The Potter's Touch - Pecking Order

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if you don't believe I gots impressing me look back in my history and ash the folks who taught me ask the people who said I would never make it I got some do you have the press on you to move into all that God has for you God is positioning you he is positioning you and if you don't accept the position you won't get the miracle hello everybody I'm excited to have this opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you today we're going to take you into woman Art Loosed 2012 this is powerful it's nostalgia for me as we go back and look at how God moved in a powerful way many of you will remember this message is called the pecking order out of Joshua 6 verse 20 let's hear it the book of Joshua is not for people who are still wandering or wandering they're for people who are through wandering and they're about to step into their destiny and purpose there's new leadership in Joshua Moses my servant is dead somebody shot Moses is dead that means the former grace of enduring and surviving is over Moses had an anointing to help people survive the bleak terrain of a desert he led them through the wilderness when he got to the end of the wilderness he died and a new leader took over named Joshua whose anointing was not to wander Joshua was a fighter he was a warrior and he was a possessor of the promises of God Moses was dead God gave them a certain amount of days to weep for Moses and when the day of mourning was over God said Moses my servant is dead as I was with Moses so shall I be with you Joshua dry your face stop crying it's time to cross over I want to pronounce listen listen clearly I want to pronounce a benediction on every grieving weeping depressed lonely frustrated tired spirit your period of mourning is over touch your girlfriend your sister girl you'll cousin on me mole until I cried my last year yesterday yesterday I cried my last tear yesterday I cried my last tear yesterday I cried dear yesterday I cried my last here yesterday you send them flowers back you give a sympathy card bye you can stop looking at me all pitiful you can stop seeing me as surety I got my strength back I got my fight back I got my drive back I got my focus back Oh God and forgetting those things which are behind and reaching to those things which are before I got some press down in me yeah yes thank you sister girls I got some press with me as I got in here tonight I got some press down in me that's why I watch it on television I got some press down in me I got some fight in me if you don't believe I got some pressing me look back in my history and ash the folks who fought me asked the people who said I would never make I've got some press in me later you know the story Joshua sends out a couple of spies and sends him in to spy out the land before he ever takes it he sent them over there to spy out the land and it's interesting that he would send the spies out to spy out the land it's very interesting that he did that considering he had been one of Moses's spies so he really didn't need them to go over there to spy out the land because he didn't know what was there because he'd been there so why did he send them why did a man who had been to Jericho himself now send these spies over to the promised land you remember Joshua had been there before with 212 spy now he sends these 2 spots over there and says I want you to scope out the land because you cannot lead people into anything that they don't have a vision for that's number one number two God wants you to be excited about your destiny so that you can endure the process that brings you into promise huh because there is a process before promise and if you don't have at least a vision of the promise the process will discourage you but every time discouragement is trying to get you to give up the process remember the reason you have of the promise and keep on walking around the wall keep on walking around I'm tired around this wall I'm frustrated little but I'm a walk around this wall I'm lonely long I'm walk around this wall ministry not one but I walk around this wall thought I'd be married by now but I will walk around this wall lost the first house the plant built a circuit how I will walk around this wall credits old Zack Lord but I will walk around this wall I'm trusting you when I can't trace you I'm going to walk around this wall and Lord I am crazy enough to stand in front of a solid wall and shout as if it had already come down let's try that one time let's shout is it the walls that already there is in the city of Jericho a woman that God has strategically allowed to be in that city for such a time as this there's nothing like being in the right place at the right time Oh y'all right here what I'm saying there's nothing like being at the right place at the right time as long as I know I am where God wants me to be I don't worry about the resources I don't worry about the people I don't worry about the haters I don't worry about nothing else because wherever God guides he provides now you know you know the story how when the spies had spied out the land and saw that it was a land of flow with milk and honey saw that the grapes were huge and the promises of God were incredible and they got ready to come back with their report the king of Jericho pursued them follow me now the king of Jericho pursued him but God had arranged a hiding place for these great men Oh God God had arranged a hiding place for these great men with this one woman many of you God has made you a hiding place a secret keeper a burden bearer your house your presence who you are has become a haven for greatness to be protected do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth I'm going to give you four lessons out of this text there are transferable truths that you must understand in order to see God do what he's going to do in your life I want to give you number one the positioning Rahab's house wasn't a bank wasn't a fortress wasn't a safe house of protection house in the city why did God