minecraft Dad jokes that make me Go insane

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this video literally broke me at the end of this video i kind of go insane so we challenged our developers to give us dad jokes recipes and minecraft made out of ridiculous silly jokes and dad jokes um i didn't expect it to quite go this far we've got bowling balls made of bowls we've got pointless blocks that are literally pointless because they're circles get it we have blast furnaces but uh get this they're made out of tnt blast furnaces you get it there's a lot of them i don't want to spoil them for you because i just got done with the video and it is quite ridiculous i think you'll love them i experienced it for the first time on camera i think you'll enjoy them as much as you'll hate them and enjoy is gonna be a long one welcome to terrible dad jokes these are recipes made for dads by dads i don't think i'm a dad but judging by the jokes i make i probably have at least 40 or 50 children um i have not seen these by the way so we're going through them together uh for the first time so our first one is a pointless block a block that does nothing no it's a pointless block as in it doesn't have any points no it doesn't do anything either it literally doesn't do anything the pointless block doesn't really do much it it makes sense but as a as a sphere i can't read as a sphere it doesn't have any edges or points mobs might be very scared of it i've heard they sphere it no stop sorry parker they don't get better from here oh gosh so if i can place it down oh it's horrendous i mean i love it but oh good lord moving on number two we have the chipped anvil chipped anvil make potato chips gosh dang it i was trying to think how this would work we make potato chips with an iron sword and a potato to make potato chips uh-huh and then we make a chipped anvilier by combining a bunch of chips together to make a chipped anvil oh no so that's just a normal anvil that i can use except i made it out of potato chips ah i i like it i think or i hate it i don't know no matter what i kind of want to kill myself with an anvil number three we have the corn on the cobweb oh man this is corn flour and string makes corn on the cobweb why ah surely corn flours are the same as corn right yeah sure anyway this acts like a normal cobweb could be fun with a pun so if we put down our corn in the cob nothing happens nothing you just it's a normal cobweb that just has corn in it now okay wait wait can we eat it too no no we can't eat it i really wanted to see it eating okay oh i see it acts like normal cobweb but with a pun so it's just a literal pointless okay yep it's it's almost as pointless as the circle was number four we have bone meal i assume i'm gonna be eating bones or yeah yeah okay you combine steak you combine bones and carrots that doesn't make a bone no bone meal ew why does it look exactly the same this would be like a full-on three-course meal man this is like my dog's heaven right here this is if i gave this to him he would die and go to dog heaven and be so happy all right we got bone meal and now we can just munch on it is that where we're at oh gross all right well now i know what it feels like to be a be a little pupper delicious only small side effect you do chase mailmen now and uh and go like this the next one i just want to go through 40 of them i hope there's 40 of them like i'm in pain but i i love this number five we have the plane's biome i was wondering why the planes were here oh come on a brand new biome that we're currently in planes are everywhere uh shout out to bloody hatchets for this airplane design number six we have plumpkin pie pumpkin pie it's pumpkins but it's plums what sugar pumpkin and egg make a plumpkin pie why what is a pumpkin the pumpkin pie is a really fat pie some would call it plump stop no i'm kind of stretching these but they grow on you oh it is a fat pie look at that thing that thing is thick i think it's thick as ever made out of 40 40 pumpkins plumpkin pie oh that one hurt me number seven we have the bowling ball the bowling ball yep fade out of two balls makes the ball i'm in physical pain all right the bowling ball what does it do the bowling ball is the first cool item in this video well that's good right click to throw it and it will roll where you aim if it hits a block it'll stop and you can walk up and pick it up oh that's actually really sweet mobs take some damage if it hits them finally a decent item so if i just toss this thing oh that's dope it just rolls until it hits something and then i can pick it up hey that's awesome that just did just go forever if i just create a straight line all right hey little cow stay right there don't move a muscle i'm going to bowl you right over bowling over the competition come on perfect strike perfect strike and nice throw number eight we have an item frame uh i don't there's no recipe here um there's a button that says spawn villager and then a button that says kill bit parker it was the iron sword i saw i saw it kill the villager vote all right yeah we vote the iron sword iron sort of dejected oh item frame no he was framed it was me the whole time i was so confused i was like why is there not a recipe over here i thought it was broken legit i was about to talk to the developers that's so good little among us reference oh dude 10 out of 10. diamond i promise you it wasn't me you'd never see me doing fake tasks absolutely not and i would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for my sus glasses number nine we've got the rabbit's foot and it's just a rabbit's foot is there anything special about the rabbit's foot the rabbit's foot is a measuring device like a tape measure why oh like foot rabbit's foot right click a block to set the first location then right click somewhere else for the second location it'll tell you the distance between two uh so it's like it tracks the amount of feet that you're measuring so if i measure right here boop all right and i go to the next location and then i right click here oh gosh was i supposed to hold it the whole time oh how do i go back all right so i right click right here i click on the button and now oh all right so i click here and then i run all the way over here and i click down and it'll measure the amount of space between the blocks which is 31. 