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god bless everybody god bless everybody this is definitely an amazing evening in the presence of god no matter where you are i believe that god is going to visit you god is going to show up and i believe that your life will never be the same again and i'm so privileged by god not only to be here with with the mightiest prophet of our time and and today is dressed like robin hood you know but not only do i have the prophet with me but i have sons and daughters in the house with me also yeah some some of them are still waking up but god is good but we are having a good time in god now and i believe that the lord will bless you and i want you to share this as many times as you can because this will be life changing amen because it will open your understanding to a dimension that many at times they're things that we don't think of and they have the utmost effect on our lives if we don't pay attention to and i thank god because one of my favorite things is always to spend time with with sons and daughters and they can ask me questions all day i don't mind that at all because you get to know the depth of the spirit that you carry within you by the ability to answer and to quench people's souls according to the word of god amen i was posed a very important question today and i thought that it was very important and through that question i said you know what i'm going to teach something about it and i believe that it will touch people's lives so i want you to share this as many times as you can and i pray through this you tap into [Music] deeper greater and impossible dimensions amen amen now you didn't hear me deeper greater in what impossible dimensions impossible dimensions it means do things that others cannot do they just see from a distance glory be to god amen so we are going to be speaking about the one thing that god did not create i feel like i'm already starting problems the one thing god did not create wow the one thing that god did not create and the reason why it will help you it will just give a deeper understanding of god himself amen the one thing that god did not create i think people have not shared enough yet yeah let me see how many people are on here okay there we go i know it's late and a lot of people are resting and stuff and it's just the weekend but it's going to be extremely deep in a second so the one thing god did not create amen amen the one thing that god did not create the one thing that god never ever ever created how do you feel about this are we starting too hot or should we should we start somewhere else let's go with this yeah uh the people in here don't want to go we're ready we're ready let me explain something that i i feel like many times believers forget prophet yeah is that to know god is to experience god is not to read about him amen that's bad to know god is to experience god it's not about reading about him reading about him may lead you and position you for an experience but reading about him is not an experience hearing about or hearing about prophet lovey is not being with him it's true amen being with me and hearing about me are two different things yes that's true hearing about prophet gloves and being with prophet gloves is a completely different thing to be with somebody is to experience somebody and to experience somebody is to know the person beyond knowledge but to have what is called a lasting experience on your very own soul now if you ever meet anybody that says that i used to be a christian you know that person never met god only heard about god that person never had an experience about jesus only knows head knowledge about jesus but never had an experience with him so anybody with an experience can never undo the experience in their mind that's good the reason why it takes people forever to get rid of trauma in fact you can never get rid of trauma you just make peace with it that you can't do anything about it but you can move beyond it come on so let's say let me use a drastic experience if somebody goes through rape what rape will do is it will sky you for life but overcoming that trauma number one is to know that it wasn't your fault that what happened happened to you yeah number two you are not that experienced you are more than that so now when you see that and remember that experience you know that you came out of it it doesn't define you but it doesn't mean that you have forgotten it yeah that's so true experiences can never be forgotten when you lose a loved one you get used to living with what happened you make peace with what happened and you realize that you know what it's part of the journey of life yeah i cannot undo what happened i cannot and see what i have seen the only thing that i can do is cherish the moments that were good so prophet you are saying something powerful right yes so the mistake people do is to try to forget the trauma you can't it's a lie jesus somebody didn't hear me you can't is a lie you can't and see what you have seen yeah i don't know if somebody can hear me we hear you i don't know if somebody can hear me you can't it's impossible to undo what has happened you see there's something very interesting there is something very profound about the mind okay the conscious in the subconscious mind there's something very profound about it is that your conscience will actually bear witness of what you experienced even before god you know god put and a camera inside of us our eyes our camera wow everything you're seeing god is seeing also so god is not only seeing from his experience as god which he can see everything but he can also see through your eyes yes well that's powerful wow so like an example when i am prophesying or prophet is prophesying i am seeing through the eyes of god yes so i get to know what god knows by having a glimpse of an experience to see through his eyes but god also sees through your eyes wow so on the last day or the day you leave this world when you stand before god you will be a witness of yourself jesus in the book that i said that i'm writing called the world of spirits there's a part that there's a chapter called what happens when you die [Music] when you cross the river and you get to the other side an angel will reach out to you and touch you inside and pull out a scroll wow from you they'll pull out something and wow oh my gosh a printout they were a witness of everything that you did when people say oh you see a whole flash life flash before you it is your conscious testifying against you or testifying for you apart from the books they have there that has recorded yeah too many books you're recalling yourself so when we repent and we are forgiven the blood of jesus blots out cuts out clips [Music] wow so to blot out it means that it has removed it has been eradicated from existence so in god now your life is presented it's missing certain things because those things are wow but even in heaven you will not forget the world the bible only says there will be no more tears it doesn't say you will forget tears there will be no reason to cry you know your auntie maybe your uncle god forbid for your ancestors they are in hell and destroyed but you have also the understanding of why they are there and you'll be at peace with it thank you so the one thing that god never created genesis chapter 1 genesis chapter 1 genesis chapter 1. and we are going to read from verse one to about three i believe can somebody can somebody give uh you have a mic auntie benny okay also let's give one mike to uh auntie betty since she's back in l.a yes can he get to antibiotics if not on tibet you may have to migrate okay are we there yes okay so on tibet you go to john chapter one okay genesis 1 yeah from verse 1. genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth notice this in the beginning god is creating now always remember there is a difference between creating and making i'll say it again there is a difference between what creating and making so in the beginning god created