is all my menu stuff uh oh god this is like watching an old person learn a game though okay that mini map i do want okay first off let's go back to the guard i completely regret all the things that i did over here did i ever play hollow night no i never played hollow knight close the wall and build the door okay so how do i build the door i swear to god i just knew i got oh from the escape key that actually does pause the game but isn't there a way to do that without the escape key what we got to do is create wood walls behind us um and we also are going to need a workbench yeah okay uh finally got the workbench great i'm already uh doing fantastic and we got to put wood underneath us too right as i recall that was generally speaking though there is no structural integrity in this game either it's like minecraft essentially at least is there not that i knew well i can do things like destroy that bench if i delete the ground under it oh well okay we're just gonna uh put wood under ourselves oh this is great i feel so civilized okay that guy can't jump over there um hang on a second we're gonna need a door oh god he's already on the other side what the hell is it it looks like something out of dragon quest you're like you're over the slimes and dragon quest they were very nice people god what i would do to play some dragon quest right now except there just haven't been any dragon quest a great dragon quest game since the nintendo ds oh the pause is a setting i can turn off and let's turn that off then all right interface uh let's see cursor video gamepad instructions mini map order map scale we do want that health and tile grid placement preview yeah we'll take that cursor controls ah here we go okay quick mount jump grapple okay great yes grappling now i'm starting to remove always good dragon quest builders i don't know i saw that there was another dragon quest game on right here yeah now we've got to pick this this that always throws me up oh we can just place this over the dirt what kind of devilry is this i don't know why i'm going too wide there though i didn't like dr i don't think i played it actually you know come to think of it maybe there were good dragon quest games for the pc i just missed playing it for the nintendo ds what a great handheld that was okay great so now we've got the doors let's get two of those and uh all right safe destroy this now we've still got to create a lot more garbage before the night and we got to force this man to defend this that's as i recall and then what do we do we just create more and more rooms under a general thank you general collaborate on a factory of it we get something and maybe something in the works maybe something in the works you'll see you'll see future's called auto block ah yes block swap to new 1.4 or 1.41 block swap is pog uh there's also a way that you could auto build behind you too right so let's go ahead back into our workbench and we're going to create some uh not a dirt wall here we go a wood wall so we just need an ass load of these things that seems fine that seems fine but i was actually okay with this you know we press though if we want to get that though q or something like that so we're gonna func maybe the function keys camera mode nah yeah how do you get the thing where you automatically build walls because i i did remember that there was an easier way to create walls than this oh control with the smart placement hey thank you very much moose man i appreciate that yeah that that's the thing that i wanted to do okay there's some reason that i don't like working like this but this it's a pretty good way to work who's killing them god only knows now we've got to create some uh tables and a torch here because it's getting dark too we haven't even really gotten much done today i swear to god if i die in this i'm gonna be pretty upset okay defend me now what else do we need we're gonna need to see if we can find like a spider web or something like that because we need to get a bow to defend ourselves because this is just not the way to do it in fact i like the axe better because of its arc than the sword in many ways i'm gonna get a little bit more wood because i'm probably not gonna have many more opportunities to leave the house it's like covey right here right yeah terraria had very good asmr it was very nice to play i mean not only did it have a good soundtrack but it's just the noises are satisfying as hell okay i don't want to let any of these guys into my house okay can they do probably they can destroy the door or something all right don't i need only wood to make a boat do i oh i do maybe it's the arrows that i need okay that's fantastic um now we can make ourselves a set of wood armor but let's first off get a table and it uh two chairs i believe we need because we need to get this band to sit down in here and now we have the slime goop we could use that there okay great so now we have a torch put that uh no that's not what i said they're great uh we're in business baby let's put some outside kind of like scatter them around because you do need light all right no risk of uh fire spreading but they can't get in what behind the house or something like that or i need to totally wall this place in let's go back in here and then actually i think i did turn this off the the pause or um i did turn on pausing intentionally because i kept getting myself killed the last time i played i'm not quite that fast with it yet how do i rotate oh it just happens okay great all right come in yeah here he comes there's the guide brian get in my house oh it's only the blood moon i don't need to hey is it a blood moon that's a thing can't destroy my door but some zombies can't yes they can get through the door um now the the way that i recall that we would take care of this or what was prescribed to me when i used to create these videos on it was to just build a ditch in front of your house um and that basically since you have a brain then they don't just like lure them all into a ditch where they can't do anything to your house and it needs to be a rather deep ditch too um there we are okay good yeah we'll go like three wide or something like this is this is this sop when you play terraria um now we've got to go what is it platforms yeah now maybe i'm going to give them a means of getting in here but platform platform okay platform right there nice okay so we add this in and now i can get in but for some reason can they not they i they always seem to struggle with the platforms two by two trench okay ah based on which way i'm facing the objects change direction thank you very much who dies first time based on hey it hasn't happened yet give me the benefit of the doubt give me the benefit of the doubt i'm trying here okay oh so we can make these arrows i'll make an ass load of those let's put those in there okay so now we have a bow and we have arrows and i haven't died yet it's the first night we're doing great somehow we gain back health i don't really know how because i haven't played this game um let's put the dirt there okay um just reforesting the earth because this game is about massive global warming because the blue man group has really caused a lot of problems not once have we really talked about my being blue yes i'm blue live with it all right okay here we go we've got a zombie let's just first off see how these things attack our defenses oh jesus now his wife oh you're just sitting there having a good time oh idiot uh oh yeah i forgot about this door but that was also there all right well we have the guide it's okay we can gain some experience and we do actually want to go through some combat here because it's the first day you know oh my god it has been raining a long time though and we're probably going to get some giant driving eyeballs tonight or something like that i don't know just a bunch of other garbage that i hate all right nice okay yeah they keep coming this this is so much fun anymore all right we're gonna need another trench why are you not helping me you're just watching me from there a lot of things that question we gotta focus tomorrow on building more rooms all right let's uh just take a moment to dig this trench two by two trench actually will that be enough to just get you lost enough oh my god even the goldfish wants to kill me oh wow that is perfect that's so great so they can't get in at all i wish i'd done that before two by two trenches hey thank you for that uh make a campfire torches in what oh yeah there's something we need for uh can a campfire get you like uh i mean are we completely safe now the tension is completely destroyed to me no i don't know all right let's uh see there now there is something that you could improve your health with like a campfire now can't fire camper well let's build us some wood armor put that on our character we put that up there there we go okay some greaves hey looking great looking great this helmet which just looks kind of like a turd fences i know it's all right hammer okay we'll take a hammer because why not all right now i'm completely covered in fecal matter just how i like it they seem to be stuck there too the two by two trench work great though thank you yeah campfires give the health regen thank you yeah i mean i'd like one in my house but i mean should we just wait in our house that seems kind of lean and color armor in this game so you don't stop being blue oh can we color armor let's hang on a second oh i guess we need like some kind of die or something bow is bad quality craft another oh is it oh annoying wooden bow hey i didn't know that hey thank you okay we're also gonna need a chest right chests are good items just like store other garbage in there um hang on where is it okay there it is so wow there's item quality in terraria we just got a regular wooden boat how do we scrap that just gonna kind of throw that on the ground no wrong one okay there we go we got a great one should we keep