The Most USELESS Block in Minecraft (Comments to Crafting)

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today we're checking out one of the weirdest redstone machines I've ever seen the world's smallest minecraft house would it be like if the hammer in the anvil menu was real as well as this quote-unquote useless Minecraft block suggested by our log dot zip channel members click the join button today to get priority picks on future comments to crafting episodes as well as other awesome perks and don't forget to leave your recipe suggestions below today's are courtesy of I'm cool yeah let's start we start today with a metal League suggest by the very talented gladly art they'll struggle with that username metal leaves let you lead mobs you normally would not be able to lead you see we are leading our dear dear husk friends so now you've got an easy way to bring mobs with you that honestly you shouldn't be able to bring with you no no it's fine no that's fine get into the cactus get good and nice too good at dodging you'll need for iron nuggets and one slimeball in order to make this metal League Oh sick what's up villager hey villager get on my did he eat up my lead you monster quit eating my lead there we go you see it takes a couple tries this and I mean we did have to coat it in so you know details details it's fine alright where are we going I wouldn't ask too many questions now it's worth noting if you were to try and unli the mob that you currently it led I guess huh you ein you will get back a regular lead which you did not see because it fell in lava that would be your fate any water to trade me of course you want a Murrells for it what a joke ripoff it also makes placing specific mobs while in creative mode far easier because I would not recommend you try and lead a creeper with your metal lead in survival mode I'm not saying it's impossible I'm just saying you're gonna have a bad time if you actually attempt to do that for now though woohoo you can swing these puppies around was good go alright this time see you dude next up the electric chest plate this one suggests by its Jacob or is it Bray get a load of this thing fantastic it's literally an Electra and a chest plate caballo what do you expect look at what happens when we put it on see right by my heart's down there no armor points currently now look armor points currently and I got some wings some wings and things beautiful things beautiful wings yeah okay we're at the top here now check me out baby yeah ha I'll try to punch him off well we will meet again we're looking at it's just lava we doing guys that heat stroke or something yeah you works the exact same as you'd expect a normal set of wings to work which means you could in fact also use fireworks to get around have a grand old time you know go for some or Izzy go for some wait what happened to the villager Oh awesome but you know you should have sold me the water bucket I don't feel bad we move on to number three the flying Gollum oh yeah look it might be tiny in your hand but size isn't everything but look what happens the moment you try to place it down you'll get a very special guy look at you the ultimate flying Gollum oh my word and what's more it'll follow you and deal damage to any mobs nearby oh yeah love it love it the flying column was suggested by Alex Gao in order to make it you'll need two dispensers want Elektra and one block of iron so that you can get your golden flying now it's fairly important that you stay somewhat nearby your golem otherwise the Golem will not follow you so if you want him to stick around and have a good old time that's what's gonna need to happen now notice the dispensers on the side there what are they for well they're for attacking hostile entities look at that instantly starts dealing damage to nearby husks and a whole mess of that damage by the way I like the special gun powder effect could we get a couple different guys going at once wallow baby hey yeah yo good it looks like it's attacking multiple mobs at once yo this thing's pretty overpowered hold on we're gonna fly far away from this little puppy spawning a whole mess us all nearby and see what happens you see if the Golem is not far enough nearby all of the various different particle effects that they are affected by well won't affect them the golems got to be close but let's go ahead and bring them right on up come in baby actually we got one right here curious to see what happens if we spawn in one nearby oh my gosh well that's certainly not overpowered at all holy moly look at it what a mess well I get closer that was hilarious to watch yeah yeah seriously dude this is insane Matan having a couple of these puppies going off at the same time look at this oh my god so much damage next up my friends is number 4 the hammer you've seen this guy before it's pretty much the thing that hangs out on the anvil menu so you look check it out Bo I mean this one's a little bit cooler looking it's almost like they're an adorable oh family yeah hammer suggested by dinky yeah what five eight I like your name dinky do mega you'll need six blocks of iron as well as one single stick now as you saw this thing is a weapon in its own right I mean check it out it's got negative attacks but it's pretty slow but it's got a pretty decent attack damage on it more importantly though you could also use it to break blocks essentially at any time but hold on let's show you the attack damage boom boom boom pretty strong three hits on a husk I don't have any strength I don't have any of those things there's no sharpness on it does decent damage fact does more damage then I believe a diamond sword but it's a little bit slower however that's not where the magic comes in whoa right click whoa oh and more importantly you can go to town for a mad about this at all not only that you can deal a whole bunch of blog damage Rai but it doesn't do any durability damage you can just flat-out destroy nearby blocks can you destroy buttons oh that well I just press the button by mistake got now yeah I get away made me lag alert bit big meanie