everything yeah what does it mean god creating everything it means everything that has to come into existence is first created before it's made okay god is not trying to make something and then call it his creation the creative process anybody that is a creative whether you write books or you do art whatever you do you understand that even when it comes to business you create the business plan then you draw it down and then you go and find alone so if the business is just an idea in your mind it's still not a business yes until you put it down until you formulate it until it comes together it's still an idea it is not substance so when god created nothing was yet are you listening to me now between genesis chapter one verse one and verse two there's what we call the gapier there's what we call the gap season or the gap period because between genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 2 is in between days when satan is falling yeah in between verse 1 and verse 2 revelations chapter 12 is happening yes is everybody hearing this there's what we call the gap period or the gap season and it's between genesis chapter one verse one and two that genesis chapter two is happening the first few verses of genesis chapter two is happening in genesis chapter one verse one between verse one and verse two that's good is this making sense to somebody so because you're nothing god is creating but all of a sudden the earth is without form it makes no sense is this making sense it makes sense and how do we know this if you read genesis chapter 1 verse 26 it says god says let us make man in our image and let him have dominion over this thing and replenish the earth meaning do it again it means what god did in verse one something happened that god needs a human being to do it again right yeah yes sir so to replenish means do it one more time or do it once more so there is something that is missing in between that place to cause the effect of what god wants to take place so god says the bible says in the beginning god created the heaven what is the heaven the domain of where the angelic the angels themselves live and when he's talking about the earth he's not simply talking about the planet but it's talking about the physical universe yeah okay because if you understand anything about creation you understand that the earth is actually not a very old planet it's actually a young planet our galaxy is not an old planet the milky way is old but the earth is actually not old let's see is this making sense is this making sense now of all the things that god created you know what read a little bit more start from verse one again genesis 1 1. in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth it means they're not material yet okay verse two verse two and the earth was without form already here now there is something weird you notice remember the gap period so it's keeping the jump with the gap period because moses while he's writing this is a is is assuming the people in our time will know what happened in between because the jews know the truth wow but to us who got it later we may not know right now if you read in the gospels if you read in the gospels peter is saying something strange let me try and find it and uh let me find what peter is talking about if i can remember are you ready we're ready hallelujah hallelujah uh the apostle peter is saying something very deep here glory be to god let me find it because it just came to my spirit okay now okay second peter hallelujah go to second peter begin from [Music] verse begin from from verse one chapter three uh yeah ii peter chapter three yeah from verse one second peter three this second epistle beloved i now write unto you in both which i stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance that notice is asking them to remember keep going that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of the lord and savior knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition read that again amen verse 7 but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store before that before that verse 6 whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water notice the world that then was then was being overflown with water perish before between verse 1 and verse 2 there was a world that was wiped away the pre-adamic world was cleared with water are you getting what i'm saying yes keep going verse 7 but the heavens and the earth which are now notice that flood affected the heavens and the earth so when you're reading genesis chapter 1 verse 2 it says and god said let the waters from below and the waters above be separated yes because the last flood affected the universe even though it was targeting the earth is this making a little bit of sense okay now go back to genesis chapter one and he keeps on saying that now there will be another destruction that will be by fire because every time water comes it it destroys by cleansing but fire tests everything and only leaves what is pure right yeah so water purifies it means the same thing can be defiled but fire cleanses by destroying whatever is not does not have substance will cease to exist yes come on is this making sense okay go go back to uh genesis 1 1 okay in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light and there was light and god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness keep going and god called the light day and he and the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were the first day and god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters now let me explain something that a lot of people miss when he says god created the heaven and the earth there's one thing that is telling you that god never created there's one thing that is missing that god is not saying it was created wow because god is just saying in the beginning he created the heaven and the earth but there is something that you are assuming that was created that god is saying and it's not being mentioned it is mentioned but you don't realize it wow in the beginning no water was also created in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth there's one substance that has nothing to do with the earth and has nothing to do with heaven come on god says let there be light light was the only thing that wasn't created everything else was created yeah heaven and earth was created right but light wasn't this is good this is so good i don't know if somebody's hearing me they're hearing you now let me show you small hebrew right the word b is hawa it's spelled h-a-y-a-h and this is what it means are you ready we're ready it doesn't mean to appear it doesn't mean to exist it means simply means to come let light come where was light wow come on so god was telling the light to come yeah the reason why god had to call the light to come is because light was never created but everything that was created was created because of like because of light yes so anytime god wants to repair anything in the universe that he created god has to call light to come and do it yes because light was not created is somebody listening to me you're so deep because light is god himself yes yes i don't know if somebody's listening to me listening powerful light is god himself and that name light itself is a name that jesus kept calling himself but if you read john chapter 1 you understand something in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god so when you're reading genesis chapter one he's saying in the beginning god created he's not telling you the word part in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and nothing that is made that is made was made without the word you have to remember the word god means supreme being it's a comparison to something less so and the bible says satan is the god of this world it's saying that compared to everybody that is in the physical world satan is more superior than all of them the word god simply means supreme being it's not a title yes so and it says in the beginning was the word it is telling you