crafting to get more you know they're crafting levels or anything like that and the ingots ah we do need ingots for the chest okay so we're going to need to get like a smelter or something like that yeah dustbin in my inventory oh oh the dust's been in my inventory okay so i could just do this where does it go sword inventories open be stealing does that mean it just like goes away at the end of the day it's not factoria you can delete items here ah thank you trooping gets deleted when i place another item on top of it oh okay thank you so it's like i have a little bit of time to decide that's nice of the game but what happens if i keep crafting wooden bows let's just keep on making more this is a wooden bow this is a wooden bow are there like is there some better quality wooden bow i could get right now all of these are just regular they all seem to have the same i didn't even know that there were item qualities in terraria nimble wooden bow okay this is even better so i just it's funny that it doesn't take any time though no knockback average speed plus seven percent oh so it like sort of has oh but neither one had knockback okay let's just keep putting things into the trash i don't really see any points on those can i sell these well i can always get wood back so screw it the random stats hmm i can get modifiers legendary is this one all right so then i guess let's just try to craft a legendary wooden bow i don't see it as being worth it with arrows but we're out of wood all right never mind i could i lied i lied okay oh they're modifiers not quality oh so can we like find some nimble out in the world like hey guys found some nimble in this chest i found some legendary in this is that a thing godly legendary and demonic are all good on specific things okay many thanks all right now i'm hearing a shooting star oh yeah that was a bad idea because of the morning now they will kind of disperse in the morning let's just see if we could fight them in isolated groups like this one but again we don't want to uh attract them in because then we could get eyeballs in the house and nobody likes that i'll have to call the fire department no that's fine i'll leave you when you're driving eyeballs out there hey ace winters thank you for the sub um godly um let me see unreal would be the best for range but yeah there's so many other modifiers they've added to this game this is one of the reasons why i'm excited to learn terraria is because there's just such an insatiable amount of content in the game throw down another chore uh look up where are they uh um all right i know not well the eyeballs are right there only because eyeballs are kind of suicide i tend to get myself killed pretty quickly i think day one i just like to sit in my house and look out at the world in fear now another question like in terraria does the game only scale with as much as you explore or like will something bad come and kill me just because i don't do anything like in real life if you don't try to hurt anybody's feelings like nobody's gonna you know you're free to live a life of just like kind of complacency and in many ways eventually you know you will starve to do oh god way to just completely this is the reason why yup that's the end i told you i wouldn't be very good with the eyeballs hey i thought i'd survive 24 hours oh i'm ghost now all right that's neat oh what would we have changed on this first day i think i could get the house done faster i think i could get a better bow and uh oh god i could just go down i think i would have um i think i would have gotten some fire arrows so that i could fought those things only because i don't want to waste my time oh so eventually bosses don't spawn until i've gotten some upgrades this guy's based on my life and the more bosses i kill okay so i am kind of free to just live there in my life well that was very sad all right so i guess my entire world is dead now my character is gone wow that is pretty sad that is pretty goddamn sad hang on a second um gonna need bigger hair to make this work all right let's blue man 2 we're making blue man 2 ignore all actually no we're gonna make him the color of rage uh just pure red oh god he's like goku man i just feel so sad i am really awful at video games but terraria is also kind of like intractable to play red there we are all right um you had nothing to see there okay we're going to go back to well that's kind of odd we could go back to the world was it nuked let's go large again wait a minute yeah wait it's the same world oh so my world doesn't actually get new it's just my character this that gets nuked i mean i still find this completely unacceptable but it's fine it's fine all right so we're redman now we still have the same world but i would want to do it like if that happened in my playthrough it's over guys i i wouldn't want to leave it there yeah let's go create a new world see the thing is that whenever i die in a game to me like the tension is completely lost so i don't even really want to play this world i'm gonna um save and exit single player okay we're gonna play as red and we're gonna go into a new world i do not accept uh twitch experiment two it's like the tension is totally gone it probably if i were watching this video i would leave the video now because i would just be like this guy is a god damn like huckster trying to sell me this play through i am not i'm not buying it that's that's where i would that's how i would feel right now so this is why when i do this in a better way it needs to be clean clean exactly infern dragon why large though well why not large is small uh better i figure that more is better right isn't more always better if we have more world to choose from large worlds take longer to create but it's i don't know i like the world loading screen and at the same time like i might be living in this world for a while guys i don't know what they didn't used to have this uh load menu and the load menu screen is uh the loading screen is just so informative i love knowing what the game is doing in the background that i actually i take uh i stand justified in this loading screen you know i respect this loading it's actually one of the most respectable loading screens i've ever seen okay we got a corrupt world here interesting okay i wonder how this will play out differently all right well we're red okay so i can get started way faster now look at me on run two i'm gonna be like a speed runner there's gonna be like dream levels of uh terraria you're gonna love it i may get more pyramids in living trees oh that's kind of nice i mean i figure yeah just i don't know how long i'm gonna want to stay in it are going to stay alive in it and if i die if the first time i die i'm totally dead i might as well have as many options to pick from as i can now one of my favorite things how high up you can go in terraria and how the world changes uh that was one of the few experiments i did do the last time i really extensively played this game you can go all the way up into space so there's there are numerous options there's also terrarius skyblock i believe too i don't know if it works quite the same way as minecraft like uh it's a thing it's a thing guys drink the sun and eat the sky yeah most loading screens and games are all but i don't know if anyone mentioned it yet but if you use 5 160 2020 as a seed you get both corruption and crimson damn that can be a thing i like games with easter eggs like that though and that's like the right place to put in easter eggs terraria is one of those types of games that kind of brings me back to like um kirby like if you remember kirby on game boy advance there were all these unlockable levels later on like you could play as meta knight in the game i don't know it was just like that was my enemy for so long you know meta knight but to play as my enemy like holy guys that turns the whole formula on its head that's why i thought nintendo games always gave just such great like you know easter eggs at the end of the game oh yeah and vic sauce thank you for the for the 300 bits my friend i appreciate it [Music] there's dungeons and garbage like that yeah like you really have to go deep underground if you want to make the game uh pretty interesting for yourself and the one danger of going deep underground is that it's very dangerous to go deep underground i get enough grades the game punishes me by adding a graveyard biome to them really ah stuff like that see some of that stuff i kind of want is a surprise okay um we've got enough for a house now i think i've got a oh my god i'll make the rooms kind of small i don't need a huge room and the fact that thank you for telling me that two by two is enough because before i used to dig these massive trenches let's get our uh home over here oh my god what is this what even were those things angry dandelion son of a you are stationary oh that's such an inventive enemy wow i like this i'm liking this a lot more already i'm finding out about stuff i didn't even know about a few months ago jesus okay let's play some uh oh what um here we are kirby's superstar on the super nintendo is my favorite kirby game oh god i still remember i said we're having a lot of uh difficulty with king ddd um king ddd sounds like he has some kind of like weight issues he was such a fat man i really felt like nintendo shouldn't have egged on that all those bosses were very large you know i think it villainized being large when that's not something that people can always control you know bowser overweight king dedede overweight that's it's not right it's not right i've still have yet to file my own complaints but whatever um we won't [Music] last on that for too long my god i just want to destroy this one bit and i like it that you can destroy blocks and you don't have to keep hitting it forever like in my you know what i'm talking about yeah you know what i'm talking about all right so we can get up our house