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god bless everybody this is prophet dr lovey elias and i am so excited to be here with you today and i know god has great things for each and every one of us and some amazing things are going to happen i want you to share this as many times as you can i won't be on for long but i believe that god will raise you up to a place of great victory great transformation greater elevation and greater ac greater access i truly believe it with everything that god permits to come our way it is simply designed to push us to the place that god has called us to amen so i want you to be extremely excited about this we're going to be speaking about multiplicity of grace amen amen and i'm going to reveal something to you that i believe that uh if it doesn't change you you need deliverance if it doesn't change you need deliverance if it doesn't accelerate you you need deliverance amen if it doesn't bring you closer to god you need deliverance if it doesn't open your eyes you need deliverance hallelujah hallelujah this is going to be exceedingly powerful in every measure of the way that you can think of and i'm going to be speaking about something that is interesting now and it took me some time to understand this but by god's help and by god's grace god opened my eyes to comprehend this every single human being every single man every single woman is born with a measure of grace given to them every single one and the graces in people's lives differ they are different what is grace grace is unmerited favor it is that favor that is beyond favor that is completely unmerited because it will make you get away with things that somebody else will not get away with so your measure or the measure of grace god has given to you determines even the dealing of god with you okay so an example is this abraham can call his wife let me make it a little extreme lot can have children with his children because his wife are standing to a pillar of salt god is not angry but you go and do that with your sister or your brother it's incest god will punish you right [Music] somebody didn't hear what i'm saying we're hearing you there are things abraham got away with there are things david got away with solomon could not because everything that you are in the mighty presence of god is measured by one simple thing is measured by grace but what determines the grace you have because grace is a product of love that is why the bible says ye are saved by grace through faith but how did that salvation come for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son jesus came because of grace not because we deserved it it was unmerited what we were given by god right and that was given to humanity but the measure of grace that you have personally personal grace is completely different from the next person [Music] some have more some have less some theirs is so less that it's almost non-existent it's still there and some it's so much that you don't even understand with every wrong they're doing why isn't god doing anything about it because the measure of grace differs sin is sinning with god but the dealing of god with a person is also distinct measured by grace amen i wish somebody could hear me because i'm about to go somewhere with this that i believe will be deep keep sharing keep sharing as many times as you can i'm about to push this to somewhere where it's going to open your eyes amen now the bible says this it says grow in grace right the scripture say this plainly grow in grace esau could never outgrow the grace that he was born with help us jacob outgrew the grace he was born with even though god loved him god increased him but what caused his grace to increase you see these are things that we need to understand when god says grow in grace you cannot pray obviously you can say may god give you more grace god give me more grace you can pray for that and god by his mercies he can add it but the multiplicity of grace was not designed that you pray for it that's good what made moses moses was moses was chosen by god right but the opportunity and the grace to meet god was not from him he was given this by his father-in-law who was a priest unto god in a foreign land that moses had never been moses went to arabia when he was kicked out of egypt on exile he ended up in the plains of of of of sinai and helped his daughters and because he did that for his daughters he brought him in he even gave him one of his daughters right when he took the daughters who taught moses the ways of god it was jethro who's also called ray well he was the one who took him in and taught him the ways of god because he was the priest of god i don't know if you're understanding this he was the one who told him now you see when this because remember moses didn't know the god of the jews and there were no jews in arabia that's a foreign land so he's telling him hey you know when you see this fire descending god is on the mountain nobody goes on the mountain but started to teach him about this god so the one who opened the door for moses to meet god was not moses he was a man yes right when jacob and esau were born they were both twins these are twins in the belly god is already saying that one i love this one i hate when god is saying this one i hate he's not saying that i despise him no that's not what necessarily saying if you look at the translation it just says this one i am not as pleased with him as i am pleased with this one right but they haven't done anything but what is measuring what god is pleased by is not your actions remember there is nothing you and me can do to please him yes that's true because whatever we do is filthy rags so what is determining how we please