use Rahab the harlot house because the girl's house had been positioned on the wall I want to talk to you about positioning I want you to understand the reason I don't want you to bemoan the storms the tests the tears the divorce the abuse the injustice the improprieties because God used those things to position you in a strategic place for strategic time God lets you build a house on the wall to relocate you away from where you were to where you are right now do not dispatch the wind that blew you do not despise the force that took you just rejoice in the fact that you are in the right place at the right time to do the thing that God has called you to do positioning positioning many of you have been through a shift a shifting time things you thought wouldn't move did move people you thought wouldn't move got up and walked away jobs who thought you'd always have shook out from under your reach you thought Lord what in the world is going on my whole life feels like a great big earthquake in it everything's shaking and everything going crazy it is not crazy God has a strategy to position you and it took every win and every storm and every attack and yes every hater God use your haters to push you to a place of positioning for divine purpose Rahab's house was positioned right it was the last stop before crossing over the harlots house was on the wall you have been positioned you have been positioned to those of you that have not yet been positioned you are in a process of moving your life into alignment so that you can be positioned correctly for divine purpose position correctly everything can everything can change fall in love with nothing go have a couch you got to have don't have a car you got to I'm gonna have a friend you got the hair just be open before the Lord and say Lord at this season in my life whatever you do with me is okay whoever you bring in my life is okay whoever you don't want in my life take them out of my life I want to be positioned where you want me to be so I can do what you call me to do I am assuming V position just three women say get in the position girl get in the position that's why you got to get your credit straight that's why you got to get your business straight that's why you got to get your mind straight that's why you got to be exposed to the right people that's why you got to get the right attitude because God is positioning you he is positioning you and if you don't accept the position you won't get the miracle ask the woman with the issue of blood she couldn't did he'll just see God in the right position so she said I love didn't heal where I am so I'm going to have to press out of my comfort zone and get in the position so that the mirror who can happen he takes courage to be successful it takes courage to win people don't talk about people that don't win if you win they're going to talk about you do you have the courage to stand there though the storms keep region and the people get to talk it and you stand there sales go too far to turn around find the courage deep inside of you and overcome stand in my place I'm through sit back and be quiet the king of super violence TD jakes global partnership system is one family joining hands from every culture community and Mason partnering with us in an effective and wonderful way to impact the lives of millions Jesus told us to preach the gospel feed the hungry clothe the naked visit those in prison and give God's gift of salvation in town world there is powering our partnership and together we're making a difference one moment can reveal truth I think that you see the best in him but you don't see the best in you one moment can give hope you teach of the people how to love you bow you love yourself one moment can change the rest out of the edges of what you have left will come the resurrection of all that you were gaining I want to talk to you number two about the exposure I want you to understand that this text teaches the power of exposure the reason Joshua sent spies over into the promised land even though he knows the land is to expose the next generation to what he sees you cannot expect your children to be excited about what you're excited about if you don't expose them to what you see this is a season for exposure exposure is going to come in an unparalleled fashion beyond the demographics of your environment your friends and your comfort zone God is going to put you in some strange places expose you to some new things give you new favor beyond anything you ever imagined before God is whetting your appetite he's given you a taste test for the next season that's coming in your life he exposing you Joshua cannot work with people who have not been exposed on the level of his exposure he either has to bring them up or let them die in the wilderness either you come up higher and you get the same vision or you got to get out of my way because something is about to happen in my life listen to what Elijah and Elijah say Elijah says to Elijah give me a double portion of your spirit I want the promise Elijah says to Elijah if you see me when I'm taken up you can have a double portion of my spirit one translation says if you see what I see you can have a double portion of my spirit you can't get what I got if you don't see what I see well y'all don't hear what I'm saying touch your sister next to say he's exposing you out of your comfort zone out of the norm away from what you're used to away from your circle of friends God is putting you in an environment that you're gonna feel uncomfortable you're not gonna fit you'll have to learn again you will have to think again you'll have to read again you're gonna have to pray again but God is exposing you I don't know who I'm talking to the knight but somebody so you've been positioned the house is on the wall they built the harlots house as close to the edge as they could one foot further and she was out you're right on the edge one more flip one more step one more push one more one more and your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard neither has entered into