Smash Ultimate: Every Fighters POKEMON Type! | Gnoggin

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hey everyone it's me your resident pokey tuber Loxton wait that's not right is it or is it I don't know anymore uh I gotta do some non Pokemon content I know let's use my vast storage of knowledge about Pokemon to list to the fighters of Smash Bros ultimate in Pokemon types I mean have you ever wondered what type each fighter would be and hey what what if they added that neato pokémon trainer feature of having weaknesses and strengths relative to their types but pokemon trainer head and brawl I mean everyone loved that feature everyone all right let's get right into this starting with the easy ones that we don't really need to explain the actual Pokemon in Smash which includes Pichu Pikachu Mew - greninja Lucario Jigglypuff insider' or squirtle Ivysaur and charizard charizard sure's chorizo they obviously are the types that they are duh now let's go down the line so both Mario and Luigi makes sense as fire normal or normal fire I mean come on they shoot fire out of their hands quite regularly in Smash interestingly Mario does have a water move but Pokemon still has moves outside of their types all the time oh don't be stupid in the comments oh ma Leo should be water type cuz he's got a watermelon but besides the frequent fire powers Mario and Luigi are just two normal dudes strong but still kind of out of shape so not really fighting type next is Donkey Kong ground fighting for sure I mean what else perfectly fits a giant lowland gorilla that loves to punch honestly I'm really surprised that they don't have a gorilla Pokemon that's ground fighting we're really missing an opportunity for a DK tie in Game Freak huh link as in all three we actually had a bit of trouble figuring out but we settled on steel fairy I mean they have steel courage haha also a sword in the shield the hairy part then comes from the fact that they all have fairies look like elves and are magic so pretty much fairy samus I feel works best as a steel electric-type along with Rob and Megaman all of these characters are made of metal and run off of electricity primarily or have energy based attacks Samus and Megaman would be pretty versatile Pokemon as they can learn moves of almost every type it seems Dark Samus however would be either dark electric or dark bug I couldn't really pick I mean if she really is just an evil clone of Samus than she would be dark electric what Dark Samus is more than just Samus as an evil creature that took the appearance of Samus and all that Plus metroids are similar to bugs in that they grow from larva and are somewhat bug like in appearance and behavior I listed in the early stages and I mean nobody else in Smash could be bug type and it's a pretty important type to have in your game gotta have someone next is Yoshi the love of a dinosaur and in my heart I would say dragon fairy as he's a magical lizard but thinking more realistically dinosaur most not all but most dinosaurs in the Pokemon universe tends to be rock type so rock dragon plus being a rock dragon would make Yoshi similar to Taranto a Pokemon that is very similar looking to Yoshi if you squint Kirby you know the creature with infinite power is pink and we all know what that means fairy it means fairy and what do fairies love to be normal usually so normal fairy just like Jigglypuff really Kirby would have an ability that changes its type depending on who he eats at least that would change the normal typing but very could still stay falco is fast and relies on technology to continue his missions not to mention he's a bird so he would be flying and wait for it maybe electric though perhaps perhaps not electric they themselves referring to falco and fox don't have much to do with electric themselves they just use electricity it's like how gold doug has plenty of abilities but isn't psychic time and then what about Fox specifically normal electric normal fire hmm granted most electric pokemon are fuzzy mammals that are fast so I guess the electric works next is Ness who let's be honest it's pretty much just a kid with psychic powers him and Lucas both use pique powers which are essentially powers provided by their psychokinetic abilities landing them firmly alongside Mewtwo in the purely psychic type category then we got good old Captain Falcon one of my more fond characters who is in desperate need of a new game but with his extreme movements and power he would definitely land himself in fighting but let's not forget about all the fly or he has at his disposal some firefighting for sure other characters that would be firefighting might include Ken the echo of Ryu because while Ryo uses the power of ki which is like fighting spirit ken uses the heat of his passion to fuel his flaming fighting techniques though just fighting would work with him also either are now peach along with Daisy would be fairly normal you know like Kirby again peaches pink a dead giveaway there but they also both are just found a normal human royalty nothing all that special though they do have magical hearts and flower powers and rainbows very fairy like abilities they're up next is the tyrant king Bowser who was very easy to guess the typing of that's right it's dragon fire I mean he's a large reptile at the ability to breathe fire he's got dragon II darkness magic powers like dragons and he can't fly so it's not Flying type like the non dragon Charizard but there's lots of fire dragon fire easy not as easy as ice climbers though pure ice type chic would be dark fairy along with Bayonetta though for entirely different reasons after all chic is a ninja who loves to work in the shadows and that's very different of the reasoning than the monstrous demon summoning umbral which and again they are also both fairy type but for similarly different reasons one being a force of good against darkness along with being a hilly an elf and the other being an Umbra