god is measured by the grace accorded to us through the lord jesus so already you look at you look clearly you look at this man jacob his father loves him but his father doesn't like him he's calling him as a planter his mother looks at him and says my son is a trickster eso is the first one the one who has the birthright to everything not that jacob was not blessed not that jacob was not favored by god these things were also accorded to him but in reality there was a mighty mighty mighty battle spiritually because god had already decided jacob would be great but jacob could not be great because of god wow he could only be great because of isaac wow you didn't get what i'm telling you okay so even though god already loved jacob god could do nothing for jacob because the grace that jacob was born with that is the grace he was given so jacob had to use multiplicity science or the science of multiplicity of grace to go to a man to trick him to pour more grace on him so he can increase wow okay that makes sense so to grow in grace it means i need to work the system of grace yes yes there are things that if i spend time praying god may give it to me 20 years from now right but if i find dr elias who has a certain grace already yeah i just need to please him even if god is not very content with me but because he has favored me god has no choice but to favor me i feel like i'm talking to myself let me show you the scriptures let's go to philippians chapter one i believe verse six to seven philippians chapter one verse six to seven anybody philippians chapter 1 amen uh-huh being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of jesus christ yes even as it is meet for me to think this of you all yeah because i have you in my heart in as much as both in my bonds and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel yes ye all are partakers of my grace notice what paul is saying paul is not talking about you see the bible says and the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit notice what he's saying the grace of our lord jesus reveal the love of god and he produced the fellowship of the holy spirit are you getting what what i'm saying now paul is saying this paul is saying this is saying uh let's get more thumbs up on youtube it's looking really good but let's keep pushing thumbs up even on facebook keep sharing now now listen to this clearly this is very very exceedingly strange exceedingly strange paul is saying listen i have you always in my heart i have carried you have taken you i've put you in my heart you are in here now even in my praying in my pain in my in my chains i don't stop making mention of you before god you know why because ye are partakers of my grace not the grace of god mine wow that's good nah nah nah you didn't hear this so paul is saying you are what you are because of what is in me i shared it with you i didn't just preach the gospel to you but i gave you access to the grace that god has endowed within me amen that's good notice this paul when he was sold he met jesus jesus appeared to him and said why are you persecuting me he said lord who are you said i am jesus he said now go into the city you meet a man called ananias he will show you what to do so paul was a product of ananias not the encounter with jesus the encounter of with jesus put him on the path to meet men that were going to change his life man amen that's good now somebody's not listening to what i'm saying i'm hearing it i wish somebody could hear what i'm saying yeah if you look at this listen to this carefully cornelius is praying rabbi shah daba giving to god fasting you think the angel would come and say now you are elevated to another dimension from today you'll be a prophet and to the nations you will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed you will do this and that will happen that's not what happened the angel of the lord came and said your prayers and your arms have come as a memorial before god go to this address you'll find a man paul he will come and baptize you in the holy spirit and he will show you what to do notice whenever god is elevating somebody on earth god will always send you to a man if you ever meet any person that says that they are what they are because of themselves it is demonic and it is devilish amen that's so true that's good there is nowhere in scripture that a man was a product of himself right never your spirituality your anointing is as good as the people that have accepted you taking you in wow i feel like i'm talking to myself that's good you see you see the issue is we have received the love of god we have received the grace of god but we have not understood the function of it ask yourself this question god blesses men right yes why didn't god bless jacob wow because even the capacity of god to bless you is measured by the grace he gave you wow oh goodness so god for knew he already designed what you can contain because you will never go beyond what god has given you right wow but now the issue is if you meet somebody that god has loved more god has given more grace if that person loves you and shares their grace with you god no longer looks at you as you he starts looking at you as them amen so he takes what he gave them he adds on you now god to bless you bless you not only according to your measure but to the measure that's good that's good keep going if people understood this truth you honor your pastors more you honor your father's more you honor your mother's more you honor so many people way more that's so good work it work it have you ever met self-righteous people that are doing well yeah i know myself i'm not a product of me did god love me from the beginning yes did god give me from