THE OPEN HOUSE (2018) - A God-Awful Netflix Horror

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I thought it was just ok, and for a Netflix film, it was actually better than average.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/GDoubleR 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great setting, great cast, really bad writing. Had a lot of potential just wish it wasn’t so lazily executed.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Two thumbs down. And his YouTube "review" was more entertaining than the movie. Not the worst movie but not worth anyone's time either

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Myponytailisonfire 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

I honestly watched the movie and I found it to be pretty average. There are far worse movies out there. I think the thing that kills the movie is the predictability of it more than anything else.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rose_Knight789 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

I started watching it the other day, and I stopped it about an hour in. I get that some movies can be “slow burn”, but without well-built tension, those movies are just ...boring. I mean how many times do you need to redo the water heater thing? We get it, someone is messing with it. 🙄

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/obithabit 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Not my video, just thought it was too funny not to share. God it's been 2 days since I watched this abortion of a movie and I'm still pissed off.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SomnusInterruptus 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
if you're worried about spoilers for this movie just don't because you shouldn't see it don't see it it's a waste of time the only reason I know about this movie is the as Netflix put it in their featured section which is pretty hard to avoid because it's right [ __ ] there when you open Netflix and my wife and I use Netflix a lot to watch shows that we like she recognized the actor as the same guy who played in 13 reasons why is show that she really enjoyed so we decided to give it a shot and I know scary movies get a bad rap because a lot of them are trash and let me tell you this movie is not helping the open house has got to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen with amazing quotes such as it's good to see some new faces especially pretty ones I just mean the mountain folk can get a little scruffy at times and I am NOT talking about the men the stars dillema net and pearcy Dalton I've never heard of Piercy Dalton before but surprisingly she is the best part about this movie aside from a couple notable scenes they both are ok nothing astounding but they do their job and they're convincing for the most part the open house was written and directed by Matt Angel and Suzanne cooped on IMDB it shows that Matt is known for complications legends of tomorrow and grim but if you go down to see the movies he's directed and written there's only one other movie aside from the open house and that's ha /if which is one of those movies that was made for no audience I'm pretty sure nobody ever watched this and same thing with Suzanne couch she wrote and directed one movie that was cast into the abyss called welcome home Lea so neither of these people have a lot of experience but hey Robert Eggers who wrote and directed the witch did an astounding job with little to no experience don't get me wrong the open house looks good for the most part the production value is OK it's just everything else that fails miserably this movie trips over itself constantly it starts with the generic scary movie rising strings over the moans of Dylan Manette [Music] and it turns out he's jogging what is it yes 519 507 does that's enough Ridgewood High that's almost enough for the Olympics now remember the fact that he's fast this will play a crucial role later on actually no it won't that's weird when they were outside a second ago it looked like it was somewhere around 5 to 6 p.m. but when they enter the house it's pitch black outside then we have this scene where Logan removes his contacts foreshadowing one of the silliest moments in film history you'll see the dad drops the egg so they have to go get more okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God right I'm great man I wonder if this song will play a role later on the dad forgets to grab the milk what an irresponsible dum-dum then out of nowhere this car plows into dad it cuts to black and now we're at his wake no talk about who was driving the car who killed his father if he got away or why he did it the movie decides that you don't need to know I guess we'll probably find out later as the plot develops right nope but we'll touch on this later then Naomi's sister tells Naomi that she and Logan can stay at their Mountain House since toyomi is too poor to afford rent also very skimpy dress to wear to awake look at that sick ass Oh oh yeah so Naomi and Logan decide to move into this mountain house on their way to this house they run into the big bad guy of this movie the man in black yes that's what he's titled as on IMDB he has no name he's just like a faceless man he's standing in the middle of the road they swerve out of the way stop the car and poof he's gone he's not there oh and Naomi's know starts bleeding out of nowhere for no reason initially I thought it was hinting at some paranormal stuff but nope seriously it's not explained later on it just happens because it happens there's a lot of that in this movie it's almost as if the movie is constantly teasing something that never happens you want something to happen you're expecting something to happen but it never does and what does happen just