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you believe it based on me because you trust me speaking yeah so it is based on a certain reputation but if god came to you directly and sets out certain things you can disbelieve it's not that you don't love him it's just too good to be true and it's okay you get what i'm saying god is not offended by that is he offended by not enlarging him and everything that we do it is disappointing but not offensive an offense is like how could you really you did that okay maybe i guess discount the work of the holy spirit oh okay okay define what is the work of the holy spirit let's say for instance we see god delivering we're doing mighty words and okay okay actually actually you're you're mostly right but i want to go deeper what is the offense about that what is making god be offended that's deep that's deep you're almost hitting the mark mark but you're like you're like 95 percent okay let's yeah try all right refusing to forgive refusing to forgive yeah yeah but that's not offensive to god it's disappointing she has like she's on the right path you are also on the right path but you kind of tapped out now do you have a bible or give me my tablet you know just give me my tablet tablet will do five not obeying the ten commandments how we disobey that every day every single second we get every chance we get we mess that one up so i want to i want to explain to you the logic of god to the best of my ability and actually somebody said it right uh john mr mccoy got it god is pretty right the most offensive thing that a believer can do to god is to not understand faith is to not understand faith because the bible says it like this it says it is impossible it's almost nine or it's dead no it's fine then don't judge it is impossible you have to understand that listen to what it says it's not saying it may be possible you may make it it is impossible to please him without faith but what is faith not just the substance of things hoped for it is the very transaction that man has with god but faith is connected to producing something and that's something is when we don't accept it it becomes a problem let me show you something and i'm saying this because i was really thinking about this let me show you a scripture i okay i know i have the bible encyclopedia here mr musa but uh second timothy chapter 3 verse 5. okay yeah you read it for me second timothy three and verse five and it reads having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away so god turns away from a certain group of people the most offensive thing you can ever do to god is possess a form of godliness and reject the power of god is the most offensive thing you can ever do to god have a form of divinity remember godliness means divinity to have a form of divinity but denying the very essence of divinity is the most offensive thing you can ever do to god an example is this right if you look at like um some of the videos right uh if you look at some of the videos like the reason why i don't like doing supernatural things mostly i am okay with prophecy prophecy is super supernatural it's the very thoughts in the mind of god concerning a subject that people can have explanations for they can say ah it's false information they can say this it's okay but miracles are a very specific thing because they definitely reveal the divinity of god within a man and when people look at that and they reject it they are not rejecting the miracle they are rejecting god to reject the supernatural it's to reject god who is the author of supernatural so god himself is supernatural you cannot explain it it doesn't make sense so to love god to accept god is to accept his being and his nature so to say that i love the purity but i deny i hate the power that it produces it means i am rejecting god i am accepting god that i have made in my image so a lot of christians have idols but they don't know they have idols because they have created god in their image yet god is supposed to come and reveal himself to you in order for you to have the right picture of god in you like i'll ask you a question right i'll ask you a general question a catholic's wrong for having statues of angels and do you think i don't let me let me let me ask you a question do you think it's it's wrong to have idols like when i mean idols i'm not talking about other gods i'm not talking about sacred things like angels or a thing of jesus do you think it's a sin why is it not a sin the bible says that you shall not uh you shall not make for yourself graven images so why is it not a sin if you are not worshiping them okay if you're not worshiping them isn't it based off of god telling you to produce it exactly you see the thing is christians miss technicalities when the ark of the covenant when god ordained for the ark of the covenant to be made he told moses exactly how to make it it had two angels at the top obviously we know how the ark is and they honored and respected the ark they actually bowed before the act but it was not a sin why because of one simple thing god is the one who told moses how to do it he said this is that's why the bible says like this you will not make any graven images for yourself of things in heaven for yourself it means don't imagine what it is like allow god to show you so when people want to see god they want to see god on their terms and they don't understand that the moment you make god in your image you're making an idol and you're sinning so when people see a man performing miracles immediately for them this is fake it's demonic but they don't understand the image of a man is the image of god himself so if you see a man operating in the supernatural and you attack it you're not attacking the man you're attacking god because how else is a human being going to see god apart from a man you can never you see the the thing is this when you are growing up you communicate with what you are like in nature children play together with other kids play dates they grow up and children in different ages don't enjoy to play with the other ones not because they don't want to play the interaction is not as fluid because they don't understand each other and what they like is not the same thing do you get what i'm saying so in the same way for you to communicate with god you will never communicate with god until a man introduces you to god so god says it like this whom shall we send who will speak for us because even if god came right now you will not believe wow you won't it's impossible you won't understand not only you won't understand you will run out and you completely doubt not only will you doubt you will not obey anything that's why angels don't preach the gospel why do you think angels don't preach if an angel comes to you first he will send you to a man every time you read in the scriptures whenever a man was seeking god and an angel is sent to him the angel who sent him will come to direct him to another man so now the issue is this when jesus was talking about blaspheming the holy spirit he said something very interesting he said this he said the bible says like he says any sin committed against the father or the son will be forgiven but anything committed against the holy spirit will never be forgiven then he explains why it will never be forgiven he goes on to say for they saith he has a demon inside of him it was offensive to god it is offensive that the when the works of god are happening to say i don't believe it's fake it's okay but the moment you equate the power of god to the devil now you're offending god that is blaspheming the holy spirit because you're comparing him to a created being i don't know if people got that so it's better for you to say i don't know i don't believe uh uncle fred the power that is operating with it i think he's faking this must be acting that just means that it's so good what god has done that it is beyond your comprehension but when your comprehension says that this is the work of satan ah you have offended god now wow that is now blaspheming the holy spirit it is blasphemy do you know what blasphemy means