SPIRITUAL DISEASES [Part 1] | Prophet Glovis LIVE

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send a link to somebody i want you to get as many people to join tonight because tonight is going to be another very powerful night in the realm of the spirit so i want everybody both in here and out there to get ready because there's such an amazing word that i have to deliver tonight and i need as many people as many of god's people to participate with this tonight hallelujah we're here hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah [Music] now please share the broadcast if you're watching on youtube you're welcome you're watching on facebook i welcome all of you that's joining god bless every one of you i know for some of you it's early in the morning for some of you it's very late but if you stay up for this you won't regret it that's right i guarantee you and i want us to look at a very very important subject that i've been meaning to share with you for for maybe about two months now we're here but the time is right hallelujah um tonight i want us to talk about spiritual diseases wow take us there prophet spiritual diseases oh thank you jesus just pray in the spirit wherever you are pray in the spirit [Music] but i thank you for the entrance of your word bring it light and life and understanding even to them that are simple lord i pray that the hearts are open even tonight father change circumstances yet again tonight let situations be overturned let things that have held your people captive be overturned even tonight amen in the name of jesus christ amen amen amen so i said we're talking about spiritual diseases spiritual diseases spiritual diseases and it's not what you think i know many times when you want to teach something people already trying to guess where you're going to go with it just have an open spirit amen because i know some of you i know i know what you'll be thinking but it's not what you think you can't wait hallelujah glory to god glory now in christianity we have only been taught about physical ailments and physical diseases but it is rare you find a minister of god that teaches on spiritual diseases [Music] it is very rare that you see a man of god that highlights the aspect of diseases that happen spiritually i don't know if you're getting what i'm saying yes right here you can be physically healthy but spiritually sick you can have good health physically but spiritually you have bad bad health and i'm not talking about you know your spiritual growth because i know that's what many people be thinking i'm not dealing with the spiritual growth of a christian or whether or not spiritually they are born again and because maybe they are not connected to christ or they haven't given their lives to christ so they are spiritually sick that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about even when you're in christ and even when you're born again there are times where your physical body is not sick but you're spiritual spiritually you are sick shine wow there is such a phenomenon as spiritual diseases or spiritual sicknesses wow that plagues many people in this world wow wow that's the prophet that's deep are you listening to what i'm saying oh yes we're here jesus and these spiritual ailments also come with their signs and with their symptoms there are ways to know that you are spiritually sick even though you have been checked physically and you're fine oh my goodness wow and we're going to look into some of them hallelujah we're ready the truth of the matter is this over 60 of people who die or sicknesses it is actually a spiritual disease they couldn't detect oh jesus that's deep i'll say it again over 60 of people who die of certain ailments it is actually a spiritual disease that they could not detect it wasn't showing up as something in your body that's why all the medications that you took for that ailment didn't work whoa because what you were dealing with was a spiritual disease not a physical disease oh my goodness so no matter how much prescriptions you got no matter how much suggestions you got both from natural doctors who all the doctors you went to they gave you all their scientific wisdom and you know knowledge about what to do to treat that but nothing worked it is because this disease you were facing was spiritual it was not physical wow wow jesus i don't know if you're listening to me we're here we're here i'm about to unveil some deep things here tonight amen to god take us there are you still here yes so there are times where a sickness will not even show up in your body per se but spiritually you are sick and then there are times where it will show up in your body as a symptom of what is affecting you spiritually [Music] wow so there are two ways it can manifest it can manifest as a sickness in your body yet there is no cure for it yet you can't find any remedy for it but then you can also be perfectly fine in your body but still yet spiritually you are sick jesus this is when the understanding of the devices of the devil comes in i feel like you guys are not listening over here we're here these are the strategies of the devil that many times when christians will fall sick and they cannot detect the sickness it is because satan has hidden it from them wow so that they cannot find a response for that situation [Music] so you go to the doctor the doctors can't find what is wrong with you yet you know something is wrong with you yet you're feeling a certain trouble in your body but then there are those who are not sick at all yet they are spiritually sick and before you know it you hear that somebody died yet he was in perfect health oh jesus [Music] when they asked what god killed him nothing was wrong with him he just went just like that he just fell and he was gone she just fell and she was gone no accidents no incidents because spiritually a person was sick and didn't know it my goodness wow jesus these are the calamities that before many many of god's children and even many people in the world because the devil knows how to play his game he has his devices his schemes his stratagems that he uses to afflict people [Music] but we are not to be ignorant of his devices lest satan gain an advantage of you wow that's right that's right are you listening to me here today yes right here the word of god actually speaks of certain diseases that have their root from the spirit and i'm going to do part one and then part two glory part one i want to speak about a specific one that the word of god talks about amen amen take us there but we are dealing with spiritual diseases ailments in the spirit that have affected you spiritually but you have been blindsided to them you cannot detect them you cannot see them but somehow some way they are affecting your life somehow some way they are causing destruction in your life see there's a reason why i hold some of my teachings at night oh glory to god glory to god praise the lord glory second chronicles chapter 16. we'll read from the verse 12. and jehoshaphat waxed great exceedingly can you read it very very powerfully and jehoshaphat waxed great exceedingly and he built in judah castles and cities of store and he had much business in the cities of judah and the men of war mighty men of valor were in jerusalem and these are the numbers of them according to the house of their fathers second chronicles 16. second chronicles 16. sorry was reading at 17. verse 12 verse 12 please and asa in the 30th and 9th year of his reign was deceased in his feet asa in the 39th year of his reign he was deceased in his feet jesus jesus jesus asa in the 39th year of his reign he became deceased in his feet you know for many people when they think about this verse they think we're talking about a physical impediment of a disease in your foot or on your foot that is not what it's talking about you think we're dealing like with something some rot on your foot or some boil on your foot some physical injury on your foot that's not what was going on with asa well and i'll show you in a minute amen this condition was actually a spiritual condition that asa had on his feet jesus jesus jesus i always said to you that just as much as you have a physical body you also have a spiritual body amen amen that's deep are you listening to me read it one more time an asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet until his disease was exceeding great until his disease was exceeding great until his disease was exceeding great why is he not mentioning this exceeding great disease injustice is a disease that affects his that affected his foot or his feet it is because it was a spiritual condition of feet wow hey jesus jesus are you listening to me oh yes but then if you see it just as a physical disease you will miss the entire picture that the word of god is trying to show here the bible never specified what type of disease it was it just tells you that asa was diseased in his feet he had a spiritual condition called spiritual food disease a disease that affects the feet spiritually jesus am i talking to somebody here yes over here it didn't say it was a sore it was a broken leg it didn't say it was some type of you know what they call elephantizes he didn't mention any specifics yeah it's just it just tells us that there was a disease in asa's feet wow am i talking to somebody here we're here we're here remember that we spoke when we were dealing with the footprints that there is a technology that the enemy uses to make or to bring down great men yes and i said that great men do not suddenly fall they don't suddenly die that's right it is because they have been snared by their feet jesus jesus it is an evil manipulation that has taken place whenever you see a great man suddenly falls wow suddenly dies suddenly loses everything i gave you some significances and some symptoms yes to know that your footprint has been tampered with spiritually so if you haven't watched that please go watch it amen when your footprint or your feet is under demonic manipulation and demonic attacks when your footprint is polluted it shows that there is a disease in your feet spiritually wow now i want you to read the rest of the verse into the verse 13. yet in his disease he sought not to the lord in his disease he sought not the lord jesus but what but to the physicians but to the physicians wow asa did not seek the lord asa sought the physicians jesus because many people who read their bible they don't understand the word of god or hebrize him in the word of god they can easily misconstrue certain words take us there prophet teach us who physicians where in the bible days is not what we know them to be today in bible days physicians were not medical doctors as we see today jesus jesus jesus am i talking to somebody oh yes that's not what it was referring to asa saw not the lord he sought physicians in the bible these physicians come on now we're ready we're ready they were actually sorcerers that's crazy and custodians of witchcraft manipulations wow jesus just like when the bible says that the woman with the issue of blood sought after physicians he was not talking about doctors he was talking about in that day they had what they call physicians known as sorcerers my goodness does he practice healing by witchcraft powers that's deep that's deep wow my goodness jesus wow am i talking to somebody here oh yes right here are you still here we're here we're here a physician in those days was somebody that was manipulating things in the realm of the spirit to affect changes on people's physical health or in the physical realm so they were not like the doctors that we see here today now he was actually known as rafa because back then there were physicians according to god's order and physicians according to the dark world order jesus jesus come on and the physicians according to the god order were known as healers or rafa wow wow wow wow wow that's powerful where we get raphael so there is something that i want to expose tonight that would really give you sound understanding as to why you're experiencing certain things in your life and what you can do to resolve it amen amen thank you lord jesus christ so these guys were not doctors we're not medical doctors in fact it's only after some centuries later that we began to delve into scientific medicines and all these things it wasn't so like that back then wow people when they were sick they sought for spiritual means to get healing jesus jesus jesus i might talk to you oh yes right here so they use spiritual manipulations and spiritual ways to administer spiritual healing to people because really it was understood back then that whatever was happening to you it was either god was doing it to you or it was your father and your mother sin child wow so they knew that the conditions that men were experiencing had to do with something spiritual am i talking to somebody oh yes come on so if they were to seek help they will have to seek help to somebody who was a diviner come on come on who are contacted spirits jesus wow to bring about certain remedies for certain physical conditions and even spiritual conditions am i talking to you here oh yes we're here i'm just laying the foundation for some truths here amen you know they used to also use what is referred to as famakea where we get the word pharmacist or pharmacy and the root origin of that word simply means sorcerer wow the word pharmacy actually is the word sorcerer i believe in the greek [Music] jesus jesus jesus so it is today that we've divided medicine you know from sorcery oh my gosh profit teacher side which is pharmacy it was literally known as sorcery pharmacy but today when we look at pharmacy we're only looking at it from the point of medicine narcotics am i talking to someone oh yes right here so today many people only see pharmacy as a trade that is done