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god bless everybody god bless everybody and uh i bless you all in the name of the lord jesus i welcome you in this amazing hour and this amazing time in the presence of god and i believe that you are going to experience such an amazing amazing amazing presence from the lord jesus and i'm sure and i know that something will shift in your life forever and uh i'm very excited to share some of my experience and especially these are going to be in a book um that i call spiritual lessons from spiritual encounters as lessons from spiritual encounters and i'm going to share some things with you and i know that they will really push you to where god wants you to be and you'll have a deeper understanding of god and and spiritual realities you really come to a deeper understanding of god and spiritual realities you see there are things that you can read about there are things that people can talk about but there is a difference in experiencing things as children of god we were not called to just hear the word of god but we were called to experience god and the truths that come with knowing god so i'm going to share this i usually have i don't think i've ever spoken about this in detail this will be the first time and i felt it in my heart to talk about this today and uh and why did you do crunching tiger just go around you you spill it you don't want to spill it just come round and sit on this side and just put it here and uh and i believe by the spirit of god you can move the computer on this side so you can sit on this side and i believe that uh thank you so much and i believe that uh god is gonna do something tremendous because it's gonna change amen your life i'm gonna tell you the things that i saw the experiences that i had and by this it will bring you closer it will draw you closer to god now i personally don't believe that hearing about hell is for the world the world will never get born again because there is a hell the world will become born again because they know there is a god that loves them and paid a big price for them that is why the bible says the goodness of god brings man to repentance if you just talk about the the dangers and the and the and the torment of hell without explaining the love of god that was given to us to redeem us from the pit then we have failed in understanding of what salvation is heaven was made for people that love god it was not made for people who are afraid of fire people who don't want to be tormented i'm going to say that one more time hell was created for those who love god not for those who are afraid of punishment there's a lot of people who do good things but not because they want to be good they do them to avoid some kind of punishment that is called deception the bible says god cannot be deceived so if you're going to be good just because you don't want to go to the fire but you don't really love god or you're not trying to know god then heaven is not really for you i wish somebody could understand that and really comprehend this so what i'm going to speak about is not for you to be motivated to tell people you're going to burn in here ah that's not why it is like that's not the purpose of it the purpose of it is to educate you so that you are knowledgeable so that you are passionate about serving people helping people to come to the greater knowledge of jesus that is the purpose of it so i'm going to be sharing some scriptures first and then i will explain uh i will explain uh broadly and specifically uh what i saw what my experience was i want you to share this as many times as you can i want you to hit the thumbs up whether you're on you're on youtube or you're on facebook hit the thumbs up as many times as you can as many times as you can and and once you have shared and hit the thumbs up say you're ready and then i'll come on and i will continue so i'm waiting for you to say that you're ready you have shared and then uh and then we'll go we'll go ahead hallelujah amen amen thank you lord it's really getting colder but you're from new york this is nothing it's bad though but this is not too cold for you it is it really is this is like new york weather right now oh okay hey okay god bless you me and the cold we are hardcore enemies all right if you have shared then you're ready just and i want you to hit the thumbs up youtube i need those thumbs up to go up more more more more and and and and facebook also so number one i want us to go to to the uh to the book of revelations uh we're going to go to revelations chapter 1 and we are going to read verse 18. revelations chapter 1 verse 18 revelations chapter 1 verse 18. amen revelation chapter 1 verse 18 i am he that liveth and was dead and behold i am alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death one more time and passionately unfortunately he that liveth i am he that liveth and was dead and was dead and behold i am alive forever more amen now you have to understand something about the nether realms or the underworld if i should say uh hell another word for hell is she okay she or hades or hates she oh sheol or hides but hell is such a big place and there are other realms that are in the nether realms themselves there is hell is a location the grave is a location and death is a location that's why you find the lord jesus saying i have the keys of hell and death if you keep reading it goes on to also say there are other places that he talks about hell death and the grave these are three different realms within the realm of the dead now whether you like to believe it or not hell is a real place it is a hundred percent real a hundred billion percent real a hundred thousand infinity truth it is a hundred percent real hell is a hundred percent real if you believe that jesus died then you have to believe in hell because the work of jesus on the cross was not only complete on the cross it was complete by him descending to the lowest lowest parts of the earth the lowest paths of the earth for him to complete the work the cross did not produce the keys of hell death and the grave it was him descending to the lowest part of the earth that he was able to take the keys of hell death and the grave so any believer that believes that jesus died and rose again but you don't believe in hell you need to check your belief you need to check your belief because the work of jesus was not complete until you went to hell now some people say jesus was tormented in hell that's completely not true that is absolutely not true and i will explain to you some truths about that realm and i will also share my experience there now if you go we don't need to read this but if you go in the story of the rich man and lazarus if you go to the story of the rich man and lazarus you realize there is a place called paradise now before the lord jesus came on the earth no human being could enter heaven people could have visions of heaven people could be caught up into heaven but no one could stay in heaven because there was no atonement that was satisfactory it was satisfactorily uh was was completely able to quench the anger and the wrath of god for men to be able to enter into heaven yeah so when human beings died it did not matter whether you believed you loved god lived for god you if you lived for god you went to a place called paradise or other scriptures call it abraham's bosom and if you did not please god by your life you went to a place called hades you went to the place called the pit so in reality hell and paradise were opposite each other now hell is a big place and our and you will know as we keep going you will understand the hell is a big place but listen to this those who are in paradise if they came to the side which was closer to the bottomless pit they were able to see those who are suffering in hell and those who are in hell if they were close if their pits or their torments were closer to the bottomless pit they could see paradise from the other side wow but paradise is not heaven now when when when uh um when the rich man saw father abraham he said father abraham please send lazarus to put his finger in the water and to come and quench my thirst father abraham first of all said that the gap between me and you where you are and we are no one can jump over or cross over the bottomless pit in itself is a mystery because it's a pit that has no end you just keep falling ah for eternity you're just falling it doesn't have an end in math in in in the book of genesis chapter 6 the fallen the angels who came down and had children with human beings the bible says that they are bound in everlasting chains in the bottomless pit meaning this angelic beings called the watchers that sinned in the book of genesis chapter 6 they are bound in everlasting chains and they are forever falling since genesis chapter 6 until now they are still falling some of the most dangerous demons are bound in the bottomless pit and when we say bound we are saying they are tied up but they are still falling sorry so the bottomless pit he is was separating paradise and hell paradise and hell if you read uh um if you read in the book of mark uh because my focus is is on on uh on on hell i i i won't do too much reading on those things i'll go into other things because you can take your time and read this the bible says when jesus died he descended to the lowest parts of of the earth he went into hell and preached the gospel to those who had died from the time of noah that had no knowledge of god and those who believed from that place were taken out of hell including those who are in paradise when jesus rose up when jesus died the bible says graves were open all over jerusalem and other parts of the world graves are just open and when jesus resurrected out of the out of the grave they also are taken out of the earth and that was the first time human beings actually were permitted to remain within heaven wow before that nobody could before that people are just operating out of paradise yeah try if you're still tracking with me i hope you're listening if you're listening just type i am listening i know some people would want to know this but it's in uh in i believe it's mark that speaks about this in in great detail did you find it look look in mark i just want i don't want anybody to say that oh i'm saying things that are not scripture no they're in your bible they're in there a hundred percent and that says he he preached in the gospel in the house yeah uh speaks first peter three oh first peter thank you first peter first period three mark talks about the open graves yeah first peter first peter 3 uh verse 19. yes uh and it reads by whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison notice that word prison i want you to remember that everybody i want you to remember the word prison remember the word prison keep going okay verse 20 which some which sometimes were disobedient with some time they were disobedient when once the long-suffering of god waited in the days of noah ah these are spirits from the time of noah they are once upon this once upon a time disobedient they disobeyed god in the time of noah keep going while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water so it means god didn't want eight people to be saved he allowed these people to he allowed these people by their disobedient god allowed them to go to the pit for jesus to come later and to bring them out i keep going the like figure where unto even baptism does also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward god aha now you don't need to go beyond that so jesus went to preach to souls from the time of noah so he tells you that hell is a real place and there are real people there hell is a real place and they're real people there now is it okay for me to continue i hope you're tracking and you're sharing this because this will bless somebody it will bless somebody and change somebody's life now there are different locations in hell i will tell you the location i saw i i can't i know what i saw and i've gone there more than one time i've gone there two times twice i will tell you what i saw and i will tell you the myths and the truths that people have that the myths that people have that you will learn today and know the truth about it and also how you can eternally avoid this place because to be honest with you even your worst of enemies you don't want them to go there your worst enemy you don't want them to go there if if uh uh if hitler was in the world of the living with all the evil that he did you would not want him there this is a terrible place there is no torment that surpasses what is there now uh i will explain to you how my experience started and then we'll go more into the scriptures actually to prove to you now another thing is that uh go back uh to revelations 1 18 i want to point out something okay revelation 8 uh chapter 1 verse 18 i am he that liveth and was dead and behold i am alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death one more time i am he that liveth and was dead and behold i am alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death uh-huh now i want you to see something i want you to go to ephesians chapter 4 verse 9 ephesians chapter 4 verse 9. ephesians chapter 4 verse 9. amen ephesians 4 verse 9. yes now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth so we know that hell is beneath our feet [Music] i can't tell you if it is in the core of the earth all i know it is beneath our feet so when i start explaining my experience to be honest with you the second time i went i wasn't even sure if i was out of the body or if i was physically in my body wow that's how serious it was and we'll come to that hell is beneath your feet right now as you're walking on the earth there are people in the nether room or the underworld that know there is a world going on above them and and and and and uh they cannot come out of where they are they cannot warn the people who are above them this is a complete reality and to also prove to you that paradise is was also down