The Quest to be Reunited (Genshin Impact)

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they have the audacity to go after anything the seven dragons gods no ancient artifact that relates can escape their greedy ambitions still this time is different who do they think they are going after the abyss orders treasures oh traveler it's you what's up daniel what are you doing here with one do you have a commission you need to post hello we were just discussing the treasure hoarders yes we were just saying how even the audacious treasure hoarders should know better than to mess with the abyss it's just too evil but we recently received intel from the ministry of civil affairs that two big time treasure hoarders in leoa and monstat are planning some big joint operation oh they're known as big sis of the south and raptor of the north those are some cool names oh raptor hymon remembers he tried to run away from amber and monstat but who is big sis of the south is she the boss the treasure hoarders refer to you already know something then i guess you must have crossed paths with the treasure hoarders many times before more than enough she's the head of the treasure hoarders in liu as i understand it the treasure hoarders all call her boss some say that the god of thieves even bestowed a gift upon her for her exploits making her big sis of the gods but that's probably just a wild rumor big sis of the god anyway the treasure hoarders discovered some previously unexplored ruins that the abyss order has been secretly guarding in the shadows despite how dangerous that makes it all the treasure hoarders can think about is what kinds of treasure could be inside they have already devised a plan they will send out a decoy to divert the abyss orders forces away from the ruins then send an expert thief inside to steal the treasure okay to this end big sis and raptor have reportedly recruited a certain grand thief from fontaine fontaine isn't that one of the areas that's going to be unlocked grand thief that's quite an impressive sounding title indeed he is an extraordinary individual i bet i could still beat him up though grand thief is highly respected in the treasure orders in the same way that we adventurers look up to great adventurers so despite being relative big timers in lira and monstat big sis and raptor had to put in a lot of work to convince a thief of his status to come and personally oversee this operation with the major changes in leoa recently the ministry of civil affairs and the milliliter already have their hands full they don't have any time to investigate rumors about treasure-hurt or activity but anything related to the abyss makes me feel like there is some unknown danger lurking beneath the surface i mean it is the abyss order so i decided to come to the adventurer's guild to post a commission well since i'm here so we got big time treasure hoarders trying to mess with the abyss i don't want to speak too soon but i think we might see our first death if they're really going to go for that route it's a big cave there are signs of treasure order activity here they must have come to these ruins there aren't many guards here looks like their plan to draw away the abyss orders forces really worked man i don't want to attack them they're just chilling this brings back memories oh man this should be the right direction but why does it feel stranger and stranger as we make it deeper into these ruins [Music] um be careful now jesus oh hi mom's right behind you well this is new well kind of because they had something similar like this in the recent wind bloom festival so maybe that's what they were preparing us for [Music] oh that's a treasure hoarder is he good what uh is he okay this looks like a person could it be the grand thief i think it might be but he looks kind of dead why is he in that position is he praying to something that's a statue of the seven wait it is a statue of the seven that's an animal statue of the seven why is the statue of the seven hanging upside down and the statues hands pymon remembers they're normally holding an orb right but this statue is holding what is that i know it looks like a black hole oh my man has a really bad feeling about this and the grand thief hasn't moved an inch do you think he's i think that man is gone um hello are you okay mister no reaction no sign of breathing oh god yeah he's dead he's dead oh jesus is that our first canonical death in the game oh god let's get out of here and fast we should report back to kanye and lon now what it's an earthquake oh oh god oh wait hold on where'd i go oh i'm going over here i'm in wait oh there's a chest here hold on wait everything fell oh no what do i do uh did i make a mistake uh i think i have to die well oh my goodness i didn't expect to see you here you're kind of tall though damn you cannot spy on the secrets of the abyss he actually talks you have come here you have seen our secrets for this you must pay the price as a herald i will meet out your punishment oh my god where's dane sleeve danesliff oh i thought you were just a couple of pests that stumbled in here by mistake so you are with danesliff that constant annoyance in our affairs his voice is intimidating oh my god did he send you here to die his resistance against the abyss has gone nowhere for a long time there is nothing you can do to change the tide the abyss is unstoppable oh god oh we gotta fight him now hold on oh no quick he's already okay this power it seems familiar