Bishop TD Jakes - I will Fear no Evil

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I will fear no evil how appropriate this word is for the times that we're in right now when the Bible said that in the last days men's hearts would fail them for fear other terror would saturate their lives that they would become mesmerized or paralyzed by fear in such a way that they were left helpless to the enemy the scripture says that the enemy goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour the purpose of the roar of the lion is to paralyze his opponent to terrorize and to leave them so helpless in fear that that the animals that had the dexterity and the physical flexibility to be able to escape forget to run because they are terrorized by the roaring of the lion the Bible said your Bible and mind that the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour now if he's seeking whom he may devour there has to be someone that he cannot devour the difference between those that can and cannot be devoured is predicated upon how we react to the roaring if life roars at you and you respond in utter terror and fear and forget who you are and forget who you are and forget what God gave you and forget where God brought you from then you become a candidate for the Lions dinner but if you will remember who you are and who you are in the face of the roaring of the lion can't stop them from roaring but refused to be intimidated by the roaring then you can begin to reap to reevaluate where you stand now now now we must admit regardless of how much faith we have there are some things that shake you up there are some things that get next to you there are some things that concern you and there's a difference between being concerned and being petrified there's a difference between being careful and being intimidated there's a difference between being cautious and and and being negative and and and and being paranoid and being where you are bound fear by issue you we don't have to lock you in the house if you if you develop a phobia you're not coming out anyway without anybody handcuffing you your fear limits you fear can't stop you from being able to do what you could do you can't speak when you're afraid you you can't sing well when you're fearful you can't play an instrument when you're fearful you can't think straight when you are Fred and the enemy loves for you to be afraid loves for you to be afraid we're we're dealing now our headlines all over the country in fact all over the world it's just terror just terror whenever you turn on the television just utter terror just terrace and all about terrace you know every but but but terrorism is not new it is not new it is not new it may be closer to your doorstep than you've ever seen it before but the act of terrorists is not new has been existing in this world around the country for years has been existing in history for years goes all the way back to the fall of Satan from heaven down to earth he came here to terrorize whoever he could and while our nation discusses the complexities of a war on terrorism you must ask the church understand that if we are really going to declare war on terrorism this is not this is not about aircraft or or guns or bullets because fear is a spirit you cannot shoot a spirit or you don't hear me you can't blow up a spirit now let let let Congress do what they will let Colin Powell do what he has to do but I want to talk to the church that if we are going to defeat the what the Bible calls the spirit of fear fly anywhere you want to go get on all the boats you will but if you're gonna rebuke the spirit of fear somebody's got to get down on their knees and start pleading the blood and rebuking the devil and casting out fear and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God it's a spirit September eleventh two planes crashed in the World Trade Center one into the Pentagon one was aborted and crashed somewhere in Somerset Pennsylvania tragedy terrible horrendous act that passed but what happened after wood is what the enemy warranted enemy didn't want the buildings didn't want the lives he wants to fear that's why they called them terrorists because they live off of the fear they don't need the money they want the fear every one of you has got to decide are you going to live your life in terror because the devil thrives off of fear like God moves off of faith oh he does things specifically to terrify you in fact the enemy loves publicity I'm from the old school and in the old school when when we would deal with demonic spirits that they wouldn't allow demonic spirits to take over a service you just you just couldn't come in and take over the service because the enemy thrives off of publicity he wants to show and that's why whenever the enemy does anything against you he will always make sure you hear about it the u.s. job every time there was a disaster there was always somebody to come tell him what happened because the enemy wants you to be terrified when you hear what happened and then it's funny no matter who talks about you and who's fighting you who's trying to kill you there will always be somebody who brings my child I hate to call you with this and the reason they gotta deliver it to you because worse than what the event is is the terror that rises up against you the threat of the enemy the complexities of his attack as he leaves you're paralyzed with fear because he's seeking whom he may devour you have to decide are you gonna be a