what does blasphemy mean pull it up from uh yes not even strong just general dictionary look at it find it you may be right you're the computer the act or offense of speaking religiously about god or sacred things proofing it's profanity it's like throwing an f-bomb to god is there a spirit that makes people do that sometimes sometimes it's just people are so acquainted with the devil that more than god it means that if your natural instinct right just think about it my natural reaction when i see something supernatural i begin to praise god and i begin to honor god for his wonderful and mighty power that is my natural instinct that is my natural reaction but when somebody's natural reaction is to the darkness this is demons this is belzaba this is satanic this is this it means that the seed of the devil is inside of and these you believers yes believers do that all the time you see if the world does that it's okay it is expected of them they don't know him they don't have a form of godliness they have zero godliness they don't know who god is are you getting what i'm saying so to god he's like okay you know what they don't know me anyway so i will show them that i am god you see when pharaoh was contending against moses god never found it offensive that pharaoh equated the power of the god of moses like any other god when moses did one act he said moses we can do that too moses this is explainable moses then god started now up doing his thing then he said listen the god of moses is the real god so god is not offended when those who don't know him do things like that but when you say jesus is lord you have already tapped into the supernatural how can you tap in the supernatural and deny the power of god now you are insulting god it's an insult to god i don't know if it's making sense absolutely now if you look at first corinthians chapter two uh somebody get that read verse three for me first corinthians chapter two verse three yeah from verse three and i was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling yes and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom notice but today people get excited by that oh man that that that pastor has the best demonstrations he has the best props the way he puts together the props oh it just makes me understand yet that is not the point that is not the point of preaching it's actually the opposite so paul who was a scholar paul was a scholar of it i mean there was no theologian better than paul in his time paul was the highest level of of of of understanding in his time together with the apostles nobody could discuss scripture better than paul or when he was still soul the man studied and what was he called sanhedrin he was like he came from the university of rabbis they licensed him to go and kill christians he was convinced that they are messing up that man who knows scriptures in and out is telling you listen my preaching is not exciting do you remember peter was preaching somewhere and it was so boring a woman fell out of the window and died poor was it paul yeah he fell out of the window died he went and raised the person up and went back to preaching oh i love that pasta when you laugh yeah god people preach on pastor but you live there you deny the power thereof you do imagine paul is preaching people are falling asleep me at least when i preach people don't sleep if you sleep you have a demon but imagine paul is preaching preaching preaching something amen falls out of the window dies the man just says hey it's okay it goes down now you imagine he fell out of the window yeah we don't know how many stories it was did his head burst open this is neck break but the guy was endowed with power that he went down and just did this the guy rose up he brought him back and sit there you're going to listen that guy was awake for sure he'll never fall asleep again during a message so listen to what paul is saying paul is saying definitely my preaching was not with exciting words there was nothing exciting about anything that i was saying i came in weakness you see nowadays you see i love our church but let me i wish my son mike was here mike would have been able to tell this even more you know when i started ministering by divine order by divine order and what i mean by divine order it means that god told me to start there was something very interesting i did not like people to worship not because i don't love worship i adore worship it's the only way i connect with god in an intimate way my desire for god made me a deep worshiper it opened so many doors for me spiritually with god but i did not like people worshiping because they thought that the presence of god came because they sang it offended me and i realized that they are playing into emotions and not spirituality so i am here seeing god at any time like right now if i want you all to feel the presence of god i can do it without any worship without anything you will all be shaking on the floor i'm being honest with you 100 truth if i want to do that now i can do it but then we won't teach i can do it i can even teach you how to do it it's not difficult it's your inheritance huh i said believe him ah it's easy there are times that when i'm speaking like i'm doing live stream i don't know when that was uh my eyes changed my face starts changing everybody in that everybody you guys are not seeing it on camera but people are dropping so when i realized that i'm getting that i pull back [Music] so we have limited the power of god so much we have limited the omnipotence the person of god so much that when we go into the house of god we say welcome holy spirit you are in god's house you are welcome in you [Music] it just shows you how disconnected we are with god if i go to mama ghana's house mama gun is the one who say welcome [Music] if you come to my home i will say welcome you go to uncle phrase say hey welcome coming it is not me coming into the house and say uncle fred i welcome you to your house it means god doesn't live there i don't know if somebody's understanding some people even say taking limitations of god no taking limitation of you god is not limited it doesn't make sense how can you limit the unlimited it is you not him he's look such and says like i will not show myself to somebody who doesn't know who i am whoever shall come whoever will come to god must know that he is so whoever is limited is that one that doesn't know that he is and god will ignore you not because he wants to but it's the way you have approached it now watch this so paul is saying unequivocally right my preaching is not great but yet if you read paul had deep revelation but he's telling you i'm not a great preacher i'm not a great preacher so i came to you in weakness my preaching was not with enticing words of what keep reading it was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power okay let me give you an example if i preach to you i'm not saying this is bad it only becomes bad if you see the reason why i do illustrations but you notice i use people there's a different way i do it i don't do it the way most people do it not that what they're doing is bad please don't accuse me i'm not saying anybody's sinning i'm just telling you why for me it's a problem the thing that many have to understand is this is that a christian when you become born again you do not operate with your canon mind you begin to function with your spiritual mind so in order for you to grow spiritually i must be able to appeal to your spiritual mind not your canon mind so if i come and teach you give me this give me this bottle this big bottle if i use this bottle to try to explain to you how god feels somebody i am appealing to your carnal mind not your spiritual mind so you will be excited but you will live there without power this is how god cleanses people you take water and you start doing drink mixing and then you see how pure it gets that's how you become pure that is a kind of way to explain god and god is telling you paul is telling you we do not preach with the wisdom of men this is why we have so many people that are offending god in the