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[Music] lift your hands everybody lift your hands to jesus we thank you because you are faithful your faithfulness transcends every weakness we have every shortcomings we have every failures that we have your faithfulness is proven lord i thank you that we will see your faithfulness today you are not faithful to us because of what we do but you are faithful because what you say you do father we thank you that today we will receive every ounce of your faithfulness in every single area of our lives for those who are watching at home and those who are present we know that your invisible hands your capable hand will change our lives forever in the name of the son your only son jesus christ somebody shout amen look at your neighbor say the lord is faithful i can't hear you look at your neighbor say the lord is faithful i can't hear you say the lord is faithful look at your other neighbor say the lord is faithful hallelujah listen to me understand something this amazing beautiful evening the faithfulness of god has nothing to do with you and me you see god's love is unconditional mean it means that it has no conditions so if god is only faithful because you have done something good and he's not a faithful god i don't know if somebody can hear me look at your neighbor say god is faithful because he just is i can't hear you he just decided to be faithful look at your neighbor say just decided to be faithful the reason why we say you are worthy of praise adoration and glorification is because god is good just because of him amen not because of us we just end up benefiting from his goodness his kindness who he is just because he is amen we are just the blessed ones hallelujah hallelujah look at your neighbor say you're blessed you're blessed i can't hear you look at your neighbor say you're blessed you're blessed i want you to clap those hands and celebrate the lord hallelujah with a shout of grace with a shout of praise [Music] praise him for his faithfulness i can't hear you shouting for the lord jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i prophesy to you you will see the lord jesus's goodness you will experience his goodness tonight you will know his faithfulness tonight you will know that he is faithful not because of us but because of him whatever you brought to the lord you will see his hand hallelujah hallelujah i want you to say to your neighbor neighbor be ready for healing neighbor be ready for healing be ready for a miraculous turnaround ready for a miraculous turnaround if you believe this shall glory glory i want you to grab your bibles very quickly today i don't want to preach for too long i just want to pray for people now that joy is so small for me hallelujah that was good for me how about for jesus hallelujah now you need to do better shh that was good for your mother-in-law jesus deserves more i said jesus deserves more let me shout for jesus no no no no no that was good for your father-in-law your praise to god should be like thunder look at your neighbors it must be like thunder it must be like thunder i can't hear you it must be like thunder hell should know that there are people calling on jesus hell should know listen there must be earthquakes in hell there must be earthquakes in the demonic realm because there are people who are celebrating jesus are you ready to really glorify him yes let me hear our praise for jesus let me hear you praise the lord [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] okay now we are ready yeah now heaven knows that we are ready grab your bibles very quickly mark chapter two from verse three mark chapter two from verse three mark chapter two from verse three are you ready yes listen to what the scripture says and they came unto him bringing one sick of palsy which was born of four and when they had and when they could not come nigh unto him for the press they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they let down the bed where in the sick of palsy lay when jesus solved their faith when jesus saw their faith it means faith is not a matter of their heart a person should look at you and see faith amen amen no somebody didn't hear what i'm saying what they did jesus said i see faith i don't know if you can hear me amen faith is not i believe believing in faith are different faith is an act faith is not just an act it is a heart that knows and knows for sure that god is faithful jesus saw that these guys may be sued they are taking off somebody's roof i don't know if you can hear me they were taking off somebody's roof to get to jesus and when jesus looked he said i see faith are you ready yeah go back to verse 4 please uh verse 5. i'm sorry you're in the right place listen to this when jesus sold their faith he said unto the sick of palsy son thy sins be forgiven faith makes god forgive you not repentance hallelujah repentance without faith is fake hey man i don't know if somebody heard me i i think we'll break this down more let's go verse seven listen to this verse seven listen to this why do this man that speak blasphemies blasphemies who can forgive sin but god only verse 8 and immediately when jesus perceived in his spirit somebody said the prophetic the prophet somebody shot the prophetic the prophetic can know what you are thinking without you saying it amen jesus knew this within his spirit not his heart that they so reasoned within themselves it means jesus was reading minds better than yoda from star wars jesus picked up what they were saying watch this he said unto them why reason ye these things in your hearts verse 9 listen to this i want us to read this together are you ready one two [Music] three sins be forgiven thee or today arise and take up thy bed and walk stop right there father we thank you for your word may you manifest today in a way we have never seen in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit somebody shout fire fire you may be seated in heavenly places hallelujah hallelujah i feel it tonight amen amen amen i already feel it now listen to me and listen to me well i want you to understand something by the spirit of god because i'm gonna go through this very quickly we won't take too much time i want you that's why we're only reading one scripture today because you've read healing scriptures for many years you don't need me to come and tell you about healing as much i just need to unfold something for you that you may not know the first problem with healing is that it has been taught the wrong way according to the doctrine of the scriptures we have taught or we have been taught healing from the perspective of men and not the perspective of god and because we have been taught to receive or to know healing from the dimension of men we are frustrated the hand of god and we have closed our self off from the power of god because god cannot heal somebody that does not want to be healed i want you to hear this and hear this world god cannot deliver you from your friend and god knows that you love him and you align with what he says because you receive his word and you keep it you see faith is an act of a man or a woman who receives the word of god and he stores it in his heart and lives by it the problem is you are memorizing scripture but you have not allowed it to