for physical things like as a physical trait nobody really sees the spirituality of what it was so spiritual healing was therefore necessary because ailments were considered to have a spiritual route so it was the reason why many will consult spiritual or spiritualists for their healing because certain ailments was considered to have a root from the spirit such as leprosy wow wow and these were ailments that didn't have a ready physical cure like maybe from a herb or there was something that was readily known um to heal that disease come on prophet this is deep am i talking to somebody here somebody please share the broadcast because we're about to go somewhere yes share glory to god jesus jesus jesus kandaba kasha so all they knew back then was conditions could be settled by some spiritual medium if there was a spiritual medium that they could go to they knew that their problems could be solved much quicker test deep jesus i think my wife put the definition there it means spell or sorcery it means uh poison it means drug but the root of it was sorcery jesus yes uh and elise also did the same and it does say sorcery magician or sorcery yeah i know many of you didn't know that jesus says deep prophet come on prophet that's why it's important to study yes so that's why when sometimes i i speak on certain things and somebody comes on my life and they're commenting nonsense i just look at them i just laugh do you know the hours i put in study come on thank you prophet before i come to say anything i have to verify and verify i'm a man of god that's very studious i don't study amen paul says study to show yourself approved a workman that needed not be ashamed so this is so profound because of where we're going hallelujah so moses himself was a physician he was a physician he was a healer wow that is why when they were sick they cried out to moses for healing and he would know what to do one time they sinned against god excuse me they sinned against god and moses held up a snake using a spiritual token amen held up a snake on a rock and whoever looked upon that rod received their healing jesus because sorcerers in those days knew how to get people to heal by some spiritual activity or spiritual direction jesus glory incidentally that act that moses did is the sign for every medical and pharmaceutical uh organization today the snake on iran that is the sign for healing or for medications prophet prophet in the world today it's so true jesus but it came from a spiritual thing whoa but we've lost sight of the spiritual and we've only looked at diseases that affect you physically but really every disease that they were having then they thought it was connected to something spiritual something spiritual had taken place even before they can see a physical manifestation they knew it had a spiritual root jesus so they knew to go either to a sorcerer who is in the dark world or a physician who is in the dark world or one that is according to god's order wow wow this is too deep too deep so physicians were those who understood spiritual remedies or spiritual healing remedies for certain conditions so what is it that asa made or what is it that made asa to go and seek after a sorcerer or a physician in the dark world we're here we're here what is it that prompted him the bible says he was deceased in his foot or in his feet why did that disease prompt him to go and seek after a sorcerer teacher it is because the condition he was dealing with was a spiritual condition oh my goodness and acer knew this condition could not be resolved by natural means so he had to go seek out for a sorcerer to solve the problem because he understood you know kings back then they had their best doctors you know people who understood herbs and things like that but i'm sure he must have tried everything but then he concluded that this matter the reason it still stayed it is because this matter has spiritual implications jesus jesus jesus so he was sick spiritually in his feet even though somebody could have been looking at his feet and thinking oh this disease oh we can do something we can do this we can do that he tried but the problem was really spiritual whoa my god this is crazy deep are you still here jesus if it was a physical ailment the bible would have said oh he sought drugs the bible didn't say and asa sought not the lord but sought drugs come on no problem sought herbs that's not what the bible says are you listening to me we're here [Music] he sought physicians those who use witchcraft powers for spiritual healing oh my goodness so it wasn't any ordinary boil no remember that isaiah had given a remedy of using fix to heal if it was a physical condition isaiah already proposed the remedy for what to use to heal that physical condition yes yes using figs but that was not the issue i'm like talking to somebody here we're here glory glory glory i receive and you have to understand can you read that scripture again because i need to make this point and asa in the 30 and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet until his disease was exceeding great yet in his disease he sought not the lord but to the physicians verse 13. and asa slept with his fathers and died in the 1 and 14th year of his reign now the bible says that he sought not the lord and so he was left to die because he sought physicians and many people who don't understand bible uh communication will think that god is against doctors but if now i didn't tell you that physicians are actually sorcerers you would think that god is against medical doctors no he's not jesus that's deep glory are you listening to what i'm saying oh yes we're here god is not against medical doctors he's not against medicine god wasn't angry about him seeking out medical attention for his condition no he wasn't angry about that the reason is i got into trouble we're here his offense was seeking physicians of a dark world of the dark world jesus rather than seeking god when he realized his problem was spiritual come on come on that was his offense wow do you get what i'm saying here yes so god is never against you going to do to the doctors to find out what to do with your condition obviously you know god is the one that gave the wisdom for them to attain such heights and if you understand that actually god also carries his healing business through doctors wow you hear what i said right here if you are a doc a medical doctor as a believer you have to be a medical doctor with a difference amen because god will entrust greater wisdom on you when you carry out your profession in a manner that is be feeding to god and according to his word amen amen that's right act like some of these other doctors here who can be you know seduced to do things the wrong way and you know lie about things you will not really see the essence of that ministry of the healing ministry working in your profession wow glory cory corey the wisdom god gave you to attain that height is because there's a ministry god wants to carry out amen for physical solutions amen for sicknesses wow so don't think that god only heals by way of prayer am i talking to somebody yes right here he doesn't only heal by way of prayer so i'm not against medications and medical doctors and medical expertise if they are right and if they are saying the right things and if they are not deceptive if they are actually out there to help people i'm not against it amen am i talking to somebody here yes right here there are actually times that somebody will come to me with a certain conditions condition physical condition for me to pray for i would say go to the doctor or go take medication it is not every time you come to me because i'm a man of god i'm just going to pray for you no i discerned by the spirit if it's a physical ailment i'll tell you have you checked with your doctor have you found out what is going on oh wow because certain things actually need to be verified before you can really know what to do about them yeah and if you don't go to the doctor how will you find out somebody say i'm i'm walking in faith i don't know that's foolishness faith without there's no faith without knowledge that's right that's right you can't be saying i don't want to know about what's going on and i'm working in faith no if you're feeling certain things in your body you're going through certain uh uh pressures in your body go check then you can now apply faith amen but if you don't know you can't walk in faith concerning something you don't know does that make sense yes how will you walk in faith about something you didn't know or you don't know about it it's not it's not making any sense in the spirit are you talking to am i talking to you here oh yes we're here so you go find out so many times people come to me and they're expecting when they tell me something is wrong with them i'm going to pray i said no go take this go take this and they're shocked no because i understand if it's a physical problem it can be soft there's already a remedy for it there's probably a certain medication that can help amen i take medication sometimes and i'm a prophet and i know many things but there are certain conditions it's just physical hello i'm here we're here that's awesome thank you prophet hallelujah hallelujah somebody say hallelujah hallelujah so never be a man of god that claims to be so powerful and you know i hear one man of god who um somebody came to them and they were going through a certain physical impediment or ailment and he just told them to believe and never go and they almost died from that condition i'd rather you go to the hospital first let them find out and then come for your healing so that we can verify the two amen you can see what medical how far medical can go and how far you know the spiritual thing glory that's right you see that's when you get to know actually what god did but if you never had any come on now prophet any uh a synopsis any uh uh proof of the sickness how is sure wow god healed you so you go to the doctors find out what's what's happening especially setting critical conditions don't stay at home and say yeah let me just no you can go at least go and check and then you can decide whether you want physical uh uh medicine or spiritual medicine for that condition amen hello i'm just giving you wisdom here yes it is praise god hallelujah now let's go a little too deep yes take us there deepology tasha but when i know that something is a spiritual disease then i know how to address it spiritually amen when i know it's of a spiritual condition not a physical condition then i know what to tell you what to say or how to address that spiritual condition spiritually conditions cannot be addressed physically they can only be addressed spiritually amen are you still here yes right here but many people they suffer from spiritual conditions but they are trying to find physical ways to resolve them that's why the problem never moves that's why nothing ever changes that's why the condition still is still there well it is just it is communicating wisdom to you whenever you are trying everything and nothing is working that's wisdom being communicated to you telling you that this matter you are going about it the wrong way it is a spiritual condition it is not a physical condition wow wow so when you keep trying to uh uh um uh um solve or heal by way of physical means a spiritual disease you can possibly die from it oh my goodness that's powerful wow are you still here yes for example fibroids fibroids is not a physical disease according to what i know in the realm of the spirit fibroid is a highly demonic disease wow chai it's one of the highest demonic disease you will find in women i'm telling you jesus what i know by the spirit oh my goodness and you find that many times we try to remove that simply by going for surgery before long it comes back again because it was a spirituality it was just showing signs in the physical jesus jesus hey that's deep that's deep that's deep actually there are certain times not always but there are certain times when you find yourself being fed strange food in the dream i'm talking about strange meal not talking about proper meal i'm talking about strange food you see somebody eating three eggs on the ground i'm talking about strange food in the dream you have been self strange meal that is actually you being implanted with certain fibro fibroids and two more conditions oh my god and they go in your system and form cancerous tumors oh wow oh oh that's steep that's deep i told you i'm going to be revealing a lot of mysteries amen amen and if you are not sensitive to the things of the spirit you'll be trying all sorts of things to try to deal or do away with that condition but you will keep seeing it coming back again and again and again and again wow jesus some of you that have family members you know what i'm talking about it's true prophet i've seen it time without number oh my one of the ways that the devil uses to stop women from conception from receiving a child is fibroids it's so true they put it where it blocks your tubes and your ovulation system and all the cysts your warm and you're not able to put or to to carry seed [Music] jesus i'm gonna be talking about different types of spiritual diseases that's manifest physically maybe in part two amen talk about it i'm excited wow but today i'm staying with the feet amen the spiritual disease of the feet jesus jesus jesus is right here we're here we want more glory glory oh my goodness actually maybe you know some weeks to come i can actually get into this at hga because uh very soon we start teaching about healing and things like that html and to go deeper into some things like that because um you need to understand that when you stand before people to pray for them you need to be able to descend whether it's a physical disease or a spiritual disease