the essence and the substance of god himself yes god is trying to describe himself then he said and the and the in the beginning was the word and the word was god god compared to who to show his supremacy against creation right yeah so when they're using the word god they are putting it against the beginning everything that was created in the beginning compared to this word the word is god is superior yes come on oh jesus is this making sense now because god cannot call himself god without creation yeah and the word god is not what god calls himself it is a word that creation compares itself to the substance and god and says you are god is this making sense yes it is because when moses asked god who are you god said i am he did not say i am god he just simply said i am but the experience that moses had was an experience with light come on jesus he saw a light that looked like fire that was on a bush but the bush is not burning but there was a voice proceeding from the bush so moses did not see anyone he just saw a form of light that's to john chapter one [Laughter] so moses is having john chapter one experience but all he's seeing is a voice then he asked i want to see you he said you can't see me i will show you my past but you cannot see me because nobody can see me and live jesus powerful i don't know if this is making sense so when you understand this then you start understanding the position of christ is different than what you thought yes when the bible says that jesus is the firstborn of the father they don't understand what the word firstborn means firstborn means the first one to appear within creation it is not saying that is created oh man oh man is this making sense when the bible says that christ is the firstborn of all creation yeah it is not saying that jesus was created he's saying is the first substance of god to reflect god or to appear of god within creation but when did it happen are you doing the other side he's the firstborn of all creation but when we look at creation we are seeing the heaven and the earth being made but where is he if he is the firstborn it means his substance has existed within substance before any substance create begun or any substance appeared wow but when you look at genesis chapter 1 you don't see substance anywhere yeah you only see the substance of his spirit but the spirit is not visible and in fact if you read when it actually if you read in hebrew and he says and his spirit was hovering over the water he actually doesn't mean what english is saying he's saying that he was pondering on constant imagination it doesn't mean he was floating and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the deep it doesn't mean that he was thinking it doesn't mean no he was floating i'm swimming yes waiting to see what is that's not what is happening now look at this when god said now remember god is saying supreme being yeah but if you read john chapter 1 it's telling you the creator is not god the creator is the word it's the word yeah god is simply a title okay but the word is the creator that everything that is visible and invisible was created by him and for him come on yes sir amen notice this time created by him and for him not for himself but for him what does that mean what does that mean prophet help them thank you for giving me another opportunity to be perfect we celebrate you please um it's such a powerful topic um that i i'm thinking based on what you're saying that light is a being is a being light is not something that shines no that's not even what it means light is a being and i was thinking about when the bible says that god is the father of light meaning that he is light because you cannot produce something you are not [Music] so deep so in essence everything that god is he creates in that form of light that's why scientists will tell you that all the things that were created have actually light particles within it yes so because everything he made came from light so everything that was created also has light within it so i i was looking at a scripture in the book of john also where it says that jesus is the true light yes and it's so interesting to me i think it's john chapter one if you read from the verse five can somebody find that please john chapter one keep going prophet john chapter one from the verse five if you can find it it says jesus is the true light that lighted every man that cometh into the world yes saying this is an implication that jesus christ when he came he came as light he didn't come in the form like we think that he came he came as light into the woman's belly now let me ask you a question prophet because i'm trying to take this somewhere but maybe i'm jumping the gun okay jesus said i am the light that has come into the world so the light can be flesh yes so fl light is not brightness yes okay continue i'm just making a point so you're seeing jesus himself saying to him saying to the people that he was light that came into the world yes he was not he's not addressing himself as a person that gets me curious why would jesus identify himself with light in that way that he's speaking that light is what came into the world it's not a human being so let me this is what i'm trying to explain and i'm trying for people to capture this so what is light then because when jesus came he was not shining like about exactly so if light is not what we think then darkness is not also what we think yes that's good that is good we assume the absence of light is darkness but the bible tells you that the light shine it in darkness yes so does the light get rid of darkness or is the light and darkness the same thing come on but there is a difference that is so close because light can only shine within darkness yes so what is light and what is that and remember i'm bringing it somewhere where jesus says this you are the light of the world what are you talking about jesus yeah please go on prophet i don't want to mess people up so that's already very big for me because jesus speaking to us telling us that we are the light of the world it also shows us what god also was doing when he showed up on the scene so when you were talking about god wanting to create and when he said let there be light he was already light so when he said let there be light was he calling another light or was he speaking to himself can i help yes sir can i help you let me let me help in making this clear the fullness of god has never entered creation it's impossible i don't know if somebody can hear me we hear you the fullness of god has never entered creation the reason why he cannot and remember what i said the fullness of god can never enter creation that's true the reason why he cannot enter creation is because creation is a created substance and god is uncreated the earth has a beginning and an end god has no beginning and god is infinite the creation is not yes god occupies space that is beyond what we can measure because it is immeasurable yeah because he is god let me explain it the bible says that the earth is his footstool so if god was to enter creation if it was possible the earth will be like something that god lays his foot on jesus are you getting what i'm saying not that he can because the earth is smaller than that are you getting what i'm saying in the measurement of infini in the measurement remember when we are talking about god being infinite we are not measuring the substance of god it means it's immeasurable both in time and space and matter because if god was to enter time when will you put him yeah because he has no beginning and he has no end where would you put him because he cannot fit within creation is this making sense yes so the great when we say god is great and god is big we are not saying in his materiality but remember your existence and my existence and my existence is measured by the time that we lived by the space we occupied the time that we lived and the space that we occupied [Music] and also our substance yeah because our substance determines our occupation