The Potter's Touch - Ye Know not What Ye Ask

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coming up on the Potters Tech stop defining who you are by your relationships that if your children don't acknowledge you or your husband or your boyfriend that acknowledge you then you think you don't have any worth let me give you a wake-up call this morning with no husband no kids no respect no flowers no cars you are still God's woman and you better learn how to clap for your hello everybody I'm excited to have this opportunity just share the word of the Lord with you I've got nothing better to share with you than his word the message today says ye know not what you asked for Lord Lord so many times we ask amiss I believe this teaching is so powerful and pragmatic and prepared for such a time as this and I shared with you with an open heart knowing that God will use his word to guide you in some way into your destiny yes up let's go you know not what you asked I don't know what you got when you read that but that text just lit me up if you looked at it you recognize that Jesus has called his disciples apart to deliver them some very very important disturbing news I am about to be crucified they're going to scourge me they're going to beat me they're going to crucify me and I know you've been following me for three years and we've been together non-stop for three years but I'm getting ready to die I want you to feel the feeling that in a moment of total transparency Jesus has called together his inner circle to divulge the fact that my future is not looking good I'm going to go through a process that's going to be painful like you have never seen before and I wanted to share this moment with you and here comes this woman he just said he was going to die and here comes his woman with her two boys say excuse me mrs. Jesus before you die can you give me a hookup this woman walks up to Jesus and says before you get out of here I want to be sure that my sons who are the sons of Zebedee end up sitting on the right side and the left of you in your kingdom I want to hook up now this is not a bad woman she's a good woman her name actually should be pronounced Solomon but it looks like Salome she is the wife of Zebedee Zebedee has a fishing business she's fairly affluent she follows Jesus faithfully she is a believer in Jesus she is one of the women who ministered unto Jesus and yet when it comes to her kids there the struggle between who she is maternally and who she is spiritually and Jesus is you know not what you ask are you asking for something that is not his will for you to have that's the general question on Mother's Day the specific question is have you taken motherhood too far are you mothering a grown child these aren't little boys like without here skipping around you got to take them by the hand these are grown men what a grown man doing being drug around by their mother anyway that's what's wrong in our society now we got too many grow man who are still being drug around by them oh this is not going to be a good Mother's Day it's not going to be a good Mother's Day I know you want to preach about Hannah or something like that but I'm going to get up in your grill a little bit this morning when doesn't love them back up when does she turn it over to Jesus and say Lord I have brought him as far as I can bring him and the rest of it is in your hands or you will spend the rest of your aging life dragging your grown sons trying to make their story turn out the way you had it my I want you to understand the difference between mothering and manipulation and we can't broach the subject until you begin to address the fact that sometimes you can see yourself through the narrow prism of who you are to them and lose sight of who you are to you if all you are is the wife and a mother then you have missed a lot because before you are a wife and before you are a mother you were a woman are there any real women in the room let me tell the real women you are more than the job you do you are more than the children you have you are more than the ring on your finger and stop defining your success by your relationships let me give you a wake-up call this morning with no husband no kids no respect no flowers no cars you are still God's woman and you better learn how to clap for your what are you what are you dragging what are you dragging to Jesus what are you dragging to Jesus what are you dragging to Jesus your children are not sick you're not the son of might wonder you're not you know you're not dealing with death of famine or pestilence this is a job and this woman is dragging these kids in here as if they were not already blessed Jesus has esteemed them included them brought them into the Garden of Gethsemane took them on the Mount of Transfiguration carried them everywhere with him and mama is still looking for a whole cup I was just wondering Jesus full you died could you could you get my boy the position on the right and the left and then Jesus says woman you know not what you ask this is Jesus who had the amazing mother Mary the mother of Jesus is an amazing mother she was filled the scorn of the entire city the controversy of her intended to tell the world that she was pregnant by the Holy Ghost she was so committed to her cause that she was pregnant riding on a donkey she was so committed to her cause that when there was no place for their mistake she gave birth in a stable wrap the baby up in swaddling clothes held him just the same loved him just to say nurtured him disa said she was a mother on the run when they were trying to kill her baby she was a mother on the run and said not my baby carried him down into Egypt hid him for two years and said the devil cannot have my child she was a mighty mother are there any mighty mothers in here who stood up against Hell in hot water and said you cannot have mob lived in bad neighborhoods but raise good kids cuz you hear them and said not my child I will fight for you to have a chance and yet at the age of 12 years old Jesus disappears from his mother and says I must be about my father's business and and and the the slow cutting of the umbilical cord starts at 12 by the time he's 30 the court has been cut so severely