candidate for his dinner now the Lord was honest and open when he talks about the church he doesn't call us giraffes he didn't call us elephants he didn't call us zebras he calls a sheep I don't I don't really like the metaphor I would have rather been another animal I would rather been a good veil come at least I could run you know I would have rather been a lion because at least I could bite but he calls a sheep sheep are vulnerable they are intimidated they they don't have many teeth they they think they can't chew well they can't thin for themselves well they don't even think straight I don't want to be a sheep I don't want to be a shoe I want to punch somebody out I don't want to be no shoe I don't pray for me I don't want to be no cheap I want a knuckle somebody this well you said what who and yet God said I seen you out of sheep amongst wolves make no provision for yourself take no thought where you're going to stay I mean for you to be vulnerable why would God make me sheep when he knows I had to walk with Wolves and then not even allow me to be terrorized telling me that he's not giving me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and sound mind if you don't want me to be a frag give me a gun give me a knife give me a pistol give me some teeth or something give me some claws so I can scratch my enemy but you didn't give me nothing to work with because you know that the weapons of our warfare are not God for the pulling down strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity unto the obedience of Christ so says the Word of God the Shepherd said I send you out as sheep amongst wolves that's how Jesus is he's the shepherd he said I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd and I send you out like sheep and every so often in the span of your life you will encounter every so often whether they come through the air or they come on the job [Applause] you will encounter the wolves and the Lions and the carnivorous attacks of the enemy in your life and whenever you encounter something that comes to roar against you to intimidate you always remember the 23rd so I know you learned when you watch out for Sunday school and you recited it for Easter and it was cute and it was fun but you must understand that the 23rd songs is a lethal weapon in the hands of a believing sheep it's a rock in a sure place it's a nail in the temple of the wicked one the 23rd Psalms is powerful stuff it begins with the divine revelation of who because I cannot determine who i if I don't determine who he is if I don't know who he is I'll glorify my enemy and all of my conversation will become about what my enemy is and look what my enemy did and look how many people my enemy killed him look what my enemy might do and my enemy might put something in the water and my enemy might put something in the food and my enemy might mess up my job and my enemy might take my husband and my enemy might take my wife and my enemies after my position and you'll spend all of your time talking about your enemy even when you get on your knees rather than talking about the greatness of God you'll get on your knees and start crying about the greatness of your enemy and God and say what about me what about me what about me nowhere in the entire complexity of the 23rd psalm do you hear him speak about a wolf or a lion no devil you have no glory today not used to belonging to me going to work with me riding home with me in the air with me in the boat with me on the bus with me in the sea with me I'm wrestling with the preacher down inside of me that wants to just pick apart every little word in this text I don't have time to pick apart every little way but I'm fascinated with the complexities of everybody that I've had a God who runs the universe would allow himself to become a personal possession [Applause] I can understand that I would be here but real grace is that he would be mine it's fitting that the greater would would return would owned the lesser but look at God he led the lesser on the greener and David says the Lord isn't mine it's not just that I belong to him it is that he belongs to me my personal Shepherd this is not just about groups clubs or cliques if there were nobody on the planet but me he'd still be my shepherd now look at David because when when David talks about this I want to talk about several phases first I want to talk about this shepherd you must understand the reason that David uses a metaphorical revelation of God being the shepherd is that David had and experienced himself being a shepherd he understood that there is some relationship that involves between the Shepherd and the Sheep from where in in the lambing fields in the birthing grounds in the working of the Midwife foreign animal there is an affection and an affinity that develops between the Shepherd mushy David understood what it was to pull a little lamb out of its mother's body and to wash it and nurse it he understood what it was to watch the lamb game its legs and begin to walk he understood what it was to protect the lamb in its infancy and even in its embryonic stages that it might develop he understood that there is a balm that exists between the Shepherd and the lamb that goes beyond just being an animal and a man it goes closer than that he understands that the shepherd himself is lonely enough out in the field that he develops Quran with the Lambs that that he has no friends around him David being the eighth son of Jesse knowing what it was like