leaves you disappointed and you're like why did I just waste all this time watching this god-awful God disgrace of a movie they go to it looks like a gas station not only picks out the milk that are stupid dead husband forgot about logan drops his stuff like an idiot oh whoops whoops and were introduced to martha her character makes no sense she's the annoying crazy lady that lives next door and her only purpose is to act creepy and stuff the quiet out here can get real loud by now like right here she stares at Logan Logan stares back he looks away looks back and she's gone is she a ghost is there some deeper meaning nope she's just a creepy random old lady this movie tries to lead you to believe that it's more interesting that is cuz they dangle these carrots in front of you as the movie progresses but it all leads to [ __ ] nothing so they arrive at Naomi's sisters mansion that she's selling which I'm guessing means she's living in some other house if her sister is so wealthy then why hasn't Naomi reached out to her for some financial support prior to her husband's death wouldn't that make more sense they go inside Martha calls the landline because she's a creepy stalker later that has nothing better to do okay thanks Martha also if this is modern they don't really specify when this movie takes place who the [ __ ] still uses landlines Logan walks around the house and eventually goes down into the stereotypical scary movie basement that never has working lights for some reason even though this is presumably a multi-million dollar mansion he walks down some corridors and comes across a big pile of broken wood and stares at it as if it's a pile of bodies or something walks up the stairs and while the stairs breaks ooh scary Logan hears a sound in the middle of the night comes downstairs and knows as a car with his lights on pointed at the house that's weird the car haunts Logan walks outside to confront this guy the car vanishes out of thin air you don't hear it drive off or anything he stares at this random fake deer that has literally zero significance in this movie turns around and hilariously there's Martha in a bathroom she asked Logan why he's living in the mansion then she runs off scared like a psycho lady instead of immediately waking his mother up because of the very strange car and the batshit insane neighbor he decide this is a great time to reminisce and look at the photographs under her pillow okay Logan wakes up to a week jump-scare by the Realtors who reaches for someone's face when they're trying to wake them up don't you normally like push on their arm or maybe shake their leg what was this guy gonna do grab his face Naomi and Logan are told they must leave because of the open house and to return at 5:00 p.m. and then we have this scene of the open house with a bunch of people walking in these barbarians don't close the door behind them and then were presented with evil black boots I know that they're evil black boots because the music told me that they're evil black boots [Music] thanks music Naomi and Logan go out to eat but Naomi can't pay for the bill so Logan uses his birthday money that his aunt gave him how poor are these people if they really can't afford to go out to eat then why didn't they just go to a Dollar Tree and pick out some snacks or something why they go out to eat to begin with if they didn't have enough money in the first place I mean it just doesn't make any sense right so then they go to this clothing store because shopping is something that they can do if they can't even afford a meal the guy behind the counter starts talking to Naomi Logan has his period and forces them to leave because we're where nobody says nice things to my mommy it's good to see some new faces especially pretty ones I just mean the mountain folk can get a little scruffy hey buddy how you doing they get home when there's another week jump-scare as this realtor guy walks out of the room without saying a word even though it's obvious that they just came home isn't it his job to greet potential buyers any way he freaks out because he's running late but it seems more likely that he either has to [ __ ] really bad and can't use other people's toilets because he's a germaphobe or he just saw a ghost but since this isn't a ghost movie he definitely just has to [ __ ] then Logan explains to his mother how creepy open houses are because this movie is having such a hard time doing that itself at this point we can assume that evil boots is in the house with them right okay cool let's continue here they are watching a movie Naomi says she has to pee Logan goes to get more popcorn evil boots opens the door in the background for no reason then the phone rings Naomi answers it in all chigan here on the other end is them echoing so evil boots is calling them from within their house for shits and giggles Naomi starts taking a shower Logan brings a cereal up to his room and notices that his phone is missing so evil boots must have snuck upstairs and stole his phone at some point Logan uses his mom's phone to call his phone and notices that a cereal bowl miraculously teleported downstairs so in the time that took for Logan to go to his mother's bathroom get her phone and go downstairs evil boots took Logan's bowl of cereal and brought downstairs for no other reason than to [ __ ] with them how sneaky is this dude he's got some mission impossible training I get it okay cool I'm just gonna go ahead and spoil it a bit here's an image of evil boots this dude is massive and you're telling me that he's sneaking around with those big-ass boots on please then Logan hear something from the basement so evil boots snuck up and downstairs opening and closing doors without anyone noticing this dude puts James Bond to shame and I'm pretty sure there's only one staircase