enter your heart amen there is a big difference between i know mark this john 3 16 but is it in your heart or is it in your mind so everything about scripture you have been taught it's about quoting scripture but we are doing it wrong because the word of god always wants to become flesh if you read john chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and the word became flesh when the word of god enters your heart it becomes part of you it becomes flesh and when the word becomes flesh it becomes your reality you no longer pray for these things it becomes the way things are so the issue is you have looked at healing deliverance of the hand of god from man's perspective and not from god's perspective now the number one thing is that jesus spoke of something very dangerous he said it like this and people have misunderstood everything that jesus said when it came to healing when they want to pray for the sick they will tell you you need to believe to be healed and we have based our belief in our ability to be healed yet that is not so when jesus wanted to heal people he simply asked them one question do you believe do you believe that i can heal you if you base healing on your ability to believe you have failed you i want you to understand this technicality here let me give you an example my son van stand right here and i am standing here a christian's duty is to believe jesus why do you need to believe in everything that the lord jesus came to do simply because of one thing we have no ability to do anything but he is able to do everything i want you to hear this and hear this well because you have the faith to receive eternal life it should be no different for you to receive healing the problem is you have been taught faith in the wrong way and to receive healing in the wrong way so if a man wants to receive healing they want to self-heal according to the scriptures they have put in them that will never work because you are not a healer only jesus is the healer amen so i need to believe in his ability in his lordship in who he is in order for me to receive of him now here is the reason why so many people try to make faith or to self-heal in the name of believing god and it fails every time listen to what jesus says verse 9 whether it is easier to say to the sick if you did not know to receive healing is easier it's not just easy it is the easiest jesus was looking at a man and he saw his faith and he saw people arguing how can this guy say he can forgive sin so jesus was comparing two things because they made sin a very big deal and they made healing impossible but when jesus looked at the situation he said let me tell you something these two things are easy but i want to show you which one is the easiest so jesus was not comparing hard things okay let me talk to people who are understanding good you think healing is difficult but jesus said which is easier so your mindset when it comes to healing is already wrong you look at it as something so scary extraordinary jesus said it is easy amen amen i don't know if somebody is understanding what i'm trying to say to you your issue is healing is such a big deal and because it has become a big deal it has also become what hard but when jesus looked at a man that was bedridden i see you no hope of coming back he can't be healed jesus looked and said uh which one is easier he didn't say which requires greater faith he never said that he said which one is easier jesus saw the ability to do everything to get to him jesus knew these guys can receive healing your problem is not meditating scripture your problem is do you know who jesus is amen i feel like i'm talking to myself whoever who whoever understands who jesus is you understand to god the bible says this is anything too difficult is anything too hard because to god healing is the easiest thing in the world easy easy look at your neighbor say you're in easy street you're on easy street healing is easy [Music] are you listening to what i'm saying so the problem with that why people don't get or receive healing is because your meditation has already removed you have already turned healing into a super supernatural thing we are not saying it's soup it's not but god is saying it is easy do you realize jesus said healing is the children's bread it means it is obvious the same way you can go to the kitchen and just grab a piece of bread and walk away god said that's how easy healing is amen amen i prophesy to somebody whoever is ready for any kind of sickness that is plaguing your life i want you to understand healing is what if you understand that if you comprehend that it is actually very easy already because god will operate on the basis of your faith so many come to god listen to what the bible says he says whoever comes to god must know that he is so we go to god with our faith saying we will be healed not i am coming to you because you will heal me two different concepts hello hello hello hello when people see me praying for sick people it's okay son when people see me praying for sick people i'd never make a big deal out of it do you know i don't make a big deal out of it jesus did all the work i'm just ministering i've become an extension of that easy work amen amen it's not me are you getting what i'm saying so notice if you have faith for eternal life where you never received a certificate an email notification that says yeah you are really saved your your reference number is in case of any problem refer to this number they will find your case we never got anything like that but you walk around saying yeah i'm going to heaven i'm going to heaven but you believe that with everything if i die right now i'm going to heaven you know what i came to realize the world receives healing easier than the church yet it should be the other way around the reason why they do easily is because they don't have the man doctrine that you have in your mind they don't i have seen people who never believed god touches them and they changed their life forever they run after god for good but i have seen christians who get healed and they backslide god doesn't need anything from you to heal you god just needs you to believe him to know that he is if this doctrine is within you if this truth actually enters you you will be changed forever look at your neighbor say you'll be changed forever you will be changed forever i can't hear you you will be changed forever i can't hear you you will be changed forever are you sure you believe that now i'm going to give you i'm going to give you remember i said today we are not preaching for a long time uh your faith you see i forgive you father judge my doubters judge them with a blessing hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to give you 10 reasons why you should be healed amen 10 reasons amen 10 reasons why healing is yours 10 reasons you've read scriptures but you don't know the reasons are you ready the first reason is this it is the will of god it's not your will it is the will of god god has decided from heaven i want to heal you amen are you listening to me the number one reason is god wants we did not decide it we do not choose it it is god that introduced the idea of healing are you listening to me the first reason is that god has decided god wants it god has said i want to heal