31 feet because ah rabbit's foot or meters this one actually i feel like would be pretty useful i would genuinely probably use this in my minecraft world i don't know about you guys but now i can get like an even measurement of where everything's supposed to be in my house and stuff so i'm down rabbit's foot you finally have a use number 10 we've got the mushroom island um we we're here what mushroom island an amazing biome there's so much room here to build oh gosh i saw that coming sorry mushroom jokes are kind of overdone i'll cap it off there cap what do you mean like a mushroom cap oh sign you're done this is your sign you should stop number eleven we've got the iron golden the iron golden the iron golden is a gold iron golem yep saw that coming probably better named a gold golem no a go iron gold goldum hey that's dope that's cool it looks like he kind of fell into mud or he's covered in butter or something but all around he looks fancy as ever and still uh very dangerous yeah put your hands up yeah yeah he's genuinely cool looking that and the bowling ball are my favorite so far bad pun wise probably the mooshroom but comment down below at the end of the video what your least favorite bun was number 12 we have the melon collie the melancholy um the melancholy is the saddest little melon block wait wrong video the melancholy is a dog made of melons oh like melancholy like oh i see no i thought it'd be so funny a super sad melon spawn a melancholy like a border collie cause kali is a type of dog haha i'm clever die sign die i'm gonna bury you i'm gonna bury you and no one ever is ever gonna find you let's spawn a melancholy and oh it's a it's a cauli made of melons and i can call it come here melancholy oh it's pretty gross melon more like meanlin uh i i didn't even try on that one mel leave me alone i'll just leave the puns up to you dude number 13 we've got candysite ooh now this is cool and a sight is one of the better looking blocks in the game introducing a tastier version of the block candysite if you are wondering it's type of rock candy this is a type of rock candy it looks cool you know what it looks like it looks like whatever you make a bowl of cereal and then you wait too long and then milk turns kind of like a weird color that's what it looks like like fruit loops but soggy loops i'm digging it i'm into it let's make a candy land it's just minecraft full of candies next we have the arrow see again these look like oh no oh no stop oh the arrow is a decoration block used to point in a direction when placed at points where you're looking looks much better than a sign like this made you look oh gosh signs you're making me mad dude so whenever i'm looking at the time of placing it down that's where the arrow points uh i don't know when this would be useful i i don't i don't know also it's the same recipe as crafting an arrow so in this world there are no normal like arrows yeah so it just points points wherever i'm looking oh my gosh look over there where right over there next up we have magma cream again these are normal blocks and oh slimeball and blaze powder makes a magma cream do you use it to make your hands less dry magma cream is a new skin health product unlike other chili creams this one is nice and warm great for relaxing muscles and burning flesh oh my the mob administration of food and drugs have given it a perfectly safe rating use today uh i think the last part of burning flesh seems less less valuable to me yeah i think i'm just gonna put this one away for for now but thanks for the offer uh terrifying sign next we have gold ore gold or dark oak boat i get it it's gold ore mixed with a boat makes a gold ore you get it you get it the gold ore takes the gold from the gold ore to get a gold ore place it down to see what i mean hold on what do you m oh well that actually looks really sick this is such a fashion statement your your friend shows up yes i am here for the boat race yes my daddy's bought me a nice gold ore yes very fancy out to sea i see what you did there pun i'm all about that pun life we have the gold ore what about the sale or yes of all the ones so far i think you i want you it's pointless but also the best i want a diamond version too that looks so cool maybe the bed means i'm gonna die oh okay now i know next up we've got a blast furnace oh is it a furnace that you have a lot of fun with or something no it's not oh iron inga tnt and smooth stone i thought it would like make you dance or something the blast furnace is a new explosive device place it down and start up smelting and boom it does something cool so we place down our blast furnace we'll smelt up diamond ore why diamond ore that doesn't make any sense ah oh i don't think it worked i don't think it worked that didn't do anything nope all of my aura is back in my inventory it just exploded that's all that's all it does well i i don't know what i was expecting now i see why they put the bed there just in case i exploded at the end of the day i got some free diamonds out of it i'm a happy boy next we have the rabbit hide so we have the rabbit's foot oh the rabbit hide does it make you invisible oh it does i bet you it does the rabbit hide is a drop from rabbits yes right click it lets you hide yes making you invisible i knew it i knew it i'm a genius so now i can go invisible and then i can just measure invisibly yes rabbits now have a use i like that actually it makes you invisible just for a little bit right only a couple of minutes a couple seconds i'm into it come on minecraft get on it rabbit's hide make you invisible for a few seconds let's do it next we have a netherright scrapbook hmm smelting ancient debris gives you something a bit different okay give ancient debris put it into a furnace i'm glad it's just not the explosive furnace from earlier the blast furnace this joke should have been scrapped uh what netherright scrapbook oh gosh it doesn't do anything oh die in a fire ah horrible joke it can't it can't burn i didn't know that i genuinely didn't know that it wouldn't burn in lava no it was prepared oh all right well i'm just gonna toss it from here did it make it i think it made it i'm out i'm out i'm gonna break the portal it's never coming back that