the beginning yes but there are giants that i'm standing on their shoulder like this and it is because of them they are it it is like you become a you become a tributary that or or they have like tributaries they're just pouring into you adding into you then god saying notice what god says you are found favor with god and with men whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven so if a man that god has loved loves you god has no choice but to love you amen if a man of god hates you god has no choice but to hate you if they are right you are destroyed abraham god tells abraham leave your father in mother's house go on to a land i will show you okay he gets up grabs his wife but grabs his nephew too because he was his friend the moment they leave their father and mother's home abraham is becoming rich before you know it lot is also becoming rich abraham are servants lot also has servants they become so blessed that lot and abram cannot live on the same land because the animals the capacity of the land now you have to ask yourself remember they were already in the promised land and they didn't even know god hid it from abraham because he brought somebody that god did not want him to take with him right but do you realize in the promised land in the promised land god had to separate them because the land could not support them this is good why couldn't the grace why couldn't grace why was it not sufficient god had to get rid of lord to go somewhere else even though lord was also loved by god and the genealogy of jesus actually also comes partly from lord that's true that's true teaching but god had to remove him do you know why god had to remove him because he was not going to have two fathers of two nations [Music] because abraham taking lot in he's making him also a father of a nation god can't allow that he wants only one man to be the product of that nation so god has to remove him not to partake of the grace that is in heaven i feel like i'm talking to myself god has to remove lord so that lord cannot be because lord is not his son right lot is his relative right no you be a distant you'll be blessed but what i have put in abraham you cannot have the moment lord left abraham everything disappeared right right right you realize it's just him his wife and his daughters yeah that's true no servants no kettle nothing wow that makes so much sense because as long as abraham had him remember the whole time abraham said father lord you're saying you make me a father of nations but you have not given me a son god is saying lord needs to go [Music] eliezer was a faithful servant but lot was in abraham's heart there are two reasons i will show you why a lot was in abraham's heart amen somebody says doctor i've never looked at it that way it's the only way to look at it amen there's no other way let me show you let me show you something amen when god told him take come out of your father and mother's house come out of your people come out of your land go unto a land i will show you take your wife he brought lord it was subconscious lord was already in his heart okay okay are you guys seeing this it wasn't even something that he needed to be counseled on or maybe lot was already in his heart yes he couldn't help it lord was already in his heart when god comes down from heaven to visit abraham he finds abraham sitting at the cool of the day at the entrance of the tent god comes speaks to abraham tells him that he will have a child only after lord had already left as long as lord was there god never revealed when the child would come but watch this when god now is walking with him so now they are walking god says shall i hide from abraham myself and what i intend to do i've heard sedom and gomorrah are sinning too much i have come down to punish the city the first thing you notice abraham begin to cry he begins to pray for lord lord was like a son to him lord was his relative that was like a son to him i bet you he had many other relatives but lot meant lot meant too much to him he begins to say lord have mercy on your servant what if you find 50 people he said if i find 50 people for your sake i will spare them lord what if you find 40 people notice when god came down he said i am wiping out the whole city abram begins to share his grace he said lord will you surely destroy the unrighteous with the righteous he said no i will not re destroy the righteous and the unrighteous then he said what if you find 50 righteous people notice he's using a language to convince god not to destroy lord right so as far as god was concerned he was ready to wipe out sodom and gomorrah and the angels were not going to look for lot no that's true they were waiting outside to wipe out the city they were not waiting for lot would have died in that city but because abraham tagged on god tagged on god tagged on god when the angels got in the city they waited outside then lord saw them they said no no we'll sleep out here they said no no he said please come in they say anyway is abraham's relative let's go in when the city now started knocking the door then they revealed they didn't even tell lord that they were angels they didn't even tell a lot that they came to judge the city they stayed quiet because even lot would have died in that city then they said listen we actually came to judge this city and we are going to destroy it now he said please it's night okay we will let you in the morning when you leave run don't look back we will not start destroying the city until you get to the other side don't look back but the moment the wife looked back she turned into salt notice she disobeyed angels she turned into salt sarah lied on god and god didn't do anything anything is not fair