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bless everybody this is dr prophet lovey elias and i'm sorry it took us long to get on but i thank god that we are alive and i thank god that is gonna give us the ability to be able to get into the word of god and that our lives may be changed listen to me i want you to share this as many times as you can and i believe by reason of this word we will be shifted forever amen will be shifted forever amen i want you to understand something i won't take too much time i will just get right into it and i believe that god is going to use this to help you now you have to understand this by the spirit of god there is something i call spiritual i call spiritual bankruptcy okay spiritual bankruptcy what is bankruptcy what is does it mean to be bankrupt to be bankrupt means that you are empty of any resources to be broke is when you are still trying to make it but you just don't have sufficient fans but to be bankrupt you have declared that you cannot handle anything they are christians who are spiritually bankrupt i want you to hear me and to hear me well we hear you i want you to hear me and hear me well there are people who are watching right now they are spiritually bankrupt and i'm going to tell you how you can come out of this bankruptcy not only out of bankruptcy but how you can make sure you never go back into it okay amen thank you jesus this is a serious thing this is a very serious thing let me tell you something if you easily fall into temptation you're spiritually bankrupt no you didn't hear what i said if you're somebody that easily anything that comes tempts you and you find yourself doing things you don't want to do it means you're spiritually bankrupt because your spirit has no ability to resist anything yeah yeah yeah yeah it means your spirit is void of any power of any might of any ability amen you know this will kill you you know this will make you uh or put you on the bad side of god but you still go ahead and do it it's because spiritually you're bankrupt you see the lord jesus said something very interesting to his apostles okay he was praying with them he was praying with them and he told them watch and pray okay he looked at them and said watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation watch and pray that you do not fall into what temptation there are two things that are different i want you to understand there is a difference between being led into temptation and falling into temptation i want you to understand this to be led into temptation and to fall into temptation are two different things jesus our lord was led into temptation by the holy spirit but the reason why the holy spirit led him into temptation is because jesus had to overcome the flesh and he was already equipped to overcome the flesh in order for his ministry his destiny to be fulfilled as the god man amen amen but when a christian is spiritually bankrupt you are not led into temptation because god knows that you will fail you yourself naturally you fall into temptation wow okay because god does not tempt you and when god sends you into something is to improve you and to better you for everything that god will teach you when he sees that you have grasped the lesson god will allow you to go into temptation he will lead you into it but he will not send you to fall so there are christians who fall into temptation they think they are led into temptation but it is spiritual bankruptcy i feel like i'm talking to myself it is spiritual bankruptcy that is causing them to collapse are you guys here are you are you sure you're here yeah we're here are you guys sharing yes spiritual bankruptcy makes your life the devil's playground jesus okay there is a difference between testing and falling into temptation you see some people will say i'm going through a job season no you're not job was being tested he wasn't being tempted listen to me job was being tested he wasn't being tempted he was not spiritually bankrupt no matter what was going on with him yeah his children died he was solid his wife left him he was solid he lost all his wealth he was solid this was a man was not spiritually bankrupt but he was a giant in the realm of the spirit and the lord allowed him to go through this in order for job's life to be bettered to be improved in the sight of god in order for him to fulfill the destiny of god in his life in his age in his ripe age better than he did in his youth yeah because when you read the book of job it begins by saying this he says now job was an upright and just meant for you to be upright and just you have already been tested you have already overcome temptation because you cannot be upright if you are falling into temptation you are only upright if you have overcome temptation you're only upright if you're solid in the presence of god i don't know if you're understanding what i'm saying so job had already passed certain levels and this was another level that he had to go through oh hallelujah are you all listening to me hallelujah are you sure you're here yes are you sure you're here yes we're here so now the issue is listen to me clearly i want you to hear me clearly when your life begins to be the devil's playground you are spiritually bankrupt correct come on spiritually bankruptcy begins by easily falling into temptation actually not easily just falling into temptation number two number two when your life begins to be the devil's playground number three if situations can alter you can shift you from what god has called you to be you are spiritually bankrupt i know men of god that are spiritually bankrupt i know prophets that are spiritually bankrupt so many people are blaming the devil for things that it's actually their own fault they are spiritually bankrupt the devil is afraid of people who are solid spiritually people who have a strong spirit listen to me a strong spirit people who have a strong spirit the devil is not playing with the devil waits for god to give him permission to visit those people come on jesus is everybody hearing me clearly yes we are am i clear am i clear yes you are am i clear am i am i clear am i clear yes you are yep this is the reason as a child of god you have to understand the condition of your heart the condition of your soul and the condition of your spirit when the voice of your spirit is quenched above the flesh above your soul you are spiritually bankrupt there are people who can feel like they should pray but they have no power to actually