and then if it's a physical you know what to do or how to pray and how to minister to them and if it's a spiritual disease now you know what to do and how to minister today hallelujah so those things are important it's the reason why sometimes we pray for people and we don't see them get healed instantly because some of the conditions we are trying to just just pray but sometimes it doesn't need prayer wow [Music] thank you prophet so you have to be trained in that arena amen because i said before the bible speaks of diversities of healings and differences of administrations amen and the reason it says diverse healings the gift of healing not the gift of healing is because there are many sicknesses there are different sicknesses and every particular form or type of sickness has a type of healing and also it speaks of different administrations that means different ways to minister to different conditions so the way our minister to cancer it's not the same well minister to uh uh fibroids and or minister to or leg injury or spine injury because there are diverse healings because of diverse sicknesses and so it will require diverse administrations of those of those different healings yes glory glory that's powerful are you still here yes right here who here knows somebody who has been sick before but didn't understand what where it was coming from and how it came about and the doctors are not able to trace it i'm sure most people have actually had one person in your lifetime that was going through a certain struggle in their health but they could not detect the beginning of it when it started how it came about what caused it and even the doctors are finding it difficult to download what is wrong with this person it is because it is a spiritual condition jesus it is known as a spiritual disease wow goodness gracious this is powerful so asa knew his problem was spiritual but instead of seeking the lord he sought physicians he sought after sorcerers he went after witchcraft manipulators for his spiritual healing because he had a spiritual condition of a disease fit jesus jesus i wonder how many people are actually having a spiritual condition in their body right now or on them right now that they have no clue simply because it is not readily shown in their body early it hasn't manifested and i'm going to give you many many symptoms or many signs for you to know that you are actually suffering from a spiritual disease of the feet of the feet wow glory to god we're here we're here i don't think you guys are ready no we're ready we're here and asa didn't understand it is just so sad to think about it really because here you are you realize that just your condition is spiritual and instead for you to take wisdom and go to god knowing that god is not the one who has inflicted you with this disease and even if it was why would you go to satan as if satan is more powerful than god come on now it's true it's true like those people who would go to which doctors and native doctors to try to find healing for their for their sibling or for their parent or for their child it's foolishness the one who gave you the sickness is the one you're going to whoa come on now and no wonder you die from it because he's the one that gave it to you come on prophet teach hey jesus you would have used wisdom and say ah these things that is happening to me can be from god why would i go and seek for remedy from the devil who is the engineer the master behind all wickedness all evil evil and i'm going to him to seek spiritual remedy for my condition it's a sad thing open our eyes open our eyes whoa whoa and you find that some christians actually do that when their sickness has they have not found any cure the doctors have said nothing is nothing is wrong with you but you are you are still getting pale you know you're still losing weight you're still you know losing your hair but the doctors can't find anything wrong with you and you think oh i've tried everything pastors are not locating me they are not i've been to many churches and they have not called me out for prayer nobody has this situation is not going maybe i should go try the devil that's when you really die quick oh my gosh teach prophet teach a side oh lord you need to locate a man of god that understands spiritual diseases come on let's dance hallelujah uh manipulations in the dark world and how to resolve them that's what you need to do glory glory glory and there are many around the world who know who have prophetic insight hallelujah am i talking to you here we're here so when it comes to spiritual diseases only god can help you what did i say when it comes to spiritual diseases only god can help you please take that wisdom for the rest of your life only god amen amen only god can help you amen but asa sought not the lord but he sought after physicians wow that's deep that's why he died from his condition if he sought the lord there would have been a remedy and how would he seek the lord is by prophet because prophets were also known as physicians in the light in the kingdom of light oh jesus and those these kings will have their prophets that they worked with that would tell them why they were going through certain things and he forgot about his prophet and went to a physician a sorcerer but we are looking at the spiritual condition of the food yes proverbs chapter 4 verse 27 monday hallelujah can we read from the verse 27 the king james turn not to the right hand nor to the left remove thy foot from evil turn not to the right hand not to the left remove thy foot from evil amen really one more time turn not to the right hand nor to the left remove thy foot from evil you see when many people read this scripture they think that the word of god is saying don't go and do evil that's not what he's saying open our eyes prophet that is not what he's saying what is actually saying is that evil is before you be careful not to step on it wow hey that's deep that's deep don't go and step on evil on the evil that has been placed before you remove thy foot from evil look not to the what to the right or to the word or to the left meaning you have to pay attention where you place your feet amen amen how you walk there's a spiritual wisdom in that statement come on prophet some of you are not mindful of your steps wow physically or spiritually oh my goodness he said remove thy foot from evil it doesn't mean don't go and do you that's not what he's saying actually if he was dealing with uh not going to do evil it would have said remove thy hands from evil come on come on open our eyes properly if you understand biblical language the hands always interpreted the works that you do or what you do wow jesus teach on but he said remove thy foot from evil specifically addressing food because matters of your feet are always almost tied to spiritual conditions jesus jesus that's good that's good issues of your feet are almost always tied to spiritual conditions am i talking to you here yes we're here so there are spiritual conditions or evil conditions that are spiritual conditions that shows up as a food disease or shows that a man is spiritually diseased in his feet what do i mean by that meaning it can actually show up symbolically physically on you that you have a foot disease that means there can be a symbolic sign yes on you physically that you have a food disease or it could just be a spiritual food disease that you cannot see [Music] there are many feet ailments that is just an indication that your feet spiritually has been polluted wow has been manipulated oh oh oh that's powerful jesus many physical conditions of the feet are actually tied to a spiritual disease in the feet and there are signs that show it there are signs that show that your feet have been deceased spiritually wow and i want to show you some of them hallelujah we're here we're here remove thy foot from evil yes so if you want to know that your feet has been polluted or manipulated spiritually or you have a spiritual disease of the feet number one are you still here oh yeah when you are always in the wrong place at the wrong time missing opportunities oh wow having failure at the edge of breakthrough always oh wow my friend my brother and my sister your foot or your feet is diseased spiritually you are sick in the feet just like asa when you have heaviness in your legs that you cannot explain all of a sudden your legs become heavy and you cannot explain it and this happens more than once often friend brother sister we're here you are sick in defeat [Music] when every time you fall and you notice that you are beginning to have a lot of leg injuries every time you are hitting your leg every time you are falling every time brother sister you are sick in the feet jesus jesus wow hey come on now in the same week you have sleep more than five times more than seven times in the same week oh jesus christ and it keeps happening over and over and over again my brother my sister you are sick in the feet wow wow open our eyes prophet hey when you realize that you have a burning cessation under your feet continuously sometimes throughout the night sometimes when you wake up you feel like a burning sensation under your feet brother sister friend you are sick in the feet take us there jesus i'm giving you signs of spiritual jesus sickness in the feet or spiritual disease of the feet we'll look at other spiritual diseases later amen but i want to address this one amen amen because many people and many of those children are plagued by this yes are you still here we're here you have this burning sensation on your feet your legs every time the doctors cannot even explain what is happening to you they cannot give you a certain diagnosis they cannot even tell you what to do about it brother sister you are sick in the feet [Music] wow wow this is deep prophet if you have smelly feet and you've used all the medications you can think of oh that has been prescribed and it has not changed the smell is still there it keeps itching over and over and it's not because you are not hygienic per se you try to be clean as much as you can yet there's still this smell that comes from your feet and you've tried to use all types of bombs everything nothing is working brother sister you are sick in the feet jesus jesus oh this is deep this is deep whoa if you have been working in a place and there have been series of promotions that have come and your name was never mentioned everybody else seems to be getting higher in the company except you and they keep giving you excuses upon excuses cycles of promotion come and you have been ignored my sister my dear brother you are sick in the feet [Music] teacher side prophet and you see many times this act this phenomenon for people who are at work and they are not experiencing progress at work or promotion it is oh lord jesus it actually materializes in the passenger that when they are at work they feel certain sensations on their feet [Music] it's like people in that work there are people there who have manipulated things to not go in your favor but in their favor so they put something there and you have stepped upon it and it's become a spiritual poison to your feet [Music] sometimes you come back from work and all of a sudden you feel like you're losing your feet you feel like your feet is getting numb and sometimes you get to work and you start feeling that sensation or you're coming back from work it's not feeling like you're losing your legs come on prophet some people actually have have felt that and they became paralyzed permanently and they couldn't go back to work jesus teach teach teach glory how did i lose my job just like that a very good job that just came you have been paid the best you've ever been paid been taken care of all your expenses were being taken care of all of a sudden you developed a certain symptoms on your feet and you couldn't go to work why did it stop your mobility [Music] because it has to do with you coming back to work you missed it why are they affecting your feet they don't want you to come back to work they want to take your position your place whoa whoa jesus the devil is very crafty sometimes you come back from work you feel a sharp pain on your leg all of a sudden sometimes it's not even coming back you're at work the moment you get to work you start feeling this shopping that's making you uncomfortable you can't even carry out your your your functions at work well because you are just feeling a resistance on your feet brother sister you are spiritually sick in the feet wow jesus because you have to understand you are supposed to go forward in life and the means by which you go forward in life and make progress is by your feet come on prophet so you're not moving forward in your career in the job that you are in it is because something is wrong with your feet wow somebody's sitting there and why they are they are not making progress and they don't know it's connected to their feet because your feet is what takes you ahead what takes you forward so if you're not moving forward in life if things are always stagnant things are not moving brother sister you are deceased in the feet jesus jesus what am i talking to somebody here we're here we're here oh jesus jesus jesus sister bisi bisinga pearl just wait till the end you're about to get one final opening that will not be declined amen amen glory glory hallelujah prophesy i'm just responding to what she's saying on youtube amen oh hallelujah praise the lord if you are in the family and everybody in the family has grown up and left the family house and you are still there my brother my sister and it's not by some personal choice of yours it's because of the conditions of life chances are you are sick in the feet wow do you know this thing that many people are 40 50 and they are still in their parents house it's a spiritual