joke cannot haunt my nightmares i'm just slowly going insane i mean these are great but that last one was bad heart of the sea it's just a heart okay it's just the heart the heart of the sea is it just a bit different simple but i like it it gets a heart from me that's it it's just a heart it's just it doesn't do anything it doesn't even give you hearts it just is a heart oh gosh does it even do what it's supposed to do as the heart of the sea i mean it looks nice texture wise it's good oh man yeah i'm i'm in physical pain 21 gas tear what does a gas tier do okay i got there's more there's more i thought we were done i thought we were done no man this one might be seem different but this is isn't a ghast here it is a gassed tear as in to te tear something to pieces it's a gassed tear and that is exactly what it does right click to tear gasts we just have a gas and then we tear it by right clicking with it oh my heart my body why is there more i oh okay okay okay there's more next we have coral fans these are just yep it's just a fan made of coral okay yep i'm a big fan of this recipe i'm just gonna take you just gonna relocate you to somewhere else there we go just drop you right off in the void see you later buddy place the coral fan down and it'll blow mobs in that direction perfect for mob farms and other such things the fan faces towards you when you place it okay i see so if we get a cow spawner and also we get oh wait a second we can make a nice tasty farm here i put the fan there ah yes and then i just put a cow in front of it and it just pushes it hey that's pretty cool that's pretty sick actually wait a minute wait a minute can i put a fan down like right here oh gosh nope did not mean to put it on the wall if i put a fan down right here can i blow cows over to the island there hey there it goes we also need a little cow island and now you can push your cows right into lava to make perfectly cooked steak every time coral fan oh my goodness next we have the calm poster the composter is made of spruce labs composter like a computer but it's a compo i don't understand at all what this means it's a poster for a dot-com and a bad joke go to minecraft.com now well minecraft.net i might have meant billboard moving right along we have the emmer old is it an old emerald emerald leaving emeralds in chess for too long makes them dusty they lose their shine and become emmer olds number 25 we have granite my grandpa used to tell me when you find a rock like stone gravel or cobblestone candicite diorite or any or any others grab these okay to not take it for granted that was bad but it was a true story at least terrible jokes clearly run in my family it r don't take it for granted there's no even crafting recipe it's just a bunch of stone you know what i feel about you you you don't rock you stink what am i supposed to say this joke rocked cause it didn't it didn't rock i'd rather get hit hit in the head with a rock number 26 we got candle it's a it's a honeycomb and string makes a can doll it's a candle what does it do it's an item that's just a boring can otherwise known as a canned doll it's just a ah it's a really bad candle it's a bat it's a canned dog it's a bad candle this is horrible i hate this experience i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry guys i'm gonna start crying next up we got the lead a lead is made of slime ball and string oh lead it's it's let it's lead lead aka led oh goodness a a lead is a very useful device to move animals around yeah yeah or a lead or it's just a lead it's just the lead pronounced differently okay okay okay we gotta i can't take this anymore i can't take this anymore number 28 we got a cart a graphic table cartography table the cartographic table maps out the rails around huh what what do you what the cartography cartography table wait a minute it maps out the rails around so if i have a map it'll show where all the rails are carte ography as in a mine cart this is like a seven layer pun man this is a lot that one i actually have respect for and also pretty quality i'd use it so i don't know 10 out of 10 i guess still going insane though number 29 we've got a stick a stick is made out of oak planks it makes a stick that's the normal crafting recipe what do you mean the stick is an item that can be attached to any block what just place it on the pocket it sticks to it stop by placing them i think it makes you a stick man oh no dude i hate it no there's more i thought i was done first final location find a location at least we're almost to the end of it oh my word the last one really stuck to me though you know 30 jungle log deep in the jungle surrounded by jungle logs is the jungle log is it like a log.zip that's a jungle version last jungle log huh day one had a wonderful meal what day two found a jungle treat today day three had a dream last night about cows it was great day four about out of food looked for more couldn't find any day five had a i had my last meal today hopefully i can find food tomorrow day two starving can barely think this might be the end oh my duh what the heck a poor dude we need to find this little guy food no wonder he can't eat the melons are all glitchy and weird that's it we're ending on that depressing note of the jungle log being somebody's like log for them being lost in the jungle poor guy okay well uh that's a depressing note i think i'll spend the next four or five hours looking for our lost man in the jungle well hopefully you enjoy this episode of comments the crafting and the dad jokes didn't totally ruin your day because i know it did mine comment down below which one was your favorite or least favorite and i'd love to read them thanks for watching everybody hopefully you enjoyed and i'll see you guys next episode oh man now it's time to spend the next four or five hours looking for our guy lost in the jungle hey log log
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 444,475
Rating: 4.8521991 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, dad jokes, puns, minecraft dad jokes, dad joke, pun, terrible dad jokes, bad jokes, cringe, cringe minecraft, cringe dad jokes, so cringe, very cringe, cringy
Id: 45M-E--hRjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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