there if you go to the book of samuel when samuel had died and uh and saul managed to summon his spirit the bible says that the the the the diviner or the woman was practicing divination she said i see a man coming from the earth coming from beneath the earth and the man looks like a god and she said you lied to me this is samuel coming from the earth now if samuel went to heaven why didn't he descend from above samuel is coming from the earth that tells you where paradise used to be now when the lord jesus came the location of paradise shifted he lifted it up and now abraham's bosom is no longer within the spiritual dimension of the earth but is in the heavenly realm actually when you go into heaven that's the first place you stop at it it looks like it's the suburbs of heaven if i should say abram's boson okay i'm gonna continue now now i want you to remember it is beneath yeah now when the lord jesus anointed me to really begin ministry i've had i was blessed by god to have a lot of experiences growing up and and and meeting the lord based on my calling now god did not visit me or give me all these opportunities because i was a great man or because i am i am the most righteous man or because i am the most perfect man it is just god's sovereign mercy and love you see when god selects somebody he doesn't select you because you're great if our qualifications qualified us to be chosen by god then god is not god because it takes our effort to be qualified by him but god qualifies us through his grace and through his love and through his mercy we can all have faults i have faults i have made mistakes and but god's love cleanses us continually if we remain in it and god is able to help us consistently and continually when the lord jesus anointed me this is in the year 2012 when god wanted me to really start to do ministry i had a very for 30 days it was one of the most troubling times of my life because the realm of the spirit was completely open to me in a way that i did not know before i always saw visions i had encounters but this one was not it was like the intensity of everything was unleashed on me it was like god used to shield me but now he allowed me to really see what i was combating with and i tell you the truth children of god if it is not for god me and you cannot be here to be honest with you without god we cannot fight satan it's a lie i'll say it again without the mercy the grace of god without the angels of the lord without the hand of god listen we are destroyed that's just the honest truth we are hundred percent destroyed a hundred billion percent destroyed it's truly the grace and the love of god that maintains us and keeps us and protects us even when we do foolish things and we involve ourselves with foolishness and sinful things it is really the love of god that keeps us now there was a wonderful woman of god that really helped me and and i call her a mother in the faith and her name is mary catherine baxter god gave me a lot of favor with this woman because at that time there was a lot i was experiencing that i could not express it was only somebody that has seen what i have seen and known what i have known that could help would help me to understand the reality is this when you experience spiritual things it doesn't mean that your understanding will comprehend it instantly because some things it's only experience and time that will explain to you god won't even explain it to you and sometimes when you rush into spiritual realities or you want to be so spiritual so quickly you might end up into utter confusion some of the people that you see on the street walking in the street and their minds are kind of gone or whatever some of them it's not that actually they have a mental issue some of them were exposed to spiritual things that caused them to go into confusion remember your soul can go into complete confusion even by seeing god if god appears to you or an angel of god appears to you and you don't have a strong heart we see daniel fainting passing out that gabriel had to touch him to bring him back and to calm him down say this is why angels say don't be afraid they reassure you and calm you down there is no such thing as when an angel of god comes you'll feel peace ah that's not that's not true you know when people say when god appears this fullness of peace now you will be terrified the terror that will hit you will be worse than of hell jesus you will be so scared with you will be so troubled beyond what you know but it is his voice and his reassurance that will make you understand that you will come down because of his reassurance of who he is and what he has come to do he will bring you peace but it's not like a blanket of liquid love will come over you and you that's not true it doesn't work like that now listen to me carefully and listen to me well uh i had i before i met uh mary and god had already started speaking to me i had a very dangerous encounter with the devil i'm not saying with demons with the devil and this is where i learned how dangerous the spirit of suicide is and it's really by god's grace that i passed that test i cried to god when the devil appeared to me it is really god's hand that saved me there was nothing of me that could have saved me i i i'm not even sure i want to speak of that experience openly i want to focus on hell yeah but this was one of the experiences all i can tell you is that when when he when he showed up where i was it was around 2 am i was praying by myself in the studio this is my old studio i was praying by myself in this room and all of a sudden it became cold it became so cold like i want to say below zero degrees kind of cold now this may be controversial but i don't want you to be controversial i just want you to understand i'm trying to explain it to you i'm not saying go and watch this movie but if you have seen this movie you will understand what i'm saying if you've ever seen harry potter by any chance i think he was the prisoner from asgard and there were this weird demonic creatures that were going after the train and when they showed up it just became so cold yeah it became so cold listen these people who are making these movies they know things that a lot of you don't know 99.99 of these things are true when when the devil i'm not talking about a demon i'm talking about the devil himself showed up in front of me a man walked to when he was coming to the door i was praying and all of a sudden it just started getting cold and i did not understand i'm in l.a yes it gets cold but this cold is like zero degrees cold like you know when you breathe you start seeing it really and i'm not saying spiritually i'm saying physically the man walked at the door it became so cold i felt so powerless i cannot describe i don't know if there's words that i can uh that that i can explain and and and the devil spoke to me but i won't go into that experience one day i will teach about this part in and i'll go into great detail about this god that day i cried i literally cried unto god and i shouted to god lord help me save me and an angel of the lord came and and and satan left and i was saved if god did not come to my rescue that day i'll be in i'll be in prison somewhere because of what satan wanted to make me do and i had no power to resist him unless god delivered me this is why you have to be so careful condemning people judging people because you don't know what people are battling or what people are fighting be thankful to god that you can overcome what you don't understand pray for them because there are forces out there that it takes god for you to survive the next thing that happened was uh one night i was in my room laying on my bed and i was meditating on the lord and i saw a creature this is like portals of hell were opened against me to really i believe god allowed this to strengthen me i believe god allowed this to strengthen me and to strengthen my heart to remove fear from me i was in my bed and i was and i was praying meditating on the lord just in my bed just in my bed praying and the tv was on all of a sudden i had a growl in my room ah i opened my eyes and i'm sorry i'm using movie references but i'm just trying to make you understand visually yeah my experience before we go into the hell part i saw a mythical creature and i came to understand that this was not myth this was a demonic spirit from the pit of hell i saw him with my two eyes have you ever watched 300 the movie 300. you remember in the beginning where he kills like a wolf like creature yeah that was really big before 300 before i ever saw that movie god is my witness i saw that creature and when i came to see that movie i held my mouth and said i saw this beast before this creature appeared in my room he was this he was bigger than a man he was really bigger taller than a human being the same way the same look looking at me angry and when he was about to attack me physically i'm not saying none of these things i'm telling you spiritually i'm telling you physically when he was about to attack me the angel of the lord appeared and the light in the room caused him to be dispersed and he and he left wow god saved me again another one there are many of these things that happen i remember calling mary kay backs and i told mary i said mom i don't know what is happening to me i feel like i'm losing my mind because the things that i'm experiencing and that i'm seeing i tell you i was a prayer warrior because of this experience i started to pray too much i was already praying but my prayer increased to a very very high dimension and all this was within the 30 days i'm telling you the 30 days that i'm telling you when they were right about to begin i call mama baxter and i talk to her she tells me lovey i have to tell you something but you have to be strong because mama backs as a prophetess she told me i want you to be strong the lord jesus told me that he's gonna give you an experience of hell he's permitting you to go through these things so that you can be strengthened because your ministry will encounter a lot of spiritual warfare a lot of spiritual warfare you will overcome but if you avoid these experiences now in the future it will destroy you she said god said is going to take you to hell to see it and i said ah i didn't say amen to that i actually refused and prayed against it i actually prayed against it and to be honest with you and i'm sharing this experiences it is it is i am relieving it so when we start getting deeper into this if you see me pause for a while just understand that these are difficult things to explain my first experience of hell was in outer darkness is a place that the bible calls outer darkness now i'll read i'll read a a verse for you concerning outer darkness if you're still following me i hope you're following my first my first experience of this of hell was in a location called outer darkness matthew verse 25 verse 30. matthew 25 verse 30. okay matthew 25 verse 30 okay matthew 25 verse 30 and cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth now why am i telling you out of darkness because different locations of hell have different torments not everywhere in hell there is fire hell is bad i want you to listen to me not everywhere in hell there is fire there are places the pits have fire but there are other places other than the pit that don't have fire the lack of fire itself that the scriptures speak about is not in hell the lake of fire is somewhere in the spiritual realm in the universe somewhere because the earth the hell death and the grave will be thrown into that place so if they are being thrown into that place then you know that it is not in the in the same place that they are but that is another subject but this place that i'm talking about there is a place called outer darkness outer darkness the darkness itself has a presence it is like the darkness is alive it is not darkness like you know on earth have you ever been in a dark room you close your eyes you cover your eyes and put your eyes you put your hands over your eyes and it's still darker than that and the darkness can be felt it is actually a presence it's not a feeling it is a presence so this happened to me like this i was laying on my bed meditating on god all of a sudden my bed was open and i fell my spirit slipped out of my body and fell i just remember seeing son next to me and all of a sudden the bed was open i don't know how to explain it i can just tell you i'm using words the way i can explain it to you all of a sudden i was sucked down and i'm seeing the world i'm seeing the lights from the earth dimming away while i'm entering another dimension and it's closing above me and i remember thinking to myself this is how it is when people die and go into the nether realms or the the realm of the dead i was so frightened the angel of the lord was not with me physically at least i did not see him i did not see any angel no one was with me i just fell and i remember it was not like ah kind of falling i was suspended and and it was like when i slipped out of my body it was fast but when it closed above me i was just like in limbo the only way i could explain it it was like in limbo i was descending but i was not descending towards anything i was just in a place so dark that it was so dark that it was so dark the fear that you feel and all i could hear was just screamings and cryings of people and i remember thinking to myself this is how you can die go to hell and your family will never know what happened to you i want you to really think about that this is why especially for us as children of god it's very important for us to be right with god those thoughts were running through my mind my son will never know where i am because when this experience happened it was not like oh god is showing me hell i really believed that's where i was going can you look at job 1022 please i really thought to myself with everything in me i said lord i am dying and my son will never know where i am my brothers will never know where i am everybody will cry for me but they will