to be rejected by his brother alienated by his father the only company he had what's the Lambs he's sang his songs to the Lambs he wrote his poetry to the lamb he protected his land he fed the land and when the enemy came up against David in his old life in his maturity and David felt vulnerable to the attack of the enemies away devil do you know who the Lord is to me the Lord is to me when I wash to those animals the Lord is oh I gotta leave that verse alone but I could stay there all day because God has a way of revealing himself on your level he'll reveal himself in a way that you can relate to he'll come back that's why you can't explain God he must be revealed and God will reveal himself in a way that your mind can conceive if you're a shepherd he'll show up as a shepherd if your nail and you'll show up in the carpenter if you're laying block you'll show up as the chief Cornerstone if you're thirsty he'll be water how to rock if you need some food he'll be manna falling down from heaven God has a way a showing up in a form that you can relate to and if you get confused and try to lock him down to your little revelation he'll break out of that and say I am that I am I can do what I want to do I can be whatever but Sunday huh oh my god the lord is so in the first chance he talks about the shepherd and he says I shall not want I won't no teeth no bite and I still won't be hungry no defense and I won't be intimidated vulnerable don't know what's gonna happen from day to day but I'm gonna rest in the Lord is my shepherd I shall and then for the next of four terms he talks about things that he did think said God did the big he the big he the big he the Lord is my shepherd then he breaks down into the big he he maketh me he maketh me to lie down in green pastures even even when I didn't have the sense to lay down he made me lie down thank you Lord for making me lie down when I was nervous you made me lie down when I couldn't sleep you made me lie down when I had insomnia you made me lie down when I felt vulnerable you made me lie down when I thought I picked up the scent of an enemy about to attack me you made me lie down and look at where you made me lie down you made me lie down in green pastures have you ever had God just put you in green pastures you don't even know how you got there and the issue is he making me to lie down in green pastures he brings it to a point where he has to teach you how to rest in abundance because when you've been on the run all your life and God finally gives you some green pastures there's something in you that that's not even comfortable in your blessing have you ever had God bless you and then he had to make you lie down and what he gave you haha yeah you knew that God gave it to you but you you were so afraid that it might not last and you were so afraid that something might happen you were so afraid that somebody might take it you were so afraid that you might go through this world so afraid that I got hit fish he maketh me lie down in green pastures just touch anybody and say lie down lie down he he leadeth me not only does he make us me but but he leadeth me he he leadeth me beside the still Helio wait he leadeth me he not he pushes me he leadeth me he pushes me means I have to go first but if he leadeth me that means it he's going in front of me and so somebody forgot myself to just tell him I will fear no evil why should I fear when he's up front whatever I'm going through he leadeth me he didn't push me he leadeth me all I have to do is get in his footsteps now the Livorno force you to say footsteps of Jesus treading the way footsteps of Jesus by night and by day sure if I follow life would be switch out remember that old stuff they just to get in the footsteps of Jesus I know that he leadeth me and not just any way he leads me beside that steel was see he knows see a good shepherd knows that that sheep are a kind of a dumb I didn't really want to be no see but that's what he said I don't know what he's trying to say about me but it kind of dumb and and and and the instinct to drink will overwhelm their sensitivity to the environment and it's a if the currents are rapid in the process of getting the water the sheep with all of his wool will plunder over into the water and drown in the rapid currents of the water so a good Shepherd doesn't just find water but he finds steel war so that when it when I get ready to drink I want to thank you Lord for not giving me mint mint was too fast for me but don't give me nothing I can't handle don't give me a job I can't handle don't give me a woman I can't handle don't give me a friend I can't handle don't give me a child I can't Oh y'all don't hear me okay can I preach in here a little bit give me something my speed yes it's slow but it works for me see that's why you shouldn't covet what God gave somebody else cuz God knows what speed you can handle without falling in when you start coveting other people's blessing you start falling into things that will take you under so you you want God to lead you beside steal make it where I can drink it make it where I can stand it you don't draw don't put anything on me that I cannot bear he leadeth me beside can I go no be deeper into this [Applause] [Music] he he restoreth my soul so even if even if the enemy did roar against me and even if I did forget and even if I did fail and even if I did fall and even if I didn't doubt and even if I did forgive and even if I did procrastinate and even if I wasn't