okay hold on give me a second i see so it's you you are the one in that case i shall stay here no longer wait oh and he's gone what a tough battle are you okay yeah i'm good i didn't take any damage during that such a strong enemy who knew the abyss order had monsters this powerful among them it seemed to know me though huh what is it what are you thinking about let's get out of this scary place before something even more dangerous shows up that was kind of an easy fight though that was really easy i didn't expect to be maybe i'm just overpowered hey dane sleeve so we meet again a little sooner than i had expected hey it's dane judging by your expression it seems you just experienced something quite strange yeah could it be that you encountered an abyss herald in those ruins huh how did you know that i've been on the abyss heralds trail i didn't expect to find you here as well actually the abyss arrow wasn't all we encountered an inverted statue of the seven holding abyssal power in its hands no i have never seen such a thing during my time fighting the abyss though i have had my suspicions so you escaped the ruin depths filled with abyssal power and then and then as we got close to the exit and a busy year old suddenly appeared and blocked away we fought a big battle with that thing maybe it hasn't gotten too far yet yes this is a rare opportunity indeed come let's catch up to it wait i thought i was the one who commissioned you i think that fight might have been a little too easy mostly because my party is a a little a little bit too high those are this mages just now were they trying to ambush us no they were just digging through these abandoned ruin guards looking for something of value oh is that so the traveler here seems to like doing that a lot too looking for chaos devices chaos circuits you know that kind of stuff they're important come on now um they wouldn't be searching for such ordinary objects they seem to be searching the remains of ruin guards for a certain valuable object to take back to the ruins however they look disappointed so it would seem they haven't found it yet hmm why didn't you grab one of them just now and ask what they were right i certainly don't mean to be merciful towards these monsters of the abyss but i have a feeling that their plan with this object is of major importance to the entire abyss order one cannot discover the truth behind it through interrogation or rather these abyss mages likely fear something else much more than they do a painful interrogation is getting goosebumps thinking about all of this oh no come on i gotta face a rune hunter too man i am not the only person around here how about try hitting the abyss mages this isn't fair it seems wherever we find an abyss mage hideout there's often a bunch of ruin guards roaming around too is that just a coincidence or there are no coincidences in the world everything is the fruit of seeds planted long ago just like your appearance in that tavern time is just waiting for those seeds to sprout i only heard about you by chance forget it just some needless musings the connection between the abyss order and the ruin guards is by no means incidental rather they are both branches that have grown out and up from the same roots below branches roots what do you mean exactly both originate from an ancient nation that was destroyed 500 years ago conria so that's how you pronounce it conriya i've been wondering how to pronounce it for so long man that's why i've avoided mentioning it ever because i just didn't know how to pronounce it really the abyss order and ruin guards are left over from after the destruction of that nation oh speaking of conria that's really a super ancient name so paimon knows what conrad is oh right as your guide pymon should explain a bit here a long time ago the nation of conrio was i know about conria do i huh because i wait have ether and lumen visited comrade is that so well everyone has their secrets you did not pry into mine so i shall not pry into yours but if you would like to tell me i will listen so the conrie you saw what was it like uh let's go with the first one so that's the complete story huh i even thought that you ran into that unknown god first i see wait so your first memory after coming to this world was being awoken by your sister from within that meteorite oh that make oh that makes so much sense it seems your sister woke up first but the question is how long before you and then your sister told you that the destruction of conriyah plunged the whole world into chaos and that you two should leave this world cultivate ah yes the destruction of conria she said that okay correct that destruction you witnessed that's history from 500 years ago so they're like 500 down it seems the first time you awoke in this world was indeed during that period so your sister must have understood this world better than you did because she woke up first and it was shortly after that that you encountered an unknown god who blocked your path so you couldn't escape oh knows this part really well i understand when you awoke at that time and hurriedly tried to leave for another world you didn't know anything about conreal but now since you have come to gain some understanding of tavat you are able to guess that the war you witnessed all those years ago must be the war that ended kanriya am i right okay ah if that's the case you must have been flipping through all sorts of books during our adventure these past few months before