never know that i am i've been taken to this place just that thought itself tormented me like crazy i wish more people would share this and put the hit some thumbs up especially if you're on youtube youtube we are over 650 people i want more thumbs up because people need to watch this and this is going to bless somebody somebody will be blessed by hearing this i want you to hit the like button i want you to share this as many times as you can as many times as you can are you there yeah job 10 19 job 10 verse 19. i should have been as though i had not been i should have been carried from the womb to the grave verse 20. are not my days few cease then and let me alone that i may take comfort a little verse 21 before i go whence i shall not return even to the land of darkness and the shadow of death verse 22 a land of darkness as darkness itself and of the shadow of death without any order and where the light is is as darkness listen what i'm telling you is true a hundred percent true the to me i'm just telling you my experience in my thoughts the only thing i could think about is like my family will never know and it is like god removed it from my mind to remember that i was a believer for some time i don't know how long i was there for i can't tell you how long it was because the sense of time didn't really make sense but when i was pulled down to this place i remember just thinking my dear andrew will never know where i am my brothers will never know where i am no one will ever know where i am i am lost forever that was what was going on that was what was going on in my heart my thoughts i was tormented i was so scared and there was no ground i was not standing on on the floor i was suspended it was like i was on a descent but not a descent i was just in limbo lost forever that's the only thing i could think about i was really thinking to myself and i was saying lord the this this is too much i am lost forever my son will never know where i am my my my my family will never know where i am no one will ever know where i am i was tormented that thought itself scared everything out of me if you ever see somebody dying if you listen to hospital stories some people on their deathbed they scream and they shout because they're going to that place some people they will kick they're trying to react by thinking by moving their body they will pull their spirit back because at the point of death somebody's reality the reality and the dawn of understanding that there are two worlds operating at the same time listen to me children of god god just wants us to be christians it's very important to have a repentant heart it is very very important to have a repentant heart because living this world is just like this and then all of a sudden i remembered god i don't know how to explain it to you it was like a reminder came to me that there is a god who is hearing me i said lord please have mercy on me please have mercy on me the moment i said lord please have mercy on me it was like a light beam appeared and i was pulled out within seconds i was pulled up and when i was pulled up i entered my body again i got up out of my bed with tears i was sweating physically i didn't even you know i grabbed i looked at my son looked at him got up pinched myself to make sure that i'm really back you know i i was really shaken i remember picking up my phone calling mama baxter again i wish i wish i could get on the phone but it's too late right now she lives in florida it should be about midnight right now and uh and and and let me tell you this is tough to explain this is very this is very hard to explain and uh i called mama baxter and i told her what just happened to me she laughed she said she said lovey come down it's okay it's okay it's okay and she prayed she said lord remove the terror from him and god left me the memories but the terror was taken away trying i was so disturbed and it was like god allowed me to have a break for some time but now i started walking and in my mind the only thing i could think about was there is actually people beneath us there is a place with so much darkness that darkness is is like it has so much dominion in this place chaos in the sense that there is no up there is no doubt there is no it just doesn't make sense this place and all you can hear is people crying and shouting and wailing in outer darkness i saw no fire if you are still here with me i just want you to hit the thumbs up and and just say we are here and i hear you i'll tell you the point of why i'm sharing this experience with you and some other time also i'll talk about my experience of heaven i don't know why in my spirit i feel like i should talk about this but i know that it will help somebody comprehend something that you've always wanted to understand amen by the grace and the mercy of god if you see me looking down i'm just looking at people's comments to see that people are engaging and people are understanding and and i will explain to you that and i will explain to you that it is very simple to go to this place even as a believer if you don't watch your steps once in a while god has to remind me of these things to keep me myself in check and be like place is definitely not for me god just wants us to be christians living a repentant life my second experience was more detailed and was much longer than the first one my second experience was longer and much more detailed to explain because in outer darkness all i heard was voices i remember my thoughts to myself and i remember crying to god and god bringing me out of that place but there was nothing to see other than darkness beyond darkness and the voices that i heard yeah and how god saved me the second one was much more detailed i was in my room again praying by myself thank you lord jesus for your mercy thank you lord jesus for your mercy i feel the presence of the lord jesus and and you can ask questions at the end i'm seeing some people asking questions and i will answer your questions thank you lord jesus i really feel the presence of the lord thank you father for creating a way out for us thank you father for creating away our out for us and and and showing us how much you love us by creating an escape for us amen i am so thankful lord amen now on this second one i was praying and while i was praying the angel of the lord appeared to me and behind him was the lord jesus the lord jesus stood behind him the angel was in front and the lord jesus was behind him now when i saw this mighty vision before me i'm not saying i fell asleep i was praying and they appeared in front of me and the lord jesus spoke this is the only time that he spoke in this experience he told me this is what is going to happen when you pray for people who are tormented by devils and evil spirits all of a sudden i was taken by the spirit where i was in the realm of the spirit i know i was not in hell i was not in hell but i was definitely somewhere else other than where i was i saw a man standing on my left side and the lord jesus standing on my right side with the angel in front of him until now i don't understand why the angel was standing in front of the lord jesus he was like it was like jesus is standing here and there's a man standing right here like standing between me and the lord i don't know why and the lord jesus said this is what you will do when you pray for people that are tormented by evil spirits and devils the lord jesus pointed his hand like this his right hand he did this with his right hand i remember him doing this and the man who was standing on my left side he was like a force came out of the lord's hand hit that man i thought that the force was so powerful that i th i thought that it was going to destroy this man it was like i thought like it was a leg you see how iron man shoots those laser beams this was like almost like i want to say uh i want to say dragon ball z you know that big of size of a beam but it was so simple he just did this with his hand and a blast of light and power just when it hit that man the man was not affected but another man came out of that man [Music] and that man was knocked down to his feet and fell down to the ground but the man that the light hit was not affected and the lord jesus put his hand down immediately the ground it was like a portal was opened under where the the the evil demonic spirit was laying on a portal was opened beneath them beneath him and he fell he he just fell into that place yeah and the lord jesus didn't speak anymore and the angel of the lord is the one that spoke to me he said the lord wants you to see what happens so that you comprehend what goes on beyond the land of the living he said come with me he grabbed me with his hand and he jumped into the same portal but this time we were not falling because of the angel of the lord holding my hand now in my mind i was like oh lord not again why am i going to that place that i went to before but it was a completely different place from what i saw in a place called outer darkness completely different was it dark very dark but the angel of the lord being with the angel of the lord it was like it is very strange let me explain it this way i could see but it was not because there was light shining to show me what was going on it was like because of the lord or the angel of the lord it was like my eyes were empowered to see through the darkness but this darkness was also very dark but it did not feel like the other darkness that i spoke about does that make sense yeah but it was still darkness like not what you know on earth and to be honest with you when we were descending first it was nothingness then all of a sudden it changed i began to see mountains please children of god what i'm telling you i'm not telling you fiction and i will prove to you in the scriptures what i am telling you i saw what i saw and when the lord brought me back and when the lord brought me back i i asked the lord lord i need to have some things that i can tell people this experience and they won't think that i'm making it up and the lord did give me yeah the lord did give me a hundred percent and i will show it to you there is a man a prophet in the scriptures that went through the same exact thing and saw what i saw he accessed that realm via a different way than how i went there but i was exactly in the same place where this man went yeah i began to see mountains i a hundred percent so mountains and i saw the ground from above as far as my eyes could could see have you ever seen like um okay the best way i can explain it is the book of eli i'm using movie references to try and help you understand you remember how weird the sun looked in the in the in the book of eli yeah yeah if you've seen that movie it was at this little washington movie that he was a blind man he had memorized the bible and he was trying to preserve the bible right it's actually a very prophetic movie in a strange way but the sun there was no sun but i could see light beyond the horizon but it looked very fiery and orangey yeah the location that i went to this one that i'm talking about i did not see fire if i tell you oh there was fire and this this i'll be lying to you i did not see fire in my experiences of hell the only way the only thing that i can think about as fire was what i saw in the horizon the flames that i saw from our because i was thinking about this cannot be a sunset because it looked like it was the other side but you could tell light but it was like an or you know like when there is a it was like an orange kind of like fiery you can tell this is fire but you can tell that it's from this but it's all dark at the same time as far as i could see and i thought to myself i said those has to be this has to be where that must be where the pits are but it was so far as far as my eyes could see to me the only way i can think about it it was it was the most barren land you have ever seen it was like a place that a nuclear bomber they exploded and it was abandoned nothing could grow it was just soil and rocky but it was such a dead place the only way i can think about it it was a dead place where you could plant nothing you can find no water it was just death it was just death the only way i could the only way i can explain it to you it was just death it was complete dryness let me show you a verse let me show you a verse then you will understand what i'm saying thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus matthew 12 43 matthew chapter 12 verse 43 youtube i want you to hit those thumbs up as much as you can facebook i want you to hit those thumbs up as much as you can lauri p adam said value of dry bones trust me this that one was good this was not a valley this was just death 10 no matthew 12 43 matthew 12 43 uh-huh okay when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places ah he walked through dry places seeking rest and findeth none why does he not find rest because it's a place of death there is nothing there when a demon is cast out when an evil spirit is cast out they are sent to this location which are called dry places not desert dry places oh somebody i wish you could hear me this place is so dead it's so dry there is no sense you can't even think there is life inside and in that place there is no rest why is there no rest because in hell there is no rest i was in this place the dry places you read in matthew in matthew 12 is it 12 what 10 43 12 12 43 12 43 read it one more time when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walked through dry places seeking rest and findeth none now if you read in the gospels you find that uh when the lord jesus arrived in a certain town the demons begged jesus not to send them to the pit not to send them to dry places but to allow them to enter into the pigs and when those spirits entered into the pigs they ran into the water they didn't want to go to dry places children of god this is a bad place and it is a real place this is a real place i remember thinking to myself saying wow who would go to why would people go to this place if demons don't