Minecraft ANGEL Family vs DEMON Family!

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Woah that’s so cool I like how you made it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/No_Jackfruit7249 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
in a world of beautiful angels and mischievous demons one little minecraft player is caught in the middle when she runs away from home and runs into some demons they decide to raise her but the angels also find her and want to take her in as well now she'll learn what it means to be an angel and a demon gaining amazing magical power but she has to keep both families a secret from each other from the angelic land of the sky to the terrifying lands of another sure to decide which family is the most powerful of all which family will she join oh and are you an angel or a demon either way don't forget to leave a like and subscribe all right that's enough tv for today oh come on you can't watch too much tv it's not good for you and besides your mom asked me to take really good care of you so right now let's go on up and take a bath so we can get nice and clean get lots of rest you can be bright and early and hey if you're good i'll even give you a little treat no no no no no no no i'm gonna stay no bath mate come on you gotta take a bath or otherwise we need stinky lines no i don't want stinky lights do you yes come on come here let's go come on no no no no sit okay look i don't want to be mean but if you're really good i'll give you a cookie how's that sound very happy yeah yeah all right gotta do this the hard way come on little one i don't want no bag to go no this is not happening this is not happening there's not enough no no no no [Music] no no no no no [Music] oh [Music] that is uh enough zombie pigmen for today ah think about the time to call it a day head home probably oh that's true are we just gonna leave the place what is that casey what i don't why they call me dad oh she kind of likes us oh this is weird what is she oh no listen listen i i don't know what to do about this i guess we take her in i got family oh my god fine let's adopt her come on pick her up let's go yeah come on i'm adopted by demons oh my gosh what are their things oh no oh no wait they're demons all right here we are at home and wait what oh no oh no i gotta get out of here i gotta leave before oh you're scaring her sorry sorry sorry i just i don't know i've never worked with one of these before it makes me nervous wait what are you doing we'll take you home okay yeah i mean it's safe over there uh are you sure it's gonna be safe to bring her in though oh probably come follow us i'm getting adopted by each oh we're giving it our food okay cool whoa we're almost there i guess it is safer out there in our house where you can't be just flying everywhere people are gonna notice you at some point you gotta be careful okay come on whoa they're angels back in your house family oh my gosh wipe your shoes wipe your shoes this is very very clean carpet i just finished cleaning it look it's he's tired and she knows exactly where to go oh my best great yes guess i'll just go sleep on the couch cool i love this hi oh okay good night sweet dreams have a safe safe slumber yep good night have fun buying food [Music] wish upon a cow [Music] you to give her the thing oh good morning how did you sleep morning weird chicken how you doing oh it's not a chicken pier she's a human we've been over this chicken i don't know it's just i'm not sure about oh oh where sh where's she going we have some presents for you here is a halo so you can be one of us and here are some angel powers use them oh wisely i can i can use this to transform let me see be careful oh my gosh oh you're so cute oh be careful oh this is so cool okay oh wait oh i'm hungry oh all right don't worry i'll make you some food we have tons of things to eat like delicious carrots and we have delicious beetroot soup just vegetable galore vegetables did you make your special beetroot soup yeah here's one for you and i made an extra one for wait where did she go no i don't want i don't want vegetables the angel family is terrible oh my god get on the cake huh think i think she went this way i don't know casey i don't i don't see it here where are you i don't see it anywhere if i have to eat vegetables i don't want to be with the angel family maybe the demon family there it is hey here she is yay yeah that that is it right that's the thing uh yes i mean it looks like the thing it looks different yeah it looks also really hungry i guess okay hi no vegetable yeah she looks starved yeah i guess we should get some food [Music] [Applause] breakfast oh my gosh thank you the demon family has to have flowers seriously i need to find you like now or your mom is going to unleash holy heck on me who's that someone out there whoa hey there sorry to bother you demon do you oh boy that's mr demon to you yeah excuse me sorry about that sir but have you seen a little baby around i i really need to find her she's like super important and i'm like going to not exist if i lose her no human baby yeah yeah baby come on back and i'll give you the nice bathroom for your mama no no no no what's this what are you talking about please no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay you know he said angel i don't think that's right and listen if you're gonna be around here uh then you're gonna have to try and fit in so instead of a halo maybe maybe swap them out with these horns and uh you know a little a little bit of demon power oh wait let me see and of course more cookies cookies for everyone oh i'm a demon wow cookies oh yeah that looks much better oh yeah yeah she's really good at that yay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go set the whole place up there what what oh okay she's setting more things on fire the demon family lets me jump on the bed and do what i want this is so cool i want to play some games some games with them okay there's nothing i enjoy more than sitting here and looking at my gold collection hey play play hey let's play um yeah i'm i'm i'm uh i'm a little busy right now you go do what you want go go go go go whatever yeah so tell me more about the gold oh well uh this one i got when i went adventuring into the northern mountains of glaxos you know what the demon family they're a little boring sometimes sure they let me do what i want but that's boring they don't play they're just lazy they have no structure ah it's snapchatting wait what if i go back to the angel family maybe we can play some actual games they can show me something really cool cheers are you ready sure but wait have you seen her anywhere i i'm trying to find her up here we have to go i know i know but i just i'm worried about her you know where is she what's going on hey she's up here i found her oh you found her [Music] uh we're actually just about to go uh over to our uh you