god says by this time next year you have a child sarah said me i'm old abraham is old whoever this guy is is kidding god said why did sarah laugh he said no no sarah said no no i did not laugh said no you did laugh i didn't laugh god didn't say don't you know that i am god you lie to me you drop down and die god couldn't do that because abraham loved her and because of abraham's love for her she was going to be the mother of the nation god can't do anything because of abraham wow that's crazy god comes down before moses he looks at moses he says moses move out of the way i am going to wipe this hope all these people out of my sight i brought them from egypt and they're building an idol before me on my own mountain i would destroy them he said lord you brought them from egypt to come and destroy them lord repent of this evil god said go down and warn them because i'm not happy moses gets down he looks says this is what you guys are doing and i'm pleading for you he took the ten commandments hit the ground it opened swallowed half of the people of the people who came from egypt that got delivered half of them fell in the hole and he covered them god never said a word he pretended like he didn't see it he convinced god not to destroy them but when he got down he saw what they were doing he destroyed them right god was like nothing ever happened i feel like i'm talking to myself i wish more thumbs up will be there and more people will keep sharing this amen i wish there will be more thumbs up and more people keep sharing amen more thumbs up and more people keep sharing amen amen more thumbs up and more people keep sharing your teaching oh jesus i don't know if you all can hear me yes can you guys really hear me yes so so now you you need to understand something so you need to understand something you need to understand something when we talk about divine covering we are not just talking about an anointed person the difference is not the anointing because we have all received the anointing of the holy spirit what permits you to graduate in god is not even your prayer is the grace accorded to you you can't work for anything that god gave you that's that's insanity how is that possible how is that possible you can't earn anything from god everything is by grace every single thing is by what we call grace so when we say that ah like an example if i say this is my son and daughter you don't even need you don't even need me to acknowledge if you truly love the person you say lord this is my man of god this is my woman of god and you join yourself because you don't you recognize the grace not the anointing the grace the grace can be accorded to you without even having direct contact to the person [Music] the protection you need is grace some people need think you need protection against satan no you need protection against a just god it is the grace of our lord jesus that saved us so god has given us graces different people different measures in order that when yours is failing god will save you because of somebody else's grace when god looked at looked at uh uh looked at uh solomon he said because of your father not because of you you you deserve this but because of the grace of your father because he appointed you because he chose you right i will spare you do you get what i'm saying because the father chose him he appointed him god can't do anything he's not going to destroy the one that his son appointed [Music] he can't even if he wanted to he can't he can't do it i don't want to be on the side of the law i want to be on the side of grace amen amen when you're under grace you're protected amen i'll say it again when you're under grace you're extensively protected amen you have to look at a way that god is favoring a person and ask yourself a question am i where people are favored by god or am i somewhere where people are trying to please god wow wow let's do that again trying to please god is good not bad but you cannot please god only jesus can that's why jesus is our righteousness amen amen so you need this to enter into your spirit to understand what is growing in grace remember the multiplicity of grace it means that you can contract grace like corona [Music] just being somewhere where there is grace the multiplicity of grace can come on you amen what is the difference between grace and anointing anointing is to be appointed for a certain work grace is to be favored in all things your anointing can only permit you to prophesy but grace will allow you to heal to do everything not because you're good at it because god has just loved you amen amen anointing is good grace is better amen amen grace is better that is why the bible says that god gave gifts apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers to the perfecting of the church so what is perfecting the church what is perfecting the church grace grace because notice god knows that he can't change us because this flesh is sinful period god has given us a new spirit and is renewing our heart but the nature of sin is not going away the only way we can deal with god is god has to turn a blind eye to sin and the only way you can do that is by grace jesus now somebody didn't hear amen so god has to look at grace in order to deal with us if he cannot look at grace he will never deal with any human being because everybody will fall short of the grace that is given amen we have all fallen what short of the glory we cannot attain the standard the true reflection of god nobody can that's what glory is glory is a reflection or something that reveals who you are like if you want to know that a president is is a powerful president you know that by the by the by the escort that he has the way the military