you if god wants to heal you please don't debate with him you want to go we never asked god from heaven send healing he said i am the lord that he left thee jehovah rapha the god that heals he has labeled himself that because why it is his will the first reason why healing is yours is god has what he has decided it is his will number two why healing is yours is god is able to heal you you see you can decide to do something but do you have the ability to carry it out god is able to heal you the same god who created the universe who put your body together who died who did all these things he is definitely able to fix our little bodies if you compare everything that he puts together if you compare him bringing lazarus back to life what is cancer he brought back a man that cells are dead he is decomposing and said hey get up and he's done it many times many are not even recorded so if he can raise the daddy definitely he definitely able to heal you hallelujah hallelujah number three you are abraham's seed hello hello you are what abraham see you're abraham seed jesus one time he walked into the temple and he found a woman who had a hatchback and jesus saw her and jesus was disturbed he went to her and said daughter and rebuked the spirit and immediately the woman was healed and everybody complained ah jesus what is this you're doing jesus said do you think it is right for a daughter of abraham to be sick the bible says we are the seed of abraham through jesus the seed of abraham at the blessing of the earth if you are sick you cannot carry out the will of god if you are sick you cannot lend to nations amen if you are sick you cannot fulfill the mandate the idea the purpose of god on the earth so abraham said listen god does not heal the world he wants to heal abraham's seed jesus came to die for abraham's seed amen that is why whoever receives him enters into abraham's family are you guys listening to me are you guys listening to me yes look at your neighbor say you are abraham seed you are abraham c i can't hear you you are abraham c i can't hear you you are abraham you are a descendant of abraham you are not a descendant of your uncles your aunties ah that's not your portion look at your neighbor say it's not my portion it's not my portion i can't hear you it's not my portion it is not your portion wes is that you please come with your family come sit here in front come with your family please clap for the apostle almighty a mighty mighty worker of god and come come with your family please come come sit come sit here please please please please bring him forward so amazing to see you guys i've never seen a man who is in love with saving souls like this man amen and his old house such a warrior for the lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah as a brother i've known for many many years i've never seen one man more faithful than him i think when god looks from heaven and looks and he sees him your name should be faithful hallelujah hallelujah so listen to me well you are abraham's what seed healing is guaranteed hello hello you are just not any other human being on earth no no no you are father abraham seed your mission on earth is so important do you know why the world will be in chaos when the rapture happens it's because abraham's seed is no longer here god is not obligated to anything there is no longer obligation ah there's no big obligation from god his purpose will be carried out but the calamity that will follow glory be to god glory be to god there are so many nations that are being preserved right now because we are still around hallelujah hallelujah now listen to this number four because jesus took our sicknesses and infirmities jesus took it all he says no no no no they are my sickness when you talk about cancer it is jesus that had cancer if you talk about tumors it is jesus that took the tumors if you talk about blood disease you name whatever kind of sickness you can think of the ones that they are creating and the ones that you name it jesus took it the lord jesus took it on himself so if jesus took it on himself he should never be on you amen i feel like i'm talking to the wrong people amen the bible says he took himself isaiah saying this he took his he took our infirmities upon himself he chose it listen we didn't do nothing the lord said i will i'll take it the reason why so many of you don't understand do you know why jesus was sweating blood do you know what kind of or what kind of stress or blood disorder or what kind of sickness you need to have that your very sweat is drops of blood at that moment jesus became hiv positive wow at that moment jesus was stage four cancer at that moment jesus had every sickness you can ever think of under the sun at that very second that second jesus took on a leprosy [Music] he took on injuries everything on him he took it so when you have sickness and you are you are descendant of abraham and jesus already took the sickness from you there is a contradiction in the spirit while you are still claiming something that should never be on you in the first place i think i'm preaching this for those who are online i think i'm speaking i think this is for those who are watching at home let me let me tell you something let me give you my small testimony that you don't know if my family was here will testify for me when i was a young boy when i was young was about when i was five or six one of my aunties used to work with trucks they used to have these chemicals that were like acidic in nature they used to clean car engines and things like that now my mother and father used to travel a lot because my father was a musician and my mother would make a lot of trips to europe she was a businesswoman so our pantry was always stuck up with things in in the house so i used to come from school when i'll be picked up from school brought home i will go into the pantry grab sugar i wasn't stealing because it's home i'll take sugar and i'll just go about my day doing that so this one day i go at home i get in the pantry i find this sack of white powder that looks like sugar i was like huh this one's different i grabbed it put some in my mouth swallowed this tastes weird spit it out swallowed some after five minutes i started bleeding from my ears from my nose from my mouth i started dying one of the ladies that used to work like she was our babysitter or house help she put me on her back and rushed to a hospital called nairobi west hospital those who are in kenya they know this hospital they rushed me to nairobi west hospital this is in 1993 i believe they rushed me to nairobi west hospital they got me to the hospital the doctor looked at me and my condition they were like listen call the parents because this is bad what this child ingested he's most likely going to die we don't know what is going to happen they said already what he took was already destroying his organs within him his liver is already he's doing bad call the parents all of a sudden i started now coughing out blood they tried to do whatever they could do but it wasn't really working out i started going in and out of consciousness if i tell you i am here because god said i took on amen that is why i always say this one thing no man born of a woman can ever take me out of this world hallelujah if i ever leave