15 Cool Ideas for Minecraft Updates (Comments to Crafting)

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from redstone sprinklers to grow your crops to fusion or four powerful pickaxes heck we've even got boats with TNT inside seriously why isn't this been a thing it's another comments to crafting members edition using only comments from our log zip channel members join today to see your hilarious comments turned into actual Minecraft updates all right shouts to cable and West and we begin with number one the sprinkler this one was suggested by warthog Queen 343 Guilty Spark is charged look guys all I'm saying is the world needs an easier way for you to constantly hydrate your crops or in this case your empty tilled land but don't worry we'll fix it up right now to make the sprinkler you're gonna need bone me water bucket bone block two iron ingots and a diamond so you can make yourself the sprinkler and the object is simple enough you can place it in the world and it will speed up crop growth so we're gonna place it right here you already have some water place and that's going to allow it to grow even faster but check this out okay I'll place a whole bunch of carrots bunch of tats some tweets all around you're starting to notice something very very interesting indeed quickened growth cycles for any and all nearby crops that fall within the sprinklers area of influence I mean really look at this lovely we can see all of the crops nearby growing around us instantly that's right get a load of this ultimate cinematic shot you'll be a farmer in no time green thumbs oh boy now if you try and go too far out of this area what you'll come to find is that you're not necessarily going to have the same chance of crop growth way out here but if your crops are hydrated in a close enough area you're gonna see that things start to speed up extremely quickly so grab one of these for your automated farms and you'll thank yourself later you get you sprinkler back just break the block underneath and it will appear we move on to recipe number two the structure compass this little doohickey was suggested by Mick Kelly and it's gonna point you towards the nearest structure you can find in-game very useful allow me to demonstrate first things first we'll need to make it you'll need four diamonds in one Rose dusk instead of 4-iron and then you'll have your structure compass handy so what does it do exactly well it will point as I said to the nearest structure nearby a structure could be anything it could be another fortress a stronghold or it could be something potentially even greater so you'll notice we walk this way we suddenly don't see the particles anymore you'll always want to walk in the direction the particles are facing no it's not the sheep you didn't find they should get out of my way didn't find the oh hey you've been smuggling sprinklers I'm onto you bad boy anyways it looks like it's taking us near the beach maybe we've got some buried treasure nearby a hard to say well where'd it go ooh oh it's headed towards the ground wait a second could it be does that mean I think guys we made it yes buried treasure Inga's gold diamonds fish and tint oh I love tint I mean the device practically already paid for itself so I highly recommend you make one for your world you're gonna not miss the diamonds I promise alrighty next up is number three the mob repellant suggested by team prime knock out this one's a ton of fun I'll show you in a second for now here's how you make it for diamonds and a whole mess of my bets place that you please to get your mob repellent now if you have your mob repellent on you and your inventory mobs will quote-unquote fly away let me to demonstrate check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out yo open all that y'all want some of me now you can't oh poor little guy they can't read to me this reminds me of that funny gif I've seen when someone's like walking through a crowd and everyone around them is constantly being pushed away kind of acting as an anti magnet they literally can't do anything I mean of course to reach me other than getting stuck in a block corner there's no amount of walking they can do towards me it's going to allow them anywhere nearby let's go ahead and drop down from above them and see what happens worst day Wow sorry guys you can't have my signature you're just not important enough I don't know normally I charge for those things it's kitty unless I could would y'all buy a signature okay what were to happen if I summon a creeper right on top of me ah yeah haha hello the best day of my life none of them can read to me you know we just some did so many creepers look it's a party now what's good boys oh we all trying to blow up or something nah they're like nah good oh boy that one got a little bit too close for comfort yeah so this is like a simulator for if you don't wear deodorant so come on guys you stink fix it now since skeletons aren't a good one to use it for I wonder why oh hi Oh cuz right so it still works on them they just have a whole bunch of arrows that they're gonna start firing off at each other or me you know one of the two yeah probably the best hey I got a idea why don't we try and actually force one of these creepers to blow up on us get it get it get it I get rich alright buddy it's you and me clear the way I've got a video to make recipe number 4 redstone transmitter and receiver is contraption suggested by its Jakob what this is a good Jakob the shoot of a recipe is involved here in order to make the redstone receiver you're going to need four iron ingots two redstone dust and one diamond but if you wanted to make the transmitter you're gonna need for ironing it's two diamonds and one redstone torch you'll also need some repeaters but from there you'll place the repeater in the direction you want the signal to take effect sneak right click onto the repeater using your lovely little receiver and you'll be ready to go once you throw the transmitter right on top of it so now that this has been thrown right on top what you'll see in just a moment here is that we can begin to transmit power on right click it will actually