want to go to dry places if demons know they cannot find rest you see that it's talking about hell because there is no rest there torment 24 7. this place there was no fire i'm just telling you what i saw but there is torment the angel holding my hand we descended we descended we descended and got to the ground and i don't know why but it's like god had a pity on me god had pity on me and god had mercy on me because i knew it was hot very very hot but god did not allow me to burn or to feel it i'm not saying there was a fire i just knew it was extremely hot but i did not feel it physically on my body i knew that it was very very difficult for people to breathe i knew it was very very very difficult for people to breathe but i was allowed to breathe without any issue but i knew i could tell these things the same way that i prophesy you know how when you're prophesying you could you i don't know if those who know apart from seeing visions hearing the voice of god there are things you know deep within your no without knowing how you know but you know that you know without knowing how you know but you know i just knew these things to be factual i didn't even bother to ask the angel of the lord they are just truths that i knew and i saw the evil spirit was on the ground and he was still on the ground it seemed like there was a force holding him to his back his back to the ground so he couldn't get up he was held down and as the angel of the lord stood with me i was allowed to observe while the spirit was on the floor laying on his back the angel of the lord was with me i was allowed to observe children of god i saw mountains i saw caves and these caves appear to look like dungeon prisons that's the only way i can describe i'm just explaining to you what i saw i saw prison cells in hell i saw prison cells in hell but these prisons were carved out in caves within mountains i remember seeing mountains huge mountains small mountains i remember seeing hills i saw i saw land but it was just dead i'm not saying there was there was not even a sign of a plant i could just see rocky it was like you know maybe a volcano i don't know how to it's like either a bomb went through i just don't know it was just dry dead dead with no life extra extra dead and i looked and i observed and i thought to myself this is crazy there are prisons in hell i thought hell only had pits that people are burning in a fire and that demon is stabbing them no look somebody found a verse isaiah 24 22. ah alvin i even have another verse that i'm going to show but i like this one isaiah go back what was it 24-22 isaiah 24 22 and they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days shall they be visited i'll give even a deeper one than that but that one is good i saw prison cells curved in mountains these were caves that were prisons next you know how we have prisons on earth that are next to each other this one like that too i get here bars a wall another cave with bars like that it was like that and as i saw this the angel of the lord walked towards the demonic force that was on the ground and as he moved close to him i don't know what exactly the angel did but it was like chains the only way i i'm not even sure they are chains but the only way i can describe them is like chains the only way i can say is chains it was some rope kind of thing i saw i saw these chains wrap around this being so fast like this it was like and it had like a the glow on the chains it looked like it had like some kind of the same similar light that went out of the lord's hand it seemed to be flowing through that rope kind of chain kind of thing that was wrapping that demonic thing it seemed to glow with some sort of power that nobody could break those chains even if they wanted to it did not matter how strong you were these are just things that i knew by looking at what i was looking at and this demonic force was bound like this he looked like a he was bound like this like this like from from it was like it went around his feet going to his hands around he was like a burrito like this from his feet all the way up i don't know if people can i know you can't see my feet but from the feet going all the way up to his neck he was tied up and it seemed like he was so he was so powerless because of what wrapped around him that it did not matter how powerful somebody was you could not take it off you could not break it you could not do anything and the angel of the lord stood there and he and he waved his hand and one of the caves sucked in that deep it was like you know how you do vacuum and you're like uh vacuuming the ground without like having the vacuum head it's just the whole you know it goes and he just pulls it was like at this point i did not notice the bars you know the bars in front of the cages they were all just caves to me they looked like caves i i went a little ahead by explaining to you that there were prisons but at this point i did not know that there were prisons i just saw them to be like caves but there are not caves where you don't know the end you could see the the wall you know what i mean it was like you see the curving but you can see the wall behind and it was like a vacuum that sucked this demonic force it was like it just pulled him in and he was pulled in he had no power to resist he had no power to fight and he was pulled in and when he was pulled in still in those chains those chains never came out the dungeon it was like when he was pulled in the it was like uh this buzz they just went like this and locked i did not see like a a lock you know on earthly ones you can it seemed like something else was controlling those bars that when the bus went through like that it seemed to be not a bar that you could open even if you wanted to break that that that that uh that that barrier you couldn't and the same light that i saw that went through the chain like thing that was tying that demonic force by the wave of the hand of the of the angel i saw it go around the the the and it and it was like the caves looked like sick it was like the doors were like an arch you know like it was like this it was like the the same light went through the arch and also through the bars and i knew that no one can open this bus even if they wanted to it did not matter if somebody came from outside trying to open it or the person inside if they manage to come out of those chains that they can't come out of may be able to open it was in all these things i'm telling you it was impossible for this to happen i want you to keep sharing this and share this as many times as you can i want you to share this as many times as you can i want to share this as many times as you can and as much as you can on youtube i want all those thumbs up those on facebook i want more thumbs up as many times and i want you to share this as many times as possible share this as many times as you can share this as many times as you can share this as many times as you can share this as many times as you can i want you to share this as many times as you can i want you to share this as many times as you can youtube we are almost at 700 please share this if you haven't subscribed to my channel subscribe as much as you can even those who are on on facebook after the live stream go on youtube and subscribe on youtube also and if you're on face if you're on youtube you haven't subscribed to my facebook please subscribe turn the notification on so whenever i am on you can know that i am on i have never shared this experience in this detail and i'm not even done i'm going to tell you even more things and by the grace of god i hope that this will help you to understand where you stand with god and so that we know how to move forward if you're ready for me to continue just type i am ready and and i will continue on youtube share this as many times as you can let's get as many people involved as possible also on facebook as many people as we can as possible now listen to me carefully listen to me carefully the angel of the lord told me this the lord has given you the ability if anybody who knows my ministry you know that i have a very very strong not only prophetic but a very strong deliverance mantle a very very powerful deliverance mantle on me that if somebody has a demonic spirit you can't even be around me you will manifest the lord spoke to me he told me this is what will happen when you pray for those who are bound i was allowed to see and i realized that there were many other spirits and also human beings in some of these prisons it was not just demonic forces it was not just demonic forces i also saw human souls in these cages or prison cells and then the angel of the lord grabbed my hand we began to ascend again and we ascended we ascended until the portal to this world opened and i was brought back in the room i entered my body again i was in the same position praying and i sat down and i thought to myself what horrors await those who walk away from the lord i want you to go to jonah the book of jonah the book of jonah chapter 2. a lot of believers that have read the book of jonah don't understand that jonah died when he was thrown into the water when they was traveling on the boat and he was running from the purpose and the will of god when he was thrown into the sea into the depth of the sea jonah actually died he sunk and by sinking that is where the will actually came and swallowed his body but jonah died and he's going to say some of the things that i saw in my experience i went to the same place that jonah went to the only difference was jonah was put in one of those prisons i wasn't are you there son read it jonah chapter 2 jonah chapter 2 verse 1 then jonah prayed unto the lord his god out of the fish's belly this is the prayer that jonah is making out of the fish's belly and said i cried by reason of mine affliction unto the lord and he heard me out of the belly of hell cried i and thou heard us my voice notice that he said i cried by reason of my affliction and the lord heard me i cried to god from the belly of hell and the lord heard me where i was was the belly of hell the core of hell he said i cried to the lord from this location and the lord actually heard me now somebody who was not in hell will not say i cried from hell i don't think people are listening to me somebody who was not in hell will not say i cried from hell he is identifying where he began to pray keep reading watch this for thou has cast me into the deep in the midst of the seas and the floods campus me about all thy billows and thy waves passed over me notice he's saying that he was covered he was he was thrown into the sea he drowned waves and water was passing over him keep going then i said i am cast out of thy sight yet i will look again toward thy holy temple verse 5. the waters campus me about even to the soul the depth closed me up read it again and the waves what the waters campus me about even to the soul he's saying he he's saying he drowned he's saying the water surrounded him and filled him up to that to his soul the man drowned but how is he conscious because you have something more than your body [Music] keep going the depth closed me round about the weeds were wrapped about my head do you know how deep you have to be in the depth of the sea for weeds to for you to see seaweed when he's talking about the the the the uh he's talking about the belly of hell there are places there are other translations that says realm of the dead other translation says the pit some translations say hades says different names but it's all the same place you have to be very very deep in the sea for weeds to wrap your head in the deep sea this man drowned it's miles and miles miles going down for you to get to a place where there is seaweed in the sea keep reading watch this verse 6 i went down to the bottoms of the mountains the earth with her bars was about me forever i went to where the bottoms of the mountains sun facebook i keep going say it again i went down to the bottoms of the mountains i went down to the bottoms of the mountains so he saw mountains also and then what did he say the earth with her bars was about me forever the earth and her bars he saw bars he saw buzz he saw buzz keep reading watch this it gets even more interesting the earth with her bars was about me forever yet has thou brought up my life from corruption corruption again is the land of the dead keep going keep going yet thou brought up my life from corruption oh lord my god verse 7 when my soul fainted within me i remembered the lord you see the same thing that happened to me when i went to when i was taken to outer darkness it was like i forgot i was a christian then all of a sudden a remembrance of god came do you see the same thing that is happening to you it's like all of a sudden he came to him and he remembered read look at this and my prayer came in unto thee into thine holy temple start again that verse verse 7 when my soul fainted within me i remembered the lord i remember the lord and my prayer came in unto thee into thine holy temple verse 8 they that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy but i will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving i will pay that i will pay that that i have vowed salvation is of the lord verse 10 and the lord spake unto the fish and it vomited out john jonah upon the dry land stop right there in short i'm just telling you what i saw is what i'm the same experience jonah had the difference is me i didn't i wasn't put in the cage i wasn't tormented the only torment i experienced was in outer darkness and the torment was more psychological my thought again was my son my family will never know where i am i am lost forever this was the torment that was going through my mind and i cried it was like i remembered god and i cried to god and i was pulled out but when i was taken to this part the belly of hell when i saw this place it was not because i was being tormented this time i was really accompanied and i was shown things that i needed to see that was tied into what god has