like an example if you live in a chateau or what we call a castle in english but in french we say chateau right yes if you live in a castle it is your castle but you can't be in every room you can only be in one room at a time but your wealth has occupied that land because that is your castle but the bible says god fills all things so already god has extended himself into the earth come on in a measure that can sustain the earth keep the earth alive keep the universe alive but him himself if he cannot pour himself into the earth there is an interesting verse that says this i think this is in ephesians if i'm not long he says he emptied himself and took a form of a servant yes right so what did you say musa it's philippians philippians 2 yes he emptied himself so in order for god to enter into creation he has to dilute himself to occupy space that the earth and the universe can contain that's so good so god can never enter creation as god he has to enter creation in another form in another form that is comparable you see like when jesus came on earth he had to come on earth as a man why did he have to come on earth as a man because if he came as anything else he cannot occupy space what space will he occupy because he's infinite so he had to choose a time he have to choose the space in which you occupy and the substance that will contain his being that is why the bible says that jesus is the fullness of god in bodily form he's telling it it's specifically telling you that he had to take on a form for him to enter creation the spirit of god has entered the earth through men but not without men yes so whenever god wanted to enter the earth he had to go through a human being why because he can only occupy the substance and the space within man because man is a spirit and the spirit of man is the holiest of all it is the house that god can occupy hallelujah because remember a demon can enter a human being's body 5 000 can enter a human yes and settle in there without fighting for space because the substance of man he was created as a house that can contain a portion of god a portion [Music] hallelujah so if god is coming on earth he needs to take the form of what a human being yes that is the only way he can function on earth but there are limitations to that because he can only be in one place at one time because he can only be in a man so when the holy spirit was poured upon all flesh what god did was he duplicated himself into different people but their ability to harness that light determines the freedom and the effectiveness of what god wants to do in the world that's powerful is this making sense so far yes this is so deep okay let's continue let's continue prophet continue i i interrupted you first okay so you're saying that the light of god that came into the world it came into the world in another form not as good no but it was still light it was still light so in essence the way i'm looking at it and in colossians the bible says that we were translated out of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son yes and then you move to second peter i believe where he says that we were taken out of darkness into light so it's saying the same thing but then it's reflecting the person now as light yes not as you know just a person yeah that's his dear son yes so in essence you are looking at god doing something with light that like i said to me i'm thinking why would you be identifying yourself with light soul every time in fact the bible says that god is covered in light god cannot be separated in light yes the substance of god is light the very substance of god is light but what is this light and why did god have to say let there be light before anything that was only created to be made okay because remember there is a difference between creating and making yes now the bible says the entrance of thy word giveth light the words that i speak to you their spirit in their life life so why did god have to say god has created everything but he needs to make them but for him to make them he has to say let there be light first yeah now remember let there be light is not actually what is it called it is not actually saying i am creating light yes he is calling it forth saying please light come and after light comes is the only time that you start seeing god speaking in plurality yes he's no longer saying in singularity he's beginning to speak of god in plural let us make man okay and god said let me why is it now why are you having a conversation within yourself yes because god has extended himself beyond the eternal realm into a physical dimension that is created that he is creating but now he has to make it in order for everything to exist within it can i say something that is shocking yes when the bible says it is in him we move and have our being can i say something that is outrageous space is within jesus yeah come on we are literally in his womb in him yes i see yeah because the space in which god is creating everything and making everything is within substance what is that substance the bible says he holds creation together yeah how is he holding it it means that god is actively grabbing it like this but how is he grabbing it like this if he seated on the throne how is he grabbing it like this if he's omnipresent how is he doing all this thing where is the foundation the bible is saying that now let me explain it the best way to make it make sense god is asking job god is asking job a very interesting question he's saying why are you there when i was creating the earth do you know where the foundations of them are fastened then jesus comes and says i am the chief cornerstone do you know what a chief cornerstone means in those days in israel when they built a home there was one brick you see how we make foundations now is different than when they made foundations then there was one brick that all the bricks that were going to be laid and formed the foundation were glued to there was one stone that was the chief cornerstone without that stone there is no building that is going to stand so jesus is saying i am the chief cornerstone of everything that you see it means the substance of jesus is what is making you see the earth the moon the stars the planets without that chief cornerstone there is nothing then god goes as fast to say it like this the world is in the palm of my hand so the space that everything exists in israel uh somebody didn't get it everything is holding everything have you ever heard he has the whole world in his hand he has the whole wow he has the little babies he has this but can you see that hand no existence is within a space that god has decided to occupy within himself okay that is not even a fraction of him come on jesus um that's so good i don't know yeah because what that does it makes you actually realize what the okay let me let me say something remember it says i will hold you up by my right hand yes you are in my right hand i have the substance of you in my hand the whole world is in my hand then the bible comes and says jesus is seated at the right hand of god people think that jesus is sitting next to god they don't understand what that means their right hand represents power power if you go to heaven you only see one throne you won't see three turns you won't see three two you'll see one throne but the bible is saying is seated at the right hand of god the father yeah what people don't understand the word right hand means position of power jesus is seated at the highest position within god come on yes come on and to say within god is not even enough to say because the word father simply means sauce yes jesus is seated at the position of the of of the highest power within the sauce so what that means is that the sauce is a product of the right hand they are one and the same you cannot remove them you cannot replace them and everything is coming from that one place so is light now let me let me move it along so that i know some people may get lost i don't want you to get lost so now by this