faster we don't need that big bigger house uh let's see uh jesus christ please don't isolate me in here no you're going after the guard that's that's fine okay now we can go work bench all right there we go and that's that's the one thing i i do find annoying about this game is the fact that you have to do so much like scrolling back and forth in your inventory and i wish it were down on the bottom oh god i'm being cornered all right yeah yeah get some okay i've really screwed myself here uh hang on a second okay this house is gonna be better than the first one i swear yeah door uh wait i gotta get that in my inventory oh i didn't even use it okay terraria yeah all right yeah terraria yeah yeah terraria okay i think we've done enough to make ourselves safe we just got to get the table and chair to get that idiot back in here watching the project zomboid on youtube fun stuff hey thank you very much ricky you shift to change to mining oh shift changes to mining mode oh so like one of um hang on a second i'm gonna have to test that as soon as my life is no longer in danger well my life isn't really in danger right now okay here we go [Music] oh so that switches me from mining mode to the construction mode which i was by default in thank you i am no longer in that all right so we do this to wall off our house fantastic okay now we can go create some torches let's make like that many torches but one on each of the entrances and one on the and we don't really even need one on the floor okay and then let's get a table and chair and i'll throw that there and then we'll put on two chairs replace that with the dirt okay now we've got enough for this uh gardener inside okay there we are and now okay so he'll come in here he's probably gonna open the door and get me killed but let's uh get a bow out before anything else and now we can craft a decent quality bow let's just see what we can make uh that's a regular one that's right i wonder what the what the odds are these hasty wooden bow okay that's even better than my nimble one before but i bet we could do even better damaged wooden bow no i don't want that throw out these other ones so far that's the best one we've got i guess it's good though that it doesn't take a long time lazy wooden bow oh wait agile wooden bow three oh they all have like different sorts of stats but i assume that since this one is brighter and greener average speed no actually this one is oh there's all these different things wow you could really spend a long time learning this 10 speed those just seems very good and higher velocity means that our projectiles will hit them faster wow this is so deep like just any game like this where you can even get lost in the early game is so much fun um torches torches but we still need that what do we need for arrows um i think i still need to get something what else do i still need for this oh the workbench does count as a table didn't know that thank you excited to see this one of my favorite games ever ah thank you for coming out hypothetical wooden broadsword is a good early weapon to make two has a largest swing than the ah haha well then i'll probably need to go out and cut some marsh trees sword no oh i had a short sword that is weird oh so then this is yes this has much better arc of attack okay so we will use this instead oh that's that's fantastic that's way better than the bow that i was using because the bow just had all kinds of issues um hang on a second okay this shift will help me a lot okay so now can you get in here uh maybe i need to build him some kind of bridge to get in here okay come in come on everything's fine in here i haven't placed any traps or anything ah this shorts see the problem with the other one is this arc it's just a garbage weapon ah but i can't even quite hit him in there oh but yeah all kinds of like stupidity like that happens to me in terraria which is why i've avoided this type of mode but i'm hoping that this forces me to get better at the game against my will why is he not in my house is he just waiting for night oh we'll come in at night oh okay thank you so i we are we are well off yes this game is only like ten dollars it's bananas how good this game is for the price tag it's insane it's stupidly good yeah yeah we're running into all kinds of crap like that but our health does seem to keep on regenerating is that just like something that happens over time or is there something we need to actively seek out in order to gain more health this is a concern of mine it's also just kind of take down some more of these trees i'm gonna need a lot of these because we're gonna do a lot of crafting we're gonna be creating more uh more uh places to go to in the night and i'll probably just try to craft a second room before the night uh begins all right we're already off to a better start than our last playthrough and i'm happy with this i take great great uh great comfort in this this tree doesn't look very good we can plant things outside at night but we don't want to have to do any major building because that's just gonna require too much focus and concentration health is a slow region i can find health expanders deep in caves ah thank you prosod appreciate it all right so let's get on top of the house and then we're going to uh i'll just build another floor up i like to build these rooms not such large rooms that's pretty good like that um now that'll prevent bad people from being in here let's just keep on all right i'm already getting a little bit better with the controls now it doesn't seem quite as hopeless as it did about five minutes ago i'm now why is the reason why we need to block off the back of the walls is that just to consider them rooms or aren't there some things that can just like come in through the back of the wall campfires yes we'll need one of those as well yes we will we should also build a platform unfortunately you don't need a lot of stuff platforms i wish that that stayed in my inventory when i got there i guess to prevent you from uh crafting the wrong thing okay so that can we jump onto that okay great so we've got the right amount of room our space between rooms and now we can go for a ass load of these things so we'll use this to wall in the back wall all right all right now we're cooking with fire we've got a second room coming up and this is going to start to attract more npcs into our house filling in back walls prevents mobs spawning too ah so that it was like suspected there's so many ways in terraria i have one thousand arrows kind of sad if i think about it i don't know i think it's it's not really about how much you've played the game i think it's about a mindset i suppose like i die in zomboid too despite the fact that i have like 600 hours in it yeah 350 350 for terraria it's it's insanely cheap i can't remember i i think it was when i first had steam back in like 2011. okay so what do we need in these other rooms to get npcs to spawn in them we need like uh uh some kind of um table and chair right we need another table and chair let's just let's keep up with what we had i liked having the table and chair in the first room let's just do that again yeah all right um is the workbench considered a table cause then we could use that workbench in every single room because it gives us more stuff oh h to quick heal it's very nice wait a second let me try that does it change things oh a hot air balloon someone's air ballooning in this table and chair oh we do need a tablet light table in one chair ah thank you so i want to i do want to use the minimum okay so we do need an actual table after that first room okay so then let's add uh uh well we'll plant those acorns later replenish nature let's just get a bunch of these things because we're going to need a bunch of tables and chairs for npcs to live their lives in our house good good okay yeah right i'll be going up the stairs now this is like sop to do platforms from room to room maybe i'll even extend that out all right but there it is nothing to see here just a table and chair um trying to think of which it is i actually do kind of need everything here let's do that because i won't be using that anymore all right got a table and chair that feels good um i guess i'm gonna have a little more time before the night is over but it's always like when i take these slight risks that i get my ass like what is that a butterfly probably should have killed me all right okay all right we managed to get three rooms roomed in and all right now the night has officially begun oh oh that's how you make stairs i was wondering about that i was severely wondering about that uh that was not a great stairway but all right the last it's fine okay now we just got a wall in that back wall and uh okay it's yeah yeah it's pretty bad all right now we're going to start to spawn in next are like the old wizard man and the um uh the sexy nurse um they do say a lot of like very dirty things you would think that it's a kid's game but they say uh things about you know like um sensual sensual uh what am i even saying right now but yeah i know they are very dirty in this game i can't remember what the lines are but when you speak to them it's they don't say anything aloud but it's yeah it is there there's a question mark at the house on the right that says what it's missing ah thank you damn okay so this we've got our basic dwelling up and again we dare not go outside because it's gonna be awful for us if we do because they always seem to come into smaller quarters needed with a wall with it oh i need a wall with a door oh so i won't even get that so i need these to lead into other rooms for it to be considered a room so i need them kind of like the left and right of each other ah so control to auto play stairs what do we need our uh we need our hammer too all right it's okay i'm having a good time in here with him all right we could use this to remove i think it's stairs right you can use this to