so they're using the same staircase people this dude is like a ghost Logan here's Naomi yell upstairs so he runs upstairs gets a glimpse of his mother saggy patties she tells him that the water went ice-cold randomly Naomi goes down into the dark and creepy cellar by herself and nothing but a towel to light the pilot regardless of Logan telling her that he hurts something down there would it make more sense for them to go down together instead of killing her when she's insanely vulnerable evil boots shuts the basement door in her because we can't kill the main characters yet because then the movie would be too short the next day Lowen goes for a run and the mountain air makes him slower or something maybe because you get less oxygen when you're higher up or something I don't know then we see the guy from the clothing store peeping into their front door window because he saw the for sale sign I'm assuming he knocked first it's still very weird and even though he's greeted by two people who clearly aren't in the mood he practically invites himself in what are you doing here right this looks bad yeah I was just on the back roads office for sales side weird [ __ ] we're told that his name is Chris so then Naomi gives this random stranger weird [ __ ] Chris full freedom to wander around their mansion that isn't even theirs without any supervision kinda weird kinda stupid but whatever we met him at a clothing store one time he must be fine Logan listens to the song that he was listening to the day his dad died because he wishes to torture himself weird [ __ ] Chris goes into their basement with his expression on his face that says hey I know I'm not supposed to be doing this but I'm gonna do it anyway now you only the idiot looks for Chris but he vanishes somehow even though the last place we saw him go was the basement is Chris evil boots find out on the next episode then Naomi decides to take some pictures Logan goes outside and has this weird moment where he looks into the woods and this happens [Music] no idea why then the weird crazy lady Martha shows up with banana bread here's Johnny she says this I feel awkward if I didn't tell you we came to the open house yesterday we just wanted to see the place one last time why is it awkward going to an open house am I missing something is it because you're the neighbour I don't get it then she says my husband can't wait to meet the two of you if you need anything don't hesitate to come by my husband can't wait to meet the two of you which is weird because earlier she said that her husband had died I thought you had said your husband passed away passed away here we go again with the paranormal stuff is Martha a ghost what's going on Naomi takes a shower the water goes cold again so she heads down to the creepy cellar yet again and lights the pilot she continues her shower and yet again the water goes cold she gets Logan to check on it this time while Logan is checking on it he hears evil boots knock a can over or something but if evil boots can somehow stay unnoticed this far I doubt he'd make a mistake like that he probably did to [ __ ] with them just like everything else he does in this movie and why is it so hard for Logan to keep the flashlight on while he's lighting these matches why can't he place the flashlight someplace and then light the matches so he can see what the hell he's doing all right because then it wouldn't be spooky spooky oh there he is evil boo is standing right behind Logan the sneakiest man on earth Logan somehow doesn't notice and goes to bed he gets up in the middle of the night to take a piss and evil boots walks past his doorway what so he just watches them while they sleep where is this Goliath possibly hiding in Logan's bedroom anyway whatever so Logan didn't notice him standing there you didn't see the silhouette of a seven-foot tall giant in your doorway it's not pitch black or anything dude come on the next day Logan goes out running again apparently he sucks now and can't finish he pukes and out of the woods pops weirdo Martha does this old lady stalk them or something why is she always popping out nowhere what is her deal it's like and never leaves bye-bye now Naomi calls the plumber the plumber comes and starts fixing their water heater Logan listens to the music again because he loves feeling miserable now he only finds a crumpled-up picture of their family in the trash because evil boots is petty like that the plumber tells her that Martha has Alzheimer's which explains why she's acting so crazy so cool no ghosts just a crazy lady that's all boring so what could have led to some interesting character twists was stolen from us with just bad writing so all those moments with Martha meant nothing she's a useless character now what was the point of her other than giving the movie a creepy feel there really wasn't one the plumber gives my yummy Logan's phone that he found in the basement next to the water heater which is weird because isn't the last person to be down there Logan how did he not notice his phone there or did evil boots know that Naomi called the plumber somehow and had enough foresight that if he left Logan's phone down there it could lead to Naomi blaming Logan for everything because evil boots is everywhere at all times even though no one ever sees him then Logan and Naomi have an argument their performances are pretty good here Marceau Piercy Dalton's diliman net is okay I feel like he's just another Keanu Reeves here's one state of acting and that's it Logan hears a noise in the night and wakes up he looks around the house and goes into the cellar finds his dad standing Blair which style his dad turns around and starts puking up blood this scene is hilarious my god you gotta be kidding me turns out it was just a nightmare Logan goes out for another