can we destroy command blocks no command block destroying so sad guys I mean honestly probably for the best but yo you could use this to very very quickly make it to the bottom of I mean look it's like my wide level 30 25 20 15 this is great I am on fire alright don't use the hammer but maybe the insta mansion is more your speed this one was suggested by Wesley Park yo Wesley looks like your membership lapse chop-chop get on it it's kitty kind of you need 6 oak planks 1 oak door and 2 glass to make smallest little insta mansion that y'all ever seen I mean look at it it's a Tyler guy yeah placing the stand will instantly build a house for you y'all ready oh nice big ol boy so you can escape from danger quite quickly as well as collect wheat seeds I guess or maybe it just destroyed the yeah I'm gonna just assume it's gonna give us wheat seeds this was sweet but that's it we move on to number 6 mob repellent I've been waiting for this my propellant will stun mobs for a short period of time see lucky ain't movin even though I missed I got bad aim but that's okay doesn't matter he's stuck he's dumb no one likes him alright oh I turned his head he heard me listen it's all good buddy thanks very much to the following first team prime knockout for suggesting this automatically Jamaica you're gonna need to have already taken out a numerous amount of mobs to get mob skulls water buckets and of course some glass for this mob repellent no lie kind of a bum deal pretty much the biggest ripoff I've ever seen it's only got one juice on it and did you see what you need in order to make it look at this for mob skulls does it work on every mob was good ugly BAM Oh big boy on deck huh I guess it doesn't work on fish pop-up but does it work on bunnies doesn't work on bunnies maybe I need to be in survival mode hey get over here what does it work on creepers okay good finally hey you can't get oh god yeah this one sucks nothing nothing nothing suggestion anyway 7 is the shulker helmet this one was suggested by Mick Kelly make it Eenie 5 show Kurt shells show helmet right so you know how a carved pumpkin can keep you safe from all these friend urban attacking you at any point in history and at the moment you take it off you're probably gonna be a lot of trouble oh look they like me anyways hey I guess I was too oh gosh yeah well the choker helmet works in a similar way but for chokers so check it out choker right here yo doesn't like me attacks floating they call me floaty boy Jones that is what they call me they called me that in high school you wouldn't know you weren't there but now look I'm gonna put this helmet on and if this thing gets close to me I will it still hit me anyway don't want to put it on before any of those Joker shell bullets appear because now look now it just says hey now and sticks his tongue out or something I mean what is that sound he makes presumably it's him sticking his tongue out right hey hey stupid yeah see that sounds like a tongue gets stuck out now look he doesn't do anything he just waits to be attacked eat yeah you suck I think I might keep this on number 8 is the snare gun this one was suggested by Michael Tyson should I say Mike Tyson you'll need 4 iron ingots and one single string to make this snare gun however you'll also need string is ammo and get this it's basically the mob repellant on on sugar yeah well here goes sugar you could essentially use it to trap mobs in place see ugly yeah he let me call him ugly no come on as you can see the repellent works far longer compared to the snare and if you pay attention my hotbar on that night slot there every single time we right-click we actually end up using one of our strings so you finally have a use for all this - oh boy yeah look the reality of the situation is you're still gonna want to not get too close to these mobs it only lasts for just a couple seconds of time but hey that's enough for you to escape some seriously dangerous situations such as this you're trapped it's the middle of the night and you need to get your way around all of these masks so now all you got to do is to write it's throw some right-clicks real quick minimize on that damage and look at that you've got a pretty decent escape route none of them are gonna really cause you any problems as long as you keep them at bay with your snare gun you can even corral them together because if the mobs are close together the snare will actually ensnare multiple of these mobs at the same exact time from there give them some punches you know have a good time oh boy I'm out of string guys can we talk about this number 9 the sponge helm suggested by Jon Lajoie cos legit Asst legate kiss one of those anyways become a member I could join button yeah it makes it there probably when you drown it's been good make here's how you make it 5 sponge 1 a helmet sorry shulker helmet your days are numbered sponge helmets my new best friend we're gonna hop in this water and slowly but surely drown no seriously look at my air bubbles 3 2 1 the moment at zero air pocket it only lasts for so long though so it will buy you a little bit of extra time but check it out the helmet is now gone so wear this if you're planning on drowning which sounds bad but you know it's minecraft you know sometimes you drown you know sometimes you drown in real life well I mean you only drown once real life presumably I guess you could be revived after you drowned and I don't talk about anymore number 10 a useless block oh great estheban banal suggested this one thank you as ever and no lie it's pretty useless three granite three andesite three die right to make the most useless blog I've ever seen oh my gosh and it gave us 64 of them look at this it's hideous do not adjust the colors on your TV screen this block is literally that gross looks like someone threw up tie-dye all over it apparently it's a decorative block that no one wants to use I mean if you ask me it's got a lot of uses first of all you can use it to get rid of all your grandad a sight and diorite much more quickly second of all makes for a great disco dance floor third