remove stairs oh uh stay indoors all right well i knew that already from the last time we had this incident oh it is with the axe all right i'm an idiot all right all right okay uh let's see this yeah do you have that we've got some wall missing we've got some wall missing all right 24 see this is a bad game for me in terms of commentary because i always just feel like i'm like narrating literally what's on my mind i think i have to totally destroy that one oh god what am i doing no i yeah i should have been in control mode okay now we could replace all that and uh stay what okay there it is all right everything's fine again everything's fine all right bad thing outside but if we could just attract them over to this side of the house then we could probably make enough room for ourselves to create a door out here so let's get a couple doors in our inventory and then we could work on that during the night also doesn't have to be a table it could be a toilet and have a piano and it will be a valid house or really so they just need like a surface to set something on i have entirely close oh i don't need an exit and we need some time okay now well while we are doing this most of your time in terraria at least as i understand is spent underground um because there's absolutely nothing overground so we're going to just do this and i'm going to pray that there aren't any worms around here because worms will kind of eff up your day in terraria but we aren't going that deep down now thanks for all the amazing content oh seven moths oh oh say are you doing oh god bless hey thank you very much uh happy to see you here many thanks for the uh many thanks for the sub my friend it seems it seems like time is just kind of like flying by you know i thought i'd uh i thought i'd have more for you by now but well it's been a good run of seven months damn it makes me feel old now though oh no i didn't want that let's just totally fill that in all right there we are okay okay so the really really shoddy completion but the house is is done they're not done um completely not done is what i meant to say you know i guess we don't want to build too much underground but we're going to create what they call a elevator right in which case we just need rope but we should probably go dungeoning tomorrow yeah we'll do that i got my ass kicked though the last time that i walked outside i don't even want to walk outside at all oh uh nope nope no let's close everything off with wood uh worms can still get in here but we'll delete all of that wood later on let's attract them all over to the other side and then we'll confront them with the broad sword at the door okay this is also a hurtful wooden sword so we should probably make that into something better hurtful is oh it actually does more damage strong wooden sword i think that plus 15 damage is kind of better though right yeah let's do hurtful wooden sword that's fine yeah they're about the same i can check to see a room is valid by clicking inventory then hold the house uh check my inventory see if the room is valve i uh click the house icon over my armor equip slots and then oh house icon over my here's my armor equipped slots wait a minute and the house icon where's the house like oh that's the housing icon okay housing query this housing is suitable oh so that is for that guy ah okay so then suitable means that it's ready for another npc to move in i take it as shift key is a contact ski based on what you're hovering over if you hover over dirt or stone it'll suck my pick ah thank you very much so then if i oh that could make my life a lot easier in here i kind of wanted a hammer there though well i guess context can only go so far but i'm probably gonna be using control and shift a lot then okay that will help me a lot because i always found terraria kind of like intractable for the controls just kind of delete this and this and now we can put those platforms back so that this makes sense again okay this is gonna make my life a little bit better thank you i appreciate that okay great so now we can jump from room to room with frolicking in gaiety okay uh um yeah i guess i'll fill in the rest of these i guess we really just don't want dirt down here either funny can i can't like do the auto building there with the dirt but i guess we really don't want much of our house underground because that's where mobs will start to spawn right hey eric how are you it's it's going i'm uh i'm not really like originally a terraria guy so it's it's hard for me but i know that if i open this door it's like game over it's game over man so i'm just gonna stay on this side of the house unfortunately everybody's yes i do want to confront some danger because like look if i can't contend with a couple of bad people then it's over man i should just give up oh that's perfect i can just walk through that now i can't actually hit them through this wall right nah that stinks right uh yep guess we're just staying here for the rest of the night or we could go collect that star i'll grab that i'll be right back in a moment now that's a fallen star what does that actually do for me does that give me more like whatever that is mana over there i have a fallen star disappears after the sunrise oh it's just ammo that disappears have i tried fishing in this yeah i've actually never done any fishing but i hear that it's pretty overpowered can't that get you like a hook shot or whatever it is you need shift and click to transfer an item once i get storage oh that is very nice okay i will need to use that yeah it's basically just control a lot with explo with uh control and click this is a classic mode but hardcore mainly because i haven't played it in a long time all right well let's do a little bit of exploring um let me see if i do get into any bad situations that i'm getting my ass kicked oh wait a minute oh if i can make a campfire no then i'm gonna head back in there woman's piece what was it why was i happy for a second and no i'm not happy again oh well alas let's just go inside here place down this campfire ah it burns i guess i'm gonna just go back here let me just try to get my ass kicked a little bit right maybe not quite this much that's too much let's just walk this way and we'll see if we can find someone who's great one eyeball that's fine with me okay you come in great why did i take so many points of damage that could have been the end right there again hang on hold up a second okay let's test out that fireplace oh my god oh h okay so the h helped me quick heal but then this is doing the other stuff that is a lot of damage for an eyeball to do no you idiot he's gonna get me killed he's gonna get me killed get yourself killed die oh jesus the morning will come soon the morning will come soon everyone stay out of this part of the house oh he's so dumb jesus who's this guy i like brian better now fortunately he's not permanently dead right if he ah god okay good it's the morning again everybody get out of my house i feel like jesse pinkman and breaking bad remember when he used to throw all those parties everyone left his house at the beginning of the morning actually they didn't they slept in his house i'm gonna have to cl um leave through my roof oh that would have been the way to do it you're still alive but we're not friends anymore okay uh let's go do some exploring throughout the world because that's generally speaking a good thing we'll craft some arrows too um a bowl should we get a bowl you know what is that even gonna do for us but let's get all of these arrows now we can make fire arrows now our fire arrow is going to get me killed uh very weak knockback but these also have very weak knockback five rage damage seven range damage five to seven seems like a pretty good uh upgrade yeah i'll take that why not okay so i've got 100 fire arrows uh now how do we switch back and forth between ammo types i shoot fire arrow does it just default to the uh best ammo type or do i need to hmm the guide is secretly all the chat viewers wanting to watch me fail the guide is the bane of my existence right here god i can't believe i just said that i hate that phrase i'm sorry i take that back i really like that i haven't liked it i don't like it when people say that it seems like you don't have anything better to say okay now the good the good thing about terraria is that there's a lot of overland exploration despite the fact that it's only two dimensions and you don't really have that many options it does it does vary quite a bit from place to place so we're gonna see if we can find anything interesting because there is interesting there's caves there's uh there's florida people um there's all kinds of stuff in here damn it hey blt drunken scott thank you very much for the sub my friend appreciate it fire doesn't hurt me and it's the top of my specific ammo space oh so my ammo oh um where's my ammo space where is my ammo space oh this is my ammo so i could do this and then i would fire wood arrows instead okay that makes sense to me thank you i didn't even know that was a thing oh it's actually a pretty good system for switching out ammo i'll allow that that's good i like that we'll get out we'll stay with the fire arrows because they're a little bit stronger and we want to just you know proceed with caution throughout this run all right so what we're really looking for as i recall is um we need some kind of rope uh this is the bad place i'm gonna go in oh wait i didn't even expect to get hit there all right i'm gonna uh leave immediately what i was hoping for was like a jungle or something like that let's just uh keep going over to the other side we got some vines over here but that's not particularly jungle um i'm just gonna say goodbye to you because i don't have time for you all right so if we go over here maybe on the other side we'll hit the jungle or something and as i've heard fishing is supposed to be pretty overpowered because you can