THE HEAVENLY DWELLING OF A VISIONER | by Prophet Lovy and Prophete Joel

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praise the lord praise the lord this was amazing and this is surely amazing what the lord has done today and i am not alone today you know yeah i've been doing this live stream by myself here in the u.s but today god has brought a covenant brother [Laughter] the only one prophet lovey yes so judge i want to say to you that today god is going to do amazing things in our midst amen i bless god for this connectivity that the lord has brought us together and here and lay god has done so much and god is seen doing so much in his life he has taken me into different places and he has shown me many many things here what god has been doing through him and i've seen quite a lot and you know that i take time to examinate and i've seen this man has grace in his life and and i believe that you will be impacted with the same grace you'll be impacted with the same grace and by this connectivity that god has brought us together you know where there are two prophets just know that your case is very urgent and therefore heaven is going to intervene over every things that you shall place it before the presence of the almighty god amen he is loaded as you can see he's loaded he's loaded he's loaded i say prophet today is your day the lord said to me of the one ministering and we are here to receive the word of god and the ministration of the spirit and then oh and then let me pass the one to him and then i'll get back to you again prophet you're welcome thank you prophet i'm humbled i am excited for first of all our divine meeting the way god joined us sure and um there is something that i'm always excited about god is that two are always better than one right as far as god is concerned true and uh when god puts people together especially men who carry the voice of god it means that it is a change of season that follows a reward you see moses was enough to bring them out of egypt joshua was there to finalize the journey wow so when god has sent two powerful prophets at the same time it means it is even better than moses and joshua wow because joshua had to continue what moses started but here two men are finishing what god gave you to do at the same time so i'm very excited because it's going to be too much praise god you see elisha was powerful but imagine if elisha and elijah function at the same time it would be too much so i want people to be really prepared because i truly believe that this is a divine time and uh you know there's something prophetic about the hour we are also working now yeah because this hour is so prophetic that it's even connected to what we're going to speak about today you know everyone else most of the people that are watching it is in the day very right but we're in the nightwing that in itself is prophetic wow hallelujah so i am excited prophet i will let you continue and then after that we'll we'll carry on church we really wanted to see the congregation but obviously we are working on it so we see the congregation yes i just want to give the man of god the time to minister the word of god and then obviously we are going to swim into some time of the prophetic yeah that's obviously it cannot miss this is a stamp into his life [Laughter] and it cannot miss and i know there will be miracle and there will be healing and i know there is a there is much expectations in the atmosphere i can sense in the church right now you know last sunday the lord visited us really gloriously and i know today that surely as he said this double anointing coming together amen there is no way that devil can stay in that situation the fire of the holy ghost is going to consume that works of the enemy i'm hungry i don't have a holy hunger amen i really have a holy anger against any situation that is present and god hand is coming up on your life it's coming up on your life it's coming up on your life spirit of the living god we say thank you amen we bless your holy name and we give you praise for this sunday service father we know that there is no distance in your presence we know it and we know it for sure there is no distance you are the god that you do the amazing things in our life and you changes the situation for good father we pray that any expectations that are in the hearts of your children it shall be met powerfully in this service in the name of the lord jesus we demand grace we demand wisdom and we demand the power of the spirit of god to take charge that every listener they shall come out with something glorious coming from you anoint your servant and anoint us oh god yes for the work that you have done for us and you are for us today in jesus precious mightiness so shall it be amen amen it is to you prophet amen so uh this this is going to be exciting yeah and uh i i i i am ready for what god is going to do yeah i think that it's about to be a very special time in the presence of god and i want people to understand that things that you experience in life they're a result of something going wrong in the spirit whoever can control the realm of the spirit can control the physical world wow whoever has no grip on the spiritual realm has zero control zero control of the natural realm but where did this begin and how does it happen this is where i want to help people now this is where i want to help people now and i want people to understand that i want you to be prepared spiritually you know prophet you you've um we've known each other for some time now yes and uh you know by the spirit that there's nothing i love more than speaking about spiritual truth yeah you see it is different when somebody is just speaking and there is a difference when you are speaking from experience what i'm going to show you and what we're going to speak about will be by experience it will not be something that we heard but it will be by experience by the spirit of god i want us to go to genesis chapter one hallelujah genesis chapter one and i'm so excited i feel like i'm in nairobi is it i feel like i'm in nairobi right now hallelujah [Music] let us go to genesis chapter one and we're going to read verse 26 genesis chapter 1 and we're going to read verse 26 amen i just want all those people who are in the room in nairobi please wave your hands in the prophet's church please wave your hands let me let me feel by the spirit that you are there just wave your hands i know we have a little delay but i want to make sure yeah that people can connect and can hear me hallelujah there we go hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah praise god hallelujah now watch this genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 listen to what it says oh you want to read my sons read read on uh amen genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness stop right there god said let us make man in our image and after our likeness so the image of god and the likeness of god are two things wow i want somebody to understand that the image of god and the likeness of god are two different things the image is the appearance of god the appearance of god or the reflection of god when we speak about the glory of god what we are saying is the reflection of god when isaiah was caught up to heaven he saw angels worshiping god and the angel said something interesting they said holy holy god almighty the earth is filled with your glory not heaven wow i want somebody to hear this wow they said holy holy holy god almighty the earth the earth is filled with your glory so the glory of god is not in heaven it's in it's in the earth because the reflection of god is only with mankind it's not with angelic beings i feel like i'm talking to myself amen somebody shout i am the glory of god on this earth i am the glory of god on this earth i am the glory of god that is why the bible says jesus is the fullness of god in bodily form so jesus is the fullness why is he the fullness it means that he's not the only one if i say my glass is empty it means or half empty it means there is one that is full wow because it's a comp it's comparing i cannot say i am hungry unless there's somebody that is not hungry if i say i am late it means there is somebody that is early so when the bible is saying jesus is the fullness the term itself implies there are other people that are not full wow there are some that are empty there are some people that are completely empty there are some people that are quarters some people are half yeah and then there are some people who are full so you find that the bible is saying that jesus jesus is the firstborn and whoever believes in him in john chapter 1 it says god gave them the power to become so jesus already became wow something that every man is supposed to be so the image let us make man in our image god is saying let him have the the appearance that when man sees man he has seen god so god looks like you god looks like me god looks like those who are watching god looks asian he looks japanese he looks chinese because we are all a reflection of him in fact when i was caught up to heaven prophet the reason why angels cry holy holy holy it's not because now the seraphims scripturally the bible says that they have eyes all over their body true but in reality their eyes are not the way we think that their eyeballs all over the boards it's not like that it means that they have the ability to perceive god with every part of their being just like when me and you prophesy we can prophesy just simply by impressions wow we can prophesy by seeing visions or hearing a voice so that the seraphims have their ability to perceive god with every part of their being because if they have eyes all over their body why are they covering their eyes two they cover their face too they cover their the two they used to fly to they cover their feet but if they cannot if they can see with everything what is the point of covering their face i wish somebody could understand praise so the seraphims are crying they are saying holy holy holy god almighty the earth is filled with your glory isaiah began to cry he said lord is me i am a man of unclean lips and i dwell among people of unclean lips he did not say woe is me i am a sinner he condemned this tongue because he realized that everything he knew about the glory of god was wrong wow come on i'm here i i wish somebody could hear me i wish nairobi was excited i wish people online were excited to hear this you see revelation elevates you to a place where you can encounter god and meet something i want us to go to first corinthians chapter two i want you to read verse six first corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 how be it yes speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor the princes of this world that come to not you see the problem is you have listened to the princes of this world too much but what god is trying to communicate is not of this world wow so if you are used to things that are of this world it will be very difficult for you to digest what i'm about to tell you come on keep reading look at read this listen to this from verse 7 but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery who is the mystery he's talking about jesus keep reading now watch this even the hidden wisdom now there is revealed wisdom and there is hidden wisdom keep reading which god ordained before the world unto our glory did you hear that there is wisdom that god hid and he ordained it for us and to our glory so when you say all glory belongs to god what you are saying you are not giving let me explain this this is very interesting when i say glory belongs to god i am saying i belong to god praise god somebody didn't catch what i said where is god when god performs something in your life and you say glory to god what you're saying is me who god used i belong to him you are not giving him credit for that thing because god cannot be glorified without a man wow i wish somebody could catch this hallelujah so every time you shout glory to god you are claiming this vessel belongs to god amen it is a reflection of god praise god i wish somebody will say praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus glory now catch this go back to genesis chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 22. so remember the image is the glory of god reflection i keep reading and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness after our likeness what is likeness likeness is mannerism [Music] so it is not just enough for you to look like god it is not just enough for you to be empowered like god you need to behave like him praise god amen be like wow the sons and daughters of prophet joe unless they talk like you unless they pray like you unless they believe like you they're not your children my son myself my daughters those who say prophet elias is my father unless you pray like me unless you behave like me you're not really part of me i wish somebody could hear me wow unless you have or have access to what i have you're not really mine say that again unless you have what i have you unless you have access to what i have you're not really mine you see the prodigal son was a faithful son but he did not belong to the father why didn't he not be why did he not belong to his father you know i i'm going to make a controversial statement i wish people would understand me and be okay with what i'm going to say it will be a little controversial you can be faithful to god and not have anything [Music] did you hear that can you say love again glory to god prophet i think they need to see us both can you put me in the prophet together for a second you can be faithful to god and not have anything i i'm sorry i know christians don't like to hear this i think you have to explain deeper i'm going to go to your river faithfulness is connected to a cause [Music] god did not call you to be all right an example is prophet you give me a job okay but in that job i have no stake in it meaning that i have no benefit in it i will not be faithful to you if somebody offers me a better job because the point of serving is not only so that you can serve but there is a security comes from whom you are serving it's coming so many people serve god but they don't know why they are serving god there is an offer that god gives to those who serve him the prodigal son was faithful to his father but he did not know the cows the house the cars everything belonged to him he was serving himself wow glory to god that's good if god is your father you're not serving your father you're serving your own interest the bible says it like this the bible says it like this prophet the bible says it like this are they not all ministering spirits talking about angels sent to minister to those who will inherit salvation now it is very strange to say you will inherit salvation it's not saying you will receive it but you will inherit it if i say you will inherit my car if you i say you will inherit my house i'm saying that actually that house is yours you are we you are free to do with it the way you want so when you come to god god doesn't just give you eternal life eternal life becomes your inheritance meaning you can give that life to anybody you choose wow i wish somebody could catch what i'm trying to say that's powerful i wish somebody could catch what i'm trying to say now now watch this watch this carefully watch this closely and carefully the best way you can the prodigal son went to his father he said father how can you make a big party for this one that actually was never faithful he never served you genuinely he actually left you and went and spent what you gave him but this is what the brother did not know the prodigal son the reason why the father never fought him when he said give me what is mine the father was happy to give him what he was asking for because the father knew extensively that the son was going to mess it up but the father was okay with giving him those things because he knew that my son now knows that these things belong to him my older son doesn't know that these things are his but my younger son who is not okay at least he knows these things belong to him and because he will spend it he will not to come back to know that where that came from there was more so what he asked for was not even the whole thing it was according to what he could imagine the reason why the world can succeed and a christian would fail is because of one thing a person in the world knows they deserve a good life wow so god is okay giving them a good life but a christian believes unless i fast and pray i can't have a good life they believe they have to work okay i feel you are fast slow this is this is good i'm trying prophet i hope i hope people can understand me wow amen that's powerful working with god is about knowing if he is your father prophet you have a beautiful wife thank you you have beautiful children thank you sir does your child pray for food or do they demand it the never they just demand if they're hungry they'll say i'm hungry they just ask they they not even they don't even have to be polite they will say my mom hungry and it thinks it's applied then they have not you have no choice but to cover it the children of israel they're in the wilderness where there is no shop there is no supermarket there is no grocery there is nothing like that they tell moses we want bread where is bread going to come from we are in the wilderness there is no bakery there is no flour or flour depending on where you are no one can make chapati no one can bake bread they're saying tell god we want bread not we are praying for bread we beg for they said we want bread god said moses tell them every morning i will deliver bread why didn't god say they did not ask nicely it is their right to have bread you need to understand it is your right to be blessed it is not a request ah i wish somebody could shout fire fire it is a big difference amen the prodigal son understood when he was away when the money finished he sat down he said you know what even my father's servants live better than this yeah let me go and just be like one of the servants my life will be actually better [Music] but when he was coming his father was always waiting for him the father was not waiting for the faithful one he was waiting for the one who messed up why was his father waiting for the one that failed why was the father waiting for the one that had a difficult life because whoever is forgiven much loves more and because he loves more he is on the path of exploring more of god i'm here to tell somebody that is watching just because you have lost money just because you have suffered just because you have seen difficult times just because you have faced death now you are a candidate by the spirit of god to know god and to receive the greatest portion i wish somebody will shout fire [Music] listen to me and listen to me to the best of your ability knowing what is yours is the key prayer is not you know we we confuse something about prayer [Music] and uh i want people to understand this prophet and me and you have been talking about this the whole time we've been together sure you see prayer is based on knowledge prayer is not about requesting prayer is about knowledge prayer is simply a way to communicate you see in old english in old english if i wanted water from you prophet i will say i pray thee please give me water that simply means that i am if it is possible or is it okay for you to give me water so language evolved prayer simply means conversation sure so you cannot have a conversation with god unless you know what god can give you so many of you pray you cannot have a conversation with god unless you know what he can give you what he can give you that's a powerful statement let me add a little bit very powerful prophet if it is okay listen to what jesus said he said when you pray believe and you have it he did not say when you pray after you pray believe it then you have it you pray because you know you have it you don't pray in order to have it amen amen i will say that one more time amen you pray because you have it you don't pray because after you say amen you have it [Music] [Laughter] i'm trying my best to calm myself down come on fly now watch watch this keep reading genesis let's go back to our message we are still in the same place if you're being blessed wherever you are just if you're online let me see some fire if you are if you are watching live wave your hand wave your hand and just say we understand prophet we understand prophet we are here praise allah wave your hand wave your hand elohim you are worthy praise the lord elohim your word is the lord amen elohim your word thank you jesus thank you jesus keep reading son amen genesis 1 26 yes and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the flesh the fish of the sea oh no no no start again and god said let us make men in our image and after our likeness unless you have the likeness of god you can never have dominion [Music] you don't have dominion because you prayed yes oh because you have an image no because no no no no you need the likeness an example is this people who are god-getters do you mean likeness do you mean ability of god ability of god 100 behave like god to behave like god that's what likeness is behaving like god an example is this people who are go-getters people who have the personality to go and get things or they are