The Potter's Touch - A War Between Two Worlds

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coming up on the Potters Tech every tongue that rises against you God will condemn if you were he is in his hand your he is in the ground your here's when you come up your here's when is hot your here's when it's cold your here's in the rain you are here in the middle all kind of pair surrounded by witches and hexes this is the part hello everybody I'm so glad to have this opportunity to bring this message to you it is being brought to you by popular demand I hear people all over Twitter Instagram Facebook asking me to share this message again and I will do the message is called a war between two worlds sowing and reaping seed time and harvest you have to have the ability to keep the cycle going a war between two worlds check this out let's go to Matthew 13 verse number 36 when you have it saying man this is this is one of the rare opportunities we get to hear Jesus xyg detects he has told them a parable relate a story and left the disciples with some questions as to what he meant about the parable and here Jesus clarifies his the scenario then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house and his disciples came unto him saying declare unto us the parables of the tares of the field in other words explain what you were talking about out there he answered and said unto Him he that soweth the good seed is the son of man say that with me he that soweth the good seed is the son of man now the field is the world the good seed are the children of the kingdom but the tares are the children of the wicked one the enemy that sowed them is the devil the harvest is in the end of the world and the Reapers are the Angels as therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so shall it be so shall it be in the end of the world the Son of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth then shall the righteous shine forth as a Sun in the kingdom of their father who hath ears to hear let him hear can you say man I want to talk briefly remain standing but I want to talk briefly about a war between two worlds a war between two worlds well I know all of my ministers and all of my elders are looking at the text and looking at the subject and say well bishop must not have taken his medication because the tech seemingly has nothing to do with the subject we're looking at a text that is basically in our agricultural texts it looks at an agriculture or metaphor to explain the principles of the kingdom there's nothing in the text about a war normally if you're gonna preach about a war you talk about we wrestle not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities spiritual wickedness in high places you talk about that you talk about spiritual warfare David said he teaches my fingers to war that would have been a great scripture to use you're gonna be talking about a war you could have talked about the destruction of the Amalekites and the annihilation of the Philistines if you're gonna talk about a war why in the world would you take a text it's talking about a garden and then start talking about a war glad you asked me hopefully before I finish you'll understand why first of all Jesus introduces a thought that I want you I want you to put your study capital in for a minute Jesus introduces the thought that I want you to really focus on he said the kingdom of heaven is likened the kingdom of heaven is like it it's metaphorical the key in other words he is using something you can understand to explain something that you couldn't understand so since he's dealing with the society that focuses largely on agricultural ISM for economic empowerment that is if you didn't raise a garden if you didn't plow if you didn't rake if you didn't harvest you didn't have any income because it wasn't so much about money in the days of Christ as much as it was about raising a crop through which you could barter the crop in exchange for other things that you need okay so he's using something that everybody every commoner understood to explain something that was so spiritual and so abstract that it was beyond human comprehension are you with me they understood the value of a crop if we it wasn't just said if we didn't grow a good crop we couldn't eat it was that if we didn't grow a good crop we couldn't trade so when you look at the metaphor about the crop you are actually looking at the very economic empowerment of a society of people that is based on the premise of sowing and reaping sowing and reaping seed time and harvest if you didn't maintain a cycle of consistency of sowing and reaping not only did you not have a harvest it would affect everything in your house because you did not have the ability to keep the cycle going now I want to digress and dig into that for just a moment because I want you to understand this whole notion of sowing and reaping and sowing and reaping and seed time and harvest and sea time a lot is said about that a whole lot is said about that and people don't really shout about seed time but they shout about harvest they love to talk about this is your harvest you're coming into your season you're getting ready to reap hallelujah glory to God but I wanna I don't know I don't want to stop your dancing but I want to explain something to you reaping is hard work reaping is hard work it's sowing is hard work so when I say sowing and reaping and sowing and reaping what I'm really saying is working and working working and working working and working this this notion slips past the minds of a lot of people they think I'm going to work I'm gonna play I'm gonna work I'm gonna play I'm gonna work I'm gonna play but no you're gonna work and you're gonna work and you're gonna work and you're gonna work and you're gonna work and you're gonna work you're gonna work to sow the seed then you're gonna work to reap the harvest the reason I need you to understand is that church people believe in magic Church people have a propensity to believe in magic they believe that if you sow a seed or give an offering or spin around three times they dance on one foot that God's going to bless you and that's true but what they don't understand is that the blessing is as much work as the sowing is and if you don't understand that God can send you the blessing and you don't have the work ethic to receive ya because you think you go so and cross your legs and wait I'm go sew and lay on my lazy boy chariot