as nice as I should have been and even if I was overly concerned and even if I spoke out of turn and even if I was wounded in my spirit and even if I lost my joy and even if I lost my peace and even if I couldn't feel my anointing and even if I hadn't written my Bible like I should and even if I didn't go to prayer meeting the reason I gotta praise Him anyway then he kept on restoring my soul I was showing somebody that God had restored oh I know you had never been restored every time [Applause] [Applause] I want somebody who's been restored to dispatch your name and say he restored me I wouldn't have made it but he restored me I would have died but he restored me I would have fainted but he's restored me I would have collapsed but he he restored me I thought I was losing my mind but he restored me I was nervous but he restored me I almost quit but he restored me I almost left but he restored me I almost walked away but he restored me I almost slipped out but he restored me almost about [Applause] ah w thought you had me did you [Applause] [Music] I'm just talking about the big he tonight in the path of righteousness you know righteousness is the path he kept me on the path when when I was crossing the line he pushed me back over on the path he led me in the path of righteousness I wasn't naturally righteous I didn't feel like being righteous I didn't even want to be righteous I got a bit more than did playing to be righteous but even when I tried to get out some hook me and he put me back on the path I wish I had a good old backslider that he put you back on see when you've really been saved you begin to find out that you can't do what you want to do even when you want to do it you begin to find out that your body is for typical the Holy Ghost and then the Holy Spirit don't want you and even when you get ready to just get really wild you get down and get funky and get loose have you ever gone out - I know you can't hold your hand up now but have you ever gone out to do something round and he wouldn't even let it work he wouldn't answer the telephone pick up my feet falling I know you can't praise him right now you gotta act like you don't know what I'm talking about but I wish I had some real people up in here [Applause] in the first verse ii he talks about the shepherd in the second verse he goes into the this sermon and in the sermon he goes into the big he he talks all about the big he in the sermon in the first verse he talks about the shepherd in the second verse he goes into the sermon and when you should go into your sermon you always preach about who God is and what God can do and what God did in your life that's your sermon that's your testimony I think everybody ought to preach a little bit I mean if you never haven't revival even if you haven't been called to preach you ought to just preach a little bit you gotta preach a little bit you got to if you gonna deal with your fear you got to be able to preach a little bit if you learn how to preach a little bit Fela overtake you but you gotta be able to preach a little bit you don't the number preached in the shower get me say [Applause] [Music] look at him I tell him I preach a little bit I got a preacher he'll me I got a preach one when sickness is coming after my body I got a preach a little bit when I get laid off my job I got a preacher look yeah when I hear noise in the house of nobodies in the house but in verse two he talks about the sermon in verse three he talks about the shadow yeah he says I'm talking about he let me talk about me because of the difference between talking about the he and me now the third verse he's talking about the me yay though I walk I have to admit this nothing that I learned about the big he stopped me from the realities of the little me he is he is the great shepherd but I'm still the dumb sheep and knowing him does not negate the reality of who I am and what a privilege it is to be me I refuse to allow anybody to stop me from being me that's why I am going somewhere I'm going as long as they flag I'm going when they start to bust his own I'm getting on the bus you can't get in the bus I'm getting in the car can't get in the car come I got the goal and that places to go I got people to see I got things to do I'm going if I'm nervous I'm still going yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm used to terror been terrorized all my life I know I've been threatened all of my life I'm used to take if you think about it all of us that was some kind of tear one way or the other but you gotta keep going I know some of you play into all of this but I don't do it I don't do it if you eat you got cancer if you eat equal you lose memory cells if you eat the sugar you're gonna be a diabetic look I gotta have something I got to have something I got to have something I got to have something don't drink the carbonated cuz it ain't good for you don't bring the juice cause it got too much sugar in it don't drink the water cuz they gonna put some in the water now you can't drink water couldn't eat red meat now you can't eat chicken now you came in fifth now we're down to vegetables day need a vegetable cuz I sprayed the vegetable i mo eat something I'm go eat something and that's a lot of a chitlin great that cereal I gotta eat [Applause] that's myself Jesus said I'd come that you might have life and have it more abundantly and I refuse to stand here with my same sanctified Holy Ghost feel self and let the devil push me back till I'm locked