they are motivated people usually they get results because they embody what it takes to get what they want [Music] so somebody who does not have the likeness of god can never do mean you have dominion wow let me give you an example the bible says jesus cast out demons with a stand voice what does it mean when jesus cast out devils he cast our devils like africans come out in the name of jesus jesus never cast out demons like this devil your time is done please leave yes that is not the likeness of god wow if you are declaring something and inside of you you have like i hope it works yes or maybe it will work maybe it may go through yeah it means that you have no likeness of god because when god says something he expects it to be like that double-minded person never think that you receive anything from god so when you're speaking something you have to know that it's settled amen wow wow church are you hearing that amen as we are going to declare today you've got to believe that we are receiving this 100 100 before we keep reading go to genesis chapter 1 read verse 3. genesis chapter 1 verse 3 and god said let there be light now if you read this in hebrew let there be is a wrong translation because let there be is giving light an option [Music] if i say let there be it's let there it means that the thing that you are asking has the option to refuse in hebrew it actually says and god said light be not let there be light be and the bible says and light was remember this because we'll come back to this okay we'll come back here go back to genesis 1 26 let them have dominion uh-huh let them have dominion over the fish of the sea uh-huh and over the fowl of the air okay and over the cattle and over all the earth stop right there there is something interesting here that people need to understand you cannot have dominion over place unless you control the inhabitants of that place god did not say let adam have dominion over the sea because the sea is a place where it is inhabited he said let him have dominion over the fish of the sea if you control the fish you control the sea come on if you control the sea without controlling the fish the fish can disobey you [Music] come on papa you cannot receive your breakthrough if you don't control the devil [Music] i feel like let me let me stop i feel like i should stop i wish somebody could hear me [Music] praise the lord i wish somebody could hear me if you don't control the inhabitants you can't control the dominion you cannot have dominion yeah or the domain you cannot control a domain yeah because a domain is inhabited yeah the reason why the government does not control the land it controls the people the rules are to govern people not the land god never gave commandments to the earth he gave commandments to man he hallelujah let me explain it i don't know if this revelation are hitting properly the hearing of people in the heart i hope i'm not going too quickly come on this is so powerful i hope somebody understands god he gave them unto men yes that's powerful now why did why did god give dominion to adam because god wanted adam to control everything by god to control adam so god everything that god created he created it for adam but adam he created for himself so in order for god to control the earth he needs to control man does that mean for god to control your family you need to control you first 100 because the earth belongs to you god gave it to man so unless god can control man he cannot control the earth is somebody understanding that the devil cannot just rule in the world he needs to have a man that he can control in order for him to control the earth if you don't control the beings that are in a domain you cannot control that area so god gives man three jurisdictions the water and everything that lives in there the air and the land over everything that creeps what does it mean to creep everything that sneaks on the earth and even the cattle and everything else so there are three places that a man controls are three places that i'm child of god must have dominion why did god do it so daniel fasted for 21 days for no reason personally prophet it is good when people talk about the daniel fast but i tell you the daniel fast was an accident it was a mistake tell them africa literally about fasting i've been on this but people are not listening and fighting this listen to me the daniel fast was a mistake let me tell you why it was a mistake in fact there is no such thing as daniel fast when we say daniel first what we are saying is what daniel did that's the thing but you have to understand that what daniel did was a mistake let me tell you why it was a mistake the bible says this when angel gabriel was sent to gabriel to to daniel the angel of the lord said this he said daniel most esteemed servant of the most high god yes sir from the day you set your mind concerning these things god already answered but daniel did not have control of the air wait wait a minute i don't know if people are listening the way i'm listening meaning that daniel fasted for 21 days because he did not know about genesis chapter 1 verse 26 [Music] if daniel understood the spiritual atmosphere of the heavens he would have never fasted 21 days you see the goal of fasting is this man of god the goal of fasting is not how many days the goal of fasting is to get what you want from god jesus did not voluntarily fast 40 days you don't achieve something by fasting 40 days you don't achieve something by fasting seven days you achieve what you want then you stop fasting so when i fast to an example is uh when i have my time to fast is because i'm going to seek something spiritually an intimacy with god even if i say this is the period that i'm going to try and go and get what i want from god if i go in there and the first day god answers me i get out i won't do all those things what for the point was to get an answer from god moses did not fast okay i'm gonna fast for 40 days it just happened that what he was being given by god took 40 days he did not receive it on the 40th day that's powerful what's happening the congressman is fired some of you some of you first of you and and also remember first thing has to do with assignment 40 days is not for everyone 21 days is not for everybody my god first thing is based on assignment god can tell you come and be with me for some time true you go there maybe you go there you it ends up being eight eighty days it is not because i wanted 80 days it's what god is giving me is taking 80 days you don't achieve some people have died because of fasting and you get to the gate of heaven they're asking you why are you here so early i'm telling you why did you come here so early what for and we have such a lot of people like that in africa too much fasting is not bad it is good but the reality is this daniel fasted his 21-day fasting was a mistake because the answer came the first day he prayed his lack of spiritual understanding in this area and sharpness and sharpness is what caused him he did not know now notice this let me show you a small ignorance of our father daniel because daniel is one of our patriarchs there was a demon that was controlling babylon the prince of the power of the air he was controlling the atmosphere called babylon but because daniel was being blessed by god in in babylon he never thought of the spirit that controls babylon he was faithfully serving but he did not know that there was a spirit that was holding them let me show you an example let's go to exodus let's go to the book of exodus i'll prove my point right now let's go to the book of exodus let me let me show you this is going to shock you hallelujah this is this is going to be too much exercise chapter i believe it's going to be in chapter three but let me see and see it hallelujah can you find this because you find this uh thank you lord jesus now this is this is interesting i want people to read it so that they can understand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus this just dropped in my spirit i want to da la bakata thank you jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus you know i believe it's can you find it son for me when god is saying i will judge the gods of egypt can you go there quickly it's in exodus i want to show some people something here that is very powerful uh exodus 12 verse 12. exodus 12 can you read it my son for i will pass through the land of egypt this night and will smite the firstborn in the land of egypt both man and beast and against all the gods of egypt will i execute judgment not i am the lord god went you see all the miracles that moses performed in egypt was to pull down spirits that the egyptians were serving that controlled the children of israel in egypt when moses blotted out the sun for three days you have to remember the supreme god of the egyptian was ra ra is the sun god so god had to prove them that the power of your god that comes from the sun i can shut him down for three days and he will not give you any light because i am god so god executed judgment against their main god then another thing that god did was god changed the water of the nile into blood why did the water turn into blood you have to remember one of their gods is a sea spirit so god killed that spirit the blood that people were seeing was a result of a demon was killed so the spirit they were serving from the water was dismantled then god did something else also whoa god did something else also god caused every first of born of egypt to die one of the gods of egypt that was very powerful is called anubis anubis is the god of the underworld the pharaohs believe that this spirit had the power to bring anybody back to life or take somebody's life so god had to kill their people to show them that your god have already judged him he cannot do anything about this if god did not execute judgment against the spirits that were arresting the children of israel in egypt pharaoh would have the power to recapture them and bring them back to egypt somebody didn't hear what i'm saying so now when daniel is praying and fasting daniel's prayer was lord we know our fathers told us that we'll be here only for this amount of years but you see in egypt the children of israel are supposed to be there for 400 years was it 400 but they left after 420 something years meaning there was a delay so daniel did not want a delay to be with them so he prayed and sought god and the children of israel in babylon left right before the time that god prophesied that they will leave but in order for them to come out of babylon the prince of the power of the air of babylon are to be dealt with if that spirit is not dealt with they will never leave wow babylon i'm