run Miami goes to pick up photo she's having developed and runs into weird [ __ ] Chris he admits that he's a creep and then gives her his number which is kind of odd Niomi gets a call from her sister Alison remember her from the wake yeah well she tells Naomi that she got a call from the Realtors that the house was broken into what why wasn't she immediately call the police instead she decides to call her sister and have her deal with it I thought evil boots was in the house this whole time why would he break in was this just a ploy to get them back faster or something also what was this sequence of events it shows them starting their day with Naomi and Logan leaving the house Logan is out running noemi goes to get her pictures why is it pitch-black out by the time Naomi gets back to pick up Logan was Logan running from morning till night how did so much time pass that doesn't make much sense also if you just got a call that your house was broken into one that'd be the last place on earth you'd go why wouldn't they try and stay at Allison's instead so they go home and find a nice dinner table set up with candles lit and choir music playing thanks evil boots that was really cute of you you're really [ __ ] weird dude evil boots just loves [ __ ] with people there's a phone on the table too and guess what it rings Naomi answers and there's nobody on the other line oh boy at this point they call the police because they didn't decide to call the police immediately when they heard that their house was broken into the police searched the house from top to bottom and find nothing sneaky evil boots is one with the shadows people the police say that it was probably just some kids Logan has the same reaction I did look at this you think some kids do this later on Naomi tastes a piece of paper with Chris's phone number on it and places it on her bedside table Logan enters and tells his mom he's off to bed why are you telling your mom you're going to bed what are you six years old his mother asks him if he wants to sleep in the same room he says sure whatever Logan asks about the phone number Naomi brushes her teeth and hears the doorbell ring it's weird [ __ ] Chris Logan called him for reasons do they not have any other friends why are they calling this creep to come and stay the night and look around their premises shouldn't they be more weirded out by him than anyone else okay so they look around the premises with flashlights they come back inside what Chris has evil boots is Chris evil boots find out next time on Logan goes to the bathroom to remove his contacts in the weirdest utilization of ever seen of a mirror in a movie ever the mirrors makeup light is on for some reason and pointed directly at Logan due him and his mother share a bathroom in this mansion why is the makeup light on to begin with not only doesn't even wear makeup Logan hears a sound again because that's the only thing that can prompt people to do things in this movie goes out to check on Chris and Chris is gone oh no he hears the car start outside Logan goes out to check on it and finds Chris in the front seat with his throat slit poor weird [ __ ] Chris the black guy really does die first in every horror movie then out of nowhere evil boo slams Logan's head against the window and then pours water all over him for reasons I think he might want him to freeze to death out there or something because evil boots is weird like that I'm not sure what his motive was here then evil boots who somehow knew about the conversation that Naomi and Logan had earlier despite Chris being downstairs and despite them being in the room obviously alone he goes and plops his massive body down into bed next to Naomi Naomi gets up to pee comes back doesn't notice somehow wakes up randomly to check her pictures why she waited so long to check them well who the [ __ ] knows and apparently evil boots was [ __ ] around with their camera too and took pictures of them while they were sleeping because he loves [ __ ] with people as much and he just counted on her not checking her pictures until this very moment what this is all very convenient for you evil boots I guess you're just a master of planning you just know everything he strangles her unconscious she wakes up tied to a chair evil boots walks in caresses her head then punches her caresses her fingers then breaks them he has very dirty nails and why didn't even boots gag her did he count on someone hearing her scream so was his plan the whole time to freeze Logan and attempt him to come inside by hoping that he would wake up in time to hear her screaming and the water was meant to slow him down or something I don't get it what are you doing movie Eagle boots places a knife next to her broken hands to [ __ ] with her I guess because this guy is a relentless douche or maybe he put the knife there so Logan to use it to free her I don't know this guy's so [ __ ] weird Logan finally wakes up hears his mom screams goes inside and finds her on the floor instead of immediately trying to get them to the car that's running outside they decide to talk what are you doing they still aren't moving what'd you do there's a killer in the house guys now Logan starts peering around the room instead of attempting to exit the house with his mom why who knows then the song that Logan loves so much starts blasting from downstairs he goes down the car mocks us from behind him as he moronically stumbles along Logan tries the landline but it doesn't work I guess he finds their cell phones without their SIM cards even though you can call the police without a SIM card I guess evil booth was counting on Logan being stupid enough to not know this why didn't even boots use his evil boots to stomp on the phones and break them instead this killer is so stupid he's lucky that he's dealing