you're understanding that the words of god had effect because there was light without light there was no effect of every of anything because the light is who is creating the words are simply now it's like a bridge that is downloading what is in the mind of god which is simply creation and is transferring it into substance through a channel called light so the substance of what is simply created is becoming material through light okay that is why a prophet was saying that everything that is in creation has particles of light within them atoms they're actually light particles and if you go in science it says in the beginning god created he says in the beginning there was a big band theory there was an explosion and the light expanded space and everything came to be so they are not wrong they just don't know who is causing it yes that's good hello hello so what is light light is that which not only sustains not only keeps but causes that thing that no one can see come to be and it maintains it so some of you in your family you think because things are difficult you're not light but you don't know it is because of light that everything is sustained hallelujah hallelujah without you the whole family has collapsed thank you jesus without your prayer everything is lost everyone prays but why is it some people pray something happens and others pray nothing happens i don't know if somebody is understanding what i'm trying to say please expand on this prophet so i was going to say that this light that you are talking about jesus is comparing himself to light and god is comparing himself to light because light is the proof of god yes and it is it is a sign of what god is doing slow down prophet light is what is the proof of god and a sign of what he's doing so if you have money it's not proof of god because even the world can give you money yes come on if you have health it's not the proof of god even though all these things can also mean god is somewhere yes but until you can transmit that health it is not light exactly so light is the proof of god keep going and and also what god is doing he's doing it by light that is why before he created anything light has to be yes before he does anything light has to be so the substance of all creation is life is light so let me ask you a question is this why the bible says that satan can come as an angel of light yes and the word angel simply means messenger malach he can come as a messenger of light exactly so now the difference between us and the devil is this the devil can pretend to be a messenger of light but we are the light of this world amen we are the extension of that light we are not only witnessing about the light we have become that light because we are the body of christ amen amen amen please go and keep going prophet keep going so and the bible says that god is the father of light and as prophet is saying that we have become the extension of that light meaning that you actually have light with you the bible says something that i want us to read um in matthew chapter six matthew chapter six verse 23 matthew 6 23 yes it says but if then i be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness that means light can be measured wow oh i think you missed that can you read it one more time come on come on matthew 6 23 but if thine i be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is indeed be darkness how great is that darkness so the measure of light you carry determines how much darkness you can suffer my goodness i say that again please say that again the problem that you're having is because there's not enough light to deal with that darkness [Music] that's good if you truly carry light problems will be living your life hallelujah because whenever light showed up yeah the earth that was without form that was that that was void yes yes light took care of the problem amen amen so a lot of people are going for the wrong things yeah instead of going for light come on and it's the reason why the prophet of god is telling you this one thing that wasn't created it is the reason why anything can be created hallelujah so i have a question for you prophet yes sir a very quick question so when somebody has no ability to manifest god it's because they have no light yes so when somebody has no ability to change a situation it means the content of light in them is not there it's not there so they're like the foolish virgins who have no lamp come on come on jesus says if the light indeed so light is not just something you are in it's something that has to be in you yeah it's the content in you keep keep going explain that please the scripture of jesus says if the light indeed can you read it one more time please matthew 6 23 but if thine i be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is indeed be darkness how great is that darkness you see you are not just light light has to be in you please read that again but if thine i be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness notice this there's an issue there there's a beast jesus did not say that the light will depart you he said your light can become darkness [Music] yes hallelujah because remember when god called light to come yeah when light entered light had to be separated from darkness because in the materiality of god manifesting himself on earth it means there were other solutions apart from himself within the scope of the earth yeah so even though the light came to reorganize things because what you're reading in genesis chapter one god is saying let the earth come forth let this come forth let this give light let that give light he is no longer creating he is restoring using the same light that created okay so in the beginning god created everything was good verse 2 everything has been messed up okay so for god to repair everything for god to repair everything he's calling light again to come and take care of things jesus are you getting what i'm saying then when god does everything but god cannot till the ground yes so god creates a man and within that man he pours himself into that man for that man to continue the work of light come on come on so adam is in the garden doing the work of the light and the light would visit him in the form that adam could understand in a similar form like adam and they will come and have conversations with adam those conversations is what you are reading that is saying that if there is i it says if the entrance of thy word give it light so if you read the genesis chapter chapter 3 it says and adam had the voice of god walking in the garden that voice was what was maintaining and accumulating the light within adam in order for him to continue to do the work that is why when a man is separated from the word of god the light within them begins to be what darkness they begin to compromise without knowing that they are compromising they begin not to know yet they should be knowing something you want about my brother and sister this was something that you did why are you not doing it anymore i don't even know they can't even understand why they can't do it they can't understand why they cannot pray they can't understand why they cannot enjoy prayer why they don't enjoy fasting why they don't enjoy this it's become a battle because the light within them has been darkened why has it been darkened you have chosen your own solution and not the solution of light and it can happen within creation thank you jesus there is no one way you can choose the way of destruction of the way of life i have put before you two ways choose life so the way of life is the way of light yes that's good yeah that's good so you can find somebody that is doing like let me give an example doing drugs you meet them and say brother don't do this they'll say well god knows my heart so their justification is god knows my heart so it's cool for me to do this not lord i am struggling with this help me that shows you that there is no light that for them they have believed that god has accepted them to continue in that or you'll