church because all their operation and their working with god is centered and is rooted in canality if it does not make sense and appeal to my mind it is not god but yet god is supposed to defy your mind but your spirit must bear witness with the holy spirit that this indeed is god so it pushes you to transcend the the mental blockage and the mental limitations and understandings that the human mind can conceive but we are training people to disbelieve god in the name of believing god we are training to appeal to man's wisdom and not to force them to appeal to god's wisdom so if you if a simple example is this your whole bible is prophecy from beginning to end moses who wrote the first five books of the bible first five books of the bible were written by moses was moses there when adam and eve were created moses came later but moses is prophesying precisely how the heavens and the earth were created he's prophesying precisely how it happened in the garden how adam and eve fell how noah's flood happened until his time he wrote these books yet he was not there he wasn't there one person the oldest book in your canonized bible is the book of job in the book of job you see job talking about creation but his focus is not on creation god is asking him do you know where the foundations of the earth are fastened do you know who told the waters you can go this far this far do you know what this and this if you can tell me why you there when the angels were singing for joy so we see clues of creation in the book of what job but moses who gave us the complete and full account of creation was not even there but you can open the bible and say it's all about the word but yet the word is prophecy so when you see somebody looking at you and saying your name is this you say no that can't be god we don't need that we just need the word the whole word is prophecy are you mad you you get what i'm saying i feel like i should tap into my uk uh accent are you mad are you getting what i'm saying it is craziness makes zero sense makes makes another sense okay let me show you how we are so appeal to human uh thinking and human ways have you ever noticed cults have the strongest followings why it's not because the people are being controlled it's not it's because it is god in their image they are comfortable there because it's their thing an example is this java witness are not christians they claim to be christians the overwitness are not christians at all the bible says it like this anyone who denies the divinity of christ anyone who designed the dif rejects the divinity of christ you're not a christian to be a christian is to know christ is god okay let me give you an example did man become god or did god become man so jesus is god but anybody who makes jesus cano a regular human being it's a cult it's not god anyone who denies but you'll notice kingdom guys they will knock on your door at 5am 6am every hour they will walk with their whole families because they believe by doing this they are winning their salvation they will be so dedicated and committed they are told don't read the bible you read the kingdom tower whatever pamphlet and you refer to scriptures with their explanation that's what they will do if you look at the guys like joseph smith was it joseph smith yeah yeah if you look at the in form of godliness it starts well then it just takes a whole other term you get what i'm saying but you will see the most dedicated they are the most beautiful temples the biggest things for god because whenever you can control god make god in your image you'll be comfortable wow the moment it is outside of your realm it can be god is this making sense to somebody is this making sense to somebody because you see the reality is this paul is telling you your faith must be based on the power of god not on emotions not on human intellect not in human intelligence if it does not produce power it is not from him so your faith should not be on john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son no your faith should be in the power of god to save your soul john 3 16 revealed the power but john 3 16 is not what your faith should be on yeah wow is this making sense for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life quoting that scripture does nothing that scripture simply reveals the power and the ability for god not only to blot out your sin to forgive your sin to redeem you to make you a new creation that is what our faith is on not on that scripture our faith is on the word not on scripture i'll say it again our faith is on the word not scripture in the beginning was the word not in the beginning was the bible [Music] in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and nothing was made without him everything that is created was created through him and by him and for him that is what our faith is on scripture simply reveals the power scripture is not the power that is why the lord jesus said it like this the lord jesus said it like this he said to this to the pharisees you search the scriptures can you find that verse for me you search the scriptures thinking that in them you will have life but the scriptures only testify about me you want life go to your scriptures listen you can read this bible and die the letter killeth the spirit gives life this bible can kill you do you realize paul was on the highway to hell until the power of god met him [Music] not because somebody convinced him god went beyond his knowledge yes john 5 39. please read it and it says jesus you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life so let me let me just let me just let me just say this you search the scriptures thinking in them you have eternal life or you have life so every man of god that says only the word [Music] now you know why the church is full of dry bones wow only the word if the word doesn't say it that's not what jesus said the bible doesn't actually say that wow the bible says that the word the scripture is good for rebuke for sound doctrine do you know what a doctrine is a doctrine is culture to understand the manner in which things work so if god appeared to moses in a burning bush if god appears in my swimming pool it should be normal it should be doctrine to know that god can appear anywhere that is what doctrine is we know our god can appear to us in any way if abraham met an angel that looked like a human being i can be walking around and i give somebody money and that person can be an angel and my doctrine says it's perfectly fine doctrine is tradition like an example you all have your own doctrines okay like i'll give you an example and the doctrine of our church is that we don't take offerings in the beginning of the service people give offerings at the end of the service why because if god has not spoken to you if you have not experienced god don't give anything to him that is my doctrine it's not that it's not it's not that it is wrong to give in the beginning my doctrine was that when god called me i didn't want any offering i hated it actually because my fear was that i am selling my gift it scared the daylights out of me like frightened me completely because you must go you remember listen it used to scare me so bad that somebody would come and say prophet here is a cd used to make my skin crawl i'm like no no no no no no no no i don't want anything this cannot be bought this this this i was afraid until one day until one day where's my little sister eva eva disappeared on me but it's okay oh my god i used to fear that you remember that i used to fear that watch this now this is interesting right so i mean i mean i'm in my room one day one day i'm in my room i had just prayed for a woman who had a stroke she became completely creeped what i'm doing at church is not anything new remember i was telling you guys i'll start turning him up turning it up slowly have you ever seen anywhere where miracles are so easy like that it's not even struggle and god can do above and beyond that so so look at this i mean i mean the i'm in the house i just prayed for a woman who maria actually is the one who brought her you know