find some good items right so i don't know if this counts as backseating feel free to backseat um need to place the empty glass bottle or clay bottle if i want to craft potions near my workbench i will get up to that soon we'll get up to that soon probably tomorrow night we'll just make a hellevator i think that that's the next uh the next move slimes are not hostile during daytime if not touching you oh really damn i know that they i thought they were just always hostile because doesn't your guide he's not a very good guy but doesn't your guide fight them okay here we go chest chest we can use this thing um first off we can open this and what do we get okay uh is there a button for loot all or do we actually need to click it mining potion increases mining speed we could use that for tonight that's great um okay great rope that's what i wanted tin bars grenades and climbing oh climbing claws are very good yes yes yes um what do we do want to put that in one of our vanity slots is that the vanity slot what is the difference between this and this accessory social accessory i guess we'll leave this here um are they wait are these vanity slots or is that something else ability to slide down walls is really really good um middle kids only hovers over loot all is there no i mean like is there a keyboard button for ludoll not no i'm not i'm not that stupid where i'm just looking at it um social accessories visual okay well we'll just do that only because in all the games that i play you know you could very quickly like uh you could very loot quickly loot something by pressing like r or something like that i was expect you know i don't want to just compare it with other games but that would be nice right you'd like that all right uh head down okay another you know it takes to take a few risks here and since we do have these climbing claws we can now kind of do this so we could kind of like spiderman our way up and down walls that's fine with me oh it's becoming more labyrinthine than i had expected okay we'll just leave it there because i'm on primitive the only thing is that it makes the world kind of like can't really delve in like a more of a terraria adventurer would just kind of jump right in here i got a spiked radar um tax enemies around me that's kind of neat i wonder what that would look like herb bags needs to be in my inventory for me to put it on let's loot all this i'll kind of examine this later on we're gonna have a lot of time tonight you and me so we'll do that later on back there and you know what i'm gonna make a uh make a couple more torches okay so we can keep going oh hey you're following me all right get away my god this place is cavernous okay you'll notice that the music one thing that terraria does really well is the music subtly changes i've always found that very natural in this game you know there's responsive soundtracks that's a thing but okay there's gonna be some worms here so i'm just gonna leave because i know i'm gonna get my ass kicked it does though like it gives you a lot more investment in your character to play this way but that seems to be some kind of like underground desert biome all right i'd like to get back up to the surface though i'd like to see if i could create a way of uh grappling from wall to wall though i think that this is why we need fishing right um except to craft wood like that yeah all right we can climb our way back up oh god break these down too and we might be getting the merchants soon too so we could like uh you know buy stuff from him right doesn't he give us stuff shift and target on a wall oh thank you thank you for complimenting me appreciate that shift click control and click sends it into the trash oh so that ah that is quite helpful actually hmm okay we will be we will be using that okay i'm at home again yeah we've got rope we could use this to get down but let's just see like what our options are i feel like at this point we should be creating a uh like some kind of furnace or something like that right or do we need to do more mining maybe we should just start creating the elevator jester's arrow he's better okay well we could do that with the fallen star let's create that that seems good swimming arrow we kind of already have a lot of that throw to create a cut climbable line of rope i guess we should get better with this kind of stuff too right oh that's neat i like that ah but it just spawns regular rope when we're done there's so many neat items in this hmm merchant can move in once i have 50 so oh so i need more money to get uh god damn it is is he going to take my money too everybody oh god it's it's it's just capitalism terraria all right well so be it so be it what we're gonna do is uh well we've got all of these platforms but you know rather than all these platforms because this just seems like kind of a waste of time let's get ropes instead because we found ropes what i would consider kind of early on i know it's not particularly difficult to find a rope okay good this context menu this shift click is is nice this is working for me good thank you keep telling me about these things as if we go so far down we'll kind of rope our way back up because we don't want to get hit by any worms and i am hearing some garbage now ah there we go okay so now we've got the rope going okay this is a safe way to get up and down like that and we can just kind of keep torching our way down all right let's just go down that's what most of terraria is about anyway the so-called elevator we're gonna go through several biomes we could start this in a cave but i figure you know why not just have something accessible right from our house ropes are best for leading up into a base as well instead of doors to get in oh like if we could uh that's actually not a bad idea like to create a rope oh man you're one of those idea guys aren't you so like what if i instead of having a base like this if i put my base well above ground so that nobody could ah damn see that's a great idea i might just delete that lower room and then we just make this like a total rope damn yeah i'm like i'm all all these new great ideas are dawning on me as we go through this hang on a second i might just delete some of these rooms guys but you know what we do want to have like a house up in the sky this occurs to me now there's just so much cool stuff to do in this game i can hardly stand it it's like it's like a whole new world to explore it's like minecraft in that way and whatever you think of mine minecraft is a great game here we go that shift is really gonna help me okay i feel like i'm a little bit more fluid with these controls now like i do know what i'm doing a bit don't judge me yeah you could judge me as an uber stream uh but i'm gonna have to create some platforms or something because otherwise i'm gonna get my ass kicked yeah like if we did this and then we have our house be up here okay i could see this oh that's nice all right let's just start up a new house up here screw our old house now can nbc's get into this house though or do we just have to build them up into it and then later on but this is becoming more terraria e and i like it yeah like that okay that's a great way to that's a great way to control the game with shift um guide is really the guy is having a hard time but at least he's getting some work done keep lower room if i want but also just make a walkway up above the rest to remove the lower yeah yeah so you kind of like usher in the npcs up to the top when they come in all right well i mean like you know as for a place for me to actually live this works but now i suppose that you then put um you're still gonna get eyeballs on your base but then how do you uh create the rest so you have to like create doors up here neat so like we would go like uh i guess you wouldn't want a platform under because then they could get into it right i mean unless if there's some other advanced strategy to do this but let's uh put the door there and what i'm thinking is that we'll have this you know the entrance to the house be like here look i'm playing like barbie's dream house i don't know why the door will go here i had an older sister growing up guys i i had a lot of dollhouses well son we can't uh get you i did have legos that was that was nice fortunately it wasn't a lot of older sisters i could see that being a little painful they were fun though they were fun it's fun to play with small worlds as a child because you're so small you know as a child all right now i'm getting kind of tangential here though okay let's add in uh more wooden platforms yeah this seems kind of sop okay okay i i like this this seems more like interesting too than i had always just done that kind of normal wooden house one it will teleport at night wait a minute teleport if the room is off oh the so the guides can teleport in all right so we should destroy those other ones oh awesome awesome fun fact i can craft rope coils and throw her up instead of placing oh let's do that maybe uh let's see how that works it just seems more advanced i've seen some people who are so advanced in this game and i just feel like i'm light years behind them but what do they need to attach to oh that makes sense all right it's kind of great i could swing like tarzan of the jungle um it's fun how they don't need to be attached to anything either oh i like this okay um let's go back down let's see if we can kind of actually make this into a house so that the npcs will start to spawn in [Music] actually i'm pretty happy with this let's just keep going down to hell i feel like that's just a much better idea my god so the context menu actually knows that you need a torch that is good oh god i don't need to keep navigating through the inventory i can just do that that's great now if i really got into some deep could i throw a rope coil over me when would it attach to the other rope okay that's pretty good so it'll attach to something okay so