toggle this different power source boom boom boom yes you can right click and it will also cause it to continuously pulse now you can actually rebind your transmitter to various different receiver areas by again just throwing it wherever you want so now it works for this one and no longer for the one over here pending on the tick delay view repeater you can actually change how long the transmitter and receiver stays powered for with that pulse there so notice how long it currently stays notice when it's no delay it's basically the smallest little pulse in the world so that your pulse is so small but the beauty of this device truly my friends is the fact that you now have access to wireless redstone we're gonna go ahead and link our transmitter over here to this deceiver deceiver I say receiver device so we'll actually to place down the receiver first so go ahead and sneak right click put you right on air ya then throw the transmitter right on top there they are now linked and with a simple right click boom we have instantaneous open and closing doors at a moment's notice doesn't matter where we're standing we can activate them as often or as not often as we want the other trend break oh yeah day of my life it's actually came it up I'm quite breast next up is the totem of unbreaking this item was suggested by Max Weber was good we have a family yo check out this recipe right here you're gonna need one diamond for gold ingots and for ironing it's to make your totem unbreaking but you'll be happy you did check out my armor down here most of it is almost completely broken we're gonna wear it right now hold our totem on breakings in hand which do stack by the way and get a load of this we will slowly lose them see we just lost one and look our helmet was completely repaired go ahead and step right back on air now and boom chest plate completely repaired hold on I'm hungry and I think you get the idea my friends with another break causing our leggings to go and naturally getting rid of our last totem to completely repair our full set of armor beautiful still hungry there number 6 is the chorus helmet the Boyd orig check you suggested this one said that weird I'm sorry anyways here's the rest before it you'll need a diamond helmet as well as five-course fruit to make a chorus elf now this little puppy will actually teleport you away from harm's way when you are under 2 hearts the effect will recharge though we'll take 30 seconds for you to get that full recharge oops I forgot to stare at the mop repellent on me come here baby give me a hug daddy won't some okay so in due course we will shortly be underneath two hearts of damage and look at that instantly teleported well either at or under two hearts now it is a random teleportation but the point is it should keep you mostly safe from any nearby mobs that want to kill you now if you don't wait 30 seconds notice we didn't get teleported again but if my math is right and I don't know if it is we should be able to teleport yes again oh god she's right there recipe number 7 the house block TM suggested by happy wheels one minecraft well you are the Minecraft it's an honor to meet you in my hand sits the world's smallest Minecraft a house yes look at you adorable well somewhat now we've done a couple of these before so needless to say oh oh yeah I forgot the mob repellent I mean needless to say you probably seen something like this on the channel once before but hey you could always use more instant houses and flippin tastic all it takes is a right-click and you got houses I'm all over the place or in this case you're inside said house to make it you'll need to uh place three oak logs three cobblestone one glass for your house block TM yo I just want to go to town on this house town house hey get it oh my gosh yo I'm having a field day welcome to the neighborhood baby look at that instantaneous one two three four five seven houses seven that's my favorite number I'll get a house with the Sheep get in the house Oh perfect I want to say item hey mister what are you doing down there that's not how beds work what do I put a house in my house ooh ooh ooh hold on I'll be right back okay I want to see what the outside looks like now let me see oh my gosh wow talk about a high-rise are there things underneath no it's not deleted whatever recipe number eight dirty slash derpy TNT suggested by member Alex cow I mean they've all been members by the way yeah by the way have you joined yet it's only five dollars a month and you can turn your content into actual updates so join today anyways here's what you need to make the derpy TNT slash the dirty TNT five gunpowder for dirt for your dirty TNT seriously guys five dollars just do it I'm not a sellout well have a little bit of what I got kids to feed now upon placing this dirty TNT will instantly light and then it will blow up into a lovely dirt house kind of like that kind of like that it instantly likes does that mean we can can we just make an ultimate yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh give me hang outside well is it just what why I don't understand you're supposed to be a house now you're just dirt is it they're just dirt I thought were supposed to like well oh I got that deer what some shape yeah get back here why are you running getting food can we use it underwater that would be cool can we can't that no so sad only works on land you've won this time Walter sheep but next time there's no next time that's it recipe number nine the death compass so just buy my girl Ksenia aka Klug Lee Hart better get it this time you'll need four iron ingots and one totem of undying for your death compass now it's not particularly useful to keep on you since it's not gonna help you cuz you're you know alive dumb what do you think come on use your noggin so I'll just leave you right here for now and we'll press this button over here to kill ourselves yeah but now we got this handy right here another death compass and so what does it do well it's similar to the structure compass it's going to have a nice little particle effect that's going to take us exactly to where our most recent death was as we walk through