here to speak to somebody whoever is watching right now amen today we will deal with the spirit in the air we will deal with the spirit in the water we will deal with the spirit in the land whatever altar that is raised that is raised against you that is raised against your families today is the day that god will pass judgment somebody shot fire fire in the name of jesus oh lord kardosh i am feeling it prophet wow i am feeling it so whoever does not control the spiritual has no control of the physical mind [Music] is really that simple in order you see jesus dies on the cross look at this interesting thing uh my prophet jesus dies on the cross the victory the complete work of the cross was not jesus dying it was not just enough for jesus to die and resurrect it meant as long as the devil still had the keys to hell and death christians will still be prone to go to hell so the death of jesus had to before he resurrected in the realm of the spirit he had to go and deal with the spirit that was controlling all mankind he had to take the keys from the devil he had to execute judgment against the devil then resurrect and give man salvation because if he did not deal with the devil and remove his hold on mankind it did not matter if he died on the cross man will still be prone to go to hell wow i feel like i'm talking to myself prophet that that deserver repeats there hallelujah hallelujah you see somebody is commenting on youtube on facebook after you prayed for my sister she got her job back three days later hallelujah she was very good paying job this and and this is somebody that we dealt with that spirit in their family she got delivered and when she got delivered i said now it will begin with you and everybody else and that's it their family is not even christian but they are going to get saved because of what is happening they are muslim they are muslim this is what the world deserves to say the power of god in manifest the likeness of god if it is not there listen to me children of god what is holding your money is not your boss who is not giving you promotion what is holding your family is not your auntie that hates you there is a spirit that is controlling the area that you are supposed to be in this is why the bible says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous yeah the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous meaning somebody is just keeping your money you don't have money not because you don't have money somebody is keeping it the day you deal with that spirit that money will come to you because it is yours somebody is just sitting on it any legal person with your money be arrested in the mighty name hallelujah [Music] so god now is telling adam this is what you must do in the realm of the spirit before adam is even created god is already releasing a prophetic word that is in the atmosphere that has to go into adam read verse 27 look at this genesis 1 verse 27 verse 27 uh so god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created he them keep going and god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful stop right there you cannot be fruitful and multiply before you are blessed the blessing is the producer of fruitfulness wow come on but how can you multiply if you don't control where you are so the blessing is supposed to give you revelation of knowing that you have the ability to multiply but unless you control the environment you're in spiritually physically you will not do anything even though you are loaded with the blessing even though you are loaded with the ability to be fruitful unless you know these truths i am telling you before god i don't care how much you fast you're not going anywhere i don't care if they baptize you in a pool of anointing oil they drown you nothing is going to change even if an angel came from heaven to visit you nothing is changing because you don't know you see the bible says my people perish because of lack of knowledge not because they don't pray not because they don't fast not because they don't give not because they don't do any of these things they do them but they don't know somebody say lord give me the spirit of revelation oh give me the spirit somebody said lord give me the spirit of revelation lord give me the spirit somebody said lord give me the spirit of revelation i want you to pray for 10 seconds in tongues just pleading to god for revelation remember in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you holy ghost so you have to understand that the devil is a stranger in your house hallelujah as long as the devil is in the world he's a stranger in your house their earth was given to man meaning this is my property this is your property the reason why you can cast out what does it mean to cast out to cast out is to kick somebody out to evacuate somebody to push somebody out of a place you cast a demon out because it's in the wrong house it's an eviction tell the aaa you are in the wrong place but why do they obey you they don't obey you because of the name of jesus that is why somebody can say in the name of jesus and a demon will not leave the sons of skiva were trying to cast out a devil in the name of jesus but the devil beat them almost killing them yes let me explain something let me explain something the word in the name of jesus in greek it's the word anoma and norma does not mean in the name anoma means in the likeness and the character of jesus i tell you to come out come on so you are invoking the personality of jesus this is why this is why prophet a lot of people don't understand that you can tell somebody i bless you and they will say never said in the name of jesus is not a christian but they don't understand that the word a norma in the name of jesus simply means in the character and the manner jesus would do it that time that is why when the sons of skiva said in the name of jesus whom paul preaches come out the demon says jesus we know paul we know but who are you they did not recognize the mannerism and the character not that they didn't know them they were a stranger but you have to remember skiva was a hype was a priest yeah the sons of skivas who are true they are children of a man of god true they were raised in the house of a man of god but they did not have the character of jesus yes this is why god says something very interesting he says believe god you will be established believe his prophets you prosper meaning god will never make you prosper unless you have a prophet hey i'm sorry can i say something there please go deeper i'm sorry this will sound mean but it's not me let me be honest with you an evangelist can prosper an evangelist will give you salvation a pastor will shepherd you very well and you will do a great job at it an apostle will establish you and you will do a good job at it a teacher will educate you on the doctrine of the word of god and he will do a good thing but if you want to prosper if you don't have a prophet you're not prospering if you don't have a prophet you will never be preserved let me tell you why the power of preservation glory to god if you know our prophet you will never be prisoner so even in this season you can't why do you have okay what does it mean to preserve to preserve means i have the ability to know what is coming to keep you away from what is coming so somebody who cannot see how will they preserve you come on in our church prophet i prophesied all these events that have happened this year in the beginning of the year before anybody knew what was happening i told them when the lockdowns will happen when the next lockdown the next wave will come when it will come how it will come trump getting sick i told them why we need to pray for him i told them events that were happening even small things like kanye west running for president i told them before it happened all these things are on video that is preservation because i am telling you where to position yourself preservation is not just simply prayer jesus's life was preserved can i say something that can i can i come on people don't understand that joseph was a very dangerous spiritual man amen god did not choose mary because of mary mary received favor from the lord because joseph chose her the one who was special was not mary it was joseph because joseph was actually a prophet people don't know that he was a descendant of david he was the one who was going to raise jesus in the way of god wow so when it says and mary found favor in the sight of the lord it was because joseph chose him not because mary was independent of joseph no hey hallelujah so that joseph who chose her was the same joseph that god spoke to to preserve the life of jesus not mary murray was given the message that she was going to deliver a child that that child would be the son of god but joseph receives a dream and he knows that it's god speaking to him you you have dreamt how many times you didn't know that god was speaking to you he's sleeping god tells him they're looking to kill this boy take him to egypt to preserve his life preservation is in the knowledge of what is to come it's not in pleading the blood come on i'm sorry people would not like me but i have to tell you the truth the bible says by a prophet was israel delivered and by a prophet was it preserved moses could see what was coming somebody shout i thank god for my prophet i thank god for my prophecy thank you jesus this is why the devil doesn't want you to have prophets and this is why the devil also has risen many false ones man of god during this pandemic sons and daughters are buying houses in this church wow a few of them are closing houses now praise god so many of them are buying houses when everybody is panicking where's monica they're buying houses praise god praise god you saw it for yourself people you not expect giving crazy amounts for seeds crazy amounts why they understand they know let me let me bring it close because our time is not good we have already gone over now let me let me bring it to our close let me bring it to our close now when now you understand that god has given you power over the heavens this is why the bible says whatsoever you will bind on earth will be bound in heaven meaning before any effect happens on earth must take place in the spirit first co-word whoever says i bind you satan but has no power to do it spiritually will never change your situation physically many of you have lost hope because of this genesis chapter 1 verse 3 this is what i'm going to finish with and then we'll give you back the ball prophet genesis chapter 1 verse 3 and god said let there be light and there was light keep going and god saw the light and that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness stop