maria in the church yes this this woman was like this and and the lord told me um tell the spirit to come out of i said god how can i be she had a stroke what would people think the lord said tell the spirit to leave her wow so i looked at the woman and i had to find a politically right way to say it so i don't offend anyone because anyone who knows me my heart is really gentle i actually don't like confrontation i don't like any of that stuff i i looked and i was like you devil that is destroying this amazing woman's life so i made sure i separated the devil from it from the woman i said leave her now the woman just that's milo no king and no don't don't mind them don't give them attention give them snacks give them snacky to distract them so so immediately the woman fell down got up upright walking straight matching her hands everything i grabbed my head i said lord jesus and there was another woman there was actually an armenian woman you know my church began with armenians armenians were there there was a woman who had been married i don't know how many years and and i looked at i said i saw a vision of you carrying a uh us pushing a little boy on a thing and the woman was like did you hear what he said she said i've been barren for this amount of years i said god says your son is coming go so now after all this happened and i prayed for these people i always retreated retreated to my room now in those days my my my physical body was still adjusting was still adjusting to carrying the power of god in the way that i was carrying my body was not yet acquainted so i would become sick not sick that i'm with a flu or anything but i will have chills i'll have fever but it's not that it's my body was just adjusting so i went to i went to the room and i said and i would feel so drained i went to the room and i laid i sat down and i was just thanking god saying father i'm just so grateful i'm just so grateful i'm just so grateful and i was taken out of my body but i didn't know that i was out of my body i had no clue but it wasn't like an outer body experience in the way that now god can pull me out and i can be downstairs while being upstairs you get what i'm saying not in that way so when god took me out of my body he re he he moved time to the future time moved forward so uh my little sister eva is upstairs my littles my mama onyango came downstairs and it came to my room knocked the door said mom coming she walked and she said oh the two ladies that you prayed the ladies that you prayed for downstairs at in the in the in the during prayer they left this offering for you it was a 50 uh note in a twenty dollar chase bank uh thing i think it's either reverse or one one way if there was a fifty dollar check in that twenty yeah it was a fifteen and twenty but the check the check was a chase bank and i looked and i said ah mama no no no i don't want anything she said listen they gave it to she she was dressed like with the african outfit and everything she said listen they told me to give it to you so she left it on my table and walked out and shut the door the moment she shut the door this is what happened i felt my breath coming back to myself all of a sudden i was aware of my body and i hear a knock on the door but i'm so shocked now i'm like what in the in the in the in the in the name of god is going on what is going on what is happening immediately mama onyango walks in the room with the same exact check with the same exact check with the sec same exact bill dressed exactly the same speaking the same exact lines [Music] looking at me looking at me saying ah those two women that you prayed for i started saying i just saw this so she's looking at me confused what are you talking about what what are you talking i said i just saw this i just saw this she was like okay i said please give me your hand and i i got her and i said father i thank you for what you have done she's now confused what am i even praying about thank you lord for for for for causing me to see what is to come in the manner that you did and then when i let go of my hand amen she was shocked why am i holding her she just took the money laid it in the same place then god spoke to me he told me if you don't allow people to give you deny them the blessing that is inside of you so i told the lord i said god please then if you allow me let not people give in the beginning can they give at the end said as long as you allow them to give if you don't you're denying them what is in you that is when i even permitted that so in our culture now notice even our prophetic night midnight when people are leaving okay now it's time to give when we are finishing other churches they don't trust you to give so they will get it in the beginning they have become like they're because now this is true it's like it's like they've become like uncle sam you know the tax man doesn't trust you so that your your employer takes out the taxes immediately so church has become like that too church has become like that too thank you uncle jello you notice that that's good that's good that's good so but that is our culture but anyone who's collecting offerings in the beginning there's nothing wrong with that but this one is our culture in our church we don't make money a big deal have you ever noticed me talking about money no how many times have you witnessed me giving people money opening this paying for that doing that i do that all the time but it is our culture now can i make somebody else get into that culture no because that is not their culture that is what doctrine is it's the op it's it's it's the terms of operations so when we say sound doctrine we are talking about a doctrine that aligns with the culture that is in the scriptures sound doctrine i can preach sound doctrine without opening a single verse from what book did david preach what book did the job preach the bible didn't exist but the doctrine existed you have to understand that the difference between christianity and other religions is this muslims even though they say this all the time they say uh the quran is uncorrupted they base their faith based on a book based on a book that the author nev actually the one who claims that wrote it never could not read or write number one muhammad could not read and write number two he never wrote it in fact they are lost pages of the quran which they say it's the most it is preserved the bible says that there were surahs that were eaten by a goat now this is true so they base the authenticity of their faith even though the quran is a bootleg bible they just told stories muhammad stole stories from the scriptures and and they tried to make it into something they base their faith off the book but the christianity is different that community founded the book the book did not found the community because the bible is based on letters that somebody sent to another person that sent to another person it is founded on the information of the community so christianity even though they burn all the bibles in the world destroyed them they cannot get rid of christianity because the word of god is written within our heart [Music] so our faith is not on the book it is in the author of the book who has written his words in our heart [Music] wow i feel like i'm talking to myself i i don't know if somebody's listening to me so jesus said you perform more miracles are those miracles written he said greater work shall you do you imagine all the works that jesus did wow think about it jesus is saying you will do greater works jesus raised the dead fed 5 000 people fed 4 000 people walked on water he's saying greater works so if you walk on water right now they will call you a wizard yet you're doing exactly what jesus did if you walk through a wall they will say ah this is of the devil yeah jesus walked through our world what if you start doing way beyond what jesus the bible says if everything that the lord jesus ever did was recorded there will be so many books who will have nowhere to put them but jesus is saying and we know that the lord is saying the truth greater works shall you do so if you are