disease of the fetal child jesus because it makes no progress in their lives that's what he's saying it's spelling out no progress wow that's why you are still a father mother when you are supposed to leave father come on a man is supposed to live for that mother that's according to the word of god even if not for marriage but at least for life's adventures yes for your assignment for something god has called you to do or something that you're supposed to be doing in life so if you're not getting married to a woman you should be married to your assignment amen amen amen and you cannot fully function in your assignment remain in your parents house that's why every time god wants to do a work with a person he will tell you to leave your father's house just like he did with abraham come on come on god could not god could have saved his entire house but what god was about to start he didn't need any tradition to stop it come on come on oh way of looking at things any because sometimes parents they are trying their best to help but according to the knowledge they had before not according to what god is trying to do now oh oh that's it so sometimes god will not be able to work with you and move on your life with the things that he wants to do in your life if you are still hanging out at mama's that's house it's spiritual wisdom yes it is find a way to be independent amen to go experience life on your own amen and sometimes your parents really want you to go they don't want you to stay with them they want to enjoy their their later years together amen i want you disturbing them with bills pay for this for me help me with this they don't want that am i talking to you here yes yes so the fastest way actually to receive a breakthrough is first leave your parents house wow with their blessing of course amen don't live with in trouble because that will set you back many years amen i'm just giving you spiritual wisdom thank you prophet thank you i told you i teach by wisdom yes not just by revelation hallelujah are you still here we're here if everybody in your family has traveled and don't and this is especially for people who in africa who always desire to travel abroad everybody has traveled or maybe you're not even in africa people in the family have gone and done something with their life and they have made progress but you went to do that same thing and you came back nothing with nothing no accomplishments no results somebody traveled 15 years to uh uh the uk from africa and comes back with nothing no accomplishments no achievements it is because they were spiritually sick in the feet hey jesus shy this is crazy everyone in your family has made some strides except you something has held your feet wow if you dream and you find yourself walking in feces i'm talking about dunk you find yourself stepping on dunk whether it's from animals or from humans my brother my sister you are very sick in the feet whoa wow jesus hey am i talking to people here yes we're here prophet this is deep this is deep if you find yourself being chased caught and beaten in the dream believe me you are sick in the feet because you know your legs are supposed to be used as a means of escape that's what your feet is for it's supposed to be used as a means of escape but then in your dream you cannot escape and you are caught and you are meeting yes something's wrong with your feet wow profit profit are you still here we're here now there is a very strange phenomenon that happens also in the dream you are not crippled you know that there are people oh this is so strange who are very crippled in the natural but in the dream they see themselves walking [Music] i don't even want to go into that that means your condition is not normal but then there are people who are not crippled but when they dream they see themselves crippled try try try believe me you are spiritually sick in defeat oh wow oh wow jesus [Music] these things that you see in your dream that's why you must when when you're finding let's say a church or uh a man of god to be under i like to be under somebody who can understand situations that happened to my life no to be honest i'm being very sincere because a lot of what plagues god's people is that they choose to be under certain things that does not produce any resource for them yet they are there year after year year after year after year and their problems keeps growing [Music] once you are in a place and you realize that your things the the issues of your life are not getting resolved it is not it is not persistence it is not loyalty it is foolishness jesus was the one who said you do not follow me because of what i say you follow me because of what i do for you so it is not a crime that people choose where they go and worship because of what they get there in fact that should be a reason that what validates you being there sorry why would you want to find yourself in the place where you're not saying glory glory that's right and i'm not in any way saying they are not of god or god is not there it is just where you are in your life and the kind of problems you are facing that anointing or that grace cannot handle it that's why i always say this don't say every church is the same it's not true it's a lie not every church in the same because the god in in supernatural church is not the same god in that church amen to be honest amen because the way we know god here is different hey the way we discuss god here is different yes and i'm not trying to say this because i want you to come to supernatural trust that's besides the point and if you're thinking that way you're being carnal i'm telling you the issues of men's life things that plague people in life yes conditions why people suffer for a long time yet god has all these things that he's made available for us to live a glorious and victorious life god will not be angry if you left the church peacefully because you are seeking for a certain type of help the problem then becomes that when you get help in a certain place you keep moving about and keep moving about and keep moving about you've become a spiritual prostitute wow wow come on now hey that's a word right there when the lord first blesses you in a place it is a sign that the rest of your days the blessing is there amen the only thing that will cause you to want to move further is if god is calling you into ministry to do your own ministry or the level at which you have grown have maxed out in that place and you just know you cannot grow any further in that place then you move not for any quarrel or whatever happened or you know there was some confusion there was some stuff and then that made you know not for offenses you don't live because of offenses amen amen it is either because god has called you to do a new work or to start your own work and you have to live in grace or you have just maxed out when it comes to what you are learning how much you've grown spiritually and where you want to go because there's such a thing it happened in the bible with john the baptist and jesus john the baptist's disciples left him and followed jesus and john the baptist wasn't angry and this is why some pastors are there's a lot to talk about amen some pastors think they own people's lives somebody willingly came to your ministry but now they feel they need that god has called them to do something even though some people lie about it but that's that's them bless them and let them go yes amen don't be trying to keep people and hoarder people jesus i want them lost everybody who are you it's true that you think you can't lose one fellow teach prophet we're here oh because he gives big seed because you see that's that's when your ministry is no longer validated in the spirit because you are money-minded you're only thinking about your belly jesus jesus you're not thinking about people's progress somebody you see a man that has come and submitted to you for years and now he's on fire for the lord and you can see the true calling of god upon their lives and they're telling you that god is giving them a vision for something to do and you're holding them you'll end up regretting because that will cause a break in your church [Music] i'm telling you you have to learn to let people go quickly what did i say you have to learn to let people go quickly me i'm very quick and letting people go very very quick i don't waste time very quick instantaneously bless you amen and it's from my heart i'm not trying to be any from my heart because god would judge me if it's not from my hand that's right i'll let you go and if you are living before your time you yourself will find out [Music] that's powerful but we should never be able to keep people in one place because we think that we are the only man of god for them you know there's actually this thing that people certain people do where you know you don't allow people who follow you to listen to other preachers oh god i don't know who we think we are sometimes before god every single one of them my sons and daughters they know from my heart that i never put a cup on their growth or who they learn from amen amen all i say to them if you find out something and you're not sure you can come back and verify with me amen since i'm your father thank you but i will never prevent you who am i i'm not your god i'm just somebody assisting you in destiny that's deep that's deep that is all i'm here for that's all i'm here for well i also listen to many men of god aside from my own father and the lord but there are certain men of god that will never they will they will buy their people from listening to anybody else because you only have one father that's that's foolishness to me because that scripture that very scripture says you may have many instructors but only one father he's telling you you can have many instructors [Music] i understand the way i have grown in my christian work is because of many instructors open our eyes prophet amen miles monroe jesse duplantis uh uh papa kenneth e hagin uh uh uh tl osborne amen pastor i can go on and on amen many instructors in my life yes yes but i only have one father hallelujah but i have many instructors amen amen amen that's good am i talking to somebody here right here it is what we call spiritual prison [Music] wow when people are not free to serve god a man of god should never take that position in people's lives never amen amen when your people are free then you know if they are really for you or not but when you try to cage them they may not really be for you and that's when you will get the most betrayers in your life oh wow you're teaching prophet you're teaching it's the symbol they will be with you smiling yeah they are they are angry they are fighting you behind let people be free you will see the grace of god that is coming from your life working on them and wherever they go they'll always remember you if they forget you that's that's god's business with them let's see prophet oh my goodness that's good you're teaching very important you know i have an apostolic assignment even though i'm a prophet so i correct a lot of things in the book of christ amen you know when i see certain things it's just it angers me we love it it really does it angers me hallelujah praise the lord mote kawalika parasha let's continue amen right here there's more i would say but that will be on a special teaching i'll teach about these things hallelujah because god's people need guardians because i i can't tell you how many christians i talk to you know often that experience certain things that are not to be experienced in the body of christ that should be found somewhere else not in the body of christ thank you prophet this is gold hallelujah praise the lord trust me i know what i'm talking about i've been through it me i've been been through it i said i have been through it wow obviously there are things i can say in public but i'm not speaking of myself this is the truth i know in christ and according to the word of god when the bible speaks of greener pastures god is the bible says he makes me lie down in green pastures god is the one who owns his sheep this thing that you say oh this pastor stole my member they didn't steal your member it's just that there is not much green in your land so the ship where he went where they could find some green pastures nobody stole your member whoa you don't own them you have to pastor them not to own them what you said you want to lead that's what's the one that's the pastor lead shep at them oh jesus it's not ownership jesus hey so when they go somewhere else first of all when they came there they didn't take approval from you to come they came out of their own account so when they are leaving they shouldn't take approval from you understanding listen understanding within spiritual prince principles and precepts you are supposed to go and actually excuse yourself especially if you've been a part and parcel of that work yes you don't just leave it is error it's wrong but my point here is when they came they came of their own accord amen so when they are leaving let it be of their own accord don't try to play funny games it's not worth it it's not even worth it for you amen amen all right i have one serious person by me than 10 000 fake people amen amen that's why i'm not so i'm not so hyped when i when somebody's calling me papa i'm like that doesn't really you know i have many many people inboxing me saying this and i'm me you have to be around me i have to see i have to know your life i don't just i'm not i'm not moved or popped up by praise of people you call me this yeah you know this and you know i have many names amen that people call me that that is nice you know i know it's a nice gesture but it really doesn't move me i'm not moved by people's praise so at the same in the same vein i will not be moved by their criticism if you're