find somebody that is a believer i used to say praise god shanda bakat you find them dropping f-bombs left right and center amen the only f word that christians should drop is i forgive you amen amen amen i should be looking at prophet glory to say f you you should say fu2 because the only f we can use is i forgive you amen religious people are going crazy amen you should just make a post i [Laughter] is the truth because the only f word we should be using is forgiveness because that's the only f word that god gave human race is i forgive you forgiveness is the ultimate thing yeah but when somebody's light is darkened ah the f will not be i forgive you i don't know if somebody's listening to me when the light this is the way to know if your light is reducing when you start compromising your christian work ah light is gone keep going profit so what prophet is saying is amazing and even though it sounds funny but it's still amazing but jesus said something in the same scripture we're reading and his focus was not that you didn't have light his focus was how great was it the measurement of the light in you how great is thy light so he was saying something and i think that's something that we have to really take in introspect about yes always watching your level of light and how can you watch your level of light by how much you're growing because light is the reason why we grow anything grows because of light so if you're not growing that means your light content is low yes if you're not seeing your life improving if you're not seeing things going from one level to the other that's just a sign to you that the light content within you is very low let me ask you a question so let me ask if this is what you mean let me give an example and maybe you can help me and tell me if this is uh not correct like a plant like a plant needs light to grow yes so it doesn't matter how much you water a plant it won't grow exactly so listening to the word of god without the spirit it doesn't work is that why somebody can be in church quoting scriptures but there is no light so they can't grow yes but is that light the spirit of god or is it somebody representing god because a plant will follow where the light is yes yes yes if right now we have live plants here and there is only a hole of light over there that plant will grow faster that's true so who is the light in your life for you to grow after that so following after jesus is growing after somebody yes yes okay continue continue so every time every time i look at my life i can always judge my light content if my words become because according to the word of god the word of god is light so your words also can determine how much light you have in you the way you talk determines how much life you know light you have in you so if i'm speaking uh words that are not out of faith that are not filled with faith it is an it's an evidence to me that there is not enough light inside of me because if i had enough light inside of me i would produce the right words so even with your words how you speak how you declare things about your life how you talk about your family your children shows you how much light content you have inside of you because you can never according to jesus uh we actually live from the inside out you cannot produce what you don't already have inside so you'll find that some people are trying to change certain things in their lives instead of working on how much they carry inside because if you don't have it inside don't expect to produce it so light according to the word of god is the word of god so faith is actually light a dimension faith is light yes because if you are going remember this remember god is not faith but faith is a link to light that allows things to be transmitted okay so and he says we call those things that are not remember in the beginning god said he called yeah yeah yeah let the water do this let the water do that he was calling things that were already in existence so i am not praying for something that doesn't exist wow that's the thirsty i am simply calling that which already exists but nobody can see in life form so when i release light it takes the form and substance of something and it begins to clear the ground for what i have exactly amen wow amen so when i say i decree and declare money is coming to me it's like separating the waters to give up all the land or the land to separate from water it's already do you realize every finances you're praying for is in somebody's account yes it is in the bank somewhere yes so when you make a declaration you are separating what is yours from yes amen i feel like somebody's not catching what i'm saying [Music] amen hallelujah hallelujah is somebody catching me can you expand on that sir i'll try because i'm trying i'm gonna try and explain something that happens like even when we are speaking prophetically okay go ahead sir so the like like i said the level of light content in you will produce the kind of words that you should speak like prophet just said that when you are speaking as a believer you are actually speaking light light is actually coming out of you to create what you want to see can i say something yes sir okay keep going keep going because i'm gonna say something keep okay so when you're when you're speaking you are actually releasing light and light is going forward to create what you want to see happen in your life so if i'm say that so when the bible is saying he sent his word yes what is this ending light right wow wow he sent his word and healed them so what is coming light saint john chapter 1 same place jesus he came unto his own and they did not recognize him because they thought light will look like the sun come on come on so when they hear the son of god they think it is like the sun with s-u-n and that light shined in darkness and darkness didn't comprehend wow now wow can i explain something when we are praying for people when we are speaking to people what happens is we are releasing light yes so when people feel the light of god all of a sudden you see people their whole being is being shaken it drops them something happens that they begin to tremble but when you feel the sun you just feel heat but this light is resonating to every cell in your body yes it is aligning every ligament every cell in your body it is reshaping whatever is inside not just within your spirit but your physical body the reason why when people look like at my ministry as an example right where you can just stop somebody stand up amen people don't understand it there is why some people may say ah this is acting it can't be real is because their content of light has never encountered greater light so they cannot know the substance of god so for them by which that is happening healing is impossible unless you are pretending it shows you the revelation and their dimension of meeting god when demons come out they come out because they are seeing jesus coming they have to run yeah the presence when we are speaking about the presence it is not the it is not the spirit like an example you feel darkness when an evil spirit is in a place you feel an easiness the uneasiness is the testimony and the confirmation that something negative is there but when the presence of god is there what is the evidence that there is light right come on that's good because god can come and he can be scary but there will be peace that's true say calm down it's me is this making sense yes it is yes so my question to you is this children of god like some people profit this always makes me laugh they'll say you know i was making a decision about this and i have peace about it right having peace about something doesn't mean god said yes oh that's good the uneasiness can be god telling you no and you can have comfort in your own mind believing that this is what god wants you to do oh yeah you know i just felt a release you do it and then it doesn't work i don't know but god told me because you measured light to be the the ability to be okay with something