right there that makes no sense that makes absolutely zero sense god says let there be light and god says that he saw the light and the light was good [Music] but he separated light from darkness how come the bible says darkness and light cannot move but god is dividing to two things he's removing the light from the darkness it means when god said let there be light there was darkness he didn't see light somebody didn't hear me for me to separate something it means that one was over the other let me explain to you why you cannot create light unless there is darkness true remember your imagination tells you when god was saying let there be light it means there was darkness no there was nothing darkness and light didn't exist but the existence of light cannot be without darkness it is it is darkness that validates light nothingness is not darkness wow when people read verse two it says and darkness was in the face of the deep it's not saying there was darkness it's saying there was nothingness upon the earth but for you to say i receive my money there must be poverty to make a contrast between riches and poverty come on if you say i receive healing there must be sickness for healing to be existing the problem is you think the existence of your problems it means the absence of the blessing but what you don't understand is your situation is actually validating the blessing i wish somebody would have shouted your problem is you have believed my suffering means there is no blessing not knowing that your suffering validates the sweetness that you will enjoy that nobody you will never care what anybody thinks because you will know the contrast wow so god is creating light but is creating a problem called darkness whoa come on come on god is creating a problem in order for him to have light that is why the bible says the light shines in darkness so if there's no darkness light cannot shine wow can i say something very strange you know in the spiritual realm there's no light in the spiritual realm there's actually no light i'm not saying heaven i'm saying in the spiritual realm there is no light [Music] the spiritual realm is actually in darkness why because demonic beings exist within darkness a child of god when you enter in the realm of the spirit it is the content of light that you carry that determines how far you can see we can prophesy very deep because the light inside of us allows us to see very far amen some people's light can only make them see here wow a deep prophet is one that is light can go really far that he can see very fast wow amen that's beautiful this is beautiful this is beautiful it is the content of light that you illuminate that determines your navigation spiritually come on and that light is revelation that is what it says in the beginning was john chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god and the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us and the light of christ was the light of all men it means and jesus what would he say i am the light that has come into the world so the knowledge of jesus is light illumination revelation wow so the situation you are facing the situation you're facing is the reason why you must be blessed [Music] it should not create doubt it should validate why you should be blessed amen it should validate why you need to be a billionaire wow amen it should validate why you should have cars wow amen you have taken bus too much it validates why you should have a car yes it validate why you should have homes you paid up apartments too many you it validates why you should have homes you got to receive this you have to receive it the bible says the present suffering does not compare to the glory that is coming it means that your suffering is because of something that is coming wow hallelujah say it again papa say it again praise the lord your suffering is because of what is coming praise god if there is nothing coming they will not be suffering because that suffering is what separates wow it shows the comparison wow thank you i hope this word has entered people thank you holy ghost amen this was a power pact [Laughter] prophet i give you the ball i give you the ball back to you i just want us to drop into meditation please judge shall we be standing for a few minutes and be in prayer as we're entering into the time of administrations this word is life and spirit this word is life and spirit color by satire this word is life and spirit please don't take it lightly don't take it lightly because this is a powerful word so whatever you are just lift your hands and just start praying with us just praying with us just pray with us for the next few minutes just begin praying with us just praying with us as we are entering into a time of administration that's every prophetic and revelation that came forth today that it shall take flesh of our body shall take flesh of our destiny our finances our ministry it's going to reveal every declaration that has been spoken today by the prophet of god because by a prophet you shall prosper by a prophet you shall prosper so there is prosperity there is prosperity and the grace of god can be impacted over your life even from my distance right now and at this prophetic atmosphere there shall be something lightly coming up on your life just open your mouth and begin to pray just begin to pray just begin we said thank you spirit of god thank you thank you spirit of god prophet thank you jesus what are you saying right now for the people that are ready right now we can even do a sub call just feel free to minister the people are ready thank you receive the touch of god thank you jesus is there somebody in your church called mercy mercy mercy mercy there is a lot there is a lot of mercy okay is there mercy mercy right now in the member thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit i believe that uh thank you lord jesus lokoski brother sakata there is a mercy that always falls thank you come on media talk to us can we have volume on this so that i know if they can hear us thank you lord jesus you lord jesus there is such a heavy anointing here thank you lord jesus thank you jesus there is a mercy in the church but there is a messenger but he's not present today in the church is there a way we can get that lady because we need to pray for her i hope she'll be in church soon thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus is there i'm seeing another one thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus christ but we need to seriously pray for mercy mercy mercy we need to get that one but when if you're there you need to come quickly when they come up come come come come in front just come come come come in front so that we can see where the camera is so that we can have it it was perfect yeah that was perfect it was perfect okay they said mercy will check the records of the of the prophecy okay please come close again come closer to the camera to this side thank you lord jesus on you on your right come closer to the right camera yeah is there a man called i don't know why god is uh bringing this to me but i will minister to her but i saw a man like martin martin martin there is a martin prophesied oh yeah that's you wendy it is caliber mama suti alaba is there a way we can get a directly on the zoom just the sound of the zoom quickly god is going to touch a big time god is going to help her god is going to happen is there is there is there no no no just leave it i just need them to hear them there oh wonder you can hear us thank you jesus nancy nancy nancy yes do you have a nancy johnny 90 is my daughter the one just got married yesterday okay we need to pray for nancy yes we need to pray for her praise the lord because you just heard the angel of god calling nancy stella you can hear us great they can hear us but i need that to respond to what i'm going to speak okay we need you is there a phone can they put a phone there or something that okay they can call let me or you want you want it to be yes then yeah they zoom if they can turn on the sound of the zoom it's even better yeah please you already have it put on they are called they're calling perfect it's perfect so it's great thank you jesus praise the lord now in the realm of the spirit prophesy there has been an attack demonically against her you can turn this one down now because i have this there's been a powerful demonic attack against her and the family that she comes from spiritually i saw the enemy had locked everything to do with relationship in that family i wish i wish you could hear me talk to me there is a lot of attacks in the area of relationships in that family because in the realm of the spirit i am seeing an altar and this altar that was raised against the family number one it has a strong anti-marriage spirit if anybody gets into marriage it will not work or if they're in marriage it will not work or people just don't seem to get into relationships that move imagine she was in marriage and there was a bit oppressions prophesy i wish you could confirm also prophet please talk to talk to us if you are there uh listen to me are you there [Music] stella stella can you hear us yes it is i am seeing you hold two stars in your hands two stars in your hands two stars in your hands do you have do you have children does she have two children go deeper the lord says the curse has been broken by reason of this meeting praise the lord hallelujah god has liberated you and your family by reason of this meeting hallelujah as i am speaking to you there is an angel that has already followed you and where you are the lord is saying that the power that was holding you because of the faithfulness to my brother the prophet joel god says that that curse has been broken praise god and there is also a spirit of accidents that god is removing from your path [Music] premature death will not be your portion hallelujah depression will not be your portion hallelujah i'll release you into your destiny as an oracle of god in the mighty name of jesus glory lift your hand there's something that is going to come upon you there is something that is going to come upon you just close your eyes for a second there is something that is going to come upon her father may the angels that are in the room the angels of my brother i speak to you okay it is done in the name of jesus hallelujah it is finished whoa come on give jesus a big praise praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord thank you lord jesus this is power thank you lord jesus this is powerful praise god praise god thank you lord jesus christ i am actually in the service she is under the anointing thank you jesus woman of god you are blessed you can sit you can sit it