up in the closet in my old house if God gave me the house I'm going on to the house and give them the car and go ride down the road it's a dime of that ruling [Applause] can I talk to you I'm in the valley of the shadow of death but I'm walking [Applause] touch them I say walk through it yea though I walk I know where I am he said I knew this Shepherd I knew the sermon and I know the shadow I understand this shadow I know that I'm walking through the valley of the shadow of death see see my I just put my shadow on Marcus mm-hmm he didn't feel it but I put my shutter on him you didn't affect him my shadow hit him my shadow punched him in the mouth he's still smiling a shadow is an image it's an impression it's a caricature it's a shape and they've said I had to learn how to walk in the shadow the shadow wouldn't leave but I had to keep walking I had to learn how to read the paper and keep on walking a thousand may fall on your left side ten thousand may fall on your right side but but I had to keep on walking yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow and we're in a shadowy time right now this is it's a dark period it's a dog little peach almost don't even want to read the paper and yet you find yourself just a reason anyway really many ways am I gonna watch it you'll find yourself watch him anyway and then you cut it off and it's still going in your head the image is still in your head the picture still in your head you're getting a car you can see it if you're working a skyscraper you can see it if you're going in a plane you can see you can see the images in in your head I know I know I've heard all the great teachers about faith and they say then we shouldn't we should confess anything so till they say just just don't confess anything don't confess it no confessor this is the you you ain't got no I don't have no code just don't come don't confess it don't don't confess it and that's fine if you want to do they don't confess it but don't sneeze on me either I know you don't have no pole but don't sneeze on me I don't have this mono no don't kiss me not today I believe God with you buy one no sugar yeah the reality is David said yeah I'm walking through the valley it's real 6000 people did that's real this is the shadow and I and I am the generation that was chosen to walk through this shadow God knew this shadow was here before my daddy met my mama he could have let me be born at any time but he hand-picked me to be a part of the generation who walks through the valley of this shadow if these are the final moments of history then we are the generation that's been selected to walk through it and he knew who I was when he called me and he knew about the shadow when he called me and he knew about the wolf when he called me and I wouldn't be able to stand it if it wasn't for the Shepherd the Shepherd is my defense against the shadow yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil let me tell you something every time you say that someone starts rumbling can y'all feel in some starts rumbling down in my spirit in my soul it's all like it's almost like summers leaping up inside of me justjust every time I say let's say it again I will no this is personal now you can't say the choir will fear no evil no no you you can't say the next Christian Center will fear no evil cuz you can't speak for other people this is a personal conviction that you have in your spirit you have got to face life every day and say I will fear no evil to worry myself to death wonder if I will get the same disease my grandparents got one if I'm a god the same age my mother did wonder if imma get what my father got wonder what people think about me wonder if I'm will be able to keep my job 1 if I'm moving out of the house wide if I will be able to pay the car wonder wonder wonder wonder do they really like me wonder who I can really trust wonder wonder wonder Oh you spent all of your life going crazy and every time the devil hands you some of that garbage you remember what I preached tonight and you look him in the face and say I will fear no evil remember this if you have to write it on your computer remember it if you have to write it in your automobile if you have to write it on your refrigerator put it where you can see it every time the devil tries to intimidate you looking right in the face and say hi we fear no evil come hell or high water come sickness complaints come to see with a job with no job with a husband noise but with the wife the wife of all the kids live in the hospital pull yourself up hit the button sit up in the bed tell the devil will fear know that's going to keep me it's interfering evil you're with me you with me in the shadows you with me when the lion roars you're with me in the hospital you with me in life you with me in death either way it goes thou art with me thou art with me look at something some goddess with me doctor doctor don't you tell all your enemies warn all your enemies don't mess with me I know I don't have no teeth but don't let me come fool you cuz God is with me I know I do dumb stuff but don't mess with me cuz God is with me get my head and stuff is too big from it but don't you try to drag me under because God is with me if you won't fight you gotta fight God because God is with me and God [Applause] you can be against me look at your neighbors say you can't win if you fight me you gotta fight dog there is no way you can win there is no way you can win there is no way you can win you