going to monstat you had just looked at some vague materials later we managed to gather a whole bunch of old books from all around monsta and lele but you told baimon they were useless so the whole time you were just trying to learn more about kanria so you could find your sister the second most promising lead after looking for the seven oh yeah you can travel around the seven nations to find the seven but where can you go to find a nation that was destroyed 500 years ago i probably know more about conriya than both of you conriya was a nation without a god not because it had a god that died or abandoned them but because it never had a god to begin with it was a powerful nation built purely by humans an unprecedented flourishing and glorious civilization it was the pride of humankind later events unfolded just as you remember it was all destroyed by gods yeah 500 years ago the gods descended upon the world and brought desolation to kanye the pride of humankind was uprooted and crushed like a weed removed from the garden of the gods how could that be the history books don't say anything about that yes well continuing to discuss the past now we'll only dampen our spirits well the next time i see events here john genre wait by the gods they mean the actual archons oh my god really let's keep moving i will tell you more of what you want to know as we continue our search over there it's more ruined guards and abyss mages dane was just saying how these ancient machines are from conrie so did conrie have a lot of ruins that needed to be guarded or maybe they were just guards in general no ruin guard is the name modern people have given these machines no one called them that 500 years ago these ruin guards were known as field tillers by the people of conria oh field tillers what a strange name they were farming equipment they turned farming robots into literal death machines what it's not like you think field tiller was just a code name ah the people of conrie like to give code names to their weapons ah the land is not to be tilled with farming tools but rather is to be fought for with steel and blood this is how the field tiller came about ah well that's an interesting way of understanding tilling plymouth doesn't think it's a very positive interpretation not at all after the destruction of conria these masterless field tillers went completely out of control they wandered aimlessly over the centuries gradually spreading to every corner of tavat perhaps resonating with the sorrow of other civilizations lost to time they found their way to various ruins across the land where they lie dormant that sounds so sad once you understand more those details won't mean much to you but no matter their past all that remains of them now is the danger they pose so destroy them all okay so ruin guards are to be farmed i got it this space dropped a talisman oh could it be a communication of some kind oh boy this talisman seems connected to the abyss herald but why would an abyss mage be carrying it perhaps it really does contain information about their operation engulf the faith of an enemy in flame and bring glory to her highness the princess wha is that what it says huh loom of fate initial operation they the abyss seem to be carrying out a large operation the key word here is luma fate it seems like they are still launching the operation or rather are still conducting preliminary tests luma fate what's that is it literally a state leaving machine is it related to the inverted statue though the horrible feeling pymon's been getting those eerie ruins are super likely to be related to this fate weaving operation so dane what message does this talisman contain hmm an ambitious operation but some parts are difficult to understand how so in short the first phase of the plan is related to osil overlord of the vortex oh okay the overlord of the vortex you mean that god in the ocean it was just crushed by the jade chamber well what do they want with those style huh could it be the same with the volun i mean yeah that would make sense i know of your past heroics regarding divalen and i also know of the abyss order's role in the storm terror incident though you may not have been aware of it at the time you were thwarting an abyss order operation similar to this one yeah last time it was vendi's old friend this time it's a huge ancient god the abyss order keeps setting their sights higher and higher is there anything higher than a huge ancient god will the abyss order use their lies and dark magic to corrupt osile just as they did divalen no from the contents of the talisman this operation goes one step further they won't just corrupt osil's mind they also plan to use the ancient technology behind the field tillers to completely transform osil's body oh no wait the abyss order wants to make some sort of cybernetic squid god of mass destruction these nick's names are getting longer very few people today truly understand the civilization of kanriya though of course the accuracy of that understanding itself is difficult to judge yeah only the abyss order has consistently sought out the remnants of kanriya despite being far from human they seek out this lost human civilization quite persistently the talisman's message states that they will use the defiled statue as a base attaching osil's limbs to construct a mechanized guard and the new core that shall replace the orb usually held by the statue of the seven it's the eye of the very first field tiller oh that's why