is finished wow it is finished as you sit down you are sitting on the head of the devil hallelujah amen praise the lord i'm seeing a man like patrick patrick patrick patrick patrick i'm seeing a man like patrick is there any patrick patrick patrick is there anyone connected to patrick i don't know if he's somebody's brother but if nancy's there she can come but let me nancy's not in service nancy i know she just got married yesterday so she's not there yeah carla vasata thank you lord jesus oh there's a patrick in the service i said i'm in the service [Music] who is patrick to you who is patrick to you um first of all let me start with him let me start with him hallelujah flow prophet there is a star upon his head in the realm of the spirit i'm actually seeing him holding a bible this man that is standing i'm seeing him holding a bible i don't know if he serves god or he's a man of god he's up next to me he's up next to me he serves next to you he's the man of god not doing but he just he served me alone that is being a man of god you cannot serve a man of god the lord is saying there is a special grace that is coming upon you and because of connecting to the man of god the oil on the man of god will come upon you praise god does it drive you or anything it drives me okay that's what i'm saying thank you prophesied wow what he doesn't know in heaven he is joshua to you if he's wise [Applause] [Laughter] if he is joshua thank you jesus i don't know why i'm seeing the letter f spinning in heaven the letter f spinning in dennis thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus i don't know what f is to him but but let me let me keep going hallelujah no god thank you thank you holy ghost what's his name man of god dennis dennis what is his full name what's your full name sir [Music] said laura [Music] what [Music] i'll come back to that i don't know if it is him or who has the name that starts with an f but let me let me deal with the with the brother the brother patrick in the realm of the spirit i am seeing patrick being given grace for business i don't know if he's listening to flow there is oil that of business that is upon is upon patrick but there are some hindrances that are in his life because in the realm of the spirit i'm seeing him a very skilled trader he knows how to work deals [Music] yeah he's confirmed [Music] but the issue now here is that patrick needs divine covering over his life that's what they have been really he has been and they have been trying to pull because in reality in reality i don't know why i cannot see your father but i can see your mother then that is an attack [Music] i am seeing the mother really interceding before god for the brother and for the family i cannot locate the father but i can locate the mother i am seeing that i don't know if she's around or what is going on but it is like this was a really big prayer in the mother's heart especially for him [Music] but the lord is saying this i wish it was in line so that i can go a little faster but in the realm of the spirit what did he say i missed the part why did you say dennis can you say can you speak a bit louder what did he say wow but it's like something the mother the mother it's like something the mother's done say it again say it a bit louder maybe here i think maybe it can be something um the mother has really been praying for him prophesied no don't don't turn that one out because it's okay okay and where is his father where is the father i think they were [Music] there [Music] but where is he where is he where where is he exactly [Music] is [Music] your mother and father in the same place yes okay okay now we need to pray for your father seriously are you listening to me we need to pray for your father because we need to secure your father's health because if we don't secure your father's health he might go before his time we need to secure your father's help [Music] are you hearing that but god says please pray for him please please please but your but brother the lord says this coming year will be a big year of turning around because god will bring him around by reason of the prayer that you have been praying because your covering is what will extend to draw him back into god it is your prayer that will secure him to keep him in god says the spirit of god but even you the oil that is coming upon you doors that will open the increase that will come because of your faithfulness you have to remember when you're serving your father you're not serving him but you're serving your interest there is an interest that is coming to you says the spirit of god and in reality is you're going to prophesy the spirit that is in him is actually already transferring to you in the realm of dreams they have been coming a lot of dreams that have been coming to you and there are questions that will rise in you but the lord is already baptizing you into the spirit of the prophetic in jesus mighty name do you it is done your father is secure you are secure the word of god when it comes out it secures now now now there's uh thank you jesus all right uh uh uh there uh do [Music] is [Music] can you also go to uh prophet's facebook so i can find this is there any kabuya kabuya i'm not sure how you say it kadoshi brantaba thank you lord jesus is there anyone who is familiar with kabuya kabul i think it's a family name actually if i'm not wrong or [Music] where's the person i think it's the bug please please come boy cup i think kabul is there yeah [Music] yes mama what's your name you are the one that they have been calling where have you been how do you say the name cambodia okay [Applause] [Music] god is saying prophet do i have enough time okay thank you lord jesus woman of god we need to pray for you okay in the spirit in the realm of the spirit i saw a wild wind that was released into your household and when this world wind came into your household i saw it scattering people wow [Music] professor i don't know if she can hear me [Music] i think she's listening she's listening [Music] in the realm of the spirit in the realm of the spirit the plan of the enemy is being to separate people that people will not get along but people will be scattered the family is divided from far families divided and there's a there's been a lot of division he's so she knows what i'm talking about yeah is this true woman of god [Music] in the realm of the spirit she in the realm of the spirit it is like she is the pillar of the family [Music] but the battles she has faced the battles that she has faced has weakened her but the lord is saying that she needs to be strong are you really are you hearing that um [Music] in the arm of the spirit i am seeing i'm seeing her yeah it's correct it's correct in the realm of the spirit i am seeing her thank you lord jesus prophesizer i am seeing her i don't know if this is spiritually or physically i am seeing a position positioned like i don't know if this is uh i'm seeing her like in a government something to do with the government she has been trying to do some government business in bag combo that's what she has been really trying okay all this time yeah is to deal with with the [Music] what has she been doing with the government trying to get some contracts for some because i'm seeing that to doing something with the government it's like a government position i i'm trying to understand what i'm seeing in my vision wow [Music] the lord is saying the oil that is coming upon you will cause you to be elevated that you become such a strong financial partner for this house praise god hallelujah prophesy does she know somebody called steve [Music] do you know anyone with the name of steve yes there is a woman called rosa said there is a the mercy that you are talking about the woman mercy she is married to a martin [Laughter] and she said you had prophesied to them about getting babe a baby in 2018 that's too much wow i wish she was there wow does she know anyone called steve or stephen do you do you know anyone with the name of steve or stephen do you know it do you know anyone with the name of steve huh [Music] steve okay it's okay they are not injured now listen to me carefully listen to me woman of god there is a man thank you holy spirit thank you lord jesus okay professor i don't know why this steve this steve guy is like a doctor steve but i don't know what kind of doctor he is he's like he's uh he's a doctor steve or dr stephen but it is like this man who will be somebody that will be helpful to you [Music] in the realm of the spirit it's like this man will add something to what god has given you already to do wow when this oil that has come on you right now will cause you to be able to do so much so much in these contracts that you're looking for in the government position glory to god glory but it's like this man called dr steve or dr steven will be a blessing that god will add on to what you are doing praise god [Music] amen i want you to do something woman of god i don't know who you trust in the house my prophet no no let somebody take oil okay and pour it on our hands perpetual i will just really sing the same thing yeah perpetual mr perpetual take oil with you and go and put your hands lay your hands on our hands and as the oil is coming on our hand the lord says the discomfort there's been a weird kind of discomfort in the chest area holy ghost thank you lord thank you holy spirit that the discomfort it's been it's like sometimes it comes but it feels um like it is tight that's what she has been suffering that's what she has been suffering okay prophesy professor as that oil is touching even that is going on praise the lord praise god [Music] it is true do you know what i'm talking about it tightens like here it's true it is do you have the oil [Music] okay [Music] bring it through them [Music] it's a little bright we can't see it properly what does it say what does it say i think it's a contract something a government contract or something this is a confirmation of what you are saying about the government ah it's a dandy praise the lord it's a done deal praise god praise god woman of god let them pour oil on your hands but that thing in your chest is also gone praise the lord perpetual take the oil and put it on the hands no this is perfect thank you thank you holy ghost thank you spirit of god and we pray as that oil is coming on you let there be activations yes let there be an activation of this declaration to take place over your life that sorrow shall depart and never return again in the name of jesus and church this declaration can reach out to everyone that are believing yes it can also reach out to you in the name of jesus look at the power of the holy ghost that's the