execute it means your spirit is so weak it cannot push you give you unrest for you to go and pray you are spiritually bankrupt your spirit is not endowed with the power with the ability your spiritual stamina is weak you have no spiritual cardio jesus some of you are busy going to the gym doing squats running lifting you know building every other thing but not your spirit wow listen to me the bible says this renew our right spirit within me this is uh psalms 51 renew a right spirit within me it means that when your spirit becomes bankrupt he can even have the wrong intention the wrong intention of a man does not stop in their soul even your spirit can become corrupt i think okay i'm saying too much let me stop if david is praying renew a right spirit within me spiritual bankruptcy is revealed when the voice of your conscience is no longer allowed okay that's good there was a time that when you were about to do something wrong there is a voice that you will hear and all of a sudden you are shaken you even feel nervous doing something wrong but your spirit begins to lose power the more you keep doing the wrong thing before you know it you have a rappabit mind your spirit doesn't even talk it's weak you know people think the voice of god needs to be loud no you are the one who is not listening it's a sign of spiritually but spiritual bankruptcy okay listen let me show you how bankrupt spiritually a lot of people are some people are saying there's a delay between the audio and the visual is that true or are we good okay let me show you how spiritually bankrupt we are a lot of people don't understand what jesus the bible says the bible says we shall know them by their fruits right we shall know who is a child of god by their fruits what is the sign of a child of god who can give me that answer what is the fruit that reveals that you are actually a child of god obedience i give people mike's i want to even see people online what is that fruit because jesus said you shall know them by their fruits but what is the primary fruit that proves you actually belong to jesus being led by the spirit of obedience being led by the spirit obedience that's not really it because somebody can be led by the spirit subconsciously okay okay hello hello some people are saying love love love that's not true because love is in the eyes of the beholder some people saying winning souls that's not it because there are people who win souls the day there's the day they will stand before god and say we did this in your name you say i don't know you some people saying wealth and blessing that's not it let me show you the fruit that reveals i'm going to give you a verse for you to read okay if you don't know this you might be on the verge of spiritual bankruptcy i can give you a million verses but i'll just use one that you know john chapter 10 verse 27 to 28. listen to this john chapter 10 27-28 my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me so the sign of a child of god is that you can hear god oh not obedience you can't be obedient to what you don't hear you see there is a big issue we have in the church and this is part of the reason why people are spiritually bankrupt the word of god is indeed important yeah but you don't hear a voice by reading okay this is great for doctrine and it can release the word of god into you but this is not rhema yeah it is not this is logos the established word of god but jesus said it this way my sheep hear my voice i know them and they follow me so even god recognizes his own because they can hear him yeah yeah yeah okay the sheep does not need to see the shepherd they just they follow the shepherd the problem is you follow everything and you are able to be plucked out of god's hands because you're spiritually bankrupt you can't even hear god that is the primary primary primary sign of the fruit of the spirit wow [Music] that is the main thing you have the bible today because of people who could hear god yeah if there was no man that could hear god there would be no bible wow wow this is why when we do things like prophetic schools some people ignore they don't understand why it's important if you read the bible every single great man and woman of god they heard the voice of god and the word of the lord came to me and the spirit of the lord said to me and the spirit of the lord said do this the spirit of the lord do that but you you just want to read pages and you think you're hearing god no you're not reading the scriptures is indeed good but you know why this has become a dangerous thing because you have been taught everything that is godly is tangible yet god is spirit we need to be looking for the spiritual that cannot be touched by physical hands but can be touched can be grasped by the inner man the spirit having the ability to hold on to what men cannot see what men cannot tell but you know that you know that you know because you know that you heard him not because you are guessing not because you are you're you're trying out something but because you know your spirit knows you can hold on to something that people don't know listen i got a message today i got a message today i always look at my messages by the by the grace of god but there are so much sometimes i can't keep up but by the grace of god once in a while and i look and i saw a video of somebody uh they sent me a prophetic video that i had prophesied to somebody and they out and there and they wrote to me there are prophet this came to pass please pray for my aunt because her heart is not really well because of what they said when they came i mentioned somebody's name i said this person they said yes that's my son i said listen we need to pray for your son because i'm seeing blue and red lights following him yeah yeah and i saw him being arrested because they found drugs on him but these drugs will not be doing they will be planted on him because of other people she the person wrote me and said prophet what you said is so true and when i prophesied to them i said i saw two times this man was arrested and this is the third time wow because they didn't hear the instruction the person heard the video probably didn't follow the instruction or no matter what the case is they fell into the trap of the enemy that is what spiritually bankruptcy is you are so taught you know we are so we are we are so backward that we are looking for pages instead of the spirit my god the latter kill the letter kill it but the spirit gives life their spirit their spirit i'm not