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hello everybody good afternoon good morning good evening wherever you find yourself today we're really hoping that this stream finds you well and this again is another day that the lord has made and you being here is not an accident and so just by virtue of you being connected i know and i truly believe that god is going to encounter you and he is going to meet you where you are and he is going to do something radical and give you a testimony in the mighty name of jesus so god bless you all thanks for joining us today and wherever you are just share this youtube facebook share share share let's get as many people here as we can as we go into the word of god today and just really tune our ear to hear what he has to speak to us because god has something to say every moment and the only question is are we listening are we postured to listen are we expecting that word that he is speaking so that we can be in alignment with what he is doing in the season amen so share share like and share keep liking and sharing keep liking and sharing tell somebody that will tell somebody that will tell somebody else that god has a word for us here today amen amen and so we honor our father we honor papalo he's not here today and it's such an honor to be able to uh just step in and the same god that he serves as we sit under that grace it's what god is speaking and for us to be able to be available that he would speak through us and that's what we're here for right so just open your hearts and be expectant and i know that god is going to do something amazing uh before we begin our topic today is aborting your miracle aborting your miracle that's what we're speaking off that's what we're going to learn about what is god wanting us to know in the season concerning this thing and before we begin yesterday there's something that we kind of hit on and i want that to be our premise today before we go deeper into this discussion go deeper into this subject and it is this idea about god being intentional about everything that he does with us and i just want to reiterate that i want that to be grounded again in our spirit be grounded again in our understanding as we build upon this next thing that god wants to say god is intentional about everything that he does god is intentional about every place that he has us right and with that understanding then i want you to know that god is intentional even about the things that he shows you or the things that he gives you access to see and access to hear because of what he is wanting to do in your life as we're talking about aborting your miracle why how what causes this thing to happen in our life i want you to begin by knowing that in this season it's not an accident that we're here talking about this today this is the ninth month and prophetically we are in tune and in line with what god is wanting to breathe in the season that god is doing a a work of birthing through his believers he's doing a work of birthing through his sons and daughters there's things that we've been waiting on god for these things that we've been expecting these things that we've been trusting god for and as we have come to this nine months god is saying it is the time to birth we have come to birth but in that place of birthing abortion can happen and yet i want you to know that if you have been anywhere anybody wherever you are across the nations as you're watching me today if you have been witnessing people walk into miracles if you've been witnessing testimonies if you have been witnessing people receiving that which you have been waiting on god for then i need you to know that you know that you know that god is only allowing you to see it as a signal to you that your time has come everything that you're seeing everything that you're witnessing it's the signal it is the signal god is trying to awaken you to the truth that your time has come that's why you are seeing this it is your time as you see them birthing get excited as you're seeing them walk into the breakthrough get excited as you're seeing god do the unimaginable do miracles signs and wonders get excited god is simply telling you your time has come because you will never be able to receive what you have not seen you will never be able to grasp what you have not seen that's what our faith is that's what uh uh vision in the heavenly realm is being able to see in the spirit where we cannot posture ourselves to say god let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven you cannot pray that except you have seen what the will of god is you cannot declare it except you have known what the heart of god is that is the place where we are able to even prophetically declare things because it is what god has revealed to us in the spirit so i'm excited if you can tell because i've been witnessing even just by being connected to this house elias generation who we are just seeing what god is doing in this house the miracles that are happening the breakthroughs that are happening i'm excited i'm stirred up because that's just a signal to me to know that i am in my birthing season amen hallelujah somebody just tap into that i am in my birthing season i am in my body i am in my birthday in my birthing season and that's the mystery where sometimes when we're not able to discern it when we see other people birthing we see other people celebrating we see other people going through shifts and transitions when we lack the discernment to recognize that god is doing this to show us something the enemy will trick us and deceive us into falling into a place of depression and sorrow and woe is me god why is everybody else being blessed what about me god have you forgotten about me when is it gonna be your turn god is telling you when you see it happen to them your turn is here it is now it's your turn amen by your perspective you just got to shift that perspective and so before we even go deeper i want you to just know that when god is allowing you to see things when god is allowing you to witness things he is simply giving you a signal you have been praying you have been asking you have been wondering and you said god just show me a sign god just show me a sign and you thought it was just going to be connected to you god has been showing you the signs hi jesus god has been showing you that sign that you've been waiting to see as you've been seeing it happen tap into it and say god what you are doing in the season i'm right in the midst of it i'm right in the mix of it i'm in the midst of it i'm in the vicinity of it i'm right there where it's happening amen and he will not pass me by and so you can rejoice wow you can rejoice when you see other people be blessed you can rejoice when