they're looking through all the rune guards the eye of the very first field tiller oh piemon gets it all those at this pages are looking for the special eye right it would seem so well they haven't found it yet so we still have time this whole thing keeps getting more complicated but basically it all has to do with that eerie statue of the seven we saw right yeah yes according to the talisman the eye should be placed in the hands of the defiled statue thereby imbuing the newly born god with the power to topple the divine thrones of celestia celestia since no one knows where the first field tiller is how about we take the information about the statue as the starting point for our investigation that statue looked like the animal archon yeah it looked like the animal archon to me yeah that tone-deaf board is too difficult to track down anyway let's go to the cathedral first and ask around maybe we'll learn something she's going to the tavern at night i'm sure we'll find him there the cathedral hmm huh what's the matter dean nothing let's get moving i'm sure venti is not that hard to find you could probably go to the tavern at night and find him passed out on the floor a huge statue a grandiose cathedral the people of monstat clearly spent a great deal of resources and energy to construct them but how aware of this was the animal archon on receiving this gift and how much did he give back in return faith doesn't ask for anything in return though does it as long as the gods have a clear conscience about it all there's nothing i can say about it true we're about to enter the cathedral don't say anything bad about the animal archon and actually the animal archon is ah never mind it's okay i never specifically said i would enter the cathedral i'll leave you two to mingle with the sisters why not you are the honorary knight of monstat they will surely allow you to poke into these affairs with their utmost trust oh yeah having me tag along would only make them suspicious uh you don't think you will be popular among the sisters correct and just as our little friend said i might say something bad about the church at any time wait really oh yeah because they don't trust the gods anyways when a non-believer steps onto holy ground the result is never pretty i have never received the favor of the gods in the past well i don't see any reason i would need it now or in the future either so dain sleef and every other archon can never meet each other i wonder what would happen if they do okay then we'll just go in ourselves and ask around i should warn you about one thing don't go mentioning the defiled statue inside the cathedral the church of favonius wouldn't ignore the matter of the statue but if they rashly tried anything against the abyss order it would only ruin whatever element of surprise we may have also meddling in the affairs of the abyss usually doesn't end well for anyone barbara she's just standing here they're all just standing here like this honorary night hi how have you been do you need anything today but i should first make it clear that if you need to borrow the holy ladder to hammer again we cannot no we don't need it this time she hasn't realized it's just an illusion barbara have you heard about the first field tiller what's that tiller what does it do ah of course you wouldn't know anything about that okay next question has the church ever washed the statue of the seven huh you're here to ask about that old story well i didn't expect that a long time ago there was indeed one statue of the seven that disappeared one night without a trace nearly every member of the church joined the search for it but it was never found in the church's records as you might assume this incident has been called the last statue of the seven hmm of course of course uh nothing so do you have any other clues uh uh queens any other strange stories uh pokemon you suck at this sorry barbara but we can't tell you about the statue we saw just yet like things said outside it's for your own good oh the tyrant's final fury no that's from another time probably unrelated the tyrant final fury many many years ago there was a time when balls of fire would rain from the sky whenever anyone approached old monstat boss of fire raining from the sky how terrifying don't worry just give me a shield and i'll be fine people at that time believed it was a curse laid down by the god of storms so they referred to it as the tyrant's final fury this strange phenomenon continued for about a year no one was ever able to solve it it just gradually ceased on its own later the theory of the tyrant's final theory became less probable in the eyes of the church common reasoning dictates that the god of storms wouldn't shoot fireballs perhaps it was something else that caused the disaster anyway this incident might not be related to the lost statue of the seven but i just can't think of any other strange incidents that might be it's okay thanks anyway there's that pointless word thank you again i can never get used to hearing it oh rosaria it's you hi rosaria if you're looking for the knights of fevonius they're busy with those monsters again those monsters those monsters that tried to attack monstat last time during the storm terror incident wasn't that the abyss order they're at it again they're gathering in wolfenbaum causing great unrest among the wolves could it be that the abyss order is targeting the spirit of lupus boreas oh no as for what purpose i can't say for certain ah