called me to do and the lord jesus brought me back by his angel let me tell you something children of god again i will say this with everything in me and i want you to understand me the best way you can hell speaking about hell for us believers is to strengthen our zeal number one towards god to love god more because we have the full comprehension of what jesus came to save us from number two is to give us passion to rescue souls to preach the gospel to support the gospel with everything that we can to make sure as many people are saved so that they don't experience this horrific place that we know but hell should never be preached to the world as the gospel because hell the message of hell is not the gospel the message of hell is not the gospel the word gospel is good news in fact it is in the details the word gospel is good news you will never win souls by telling them how horrible hell is because hell uh because heaven is for people that love god heaven is not for people who are afraid of hell people who don't want to be in the fire because somebody who is escaping hell but doesn't love god is not going to enter heaven because heaven is for those who love god this is why when you're preaching the gospel you need to present the love of god to the world the bible says that the goodness of god brings men to repentance no one will repent to god genuinely truthfully if they are doing it because they are afraid of burning for eternity they will only repent genuinely if they understand the love of god that has redeemed them i am not saying you cannot mention hell but you preaching hell will not save anyone it is only the love and the goodness of god that brings people to repent and to know that jesus loves them he has done so much for them their life is empty apart from him and there is a place that they can go to that is not good that is why jesus came it should please we should present the love of god versus the torment because heaven is for those who love god if you want to make people scare people into heaven it will never work because heaven is for those who love god not those who are afraid of torment think about it would you want somebody to be in your house who pretends to love you but doesn't really care for you they're just escaping some danger but they will be in your house because it will keep them safe not because they actually love you god cannot be deceived children of god it does not work that way it does not work that way can christians end up in hell is the big question people always talk about this can a christian go to hell or what people like to say can a christian lose their salvation is the question if you're here i i want you i'm gonna i'm gonna answer some questions that are general and i will tell you how to avoid this place the number one question can christians go to hell can a christian end up in hell can a christian lose their salvation are you ready yes they can a christian can definitely end up in hell a hundred million percent and i'll prove it to you by scripture i'll prove it to you in scripture thank you lord jesus thank you jesus can a christian end up in hell absolutely a hundred percent hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus i want to find some scriptures for you so that you know what i'm telling is not just being spoken just to speak but it is true first john chapter three first john chapter 3 verse 6. start from start from verse 5 to 6. okay first john 3 5-6 and ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin whosoever abideth in him sinneth not whosoever sinneth had not seen him neither known him read it one more time and ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin whosoever abideth in him sinneth not whosoever sinneth hath not seen him neither known him one more time and he know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin whosoever abideth in him sinneth not whosoever sinneth hath not seen him neither known him romans chapter 6 verse 1 to 2. romans 6 verse 1 to 2 what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein so in reality do we all sin absolutely we all make mistakes absolutely but the bible says do not make your abode in sin making mistakes i i put a post yesterday on on instagram earlier and i said that no one is beyond mistakes no one is beyond sinning i can fall you can fall we can all mess up the god's problem is if we abide in sin when we make our dwelling in sin god has a problem is god perfecting us yes is god building us yes hallelujah are you listening to me yes god's issue is that when we abide in sin then we have become sinners an example is those who live in america are called what americans americans those who live in zimbabwe what are they called those who live in south africa are called what south africans those who live in sin are called what sinners when you become a citizen of a land called sin even if you're a christian you're going to hell because it means you don't have the revelation of the lord jesus wow and that jesus is not living in you because you are comfortable dwelling in the land called sin are there certain things that we struggle with that are difficult to stop absolutely you have your share i have my share what matters to god is who is reaching out for help to him and who is okay to continue what they are doing that determines if you are a sinner or you are just making mistakes just because you visited america doesn't mean you're an american does that make sense that's good god's issue is not sin god's issue is that you remain in that place called sin remember god commanded his love towards us while we were still yet sinners so god began to love us while we were still yet sinners and he provided a way out for us whenever you make a mistake the grace of god increases to be a cushion that will launch you back into the hands of god but when we frustrate the grace of god the grace will be removed and you will become a citizen of sin and if death finds you you will end up in hell when you legalize or normalize sin it becomes a problem will you make mistakes absolutely did david make mistakes absolutely have i made mistakes absolutely the issue with god is do we remain in that place of normalizing it legalizing it or do we seek him to help us out of that place if you try to solve sin by yourself it's called pride and pride will take you to hell i'll say that one more time if you try to solve the sin problem by your own strength that is called pride and pride will end you up in hell weakness gives god room to work in us and the bible says him that is forgiven much loves much so we grow to love god because of the errors that we go through in life not because we had abide in the place called era but because we have grown beyond that place that is what god wants god wants us to move forward god doesn't want us to fall backwards he wants us to fall forward did everybody get that number two number two uh nadia i will answer your question could you uh remember that question because i'll answer it our answer number two can people repent in hell this is a question people ask all the time but i'll give you an answer in greater detail than i've ever heard anybody give in my opinion there are people probably who will do it better but i'll tell you according to my revelation and what i saw i can only tell you what i know you know the problem with christians is if they hear somebody had an experience they were saying i had the experience too and what they said is not true no no no it's not about that are you the mayor of hell to walk around everywhere in hell to know everything in hell i have been to heaven many many times there are things that i've seen in heaven that are similar to people close to me that have been to heaven and they're things that they had never seen either yeah these are big places they're not small places think about it like this from the time of noah to now people have been going to hell do you understand how big hell has to be to accommodate all those people hell is more crowded than the earth i wish somebody would understand so i always see people say hey i've been to hell it looks like this i calm down some of you think you you are you elected governor of hell or something to know every division can people in hell pray yes people in hell do pray they do cry to god but will their prayer be answered no people do pray in hell and god is in hell too i know some somebody is shocked me saying that god is in hell also he's only present he's everywhere god is in hell too a hundred percent they pray because they know god is there they are aware of god's presence not in the same way that we are in the sense that you feel the holy ghost moving over you know they know god is there they can tell that god is in that place but they also know that they are separated from him and the reality is they cannot genuinely repent they can't because they have become the embodiment of the sin did somebody understand what i'm saying yes when you go to hell you become that sin this is why in hell people are put according to the kinds of sins that they have done murderers are together fornicators are together thieves are together wizards and witches are together all these people are put according to what they did because you become the embodiment of the sin so sin cannot repent because the ability to repent is removed from them they can say i am sorry lord but changing is impossible because they have become that sin does that make sense yeah stealing cannot stop a person can stop stealing but they're stealing itself cannot change wow so when you become the embodiment of stealing you have become now stealing has become you and you've become stealing you can't change if you become a mother let me tell you something funny can i tell you something fun madras who killed people on earth they keep killing each other in their torment what try yeah they keep killing each other and they keep coming they are not dying but the pain of killing each other is happening they are actually hoping they can die but they can't those people that uh practiced uh sorcery where they ate human flesh drunk human blood and things like that they actually their torment is they eat themselves they eat themselves swallow the meat appears again they eat them there is a torment beyond the physical one that they are going through that like in the places that i saw there was no fire but these people seem to be burning they seem to be it was very strange those who masturbate you do the same thing non-stop with pain and all that and demons tormenting you with the with the with the fires or whatever it may be those things that you you become the embodiment of that thing demons will rape you it's just it's just demonic it's very wicked is somebody listening to me now nadia asked a question remember that question too that's a good question i'm gonna answer that question also those are good questions i'll answer all those questions so the people in hell have become the embodiment of what they used to do and they cannot come out of it them and that thing have become one this is why it's very important to live a repentant life i make mistakes you make mistakes i sin you sin the most important thing is to find ourself in the place in the presence of god with humility ask god to forgive us he is ready to forgive us number three are there children in hell are there children in hell hold on hold on let me see that somebody says you look too cool for someone that has been to hell i think you would look more humble and how you dress because a lot of people in hell for fashion and vanity you've never been to hell and that is the most foolish thing so god sends people to hell because of their fashion jesus was dressed in the most expensive robe he dressed in a priestly robe not a priestly a kingly robe so jesus also will be sent to her david the bible says that jesus actually said this he said don't uh worry about what you're going to dress in even solomon with all his glory he was not dressed like the lilies of the field so we know solomon dressed very very well this is the problem of people this is the problem with religious people who told you that dressing nice means that you're you're not humble that is the problem of lacking discernment how can somebody look say that they are not humble then you would have not liked king james a king king king david you would have never liking david you would have never liked job you would have never liked abraham how's it looking cool not being humble that is foolishness it's just crazy i just answered that to just show people that they are my it's childish if you think god is worried about how you're dressed you're foolish do you know what people dress in heaven the bible says that uh said the bible says that jesus is wearing a golden belt so if i'm there are angels that are wearing golden belts there are people who are wearing golden shoes in heaven walking on gold street walking on gold streets then they must be very prideful there are people who are wearing gold trims there are a lot of poor people in hell guys humility don't try to speak for god things that are not biblical you'll find that what you said will get you to hell cavarino ca severio said uh why do some preachers say there's no demons in hell because they are foolish they are demons in hell and i will explain to you why demons are in hell i'm gonna answer this this one first are their children in hell absolutely not where are their children in hell because whoever has entered into the age of accountability is no longer a child did that make sense if you enter the age of accountability you're no longer a child what that looks like is case to case what that looks like is case to case what that looks like is case to case there is a place i was taken to heaven and i saw babies in heaven aborted babies i saw them in heaven babies that died prematurely i saw them in heaven children that died while they were still young children i saw them in heaven the age of accountability cannot be 12 because every child develops differently that's why i'm