power of god that's the power of the holy ghost thank you jesus glory to god praise the lord thank you holy spirit thank you father so shall it be in the name of jesus thank you holy spirit thank you lord let give jesus a big thanks for this time of glory thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus to god be the glory now church can you just stand and let just make a declaration and a blessing over everyone that are present let let us be sorry do you have a tone in your church he's the brother to dennis alton anthony come out is the brother to dennis the one you prophesied okay anthony god is visiting the whole family he's too much because the the the the uh the the angel of the lord was speaking to me find uh i don't know if they they shorten his name to tony or anthony however they call it the coliman tony yeah okay okay god wants to touch him prophesy thank you jesus you see you shot in the name too tony tony yes oh tony that and that's the the husband to that woman to this this is the man the husband to that woman his name is tony okay okay yeah okay okay i'll prophesy to both of them okay no problem let me start with the one that god called tony tony tony okay woman of god can you hear me can you hear me can she hear me yes she can hear you there is a spirit there is a spirit i saw that god was destroying over the life of tony [Music] my spirit was taken to where is the kisumu area i think west i believe kisum is in the west i saw an altar that was raised against this man from that place the prophet is seeing an altar that was raised against tony from the west side are you understanding in the western side now spiritually by reason of that altar there is a lot of limitations that are connected to tony correct italy you are correct in the west he's in the west okay he's in that side professor yeah okay there's an altar that is raised on that side wow and this altar is specifically tied all of them financially in their family wow wow you are talking but the spirit of god is about to destroy this altar today because you're in the house of god praise the lord praise god praise god it is like anything that he touches i am seeing relationships falling apart it's like whoever he tries to do something with it just doesn't work it's always just problems wow are you listening to me in fact in fact this is very interesting i don't know when this happened but i'm seeing somebody going to raise a case against him are you listening to me it's like somebody went to accuse him somebody went to accuse him like to a police or something concerning something i don't know if it is because they worked on i don't know if it is because they worked on something or what happened but i saw somebody it's true it happened ah it happened it's very true it happened it happened right it happened because this person framed him like he had stolen from him with what they were working on prophesy my god professor [Music] but god is telling me that what has been destroying him is an altar on the western side let it be broken into pieces in the name of jesus amen i don't know why i saw something to do with communications with her but i don't know what is that is but you i'll come to that but god wants your family to be free and god wants tony to be free hallelujah praise the lord are you listening to me god is gonna free tony hallelujah you also there will be oil that will be poured on your hands there will be oil that will be poured on your hands that when you get home just hold your husband and hug him don't even tell him what happened in church you can tell him if you want by just touching him coming in contact with him with what we are telling you hallelujah it will break whatever is going on in the name of jesus praise jesus praise jesus there are chains of also addiction that the enemy wanted to put on him that they will not work by reason of what is happening hallelujah style is just going to begin to rise says the spirit of the living god thank you holy spirit in jesus mighty name in the name of jesus christ now what did she go to school for laws [Music] what do you do in school nutrition like uh that's all you did in school nutrition and what is that nutrition and what nutrition presentation okay thank you lord jesus okay okay um does she do anything in your church man of god she's a worshiper she's a worshipper she does worship she does worship okay okay okay i understand okay okay this is the contract the cover ah that's deep that's deep it's powerful do they have a son which this the tony they have a son they have a son okay that's what i'm saying is it you guys have a did you guys have had a sunday recently they had a baby recently i think it's a sign you just have a daughter it's a girl yeah it's a girl is it a girl it's a girl so they have one child they have one child yeah they are one child okay okay thank you logic but the baby doesn't have long hair right can can they hear me can you hear that rose it's a bit short okay that's why it's looking to me like okay thank you lord jesus listen to me woman of god when this oil comes upon you ah okay i understand listen to me i'm gonna give you a prophetic instruction for your nutrition business professor that's what i'm looking for okay your biggest problem your biggest problem is this god is going to give you your own practice that is going to help people especially combat diseases with food are you getting are you getting me you are dietitian to do with the wellness with when when people take the food it is more wellness restoration that is the goal amen you know what it is but your issue is one thing this is now i'm understanding why i saw what i saw your issue now is the ability to market and to communicate what you are carrying in order for it to reach where you need it to reach [Music] this is what has been killing the the effectiveness of what god gave her wow because i am seeing us speaking like okay you know if you eat this and this you can remove diabetes if you eat this and this you can do this if you do this and this you will lose this you can do this and this and blood pressure will do this it's like her ability to do this diet thing or dietitian thing is not just for people to slim down it's actually wellness but god is saying that he is giving you the wisdom the understanding to communicate what you have in order to elevate the standard of people and to bring wellness to people says the spirit of god take social media very seriously wow take social media very seriously and and and and do some studies on how these famous people do diet stuff and figure out how you can manage yours because it will have to do with you doing videos explaining what this is showing how to prepare this and you start it will be a way for you to communicate in order for you to get people to jump on and people will start requesting like meals i'm seeing you doing like a uh not just diet but i'm seeing it evolving to even prep you know what do they call it meal preps and things like that if you do this thing wisely wow listen to me you do this thing wisely ah you will shock yourself unbelievable this is unbelievable wow okay let me go to the pastor now your case is done when they pour the oil is finished praise god all right means a perpetual take the oil and anoints rose and pasta antoni just come on the camera right now bishop antony can remove his mask because i need him to communicate with me great [Music] in the realm of the spirit my prophet i am seeing him winning souls with evangelism big time i've been doing that because i am seeing his graces actually going out and winning people i don't know if he can hear me people call him pastor but inside his spirit is actually an evangelist that is his strongest power wow i wish he could hear me wow it's amazing [Music] i don't know if he knows what i'm talking about is very driven by souls he does yeah every time i go for a virgin he's there he's always there but there is something that we need to pray for what did he say what did you say yes man of god thank you jesus thank you lord jesus what did he say him being called a pastor or something i heard something pastor the spirit of god is going to elevate him praise god the spirit of god is going to elevate him i am seeing god establishing him and god bringing a great increase to him [Music] thank you lord jesus do you guys have uber in kenya we do you have uber thank you lord jesus i am seeing god giving him i i don't know why god showed it to me in that way but i'm seeing god giving him grace with transportation wow wow his biggest desire was to do to have all cars and to like you know to to work it out you know that was his really dreams and things to do so do you know what i'm talking about i'm seeing him being given the grace to do transportation praise god praise the lord and i'm seeing it even evolving to him having things like ubers and things like that many of them glory to god glory to god i'm seeing even buses wow i'm seeing god really elevating him in this area of transportation praise god praise god thank so he knows what i'm talking about yeah you know exit but there is a wisdom for finances that god is giving him god wants you to be a great steward of finances [Music] if he will pray to god for deep wisdom of understanding kingdom finances he will become a multi-millionaire by the end of next year wow let me tell you let me tell you something wow let me tell you something you know when i say things i say them because god is speaking to me i don't speak on my own talk to me there was a family i'm going to give you and and we have raised a few people like that in the church yes there was a family and i'm going to give him a prophetic instruction there was a family that came to church the husband and the wife had divorced i didn't know this they are not members of our church they came with their children but when i came down to the service i didn't even before i even started i grabbed the mic and i looked at them i said the lord jesus is telling me you two are divorced six months the man began to sweat and the woman said it's it's true the man is divorced i i'm coming to that i'm i'm coming to that i'm bringing parallel because it's his story look at this man of god i taught i told the husband one two three how many kids does he have he has two children two is it only two no you have two children two children i'm doing you have two children huh no that's actually three yeah yes yes i'm seeing three children yes three children yeah okay i'm the one who made the mistake yeah okay okay we are tracking yeah the issue is i gave these people a prophetic instruction i told them if you guys will amend this situation and mend it in the way god wants you to