so they went for divalent first and now they're going for uh the wolf of the north master gene has already headed off to wolven dem i must also begin to make a move myself then i will go as well master gene said you should stay at the church and continue your work with the clergy but you're also a member of the clergy i'll help don't worry right we'll go give master dean a hand oh okay if the honorary knight will be there then i feel like it would be better if we just brought her with us because she could heal everybody but please everyone be careful may the animal ark on protect you all barbara is probably the most important member of every party why couldn't we bring her again do you guys not want heels he's just been standing out here i wonder how many people have just been like staring at him he looks so out of place this could very well have something to do with the defiled statue we should go as well what is the abyss order going to woven them for anyway are they looking to do the same as they did with divalent yeah not again yeah that's the only thing i could think of no that's not likely wait what unlike osile who was just suppressed andreas died long ago oh today it is just his spirit that stands guard over wolverine yeah the abyss herald may just be targeting the spirit of andreas in an attempt to garner some information from one of the animal archon's old companions don't underestimate the enemy let's take them now there sure are a lot of enemies around here where am i at is that me the closer we get to the target the more enemies there are fits the abyss orders style we should hurry and find lupus boris yeah let's go i'm not going any further why ah why not is it because you're afraid of fluffy animals aren't they cute isn't it isn't andrea's cue has nothing to do with wolves it's because boreas was an ancient god yet he willingly became a servant of the seven ah i cannot possibly agree with his actions i don't desire any interaction besides you're the one people like i'm less likable i have no problem interacting with people but interacting with gods that's a different story it's just my opinion but a word of advice always be on your guard when around gods oh well i think we've kind of already broken that rule you shouldn't place too much trust in them but at the same time don't go too far in the opposite direction don't go trying to overthrow them or hunt them down so we gotta be neutral the entire time even if the god in question is your sworn enemy don't trust them and don't hunt them that's some awkward advice does dane hate the seven or is he protecting them why are your opinions so contradictory unless i repeat the failings of my forebears i will tell you one final fact the destruction of the nation of kanriya by the gods is the reason the abyss order now seeks to destroy the nations watched over by the seven i will go take care of the remaining abyss order members in the area try and keep your visit with boreas brief afterward let's meet at the entrance to wolvendom there he goes i think it's obvious that the abyss order is from conriya has something to do with conrad at least honorary night pymon what are you two doing here sorry rosaria told us that you came here to fight the abyss order so we came to help then your help is greatly appreciated the abyss orders sudden offensive is very strange they have surrounded wolven dumb i am preparing to send out some knights to fight back rosaria told me that the abyss order is going after bereas but the abyss order and barrios what is the connection between them we can't tell them anything i feel bad they just like to cause trouble ah do they really need a reason be a disorder already went after davaon it's not too surprising that they would also go after another one of the animal arkhan's buddies hmm that is true honorary knight please go and check if lupus bereas is in any danger this god spirit he does not often see people but i hear that you have met him before maybe it is best that you are also the one to meet him this time i'll do it okay be careful thank you for your help honorary night of favonius no problem look over there it's razer and the abyss harold you not welcome here so the wolf's wretched spirit likes to raise wild pups now you claim to be a guardian yet your once sharp claws have clearly doled since your days of godly glory if you serve us we can restore your divine powers you once held in the past oh god wolves never surrender but this can't go on no matter how many times you resist us your efforts are all in vain all right we'll see about that buddy either this guy is super overpowered and we just haven't gotten to that stage yet or they're gonna have to buff it the ceremony was interrupted how fortunate for you yep what what's with andreas's uh you know textures how does an old spirit have such determined will no matter this is but a small unfirst seen variable our grand scheme will not be affected thank you you came just in time yay i am ashamed that you must see me in my present state but still the abyss herald underestimated my strength lupus barrios never refuses trial but scary outsider not respect trial rules i too didn't see the trap so you mean the abyss order had everything prepared to corrupt lupus borious's mind then lured him out under the pretense of challenging him in a trial it's not your fault razer thank you in the future my claws must get sharper you smelled danger and came here no we heard about the danger pyman's nose doesn't