this place it's because god called me no human being can do nothing to me i should not be here sit for two seconds my uncle who's also my mentor who taught me in the ways of god i always speak about him on live streams his name is reverend simon gizulu that's my dad this is my uncle god spoke to him when there were no cell phones go to nairobi west hospital your nephew is dying go bring him back by the time he came to the hospital i was called he came in there put his hand on me said in the name of jesus nothing is going to happen to you listen he said to show you that god sent me listen to this he said to show you that god sent me because our help took some of it to show the doctors he said give it to me he ate it he went home immediately listen not next week not another immediately i started recovering they were shocked what what is going on may that same lord that same god who took on everything on himself see may that lord and god do something special for you sit for two seconds sit for two seconds [Music] oh god brought me back he took on look at your neighbor say he took it on he took it on somebody shot fire fire you see the issue is we are taught to fear things and to be afraid of things because those who are speaking to us they didn't know any better it is not their fault it is just our time to reveal jesus greater than before amen hallelujah hallelujah so jesus did not just take on our infirmities but number five he suffered so that we don't have to he didn't only take upon him the sickness but he also suffered you see when we remember the sacrifice of our lord jesus it was not just that he carried the cross it is not just that he took on the sickness but he suffered the bible says that the world called him accursed you know suffering equates to a curse suffering is a sign of a curse many called him afflicted but they didn't know that he was suffering on our behalf so jesus did not just take the sickness but he took also the suffering you see when people sue people they don't only sue for the damages but they also sue for pain and what suffering so jesus didn't just take it look at your neighbor say he took the pain the pain and what the suffering hallelujah i feel like i'm talking to the wrong people he took on the what pain and suffering he said nah he said i'm not just going to take the burden you see if he takes away the sickness but you still are suffering he has not taken it away the evidence of true healing and deliverance is suffering becomes a thing of the past you see when jesus our lord appeared to moses and sent moses and moses arrived and moses spoke to them he did not just deliver them from being a label called slaves but he took away the lash he took away the pain that is why god described it perfectly i have seen my people suffering i know their pain i know their sorrows you see when jesus took these things he knew your pain he knew your sorrows he knew how mentally he can disturb you he went beyond the physical he went into the what they're emotional i wish somebody would just shout thank you jesus thank you jesus i think you can do better thank you jesus if you understand this truth everything becomes different notice of all these things we have spoken about we are still not mentioned in it it's still what he has done number six god has guaranteed it by breaking the body of jesus he didn't just take it on he didn't only suffer but his body was broken that is why the bible fulfills it by saying by his stripes by his stripes with what [Music] when jesus was beat with the it's called the whip uh the cut of nine tails when they were beating him the blood coming out that blood was cancer leaving you forever amen uh let me talk to people who are ready let me talk to people who are ready to receive this every blood condition was ending there let me explain to you you see every time there is birth there is blood no no no no you didn't hear what i'm saying every time there is birth there is what blood when they were beating him with a cut of nine tails it was a prophetic number of new births i i feel like i'm talking to the wrong people they did not know what they were doing to him was prophetic when a baby is born his name they have to wipe the baby because blood is everywhere when that moment jesus was getting the whips gosh it was the first one you know he was beaten unrecognizable he was like they were they were uh this is how they beat him they beat you from your back then they turn you over if you saw him and you knew him you could not recognize him every area of his body that could be touched without weepy was touched and what that whip did is when they hit you it grabbed you when they pulled it took out flesh your tumors were taken out cancer was taken out hiv was taken out arthritis was taken out whatever kind of sickness he was taken out listen to this sit down sit down for two seconds he wasn't just whipped let me show you something that is very deep that i came to understand you see a crown a crown represents glory he represents appointment that you have the power to do this and to do that and to do that a king is crowned because of their mental capability their sound mind to see the future for his people but jesus was not crowned with a crown he was crowned with thorns when the thongs went into his head every mental disease i feel like i'm talking to myself every mental disease every brain disease every emotional confusion everything connected to mental issues they crowned him listen the pain was from head to toe when the bible says he has crowned us with glories because he took the other crown let me explain to you something how far this healing goes you know your wallet can be sick you didn't know that you can't be financially sick when you work so hard and nothing is working out you're not reaping anything your money is sick something is wrong do you realize that when we talk about crops and farming the reason why farmers always have to spray and take care of their plants is because bugs can come and eat the crops that is what viruses and diseases are is they eat you away but god says that there are worms conquer worms that are sent to eat your harvest that is a disease let me explain to you why that crown was important not only for your body but also for your financial situation the lord looked at adam and he told him because you have done this cursed is the earth it will bring forth what thorns so jesus went and took the thorns they put it on his head so that when you touch the ground no more thongs are coming out i feel like i'm talking to myself may healing come to every area and every dimension of your life i wish somebody would shout fire seven times [Applause] i think you can celebrate the lord better hallelujah glory be to jesus so remember the body of jesus was broken for you the body of the lord jesus was broken for you his body was broken for you number seven you are no longer under the curse of sin uh-uh you didn't hear what i'm saying you are no longer under the curse of what so when this man was brought down to jesus notice jesus immediately attacked the sin he didn't ask him can you repent now say i am sorry begin to confess all the sins of your fathers you see some of these deliverance doctrines listen i do deliverance i know deliverance you are no longer under the curse