which born of forbidden love between a lumen sage and a number which the powers of holy and unholy in perfect harmony Zelda's next and I'd say pure fairy along with pollutant amande maybe pit Zelda being essentially a goddess reincarnated is the embodiment of light and Fae creatures with pollute aina literally being the same thing but the real deal actually a goddess pit then is the champion of palutena and I know that a lot of you would say he's Flying type but he technically can't fly it's pollute aina that grants him the ability to fly though perhaps having feathery wings is enough to be flying type I mean there's other flying-type pokémon that can't fly so maybe perhaps pit would have a sky form where he gains the flying type and that just happens to be when he has pollyannas power attached to him next up is dr. Mario in Smash we see that he has instead of a fire F smash he has an electrical one perhaps like a defibrillator or it could also just be magic it's kind of a stretch what is typing would most likely just end up as normal maybe normal poison as he prescribes you the wrong medicine Marth and lucena are warriors with magical blades and it seems fit to put them in fighting steel type put them right next to Lucario everybody's blue other characters that would be fighting steel are like me sword fighter and Crom Ganondorf oh boy I wonder what he could be dark not much to say while the other two Legend of Zelda character is where Fairy Ganon is much more evil and along with not being a hilly or elf cements him into not being ferry either other so lead archetype fighters would include dark pit whoa who would have guessed that the dark evil clone thing of a fighter is dark time but he still can't fly so he's not flying tight normally maybe he gets it Roy much like the other Fire Emblem characters would be steel but he would be fire instead of just fighting now wait just a moment because Mike was steel fighting but he's got a fire move and yes but while he does have a fire move it's just one whereas Roy has some sort of fire effect or flare on almost all of his moves he's hitting you with a flaming sword steel fire mr. Gaiman watch is an interesting character but besides being 2d he's just a normal dude doing normal things like being a chef or a lion tamer you know normal stuff Meta Knight being an incredible swordsman you can already kind of see the trend we've got of putting them in the steel type and hey steel needs more Pokemon however unlike the other sword fighters Meta Knight is actually able to fly and uses his wings all the time a key trait of flying-type pokémon so it only makes sense that he's steel flying though dark could also work in place of flying either way Meta Knight learns moves from all three zero suit samus is essentially armorless Samus and so she would fall into the electric category but not steel because there's no armor and her pistol is like a electro whip and does Abby zap energy blasts all over the place so she's definitely electric and she's well versed in hand-to-hand combat in this form so we might as well toss her into the fighting category come to think of it I think me gunner would also work in electric fighting as there's not a lot of armor on me Connor at least not by default and energy blasts and pretty decent at close quarters combat Wario Mario where to put Wario well he's mostly a normal person - the whole disgustingly large head but he's also all about bad breath and farts so the poison typing would suit him well I mean stone key is poison because it farts why can't Wario be poisoned he farts snake is up next and he's pretty easy he's stealthy so dark comes to mind he's also strong and knows a good deal of hand-to-hand so fighting but he also has guns and uses him a lot so I want to say steel and thankfully this is Solid Snake because if this was liquid snake we could just throw in the water type too but it really boils down to how I feel at the moment and at the moment I'm thinking he doesn't actually use his regular guns in smash at all so let's make him dark fighting you know what Pokemon needs more of yeah that's right non-winged it flying types and guess what Diddy Kong is normal flying hold on let me explain you see he isn't all that strong like DK and he isn't really all that good at fighting either he just sort of flails around like a monkey man can he leap he's even got a jetpack are you telling me that if a Pokemon had a jetpack I wouldn't be able to know the boo fly others in the flying normal category include duck hunt dog as it's just a dog but there's a duck it makes him fly around also d2d I mean he's a penguin sure so we maybe shouldn't be flying but but that's the joke needed he's silly and Pokemon just loves using non joke jokes like that plus you can sort a flight by inflating sort of he's a bird you know some flying moves like being attacked Peck I don't think he does any of those in Smash but you know so Sonic's next what type is truly fast enough to be Sonic fast rodent Pokemon tends to be electric but sonic has no electric traits so flying fairy book well other than speed which isn't even classically a type sonic is just kind of a hedgehog hmm well I mean he's got a lot of fan art on the internet that implies fairy if you know what I mean ground possibly even normal ground I mean he's a little guy that can't really fly plus hedgehogs are low to the ground and they dig a bunch and such and being able to run as fast as he does he's touching the ground a bunch he covers a lot of ground with his speed ha he's easily one of the fastest ground types there is so Sonic's done next would be there's so many characters I was thinking this video is going to be a cute time filler episode that we just make real fast and put out there because we need filler YouTube algorithms are gonna kill us if we don't this is turning into a massive epic huh I'm just adding to it with his exposition right so so Olimar is next and what can I say