looking to do what was you hear christians saying wow the power of god just like in the days of acts even peter even paul all of them they went beyond the day of pentecost did you ever see in the bible anyone healing somebody by their shadow it is peter that is doing this miracle it had never been recorded before there is nothing about that ever written before that a man of god would just walk his shadow even jesus didn't do that the woman with the issue of blood had to touch him paul you just have to touch his shadow is this making sense but if you want to do just what is in the bible the people who received the holy spirit they actually went beyond what they saw their lord and master do because he empowered them to do so are you listening to me do you know what the bible says about paul the bible says and paul performed strange not wonderful strange strange miracles ah do you know what strange is out of the ordinary so remember these people have seen jesus but paul comes there saying what this guy is doing is strange it means he broke a barrier so you see all these guys defying what was there before stephen was talking he was speaking immediately he did not read the bible he knew the bible it was like within him so when people hear me saying that i don't plan messages i go to church and it's given to me they don't understand that what i'm talking about so stephen is standing there all of a sudden his face just started [Music] shining they said now we gotta kill this guy [Music] he's not learned how does he know the scriptures more than us and these are the pharisees the san indians are saying how is this guy able to dissect scripture yet we can see that he's not learning listen children of god christianity is beyond the flesh amen many of you are offending god without knowing it many of you are offending god without knowing it you are hurting god without knowing it go back to first corinthians listen to what he's saying now now go go to go to go to verse 6 listen to what verse 6 says verse 6 says how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world stop right there do have you ever met a human being that is perfect no no but there is a standard in which only perfect people paul is saying i speak the wisdom of god to them that are perfect so what determines that you're perfect perfection begins or perfection is when you leave your flesh because remember your spirit is born again that one is the son of god he can't sin he can't offend god he can't do anything he is the dna of god in a human being is your inner man the spirit so anybody who moves his spirit when anyone who walks in the spirit to walk in the spirit is to move your life your opinion of life from your carnal mind to the judgment of the spirit man that is within you that is brought by the holy spirit that is what walking in the spirit is that's what the bible says walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh what is the fulfillment of the lust of the flesh doubt is normal to the flesh because if you see a physical person performing a miracle it is normal for flesh to doubt because in the culture of flesh it is impossible [Music] do you understand in the way of men in the ideas of men it is no no one can do that how can you how can you walk on water you should drown you can float if you know how to swim walking on water nah so it is normal for flesh aligns with flesh the bible says the deep call it and to the deep do you know what that means it means you only invoke what is like in nature with you what is in you is what you call wow are you listening to what i'm saying you only invoke what you're like in nature with you cannot invoke you cannot call upon right right now if you say father fill me god will only fill you to the capacity that is available you will not go beyond that capacity that is why when you read acts chapter 2 you see the disciples being filled you go to acts chapter 4 i believe or chapter 4 when peter went and they got beaten at the temple they came back they said father look at their threatenings stretch out your hand perform more miracles the bible says and the holy ghost came down and they were filled why are they being filled again i thought it was a one-time thing no because their capacity increased they were willing to suffer now before they remember the first time the holy spirit came they had just come from denying jesus they were not ready for suffering so the manifestation of what they could perform was according to their measure of now being okay to talk about jesus but when they were beaten and they counted the joy they said wow what a privilege it is what an honor it is to suffer for jesus their capacity increased so god was ready to give them home not because he became ready is because their capacity got bigger [Music] christianity is not in the flesh so how do you become perfect start living in the spirit people you're living too much in the flesh ah he's too young he's too handsome yes tattoos are that is amen if god don't you see that god is proving some of you wrong you don't have a mark on your body you can't do anything even though what you believe about tattoos is wrong it's not even scripture i have a whole teaching on it you can go see it i'm just trying to make somebody understand i don't know about look at him his dress is too flash so was so david solomon and we called priests and kings then god promised that he would dress us better than solomon solomon didn't have gucci i do god promised you know what i mean why why are you offended if you're offended by that then you don't believe jesus but people have even equated poverty to being spiritual do you know how let me show you think about it like this do you know how powerful speak how powerfully spiritual you must be that you dress so nice but you're powerful monks are in the mountain for years um inner peace inner peace they can't heal anyone they can't do the works we are doing perfection perfection perfection you become perfect when your life moves from the flesh you've always been perfect you just don't know it remember paul said it like this the good i want to do i do it not but the bad that i don't want to do i do it so therefore if i sin it is no longer i who sins it is my body that is sinning he's saying i am not my body somebody didn't get it paul was deaf okay he's saying sin is in me saying he's saying it is can you find that first you keep that part read it listen listen listen listen listen listen oh look uh you know what some scripture should not be said because people are getting too excited listen listen listen listen and i will explain to you what he's saying listen to what he's saying take romans 7 from verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal soul we know that the spirit the law is spiritual the ten commandments is physical you shall not do this you shall not do that you shall not do this it's all physical please start again listen from verse 14 romans 7. for we know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal soul under sin i am cannot sold to sin so sold out to sin keep going for that which i do i allow not for what i would that i do for that i would that do i not but what i hate that i do what i hate i'm doing keep going if then i do that which i would not i consent unto the law that is good now then it is no more i that do it but sin that dwelleth in me oh i i don't know if i should break this down because i'm seeing some some some shadrach meshach and abednegos are getting excited but let me just try and explain it paul is saying this the law is spiritual me myself i am spiritual i am also a spirit but i'm living in a body that is sold out to sin so what i don't want to do i find myself doing it i have come to the conclusion and realization that whenever i am operating with my spirit i am appealing to that which is good but if my body does what i don't want it to do it is not me that is doing it it is sin that is living in my body [Music] can i be honest with some people the more you try to restrain the flesh the more you sin you actually make it alive when you are appealing to the law of the