even know what danger smells like okay sure excuse us mr wolf god do you know anything about the first field tiller i pay no heed to the contraptions of humans what i know not what this field tiller is oh my god though there was indeed one human-made machine that i can never forget okay dude what is with this fire it's so weird it entered into my proving ground by accident and i mistook it for a challenger but it could not think only fight it was designed as a pure killing machine from top to bottom oh god i eventually damaged it greatly with one of my attacks before it fell to the ground it fled the proving ground so it's out here somewhere it's possible that could have been the very first field killer right could it spin or could it shoot in missiles uh could it shoot missiles missiles i do not know this strange word it could spin leap high into the air and even shoot fireballs oh although no match for a god it was stronger than even many who wield divisions oh hey didn't we hear this somewhere else recently as well anyway this pretty much proves that the first field tiller kingdom on stat doesn't it sounds like the first one was way stronger than the mass-produced ruin guards that came after don't know but did we help yeah you did yes you were a big help thanks we need to keep investigating something super important the abyss herald may have left but the abyss forces are still attacking you two be careful yes i smell more danger bigger danger you too also be careful the first field tiller was prob might have been the thing that barbara was talking about dang there you are did you see master gene i saw her but purposely avoided her as both the lionfang knight and acting grandmaster she naturally would have some reservations towards me man if i'm not careful one day i may find myself becoming the object of one of her investigations okay i see we can more or less figure out where the first field tiller ended up huh really just from the lupus borea story that information combined with a more comprehensive analysis for example the old story you told me you heard in the cathedral the tyrant's final fury yeah exactly the strange story told to you by that young sister long mistaken to be a curse rained down by a deceased tyrant fireballs running from the sky were probably missiles so the tyrants final fury was really just missiles fired from the field tiller after it ran from vulvingdom after it was damaged in the fight with the wolf of the north it must have wandered into the ruins of old monsta and stayed there then whenever anyone got until one day it finally broke down for good and the fireball stopped raining from the sky so where is it then the people of monsta hadn't seen many ruined guards before so they came to interpret it as the tyrant's final fury it looks like we need to make a trip to storm terror's lair and comb the entire area no no need what do you mean i remember oh my remembers too we saw that abandoned ruin guard sitting atop the tower when we went there before what can't forget something like that i don't remember saying that wait ah yeah it's this one okay this is it right okay then use your elemental sight to look for the eye it's not there huh nothing oh the timer was so excited this requires another method using elemental sight on a field tiller is of no use because it is not powered by the elements let me give it a try that was cool and done how'd he do that the very thing the abyss herald has been seeking all along the eye of the first field tiller all of the ruined guards today are just replicas of this machine as the prototype its combat capability was unrestricted prototype um hyman doesn't know that word is it another ancient term from conrad you don't know what prototype is as the abyss order has surmised if this eye is placed in the hands of the defiled statue and if the limbs of osil overlord of the vortex are attached to the statue there you have a mechanized god and this newly born god will have the power to topple the divine thrones of celestia yeah yeah we gotta stop them then what should we do with this eye let's hide it where it's the number one find no i'll guard it myself oh okay huh you uh dane hmm you won't go and do anything crazy with it will you you may doubt me if you wish but i must ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands no matter where we may hide it they will find it and as for the church of fivonius well you know i don't trust them but our work isn't done yet to avoid any further repercussions we must also take care of that defiled statue how we can't have the church get involved let's handle it ourselves as for what i mean by take care of it naturally i mean to completely destroy it destroy it that's a statue of the seven as well as being a really important cultural relic they're actually divine too well good thing we didn't tell barbara earlier otherwise she'd be going completely blockers right now do the seven really expect me to help them look after what belongs to them let's go back to those ruins and destroy the inverted statue if we are lucky we will also run into that abyss herald i'll make sure it doesn't get away this time so after all they're running around we end up right back here again look at us we barely escaped this place last time and now we're strolling right back in we'll be fine gee surely we must be some of the bravest adventurers in all to that that are the stupidest yeah oh oh no oh i'm dead looks like we're here an eerie lifeless dark