see the wonderful thing about me getting to be the Sheep is that when I get to be the Sheep he gets to be the shepherd and when David starts talking about the shepherd he says that rod and thy staff they comfort me let me bust your bubble a little bit because you all think in our society that a shepherd is passive but it is not so a shepherd can fight the reason he has his rod and his staff is so that when the wolf comes against you it is the Shepherd that fights for you have a preach too long cuz if I had a few minutes I would tell you how good the Shepherd can fight me he can fight so good that I don't even worry when the enemy comes in like a flood I don't have to worry the conscious Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard addiction he can fight so good that I've stopped arguing with my enemies he can fight so good that I stop defending my god so good I don't even open my mouth because God has a way of fighting for me and when I used to try to fight you say be still and know that I am God and I start moving he say stand still and see the salvation of the Lord put up my fists to fight say the battle [Applause] he can fight touch somebody and say God can fight we can fight he can fight cancer he can fight diabetes he can by competition God can fight we could fight racism we can fight injustice God look at somebody say he can fight we can fight we can fight and so when you see the church began to assemble and when you see her began to pray you need to understand that prayer is the fighting position of the Saints when I start friend you better get out of my way because when I'm praying I'm calling on the shepherd and whenever the Shepherd comes ain't no way you can whip me if I was out there by myself you can wear me out but if I can call the Shepherd huh somebody holler communities if you call Jesus he will answer you call it all the name of the law [Applause] [Music] the name of the Lord shall be saved somebody hugs ears don't want us to call that name anymore you don't want us to call that name yes please let us pray a little bit yes then let us pray in public yes pray on TV but they don't want us to say the name of Jesus something about that name somebody say cheese the power is in the name of Jesus demons tremble at the sound of his name that was a handsome Oprah boys that would start calling all the name of [Music] Jesus Jesus can I tell you something cuz y'all mostly all from the new church and in the new church when you call Jesus you say Jesus but back in the old church you know Jesus Jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touching even say called Jesus if you call on Jesus let me tell you what he'll do you'll prepare a table before you in the presence or your enemies you'll fix you some food as they sit down and eat I'm gonna bless you while they talk about you I want to say to the church it's time to have some dinner that's why I didn't even get dinner [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean the folks who got some enemy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] here knowingness one writer said that when the shepherd annoyed the sheep he anoints their head with oil because the sheep are so dumb that they're in the process of eating grass they stick their nose in a hole in the ground not knowing that there's a snake in the ground but the Shepherd so loves the seat that he anoints their head with oil because the Shepherd knows that the oil is a serpent repellent and I want to praise God I want to praise God because I know I stuck my nose in some stuff that should or the holy [Music] [Applause] prosper prosper have you ever stuck your nose in something but God protected you anyway high-five somebody tell him God protected me and put him in there but he protected I put a lost man but he protected me I had a nervous breakdown [Music] [Applause] touch somebody say my cup runneth whole tell him I'm getting ready to run alone you [Music] if you're nervous you better move if you don't I pray this you better move if you don't like noise you better move get ready to run over when I think of God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody give me five minutes of crazy prey [Applause] pray pray pray they like to have no see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well well well the devil is safe I know that ain't her praise God I know that's not him praising God not with all you going through I know you not gonna give God no praise tonight not the ball the shadows in our lives not with what you dealing with on your charm not with what you read in the paper today the devil said I know you not gonna praise God [Applause] just so we're just a wheel that's a wheel Desa will can I tell you one moment I'm not crazy about the show I'm in the saddle and my private for the saddle but I'm praising him because I know that in the midst of the saddle there's one first lift touch your neighbor and say you got one first left if you've been in the shadows you got one first left and the last first [Applause] somebody give him a break [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all your folks I know some of you dignified it just put up with me I'll be gone the mind I'm kind of loud and crazy but to the to y'all they're just as crazy as I am look over your shoulder and see goodness and mercy goodness and mercy and the devil says you me you will stand here in the midst of all of these shadows and shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so