you see other people uh get their breakthroughs you can rejoice because you're right there amen amen god is walking down your neighborhood god is walking down your street the connection has been made so it's just a matter of being ready so don't be distracted by the things you've been seeing in the negative sense rather let it provoke joy in you let it provoke expectancy in you let it provoke uh faith to know that the time is now you've been waiting and we have come to birthing season amen amen so let's go into the word of god aborting your miracle god has depos deposited something in us god is bringing us to a place of perfection a place of manifestation of the things that he has before ordained from the very foundations of this earth jeremiah 29 11 that he has good plans for us plans to prosper us to bring you to that expected end to give you a hope and a future that's the plan of god for your life and i want us to just read the scripture second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18. second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18. i just want this to be planted in your mind but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the lord can you please read it again for as much as he second corinthians yeah just the same thing second corinthians do you have it it's okay all right i'll read it here oh you get it so 2nd corinthians chapter 3 verse 18. it reads and we all with unveiled faith beholding the glory of the lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another for this comes from the lord who is the spirit a transformation that is happening before we can really talk about aborting your miracle before we can talk about aborting first of all just the premise of this topic itself suggests to us that there is uh just gestation happening there is a conception that has taken place and so there is something that is in gestation phase and not being able to fulfill or complete that term of gestation that period of gestation is what we call abortion and so when you look at the definition of abortion it is the intentional causing for a pregnancy to end intentionally ending a pregnancy so that that pregnancy doesn't result in the birthing of that child and so i want us to translate that even beyond just the physical but into the spiritual realm and the things that god has given us abortion then is when we terminate and we stop and we bring to seas that which is supposed to be able to come to full uh manifestation and full expression expression let's use the word expression what is supposed to express fully we abort it and we cut it short and so something very interesting that the lord was dealing with me about uh just when it comes to gestation period is the seed the seed that begins conception the seed that begins the journey the seed that begins the process the seed that begins this gestation period that we're talking about and many times abortion can even happen just by virtue of us not even recognizing that there was a seed in the first place and many times we have despised the seed we have despised the seed we have trampled on the seed we have failed to recognize that the full expression of that vision remember how we talked about this yesterday that thing that god has shown us we failed to recognize that it was wrapped up in a seed whether it was the place that god had placed this in whether it was the relationship that we were in whether it was uh an encounter that we had had we did not recognize that it was connected to that place that god has shown us we do not recognize that the full uh jesus gave this example he said the smallest seed the mustard seed as small as it is but it grows up to be the greatest one and out of this street and it says birds can come and find shelter in that tree this thing that started as a very very very small mustard seed great things many times come wrapped up in in in what should i use in something that is not worthy of recognition jesus himself being the ultimate example the bible says that he came he humbled himself he stripped himself of glory there was nothing to be desired of him the bible says that if you saw him as he was there was there was nothing glamorous about jesus there was nothing glorious wonderful about jesus to make him seem in any way that this was going to be that great messiah nothing so that he was able to pass through life and people just despised him and said there's nothing you're nothing not knowing that this was the king of glory this was god himself that had come down to the earth to save he put on rags he put on rags this mighty king that will be born the bible says that when they went to the house inside mary had wrapped him up in swaddling clothes nothing glamorous about him and so seeds can be very very easy to overlook when we don't have discernment and when we don't have insight and foresight and by revelation of the holy spirit to recognize that this seeming very insignificant moment the seeming very insignificant thing the seeming very insignificant person is connected to that greater thing that god has it's connected to that greater thing that god is desiring to do we despise seeds we despise seeds parents have you despised the seed that is your child and you're not able to see who god has called them to be wife have you despised the seed that your husband is because it doesn't seem to be the man that you think is supposed to be man have you despised your wife because she doesn't seem to be that seed she doesn't seem to be that great thing but you don't know that it's given to you in seed form it has been given to you in seed form what do you do to seeds we nurture we are supposed to water seeds have you cultivated that child have you cultivated your husband have you cultivated your wife have you cultivated your relationships your friends the churches were reserving the jobs we're at are your boss are you cultivating your employees if all these things that god has given us we're so we're we're imagining that great thing but we don't realize we talked about this yesterday that great thing is here and now that great thing is right here and right now the seed that begins the gestation that period of conception and so many times we have aborted by ignorance just because we did not recognize the moment of conception yeah wow a woman accidentally finding herself bleeding out she never even knew that she was pregnant and because she did not know she was pregnant per adventure she continued doing things and living a lifestyle that was not conducive to that seed that that conception that had taken place inside of her because she was not aware it caught her off guard and there was an abortion and i want to talk about it as the difference between abortion and miscarriage