spirit your spirit man starts getting dominion but there are tendencies that you you are not even subconsciously thinking i'm not talking about i decide to go and sin that is you just not being saved that is different now i'm gonna do this man let me try to be out for jealous i'ma do this man [Laughter] that one you're just a straight-up sinner you're not even saved according to the scripture whoever continues if you continue there's a difference between committing sin and continuing you're not getting it to continue in sin is different from falling in sin let me close these mosquitoes are eating people they're living in the woods continuing in sin living in sin and falling in sin are different so that i can explain this scripture better could you find this scripture do not make your board in sin find out for me i'm helping somebody get delivered now this is real deliverance deliverance doesn't begin by ah deliverance begins by this this is not only what maintains it but keeps you delivered knowing the truth you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free when you every christian should be able to deliver but if you don't have the substance of the word of god your people will keep getting deliverance every week the same people it means the word has not entered you got it listen to this romans 6 uh from like one to two wow what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid how shall we that are dead to sin and live any longer therein now what does it mean to live in sin there is a difference between sinning and living in sin to make your abode on sin it means you have built a house on sin two sin is you have stumbled [Music] so when paul is talking about then when i do what i don't want to do and i stumble it is not me who is doing it it's just sin that is still lingering within my carnality [Music] so when that happens god is not even offended he understands that it's just the flesh operating as the flesh this is why this body has to go to the grave [Music] it is conceived in sin you can't actually eradicate sin out of it you can't the only reason why jesus our lord never sinned is because he was not even born out of sin the dna of sin is in you there's the energy in me it is our inner man now god migrated our life which is in the soul into the spirit so now because we live in our spirit man our life is no longer in the flesh so if the flesh stumbles it's not mew is stumbling it's the house that my spirit lives in that is stumbling okay an example is this if you move into a house right let me give you an example okay this up my home was built in 81 1981 okay obviously it's updated and all that when i bought this house my neighbor said wow we saw your house being built in 1981 i was like jesus christ i wasn't living yeah next door person so when the person who lived here before we came before we bought it from him right this was a new house to him yes he did his thing and i bought the house for me when i came in it was a new house right to me to them it was a whole old house to me it's what a new house the problem is you are saved in the same house but you think the house is new so if your door was still squeaking quickly and he never had wd-40 still he's still there so once in a while you may need plumbing because it's an old house it's just a new person in the house uncle fred is this making sense yes [Music] so many of you treat your body as a new house so when it breaks expectations you're like how could it it's an old house it's a new person living in an old house [Music] you can't you can't no way that's why your speech that's why your life must be in the spirit if it is in the spirit naturally the plumbing will be better because you'll not be flushing grease down the drain so it will rewire the body but will the body entirely change no it can't that's why we will be given new bodies so some of you are beating yourself for an old house some of you are trying to are trying to perfect an old house put fresh carpets new windows and all that that's good nothing wrong with that you should do that but what you should focus on is adorning the inner man because that's the perfect person not your body so anybody who bases how god will use them based on their body you missed it so when they see my house having this it's not a sin but they are thinking in sin some of them right they think that is what god is using this is just a vehicle that is carrying something that god is using [Music] two different things christianity is spiritual keep reading watch this verse six how big we speak wisdom among them that are perfect who is perfect some of you have doubt online are you there [Laughter] you know when you start knowing the truth you start having rest did you feel how you just got relieved you just ah you are now living in the freedom of christ if he's saying it is finished but you still have work then it's not finished [Music] jesus says it is done but you are busy working [Laughter] it means what jesus did is not enough listen to what paul is saying it is no longer i who lives but it is christ he says i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet it is not i that lives but it is christ who lives in me and the life that i now live in the flesh i live through the faith of the son of god so my life physically is based on the faith of jesus not even my own faith so if my body is messing up the faith is that this body is the body of jesus he can't mess up you didn't get it you didn't touch it you didn't capture it you didn't get it you get it it is no longer me so if i don't live in the flesh this life of the flesh should be lived through the faith of christ that's it so the problem is people are trying to live through their own faith i did this i did that so god will use me that's your faith that's your righteousness that's yours so you are not just it's not just and that's exactly it's not just jesus inside this jesus also outside wow that's why the bible says it is impossible to please him without faith you deny the power of god you are denying your own salvation can you even be christian no jesus said whoever does not believe he's already damned already so it's not even god that is punishing you you are punishing yourself because you've rejected god [Music] this is real salvation you see what i'm teaching you is christianity 1-1 imagine if you started your christianity like this right now you'll be walking on clouds even your body would have been perfected long time ago would have reached a level whereby the things that used to be it is completely subjected to the inner man this is actually fundamental christian truth is not mature christian truths fundamental fundamental many of these men of god they're lying to you in two ways i don't do that if god opened your eyes that's not why god is using them and they are deceiving you to think that god is using them because of what they are doing yet god is using us simply because of his grace that's it that's it somebody says i was going to church since i was six years old and i'm receiving this now okay keep reading keep reading how we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to not but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery so the wisdom of god is a mystery if you can just find it in the bible it's not a mystery do you realize the same bible you hold which is the word of god 100 freemasons can also hold it and lightning is not striking them [Laughter] i don't know if people are listening to me so now when you go to court and they say i swear on the bible means nothing you must might as well swear on a magazine [Laughter] it means nothing i swear on the bible it's the moral it's a moral brainwashing thinking that if i swear the bible yet in court people realized they swear on the bible but no lightning is striking them so people are lying in court all the time your lawyer is lying the defendant is lying yet they saw in the bible because they realized no lightning will strike them i swear to say nothing but the truth so help me you even say so help me god so help me god wow that used to work back in the day because people