saying it's case to case so the age of accountability is the period in which somebody becomes aware and accountable before god it is different for everybody so what you expect it to be are you getting what i'm saying so because you have to remember why is it the age of accountability let me explain to you how god measures accountability allow me to help you to understand this you can never be accountable for a revelation that god did not give you god's accountability is not man's accountability god measures you by the truths that you know that is what you'll be accountable for when you enter the age of accountability god cannot just wake up and say now you are accountable you're going to hell no it's not happening like that and it doesn't work like that that is why the bible says teachers of the gospel you are more prone to go to hell because you know too much does it not say that yes it says you who preach we need to be more careful because we are prone to go there even more why because we know so much it means that the way god would send me if i messed up in his presence that i ended up that i end up in hell will be different from you why because the knowledge and the revelation that i've been given and the grace i've been given to walk in that truth is different from you so a person when god god will only condemn somebody that god gave you a revelation of something god gave you a revelation of something give you the grace to walk with in it and then you reject it you see uh sodom and gomorrah was destroyed because they refused to repent it means that god gave them the message god gave them the grace and they resisted so hold on what did that person say okay uh let me let me okay can you read that for me let me show you how people are foolish okay read this if god doesn't care how we dress then can i wear thongs and mini skirts and bra publicly and by the way you're not in heaven to wear a golden dot like angels you're lower than the angels you're lying first of all you read that scripture wrong the bible says who is man that you have made him lower than the angels the word angel there is elohim you have made him lower than god himself you don't even know the bible because angels are actually under you you are above angels that is correction number one number two this is the second thing here if i was going to wear clothes an example is let's go to the amazon the amazons don't have the clothes you have they just cover their private part and the women walk without covering their chest are they evil in the sight of god adam and eve were naked were they evil in the sight of god you see sin is your mental consciousness that is where sin begins you are a sinner because you already wear mini skirts to be promised promiscuous you you you you put many you you think of mini skirts and being promo skiers at the same time so immediately you become as in an example do you go to the beach wearing robes why don't you go to the beach wearing a robe all the way covering your feet are you getting what i'm saying why don't you wear grubs covering your head to your feet when you go to the beach because at the beach it is okay to wear your bikini or whatever when you're going to swim but if you dress like that in church it either is because you don't know any better or you don't understand that you dress according to the location that you are in it's very basic things some of you you you are too sp you are you are holier than the holy spirit so david was a sinner because he wore gold and he was on earth that is why some of you you are in poverty because you don't understand that god came to prosper you okay says and at the beach it's not okay to to wear bikini you are okay tell me where in the bible it says you should not wear a bikini at the beach they won't find a verse this is their own gospel you see the problem with people is this when you have your conviction you see when in your mind is because you have you have a perverted mind that anyone who wears short clothes they are trying to be promiscuous you are reflecting yourself on people please keep your sins to yourself you are projecting on people when people mature there are things that you will do as a child there are things that you would do as a grown up there are things that you will not do foolishness is the assumption is the mother of all stupidity show me one verse that says you should not dress like this going to the beach if you show me that verse i will stop live i will never preach again foolish person completely foolish that is the problem with chris do you understand that paul said it like this paul said paul said it like this he said don't put your doctrines on people because by doing so you will become a stumbling block before them an example is this an example is this let me give you a basic example the things that i know and the principles that god gave me to live as a prophet i cannot put it on you because if i put that on you i immediately put you in sin you will never be able to live up to it because you have not been given the grace for it and it will not benefit you anyway so there are people who are such sinners that god delivered them maybe from sin but that mentality is still in their head that they project whatever they want on people it doesn't work like that children of god that is the complete pinnacle of foolishness when you try to impose what you believe in without the backing of scripture or revelation to make people go uh thinking that people are living right instead of worrying about people's hearts don't you understand that when people mature there are certain things there will be no use for it anymore this person is wearing a beginning modest and holy okay how does dressing holy is tell me a scripture that says how to dress holy if you don't have scriptures for what you're saying uh mr or mrs sound doctrine uh get verses if you don't have verses please get out of our live stream go teach your gospel somewhere else you are a foolish person you are very foolish and you need to repent before god you you are the people that are making people not want jesus if you want people to change give them jesus and god will convict their hearts they're things they will not do anymore they will stop it naturally you are foolish person go and repent may god deliver you from foolishness so the age of accountability is case to case an example if a child is born with autism their understanding and their maturing rate is different even people who don't have autism they're just growing people's understanding and learning is different so people grow at different rates so you cannot just take one case and say this is how everybody it is it doesn't work like that god deals with us individually and personally number four what was the other let me let me answer the questions that uh nadia asked and then i'll tell you things that you need to watch out for so you don't go to this place be to the lord jesus the first thing that she asked was papa if the road is narrow and few will find it then how come so many people who do terrible things on earth and are in heaven in eternity what is the measure of judgment that the lord uses the road that the it's a figure of speech saying then road is narrow it means that it's a straight shot it's so narrow that you cannot skip out of it it's not in the sense that it is difficult to get into it that is not the point of it actually the road to heaven is very wide because it's the road governed by grace so it is the love and the mercy of god that puts people on that road no one by their own perfection or strength can make it not me or you glory be to jesus jesus hallelujah another question she asked another question and and then i'll answer that and then i'll tell you things to watch out for she said uh um in the context of people being in hell and being tormented yeah why would god allow that wouldn't he want to eventually destroy them being that they're they've become the embodiment of sin say it one more time according to the context of people becoming the embodiment of sin and hell why would god allow that wouldn't he want to eventually destroy them no because you see number one hell was not created for human beings hell was created for the devil the one who torments people in hell is not actually god it is demons that live in that place and they find human beings that are in the image of god so they take out their revenge on you that is what is happening there it is it was never god never intended any human being uh to go into hell so it was never god's plan it was never god's choice but because human beings are disobedient and you reap what you saw that's why people end up in hell i hope that answered it so it's not because god wants it just like god didn't want adam and eve to die or to face death it's the same thing you reap what you saw you know and for god to be a just judge it means that you have to you have to reap what you saw it's it's really that simple so you have to reap what you saw so that's that's really how it goes you cannot be do something and you don't serve the punishment of it that will make god an unfair god if he's a loving god it means and he has perfect love it means everybody has to reap what they saw that's good papa okay is there another somebody asked that's a ruth shabaya asked a very good question can you read that to me kindly answer this how about those that commit suicide due to depression which is a form of demonic oppression okay i'll tell you something about killing yourself killing yourself is not good killing yourself is bad but not everyone who has killed themselves end up in hell there is no guarantee that if you kill yourself you end up in hell in heaven there are people who they are so tormented they don't know left from right that a demon is controlling them to that level and there are people who just they can't handle life and they kill themselves all these things are case to case in my opinion if somebody feels like killing themselves contact us or call the the hotlines for suicide watch and find help there is no guarantee that if you kill yourself you will end up in heaven there is a man in the book of judges that killed himself and we know that man to be in heaven but is everybody who kills themself going to heaven absolutely not jesus technically laid down his life is somebody getting what i'm saying who am i talking about in the book of judges i'm talking about samson when samson's eyes went blind and he was told the young boy to lead him to the pillars of the temple he said lord give me my strength so that i may die with my enemies so he did kill himself he killed the enemies of god in the process also killing himself because he could not kill them without killing himself we know samson is in heaven you know what i'm saying but am i saying go and kill yourself no there is no guarantee you're most likely going to end up in hell so me sitting here and telling you oh killing yourself you're going to be a liar killing yourself is wrong you are most likely going to end up in hell so if you feel like killing yourself reach out to us i think when we start when we move to the new church building i'm i'm going to have a hotline for that stuff where we can try and assist people and help people amen because we don't want people to kill themselves life is for the living if god has given you life there is a purpose the devil likes to rob people of their life so that you don't slay many demons and deliver a lot of people and bring a lot of people to god so hallelujah so we don't want people to kill themselves you're most likely going to end up in hell anyone else any other good question before i speak uh somebody doug taylor asked what about judas did he go to heaven absolutely judas is in heaven anyone who tells you they saw judas in hell they're lying there's a verse in the bible that actually tells you that keep going uh-huh uh quinfina asked papa is it good is it good as a woman to dress not revealing or does it matter if we're in a position of leadership does it change how we should dress like does god want us to dress more covered or no these things are a matter of conviction god doesn't like pretenders i love wearing my cross i love wearing my armenian cross i love wearing my rolex i love wearing my cardigan if i hide this in order to preach to you then i'm pretending then i'm not being truthful it means that my conscience is not clear and if my conscious is not clear then me wearing it i am sinning you get what i'm saying so everything is by conviction as you grow you will realize that i don't need to do this like an example when i started ministering i used to dye my hair remember i'll dye my hair i had long hair there's a time my hair was up to here and just with time i was like you know what this is really is is really not necessary i grew out of it god will make you grow out of certain things because if you dress like this and then you are found in a private place dressed differently then you look like a pretender you're living two lives so let everything be by conviction and by revelation now there are places i can go and i want to dress a certain way because i know those people have not matured to a specific place so what will i do i will minister to them according to where they are but not because i am ashamed of my gold jewellery no because it's not a sin but the moment i start thinking about it negatively then i have sinned hallelujah hallelujah okay is there anything else uh someone else asked is reincarnation real no reincarnation is not real and that doesn't have anything to do with the topic okay i'm going to throw a question out there for people if somebody has a spirit that is causing them to be a homosexual or is causing them to be a murderer but they resist that sin and they don't give in to it are they going to go to hell don't people online are waiting for you i'm waiting for you to answer this is a question i'm throwing out there no what do you mean he said if it's a spirit yeah or it is an edge in them let's not even remove even the spirit somebody