i know i touched on this a little bit and holy spirit was showing me that abortion or rather miscarriage happens miscarriage is not our responsibility when miscarriages happen it's beyond our control and when we look at it even in the physical sense there are things that may happen that will cause a miscarriage that may not necessarily be the responsibility of the parent or the bearer or in this case the womb the woman in her womb it may not necessarily be her fault intentionally when a miscarriage happens but that's the difference that's why we're not talking about a miscarriage today we're talking about abortion because abortion is an intentional act abortion is when the decision is made to say that i will end and terminate this pregnancy this gestation or this whatever was conceived i will end it and so now as we're bringing it back to us as believers this means then that sometimes there are things that we have done there are things that we have allowed there are things that we have put ourselves in that have caused an abortion yeah of that thing that god had deposited in us that thing that god was wanting to do in us that thing that god had began that thing that was supposed to come to full maturity and expression we aborted them we aborted them by our intentional decision and so this scripture that we read second corinthians chapter 3 18 i love this verse because there is there is an almost subconscious transformation that is taking place here by simple virtue of posture because of the posture it causes a certain result paul says here as we behold him we become transformed not by us trying to transform not by us trying to do a certain thing but by us simply beholding by us simply fixing our eyes on him by us simply looking at him there is an exchange that begins to happen there is the reflection it's how we catch the rays of the sun right how we catch the rays of the word he is the word not just the scripture but him the word by virtue of simply being in his presence amen all that he is rubs off on us amen all that he is is is is passed on to it yeah it's subconscious and papalo was talking about this last night and if you did not get to watch that live please please please please when we get done today please go watch that live um titled what is the thing that offends god or the most offensive thing to god and there is something that he said about sin and challenging us to live in the spirit rather than living in the flesh to be spiritually minded versus being carnally minded and how in galatians paul says that if you live by the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh and it was funny because it made a joke about it but as i said i was like man this is very real because our our focus and our heart becomes exposed sometimes in the questions that we ask and it's it because it's in our human nature and how he said this is why this flesh must die because as much as we will try so long as we're on this earth and so long as we're confined to this flesh sin is inherent in it sin lives in this flesh and yet there is a key that paul has given us where he says if you choose to live by the spirit you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh and so it's no longer a question of what can i get away with what can i not get away with how close can i walk to the edge before i tip over how close can i walk to the edge before i walk off but that's not your focus anymore and he said the more you try to suppress the sin in the flesh the more you will awaken the sin in the flesh and that's where the scripture that paul gives is so beautiful second corinthians 3 18 he said as we behold him we are transformed and so whatever you've been battling and just check with me we're heading somewhere whatever it is that you think it's like god man i can't i've been dealing and battling with this so long i can't seem to overcome this i can't seem to get past this way of thinking i can't seem to keep being tripped over by this temptation shift your focus amen that's good shift your focus stop stop being self-conscious and be christ-conscious amen that's good don't see your weaknesses but see his strength amen don't see what you cannot do but see all that he is and all that he can do yeah because his grace is sufficient and that is why scripture says we can say when we are weak we are strong because it's not us it's him that's why when we're there is a casting now the bible says there's a casting number we should say there is a lifting up don't be self-conscious stop looking at yourself you will always fall short you will always fall short you might as well accept that now you will always fall short let that be settled in so that you don't waste any more time trying to strengthen you there is no strength in you paul literally said in me dwells no good thing there was nothing good in us all that is good in us is christ amen amen and so shift your focus that's why he said as i behold him i am transformed it's like not seeing clearly but the more i look i begin to see even more clearly all that i am seeing is him all that i am seeing is his greatness all that i am seeing is his glory and that glory just begins to to rub off on me and i begin to reflect the glory of the father and so as we're talking about aborting our miracle the i think one of the biggest if not the most major thing and there are several keys but we'll just look at a few today but what i truly believe is primary is our vision and that thing that we are focusing on what has our attention what has our gaze what is what are we fixated upon yeah what captures your heart because the thing that god has begun he alone can also fulfill that's why paul challenges the uh the galatians it says who has bewitched you having begun in the spirit did you think you were going to be able to fulfill it in the flesh what god has conceived in you is a spiritual thing what god has birthed in you is a spiritual thing and only by the spirit can it be fulfilled only by the spirit can it come to maturity only by the spirit can it be birthed out he begins it he maintains it he perfects it god is the author and the finisher he's alpha he's omega he's everything in between and when our gay shifts when we disconnect when our vision is moved from him many times that's the place where we will find abortion happen well because we cannot discern and we cannot understand it we cannot perceive that this is a god thing and he's the one who's doing it because he entrusted it to us somehow some way we begin to want to carry the responsibility of it and surrender becomes a hard thing we don't know how to release to god the things that he has given to us yeah that's true that's true we feel that because he gave we hold and it's ours but paul