wrong or you measure darkness by something not being okay the apostles were persecuted but they were at peace not because of what was happening it was the knowledge of what was going to come beyond that place they had light they had light so they could see they knew some people have confidence in what they feel yes versus what light has shone forth has reflected has proven please let me give you an example there was a woman right i don't know who told me this i can't remember i gave a certain lady an apple on in prophetic school and she wanted to have more children i said no worries eat this and as you eat this your period is coming and everything will be back tomorrow and you'll get a child another woman was watching she wasn't even present watching prophetic school on tv she had not had a period for many many years many many years jesus she went and did the same thing in the morning period [Music] so it did not take somebody to be next to me he needed somebody that would be okay with the light yeah you can receive it amen i feel like i'm talking to myself us go ahead prophet before we finish go ahead go ahead um the bible says that you are speaking on you know whenever you're ministering to people especially when you're casting out devils and um that there is something that happens when you're doing that you know and you could tell that they are seeing something that ordinary eyes is not seeing because of their reaction and sometimes even when prophet is saying look at me you know you find that they are looking away because there is a certain level of light that can be upon a man that demons cannot comprehend and they cannot deal with and so if you don't have if you don't exercise yourself enough to increase the light of god in you guess what you're attracting darkness toward you because darkness loves darkness darkness love the company of darkness so every believer must make sure that in your life one of your greatest ambition is to keep the light of god increasing in your life because as long as the light of god increases in your life you can't attract anything in darkness demons will not be attracted to you demons will not be attracted to your sins yes yes things that you have to your business and in your family so your level of light must always go up and the bible tells us how we receive light the entrance of your word the entrance of your word give it light give it light so the word of god even as you're listening to it now the the light level that you had before you listened to this teaching has increased because when the word was coming it was adding more light into your life so every time you give yourself attention to the word of god that is an opportunity for your life to grow amen that's too much that's so good that's too much that's too much that's too much so so hear me hear me out hear me out let's try and cook this thing are you here yes sir are you here somebody we're here so in other words let me try and help somebody prophet can you give them three points that can make them you see the bible says if your light has become darkness can you give them points that will turn their darkness into light amen first thing the word of god i believe that's that's so important for our day um because a lot of people not revelation church people but a lot of people they are they are not so uh concerned about filling themselves with the true word of god the true light you know there's light but then there is true light the bible says john was light but he was not the true light so the word of god is very important for you and also i also believe that you have to get around people of light to increase your light if you keep hanging around people who are full of darkness sometime soon you also be cloud to be clouded with darkness so invest time in separating yourself and that is why you must understand that the church of the lord jesus christ is your first family even though you can love your family as much as you want to but the body of christ is actually your first family and because it identifies with not only who you are as a physical being but as a spiritual being so so many people go off and forget forget about themselves as spirit beings and the only way spirit beings can improve and and and be effective is that they are around other spirit beings because that light also that engages with light also causes like for example you're seeing you're seeing this light over here but then you're seeing this blue light they are all engaging together to make this whole set look the way it's looking so you need other forms of light around you so that that becomes a reflection the more you hang around light the more you can disperse it that's the that's extremely deep let me let me say a little something so you gave one i gave two i said the word i said the word of god and then hanging around people who are full of beings of like yes number three i think this one is important yes i think this one is important i don't think they want to hear it yeah they they don't want to okay let's let's hear it this is twofold because you measure the power of a man of god or a woman of god is measured by the content listen to me clearly children of god yes it is measured by the content of what they carry within them the depth of a man and woman of god testifies of the abundance of light they carry very true the bible says that jesus are the spirit without measure yes it was talking about that his ability to communicate god had no measure he only gave it according to what people can contain but he could go far beyond than what people could touch now another man that was extremely deep in the gospels was paul yeah the book of romans is all about grace nobody taught grace better better than paul today me and you who used to be considered gentiles we would not be grafted into israel if it was not because of the revelation that paul carried that's true the bible says that all the disciples did crazy miracles but the only one they did not say crazy they said strange was poor yes they said god did strange things there's a difference between great things powerful things and strange strange it means that this guy they looked at him they said you're doing juju yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on i feel like i'm uh strange is different from powerful strange means what men cannot understand [Music] strange means out of the ordinary strange means beyond comprehension strange means that which baffles the mind of men strange means you may think that god himself is the one that has the ability to do this miracles that they didn't even know how to name it they just said leave it as strange yeah right come on the only man who's the snake beat him and he treated it like a mosquito bite his pawn the bible says that men watched to wait for him to die the next day they waited then they said now this guy is not a human being yeah strange he did not only do strange things him himself he was strange but what made him strange is because paul became what we call supernatural amen amen jesus and what made him different is the content of what he knew about god was the measure of how much of god he could carry in 1st corinthians chapter 4 a chapter 14 paul says something very strange i thank god i speak in tongues more than all of you what a do you know how do you know how arrogant that is imagine somebody that is writing to a whole to a whole church over 3 000 people telling them i am deeper in tongues than all of you i am deeper in prayer than all of you i want you guys to have spiritual gifts but listen before i begin know that you don't pray better than me come on moses said he was the most humble man in the face of the earth because he had been with god yeah and god listen to what god says listen to what god says god opposes the proud and knows them for a from afar off but god gives grace to the humble so moses statement was based on the grace that he had been given that compared to everybody nobody had been given amen amen when the bible says that jesus