follow me remember this behind every shadow there's surely and if you can just stand the shot if you can just understand the shadows [Music] behind every shadow there's a surely and when your blessing comes somebody knows what I'm talking about your blessing always feel like I'd just overtake you have you ever had a blessing just come up from nowhere and tackle you just when you thought it wasn't gonna get no better just when you thought you wouldn't go get no help some just wasn't [Applause] you know why goodness and mercy were following you all the days of your life and though the enemy roars he won't be able to devour you if you can look him right in the face right while he's roaring and say I will he said again said again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will see no evil fear is a terrible thing it's a terrible thing afraid to live some people are afraid to love some people are afraid to fly some people are afraid to try again some people are afraid to have relations ditches some people are afraid to talk to people and some people are afraid to open up theory the terrible thing some people are lonely but they're afraid to let anybody in some people have gifts and talents but they're afraid of rejection so they don't use them and you can be saved and sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit and still allow fear to control your life if you don't put the word on your fear it will overtake you it will control you and it will rob you of precious moments that we will never see again I will you know beautiful I will fear no evil spent again [Music] I want you to I want you to do me a favor wait wait wait I want you to reach out and join hands with somebody somebody's really been in distress they've just been in distress anxious disturbed worried perplex somebody's got a thread on their job somebody's got a threat with their finances or in their marriage somebody threatened by the terrorism that's happened in our country and you've never seen days like this I haven't either and and you're worried for your children somebody's sons and daughters if have gone off to war you don't even know where they're at you try to talk favor you lay down at night it the cold bitter tastes of fear rises up in your mouth your stomach so your food hadn't been digested well yeah I've been sleeping good well it sent me here for you god bless this church to be built so that it might be a hospital so that the wounded and the hurting could come here and recover and be healed and tonight in this place somebody is going to completely lose the spirit of fear God's gonna replace it with power and love and a sound mind is going out of your spirit right now yeah is going out of your spirit right now is going out of your spirit right now you haven't been able to shake it for days for weeks but it's going out of your spirit right now the Bible said he sent his word and it's worth oh his word healed him is going out of your spirit right now you couldn't get it off you couldn't sing it out you couldn't shout it out you couldn't get on the phone and talk it out but it's going out right now the word is gonna drive it out right now he sent His Word and healed them it's going out of your spirit right now anxiousness anxiety worry distress all kinds of images running through your mind God said I will fear no evil squeeze that hand you're holding up miracles happening right in that person right now right now right now right now right now right now I'm not later right now right now in the name of Jesus anointing of the Holy Ghost is restoring and renewing and releasing them right now by the power of God yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that's it get such SSSs this is your time this is your time this is your time this is about receive deliverance receive receive it receive it in your life in your personal life in your finances in your emotions receive it [Music] race of that person whose hand you hold right now squeeze your hand and start praying in the Holy Ghost start their focus and I'm not happy they're gonna shine either Bethany oh have my coat shut up my hat eat about your Jeff Lord yes Lord yes Lord yeah for the children yes Lord over their children yes Lord over their finances yes Lord over their marriage just want over their job yes Lord over the stock market yes Lord over every anxiety yes lord over tumors and loved issues and yes yes yes not Allah I will feel gossip I will feel robots power fear fatigue I will feel sentence in my body I will fear getting old I will fear losing companions I will fearing children Don the college I will fear young men gone the war terrorists I will feel conflict I will fear in confrontation I will Syria here comes my perfect peace here comes my perfect peace here comes my perfect peace here comes my perfect peace here comes my perfect peace I receive it right now now lose those hands and open your mouth and give God the best phrase [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how many of you had an area in your life that the Holy Spirit spoke to you about tonight
Channel: City Center Church
Views: 602,031
Rating: 4.778161 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop TD Jakes, td jakes, city center church, blast from the past, I will fear no evil, fear, psalms 23, sermon
Id: cfWYrubUWz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 48sec (4188 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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