always kind of keep one of those rope coils in your inventory when you're digging extensively like this great thing i guess my character must just have a lot of glue on him that he can keep attaching these rope coils to each other and we're trying to get down to stone here because what is the next item that i need to create like a furnace yeah here we go stone blocks oh that's fantastic like that am i playing villagerville or teddy ville or i don't even know what that is i'm that bad at it fun fact i craft rope coils um i've already read that hardcore mode will teach me about trapped chests pretty quickly i i don't know i feel like i learned more about games when there's more pressure in the game so i'm like like i learned a lot more about kenshi when i played it the first time as a torso because i you know if i did it any other way i just wouldn't have gotten the same experience hey but let's go back because i'm probably going to spend the night in here see if this place is viable we'll leave our earthly house my my house is in heaven uh um oh stonewall is there really any point to having a stone wall or should you just always stay with wood i'm gonna go for wood right now because on all the like good players i've always seen uh what is it wood walls but okay the context menu will be fine so there's i've minimized inventory management for myself though and i feel much better ah i am navigating terraria with great agility i am a master of the universe now i gotta say that this auto build feature this i did not know about this till like august that is such a nice thing to to have this probably means that i could craft better quality armor doesn't it put some torches that will fall down and smash smash yeah i should probably get torches in there too my my issue is i'm probably not going to grab onto the as fine we'll get it done somehow all right just keep doing this great okay contact me wow nice another light source i just like having the light okay and now we can do uh uh what another table and chair uh pain in the ass how you have to do that i guess you could place things faster if you didn't have that oh i'll leave it on maybe i'll do that off screen or something i think we can make one more room here put another chair there picky npcs need a table and chair all right okay isn't a room enough for you your mother and i have worked so hard on this all right okay so now we've got the uh underground that's gr that is good that shift thing because otherwise i have to i kept having to pull back up the torch okay what other things am i missing about terraria that make it uh to make it easy oh are they still rooms because they're not connected to the house well let's find out housing okay so he can live in here too oh and maybe this is a better one because i've been spending more time in it i like this place okay and i've got this new heads-up display where it tells me that three enemies are nearby i think it's because i've got this spiked radar connected to me but now i'm feeling a bit more confident like is it safe for me to go out into the world oh drunk hell yeah i just don't want to put you through me learning the game oh you've never played it oh god i don't know if many of my friends really play this game normally i don't really know anybody in our uh little group who uh who's very good at it maybe we could have somebody teach it to me though i also felt like i was dragging down on somebody else who was playing it a lot or who was good at it when i played with them because this game does have quite a lot to it no i'm content to keep learning and just be stupid alone for a little while longer and then we should totally do that because this game is more of a completed game oh the other three rooms aren't rooms anymore why aren't the other three rooms rooms anymore are they rooms i said that they were livable in the other ones the radar works if it's in my inventory too if it's taking up space might have because oh okay so i don't actually need to put it in one of my accessory slots okay so let's take that out of there uh what wait can i move it i can't move anything why can't i move anything that was a weird bug okay all right rope my way back up and it looks like we're getting to water here now water is one of the most special parts of terraria it just it does it so well it feels like they did water right you know though i do fear it it's very easy to drown here okay uh yeah that's fine it's fine i'll be all right yeah i get air every few seconds should be okay okay let's go back up in a bit though because what is this ah not tin or i need an iron i think iron is the one now i need that and then i can start making a furnace or something like this we are starting to run low on rope though all right let's just go back up see what else we can craft in our home and i'm going to uh uh here we are okay we'll rebuild our workbench put that down there okay now what else can we make we've got a lot of stuff in our inventory now right oh they aren't enclosed ah thank you well it's good that we unenclosed them you know imagine doing throwing this in our combined professionalism that's going to be a while that radar has some stats on it may well have it equipped oh wait so then that oh that does give me better damage if i have it equipped so you need to have it equipped to do that all right very well very well i will equip my radar furnace furnace ah furnace here we go used for smelting ore okay this is this is our next thing now is there any advantage in putting this in its own room or should we just like leave everything in one room it seems to me like it would be good to just have everything together red brick gray brick gray uh regular plate bowl oh a bowl okay vase clay pot tea torch that's kind of funny let's just make another campfire because we do want some way of uh healing put that there okay good we should probably just put those all over our base because we might get our asses kicked this house being supported by a climbing rope yes um no question okay all right uh let's use these gesture arrows because i think that we could light up the night and can we shoot it from oh we can that's actually kind of neat and i feel like i stand a better shot in this combat when i these guys can't hit me when i'm just using this rope oh this is way better for combat yeah okay this is a way better way to play thank you guys thank you for this i do appreciate it i this is good we can kind of use this oh god what is that an owl all right i thought it was a giant insect we do kind of want to light it up and also just looks cooler if we use fire arrows hey tom was taken hey thank you very much appreciate the sub my friend it's new i have i don't know anything about the eye of cthulhu well there are what do we need to open up like more chests to get it oh this is actually a way better way to fight enemies in midair with ropes okay this is why i'm trying to save up for a hook shot is because that can just get us airborne and the far better way to play the game but look we're making more money now we're doing a better job defending ourselves and i bet you that we could just go down there and just give this guy a piece of my mind oh god damn it what is this one's problem that's just a normal zombie okay well it's on fire now so it's dead but is this giving me any kind of experience or anything well i'm getting copper so i am getting it money the root of all evil but at least i'm uh at least i'm making money and we need this to start to get the other npcs to move in so i guess we'll just fight some mobs now we're a little bit better with combat this is a natural progression go back down what is that a fly fi literally a firefly love it how they have mobs for stuff like that in this game okay let's place down some more torches just because i do want to see what's around me okay okay we got something going now a lot of knowledge on fighting zombies this is actually a fairly decent structure though i bet you if i didn't have this whole house under me it would be easier for me to shoot them what i should probably do is just destroy the house this rope house is much better thank you but my god they do deliver damage very fast there it is all right hey nice this one's got a torch we could steal that oh that's good okay let's make a lot of money where are we at with money now anyway we've got 18 silver let's try to make a dollar tonight because then apparently the other npcs now when do the other npcs come in like the nurse comes in the merchant comes in is it just day by day or is it like um capture fireflies and other bugs like that oh god it's like animal crossing there's so many uh so many different secrets that you could unlock unfortunately there's no driving eyeballs above me now so i'm going to build more houses and i do feel kind of safe doing this now all right why is that okay yeah here we go all right okay um no jesus okay i'm gonna place walls behind this house now i feel like i can narrate some of my thoughts about this i'm gonna place walls and i'm just gonna make an ass load of rooms so that i can get more npcs here once we get more npcs here then that opens up all the options of the game and we can get more items and we can delve deeper into the dungeons and do uh adventures and stuff like that because the one problem with doing this on hardcore is that it's going to be a long time before i feel safe doing much of anything um normally in real life i mean i mean in the game um it's a while before you feel safe do anything but especially in hardcore just because if i die i lose everything and again that's it's just complacent stash my coins every so often death is oh no i'm i'm on hardcore i'm on hardcore i like playing it on hardcore i prefer to die um but what i should be doing is getting chests okay let's get these chests out i guess i should make like a storage room or something yeah that works for me okay uh we'll just throw out garbage that