moved by people's praise when they criticize you would pain you oh that's deep right there that's deep right there you'll be doing things to please them not to please god [Music] and as a man of god you're never supposed to do that am i talking to you here oh yes always so wherever you're gonna be serving god be free amen be free be free you choose where you want to serve god and be free there glory to god glory now if you dream and you see chains around your feet shackles around your feet brother sister you are spiritually deceased in the feet there is no two way about it your foot that gives you progress is locked up that means your feet has been infected spiritually you have a spiritual disease of the just like asa wow jeez wow come on if you sleep and you're constantly having sleep paralysis my brother my sister what is going on spiritually you are deceased in the feet well i don't have all the time to list different conditions but i think this that i've given you covers a lot of people yes it's true so today i want to give a spiritual direction amen amen that will remove your foot from evil hallelujah praise the lord there's a reason why i started teaching about tokens because i have things that you probably never heard anyway [Music] wow we are here hallelujah praise the lord let's read the book of nahum chapter 1 verse 15. behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings please read it one more time behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings before you go on when people listen and hear that they think that is talking about preaching only [Music] come on go deeper are you still here we're here they think they're dealing with romans chapter 10 how good let's read romans chapter 10 verse 15 for them because many people they always look at scripture from like a very surface level they don't really see the depth of what he's saying and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace so they think that when the bible is saying talking about feet here in in the book of naom chapter 1 verse 15 is just talking about preaching no that's not what he's saying wow wow wow if you actually understand hebrais him like i said of what certain biblical writers were saying you will understand that this was not only concerning preaching this prophet of god was not speaking about preaching only when you are sick in the feet it is a spiritual condition when you have beautiful feet it is also a spiritual condition wow so sickness in the feet is a spiritual condition just as much as beautiful feet is a spiritual condition that's it jesus jesus there is spiritually ugly feet or sick feet and there is spiritually beautiful feet i dealt with this when we started talking about the footprint so please watch that teaching the mystery of the footprint read that scripture again one more time behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings how beautiful that's what romans would how beautiful are the feet of them that preach glad tidings bring glad tidings yes but something very profound here is that feet is consistent the beautifulness of feet is consistent with good news wow wow i think you're missing it the one with beautiful feet always have good news wow hallelujah come on how beautiful are the feet of them that bring good news [Music] the one with beautiful feet spiritually always experience good news we'll always be a bringer a career a receiver of good news amen amen goodness is around the one with beautiful feet amen this is the reason why you must be interested in the condition of your feet spiritually amen because if you're expecting good news to happen around your life brother sister your feet has to be corrected come on now your feet must be beautiful i don't know if i'm talking to you sorry go ahead you can have diseased feet and expect good news to be around your life wow it's not how beautiful are the feet of them that bring good news jesus good news is with them that have beautiful feet yes yes [Music] so if you think these things i'm saying is not important to you it's because you don't understand the word of god right here that how that spiritually the beautifulness of your feet is what caused that you have good news at your work good news at your house good news in your marriage good news good news when you go to school when you go out when you come back in good news everywhere carrying good news and meeting good news everywhere you go that's right [Music] it is because of the beautifulness of your feet [Music] glory glory glory glory come on teach it here we're here so the question i want to ask you how beautiful are your feet amen jesus jesus somebody type how beautiful are your feet how beautiful are your feet because this is what determines the good news that you're expecting that you've been delayed from this is what will determine how much good news you experience how beautiful are your feet amen yeah there are christians who play about spiritual things because they don't understand the ways of the spirit expose it everybody should be typing how beautiful are you hey man how beautiful are your feet it should interest you how beautiful your feet is in the spirit it should interest you that's why even the word of god says your feet being shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace oh my god do you always have good news at work do you always have good news in your house at school do you always have good news in that office at the hospital come on excuse me come on do you always have good news in the places you find yourself in wow if you are not seeing good news brother sister yes you have a spiritual disease of defeat teachers teachers teachers if all around your life you can't find good news there is not an indication an evidence of good news around you brother sister your feet are deceased in the spirit jesus open our eyes open our eyes jesus whoa whoa whoa read now chapter 1 verse 15 again behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings behold upon the mountain behold look at it amen amen the feet of them that bring good news yes see how it is glorious you know when the high priest would go into the holy of holies and will be coming back out to bring a good message what they will first see is his feet hey because the feed determines what message is coming to you come on whether it's good or bad whoa keep reading that publisheth peace that published peace if it doesn't look like that the god of peace will soon crush satan brew satan under your feet brother you don't have beautiful feet wow [Music] wow there is no peace in your life there is no peace in anything you do jesus that means the god of peace who is supposed to bruce satan under your feet has not done so yet probably because your feet is deceased so it can be used to brew satan jesus jesus jesus jesus whoa our feet are supposed to be shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace amen amen and that is more than an evangelistic appeal to preach the people to go and preach the gospel it is beyond that it is actually telling you that good news is tied to the spiritual condition of a man's feet wow wow wow jesus wow remember that gospel is good news yes right yes it's good news so it's not just about preaching salvation or telling somebody jesus loves you no hey it's beyond that come on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh man jesus said to preach the gospel to the poor right yes what is the gospel to the poor it's not jesus loves you teach us praise jesus can make you rich hey the gospel to the poor is not jesus loves you jesus sees glory and he is poor that's good it is the rich man that came to look for eternal life he's the one that is in sage of something he does not have but the poor man the gospel to the poor is not that's why you can't win some certain poor people with that jesus loves you thing you have to come about in another way you have to come back come on private come again with a better message hey hey is brother do you know jesus became poor so that you can become rich hey really teach me what he did let me find because i want to come out of here what is the gospel to the sick jesus heals yes yes this is what the salvation of your soul goes to is to this end that you are made rich that you are made healed so gospel when we hear gospel you think about preaching salvation somebody says if you're not preaching hell and heaven you are not preaching the gospel you are full it is this over religious people that you know they think that they are too they love people more than god [Music] they believe for souls more than god believes for them yet jesus says i've come to preach the gospel to the poor hey somebody say poor in spirit come on private hi i don't have time for that we'll talk about listen one day i'm gonna teach you on the enemy of your prosperity wow we're ready we're ready jesus jesus i taught a message at my brother's church a long time ago maybe like four or five years ago at revelations church titled spiritual dynamics of prosperity oh that message it was deep it was the highlight for you know certain teachings are the highlight of my of my year there are certain times when i go through certain teachings and i like that one yeah amen that message that year was one of the highlights because i showed people how this thing that people speak against prosperity they don't know that they are destroying the kingdom work in these last days they have no idea teach your side teach your side we are supposed to emphatically teach the blessings of god yeah that god makes people real amen amen because he does i told you how to become rich go find a prophet that's right that's right the bible says prophet i don't want to make you rich yes to prosper you believe in god you will be established believe in his prophets then you prosper there's not to worry about it that's what god said come on have a man of god in your life not just having a man of god that speaks to you and you don't know how to release seed listen believe me believe me when i tell you nothing goes for nothing even in the realm of the spirit hey man that's deep that's deep but what you will get back come on one of my son today called me um he wasn't feeling well so he called me and he wanted to speak with me uh in africa and he was having some malaria issues and things like that and obviously he got healed amen amen i gave him a spiritual direction i think i mentioned it at that time i was teaching about the tokens but he was saying something to me and he caught my attention he said that the guy he was working for lost a ton of money about forty forty thousand dollars wow approximately because he was trying to do this business transaction and he was duped and immediately god told him his finances are not protected wow how do you protect your finances tell us private wow come on now it's tight that's deep come on god will bless you quite all right but you are not so sure of the insurance of that blessing oh come on didn't hear what i said come on the insurance of every blessing that it gives you is the ten percent you release wow i'll find time and teach about tithing not under the law under grace wow wow jesus it is not a force but you will not get the benefit that should come with it so i said to him does he pay tight the guy said he doesn't even my son say he doesn't even go to church how do they not lose that amount of money this is powerful you open our eyes private anyways thank you but the gospel to the poor is god will make you rich amen [Music] amen and if you can show them how to get riches in christ believe me what would they want to find from satan what the problem is that when they come to the church we teach them about salvation and eternal salvation and that's all we can give them their life doesn't change no promotion nothing first you don't understand by what means has the devil manipulated them not to see the riches why were they poor in the first place because god never sent any human being in this world to become poor or to suffer wow so if you are spiritual and you understand spiritual dynamics of prosperity then you can begin to locate for them the different reasons why they have been in that condition and how to free them from it being in christ amen amen oh that's wonderful hallelujah yes yes yes oh am i talking to you here oh yes right here right here renowned chapter 1 verse 15 again amen behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace o judah keep thy solemn feasts perform thy vows for the wicked shall no more pass through thee he is utterly cut off jesus amen read that again don't forget your vows yes for the wicked vows later amen my daughter is like papa i have many things to teach praise the lord there is just so much to teach so much to say in the word of god it's just a lot to say in the word of god i want you to read the later part of that scripture again oh judah keep thy solemn feasts perform thy vows for the wicked shall no more pass through thee he is utterly cut off this is the good news amen that the wicked shall no more pass through thee he will be utterly cut off amen amen amen this is the good news when your feet has been healed wow when you have received spiritual healing for any food disease any spiritual feet disease it is that the wicket shall no longer pass through yes he will be utterly cut off from me praise the lord that's right that's right oh glory o glory glory glory glory glory so any message that cuts the wicked off utterly that he has no right to pass through thee and exercise his authority or audacity against you that is the beautiful feat hallelujah whoa you just said something deep prophet wow come on now that is the beautiful thing that he can no longer pass through you he man and he cannot use or exercise any right of his authority against you that's what means you finally have beautiful feet but