okay okay i like what people are saying i don't think so it is true if you resist the devil god will give you grace and eventually you'll come out of it that's a very i'm glad we have a lot of mature believers online that is powerful their remedy is they need to look for deliverance but if they resist it and they don't give into it they are fine because they are seducing spirits that will seduce you to do evil but if you resist it then you have not fallen into the sin to be tempted is not a sin to fall into the temptation is the sin even jesus was tempted wow i'm proud of you you guys are very mature i'm very very proud of you this is deep i'm actually impressed let's keep moving those thumbs up thumbs up and shares okay what are the things that send people to hell i want you to take pen and paper and write this or write it on your phone are you ready somebody else papa does grief exist in heaven not at all you see grief is because you don't have the revelation of the spiritual realm when you enter the spiritual realm you understand certain things that you cannot understand when you're in the flesh i'll tell you about this when i went to heaven there were things that i was taught and my ability to understand them was so great that when i came back into this world that ability left me and there are things that i knew that i could not express here and there are things that i could not contain to bring back maria vina said amen no resist run to the lord pray to be filled listen you can be filled with the holy spirit and still be tempted jesus was filled with the holy spirit and he was tempted crying to god for deliverance true to be filled you can be filled and still be tempted because the holy spirit does not take over your character oh this is very important before i tell you the things that send people to hell if you want to know you are in danger of hell if you want to know you're in danger of hell is when you're conscious no longer speaks to you nadia asked something uh what about gay men game uh go there again she said what about gay men who are in homosexual relationships but really love jesus you can sin is sin if you are dwelling in sin it doesn't matter how much you love jesus you are showing him that you don't love him see jesus said those who keep my word and do it are the ones that love me so it doesn't matter how much affection i claim for jesus but if i don't live according to what he said then i don't love him it's not truth it's false let me give you a verse here that will help somebody thank you jesus thank you jesus first timothy chapter four verse two first timothy four verse two start from verse one to two first timothy four from verse one to two now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devil of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with the hot iron vastu again speaking lies in hypocrisy and having their conscience seared with a hot iron when your conscious is like it is seared with a hot iron whereby we mess up but there is no nothing in us that is telling us hey this is bad that we want to run to god and repent not condemnation but accountability that what you're about to do or what you are doing is wrong when that voice dies you are in big danger of hell it means you have acted in that act so much that you silenced your conscience that your conscience has no ability to speak to you anymore because your conscience one day will accuse you before god when you say lord but lord i i i i did i did not do the conscience with a lord i warned him you see the conscious is a recorder that god put in us it's like a camera and a recorder in us it is the film that god plays before us when we are dying he will flash our whole life before us you will never deny what you are shown you are recording your own sins yourself there are angels that are recording what we do and our conscious also records what we are doing the voice of your conscience if it goes off you are now in big danger there are so many people that their conscious no longer speaks when we have done something over and over and over and over where until that voice is so faint it's not that the voice is not speaking but we no longer can hear it is normal to do it you are in big danger of hell before we finish today i'm actually going to pray that the lord will revive our conscience amen and that the lord will amplify the voice of our conscience then when the voice of our conscience comes into play we will have the fear the spirit of the fear of god that will not do what is wrong because if that voice dies ah we are in trouble another thing that puts you in danger of hell and this is more with christians is this one i'm about to read it to you hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus mark chapter 3 verse 29 to 30 mark chapter 3 verse 29 to 30. mark 3 29-30 but he that shall blaspheme against the holy ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation is in danger meaning you are trespassing in places that you are going to go to hell it is not saying you are immediately going to hell but you already in danger of hell it means that whoever blasphemes the holy spirit consciously you are in danger of hell but how do you blaspheme the holy spirit read verse 30 because they said he have an unclean spirit jesus made this statement because they said he was using the power of belzebab the prince of demons to perform the miracles that he was performing they said he was healing the sick by the power of the devil they said he was healing that he was healing the blind by the power of the devil he was opening deaf ears by the power of the devil he was prophesying by the power of the devil the only way you blaspheme the holy spirit is when you criticize men of god that are anointed by god you call them fake while what they are doing is by the spirit of god you create you criticize them when what they are doing is by god you are in danger of hell i don't know if somebody heard what i said just because a man of god sins does not change who they are in the sight of god the biggest mistake you can ever do or commit is i think because david sinned that david is no longer god's beloved it is the greatest danger you could ever put yourself into whenever the holy spirit is doing something whenever the holy spirit is doing something and you stand and say that is not god ah and maybe it is god that is doing that you are entering into the place of blaspheming the holy spirit and you may never be forgiven this is why when i see youtubers or facebook people who have dedicated pages on exposing or expose of this false man of god you people are playing i i guarantee you 99 of those people they will be in the pit i guarantee you 99 of those people you find them in hell when they die i will say it one more time can you shut this door please yes i guarantee you 99 of those people will find them in hell never criticize a man of god never criticize a man of god you will never understand the battles that we face you will never understand the burdens that we carry you will never understand the difficulties that we go through if you love heaven get out of the business of people that god has elected did you clock the door make sure you close this door is it closed all the way no this one here this one here let people do their own thing if you see them in mistakes pray for them if you see me in my mistakes pray for me we are being perfected daily i can mess up and i have messed up many times in my life in different ways but i will tell you this speak negatively you find yourself in a bad place when you have not employed somebody and god is the one that employed them let god deal with them pray for them but when you start ah so and so it's false say so and so is this a so and so is that a so and so is this my brother my sister you're in big trouble you're in danger of losing your soul do you realize that david even though god said he had rejected soul david still called him the anointed one of god when saul was in battle and he was about to be killed saul told his servant kill me so that the enemies don't kill me and his servant killed him and the servant took the crown and ran to david and said david our lord has died and he asked me to kill him so that the enemies don't kill him and i have brought the crown to you david said you full you are foolish how could you kill the anointed one of god you set yourself up imagine it was soul that asked him to do it but david said take him and go and kill him he killed the anointed one of god so use them in short if you don't like a man of god don't watch them anymore walk away from them it's okay did you hear what i said if you don't like a man of god you don't care for them walk away it's okay did you hear what i said yes the moment the moment you put yourself in the place of speaking you endanger yourself i don't criticize men of god i let them do their thing if i see an error i pray just like i would want somebody to pray for me but if i sit there and start saying hey this one is this even the fake ones i don't say anything because there are some fake ones that begun right and they ended up in fakeness look at what happened to moses's big sister her name was miriam they were criticizing moses for something that moses actually did but god came down and said how dare you speak about my friend moses are you not afraid and god cursed miriam with leprosy miriam was on the freeway doing 180 miles per hour into hell and moses pleaded and god reversed it and took the disease from her these are small things but they're big pitfalls so even people who are fake that's their business as long as you're real you're fine now that you know this truth you see the reason why jesus told them this is because he wanted them to be aware so that they don't end up in that place you see you did not know that criticizing somebody who is performing miracles or prophesying or preaching the gospel doing the work of god you tell them all like when i say oh let's give towards the church you say i just want money to use and i don't take anything from it anyway but you say that do you know what you're doing you're endangering yourself for hell because somebody is sent by god but you're saying that they have sent themselves you're in trouble is somebody listening if you're here say amen amen amen if you're here still listening say amen amen amen if you're here listening say amen amen amen now that you know go before god tell god sorry and god will forgive you when you do those things you are in danger of eternal damnation it means you are not damned eternally you are about to when you get a degree in it be careful is everybody listening so far i want you to share this i want those thumbs up on youtube on facebook keep sharing share as many times as you can so that somebody can be blessed i'm about to finish in a little bit is it bad to block a man of god if he makes you feel uncomfortable no no you can block them nothing wrong with that you're actually saving yourself before you do anything that may cost you somebody asked this purgatory real no it's not it's not real kimberly thomas it's not but when i talk of heaven when i will do a thing of my experiences of heaven i will explain to you where the whole concept came there is something like that but it's not that somebody asked is there rankings rankings in the body of christ in your opinion oh it's biblical there definitely is rankings but the ranking is not based on the office it's based on assignment the bible says the greatest among you is the servant of all whoever has been sent to serve more people is the greatest so there are rankings you are not a great man of god if you are ministering to two people you may be powerful but greatness no number three unfaithfulness in your tithes can get you to hell because you have become a thief unfaithfulness in your tithing because this is a law if you are unfaithful in it you are in danger i will explain to you why number one it's your faithfulness to god number two when you give you are assisting people who need help from the house of god if god blessed you and you are supposed to bless the work of god so that a homeless person outside can eat but you held back your sacrifice and your sacrifice was the one that was supposed to feed that person that soul to be saved that blood will be in your hands wow because god did not bless you so that you can only be blessed it was also to advance the work of god so when we are unfaithful in this it is a sin before god there is no love without correction is correcting me and is correcting you because the evidence of love is correction not affection there is no love without correction okay somebody says what if you do not have an income your own husband has an income but not mine he doesn't no no no remember what i said according to what god has given to you if you know that god has blessed you and you hold back what god has blessed you if your husband you see i believe that husband and wife it is their money not his money but there are some people who are like that where they separate those things that's their own prerogative right that's their own thing if you have been given i'm talking about an individual god has blessed you and you don't understand that god did not just bless you for you if god has given it to you and you don't give a portion of it to god to assist his work number one it says you are under a curse know the bible says that it says whoever is not giving tithe is already under our cast you already cursed and not by the devil it is god putting a curse on you it means things will not be easy for you number two you are unfaithful number three you are thief think about how many people are being fed right now with their messages if you go into our youtube channel there are so many people that are being blessed there are so many people being touched there are so many people that god is increasing there are so many people that god is building there are so many people who have been blessed tremendously i thank god for the people who watch you are actually faithful but