we don't really need the mining potion i haven't really been using oh wait sure can i do want it's almost like i need a longer hot bar recall potion is good too because i can get back home play block tin bar apple okay i think we just need like a table okay we're getting better at this there we are okay so now we've got two rooms we just need a light source in here oh wow i'm going a lot faster with this now um okay now i want to use the shuriken on him because they're shuriken and also grenade i mean they're grenades grenades we should use those so many things that could just quickly kill me though it is it is quite terrifying is there a way that you can see on the screen that it's hardcore actually i didn't write that in the description because i didn't know what mode i was going to play on yet this is a demon eye but why is it like a blind demon eye it's weird it lost its contact lens uh so much great image [Music] i think we're good to go now i'm feeling pretty comfortable with like the uh with the earthly mobs let's just uh oh god um is there like a context button for weapon because i do quite quickly get my ass kicked still maybe i just need to get better at that all right tell you what what i'm now going to do is just to destroy the entirety of the house because i do want to be able to aim down at zombies when i'm like climbing let's just do this we go in here it's gonna be a much better strategy oh i like this okay good now i can shoot down at them and all of this other stuff will appear so i don't even have to reconstruct that furniture oh that's amazing oops spoke too soon here now look they can be under me now they fall into the pit of despair i go down the rope and now i just do this and that's a lot more damage to them okay this is a much better way to play the game except what if some of them fall down on me that could probably also get me killed okay i should have thought that through a little bit more but we just made a lot more money a lot faster and that was far more convenient okay oh hang on wait a minute hey night scorpion 2 thank you very much for the sub my friend appreciate it use numbers instead for scrolling oh what like do that yeah maybe maybe this context shift key is helpful most used weapons on the hot bar one to four yeah let's do that then let's keep these on our hot bar if the tools are like contact space that's kind of nice okay i'm liking that and of course we can get much better weapons as the game goes on let's put a grenade there and that's probably going to get me killed guessing that takes friendly fire oh uh yeah situations like that is it morning already why are they just oh no i got inaccessible all right uh hang on a second okay now we gotta chase them down from the night because this is just more free gold pretty much great okay 59 copper now what is it like 100 copper makes uh one silver or something let's go look at that menu okay 98 and 25 okay so then let's get 69 and we got 67 okay so yes it's 100 copper is one silver and what is it like 100 silver is one gold and so on and so forth do i have a schedule for stream i'm trying to do tuesday thursday and saturday 12 to three though it is a little after we've been going for a bit longer explode myself with any types of okay so there's a lot of the problem with this is that there's a lot of easy ways to get yourself killed but now for tonight let's go in and uh let's just finish destroying this house because now thanks to that folly from earlier this is a way better way to fend off hordes in the night only because it's just so intractable to hit enemies in any other way like trying to hit enemies from inside of a house is difficult but if we just create a rope ladder one that takes care of eyeballs because eyeballs aren't really that eyeballs aren't really that hard to hit you know like uh i mean sorry they are hard to hit they're the opposite of easy to hit but the thing is that they're just like a pain in the ass the way that they dodge it's hard for them to hit you okay there we go now i'm feeling like a better terraria player of course i'm not you lied he did hurt he he hurt me did i i was because i ran into him oh well oh the fire went out all right well thank god we've now uh ended that horrible house this is a way better way to play i'm never going to do it any other way again i swear to god now that i know about this strategy they've been keeping me from me all these years see what i can do now is i wish it were night again because now i can just fire my bow down that's all that you need to do and the more you can spam that and get them out of your way the better 100 gold for one platinum can explode myself um oh right click fires to turn them off okay why would i want to turn it off maybe there's a reason maybe i wouldn't want to heal it's kind of funny though all right so you're living your life let's go make mo money uh and find people though oh i'm gonna get my ass kicked that way though is that bird i'm just gonna use my sword the sword is not a bad weapon i misjudged it but there are far far better weapons in this game it's not just like wooden sword there's these gigantic like orochimaru weapons you know crazy stuff that you could get remember all those did orochi what did he have i'm sure he had something there were like swords bigger than people that's getting to be the guy from berserk all right okay so i think that going down into a cave is probably gonna get me killed yeah i probably shouldn't go into this game what i'd really like is better gear like hook shot and like speed shoes that would make it easier to get around in caves because the problem is that it's so hard to move around and you can get yourself into these cornered situations where you regret your own existence no i don't need to literally build a staircase up there oh that's pretty bad okay uh let's just go up this yeah that's fine underground ice and jungle hold better weapons but tougher yeah like all the other biomes have cool stuff i want to be able to explore it but i'm just gonna do a little bit of like kind of classic overlap okay let's throw the grenade because oh that was not as much as i expected it to be i was expecting bigger explosion some fires make more monsters porn so turning them off is good at times oh really there's so much like there's so much detail in this game do i actually sink in quicksand no i don't wouldn't surprise me if i do that oh god oh god that was great right yeah you love violence okay that is quite terrible now there are some like weird sinkholes and like this um i should probably just can i platform my way across i want to go to it it seems like a lot of these things i just found myself building over and over again like what is the what is the default hot bar that most people do in terraria whoops oh here we go yeah okay that's fine yeah i'm just gonna build that over that precipitous drop cactus armor oh is cactus armor a thing oh then yeah let's have that what do you just need cactus or do we need like a workbench well that's pretty easy to make that takes like two seconds yeah cactus armor jump down the sand hole yeah cactus armor protects you from falling down the sand hole didn't you here um what else platforms are kind of weird with the placing assist in make weird oh so i should turn that off yeah yeah grab some cactus yeah cactus sword oh cactus there's all this crazy stuff though you're like yeah make a sand sword cactus platform what the hell cactus worked this is one of the reasons why terraria is just such a ridiculous game and i love it i love it it's great god why did that grenade that grenade did a lot more damage okay fine by me fine by me no more of your kind okay we're out of the desert we're back into is this nah we're still technically in the desert i suppose oh god man that arrow cut through all that grass my aim is garbage okay lesser healing potion nice to know that h key though that i could just quickly heal with so now we do seven let's get this i guess you just find yourself building a lot of like land bridges at the beginning i feel like i it should be an easier way to do that but i suppose it's just the way it goes it's just the way that the cookie crumbles i will try to give ourselves some time to get back before night but though we also do have a recall potion so we could use that to get back home and i think those are supposed to be fairly straightforward and easy to find so i'm not gonna worry about that yeah we might just do that to get home goddammit okay not particularly scary oh here we go spiderwebs i felt like i could do something with these yeah cobwebs uh there's something that you can make with these but i can't remember what it is like something that helps you cling to walls what is that what is that that i'm thinking of is an item we could use there's one more up there hmm recommendation before i jump into other biomes go mining for gold or platinum should make it a lot easier if i have better ah maybe we could actually just use that oh well that's good hang on a second let's go use our recall potion um i feel like i've seen most of what there is to see around here there we go okay back home i like my base i don't even need to rely on all of those ditch strategies because i could just live in the sky the grenade did more damage yeah but it's by so much i feel like getting hit with a fire arrow like if somebody shot me with a fire error this probably happened to people back in the day when they used fire arrows can you imagine that there's bull now you have two problems one there's an arrow lodged in you two you're on fire i mean like grenades are one thing but like a fire arrow for how medieval it is is scary as um make a bed to skip oh we can skip night that i didn't know about this how do we make a bed i didn't know that this was available wood oh yo-yo is a pretty actually yo-yo is a fantastic weapon who am i kidding i like the yo-yo a lot okay cactus breastplate breast