besides he's a normal little dude now he's Pikmin on the other hand they are all sorts of different look at the red Pikmin fire grass easy and the other follow suit yellow is electric grass blue is water grass fairy Pikmin well it's in the name white is where we did a little off-balance as they could be grass ground or ground poison or grass poison let's just go with that one keep them all grass grass poison then we get to purple who are just fat and strong that's that's all nothing really special about him so grass maybe grass normal and if you had to program them as like a whole one entity with only two types normal grass and now while we're all in the normal miss of orlimar we should go ahead and do the rest of the normals because here we have villager and Isobel both just down to normal people once a dog and they get they just got I don't get why they're here they're kind of just up in this Monster Mash of mega franchise characters that are all wanting to kill each other I love him so much peckmon also finds himself in this category I mean what's he gonna do jump Wii Fit trainer is a trainer but she isn't a pokemon trainer but I mean she couldn't be but while she's a trainer and super fit she's no ryu okay so we are talking fighting type for sure but she's a lot less fighting and more fitness sort of tone down the fighting I put her into normal fighting if that even could exist Rosalina and luma are fairy because well duh she's a magical space Queen but she's also from space and Pokemon really likes to make anything from space psychic for reasons I cover in this video here so fairy psychic final answer plus she can float to crazy universe ending stuff and met some pretty ridiculous crazy psychic power things going on Shulk Oh Shulk Oh Shulk a psychic Steele he's got precognition and a sword that's pretty cool so Steele psychic though Steele could be replaced with normal or fairy the Minato is a pretty magical and energy based sword magic it's crazy next is Bowser jr. at first you'd assume he'd be fire dragon like his dad but he's got his clown carts as his main body in Smash plus it gives a decent amount of super armor you know what else has a lot of armor steel yeah that's right Bowser jr. steel dragon because why not while he can breathe fire his attacks aren't all that fiery but his main body meaning him sure is dragon II like his dad's for sure because it's just a smaller vet so he's a little dragon I don't know he's a turtle but I mean there's turtle Pokemon that our dragons also let's go ahead and make this crazy list even crazier you know who's crazy king k rule and his insane abilities and let's just say he also fits perfectly into the Dragon Steel typing I mean he's got armor for a gut that's totally harder than steel plus I mean he's a massive lizard and a villain and that just screamed dragon to me then we have cloud he's a tricky one but if you all remember from my steel type Pokemon X video Co Balian who is one of the swords of justice is steel type because of his strong cool collection his steely resolve his heart of steel you get the picture also swords are made of metal and boy oh boy does cloud got the sword and you know who else could just be steel Simon and Richter both have steely hearts against darkness along with really cool metal whips next we have Corrin who is actually pretty interesting and is relatively easy to put into a typing dragon as Corrin is in fact a dragon and water because Corrin is in fact a water dragon specifically I mean it's like they knew we were gonna make this video thanks Nintendo getting close to the ends now we see inkling so in Smash the way that they work is interesting the ink that they spray almost acts as if it's a poison or an acid they can also turn into goo themselves so they could realistically be poison type or possibly water type I so thought at first but then I remembered that they died in the water so I guess it's a no go on that I'm guessing just poison then as they are all icky and sticky next Lee we get to Ridley I mean first off he's a dragon and that's totally canon and the next thing is that he's really really really really really really really mean I mean this guy kills parents and doesn't afraid of anything he's just murder murder murder - murder - murder haha gonna go chase down Samus specifically - bugger ha mean for sure he would be dark he alone would be dragon dark as he's just that cool and well that's it isn't it [Music] oh wait piranha plant I mean grass for sure and then I guess depending on what color it is would change its type I mean it could be fire with its base red but if it's blue it can shoot ice if it's purple it's poison it's almost like Olimar it really just depends Chloe I swap to change its type that'd be cool or maybe just it's just grass and it uses all sorts of moves of other types so how about that game balancing what adding this type mechanic to everyone be a good idea I don't even have to organize it all to tell you that no no it would not maybe it would be a fun gimmicky mode a sort of special smash heavens no it should not be a main part of the game what was soccer I thinking with Pokemon training here in Brawl he gets disgusting hey hope you like this filler video why not check out some of the really good stuff that we make and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 2,339,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros ultimate review, super smash bros ultimate world of light, super smash bros ultimate ost, pokemon, pokemon lets go pikachu, pokemon lets go eevee, pokemon types, pokemon trainer, super smash bros ultimate pokemon, super smash bros ultimate pokemon trainer, super smash bros ultimate incineroar gameplay, inceneroar, pichu, know your moves pokemon trainer, know your moves pokemon, pokemon in super smash bros, super smash bros, smash bros
Id: _1VZdmzbRKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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