talking about guesswork so your spirit will always be bankrupt because you don't hear from god listen to what jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the lord if you don't hear directly from god you're already dying you're bankrupt jesus reading the scriptures is good but it's not rhema it's not guys this is why so many uh so many people right there are so many people and listen to me clearly there are so many people so many people that will say oh if it is not in the word if it is not in the word if it is not in the word but they are in the word but they don't hear god jesus said the same thing to the pharisees he said you seek the scriptures thinking in them you will find life but i tell you this the scriptures only point to me it means in this book there is no life it points you to life to life this is not my words it's the words of the lord jesus the one who saved your soul and mine he is saying you seek the scriptures thinking in them you will find life but the scriptures only point to me amen amen amen so many of you you are in spiritual bankruptcy don't have a form of godliness and not have power yes if you lack power you're bankrupt if you lack power you are spiritually bankrupt if you don't have power you are spiritually [Music] do you know why a lot of people the people who have the spirit of god truly are actually growing when they hear my voice they're not god is speaking to them not even when i'm prophesying actually i love to prophesy but i love to teach the word of god more why do i like to teach the word of god more because it teaches you how to hear god amen amen somebody who is actually seeking to mature and to grow when they hear me they get hooked because their speech tells them this is what we have been waiting for yes absolutely but there are people who battle there is a spirit in them fighting them to listen to me have you ever noticed the people who don't go to church are the ones that want to preach to you [Music] are the ones who want to tell you how you should be before god come on jesus are the ones who want to tell you that's not how a man of god should be yeah how do you know you don't even preach you don't even save souls you don't even do anything and those who preach that will tell you it is not like this you look at the souls they are saving none god has not even anointed them for people to listen to them but they take that to be oh jesus was rejected jesus was rejected but the majority was saved yes sir i pray for you thank you i really pray for you that god will rescue you from spiritual bankruptcy amen amen i am actually praying for that thank you father i'm really praying for that amen amen you see the church is powerless because you're spiritually bankrupt [Music] and tomorrow i'll go into detail on how to fix this today i'm just giving you an introduction okay so many of you are not willing to do things that take it takes for you to make sure that your spirit is consistently fueled you are part-time believers you are part-time christians you are partly christians partly believers full-time or full-time but you're trying to be spiritual you all are playing with god you don't get this thing god my god my god but i say this to you with all my heart i say this to you with all my heart i have made a lot of mistakes you can make mistakes too but are you growing out of them mistakes should show you should testify to you your need for the lord spiritual bankruptcy is killing the church it has killed the church so much that if somebody is seeing the prophetic they think it's demonic yes they think it's tarot reading they think it's psychics yet they don't know the psychics the tarot readers are actually a counterfeit of what god gave prophets to do for you do you know what the bible calls prophets originally prophets had two names in the bible oracle wow and sears yeah oracles and seers people used to say let us go and see the seer let us go hear the oracle what he will tell us we lost this what should happen how should this go let us go and see the seer let us go to the oracle yeah but today they compare you to what is fake come on as if the fake is the original so to them god doesn't speak jesus so if they hear you prophesying if they see this you know we have a video that just went viral on on tick tock i posted it last night because i'm trying to you know i always believe this truth i believe that a believer should be on the cutting edge should be should be among or should be involved with their with the with the primary way of communication in their time if the lord jesus was alive today he will be on tw tick tock he will be on youtube he will be on facebook if moses was alive he would do that because that is the easiest way to get to people amen the quickest way are you listening to me yes sir so i i realized that okay you know there's this part i'm not taking care of this let me build this up in order for us to save more people yeah yeah yeah so i wasn't really paying attention to it then i said all right you know what i'm gonna go and actually now do it so i went on there and i started posting videos i posted one prophetic video and if you know me you know i can really prophesy this video wasn't even to me it was not even crazy prophecy i called the person by their name told them what was going on with them how they were going to die and god saved them how they were supposed to die and how god saved them and they confirmed the exact year this is what happened i spoke to them about a lot of things that video right now it has over half a million views and i posted that yesterday after service when i left church around 1am right many yeah 1am i posted the video in the morning by the time that we how many somebody going on tick tock right now and just 5 24 yeah yeah no 524 yeah 524 000 views right i started with 4 000 followers because it was just not really doing anything right now i'm over 20 something thousand just overnight like that there are people not even 24 hours there are people who are so hungry for god at the same time you go on there you realize that so many people that think they are christians they don't even know when it is god yeah that's yep it true some people are like um there's no way this can be from god because you need to test every spirit you don't hear god even another person i remember so many people are writing some people are defending a lot of good reaction and others very like the bad reaction is like maybe five percent 95 percent is positive amen amen