sorry i'm 12. cactus helmet oh this is nice wait hang on a second hang on a second the knowledge is coursing through my veins cactus feet uh cactus chair cactus cactus sword oh god next thing you know they're gonna be having like cactus alcohol or something cactus cactus beer i don't even know what you call it cactus ale cactus rum i bet that actually is a thing cact and even just cacti is this like that minecraft strategy where you can surround your house with cacti and oh here we go web rope yeah something like that man i feel so cool that's why i like terrarius because i feel cooler oh god playing it why are you upset my cat just uh he made a noise he made like he went like i was like why are you you know you know you have that gut reaction damn animals are cool animals are really cool breast sorry i forgot about it's pretty funny right you can see all right so let's go make a bed how do you make a bed what do we need the only thing is that there isn't like some major crafting menu you gotta learn everything beer and no tequila but beer and molotovs i really like this world i wish this had been my real world i am gonna be doing a hundred days thing probably hmm sign no bed no bed what do we need to make a bed wearing all three pieces of a set gives me a set bonus oh fantastic great is there anywhere that we can actually see our full stats and what are these things up here oh this gives me like optional displays that is quite nice oh this is like an optional map display and of course we could see the whole world like this now is that the whole world doesn't seem like a lot of world to me seems like there should be more maybe the scroll unravels as the world grows who even knows hmm yeah all right let's see if i could fight some guys with my cactus armor i want to see if it actually so why is cactus armor an advantage does it damage them or something like that too silk i can make silicon a loom and i can make a loom in the sawmill oh okay so so i need a sawmill and then i need to thank you zethgak i appreciate that cobweb silk bed ah okay so let's go um i'm gonna make that are we running out of wood now we're not running out of wood this sawmill sawmill sawmill you know i probably need more oars and stuff like that too so am i better off mining underground now see my total defense in the bottom right of my equipment oh ha ha ha ha three defense okay i'm very powerful man um okay so i'll need a loom sawmill and all of that garbage press hammer to see the full crafting oh really bestiary emotes move down so is this like all the things this is all the things that i can craft right now because obviously there's more in the game than that okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna head underground until i meet oh god okay so i do do do do do damage with my armor that's great that's nice because i didn't even really have to do anything those enemies and that could save me in situations where i'm getting my ass kicked because i just get stuck with enemies if i end up dealing damage to them and that seemed pretty decent for damage more options crafting when i go to the work oh so that's it somehow i need chains eyes change iron at an anvil okay so i need an anvil yeah yeah smelting down doors is thrown at the furnace okay so then we're going to need to let's see if we can uh what was i going to do here i think i'm pretty much satisfied with the enemies i do want to kill someone with my cactus sword but let's go deeper underground oh there's a slime okay i'll kill the slime deep under the ground to satisfy my caveman-like needs oh wow that is a large sword that does more damage than the one i had before okay let's go deeper underground see if we can find some oars and they go from there particularly i'm looking for iron ore oh that would be a great way to get killed context menu okay i'm better at terraria i thank you all for being here and helping me with this because otherwise i would still be small small maybe we should just redirect this water you know i don't want to keep it'll it'll go away at some point all right let's just toy with the idea of drowning that's fine i keep placing these oh my god that torch is so nice like it's like learning the sh the hot key shortcuts in uh factorio it's nice warding shackle can be worn oh i wish i had seen that before okay that's good um campfire i guess i've got only platforms and i can't really make any more rope here i could do this but i want to keep my cobwebs so let's just do this 69 i have 69 platforms why is the number 69 it did happen you know that happens to kids every day they don't know why it's funny sad sad country we live in people not getting jokes people telling jokes that other people don't get okay it looks like we've got what is this garbage right here oh that's also tim this is ass too okay everything that i do everything that i touch just turns into now we do we don't want to get this water in our lives this would be too much water all right great oh god this is even deeper um okay i don't want to get my ass kicked because you can very easily fall down a cliff but i think now we can just kind of take up the notion of exploring the cavern yeah we're gonna go in here and we're gonna find some like metal because that's what we need if we want to get back to our house and you know do cool stuff is warning shackle that good i thought it meant like i was some kind of uh involved in some kind of s m my cat was trying to leave the room pretty sad when an animal is trying to leave a room and can't find a way out because it can't it doesn't have any thumbs you ever think about that like what if my cat got struck in a room and couldn't get out just because he didn't have thumbs that's okay he got out all right a second uh let's uh put this up okay two platforms three platforms i hate using these platforms but i just can't wait to find more rope and i don't want to create a way that i can't get out of here okay what is this jesus what is this this is the excitement of terraria from a tungsten like you know finding stuff that i didn't even know existed in the game now this seems like a prime way to get myself killed is by just jumping into that deep pile of uh deep thing of water this is the reason why i feel way better getting like a hook shot or something down here stone block morristown what is this man i feel like we've gotten pretty unlucky i feel like we usually find iron by now but what time is it let's go back up into the world i bet you that it's night and i can just kind of like fight people again i do want to get in a little bit more fighting because i do enjoy fighting i love fighting yes it's evening i feel good i'll get in like a couple more fights my yeah sorry i i was having a little inner imaginations of my of my mind or an enigma moment right there oh god oh no don't go down there let's just find out what oh okay why did i do that you ever do something like just to do it and then later on you're like i kind of regret that okay but let's see how overpowered this this uh sky base is this is very good because now we can just shoot down at them let's go back over there and create some more arrows how many do we have uh there aren't even fire arrows it's garbage let's go in here we're going to create an ass load of these 200 fire arrows good okay now we can just fire down at anything on the earth and i want to see truly how powerful this cactus armor is probably just okay i could fight them this way yeah yeah it's too easy to use my cactus sword now my cactus sword is only meager meager at best wait tin is copper oh tin is kind sorry if they said tin is iron i'm like this is not true according to chemistry okay i'm gonna stop marveling at the controls this the reason why i created this stream was to learn the game ah that's okay that's okay how much damage does he take if i just walk into him quite a lot of damage actually more than the sword seems to do and this is an agile cactus sword so it's not like something wrong with it i think i'm just gonna wait here for a little while and we'll see how many enemies spawn under me oh actually i can't do that because of the eyeballs but do they just jump into the elevator in which case let's go look down the elevator because i want to go get my ass kicked down there hey some stars thank you for the hundred bits appreciate it my friend once i have 15 of any gym go to a workbench anvil oh god there's gonna be so much more to learn uh they don't really go quite down i guess you'd need to make some kind of pit of despair for them to really fall down but look now i could just fire down this makes my life way better like assuming that my ammo were had a little bit more width about it that would be nice but then they do get stuck down here but then that's just a great way for me to farm enemies and i bet that they have a lot of copper on them okay i think we figured out the uh the meta thank you for that i appreciate that guys i think i'm actually gonna end it there because i gotta go keep on working on another video but damn i like learn as much if not more than the last time i stream terraria and this is okay this is gonna make the game a lot more enjoyable for me because i did find it hard to get into it so thank you for that
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 34,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria gameplay, learning terraria, let's play terraria, terraria game, terraria vod, terraria let's play, terraria playthrough, terraria starter house, getting started terraria, terraria getting started, terraria hardcore, terraria classic, terraria classic mode, terraria hardcore mode, terraria gameplay ep 1, terraria cactus, terraria cactus armor, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian vods
Id: FzF2lH3r6aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 15sec (5895 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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