if you see the enemy running through your life running through the affairs of your life breaking and destroying doing all sorts of things playing all sorts of games in your life with your business with your family with your children with your marriage jesus brother sister there is a fit issue there's a feed problem and as you know i never like to talk about the problem without giving you the solution amen we're here we're ready we are ready i want to give you a very very powerful spiritual direction amen we're here prophet that will cause many many many miracles to take place praise the lord many of you that are watching here praise the lord this is the prophetic token i'm giving you i need you to pay close attention to this take notes we're here right here because after carrying out this spiritual direction i will guarantee that you will have beautiful feet in the spirit amen amen glory this spiritual direction will guarantee beautiful feet for you in the spirit realm it will remove your foot from evil hallelujah praise the lord come on we're ready come on now are you still here we're here we're here i've given you signs that tell you that your feet is spiritually deceased now i'm showing you how to remove it from that disease amen to god glory to god just pray in the spirit wherever you are okay okay [Music] um [Laughter] [Music] oh thank you lord somebody say hallelujah hallelujah now this direction you're supposed to carry it for three to seven days and when i say three to seven days i mean either three or seven days but do whatever your fate tells you to do whether it's three you do it three days if your heart on your spirit ignites with three do three if it ignites with seven to seven don't do three because it's the lesser number because your spirit knows what you need better than your mind before you sleep get water in a glass cup a glass it has to be a glass i'm talking about a see-through glass not a plastic not a silver container not a rubber see-through no a glass you can only use a glass with this direction amen i don't have all the time to go into um the significance of why you should use the glass the spiritual significance of why you should use just the glass but by grace another time right here we're here this direction you will carry that for three to seven days this is going to revolutionize a lot of things in your life amen amen we believe it and receive it i'm telling you by the spirit of god this will move mountains yes glory glory now when you have water in the glass you fill it up with water when you have done so get a piece of paper write your name on the paper and write the name of the lord also on the paper and this is how you're going to do it pay attention put your name on the left extreme of the paper do not separate them with commas just put your name on the left extreme of the paper and put the lord's name on the right extreme so your name will come first your full name then the lord's name jesus christ on the right extreme of the paper yes yes or you can use yahweh or your hebrew yhva so it's either jesus christ jesus christ the full name not jesus jesus christ or you use yahweh or your hey v yh thank you that's the hebrew writing of the name of god are you still here yes right here so your name verse don't separate it will come as it has to be on one extreme your name on the extreme left and the name of the lord on the extreme right is everybody following yes and you can write it a certain number of times so if you want to write it one time that's fine if you want to write it three times that's fine you want to write it five seven times that's fine so however your faith leads you amen all right so when you write your name if you write your name five times you must also write the lord's name five times if you write it three times you must also write the lord's name three times you get what i'm saying if you write it seven times you must also write the lord's name seven times but on different extremes amen and again don't separate them with commas are you still here we're here place the paper in the water make sure you don't fold or crumple the paper so the paper you're writing your name and the lord's name on should be enough to fit in that glass cup or container are you listening to me yes it should be enough the size of the glass should be big enough to have the full paper in the water because you're going to put that paper with your name on it in the water without being folded without it being crumpled if you crumple it or if you fold it it will lose the potency yes someone's asking i'll take questions at the end of the direction i here yes we're here again make sure your paper what you've written on the paper your name and the lord's name can fit completely inside the glass container or the glass cup or the glass whatever you're using it has to be glasses see through glass so the the vessel should be big enough to accommodate the paper are you still here yes we're here now when you've done so you will pray like this any spiritual disease in my feet lord remove it from me and then you will pray according to you can keep praying according to the signs that i've given you concerning certain things that shows evidence of a spiritual food disease in your life so if you're seeing those signs you begin to name those things whether it's uh uh issues with your job promotion all the different things that i've listed i've talked about if you're going through any such signs whether it's dreams and things that are happening in your dreams you begin to pray according to what i have taught you you should never carry out a spiritual direction without praying amen every time you carry a spiritual direction using elements you have to pray to consecrate what you are saying to the lord hello right here over here and that's just simply being spiritual you because you're not you're not you're not doing things carnally like people in the world you don't just do things everything you do must be in the name of the lord that's what the bible says do all in the name of the lord are you still here yes now when you are done praying place that water at the foot end of your bed facing directly where you lay where you're going to sleep that night so if you're going to sleep in this corner of the bed let the water be facing you at the foot end don't put it on the bed just make sure it is you know away from the bed but facing you opposite directly opposite your feet where your feet is while you're laying down why you'll be sleeping are you listening to me yes we're here straight forward to you and if you're such persons that move at night don't worry about it just make sure when you're going to sleep you are facing that direction amen amen your feet is pointing at the direction where you placed the the container the glass container with water with the paper in it that's after you pray before you go to sleep are you listening to what i'm saying yes right here so the water should be directly positioned to your feet amen a little bit far off so that you don't make mistakes and and it pours out or something all right amen jesus go and sleep oh hallelujah come on come on oh jesus i wish you would be able to see what will be taking place in the realm of the spirit glory and actually some of you you will go to sleep and you will see some things happening in your dreams prophetic insights that will come to you revelations about those issues that you've been dealing with that will come to you hallelujah even including those who are behind it oh yes oh wow wow we believe it and receive it a lot of things will be i told you this month is the month of unlocking mysteries yes things will not be hidden from you i'm telling you things that were mysteriously taking place in your life and you didn't know what to do with them how to handle them i'm showing you what to do praise the lord praise the lord we receive it all we receive it all so when you wake up in the morning the first thing please put first thing in capital letters the first thing you should do whether you are waking up at 3 a.m the moment you wake up don't go use the restroom don't go check the kitchen don't when you wake up after you've done that spiritual direction before you went to sleep the first thing you should do is you take that water and wash your feet amen amen do not do anything before that it will nullify the potency of this direction that i'm giving you amen just like um gehazi told i mean elisha told gehazi to take his staff and go to the woman's house and place the staff on the child but don't talk to anybody before you do so the guy went and saw the the mother of the child and spoke to the child place the staff nothing happened try elisha himself had to come and lay on the child [Music] as a human staff jesus jesus hallelujah but there were specific directions given and because he failed it removed the potency of what was supposed to have happened by the staff so please don't take prophetic directions lightly and no say if i just do it this way um no if you don't understand i'll give chance we'll ask questions then i'll continue all right yes prophet we're here because i don't want anybody to leave you say i don't understand anything because you will not find me to ask me questions amen are you still here we're here right here hey hey hi hey the miracles this thing will rock within these three seven days oh jesus christ we're here we're here to god you will be amazed amen amen you'll be amazed you'll be so amazed this is supposed to be done three seven days three or seven days amen amen i wish you can see what i see glory i wish you can see we believe it and receive it what is about to happen for you yes hallelujah i've been giving prophetic directions from the beginning of this week glory glory because this is a very very profound season for you in the realm of the spirit you don't want to miss anything god has for you amen we won't we won't you're not going to end this year like you started it yes it's true hallelujah i don't know who believes what i'm saying i do i believe i believe remember i've showed you before how to um pray over water you blow on it the spirit right yes and you breathe on it the bible says the spirit of god moved upon the waters all these things are very very very sensitive spiritual acts nothing done in the bible is by mistake amen you have to understand it amen nothing done in the word of god is by mistake cause somebody say uh they'll laugh at you when you say i'm blowing over water they'll think you're being foolish well that's how spiritual things are imagine telling somebody who has leprosy to go jump in the river it's like insulting like okay are you still here we're here so sometimes you do certain things and if they don't call you mad you're not in the spirit come on that's right because spiritual people are drunk people amen be not drunk with wine wearing in his exit in wearing it wearing his excess but be he filled with the spirit when you're walking in the spirit it's as though you're drunk glory glory so people don't look at you mad amen the child who said hey i see peter they say you see his angel they say you are mad hallelujah it's because to see in the spirit it takes madness yes wow wow see they're not calling you it's that's why when you start telling people why i saw this and i saw that it's like this person is crazy yeah if you weren't at uh missed this conference oh my god come on now it was deep hallelujah it was deep i think the devil played the trick on him to miss that conference but i'll tell you at the end how you can get the teaching amen amen glory to god glory so wash your feet and that's the first thing you do when you wake up and make sure you put in capital letters first thing it will behoove you the miracles that will take place i'm telling you kidney problems will be solved amen bladder issues that's right that's right that's right oh leave our problems tell us joins problems pain in the body glory glory glory oh we believe it we believe it oh hallelujah waste problem knee problems a lot of mir i can't even begin to list all of them what will happen you will see miracles upon miracles praise the lord and when these things happen make sure you send your testimony amen amen yes don't don't take the spiritual direction and you receive something and you don't testify yes you are calling more trouble to yourself send your testimonies if i were you i'll even do video one it's good to proclaim what god has done right you publish it send us a testimony because we like to show other people what god is doing that's right are you still here we're here but many conditions physical aims of the body will be healed i'm telling you i'm telling you praise the lord joint issues bone issues even people who are who are suffering from partial paralysis or certain parallelism corey glory glory wow when they carry out this direction that's right that's right their feet will be removed from evil amen [Applause] [Music] marital problems even praise the lord so make sure you send your testimonies make sure you let us know what god is doing or what god has done for you just the other uh just today we received the testimony from wednesday when we get i get the direction of money in the water casting your bread upon the waters right i don't know if anybody saw that testimony yes yeah lady said she she because i told the direction to set a time you will find it after many days so she she was saying that she proclaimed before the end of the week yeah she said she was normally she wouldn't be that bored yeah that's what she said she said before the end of the week and money she's been waiting for since july came yes yes yes within two days and many of you will find money after many days yes because you cast your bread upon the water [Music] sorry tokens are dangerous yes they are they are they are many