is set up the way the the cia or the fbi how how the of the presence if they are really powerful details you know men these guys a very important person because the glory of who he is is being revealed by how he's being protected by how things are being taken care of if you want to know somebody that is not great you look at the honor that is being given it will reveal to you who the person is [Music] wow that's good that's good wow a lot of time people ask me wow prophet dealing with your people is just so lovely people but they don't understand it's a reflection of my own heart amen it's my nature and anybody that goes contrary to that will be removed because that's not who i am where is the place that you're multiplying your grace [Music] god never chose joshua joshua was chosen by moses hmm god simply told moses now lay your hands on joshua so it can have what you have god didn't say now i would touch joshua and i will make joshua great never god knew the capacity put in joshua and joshua by himself is not doing anything joshua needs moses i look at so many people that actually walk through my hands an example you see them talking about interviews they'll never mention anything they'll just say oh i went to this place and i saw them but they won't tell you when they were prayed for when they were unlocked given something they would never but they would make it seem like they were just born anointed right it hasn't worked like that yeah teach oh you know i fasted and prayed lies try god gives us a measure of grace and it differs some are given more from the beginning some are given less based on your assignment but if you find somebody that you have favored you can give them something that they never worked for because that's what grace is grace is never given because somebody's worked for it grace is given because somebody has loved you amen sometimes you meet certain people they'll say i don't know my heart is just open to you know what i'll show you what to do to make it simply because their heart has fallen in love with you they will give you grace they will show you grace and favor and you'll make it amen why do you think in the bible we have what we call major prophets and minor prophets major prophets and minor prophets major prophets and minor prophets major prophets and minor prophets what is the difference they are all anointed they can all prophesy they all did great works for god but the ones that are called major is not only because of the assignment but it is the favor that was accorded to them for them to be known you are as great as you are known [Music] amen that's good yeah so true an example is this but this is an example if i tell uh let me give an example those were on instagram you saw my daughter tia she did a funny video of me that was actually good it was really really fun it was really really funny and she's extremely hilarious extremely extremely fun but here's the thing she's always been posting funny videos okay right now i'm even on our instagram make sure you follow tia amen right yeah tears treaty follower she's a holy ghost filled woman gorgeous looking for her husband i'm taking applications extremely family and she loves the lord i promise you she will not pray for the food that long right but you know you go to you go to tia's videos she's always been funny nothing is new right amen but you're going to see our views they're like 5 000 the highest one is like 12 000 that i can see 3 000 4 000. you know oh there's 123 000 you know how long ago is that let's see does he tell us how long it was posted okay let's see see more okay this doesn't tell me on this is on our page so i won't be able to tell but anyway the point is that you know the 23 000 one was and this is just it was last year she said it was last year now when we got to my page right i posted what she did last night yes i posted what she did last night it's already at 30 30 three thousand eight hundred right same joke same person they say hilarious what is the difference is the exposure that one has the power to give right amen yeah are you getting what i'm saying yeah you're teaching is the exposure one has the power to give right it was late last night i was just sending a screenshot look how many views look how many views look at immediate views because it's hilarious it's like you know people are really enjoying it but i'm just trying to show you an example of grace right in that area let's say an example kanye took and posted it or kim kardashian posted it if the late michael jackson was alive posted it she would have had millions of followers right now right it's true why because whoever has the grace has the will and the ability to give it or not amen that's so good that's true somebody said bm said it is true when i saw you had posted her video i actually went and followed that's how it works so even angels [Music] because more grace means more angelic enforcement it means more it means there is more let me tell you why eli was powerful uh why why samuel was powerful i want to show you why samuel's puff let me show you why samuel was powerful let me show you why why samuel was powerful thank you jesus or does samuel show up in chapter 2 now in those days the word of god was yeah oh no that's chapter one can somebody find that end of chapter two is when he comes right okay okay i want to in those days okay chapter three is when he's ministering to god now if you look at historically right historically god killed off the lineage of of eli god killed them off but he didn't kill the spiritual heritage physically the sons of eli god killed them kill sons hush god took them eli himself god also took him right right but before god did all these things