one person actually wrote and said guys can somebody be talking about jesus talking about god's comfort be demonic yeah amen even jesus said it like this the devil doesn't even fight amongst himself but christians because of spiritual bankruptcy they are doing the job of the devil to fight other christians yes sir jesus hmm they see something in the name of the lord instead of saying you know what lord i know you can do anything lord speak to me if this is real well but the first thing this has to be fake yeah our another person wrote sort a deliverance video and said ah well you know this video shouldn't be posted because the demons are being cast out will jump on everybody i said where is that written in the bible they they one person wrote oh uh it is written the demons asked jesus where to cast them yeah the demons asked jesus where to cast them because they did not want to remain in the man because jesus had come their issue was please don't send us to hell our time hasn't come allow us to go into the pigs it means that every demon you cast their primary destination is hell it's hell amen thank you father they are saying don't send us to the pit allow us to go to the to the pigs so if you say in the name of jesus and a demon comes out the first place that goes to the pit but all this is happening because people are spiritually bankrupt people spiritual bankruptcy is destroying the church that we cannot live in the power and the glory of god help us jesus but they will say they love god but they don't believe in miracles they see a blind person's eyes open they say um this is staged and you are christian come on come on something is wrong your first instinct should be wow lord we praise you amen god you can do anything yes but the same ones who are claiming they have the holy spirit they will start discourage it is not even religious this is spiritual bankruptcy because the world can look and say wow i want that yeah but the church would be the it's it's ridiculous but all this is because of spiritual bankruptcy that stuff doesn't affect me because souls are being saved amen amen souls are being saved amen there are certain things you don't need the holy spirit to know you just need common sense to know yeah so tomorrow i'm gonna go deep on this subject and just show you how to build and show you how to build listen to me i said this on thursday and i'm telling you now the wealth on my youtube i don't think i i i keep saying this and the lord forgive me if this is coming from pride but i know that it's not because this is his doing in my life amen if you go and really listen to the videos on my youtube channel thank you there is no way you can remain the same that's right that's true that's true there's too much uplifting real content by the spirit of god by the spirit yes sir thank you not empty words what's loaded with the spirit you can't listen to me and not want jesus more amen thank you so i want your hearts to be positioned in a way whereby god can be honored and be glorified in your life don't miss out on god because of bankruptcy there is the anointing the power of god that is available for you and me let's take it let's receive it and let us change the world because of it i want you to go to prophet lovey.com right now thank you lord and i want you to go and give your best to the lord to support the work of god and then i'll be back and we'll pray and then i'll be back tomorrow and we'll take this deeper go quickly and then we'll be back [Music] lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] empty i wanna come to you empty you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on yours so fill me full of your glory completely line my path for me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] you're the answer that i need [Music] you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] me [Music] me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] wherever you are [Music] [Music] every day with you tell me all your mysteries [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i just wanna get closer to i just wanna get closer to [Music] take me to your secret place [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer to you know [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] with everything [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you now breathe [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god unto our god let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god unto our god he's been good to us good to us so good [Music] even good to us good to see [Music] he's been good to us [Music] [Music] he is our god he is [Music] for he is [Music] [Music] he's been good to us [Music] he's been good [Music] he's been good to us [Music] god bless you all i am so happy and i'm so thankful to god that you are learning something so precious that i believe that is going to take us to another realm and my desire is always this thing is that when my time comes i will make sure that i go before the lord empty without reserving anything whether the rapture comes or whether the lord calls me i want to be empty i don't want to go to i don't want to go back to my father with what he gave me i want to make sure i spent it all to bless all his people father i thank you in the name of jesus the god of abraham isaac and jacob the father of our precious lord jesus i thank you for your holy presence oh lord i thank you that you are the god who never changes and i thank you lord that you ordained this day for me and my brothers and my sisters that are watching around the world to truly truly truly come closer to you than we have ever been lord let your words change our hearts and change our lives lord we desire to just be an extension of you father we want to be a tool in your hand to impact the world and to change the world for the coming of the lord jesus father help us not to be bankrupt spiritually but let us be full of grace the power and the wisdom of god that when we speak that when we pray that the results that will follow will be by the spirit of god father i thank you for your great love your great mercy and that you never change amen listen to me the lord jesus loves you and i know that he is with you and i can't wait to see you tomorrow may the king of glory bless you shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 5,155
Rating: 4.9734659 out of 5
Id: 28CtXzPvcIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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