and reap I'm gonna sew and watch the TV and Reva's not gonna be like that you're gonna sew and then when it starts read when you get the first bud you gonna have to go to running to catch what God has for you the perpetual cycle of giving and receiving of sowing and reaping is working and working only you're working with joy because you're seeing some response some value some validation coming back into your life are you following what I'm saying this system sustain the society so what we are talking about in the text is not just agriculture the agriculture that the strength of the crop control the net worth of the holder the strength of the crop control the net worth of the holder if the crop wasn't good then the net worth of the holder diminished so the text is talking about value if you don't understand that you want to let me let me break down the Texan to the language you're familiar with a certain man went forth and so good seed into his field and set the goals that were up under him to tend to the field after he sold it while men slept the enemy came and planet tear amongst the wheat now see if you don't understand this you won't understand why the enemy came you need to understand that the man knows the integrity of the seed that he planted he sold good seed into his field there is no question about the integrity of the seed the seed is absolutely good the seed is so good that the jealous enemy looked over there and said if I don't do something to head it off he is going to increase the value in the kingdom so while men slept the enemy came to plant tear amongst the wheat now the tear planted amongst the wheat tensions of limitation of the enemy he couldn't destroy the integrity of the wheat all he could do was plant tear around the wheat but he couldn't stop the wheat from being weird see I got a dance a little because I know where I'm going and some of you know where I'm going because you understand that what is in conflict here what is up under scrutiny here is the integrity of the sea and I'll makes me want to say he that have began a good work in you shall perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ you are not counting on the weather you're not counting on the environment you're not even counting on the soil you're counting on the integrity of the sea if you get your core right if it's right in its Genesis is going to be right in its conclusion if it's God in the beginning it's going to be God in the air if it was wheat when it went in the ground is going to be weep when you bring forth through the only thing the enemy could do was plant imposters amidst the week because he could not destroy the integrity of the week now you don't get it but you ought to be dancing right now wait wait wait the only people who shouldn't be dancing are tear because if you are week if you are we you ought to be tearing this church up because what I just said to you is that no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper and every tongue that rival against you God will condemn if you weren't here in his hand you're here in the ground you're here when you come up you're here when it's hot you're here when it's cold you're here in the rain you're here in the middle of all kind of tear surrounded by witches and hexes still to come on the POTUS touch if there is no perceived value if I don't think you holding anything why would I stick up a broke person the very fact that I'm trying to love you how to tell you you got value the very fact that the enemy comes in the garden to deceive Eve is because she has value the very fact that the enemy attacked you like he attacked you is a sign you have value in fact the greater the attack TD jakes global partnership system is one family joining hands from every culture community and nation partnering with us in an effective and wonderful way to impact the lives of millions Jesus told us to preach the gospel feed the hungry clothe the naked visit those in prison and give God's gift of salvation to paint our world there is powering our partnership and together we're making a difference I believe that the reason David's Rock became so powerful is that he came added in the name of the Lord I'm coming at this opportunity to have a daytime talk show in an arena that I have never had before I'm coming at it with prayer and I'm asking you for the next 21 days to pray with me to take this journey with me to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with me as we fulfill the Great Commission to go into all the world he said we had to go but he didn't say we had to go my camel let's go through the modern technology that's provided to us today that we can reach the hearts and lives of people who wouldn't never think about coming inside of the church so I'm calling on my army to suit up in March up and drop down on your needs and for 21 days leading up to this massive event I want you to bathe it with prayer so if the enemy cannot remove my wheat status why did he come if he can never destroy my weakness why does he come he comes to devalue the harvest because the tare comes he comes and plants the tare amidst the wheat to devalue the harvest look at the things that have been planted in your life to devalue the harvests the things the people the environment the circumstances that have been planted to devalue the harvests what what the tailor will do is is Rob the soil of the nutrients that could have fueled the wheat to be we near to be mightier to be stronger to be fuller to be richer it will extract from the brown what was meant for the wheat to stop it from being as bountiful as it could have been and the Bible says that while men slept the enemy came and planted terror amongst the wheat he is not attacking the wheat he's attacking the owner though he has planet the tear amongst the wheat the wheat has nothing to gain from being wheat it just he is the owner has something to gain from the wheat being what it is so the enemy is not the enemy of the wheat he is the enemy of the owner you with me aren't you I know you with me I know you with me I know you with me sure the week is caught up in a war between the enemy and the owner this is why the battle is not yours oh my god oh my god you've been standing here with your dukes up you've been swinging and you've been punching and you've been fighting and you've been talking about the devil is attacking me the devil is not attacking you the devil is not attacking you he is using you and