what did god do first he allows samuel to serve in that house so the children that were supposed to carry on the work what was inside of them god took putin samuel so samuel had not only his grace that he was born with he had one of eli's son and the other son of eli and before eli died he also took what was in eli was inside of him so by the time he stood up he was a he was a product of complete grace amen he was a product of complete grace yes so if somebody wants to gain grace they have to find so if somebody wants to gain grace they have to find the person of grace who is prophet lovey yes but i'll teach today i'm not teaching you how to tap into grace i'm just showing you that you need it right okay that there is a quicker way so if you want to build up by yourself you can it will take you forever and you will never build up beyond the capacity in you that's crazy is there a way to measure how much grace you have a hundred percent how do we do that there are different ways help us so you have to understand the areas that god has graced you okay you have to understand that and this is what i'll go into tomorrow okay into great detail but i'll give you an example amen there are people who have financial grace but they may not have marital grace okay now the greater your grace the more it encompasses more when you have grace in your life favor you still have to work because favor just says you're being given an opportunity into something that you didn't deserve grace says not only are you being given an opportunity but there will be ease in your working mm-hmm so there are people who don't struggle yeah it makes sense i don't that makes sense not because i'm the best at doing anything i mean i'm good at things but so a million other people but why is it that for me it's working it is the measure of grace it is just the way god has permitted it to be it's like trying to compete like with the let me go back to the old school naomi campbell who was just born like a runway model everything is just like that but you come up and you believe that you can model and you're okay but you want to be now me come but you will not it doesn't matter how much you do but do you know how you can become like her if he takes you under a wing and presents you as the next thing right and hypes you even though you are not that she can make you be the next figure of what will be happening because fashion changes right sometimes there's plus size there's little size there's tall there's now if this is what is in ah and makes you look like the cool one for that everybody will look for you for them that is why even businesses they choose brand ambassadors by the measure of grace you possess [Music] if opera grabs your book and say wow i've been reading this book tomorrow it's the new york bestseller yeah amen you give somebody else the same book and say i've been reading this they know but in fact their sales will drop is the truth clearance not there's those people will ignore it maybe one person and there are those that a hundred percent he will make the even some carriers will say we're not taking that book from that person no that person endorsed it now we're not going to take it so even brand people they don't only choose your looks if it was only about good looking people then they would be just using agency people but even in agencies they are those who are better than others not because and and they are better than others but they're not popular but the ones that may not be so greatly talented are the ones that people love nobody knows why but that's what it is right so now even when they come they look at your influence oh that person word is like like an example uh cristiano ronaldo at a press conference right he had a coca-cola bottle in front of him and he moved it and said don't drink coca-cola drink water how much how many billions did coca-cola lose they use they lost millions and millions of dollars because people who love cristiano will love coca-cola they'll love soda they will love our water that he endorsed more than coca-cola just the coca-cola being there is telling people bite his grace is advertising right if you get coca-cola you become cristiano yet coca-cola is not good right right right yeah cheating good but the moment hey drink water not coca-cola [Music] trouble [Music] trouble they lost over 5 billion 5 billion because a guy just said drink water that people have every day in the house people already drink water every day he did not say don't ever drink coke coke is not good he didn't say that he just said drink water and moved coca-cola away moving it away they said no we are delivered from coca-cola we who the grace of cristiano ronaldo has called captured we will never touch that hey they lost five billion in stocks i feel like people are not listening to me if you believe this just tie fire let me see some flames going up let me see just let me see some fires going up you're as good as the grace you carry amen your prayer will not do anything without grace holy god somebody shot holy god holy god that is why some people also use people whereby they will befriend you to tap into the grace tomorrow i'll go so deep to explain to you how to tap into grace amen amen amen even the voice of god the easiest way to hear it tap into somebody's relationship should i continue this tomorrow you know what i i'll keep this for a book yeah i think i'll say this do you know why do you know why uh do you know why um elijah asked for elijah spirit because god doesn't deal with anointings he deals with spirits because our spirit is a person are you listening to what i'm saying god deals with people he doesn't deal with an anointing that is why god can forsake