know this is our kind of ground place but we're gonna go to somewhere really really cool did you want to come with that yes yes fun adventure yay okay okay uh wait are we still on schedule can we can we make it there in time back i think we can make it there in time yeah yeah we just have to hurry and fly really fast okay cause we we have to make sure everything's on schedule on time or else everything just falls apart so let's go true it's true you can't be late for anything wait oh hold on we got three seconds three two okay now we can go here we go [Applause] where are we going this way right on time oh i cannot wait to show you our secret little place this is so cool huh welcome to art welcome to our home away from home it's our lovely little place where we get to hang out now this is awesome huh oh that was so good oh little one i found you come on now i appreciate it stop stop stop don't go where did you learn how to do that no no no no no no no no no no what are you doing here put me down put me down hey what was that noise baby no let's go check on it is it okay yep we heard something weird nope nope it was just me well now that we're here hey do you want to play a game yes awesome games are great because they have so many rules with them and we want to make sure we always follow up with the rules right now yes following the rules is perfect that's what we like to do that's you and me we're we're all about them rules gotta make sure everything's right up to the letter oh we can play hide and seek that's so perfect yeah we just have to decide on who's gonna go first and then we have to determine how long exactly they need to count yeah yeah because if there isn't rules with counting then there's no point in playing then there's no fun what's happening oh hey it's taking me away where are we going oh uh oh i better turn into my demon form okay okay oh transfer oh good perfect perfect okay demon family oh they can't know i was hanging out with the angel family oh it's steven versus angel family where's the demons okay and there and we are ready to go thank you all set to go for our trip to the nether now where is that kid oh oh hey there you are are we really gonna take her she's kind of small of course we need to show her what home is like i guess oh yeah i guess you're right come on mm-hmm all right we've got everything packed i got more cookies and we're ready to go ah good old home sweet home so cool hey fred hey carl i feel like it's gotten hotter here oh you feel that degree is there more lava this is yeah [Music] oh wow oh my goodness that is a um oh okay uh oh wait did you just put on it oh wow we're going back wow okay wow we're here okay all right thank you creeper um bye oh um oh there you are sweepy oh my gosh i've been looking for you everywhere yeah we've been we've been checking all over oh my god i'm so glad you're safe wait wait hold on what what is she wearing do you see that what happened what happened in there there's some weird horns oh no excuse me angels oh what are you guys doing here you should have known this was your doing yeah anytime something smells it's gotta be the demons of course yeah what are you guys doing with our baby [Music] baby this is our baby you must have corrupted [Music] you may want to turn around yeah you know i i think it's time for you to go no no no no no don't get me canceled oh no no no no no no no don't hurt me don't hurt me please don't hurt me anyway angels this is our baby and you know we'd like it if you uh kindly left our abode yeah no no well we don't that's that's just not gonna work come on baby let's go let's go go let's go let's go that is our baby here but let me show you how to deal with demons real quick i'm gonna see you down here real quick oh okay all right all you gotta do is you just gotta set it you got to make sure you destroy demons the first instant season all right right you just got to make sure everybody see this here we go here we go here we go and then right as the people think they're going to win right as they think that they finally caught you off the house right now all right all right here yeah you do the honors all right [Applause] oh come on angels hope you like your house a little hot christmas i mean i do like warm places but wait what are they doing back what are they doing i don't know what they're doing you better not boil my vegetables they're better we're just uh heating things up a little oh that's justice is so much fun do you want to be an angel angel steven angel steven what do i want to be i don't know all right david you've had your fun but it's time to finally take you down gladly meet me on the bridge friends will be there i can't think my head hurts oh wait it's still wait have they been fighting this whole time no the baby is ours the baby is ours you can't take care of a demon baby yeah besides it's an ancient baby off the bridge because you're so rude i thought you were supposed to be angry that's it that's it back in the air good day please please please stop stop stop please i really just need the baby hang on justin is back huh yeah wait what is this thing what is this thing i'm just trying to give her a bath her mom entrusted me to take good care of her she's a little angel and her mom is an absolute demon so please just let me take her daddy she is please i i don't want to cause a holy war i just want to take care of her this was my responsibility hang on hey hey uh pierce yeah you know upon closer inspection he kind of looks the same as the baby yeah now i'm actually looking at it you know what i think this is actually another baby now i think about it oh yeah just a really big baby he's super big yeah look how big he is super evil no no no no no no no it's got to be an angel no no no no no please no you got to be a demon no please don't make me face my inner demons again yeah we can we can each have a baby we can eat each adopt a baby that's true yeah baby and we'll get the little baby [Music] but yeah he does make a point too the babies probably do need a bath oh yeah well that was definitely pretty i'm just gonna unleash the apocalypse on me if i don't get that baby that was definitely pretty demon you know what you can have her
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 13,399,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft aether, minecraft angels, minecraft heaven, becoming minecraft angels, minecraft heaven aphmau, baby demon minecraft, minecraft aphmau, how to go to the aether in minecraft, minecraft aether portal, minecraft heaven mod, minecraft mod, we became minecraft angels aphmau, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, half demon half angel minecraft, half demon half angel, minecraft demon, minecraft, demon angel heaven minecraft, Minecraft baby angel pranks
Id: UlllLTmKIb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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