your life to attack God the book of Ephesians Paul says in a vision he says I prayed for you without ceasing then the eyes of your understanding might be enlightened that you might know what is the hope of his calling his who God's call it he said I want your eyes to open up to the hope of what God had in mind when he planted you the hope of his color nobody plants a feel without intention a we just grows but a feel is always planted with intention nobody just plants corn while you plant I don't know I didn't you know it's planted some corn know you planted the corn cuz you're gonna harvest the corn you planted the cucumbers cuz you're gonna grow cucumbers you have a hope Paul said I want you to know what if the hope of his calling number two he says I want your eyes to be open that you might know what is the riches of his inheritance in the Saints that you might understand what God has to gain from you because until you understand what God has the game for you from you you won't understand the site it's not about you it's about what he put in you that the enemy doesn't want to see reach his fullest potential in your lifetime oh but the devil is alive in the book of Genesis when the Lord planet Adam in the garden and set him in Eden and surrounded him with goodness the Bible says then the enemy came now the enemy came because of what God had planted in the earth whenever you see the enemy come you always know this value they were telling us other day they set out a newsflash to be careful in our community because there were some robbers out in our community you know they were going around hitting houses or something uh and and and announcer okay yeah the thing you have to understand you don't see people robbing the homeless shelter wherever you see a thief or robber there's got to be some value cuz nobody cases a homeless man we go we gonna hit you tonight we we don't get you good tonight because if there is no perceived value if I don't think you holdin anything why would I stick up a broke person the very fact that I'm trying to rob you ought to tell you you got value the very fact that the enemy comes in the garden to deceive Eve is because she has value the very fact that the enemy attacked you like he attacked you is a sign you have value in fact the greater the attack now all you people who think an attack is that you had to park another parking lot y'all sit down but the people who have had unusual attack been through adversity that it boggles your mind and you should back and say how in the world could I've been attacked like that people who have been attacked in your youth in your childhood all in your life you had to fight the Lord sent me to tell you that you are caught up in a war between two worlds and the sons of God gathered around the throne that day and among them came Satan and God said unto Him this is a joke chapter 1 where have you been Satan's responded I've been going to and fro it up and down throughout the earth what have you been doing seeking whom I made the vow our God says to him have you considered my servant Joel who is a faithful and upright man he says yes I considered Jobe but you have a hedge around him and if you move that hedge around him I will make him curse you to your face God said I will move a hedge around him and around his property and around his family but not from around his soul God said I'm going ahead and listen at the discussion going between two worlds about Joe and all of a sudden job's life is affected by the war between two worlds Satan says if you move the heads from around him I'm telling you Jobe only serves you when things are going right you couldn't get a praise out of Joel if you blew the heads from around it God said let me show you all of a sudden people started dying crop started burnin chaos broke out everywhere Joe got sick in his body and then the Bible said all the way down Jobe lost property job loss influence job loss respect job losses children job lost his wife job lost his health but he never lost his integrity my god I feel like running this mode there are some people in this room who have lost the whole lot of stuff but I don't care what you lose hold on to your integrity you understand what I'm saying you are who you are don't let anybody have your integrity your values who you are what God created you to be you may cry but hold on to it you may suffer but hold on to it you may go without sometime but hold on to it because as long as you hold on to your weakness when the storm is over you'll ride again I'm coming out of this I'm coming out of this I'm coming out of this I'm coming out of this I'm in a storm but I'm coming out of this I may get wet but I'm coming out of this I may have mud all over me but I'm coming out of this I will rise again tell brother ter and sister ter I will arrive out of this I've got to stop there I pray that you got a blessing out of the word of the Lord today as God's humble servant I'm really delighted to have this opportunity to share his word with you that the word might be made flesh in your life you're gonna work to sow and then you're gonna work to reap get used to it it's all apart a big blessed are you sure you can handle the process before you ask for the promise to him who much is given much is required for your gift to the Ministry of any size you'll receive cheering you on on CD from Bishop Jake's challenging series press in and win very fight that the enemy attacked you is a sign you have value and when your gift is $70 or more you'll receive press in and win on four DVDs for you to get here and die tell hello there are people who had less and did more who are cheering you all however when your gift is 125 dollars or more you'll receive the press in and when for message DVD set the ultimate collection of megafest 2015 on 14 cds and your very own mega faith mini book now is the time to press in and win if you just logged in to this broadcast hit rewind so you can understand what we're certain about this is a shout that only survivors can have when you win the hell and back and you stood anyway you've got a right g-got when the devil took his best shot and you got up anyway you've got a right to give god this is the bomb hmm
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 148,472
Rating: 4.8302956 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: b74M2SwYjt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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