testimonies we get in our even from mystics conference testimonies are pouring in continuously the conference is over people actually testify hey glory to god powerful holy ghost testimonies every week amen these things are real somebody said why don't you share all the testimonies it's because not every testimony is for your ear amen there are things that are very personal to people so i you have to be very careful the things you place online thank you i don't share testimonies at the expense of of probably embarrassing people or putting them in set in tight positions we don't do that you know we don't do that but if they feel free about it that's also a blessing for other people to get um to get to know what god has done for them but you see not everybody feels free about setting private issues amen amen but they've testified in the group so that's all that matters hallelujah praise the lord listen if you had been denied promotion if you had been delayed from progressing in a setting field whether it was caused by some fellow at your work or whoever that spiritual disease will be removed from your feet amen after this direction the progress you will see the progress you will see [Music] you will be bewildered hallelujah that's right listen i can sense a weight of glory carrying my words yes hallelujah i'm telling you i receive it i receive the weight listen you know many people don't know how to measure things in the spirit if you have not realized today there is a weight of glory on my words amen amen it is not always like this it's true and when that happens i know there is something very sensitive in the spirit that god is about to handle even sometimes when i when i hear my father and the lord speak i can sense a certain way in his voice yes and other times i will hear him just talk come on but there are other times i could hear there is a wait this what this man of god is saying i better not play with this one there are things when you hear like this one i should not play with you come on it's true it's so true and sometimes at the end he would say these things have to don't play with the dog like yes amen because you can tell there is a certain level of glory sometimes you even experience that when you just come out of prayer when you talk you feel like god is the one talking amen because there's a weight now that you're carrying in the spirit praise the lord that you didn't have before praise the lord that's right these things may not make sense to certain people but i trust the holy spirit is communicating it well to you amen yes he is hallelujah praise the lord so those of you suffering especially people who are suffering from burning sensations under your feet or all over your body you will not find it again after this direction amen amen corey glory i said there is so many things that's going to happen i just can't list all of them but you know yourself after this direction you see the changes that start happening don't sit quiet testify amen that's right that's right because you were just delivered from a spiritual praise the lord disease come on that's right that's right by this prophetic talking yes something good is about to happen amen i said something good is about to happen something good is about to happen remember don't forget to testify yes you know i've explained a lot of things throughout the past few months and i've gone very deep into certain spiritual realities and verities so if you're watching us for the first time and things seems kind of unusual and shaking your heart in your mind it's because you were not prepared with some of the things we've been teaching so go back and watch um the past teaching you know i think i was sharing some things the other day um concerning decoding your spiritual um not decoding your spiritual astrology decoding your hostility the past teaching i just did on astrology what was it decoding your element your cosmic element and then a brother of mine wanted to find out about what that all was all about what that was all about you know because in many christian domains they don't really talk about astrology yeah you know um and so i just told him that i've done many teachings on astrology that he would need to go and start from the beginning to to here to hear my my what do you call not the teaching but my my my view point because it was more of something that he wasn't able to receive really well just because of some of the things that you hear while you're growing up in christ then and it doesn't make sense to your ears because you have a certain premonition about it you know and you think it's devilish because somebody has been saying it's devilish not really because you studied the bible for yourself and you have and i i'm very happy the way he came about with it because there are people who just start saying nonsense and they've never heard me say they never heard me from the beginning to verify whether the things i'm saying are actually scriptural or not you know but because some people are just that way they don't they don't have a spirit the character of the spirit so they come at you left instead of coming at you right amen i hope you catch me okay so if you have not been watching some of the teachings and we've done some very very you know exposes on certain spiritual truths that will really help you and guide your spiritual knowledge into a lot of things yes so please go back and watch re-watch amen and they'll be of great value to your spiritual growth amen hallelujah i receive i received thank you jesus when the wind blows follow amen amen i hear yes we're here there's a lot in what i just said right here right here when the wind blows wherever it goes follow it amen there is a move of the spirit that is taking place amen amen make sure you are in the wave of that move yes glory to god don't be the one stepping out and watching it move am i talking to you here oh yes there's a move of the spirit that god is bringing in this world it has never ever happened before amen that's why people say let's let's go back to that old time religion old time revival god is trying to do something new and you want to go back to old time stuff what is wrong with you but what god is about to do it's never been done before yes it's coming with his own swag come on and those who are not of the new wine generation will not be able to receive wow come on i'm saying a lot of things yes go deeper i trust you're catching me we're going with the wind now what is very important for you to understand is that the reason many people's feet become diseased is because of the absence of this spiritual activity that jesus left for us to do the mystery of feet washing i spoke about this during our go week the reason the enemy entraps people's feet is because they don't exercise the ordinance of feet washing consistently just as they exercise the communion yet they were both done the same night oh that's powerful the same night jesus took bread and wine and said this do as often as you do it do it in remembrance of me after that he also gave another ordinance of the washings of your feet the reason you come into a position where now your feet is trapped in evil is because you have not exercised the ordinance of feet washing as jesus did for his disciples it was so important that when peter refused the washing of his feet jesus says if you don't if i don't wash your feet you have you have no part with me it tells you how much when your feet is not in the right condition it can even take you away from christ you will not experience the things that those in christ should experience so it is very important that you exercise feed washing and please if you have not watched that teaching it's still on youtube watch it it's the mystery of of i think long life right yes it will be a great blessing to you and i spoke about this even in great detail at a special class and i spoke of a specific thing that was used to anoint jesus's feet against his burial come on come on amen amen it was known as camphor hallelujah wow and it was mixed with other ointments wow the lord has asked me to make this available now wow glory to heart glory to god i'm not free to make it available hey whoa so if you want to have this special ointment we have prepared it it is known as the comfort tree or the preservation the life preservation oil baby um can i get one of it please this exercise you must do it with your children not just with yourself constantly anointing your feet washing your feet with oil it is so important and the reason why i'm telling you go back and listen to all the teachings because some of the things you have to do with revelation you can't just do it all right you have to do the revelation put me on this camera you can hand it don't worry you're not in the camera hallelujah praise the lord so it's known as the comfort tree life preservation oil this is specially for feet washing amen amen amen especially for feet washing amen oh thank you lord you just need to anoint your feet anoint your kid's feet thank you and i spoke about this in great detail please go watch the teaching amen amen amen amen if you want it we don't have it on our website you have to email us so you got to email us at profit info at prophet glove is online.org and we'll send it to you i will not make this public where people can just buy it anyhow no so if you want it you have to email us the cost of it is fifty dollars and the teaching and i'm making it very inexpensive for a reason because i want people i know my daughter those who first got it they didn't get it for that price so they're already looking at me with funny faces because there was a special class where i thought about it but i'm releasing this because of the season we're entering in the spirit i'm not trying to make a business out of oil i don't do that amen amen so please you guys pay me to me thank you prophet thank you no this is grace this is grace and i was like this is grace hallelujah praise the lord thank you prophet sad it's okay glory to god glory also mystics conference is available if you want misik's conference also send us an email info prophet glove is online.org is still available the conference itself was 120 and you have to pay the exact amount that's not going to be reduced and then there was a special class but that one is if you want it you don't have to get that special class but if you want it you only get it after you've finished with the first the the mystics conference itself so you can also send us an email if you want that teaching and then there was also prophetic school we had professor prophetic school at the beginning of the year where we dealt with numerology that is also available all the conferences that we have done are all available so if you want any of them just send us an email amen and tell you the cost and what you should pay and they'll give you all the links and where you should go and watch it praise god hallelujah i'm guaranteeing you life can never remain the same after you listening to prophetic school that's right that's right after you listen to miss this conference but then there is singles conference coming up next hey glory that's right every person who is single believe me believe me this conference that you will be shocked and not only the things you hear but the results you find amen amen that's right i'm telling you oh i'm ready i'm ready i'm telling you yes it starts on the 17th the 18th and the 19th five whole sessions go register today don't wait till the day minute go register now if you are single you are in the relationship you don't i will teach so so many deep things how to know your life partner how to decode uh uh by way of the face who to marry out listen come on come on come on we deal with issues of spiritual marriage you know uh spirit husband spirit wife incapable soccer boss whatever you know it to be amen amen amen and i'll give you practical guides if you're a single person how to go about your single life if you want to move from single to marriage because that's the thing that's the theme of the program practical lessons i'll tell you about why there is delay for many people who cannot get into marriage spiritual implications of saying things that you do that causes marital delay there is so much to help you with amen amen amen so please take advantage of it amen hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord i love you so very much i want you to take a solemn seed a solemn offering and bless god for the information you received tonight yes thank you prophet i never end a broadcast without giving you an opportunity to give it is just spiritual order somebody will be saying oh they like taking my money but you like taking my words you know a few people actually said to me sometimes i don't even want to listen if i don't have a seat because the things you share there was one uh brother i think from um i think he's from romania he's such a lovely guy he sent a picture with his family lovely family but he sent a message to our email he said prophet i've been listening to you for so long and i've not had the opportunity to give i felt like i was cheating on you or cheating out or cheating you out and he said i finally got this and i'm just moved to give this oh well i just felt that i was just it was so heartfelt to me you know it was not even about the giving it was just that you know he saw the value in the things i was sharing that he felt almost like he was doing something wrong not giving even though i don't really pressure people i just tell you to give if you give that's why if you don't give that's okay you know but it's wise to do so amen somebody also said that you know like sometimes i don't even want to give this because i don't feel like it's enough i have to wait till it's same you know but all these things is because it's what value the whole they