of all is secretly all those blocks just being covered by a layer of goodies nice fourth of all when you stand on it for some reason you get weather effects oh this useless block is far from useless but you know you will go with it number 11 is the waypoint beacon ooh not bad now this one was suggested by it's a glitch one it's a pretty cool looking beacon it's actually much less expensive to make this beacon compared to a regular beacon because instead of another star you just use your five glasses norm your three obscenities normal and a redstone block right in the center no nether star needed however it gives you no status effects that simply beacon made to help you find your way back home so you can place this down and it will instantly begin emitting an amazing particle effect feast your eyes as we look up to see a hair straight line leading up into the heavens the sky you know the Sun I guess wow that goes forever and not only does it go forever but you can essentially see it from forever away through the power of editing thanks Aaron you can notice right by my crosshair right there that that beacon is extremely far away but more importantly that you can make out the actual beam that it is emitting from well as you can see extremely far away even if you're on the ground you can actually make out that beacon from very very far and since it's so inexpensive to make you can make a whole bunch of these so that you know exactly where to get home at a moment's notice yo ICO sign this for sure little harder to see in the day but you can't in fact seed in the day yo ain't mad about this one number twelve is the lightning staff suggested by dr. Adams this puppy has an extremely expensive recipe requiring 62 blaze rods and a sing diamon to get the Lightning staff but you're gonna love it why well because you can use it to summon lightning hang well it's better to not you know do near by you I guess plus we didn't notice I'm useless block right if you didn't notice I guess you only get one use out of it just kind of lame not gonna lie I guess technically if you backup right in time it won't damage you like check it out BAM nice yo he's like what are you doing to me man hahahaha he just died so fast man people who die faster just they're the worst like how could you be so bad this is probably my favorite use for this yo what's good boys yaryi look at all the wood cheese Oh give them those stitches baby I'm tellin you look they're all drinking as if their life is over as if I haven't seen this sounds exciting 13 is the enhancement team suggested by the boy Max Weber pretty sure I met you at mine fair right look I'm just sayin cool this block we've seen yet yeah seriously I like this it's like an enchanting table on sugar anyways to make it you're gonna need a whole mess of diamonds a gold and a single beacon but it's gonna be totally worth it now our interpretation of Max's suggestion is simple you take potion ingredients throw them on the enhancement table and instead of worrying about potion making look at this you now have a speed boost ooh not bad yeah the table literally is like it a Chatman table on sugar alright suppose rather it's like sugar on an enchantment table look at this it's just consuming consuming consuming man this thing's gonna crash like crazy through a blazed batter on hey why not get some speed and strength hey why not get some oh you know regen constantly this one's definitely overpowered you know it's uh probably shouldn't last forever and you'll honestly look how strong I am this is literally made of Diamond Head punch no not the drink only two more to go 14 is the totem of life suggested by Joey Potter you a wizard I'm on to you you'll need four blocks diamonds for nether stars and a totem of undying to get your totem of life which means you're gonna have to have done a whole lot in your survival world if you want to get this thing legit but you might want to because you can right click to convert a zombie villager into a regular one instantly so if you've got some wither skeleton skull farm is popping knob if you've got infinite diamonds which you can in theory get with the correct villager farms it's been an easy way to get a whole mess of zombie villagers right away oh look at that you only need one of them Oh beautiful in that case I love this thing hey where you going oh you're the one from the lava pool from before right let me check your trades oh he's different alright hold on a second where's my lightning step suck find a rep kay the totem have died instead of the totem of undying this was suggested by a boy with a storm underscore one for this you need one tonne of a dying and eight lava buckets and then it's just the thing it's just flipped on its head it's got a funny right you know you work with that say it out totem of an or a totem of dying it's kind of hard to say you right-click it to kill a random entity nearby including potentially yourself so we got a cow here we got a husk here let's see who bites the dust oh all right let's play with our odds now huh die can I just hold the death row you just hold it down no I could just hold it down you only the killed so he mobs right now woohoo you could use this to clean house but you do risk yourself dying at a moment's notice wow we're doing really well look at that no way whoa it didn't get me hey not bad guy
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,373,723
Rating: 4.8982959 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new update, 1.15 update, crafting recipes, gaming, no swearing, minecraft 1.15, minecraft 1.16, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, comments, new, comments to crafting, new minecraft items, update, minecraft updates, new minecraft tnt, new items, minecraft challenge, rare minecraft mobs, new items in minecraft, glitches, minecraft glitches, new tools, new weapons, new minecraft blocks, new crafting recipes, 50 NEW Crafting Recipes, new minecraft house, elytra chestplate
Id: ssqRbfMIEg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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