mend it now yours will be different but just listen to to me if you can i taught the man and the woman if you meant this thing next year you'll come back here you two will be millionaires god told me that your money is with you two joining back the woman left she wasn't very happy she left but the man remained and they came to exchange the children one was taking the children for a few days this one was taking the children for a few days when they left they went and began to work it out they came back together they all know this testimony it's all over the thing the woman got a job whereby she started working with people who do real estate i i don't know how i can speak this on the mic what we are working on really i'm working on dealing with my own rhythm it's the same thing the same thing i'm saying is the same thing that's why i'm going to give him this prophetic instruction man of god they left within a few months they came back to church the woman was passing back and forth they made their first million they did not even have a two-bedroom apartment they had a one-room apartment with the children they made they became millionaires the next day praise god powerful there's a prophetic instruction i want to give him yes sir if you listen to me god will release everything that i'm telling you the transportation thing you have this real estate thing will take off wow and your children will be blessed is it two girls one boy one boy two girls what is it [Music] anthony do you have how many is it how many girls do you have and how many boys you are there are three girls three guys listen to me carefully man of god listen to me carefully i want you to do something that will be [Music] very conducive for where god is taking you make sure that you're in good terms the best times you can be with the mother of the kids wow wow [Music] wow that's powerful instruction are you listening to me wow wow where is uh cambodia cambodia cambodia where is kamani i'm feeling i'm in kenya it's a place right it is a place they are staying in a place near kamban i'm really trying to navigate this thing uh but your joy is not showing that you're really ready for god to release what i'm saying some instruction come heavy yeah i know so you are thinking and you're receiving prophecy so he lives close to there what is it what is it machaco's what is it what is close to cambodia what what is it can you explain is it my charcoal close to my charcoal kitchen [Music] navigation now i don't want him to be angry with what i will tell you yeah don't be hungry if what he's going to tell you now and i'm going to finish with this yes sir and then i think we are blessed and then we bless people yes listen to me carefully [Music] there was a woman that brought problems in your life wow i won't say too much because there is nothing they're loving why is he laughing you're going deeper do you have a pamela in your church i don't know if he's connected to the person i'm talking to pamela pamela but anyway let me continue let me let me continue no no this i'm trying to navigate maybe on prophet's uh facebook but let me continue with you this woman i saw has something to do with like hair hair yes hair yeah like yeah the woman that i'm talking about but let me go back to this man of god also the pamela is in business of hell yeah okay but let me come back to this man of god this woman brought problems to you and the only way you will reverse the effect of what this woman brought is by doing what i'm telling you wow you know some things is not a matter of prayer some things is a matter of reversing something because of something that was violated spiritually wow wow amazing because you need to go and get make great amends with the mother of your three beautiful daughters you don't have to get back together but you have to have a great relationship with her because spiritually this woman is not happy with you wow so that will be the the the reason of the all the problem that that's that's where all the problems is i say i say i say i say i say i say i see it is because of somebody else that brought problems to this man are you listening to me sir i know this is very heavy but you have to listen to me so you need to make amends now the issue is also is it okay for me to say more should i keep quiet i'm seeing what you are saying the issue now is that also the mother of the children was having issues with him because she would not really listen and follow the man of god so the man of god will say let's do this but there will be bumping heads and things like that but regardless of all those mistakes just like he has mistakes also deep ones actually very deep ones the only way the man of god will reverse what has caused a curse to stick on him because i am seeing a word being spoken you are not even the man of god that you are trying to be hey but because of some things that had happened it locked you because you are on the wrong side of history at that moment wow but if you would make amends just nicely hey you know past let's focus on the children and whatever and things like that i promise you as an oracle of god it will take a little time things will just begin to flow back as if they were flowing before you know he was going very fast before things were moving along and then things just began to stifle totally [Applause] wow because even as i'm speaking i'm seeing a throne a crown of thongs being removed from his head so shall it be in the name of jesus it is done for you in jesus name amen your season of torment is done amen but yours is not prayer you have to do what i'm telling you to do if you do that everything will reverse says the spirit of god praise god come on church let give jesus the biggest hands offering again thank you jesus thank you lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord thank you holy spirit this can only be god this can only be god and we don't take things for granted this is god at work this is god at work okay should we be abstanding as we close thank you jesus thank you thank you spirit of god believe in this atmosphere of the prophetic and all the declaration and the accuracy of the prophetic that has happened today if there is anybody with the same situation that the man of god has mentioned just know your situation has been meant through the power of the holy ghost and the same way the deliverance has happened to these people it shall also be in your life in the name of the lord jesus and father we decree and declare that in the name of the lord jesus that life has been restored family has been restored and the glory of god to rest upon them continually in the name of the lord jesus the same way the devil was cast out we declared that the devil is out of their life and finances and home in the name that is above our name the name of the lord jesus and we engage the supreme power of the blessing of god over everybody that made it today that the grace of god to cause you to expand and to increase from glory to glory that you shall have testimony after testimony in the name of jesus may the lord bless you and increase you from glory to glory in the name of the lord jesus christ so shall it be in the name of jesus church in this atmosphere you cannot finish such an atmosphere without sowing something atmosphere you got to saw something in atmosphere i came in america and i saw people sowing mightily i didn't think that i was seeing something like that i i i'm honest i didn't think that i was i would see something like but i came to your church and i've kept i've seen here people sowing gloriously yes i mean gloriously and they know how to tap on the anointing and the grace and to pull the glory of god so under this atmosphere so in that museum so in the atmosphere for something glorious to be released upon your life to be released upon your finances and i know for sure what he said that prosperity shall be attached in your life surely the prosperity shall be touched and shall be attached into your life so shall it be in the name of jesus christ of nazareth to god be the glory people of god i was so blessed and i'm so blessed and i'm still blessed to be next to this one wonderful man of god and it's amazing how god is using him and it's just so refreshing to see what i do someone else doing it amen even greater and beautiful amen it's just so refreshing and i'm blessing god for what god he's doing here in the in l.a in california and we need to pray a lot for this ministry that god shall continue expanding them strengthening them and them again to take over the city in the name of the lord jesus they are also buying a building here i think the business you say it's costing 8 million yes they're buying the building and they're almost closing the deal and we thank god for that such grace and we pray that the lord shall continue moving mightily in their life amen amen i declare you are blessed and i declare your seed is blessed amen man of god can you bless for this sin thank you holy ghost father let there be a performance thank you lord upon everyone that has sold everybody that has connected to my brother the prophet yes lord and to the ground that you have given him lord what you have put in him let it be also upon them amen spiritually and physically let there be a performance amen in the name of the lord jesus is god amen praise god god bless you you are blessed and with the blessing of god i want to say big thank you to the team here thank you for staying oh it's 3am here yes i mean it is 3am yes and they are standing here with us they're amazing people amen may god bless you and god increase you and strengthen you again for the mission amen we love you all see you next god bless you shalom and when the whole world is lost in darkness i have your comfort i'm not afraid i will be singing from the mountains cause you're the same god you'll never change [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are a good [Music] you are a good you are my savior you are my father and my friend so here's a million [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] you'll never change [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] i can always count on you i'm yours and i'm proud of it show me your grace show me your way i'm seeking after you show me your face keep it in all i [Music] i know [Music] i was down
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 5,312
Rating: 4.9472528 out of 5
Keywords: pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, prophet tb joshua, elevation church, excel
Id: etW4vEuTSu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 47sec (8087 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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