of sin the problem is we are more we have been taught to be more sin conscious than grace conscious we have not understood that the reason why the lord jesus actually died was to remove us from the curse of what sin because 99 of the reason why there is sickness is because of the curse of what sin so there are diseases that are manifested especially the very dangerous ones especially especially the dangerous ones is usually connected to sin usually not always but usually so jesus is looking at the man and looked at him and said my son take courage your sins have been forgiven you notice he's not telling him you will be forgiven he telling him be happy you have already been so jesus is alerting him to a reality may you be alerted to reality see may you be awakened to the reality of god may you awaken from the reality of man may you be awakened from the thoughts of man may you be awakened from the ideas of man and may you wake up into the reality of heaven the mindset and the consciousness of god almighty himself i will see you amen i'll sit for two seconds sit for two seconds you see where the issue is jesus is literally telling him be courageous be happy take faith my son you're already forgiven the guy came for healing jesus is attacking sin without a man saying oh father what i did what i did love that is why i'm like this oh father you know it so well [Music] you have seen it father i repent for my auntie my uncle my sisters my you don't believe what you're doing you don't because if you genuinely believe it you will not be saying father what my uncle did you say father you know everything you died for me what is in me nothing is hidden from you i thank you for delivering me from the curse of sin i know that i'm delivered from it i am your child how can i be under the curse of sin i am do you realize that god says repent he doesn't say ask for forgiveness christians ask for forgiveness and they don't repent repent means shift your mind so the difference between sin and righteousness is realizing you have been forgiven no maybe i need to say it for the people in the back amen the difference between a sinner and a righteous person is not because the righteous person has worked they just woke up and realized oh i've been forgiven and jesus is my righteousness let me put on jesus because he has justified me he has purified me and he has declared me wholly unto himself i didn't do that he did that i just need to wake up and accept it amen [Applause] so many of you are working for something you can't buy you can't afford it i can't you you can't either i know god you're gonna heal me because i fasted 40 days and 40 nights fivefold ministry five gugunatori's offices oh father i know with the seed i gave the moment you put yourself in the picture that is your own righteousness that is you god is not interested in you and me he's interested in what he has done you know what i learned about god that is very interesting he only accepts what he has given he accepted jesus because he is jesus he gave himself unto himself he accepted it if he blesses you and you bless him back he accepts it because that's what he gave you if you try to give him what you have done he says that self-righteousness that's pride you think you can give me elohim el shaddai something [Applause] are you getting what i'm saying yeah lord i gave you some what don't you know everything even you you are mine some of us have become people who try to impress god in church we are believers who are trying to we have justified our righteousness in the name of receiving from god it's foolishness one thing that is beautiful is that we should be like children children are just grateful to receive dad could you buy me this dad can i have that dad can i do this that can i have okay baby no okay good not yet not now yes tomorrow oh you did good here it is they're not sitting there and saying now because i did chores i deserve roadblocks parents know what i'm talking about v bucks i'm doing that cause i want now if i told you baby you do this i'll give you this that's a promise tied to a condition that's fine but imagine your kid you come home you find everything done in the house and they come now because i did this you need to do this what now let's compare you cleaning the house one day i changed your diaper i birthed you i have protected you i have fed you i have raised you and because of one act you think you can earn something from me [Applause] so god is looking at us like what is wrong with these people i bet you every time angels are just oh god's gonna bless me today not because lord you are so good you already decided i'm just a benefactor of your goodness you go in there with demands demands that i have no feet to stand on you have to understand one thing one thing i learned about god another thing there are many things but this is another thing i learned from god god does not invest in things that it is not benefiting from if it has nothing to do with him he won't give what for he has to reap from it so if you have your own self-interest is not interested hello so god is looking at some people i've been a christian for 45 years i was gave my life to jesus in 1775 on a third on a thursday in the month in the ninth month of the year at 2 pm exactly i said lord you are trying to impress god who said you did not choose me i chose you you did not call me i called you everyone that is born again you are not born again because you decided he chose you he programmed you to be awakened to the reality of who he is when we evangelize we are simply waking up those we already chose for those he foreknew he also predestinated you and me are here because he chose us we didn't choose him amen amen we are just blessed that he chose us to be vessels of honor why i don't know i don't want to know i'm just lord thank you i'm here look at your neighbor say i don't know why i don't know why neighbor ava i don't know why i don't know why but i'm grateful but i'm great i said thank you lord i said thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm just grateful i don't want to understand some of you may god bless you number eight remember seven you're no longer under the curse of what sin number eight you are not condemned you are not there's no more condemnation for those who are in christ there are people they are people that when something bad happens to them they say god is punishing me what for what is ask yourself this question i'm sorry i know there are a lot of people who love to say judgment is coming i believe in god's justice i really do but remember this whatsoever a man souls shall be what reap god is not judging you you are just reaping what you sowed because you have to understand for god to punish a christian he has to explain to jesus why he he he spent all his wrath on him the bible says we are saved from the wrath of god god wanted to destroy us dismantle us because we walked away from him we were filthy to him then jesus came took all the wrath even god i always tell people this when the lord looked when jesus was saying elohim what you are saying is father why have you forsaken me because he became the embodiment of what we were his father could no longer look at him so when his father turned his face he turned to us and turned away from amen amen i don't