your heart the things that God has in store for them to love it but it had been revealed unto us by spirit he says you can't even imagine it but I'm revealing me and your spirit you get it in your spirit before you get it in your life you get it in your spirit before you get it in your chequebook you'll get it in your spirit before you get it in your ministry you're healed in your spirit before you're healed in your body you're free in your spirit before you're free in your life you are blessed on the inside before you're blessed on the outside what you are feeling your belly is a preview of what God is about to do in your life so you've been position number two you've been exposed number three you got to have the courage Rahab I know she will the harlot but she had courage she had great courage she had the courage to withstand the king of Jericho at the risk of her life she had the courage to take a stand for what she believed she had the courage to hide the spies at the risk of losing her life she had the courage do you have the courage to act outwardly on what you see in wordly or will you die dreamer will you die on the verge and on the edge and in the land of cutter water and sugar this wrong hand rules the roost do you have the courage I'm going to drop something on you it takes courage to be successful it is far easier not to be successful misery will always have company success breeds contempt if you don't want to make waves be mediocre be normal and fit in and if you're more concerned about people than you are god then neutralize everything he put into you just fit in with everybody else dress like them walk like them act like them eat like them go where they go think like they think do what they do and once you root realize your uniqueness you don't need courage it takes courage to be different it takes courage to go where you've never gone before for some of you it took courage to come to this conference it takes courage to get you outside of the ball he takes courage to be successful it takes courage to win people don't talk about people that don't win if you win they're going to talk about you do you have the courage to stand there though the storms keep reason and the people get to talk it and you stand there say I've come too far to turn around that's your girlfriend and say do you have the tear unless I'm going to say some to you it takes courage to be exceptional it takes courage to be wise it takes courage to be rich it takes courage to be educated it takes courage to be knowledgeable because the moment you do but you don't talk like you know you don't get forgot where you came from let it detect it it takes courage and I'm just wondering in this weak watered-down mediocre society that we live in today in this reality TV world we live in today I'm wondering if there's anybody left that's got the courage to say after all I've been through and all my ancestors have been through and all my parents have been through I didn't come through all of that just to fit in with Norma see I have the courage to go out to my dream and stand for the Lord is there a woman left in this entire color seal that's got so close and through running back home I'm through staying in my place I'm through sitting back and be quiet the kingdom summer balance the fourth lesson and I'm almost there anybody getting anything out of this the fourth lesson is the knowledge the knowledge you must have knowledge beyond your parameters how in the world did this harlot have knowledge of international affairs she's a hooker she's a madam she's a mistress and when the spies walked up to her and started talking about easily she said yeah I know something about that I know something we heard about that we heard about what God did for you we understand International Affairs God said your knowledge must go beyond your situation you have to know something about things that you haven't received yet you've got to start reading things you've never read before going to places you've never gone before so that when God opens the door you're not trying to get ready you got to already be ready I wish I had a thousand women that had escaped me to Overton jump up on your feet like Rahab god wants to deliver entire families from destruction your partnership makes it possible to continue sharing the life-giving gospel with families around the world God is not willing that any perish but that all should be saved together through the global partner system we are making an eternal difference in the lives of men women boys and girls God grants favor and protection to all those who trust in him the more effective you are the more attacked you will be because you are losing somebody that the enemy wants to keep by the word being awesome is just being spiritually renewing for your gift to the Ministry of any size you will receive master of my need on CDs your necessity is not a necessity it is in fact a opportunity for you to experience another dimension just one of Bishop Jake's groundbreaking messages that became a movement from woman now I lose this doesn't matter what they think about you God is not gonna bless you god bless you bye how you see and when your gift is $70 or more you will receive the best of woman now are loosed volume two and five DVD as well as master of my need on CDs however when your gift is 140 dollars or more you will receive master of my need on CD the best of woman Thou Art Loosed volume two one five DVDs the woman now at loosed Bible and woman Thou Art Loosed mug set let these time-tested messages take you to a new level of freedom today positioning exposure college knowledge positioning explosion carats positioning explosion chorus he see let us know how the pecking order has impacted your life we look forward to hearing from you see you next time on The Potter's touch
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 55,873
Rating: 4.8910966 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: 1eE1R40yY0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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