there are people who god has blessed so much through what is being given to them but they never think somebody else needs to hear this so that they can be impacted they have been impacted so that our soul can be saved if you don't think about others you are selfish and selfishness will take you to hell now i'm just gonna give a warning on my youtube channel now they comment and they say beloved with a picture of prophet lovey but it's not the same channel they will comment and tell you to email them with a gmail email or reach out to you to call them in a certain whatsapp i don't ask people for money i will never reply to your comment and tell you to email me my only email is info you can get me there anytime the phone numbers are the phone number you see right there on your screen is the only whatsapp number i have i will never tell you to send some money in to an orphanage or ask you to send money to some weird whatsapp and not whatsapp what is it cash up no no no no no if you want to give if you go to our website the means of giving is right there it's clear don't be so desperate for the prophetic that a thief will just come and tell you beloved i don't even talk like that child of god the lord showed me a great problem that is coming to you give this seed so that it goes to an orphanage there's a woman recently that gave all her money and the people disappeared on her don't fall for those things be wise they will follow you on instagram they will message you on facebook they will do comments on youtube i don't do that if you want to email me info at prophet love dot com that's fine be faithful in your sacrifices number four unforgiveness unforgiveness unforgiveness unforgiveness unforgiveness is very dangerous and i'll tell you why it's very dangerous because it's easy for us all to fall into it when people hurt us when people offend us it's very easy for us to fall into unforgiveness matthew 18 matthew 18 21 to 35 amen yes matthew 18 21 21-35 then came peter to him and said lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and i forgive him till seven times jesus saith unto him i say not unto thee until seven times but until seventy times seven twenty three therefore is the kingdom of heaven like an unto a certain king which would take account of his servants and when he had begun to reckon one was brought unto him which owed him ten thousand talents for as much as he had not to pay his lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and payments to be made the servant therefore fell down and worshipped him saying lord have patience with me and i will pay thee all. then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him and forgave him the dead verse 28 but the servant went out and found one of his fellow servants which hold him in a hundred pence and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat saying pay me that thou always and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and besought him saying have patience with me and i will pay thee all and he would not but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt so when his fellow servants saw what was done they were very sorry and came and told unto their lord all that was done then his lord after that he had called him and said unto him o thou wicked servant i forgave thee all that debt because thou desirest me should hast thou not also have had compassion on thy fellow servant even as i had pity on thee verse 34 and his lord was wrath and delivered him to the torments till he should pay all that was due unto him so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses and did you hear what god is saying god will never forgive you if you don't forgive others don't waste your time praying if you will not forgive others i'll say it one more time don't waste your time praying if you don't forgive others maybe i'll say it one more time don't waste your time praying if you don't forgive others god will never give you what you don't sow some of you it is true you are done wrong it is true somebody offended you it is true somebody deceived you everything that you may be experiencing it is true but if you don't let go of those things if you don't let go of those things god will not forgive you either i wish somebody could hear me to understand what i'm saying if you will not forgive others look to and and have mercy then just know god also will not give you mercy god will always give you what you do to others you don't have to be best friends with people you don't have to fix what do i mean you you don't even need to talk to the people but you have to let go of it let go of it if you keep unforgiveness in you there are people who are still not forgiving their parents in 1905 what they did some of the people you're holding unforgiveness towards they died 50 years ago some of them are no longer alive some of them are alive if you don't let go of those things i guarantee you hell is your portion because god will shut his ears towards you because you are wicked in the sight of god whenever people have done me wrong if i don't address it i'll let it go and if i address it that would be the end of it you'll never hear it again it's because i know the moment i keep going back to that thing god will not forgive me either i need god's forgiveness just as much as everybody else does when jesus was on the cross and they are telling him if you are the son of god save yourself and jesus started crying father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing is because jesus was offended jesus was hurt people just think he was praying for them jesus prayed that prayer because what they said actually hurt him because he's dying for them he's dying for them but they're telling you if you are truly the son of god jesus began to cry father forgive them forgive them father they don't know what they are doing forgive them forgive them they don't know what they do is because he was hurt but the only way he could let go of that hurt is by asking his father to forgive them they have no idea what they are doing no wonder when jesus died and they took the spear and pierced him on his side and blood and water rushed out the man said surely this is the son of god what gave them the revelation when he was alive they didn't believe that but when they killed him they believed that there was a spiritual exchange one day i will speak about it but i want you to know this learn to let go of unforgiveness and learn to forgive if you don't do that you have shut god's ears and god's hand will lift from you if you keep account of what people have done to you god will also keep account of what you have done to you if you forgive others god will also forgive you that is why david always prayed and said father don't look at me through my errors it's because david was an expert at letting go wow that is why god said this man is a man after my own heart this is a man who is likened unto me do you know how many times saul tried to kill him and david always humbled himself before david and he would not do anything to david two too so saul tried to kill him so many times unforgiveness will get a lot of people in hell especially people in the church i've seen men of god against men of god this doesn't mean you can't be disappointed it doesn't mean that you can't you can't be shaken it is what you do when you are angered or your heart listen to me i've seen people afflicted by demons because of unforgiveness i want you to read that a verse again listen to what the bible says you know god is very interesting which one i want you to read this thank you jesus verse 32 then his lord after that he had called him said unto him o thou wicked servant i forgave thee all that debt because thou desirest me should ist thou not also have had compassion on thy fellow servant even as i had pity on thee and his lord was wroth and delivered him to the tormentors who is the tormentors demons god will give some of you to demons his lord delivered him to the tormentors there is no human beings called the tormentors wow he sent his friend to prison the lord came and sent him to torment us i wish somebody could hear me thank you lord jesus for mercy thank you lord jesus for mercy thank you lord jesus for mercy thank you lord jesus for mercy we have to learn to do that children of god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord jesus chalabayasota forgive your husband forgive your wife forgive your children forgive your brother forgive your sister forgive your pastor forgive your bishop forgive your evangelist forgive your aunts forgive your father forgive your uncles forgive forgive forgive forgive if we don't do that we ruin ourselves thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus there's a lady on on facebook your name is mersada silemani or something like that if you're there uh just um just just type it's on on facebook she's on facebook i want to help you i saw a demonic attack against you i want to want to pray that god will stop this from happening amen i just hate that the life is a little slow thank you jesus i'm gonna come back and and we are going to pray uh but before we pray i want you to grab your gift to god we want to give to the house of god to build the house of god we are very close to our goal i think we are 515 now we are almost at the halfway mark but we want to clear this and and finish this completely i want you to go whether it's a thousand five thousand ten thousand twenty five thousand fifty thousand hundred thousand 100 million 100 billion i want you to go uh can you put the giving thing please don't give don't give on on superchat today i want us all to just focus on the church stuff i want you to go to uh you put do you have it already put on whether it's well whether you're going to do a wire transfer whether you're going to use venmo or paper i want you to go and give give to god honor god with your giving let it help save souls whenever you give your giving to help souls you are giving to help souls i want you to go do it now and when you come back we are going to pray when you give it give it telling god thank you for this message and then we are going to pray when you come back go ahead and pray and give [Music] lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] empty i wanna come to you empty you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your own so fill me full of your glory completely line my path for me [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] do [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] am [Music] me [Music] wherever you want [Music] you're the answer that i need you're the only [Music] i am [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] me you deserve nothing [Music] [Music] wherever you love me [Music] i could never get enough i just fall more in love every day with you tell me how your mysteries [Music] me just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you i just wanna get closer to you [Music] um [Music] i just wanna get [Music] i just closer get [Music] i just closer [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just want to get closer to you now [Music] breathe i just wanna get closer to you now thank you jesus kevin richards kevin richards call me on what's up right now and i will pray for you kevin richards on facebook call on whatsapp right now can you send us the number in our message if you're still there and i will prophesy to her i will help you right now i want us to pray and we are going to clean ourselves before god and we're going to ask god to help us and to preserve us and the ones we love and to keep us in his perfect will are you ready to pray if you're ready to pray just type i am ready to pray and we'll begin to pray kaalaba satayab if you're ready just type i am ready i am ready i am ready and we'll begin to pray thank you lord jesus miss salamani is your name is solomoni again i want i want to pray for you merisa i want you to also call because i uh i want to help you i saw a danger that i want god to remove from your path thank you jesus [Music] thank you lord jesus okay people are saying they are ready father i pray for every man and every woman that is watching i pray o lord in the name of the lord jesus father we humble ourself before you and we ask you for mercy and forgiveness forgive us of our sins forgive us of our works whatever we have done that is unclean to you lord forgive us and cleanse us today from all iniquity and trespasses lord i pray in the name of the lord jesus purify us revive the voice of our conscience those who have walked away from you father we reconcile ourselves with you those of us who have sinned against you we reconcile ourselves to you by reason of the blood of jesus we ask you to forgive us we ask you to cleanse us we ask you to purify us we ask you to wash us we ask you to remove the root of sin and the desire to sin out of us father set our feet in the right ground we bless your name o lord for you are good and you are kind to us i bless you o that you remain good now and forever in the mighty name of jesus thank you for forgiving us today we forgive those who have been heavy on our heart today we forgive those who have offended us we let go of those who have offended us we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your grace in jesus mighty name amen listen to me don't condemn yourself god has forgiven us god has restored us i love you but jesus loves you more and i will see you tomorrow by the grace of almighty god in jesus name amen share this video more let somebody watch it watch it it will bless them and it will change your life in jesus mighty name amen god bless you [Music] shalom [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 52,972
Rating: 4.921958 out of 5
Keywords: steven furtick, pastor steven furtick, td jakes, los angeles, god bless america, elevation church, passion java
Id: W4FQFbqugOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 2sec (12062 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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