and see the high rise behind us I know I'll hit a wall I'm not too bright guys I don't have to say you can see we're slowly approaching the area we died from before you're gonna notice that the particles start to shift left words it literally takes us to right where we died you see where we go the particle the point is right there Wow useful no actually useful imagine if you died in a cave and you have this thing it's gonna take you right back to all of your items this is a must-have good job Ksenia recipe number 10 fusional suggested by jacob fleming in order to get the items needed for this special or we're going to need to mine all these different ores so we'll need silk touch to do that we've got that right here silk touch all over baby beautiful not only we need all these different aura types but you'll also need to get your hands on some obsidian and placing them all together we'll get you exactly what you hoped for diffusion or ooh fancy boy check it out all the different phases on it are different depending on where you look now smelting fusion art works a little bit differently than your normal or types you need to throw it directly in the lava in order to smelt it and with that we just got ourselves a Fusion ingot but hold on that was a lot of fun I'm gonna keep the air oh well we lost that one see I'll be a little bit careful about it huh okay now you can take these fusion ingots combine them with some sticks and make yourself a fusion pickaxe which is an amazing pickaxe indeed essentially you can mine instantly with it and it's unbreakable oh yeah oh yeah go to town on him baby that's what I'm talking about oh love it doesn't work the same for an on stone but it does work the same for don't mind you Oh oops got a little trigger-happy huh recipe number 11 the crossbow scope suggested by fallen nine seven three three you'll just need a crossbow - Arnie gets in a glass to make your crossbow with a scope this one my friends is simple enough it simply zooms in when you have an arrow drawn so check it out boom BAM well I'm just terrible aim still haha oh my gosh really gonna miss that - there we go third time's a charm that is what they say they do say that okay well look guys I I got to work on my aim I I don't know oh gosh that's how I feel confident I know I hit that yeat ice literally lower maybe what I don't know to say thank you yeah I'm happy now no one makes fun of me I'll block you seriously recipe temper I see why you didn't want me to mind it recipe number twelve sthiti boats suggested by laurie plume Lee or Plumlee sorry Laurie I forgot this one's awesome boat plus TT boat TNT okay place it on in that look at yo whoa someone gets nervous when they're on camera huh yeah this is quite possibly the greatest invention man has ever seen and will man and whatever else oh look I can join it oh I'm so happy right now I didn't know I could bring it with me oh wow a happy day your best day of my life hey I guess a this calls for celebration Oh didn't work oh there it is here let's get a better view of it yeah hahaha Oh awesome this would be a fun minigame to play with your friends or just go to town yes try and make to the edge of the river while you're trying to blow up your other friends I could totally see this being like a real thing this would be the best day of my life whoa and look they're dancing new best friend alert imma let them hang out 13 is the Kevlar vest wow this was suggested by a doctor well kind of sorry dr. Adams we reserve the right to get as close as possible to your recipe suggestions in this case you're gonna need six iron ingots into string to make your Kevlar vest which provides you no damage from projectiles not bad seriously immunity from range attacks yo what up stupid catch it on fire again I see huh oh well it still hit me but look notice I'm not taking any damage for my troubles look at them they're the worst they can't even get close to me because I have my mob repellant on still number 14 the totem of undying sword Max Weber back at it again grab two totems of a dying at a stick you get out a sword see I like this this is a good two-in-one it's literally a totem of undying and an iron sword combined go right with the mob repellent I get it so you can use it to attack nearby mobs I mean and see look wow we're so strong guys we are so strong and then if we were to somehow oh you know that was gonna press the button huh didn't you die instead the sword saves us so so that's that's pretty cool I'm getting my mob repel it back and finally number 15 redstone Apple suggested by and rock tunas man clearly not a fan of dr. Adams you just need one Apple and eight redstone dust so that you can keep dr. Adams away redstone Apple alert big boy you'll kind of looks delicious upon eating this Apple you'll be given a special effect for one minute or so you'll be able to power it nearby redstone objects look at this walk over some dust and let it all happen and it will actually keep them permanently powered and by permanently I mean for not too long you just you know for well you guys can see I don't know I'm not good at redstone okay what you do I mumbo-jumbo you check it man just leave me alone hey big shots out to all of our logs odds if Channel members for their comics to crafting suggestions today join today so you'll be a part of the next members comments to crafting let's see later yo shouts out to redstone effect
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,437,050
Rating: 4.8903847 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new update, 1.15 update, crafting recipes, gaming, minecraft 1.15, minecraft 1.16, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, comments, new, comments to crafting, new minecraft items, update, minecraft updates, new minecraft tnt, new items, minecraft challenge, rare minecraft mobs, pet items, new items in minecraft, new pet update, glitches, minecraft glitches, new tools, new weapons, new minecraft blocks, new crafting recipes, 50 NEW Crafting Recipes, TNT, New TNT, redstone, variants
Id: 6vxF-arhJoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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