chamber i understand the evil aura you were describing earlier oh such a scary place be careful to not be overwhelmed by the power of the defiled statue the abyss herald it's here [Laughter] you sense correctly you are just as vexatious as ever danes lift enemy of the abyss i sense your soul is stained by terrible bloodshed perhaps from your darkest nightmares unless oh and something far more dangerous you're rick of a corruption familiar to me then we are the same we're both dangerous but dangers from outside of the abyss order must be caught and caged it is your words that forever wreak of corruption time to silence you if only we could play a dane sleeve but i don't think he's unlocked yet that'll be a while before we get to play as in quick dodge this here he goes ow that hurt a lot oh that was painful okay now we're good get out of here oh no he's getting away what oh he's staying sleep get him dang sleep wait is that lumi it's me [Music] what are you doing here wait she just blocked an attack against the abyss yeah old your sister and the abyss ether why are you with dane you're asking about dane sleeve we've been separated for so long she's asking about dane sleeve dude come on lumeen we meet again uh-huh i sold yeah dane sleep was basically lumeen's partner what's going on here dane knows her too you shouldn't team up with this man he is my enemy hold on a second wait a minute what is she but it must be said don't try to stop me don't try to stop the abyss that man danesliff was the twilight sword one of the royal guards of the final dynasty of conria 500 years ago he failed to prevent the destruction of conria a curse of immortality was laid upon him to forever wander the wilderness while he watched the people he was supposed to protect turn into monsters of the abyss wait you're saying dame is from conrier the same conrie that was destroyed 500 years ago i thought that was obvious parmesan and you said the people turned into monsters you're trying to tell pymon that the abyss order is not only related to conria but it's actually the people of karmia themselves and the whole thing about dane being your enemy oh i'm so confused you could tell me all of us later can we just go home home yes of course home is wherever we are together but i cannot go with you to the next world to find a new home at least not yet until the abyss has engulfed the thrones my war with destiny will see no end destiny listen to me ether i have already traveled through this world once once you reach the end of your journey as i did you will see for yourself the true nature of this world and so we'll meet again but we need not rush brother i have more than enough time to wait for you wait we have always had enough time no bruh are you serious they laugh dancing just left us here too oh don't be too sad we'll find them again look on the bright side at least we got some really useful information there's some hope i'm gonna be i'm gonna be optimistic i'm gonna be optimistic about this there's hope uh-huh that's right at least now as well as the seven dave is also a key part of finding your sibling too right um by the way what they said just now is all pretty confusing did you understand it at all uh i was too focused on the mean to really listen carefully don't worry i can go back through the recording oh well then let's go over it again first off that abyss harold called your sister princess seems like your sister is leading the abyss order even the abyss harold answers to her still we don't know for sure if she's the highest ranking leader in the organization also your sister said that she wants to engulf the thrones and go to war with destiny what the heck does that mean could it be that she wants to destroy the seven and the seven nations yeah makes sense next thing turns out the abyss order monsters are really what the people of conrad turned into after their nation was destroyed this story is just plain terrifying and dane is from conrad too he witnessed its destruction 500 years ago but he didn't turn into a monster and now he's fighting the abyss order so he's technically fighting his own people so that's why your sister said that dane is her enemy right but if the monsters of the abyss are the same people that dame protected all those years ago then why is he enemies with the abyss order now also how come after all this time we spent searching for your sister it turns out she's on the side of the abyss what's up with that i think we can pretty much piece it all together i think we can figure it out it's pretty obvious as to why she she she is the leader of the abyss order yeah you're right and we can't let ourselves get down about it now our journey's not over yet let's get a move on time to leave this terrible dark place and get back to the surface where the sun shines bright if your sister wants you to reach the end of your journey well then show her what you're made of come on traveler let's go let's do it [Music] you
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,418,493
Rating: 4.9837155 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, we will be reunited, lumine, genshin impact we will be reunited, genshin impact reunited cutscene, genshin impact dainsleif, genshin impact 1.4, genshin impact archon quest, genshin impact archon quest reaction, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact gameplay
Id: bWQayyHkdcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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