know if you're getting what i'm saying on the cross when he became sin god was looking at him turned and started looking at us you see condemnation i always say the greatest evangelist of satan is condemnation that is the biggest evangelism tool of satan and trust me he wins a lot of people to hell with that some of you don't even have confidence to receive from god because you love condemnation so much you want to pray you want to kneel this is how condemnation works you want to kneel you don't know if it is the right knee left knee you get up and pace for a little bit you can't even pray god has just left me some of you have drowned into that until you're like you know i used to also walk in the anointing you know but god is just angry with me right now i would love to pray but i don't even know you know what i'm good you just start sinning and rolling into sin rolling into sin you start marinating yourself into sin a kfc chicken being put in flour when they grill you you come out you don't even you're not even recognizable you just keep swimming into condemnation everything that how god is punishing me god is just uh i'm being punished i know why this is happening because i did that because i did this yet god is declaring if you are in me you are not condemned [Applause] some of you are condemned hey you don't know you don't know what i did i always say this christians will make one mistake because when you're in christ you don't sin you make mistakes that's why god does not call us sinners that is why paul said it like this god commended his love unto us while we were still yet what so when you're in christ you're not a sinner you just make mistakes remember you're a baby you are just born again so you're bound to mess up not because you're bad you're just learning you're growing up some people are still on milk meaning they are babies some are toddlers picking up everything that is bad putting it in their mouth so you're growing in that's why it's called growing in grace some are teenagers where your hibiji bees are now controlling you so we are much and then we have elders in the faith who have become seasoned that when they look at you they know exactly where you are they'll tell you listen what you believe right now trust me in due time you will understand those elders are the ones that are raising us slowly to direct us to tell us no no no this is the way no that is not faith this is not the right way this is how you pray this is how you receive from god because they are now seasoned they went through all those episodes so you can't be in christ and your sinning you just make mistakes amen amen that is not me saying it is the scripture saying god commanded his love while we were still yet sinners so when he saved us what are we the righteousness of god when god looks at us he sees his son jesus that is why he can't condemn you you know one thing that i i was you're gonna love this you know the problem of being a prophet is this we can be very passionate at times and when i mean passion is that when we get angry we get angry we really do but one thing that god helped me is that even in my hunger and my anger i have self-control i can still do the right thing even though i don't like what i just saw because the bible says in your anger see not anger is a normal emotion you know the spirit of anger is different from the emotion of anger because even god gets emotional god gets angry david says his anger shall not last forever he is quick in mercy slow in anger anger is normal the spirit of anger is when anger controls you that you black out you don't even know who you are that is a spirit because it is controlling you beyond your bounds ah there was one time i got really angry and this one time i didn't do right it is years ago but this time i didn't do right i didn't do right ah and i looked at myself after everything i said ah god today you have abandoned me i am sure god cannot accuse me again all of a sudden i was just sitting contemplating this and the lord appeared to me i fell on my knees he says no no no my son said he spoke to me and i was crying and the lord is speaking to me telling me okay you're gonna do this you're gonna pray for this person you're going to do this you're going to do that and he looked at me and told me you know how much i love you my servant my prophet god is jesus is playing around like that and i'm whipping it the whole time and then he gets up he leaves what tormented me was that he never pointed out what i did never even mentioned it i sat down and that day i cried that day i ministered like this [Music] praying for people i'm telling you this was in the house days ah i was praying for people crying nobody understood what was going on me myself i'm like god i was still thinking replaying the same thing replaying this i'm praying for people i'm i'm telling you i'm weeping crying i don't know if you you guys were in the house there's one day i was just crying praying for people crying tears i was i realized that this god is the things that we highlight he sees them as petty my uncle used to always say this used to say anger is like a guest he comes and goes don't treat him like a permanent resident that when he comes and messes up things and he goes then you're shocked oh what happened anger just comes and goes look at your neighbor say self-control self-control you are not condemned so when satan comes to you and tries to make you feel condemned this is why you can't receive healing you say no i'm not condemned amen you know what you did last night i know what you did last summer i am not condemned what stays in vegas no i'm not condemned that is the old me you don't know me since when did you change five minutes ago and it counts i am not what i used to be not a minute ago not 30 minutes ago not five seconds ago look at your neighbor say i'm not what i used to be i'm not what i used to be if you met me five minutes ago if you met me five minutes ago and maybe you heard things from me that were not right and maybe you heard things from me that i was not right and you say that's who i am and you say that's who i am you are sinning against god i already changed it's been five minutes and that counts to god amen hallelujah i thought you clap better to god i thought you celebrate jesus better you know some of us we try to treat this thing we try to treat this thing as a as as a job you know when you come out of of college maybe you go to university and you've graduated you go and apply for a job they ask you how many years experience do you have i just came out of school god doesn't ask you okay so for how long have you been repentant how how many hours how sure are you that you have changed thank god god is not a man amen thank god that god is not a man hallelujah hallelujah number nine number nine you are forgiven your sin is blotted out when god looks at you he can't find your history the bible says he has thrown our past into the sea of forgetfulness god literally gave himself amnesia when he comes to you when you stand before he say lord remember what that is like huh what he opens your book it's blotted out that page is blank uh you didn't hear what i'm saying to you [Applause] so even god cannot be reminded of your past because it doesn't exist you are not only free from