that she's trying to get in to hear him and they said your mother's at the door Jesus and then Jesus who is the epitome of love says who is my mother why are you trying to attach me to where I've been while I'm reaching to where I'm going I know you don't like this on Mother's Day I know I know you but when Jesus says who is my mother he says you keep trying to keep me tied to where I started and now I am so focused on my purpose that I've got to move to where I'm going and don't keep trying to pull me back to where I was who is my mother showing that as children get older they never stop appreciating you they never stop being nice to you they should never stop respecting you they should never stop honoring you but they should live their own life you see Jesus Jesus loved his mother I know he did because he stopped dying he stopped dying to talk to his mama he stopped dying and say take care of my mother John take care of my mother anytime you stop dying on a cross to make sure your mama is good that sweet something about what a grown child's responsibility ought to be to your mother you all never get so high or so big that you disrespect your mama Jesus was on the cross dying and he was still respecting his mama it is the only thing that God said it's the only commandment that God said if you obey it and honor your father and your I will add years to your life I'll give you more years if you'll shut your mouth about your mother still to come on the POTUS tag are you sure you can handle the process before you ask for the promise because I'm not gonna let you sit in my seat until you suffer with me Jesus says you cannot reign with me if you do not suffer with me I don't know who I'm talking to but I'm telling you to him who much is given much is required and before you ask for something look at that Cup PD takes global partnership system is one family joining hands from every culture community and nation partnering with us in an effective and wonderful way to impact the lives of millions Jesus told us to preach the gospel feed the hungry clothe the naked visit those in prison and give God's gift of salvation to the entire world there is power in our partnership and together we're making a difference brothers and sisters I wanted you to hear directly from me how important this opportunity is I I need your prayers for the next twenty-one days I'm asking all of my partners all of my friends believers all over the country and around the world for 21 days to join me in fervent effective prayer that God could use this opportunity in a powerful way the fact that God has opened up a door for me to have a daytime talk show through secular media to reach around the world to people who don't watch Christian television is indeed a privilege but it is also a responsibility and I want you praying for me as I embark on this journey he didn't just tell us to tell people to come to church he tell us to go into all the world well here I go and I want you to go with me and together we can do this he says I want you to understand something about this process I'm getting ready to go through some things and when I go through things is gonna escalate he said they're gonna mock me they're gonna scare me they're gonna crucify me they're gonna mock me that's verbal they're gonna scourge me that's beatings they're gonna crucify me that's killing whenever God is getting ready to promote you there will always be an escalation of trouble I don't know who that was for but it was worth coming through the rain to get whenever God is getting ready to promote you there will always be an escalation of trouble he said they're going to mock me they're going to scourge me they're going to crucify me it's going to start out amongst my own people and even then they're going to turn me over to the Gentiles and it's going to get worse whatever the enemy knows you have a destiny he will always sit a distraction to stop you from getting to your destiny and the destruction will always escalate before it gets better they're going to mock me they're going to scourge me they're going to crucify me are you the enemy comes to kill to steal and destroy is always going to get worse before it gets better you have to understand that when all of this is said and done are you sure you can handle the process before you ask for the promise because I'm not going to let you sit in my seat until you suffer with me Jesus says you cannot reign with me if you do not suffer with me I don't know who I'm talking to I know this is not a regular Mother's Day message but I'm telling you to him who much is given much is required and before you ask for something look in that Cup cuz Jesus said you're talking about the place you want to sit and I'm talking about the cup I got a drink are you so focused on where you want to sit that you haven't looked at what you have to drink to get there what amazed me with about the text is that Jesus tail since mama be careful what you're asked for you are asking for your kids to die you I can't put them in that position if they can't handle this cup and he says baptism let me break this baptism for you new Bible scholars baptism is about death it's not about water when Jesus says I have a baptism to be baptized with he's not talking about water he already came up out of water he's talking about what the water typifies which is the grace and when he told him you got to drink the cup and you got to go through the baptism these daily said we got this this text illustrates how we underestimate what it takes to get to the next level that we are caught up in the allurement of who sits on the right and who sits on the left but we have not looked in the cut nor inspected the cross which is the path to the position we want the promise without the problems we want acknowledge rent without agony we want riches without work talk to me now talk to me now talk to me now we want fame without loneliness we were pleasure with our play I'm sorry you know not what you ask before you ask God from the chair be sure you look in the cup because between you and the chair is always a cup and this mother knew not what she asked for because she was distracted by the attraction of the position and she never understood the