had morality today shadrach meshach and abednego have no morality sorry about negros no morality whatsoever people are swimming on the bible nothing is no lightning is striking them nothing [Music] the reality is you can take your bible tear out a page fill it with ganja roll it and show it god will do nothing to you it's the truth it's just paper that's not scripture i'm not saying smoke i don't smoke i'm just trying to show you like it is not what you're thinking after all there's no high higher than the most high no this one is a decision repent repent that's a good comeback but it's joking though let's stay focused it's good times are you getting what i'm saying are you capturing what i'm saying so now everyone that is preaching with props you see all those things are good if you produce power if you don't produce power stop you're just appealing to somebody's mind not appealing to their inner man that is why a lot of the preachings today a lot of the preachings today have nothing to do with manifesting the power of god the deliverance power of god the healing power of god the transforming power of god it is more centered on canality do you know why people get depressed your life is in the flesh do you know why people get anxiety your life is in the flesh do you know why people are killing themselves their life is in their flesh [Music] thinking if i kill myself then i end it but not knowing it's the beginning of another life in a worse place i'm just trying to help you guys religion is not even man-made religion is of the devil religion is not even man-made he's of the devil that's why the bible calls us the people of god technically christianity is not a religion it's not just a way of life it is life wow life itself so if it is always about how you see her cool backgrounds i love that we have that in our church our church is very modern you know very modern with all that stuff but i'll tell you this that power is real amen if people don't travel to come to your man of god to receive prayer to get healed what are we doing jesus said go into all the world heal the sick deliver people do this but ninjas are not doing anything you can only you can cherry pick how many people are doing it yeah other men of god are just businessmen other men of god are career men of god this is what i do for work it's true if a member leaves goes to another church that pastor becomes an enemy because that's how they make their money it's not that there's not at all lord if they have gone there and they're going to mature and serve you better father i bless them let them be taken where i could not take them you won't be that dubia [Music] you you you stole my member didn't don't people become christian so that they can go out you took my member so you own people so did they give their life to jesus or to you you stop my member are they the members of god's body or your member so some people just want chairs that are filled not changed people they want crowds to look like a huge but we don't want that if there's no manifestation of the supernatural god is not there listen to me children of god the most offensive thing you can ever do to elohim shaddai jehovah jaire jehovah shalom is to deny his power is to reject him that's true see christianity is not based on recitations like other religions or they have to recite some mantra whatever it is all in within because your spirit is joined with god right now if if we never have another bible in the world christianity will still be strong to be honest with you i'm going to make a wild statement the bible has become the limitation of christians [Music] has become the limitation yet it is the foundation foundation but it has become the limitation it has become the limitation so now i appeal to you don't have a form of godliness can you uh go to um i forget it's also i believe in timothy uh before not wrong um giving it to seducing spirits first timothy in chapter 4 yes is the bible encyclopedia god yeah listen to this first timothy four from verse one now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith what is departing from the faith listen giving heed to seducing spirits how do we know that you've given it to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils doctrines of devils when the doctrines of devils have entered the church you have denied god you have left the faith the first manifestation is wrong doctrine keep going listen to this verse 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron having their conscious seared with the heart and read that again having what their conscience before that speaking lies and hypocrisy what is speaking alive and what is a lie so if you don't know something are you saying a lie are you speaking a lie it's not a lie because you don't know so somebody who knows that christianity is about the power of god but you preach against the power of god you know jesus can heal but you have never pushed yourself as the man of god of the church to begin to believe god for healing for your people then you are preaching a form of godliness yes so in essence you can actually cause yourself to have a reprobate mind easily [Music] easily easily it's actually not difficult at all it's quite simple actually you see where you see miracles it is not always a guarantee god is there but where there are no miracles it is a guarantee definitely god is not there did you hear what i said where you see miracles it's not always a guarantee that it is god but where there are no miracles at all be sure god is not there be sure mark chapter 16 verse 17 march mark 16 17. listen to this and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out of devils so if a believer doesn't cast out devils your believing should be questioned if you cannot pray for people if you are not pursuing the extraordinary the supernatural power of god your believing must be questioned jesus are never sent anybody without power for we wrestle not against what flesh and blood but your pastor is just teaching you about her huh you know huh we we failed to believe in the way jesus is the way but what is that was the power for him to make a way where there is no way i need power that power is what will make highways where there are mountains you will level it out i just believe god god with runs and everything you know i believe him today where's the power the bible literally says this paul said go find the mid scripture well the worst level is religion religion is the biggest enslavement first corinthians chapter three okay and it reads i fed you with milk and not with me forget it so you were not able to bear it neither yet now are ye able one more time read that again first corinthians chapter three verse two are you using uh your bible app yeah okay we read the niv for them so that it's easier okay uh i gave you milk not solid food for you were not yet ready for it indeed you're still not ready read the next verse verse three you are still worldly for since there is jealousy and quarreling among you are you not worldly listen to what paul is saying if your life is in the you know when your pastor is only teaching milk milk your preaching also will be physical that is why when we do things like prophetic school we are teaching you to go beyond that when i did heal the conference it's beyond that miracle service it's not we're going to pray for miracles you will see miracles for yourself prophetic service have you ever seen anyone that is prophesying day in and day out like that it's too much even if you're caught off guard okay somebody wrote something here uh people in africa have left their churches to go to churches that heal people but the majority of these churches are false churches prophet love how do we know which church is a true church it's very simple let me give you a simple way to know a church is true that's a good question i like that question but let us begin by why people are going to the wrong church can you find that you know what verse i want if it were possible they're very alive [Music] find this for me listen to this if you've ever gone to the wrong church this