with people just a little more stupid than him Logan hears his mom scream his name he scrambles upstairs and poof she's gone so somehow evil boots grabbed her and Bryer downstairs that are yelling or saying a word and Logan didn't notice even though there's one stair case okay this dude has a sneek level of 100 people and he's using mods too he's got the illusion spell tree maxed out the sneak skill tree maxed then Logan hears his mother downstairs because evil boots has like a string on his mother and can make her scream whenever he wants evil boots was somehow able to keep her from kicking over anything smacking any wall making any noise whatsoever wow that that's pretty impressive Logan finds himself in the creepy basement he hears his mother make a sound he creeps around the corner and slam evil boots pushes his mother into his tiny knife she hilariously drops dead instantly from this tiny knife wound she wasn't stabbed in the heart or anything guys but okay whatever evil boots is standing there so Logan scrambles upstairs right before he makes it outside evil boots grabs him pushes him to the ground and reaches down with this huge sausage fingers to remove both Logan's contacts like are you [ __ ] serious what this scene be so much more believable if Logan was wearing glasses and evil boots crushed them instead wouldn't Logan's first inclination be that evil boots is going to pop his eyeballs like grapes not always probably just tried to remove my contacts what a nice guy and in that case what didn't Logan be clenching his eyes shut not keeping them wide open what the [ __ ] film evil boots shoves Logan outside Logan runs and runs so obviously this is the part where oh hey since Logan has been training for so long he's going to run and he's going to be able to escape evil boots right nope Logan hear something behind him and hides beside a log and out walks creepy Martha that weird [ __ ] just moseying along in the forest in the middle of the night I guess the ironic part being he couldn't see her anyway even if he was looking but he wasn't looking so what was the point of even removing his contacts then morning comes and Logan is still stumbling along he must have gotten quite a distance away at this point he comes to a stream and gets a drink of water this seems like a good spot to get a beverage and he takes a break because holy [ __ ] he must have escaped evil boots by now then out of nowhere evil boots the sneak king that has unlimited endurance or something comes on nowhere Logan screams like a [ __ ] this scene is kind of funny we get a shot of an owl and it cuts two dead Logan so apparently this massive dude was able to keep up with Logan who has been training and running and that's like his thing right here UNH's he runs a [ __ ] ton but hey evil boots you can't you can't beat him and then we see a car driving away I'm assuming that's evil boots did we find out who evil boots is no did he have anything to do with Logan's father's murder who [ __ ] knows why did he want to kill this family so bad for fun I guess there were so much in this movie hinting at a paranormal experience that was never delivered from Martha knowing where they were constantly the white evil boots was able to flawlessly maneuver around their house despite his size and what was that huge pile of wood in the cellar about nothing I guess so much more of this movie would have made sense if it was some like paranormal thing but I guess we have too much of that in Hollywood nowadays so they decided to go with this like special ops seven-foot tall like 400 pound murderer half of the fun of these scary movies is finding out who the killer is and what their motivations are unveiling the mysteries within and even if there isn't a motivation make that known for example in the movie The Strangers their motivation was revealed at the end was that two just picked a random house and that they liked to kill and that there really was no motivation other than that and I thought that was part of why the movie was scary because you know it could just happen to anyone I didn't even like the strangers that much and I think this movie is a shittier version of The Strangers so yeah overall pretty good movie this is definitely a film worth being promoted by Netflix thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video please make sure to like it and subscribe if you're new if you haven't already go to alien clothing comm that's my clothing brand that's a really great way to support this channel if you like anything over there there's a bunch of really awesome designs over there so go check them out the next people ruin everything will be coming out soon I'm not sure when I ordered some stuff for it and it hasn't come yet so that's kind of annoying just hang in there it'll come out when it comes out in the next couple weeks I should have a whole new line of clothes coming out I think they're the best stuff that we've released yet so I'm really excited about that we're introducing some new stuff into the clothing brands some different style tees that you haven't seen before and socks so that's exciting I know this is different from my normal stuff if you liked this video please make sure to let me know in the comments and I might make more of this type of content so yeah guys that's it I hope you like this video I know I know it's a little bit long but yeah see you guys in the next one thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 3,300,346
Rating: 4.9322119 out of 5
Keywords: The Open House, Open House, Netflix, Original, Netflix Original, A Hilariously Bad Movie, Movie, Review, Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, Trailer, satire
Id: OR3f9pGXNpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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