hold in the word of god not necessarily because i'm saying it yes you get what i'm saying it's nothing special about me in that sense i am special but it's not nothing special about me in that sense it's just the value of the whole in the word of god some people they will hear things like this and still not see value so they will not give yet they will use the prophetic direction oh wow so go give the best you can that's why i always say give the best you can to honor god for this time because i want you to see the value of the time despair the value of the time that you give amen yes hallelujah praise the lord i'm so excited in my spirit amen yes somebody say i'm excited in my spirit i'm excited in my spirit you know you should talk like that all the time i'm excited in my spirit why because you're anticipating good things happening you're anticipating something great it's coming your way so you get excited in your spirit when you think about your future i get excited amen when i think about your future i get excited in my spirit yes because of the knowledge that is coming to you even today glory glory glory glory somebody type i'm excited in my spirit i'm excited in my spirit i love the way pastel pastelena does it when she gets excited in that spirit oh shava kia soto glory glory glory shabbat sotos yeah yeah you know there is no there is no move of the spirit without a move of your [Music] on stay spirit that's right so your spirit has to be moving so how you gauge that there is a move of the spirit is by the move of your spirit [Music] hallelujah praise the lord you'll get excited in your spirits [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah and i like the way our african-american brothers they do it shando hey yeah yes god yeah amen you know there are people who don't know that experience they've never felt that you know it's not it's not something that everybody feels and not every christian feels that sometimes when some christians look at us you know acting acting the fool in the presence of god like look at this one i love it they don't understand what is happening inside because we're mad hallelujah praise the lord i said hallelujah praise the lord oh i feel the weight of glory hallelujah so strong papa father every seed is blessed amen and it brings about a hundred fold harvest amen everyone that has honored this time lord multiply whatever they gave let them see the fruits let them reap the harvest suddenly let miracles financial miracles be birthed promotions be birthed divine appointments be birthed divine favor be birthed in the name of jesus let there be increase on every side supernatural elevations in the name of jesus catapulting them to higher realms of glory hallelujah in the name of jesus bring about on our way there is shame praise the lord healing hearts where there are broken hearts in the name of jesus thank you lord for your faithful yes you've said it and you're faithful thank you lord to accomplish what you said amen in jesus name in jesus name amen amen love you very much please before you sign out like share yes send this to somebody let us be of a blessing to somebody like subscribe to youtube if you have not subscribed click the notification bell so that you can be sick now when we come on live amen all right so make sure you are staying connected if you're not on following us on facebook follow us on facebook be on our be an ambassador on our facebook our channel sharer so my facebook page is prophet uh no it's not prophet his glove is e christ and uh my instagram is prophet glove is life and then uh our youtube is prophet glories online so and you're presently on it now so make sure you subscribe amen god bless you i love you guys i'll see you oh questions questions thank you thank you pastor i was about to get out of here getting ready to go all right questions um let me see if i can go back to them uh if you guys do have questions you can retype your questions please yes sorry i forgot i was in the glory too much hey we receive it all questions about prophetic instructions okay yes no questions yet questions about the prophetic directions that i gave yes um one person did ask i think it was um miss pearl i'm sorry i don't want to butcher the rest of her name so i'm going to say miss pearl um she asked every time that we are to do the prophetic um washing of the feet before we supposed to pray over the water before we do this you already prayed for it at night time so when you wake up just use it and wash your feet okay but ever yes every night do do the same thing every night amen you go to the mic if you have a question go to the mic on facebook let me see somebody's saying what do we do with the paper can somebody explain what to do with the paper so on the paper you are going to write your name your full name if you can make it in bold letters it should be on the extreme left and in the name of the lord on the extreme right they should never they should not be close to each other and not separated by commas extreme left and at the other extreme right the lord's name jesus christ jesus christ the full name not just jesus jesus christ or you could put yahweh or the hebrew writing of yahweh your hebrew which is yhvh all right do not fold the paper do not crumple it before you put it in the water let the glass container where the water is be big enough for the paper you wrote on someone use them might be someone also asked if they can use a jar so they can have like put the paper in there glass just make sure it's glass whatever container it is just make sure it's glass and see through yeah go ahead um like say we use the you know the line sheets of paper um can we cut it like on the line so that we're able to fit it in the glass that's fine just make sure you cut it carefully don't just just do it with scissors you know okay do it graciously great question thank you prophet um i think that's also what another person asked about as far as the paper so no like edgy edges being rough like as neat yeah just be neat i mean when i when i'm doing something spiritual i'm very like orderly you know i don't carry out spiritual directions disorderly or just anyhow amen i make sure i'm doing it the best way amen yeah um also sister pearl from uganda says um do we mention our family members too or can we i think she asked that earlier as well can we do this for our family also if it's a family issue yeah that's fine amen but make sure the direction is first for you all right it's for yourself but when you carry it for yourself and you're believing god for your family as well that's also fine amen or you can actually tell them to carry the same directions i mean that would be even better because they may have issues in their life you don't know thank you prophet that's deep uh winnie says are we and don't say prophet love is told you i'm sorry you are sent as an ambassador from here i don't want listen this thing when i when i say certain things it's not for me to get any kind of recognition right it's for you to understand the truth of the word of god and what actually god has done for you so if you believe it that much become an ambassador amen amen are you still here yes so when people come to you with certain issues give them the direction [Music] amen amen i've given it to you freely so give it freely yes thank you prophet amen amen go ahead uh winnie says are we to change the water every night or we we do you're going to use it for your feet that day so every day you have new water new paper new water new paper amen amen and what you do with the paper don't ask me just you can put it somewhere whatever you choose amen um latasha asked do we need new paper every time yes yes okay because the water may have yeah yeah also um does it matter if we use a pen or a pencil a pen you want to print and you want to make sure it's not removable and it's a specific color or not no there's no specific color just use whatever okay you guys are detailed with these questions amen we want to get it right to the t when we're washing our feet do we pour on us or do we like dip our hand in it and then wash it it's not just wash your feet like you can pour it on your feet dip your hands i mean just wash your feet however you feel like you can wash your feet best okay yeah that's fine and it's it's really not it's really not too like let me not say there are there are the directions i've give the directions i've given you it's not just directions but it's also according to your faith does that make sense so if i didn't really specify on something you use your faith and by grace it will still work you get what i'm saying amen so if your faith leads you to wash it this way you're washing if i didn't say wash it a specific way your faith is leading you to wash it that way then wash it that way awesome awesome thank you prophet hey just wash your feet first thing when you wake up fasting hey man go on uh someone also asked andrew also asked can we use a small index card for the paper a small index card it began to use a it'd be good to use just the paper like printing paper yeah printing paper or just you know yeah because i'm not sure if the index paper will be big enough to some some people's names are pretty good yeah so if we have a jar that's a glass jar um and it's see-through but it's got like a design on it so you can't completely see through that that's fine just make sure it's glass okay and as long as the paper does not fold or bend it has to stay in shape it has to stay in just like that just how you have just how you have it amen i'm just repeating it because some people may not have seen the beginning part of it thank you profit questions questions questions i don't think so you good are you sure um sister pro asks we put the show you know why i'm asking you guys we we put the glass extreme end of bed facing the legs is it supposed to be right by the bed i didn't say right by the bed where you are laying straight where you lay on the bed yes make sure the water is facing directly to the position where you're laying on the bed opposite at the foot end of where you're laying so on the bed not on the bed i already said it should not be on the bed just put it in the direction that is facing you make sure it's not on your bed but it has to be facing you directly if this is the bed and i'm laying on this bed put the water there but let it face the direction you are laying on your feet let it locate your feet in the location of your feet place the water is that clear yes is that clear yes okay andrew asked does the glass have to be the same level of where your feet are like if you're in bed's like this no that's a good question just make sure it's facing directly ivy says does the paper have to be upright in the glass or we can place it horizontally vertically diagonally doesn't matter say what does the paper have to be facing like this or can we face it like just put the water tight just put the paper however wait just put it in amen because the water will move it anyways when the paper dissolved it doesn't matter don't worry about it being dissolved the point is he's in the water amen amen something in the water hallelujah amen jeff yes lord i think that might be it more questions probably we really appreciate this teaching it is going to be life changing and already has god glory to god amen andrew said hotter cold water just kidding oh lord cold water it's fine mmm hey man most people around the world don't have hot water so the temperature is not uh i think that's it okay all right love you guys i'll see you guys soon god bless hi i'm prophet glovis and i'm so excited to bring to you our special school of ministry program called holy ghost academy this program is designed for every believer and every minister who desires to grow in the deep things of god in the deep things of the spirit and to be able to walk in there the lord spoke to me many years ago and said to me son i want you to raise for me an end time army for a last day habits you see you may be there with a calling in your heart a burning desire and a passion to serve god but you don't know how to go about it you don't know what to do about it you want to walk in the gifts of the spirit you want to walk in the supernatural you want to flow in the prophetic but you don't understand how to go by it and how to operate in it this program has been designed for you this is a program that has been set up by the holy spirit for you to be trained for you to be brought up in the things of the spirit so that you can master the things of the spirit you see friends god doesn't want you to operate in your ministry in your calling in your gifting without the accurate information that you need to be able to exercise it effectively at its maximum capacity if you are in a place in your life where you are tired of christianity as usual you're tired of doing ministry as usual you want to see more results you want to see effectiveness in your life and in your ministry this program has been designed for you holy ghost academy comes an exceptional variety of programs you're going to have access to our prophetic training classes you're going to have access to our supernatural training courses you're going to have access to god craft you're going to have access to ministry matters you're going to have access to an exclusive mentorship group that i will be in myself and i will be training you every week on different things that you need for your life and your ministry and whatever gifting that god has called you to operate you don't want to miss this to sign up for this please visit prophetgloversonline.org today god bless you
Channel: Prophet Glovis Online
Views: 702
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 14sec (10394 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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