is the reason some people are about to hate me don't hate me you're helping matthew 24. uh said lauda matthew 24 24 and it reads for there shall arise false christ and false prophets do you know what is a false christ and what is a false prophet when people read false christ they don't understand what a false christ is the word christ means anointed there will be false people claiming to be anointed [Music] and then there will be false prophets what is the difference between a false prophet and a fake prophet what is the difference between a false prophet and a fake prophet a false prophet is a prophet that is teaching false teaching wrong doctrine is a false prophet but nevertheless he's a prophet a fake prophet is somebody pretending to be a prophet and he's not that is why god still called the prophets of below what prophets keep going listen to this and they shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible what is the key word keep going so if you have ever been deceived you have not entered the dimension of an elect because the elect cannot be deceived big time so if you ever went to a fake church somebody lied to you or you watch the fake broadcast and whether it's your fault not this you have to understand what they elect me what me means to be elect we are not only called many of the people are still in the realm of being called i have received jesus still looking for him 1965 there's guilt i received jesus but they have not graduated to be the extension of god himself to people that's what an elect is so you are deceived because you are still cold you are not even chosen but even the chosen can be deceived hello if it were possible so the problem is your christian work is weak that's why you're being deceived so it's not so much about knowing what is affect church it's about your measure of god in you should discern who is fake not how you feel not what you think because your spirit the spirit of god must bear witness with what your spirit so if somebody is taking you the wrong direction it is because your spirit has issues get it together for sure for shelf a shell so it's not so much oh that is affection no you are the one with fake because deep college underworld [Music] so if you are attracting okay an example is this if you are in a relationship you keep attracting the wrong man or you keep attracting the wrong women it is your fault no i'm serious yes i've seen people they've been with somebody who beat them up the next quality of person they go in smacks them again they get another guy this one is not smacking them this one is doing wwe slamming them some of them haven't ended but it's not the people they are choosing a certain quality anyone who speaks wrong about their ex is speaking wrong about themselves because that's who you are when you are with them [Music] [Laughter] some people don't like me right now i'm just keeping you 100. i'm just trying oh that man was such a bad man why did you choose them that woman was why did you choose them but i love them and i love them but god said don't divorce ah so you know you are on the titanic you know it is sinking but you want to be the the the guys the last musician they will play until they die yet both are leaving [Music] no i'm just now i'm just being honest i'm just saying the truth just to stay yeah oh god said but you can't they will change god is telling you say you can't change anyone you can't he was in the world but i just felt like jesus is calling wait for jesus to call him then come i'm just i'm just uncle friend i'm just being honest people just want stress it's true are you getting what i'm saying somebody said missionary dating it's like you're bringing people to bring them to salvation hey the internet is undefeated jesus hey what is churches that do sozos is like it's like a spiritual virtual almost i think to like cleanse you from all trauma so counseling i heard the term can you google that because me i don't know what that is hey what are these techniques i don't know i don't know what sources is i can't comment on what i don't know you know me i'm not one of those people that that will speak of what i don't know it says assozo it's defined as a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the father son and holy spirit okay i mean if it's if it's biblical i don't see anything wrong with it but it's guys the word is the medicine luke chapter 4 it says it like this the spirit of the lord is upon me and he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to bind those who are broken-hearted and to preach deliverance to the captives healing comes from hearing the word of god it's really that simple be in a place where there is sound doctrine naturally you get healed some of these divisions of ministries we are just creating for the sake of it if it works it works if it's directed by the holy spirit good but we know how this thing works the word of god delivers you counseling you talk to somebody who is a holy ghost field person they can navigate you that's normal but some things are just also i'm sorry can i make a statement can i make this uncle fred will relate you will relate auntie benny will relate uh i don't know if you you might relate but you came here too too early uncle you could relate i feel like some of you could relate i'm sorry i gotta say this this generation is too sensitive hypersensitive god i'm just you listen to too much [Music] jesus no i'm being honest what hey i've never seen this in my life i'm just like i wish people would be just taken to when we were growing up you'll be celebrating too much that's why we have people who are voting foolishness because they don't know what life is [Music] you want empathy not action me don't feel sorry for me give me do things [Music] you know hey jesus anyhow where are we move life into the spirit stop being canon that's where all our problems are really is we don't know any better and because we don't know that it has put us in positions whereby we are struggling with things that should never be struggles or difficulties if you listen to me clearly an elect you cannot be deceived try to deceive me i will see you 10 miles away sometimes i just look at people and i'm just like uh somebody's wrong here reyna listen i like drake but dang i'm telling you we grew up with hardcore people even the music was just tough everything was just odd you know but also there was some sensitive nice stuff but it's just like man i remember i saw a meme one time i don't know where i saw this he was like man i just listened to drake and i want to make up with my girlfriend and we didn't even break up it's a different time [Music] but listen to me children of god listen to me listen to me by by the grace of god everything begins with you just the same way they say the mom don't read the moment by bible they've changed the the some wording in the beginning was the word what was with god it says in the beginning was the one you are downloaded with the wrong things um what was i saying again everything begins with you an example that people i see through the eyes of my gift it is my nature how sound is their scriptural doctrine and now when i mean how sound i'm not talking about just them reading from the bible but what they say is it man's opinion or is it god's opinion number three the presence of god the presence of god the presence of god the difference with my prophetic ministry with some other prophets is i refuse to just work with the gift i work with the presence there is a presence when i'm speaking that you upgrade your spiritual life consistently well i love you all and god bless you and i will see you another time shalom
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 6,408
Rating: 4.9741936 out of 5
Keywords: church, Jesus Christ, Love, Inspiration, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Deliverance, Demonic, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham
Id: qa30FFdOG38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 10sec (6070 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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