you with your anointing god doesn't care about your gift god cares about the substance of your spirit wow so when elisha was asking for the spirit of elijah he wanted god to deal with him in the same way he dealt with elijah when you say oh the spirit of god is strong upon me or you begin to pray you'll notice your prayer is more than what you would usually do why because the spirit is elevating you to the measure of grace that it brought so when the spirit of god comes to you in a certain way the spirit of god produces also a certain grace to bring you to a certain level and when the spirit lives that grace also stops okay wow that's good that's good teaching i want you to go quickly to grab your bestie then give unto god and then we'll be back and then we'll continue we'll we'll continue after that go quickly and give and then we'll be back every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] you deserve nothing less i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] am [Music] me [Music] me [Music] you're the answer that i need you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] jesus [Music] wherever you want me [Music] [Music] wherever [Music] i could never get enough [Music] tell me all your mysteries [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you just wanna get closer to you now breathe just wanna get closer to you take me to your secret place [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer to [Music] you [Music] the sun [Applause] [Music] everything [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god unto our god let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god our god he's been good to us good to us so good [Music] he's been good to us [Music] good to us so good he's been good to us our highest praise for he is our god he is our god hallelujah all our days [Music] for he is our god he is [Music] [Music] he's been good to us [Music] uh [Music] good god bless everybody welcome back welcome back welcome back uh god is so amazing and god is so good and uh i know that i know that i know that something is changing in our lives and god is taking us to a new dimension uh tomorrow we'll be back her kingdom comes at grace and grace and grace thank you for sharing your grace with us prophet i appreciate how you are generous in sharing it and openly teach on it it's true because a lot of people who actually have it would not share it because the problem is you have to remember christians are not really nice people there's something that gandhi said that was very strange you guys remember gandhi gandhi said i love their jesus but i hate their christians because he looked at christians and he looked at how jesus was moving he said this these are two different people christians are nice to those who they are nice to those who align with them but if you go outside of anything they know and it's god they will persecute you you will never see let me just give you an example you will never see a muslim create a page attacking other muslims you'll never see that you'll never see that anywhere never if anything even if one of them is wrong they'll cover them the only time they can turn on them is when they see that uh this person is making our whole religion go down now it's no longer excusable then they will denounce you but they will still kind of like but they won't make a whole channel dedicated in persecuting their own people they will never do that you will never see a hindu do that you will never see you'll never even see catholics a priest making a page about other priests never but holy ghost people shanda la ba baba people ah i'm sorry it's actually sad you see them even quoting pages that they don't understand that they're gossiping right if i don't like what you're doing let me pray for you but if i'm not praying for you i'm a gossiper y'all you won't believe what that person said what a person did can you believe they are false teaching the scripture says this and this and okay are you teaching better than him in order to bring people to the truth why are they saving more souls than you the bible says whether whether out of hate or malice the gospel is being preached anyway that's what the bible says so whether you like it or not as long as somebody is getting saved that's why god keeps sending people to them right he's not sending them to you because your spirit is awful right terrible so that's the believers we are we we are deal with he is crazy you pick any religion in the world they don't have the truth that we have they don't have god but there will nev there is a unity with the even the guys who are building the tower of bible even god was shocked at how carnal people are united in one mind christians will never do that they'll be competing who has better anointing than another one who has better church who has better worship is just like are we winning souls are we serving god are we you know it's sad but i thank god that the last generation we are not like that amen amen father we thank you for the teaching today may people's lives be transformed may they never be the same by reason of what we have received today change us forever in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen tomorrow by god's grace pray for me um i mean my time of prayer and concentration as usual pray for me and uh as god permits i'll be here tomorrow and we will go deeper um may god bless you and keep you in jesus name amen amen blessings you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,850
Rating: 4.9814644 out of 5
Id: cusmba-x81Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 41sec (4181 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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