pain that goes along with every position every position has its pain I'm gonna try y'all every position has its page if you're gonna be a homeowner that's a great position but it's got some pain to it he's got some maintenance you didn't have to have before it's got some issues you didn't have to deal with it before if you own your own car that's a nice shiny car you got but you're gonna need some gas and you don't need some tires and you're gonna run out of oil and you will need to change the battery see we want positions without pain we want we want to sit in the seat but we don't want to drink from the cup and when Jesus told her how much it cost when he told her how much it cost we talked without talking about a check we're talking about dying when he told what he calls his listen we got this really really he says before I get to the resurrection I'm gonna be mocked I'm gonna be scarred and I'm gonna be crucified my final five minutes is to all of those who are somewhere in that stage of being mocked or being scourged or being crucified you're going through humiliation right now your life is a mockery let me testify many times in my life my life has been a mockery many times the things that I did publicly I struggle with privately can I be real with you many times I could help you with your stuff and couldn't fix mine can I be real with you many times my life was a mockery how could you be so strong about this and so weak about this it was a mockery have you ever had something happen to you that mocked everything you stood for they said I thought you was a Christian I thought you were the man of faith I thought you were a woman of power I thought you were counseling other people's marriages I thought you I thought you I thought you I want to talk to the people their life not you life macchu you running a counseling center of your daughter pregnant life mocks you you helpin your girlfriend with her marriage and your husband just walked out the back door is there anybody in here that life macchu you will get mocked sometime you'll all get beat sometime if you never get beat you'll never understand how to win if you never get beat you won't respect the game if you never get beat you'll never understand who you are I want to talk to somebody who's going to appear in what life is pitching out you almost didn't even come to church today the girl life has beat you down make some noise if I'm preaching to you and then you can be marked in private and you can be beaten in private but you can only be crucified in public he said they're gonna mark me they're going to beat me and then I'm going to go through public humiliation they're gonna crucify me they'll be so I can't get out of it strip me naked and expose me to the world and the terrible thing about being stripped naked is that it always creates shame even though the shame is foolish because your nakedness is no different than mine your issues are no different than mine your secrets are no different than mine your situations are no different than mine but when somebody strips you and put your own public display you feel like you're in a situation all by yourself is there anybody in here feel like you are all by yourself so Jesus told the woman he said she said he said they gonna mock me he said then they gonna beat me and then they're gonna fire me he said but when they get through crucifying me let me tell you what's going to happen next touch your neighbor and tell him your story is not over your story is not over after you suffered a while if you can stand up to them talking about you if you can stand up to getting beat sometime if you can stand up to being crucified sometimes we've been may endure for a night but joy is coming in the morning going gets tough going gets tight going gets painful don't give up when you're publicly humiliated don't give up because if you can hang on in there Sunday morning it's Sunday morning you run again I'm crying right now but I'll rise again I'm bruised right now but I'll rise I rise I gotta stop there it's been a real joy to have you on board as we are on the gospel train moving into our destiny may the grace of God keep you and move you even further into your purpose we have a time a purpose and a plan for our lives and we are all guided into that plan and position by God's grace in some way take care of you in the blink of an eye a new generation of pastors and leaders will take the reins of our churches and organizations will this new generation of leaders be innovators or followers how well have we prepared we cannot afford to sit back and watch the next generation be in prepay we have to have the courage to act at the 2017 international pastors and leadership conference we will continue to invest in the future of ministries businesses communities and organizations next year we will meet you and leaders from all over the world in Dallas Texas at our brand-new Events Center where we can show you better than we can tell we look forward to seeing you and your team at IPL 2017 are you sure you can handle the process before you ask for the promise to him who much is given much is required for your gift to the ministry of any size you'll receive cheering you on on CD from Bishop Jake's challenging series press in and win the fight that the enemy attacked you is a sign you have value and when your gift is $70 or more you'll receive press in and win on four DVDs for you to get here and die tell hello there are people who had less and did more who are cheering you all however when your gift is 125 dollars or more you'll receive the press in and win for message DVD set the ultimate collection of megafest 2015 on 14 CDs and your very own mega fate mini book now is the time to press in and win have somebody tell them I got the grace for this they're the grace of my life for what I'm dealing with right now you don't mean I like it it don't mean I want it it don't mean I do I enjoy it it just means it will not kill me I've got a grace
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 57,943
Rating: 4.8872852 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: iOP5r9EWA18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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