the curse of sin you are not only free from from condemnation but he has also blotted out your sin bloated do you know what it means to blot out when you hear when you erase something there's still a mark that something was wiped out bloated it means it's it's not even there anymore so when people look at your story you know in the when you stand before god the parts of your life that were bad the blood of jesus just erased it it doesn't you know so when your story of your life is playing when he got to the bad part is just interlude and then the good stuff it gets the interlude the good stuff [Applause] those parts they don't exist there are no archives of you see i always say thank god god is not a woman remember what you did two years ago at 2 p.m ah women you see you remember everything remember that day how you just looked at me like that huh in 1996 but we are in 2021. you don't remember you are wearing what a white shirt with blue jeans and some red shoes at that time it was exactly two seconds before ten not minutes seconds oh imagine god has programmed himself he doesn't remember he has decided to not remember so when satan tries to ask you about your past the people say remind him of his future no that's a waste of time you remember you did huh when prove it now you didn't hear what i'm saying you have nothing on me devil you have nothing on me well that this this is where where can i tell you a secret can i share this secret sit for two seconds in the book of job you see a very interesting thing happening you see a very interesting thing because what job is describing in the book of job is also described in revelations chapter 12. when satan was kicked out of heaven the angels started saying ah woe to the earth the accuser of the homies has been cast down to you because satan used to tell on people even in heaven hello no remember the ones that are speaking are angels not human beings woe to the earth the accuser of the brethren do you know what brethren means he's kind has been cast down to you so you see something interesting angels are coming together before god somewhere in the heavenly places not in heaven heavenly places because no rust can enter into heaven but god has a gathering somewhere in heavenly places satan also showed up how could he show up it means he was in heaven because the bible says there was no more place found for him there so he can't go there but people who have not been in the spiritual realm they don't understand these things this gathering was somewhere in heavenly places not in heaven so satan also stopped by the lord said hey hey you it's like hey dad where have you been well you know me doing my thing just walking on the earth checking out things have you seen job have i seen job we all know that why he loves you you've given him this you have protected this you have done that you have done that take that away let's see notice he wasn't saying i will prove to you that he doesn't love you he was giving suggestions to god do you realize the devil doesn't fight god he can't it's crazy but do you realize ever since jesus came satan has never shown up in any gathering because he has nothing on you he cannot come and say lord remember what he did the records show you are guilt-free you didn't do nothing you're not condemned you're forgiven you never see that scenario again that is why it goes on to say and they overcame him by the blood how did they overcome me not because they were using the blood against him they're overcoming listen to what he says they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony what was their testimony you have nothing on me what are you going to accuse me on so when people read that they think it means cover yourself in the blood that's not what it's saying you are in christ because you're already covered in the blood jesus ascended to the highest heaven and put his blood on the mercy seat so that we can approach the throne of grace free so we can receive mass in the time of need hallelujah hallelujah look at your neighbor say you are forgiven you are forgiven look at your neighbor say you are forgiven you are forgiven look at your neighbor say you are forgiven you are forgiven are you listening to this now here's the last one here's the last one and we're going to pray here's the last one and we're going to pray the last one and we're going to pray you are born again you are a new creation not only are you forgiven not only are you not condemned not only is it it's god's will you are born again all things have passed away meaning the past of of human beings has should have nothing to do with your present condition you are a new creature it means you have never existed before you have nothing to do with what adam did that's what to be born again means it's not only that you're going to heaven but the bible says old things have what all thing of what passed away you have nothing listen to me nada nada let me get my spanish on [Music] nada that's not spanish i'm sorry but you have nothing to do with your past zero you are not your past you are new creation new not an upgrade not an update new not a revision no revised version not refurbished new not dressed in a new case no new not it resembles no no no new the bible says that jesus may be the brother of the the brother of many brethren it means that spiritually you and jesus there's no difference do you know in the realm of the spirit jesus is not only our lord he's not only our god but he's also our brother he's the firstborn of a new people he's the firstborn so if you say jesus is my brother you're not lying he says it he said i no longer call you servants call you what friends do you know what a friend means we are equal we can reason together we can't yet this is god he has upgraded us to the place that you can be friends jesus god god looked at moses and said let us reason together yet god has no need of anybody reasoning with him you are born again so if there's bloodline stuff it ended because you are born what again so if there's a history of diabetes you have what born again you are from a different family if there's multiple sclerosis you are born what again you're not from that family a blood president i'm born again i'm not from that family if you check my dna jesus you check it again you see god the father you check it again you see abraham that's it abraham was never sick abraham didn't go through that stuff jesus definitely wasn't that i'm wrong family can i give you one tip a deep revelation listen to what god says if my people who are called by what what is the name of god ah yahweh right so your last name is actually yahweh [Music] my people who are called by my name [Applause] you didn't get it yes we don't call him father just to say father he is saying you are called by my name my name he didn't say our name my name my name my called by my name if they will humble themself and what pray you are just not acting like you have his name today i want you to understand this we are about to pray and god is going to do dangerous things amongst us amen not only those who are present but even those who are watching from home the lord is gonna do dangerous things for even those who are at home we are not the only ones who are going to be touched everybody that is connected to this house no