humbled himself therefore he is exalted above everybody is because jesus is the second human being yeah that was more humble than anybody even more humble than moses because he beheld god in a dimension that no flesh had ever beheld god and before that it was moses even elijah did not with all his glory did not the bible says he only encountered a still small voice only a still small voice but moses saw him face to face jesus saw him [Music] wow jesus so when somebody is making their boast in god is because they know it has been approved by god hallelujah okay let me put a bow on it let me put a nice bow on top of it your ability to pray because it says he that speaketh in tongues utters mysteries it means you are saying words and those words are to expand your capacity that's why it says whoever prays in tongues it defies himself he builds himself up what do you mean build yourself up it means you're constructing your with your depth your ability to be solid is measured by the tongues that you're praying not the prayer that you're praying with your understanding because it is only in tongues you start saying a language and speaking a language that is beyond the realm of man you begin to speak god's language which is the language of light yes hallelujah it is the language in genesis chapter one god was speaking a tongue called the tongues of light [Music] you said that a prophetic school god was speaking tongues that were the tongues of what like right let there be laykora mashika patta and god is interacting within himself for himself by himself do you notice when you speak in tongues you are the one who is speaking but you are also the one who is listening trying to figure out what you're saying you're having a conversation with yourself with one part of your being is speaking trying to decode like the other part of your being trying to decode light i feel like i'm talking to myself come on jesus if you guys can do this thing did you guys hear what i said i heard if you guys can do this thing if you guys can do this thing your life will change and it will change forever amen and he will change for god's good and he will change unto the glory of god amen he will lift jesus up and he will change you he will change those who are around you and you will shift everything unto the glory of god beyond what you can see comprehend amen amen amen before we pray for you i want you to go to prophet grab your special seed and give it to god and when we come back me and prophet are going to pray for you and we're going to bless you yeah go quickly and i will see you in a second every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] cause without [Music] you deserve nothing less of [Music] so fill me full of your glory completely learn my path for me and lead me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] so [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] me [Music] me [Music] you're the answer that [Music] you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] full love your glory completely [Music] me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] i could never get enough [Music] tell me all your mysteries [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you i just wanna get closer to you now breathe i just wanna get closer to you [Music] take me to your secret place i wanna know your face to face is [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer to you [Music] uh [Music] welcome back everybody um the lord is so good and i hope you learned something today amen i'm gonna ask the prophet if prophet you can release a word and pray for the people and release something that is going to shift somebody's life that the accumulation of light in them will just explode that those things they couldn't do it will become possible for them to do please please go ahead and pray father in the name of jesus i decree in the name of jesus let this word bring about a staring in your people that even from today that they'll begin to see from the recesses of their spirit everything that you have invested in them i decree right now that this word from today entirely into that area that they need a change this light that has come to them right now enters into that dark place in their lives that that place in their finances that that place in their marriage in that circumstance that we are dealing with right now may this word go to that area and shine light and let that darkness never be able to comprehend it let it expel that darkness from them in the name of jesus i pray even as light is increasing in them they begin to see greater results than they've never seen before in the name of jesus let there be an explosion of light even as in it was in the beginning of time let there be an increase of light even as we pray right now in the name of jesus they are receiving the light of god that changes their situation that changes their it is there is a special awakening that is coming to you amen there is impactation that is happening to your spirit amen wherever you are sick put your hands on it wherever you have pain put your hands on it if it is finances you want get your wallet if it is breakthrough your believing get whatever represents what you want my god [Music] get whatever represents what you want amen thank you jesus thank you lord jesus and the lord would say i am here my son to touch my people amen and the lord would say i would shift you to another dimension amen receive it i will cause you to see what you thought was impossible to see i receive it and i will cause you to walk in the place of promise amen for i am the lord who spoke in the beginning and my word is sure and certain i have spoken this day and i've called you to a higher place glory to jesus i will cause you to know my goodness and i will extend your days even unto my coming amen i receive it i the lord i am the lord who sees all yes i am the lord who knows it all amen jesus the hour has come my children for your ears to be to my mouth and my mouth to be to your ear jesus there is much i want to reveal for the hour is close but you have i chosen to minister my mysteries too amen thank you lord i receive for i will come to you in dreams i'll come to you in visions amen and even through the words of my servants i receive your father is light you ought to be light amen your god is a consuming fire you ought to be a consuming fire that wherever you will be there shall i be also thank you lord for you carry my essence yes amen you carry my very presence amen and you carry and display my very being amen the hour has come for your light your light to be seen father i ask touch them now every part of their life that is in need my father touch it now financially health whatever it is they are believing touch them now and show forth your greatness amen show forth your power show forth your ability from this hour from the second may they know your being [Music] manifest yourself in those areas that they have needs yes establish them according to your love and your mercy thank you lord jesus even now in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen amen amen hallelujah i thought you were rejoiced like you got something amen hallelujah amen i just went somewhere else amen listen i love you so much but the lord jesus loves you even more than you can understand and uh listen to these words follow the prophet if you're not following him on facebook and instagram and even on his youtube channel thank you stay connected to the prophet is a great man and continue to be connected to this word not this words but this word and that word is jesus yes may the lord keep you amen we love you more than you can imagine but the lord god loves you even more yes and uh we will see you soon shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,996
Rating: 4.977931 out of 5
Id: EUBDcjP2vdA
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Length: 108min 23sec (6503 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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