you didn't hear what i said everybody that is connected to this house everybody that is attached to what this house it is automatic listen automatic it is automatic it is absolutely automatic that healing should just be obvious i want you to stand and i'm going to lead you through some simple prayers and i'm going to tell you something even those who are watching at home i want you to participate don't just watch don't just watch participate in the prayer i want you to know that distance has never been a barrier for god god is only present is omnipotent is omniscient it doesn't matter where you are you are spiritually in the same place that we are in and we are not even here on mount zion amen amen [Applause] i want you to sincerely and truthfully hear the words that you have heard today and understand that it is not about what you can do it is about what he has done it is not about what he will do what he is thinking about doing it is already what done the bible says that jesus was crucified from the foundations of the earth and to the lamb was crucified from the foundation the foundations of the earth guaranteed this moment guaranteed this hour it guaranteed this hour that every one of us that is here we will not only get touched by the lord but we will be restored listen we will be restored we will be put back together we will surrender ourselves to the potter's hands and we will allow him to do whatsoever he desires to do with us today in his hands in his holy precious capable mighty hands nothing is impossible he says i am the lord who he let all oh oh oh [Music] nothing is amiss in psalms 103 david says forget not the benefits bless the lord o my soul and forget not all the benefits he forgiveth all our sins he healed all our diseases he has separated our sins from the east to the west he crowns us with loving kindness and mercy you cannot stop god from healing you if you are surrendered in his hands you cannot the only time people don't receive from god is because you have refused to surrender to his hands you cannot earn healing it is given you cannot earn deliverance it is given these things are only received if you are fully accepted the complete work of the cross you will not only be healed you will be delivered your children your descendants will be delivered amen what you suffered no one else in your home will suffer amen i want you to lift up your voice and begin to thank god for what he's going to do open your mouth i want you to open your mouth and sincerely pray [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] from [Music] praise him thank you praise him and thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] i want you to play but to pray along with me every one of you i want you to pray along with me say father in the name of jesus father in the name of jesus i thank you for this hour i thank you for this hour for it is the hour of my deliverance it is the hour of my transformation it is the hour of my transformation it is the hour of my healing i surrender myself in your capable hands i surrender myself in your mighty hands in your mighty hands i lay myself i lay myself as the clay is in the potter's hands as the clay is in the potter's hands i surrender myself i surrender myself mold me oh lord mold me oh lord shape me oh lord save me according to your word and your will according to your word and your will right now father right now father nothing will hinder me nothing will hinder me from receiving the complete work of the cross from receiving the complete work of the cross in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord jesus i declare i declare i am forgiven i am forgiven from every sin from every sin consciously consciously subconsciously subconsciously i am free i am free forgiven forgiven cleansed blessed by the precious blood of jesus blood of jesus every act witchcraft witchcraft or celtic powers every curse every curse of generations of generations i deliver myself i deliver myself and i disconnect myself and i disconnect myself and i declare before heaven and i declare before heaven i have nothing to do with those things i have nothing to do with those things i belong to jesus i belong to jesus i belong to jesus i belong to jesus i belong to jesus right now right now every evil powers every evil power every demonic forces every demonic forces inside my body inside my body in the form of sickness in the form of sickness in the form of diseases in the form of disease i command you i command you in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord by the authority that is in the word of god by the authority that is in the word of god and by the power of the holy spirit and by the power of the holy spirit you cancer you blood diseases respiratory diseases genetic sicknesses come out now come out now come out now come out now come out now tumors tumors come out now begin to command those things to come out in the name of jesus [Music] infections in the blood infections in the blood infections in the blood blindness deafness [Music] foreign [Music] delivered [Music] [Music] whatever manner of spirit it is whatever matter of spirit it is listen to the voice of god listen to the voice of god come out come out come out out of my body out of my mind out of my body out of my family out of my children in the name of jesus out out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just lift your hands i'm gonna pray for you now i want ushers to be ready those who are at home if you are driving i want you to park your car [Music] i want you to be ready some of you you will spit out tumors and [Music] cancers everyone that is listening to my voice skin diseases will just disappear whatever is a disease mental physical it doesn't matter jesus can do it all i said the lord jesus can do it all just lift your hands focus on the lord focus on the lord i love the lord for he has heard my cry and my supplication therefore shall i call upon him all the days of my life in the name of jesus right now i command every demonic power every sickness no matter what the name is come out of the people now every evil spirit demonic power hiding in their bodies in the form of sicknesses wounds i command you out out out out out out wherever you are hiding may the angels of god capture you now you demon in the form of cancer you demon in the form of blood diseases lung diseases i command you out of the people sickness because of witchcraft sickness because of sorcery out now everything that was declared against you that has brought illness to you by all celtic power satanic power sorcery black magic white magic i arrest every satanic power now those spirits that came from your father's side from your mother's side i arrest you now come on come on come on i arrest you now come on come on come on come out that's neck that is hiding in your stomach that spiritual husband that spiritual wife out out now out now let light be let light be let light be let light be let light be right now in the name of jesus
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 9,262
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Id: kiP_YbTelvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 5sec (5945 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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