asked again he said what do i have that god did not give to me i am what i am only by the grace of god and so if it is his grace then only grace can maintain it only grace can sustain it only grace can carry it through i can do it by myself so your vision your focus we abort our miracles when our vision is not on the right thing we abort our miracle when our vision is not on christ when our vision is not on christ so that's my first challenge to you in this moment what have you been looking at what have you been looking at where has your focus been do you see yourself more than you see god we are very aware of our shortcomings and very aware of where we fall our failures and what we cannot do but what about what god can do yeah that's good that's good what about what god has done do we see that can we rejoice in that can we celebrate that on the way to him carrying out whatever it is that he wants to carry out in us and this thing is so key because as you behold him you can it's like being so close to a person that you can recognize their movement you know you can perceive how they're doing things or even if you don't have understanding because there is a way we will never fully understand god and so we may not always be able to justify and explain the workings of god but by being close to him we are able to perceive through the spirit of god and so when we are seeing other people being blessed when we're seeing god moving and working when we are focused on him we are rejoicing at what god is doing and when we can rejoice about what god is doing by default it awakens a faith and expectation in us because it is showing us who god is amen and when we can see who god is then it awakens in us the things that we are also expecting of god and it's like a reminder men i know god is able to do it for me amen but when your focus has been off that's when you see stuff happening and you fall into complaining mode yeah yeah oh yeah you fall into discouragement you fall into uh just beating yourself up it's like yeah god i'm tired yeah it's true god i'm tired yeah that's when you find christians are really good about giving their resumes god why are you blessing this person they just got saved yesterday i've been serving you for 10 years right lord i fast and pray every week i see them eating all the time god i'm skinny look like i'm depriving myself look at them lord they're they don't even look like it why are you blessing them and you're not blessing me come on our vision is off our vision is off yes come on and we fall into that place of jealousy and envy but god will do exceeding abundantly above amen amen amen so why are you envying and jealous or falling into that place of complaining based on what you see somebody else done yeah or what god is doing somebody else's life rather than being excited yes that man god you can do this if you can do exceeding abandon man god if you've shown me what you have seen is already past tense right right right right what you have seen means it's already been done so if god will do exceeding abundantly above god if i've seen you do it here then i can't wait to see how you do it for me because you will do exceeding abundantly anything i could ever ask think or imagine right i won't imagine what i have seen yeah that's good that's good i'm not imagining what is visible i'm not imagining what i have witnessed yes that's so good and god says i can like do beyond all of that amen i can do beyond so i'm challenging you fix your focus on christ fix your focus on him like just stay right there fix your gaze on him yeah don't be distracted it is birthing season and you know how we talk about race but it's so interesting when it comes to the place of birthing when the woman doesn't push out and if you're distracted feeling weak you can actually kill the child wow in that place so just imagine you being there and be like oh my god like lord why me and god is like i'm trying to show you that you're in the labor room yeah push it out i'm trying to show you that you're in the labor room everybody is over here pushing things out but you're distracted oh their baby came out where's my baby right you need to push it out come on let's go you need to push it out it makes no sense right right come on because we're not discerning we're not understanding where we are this is so good god is telling you you're in the labor room yes yes yes come on how are you going to be seeing other people delivering that says something about location remember we talked about position right when you're on the outside you're not witnessing that so the fact that you're witnessing this is it's indication it's a signal god is telling you something amen that's good you don't just hear babies crying when you're in the up uh i don't know the brain surgery place right you don't hear babies crying when you're just out in the street the fact that you're there yeah it's an indication of where you are amen it's a signal it's a signal pay attention to the signals pay attention to the signals god is telling you something he's indicating where you are so that you can get in position get in position there's a birthing position right you're not going to be birthing and sitting like i'm sitting okay i'm about to have a baby it doesn't even work yes that's right come on benny you can do that let's go evangelist position yourself for the birthing for the thing you're expecting wow this is so good position yourself so that you can push that thing out push that baby out and it's not just women men all of us as believers the sons and daughters of god god is showing us that you're in the labor room now it's time to give birth so man i'm challenging you whether you're single i'm challenging you this is not about women this is no it's about the place of the spirit that we find ourselves in in this season position yourself to birth amen don't abort your miracle yes yes don't abort your miracle because you're not seeing you're not seeing you're not seeing god asked the prophet isaiah shall the woman come to term and not be able to push out and deliver yeah it's an error it's a mistake to be in the place of miracles and not be able to have your own because you're not positioned right it's a mistake it's an error it should not happen jesus came to the man that had been by the pool of betzetzka the bible tells us he had been there 38 years so i have so many questions how old is this man if it's been there 38 years was it from birth like what has been going on so you've just been laying and he said oh i have no man for 38 years i would have been scooting maybe you know little by little at some point i'll be right at the edge yeah but when our vision is skewed we literally miss when we're right in the place of the miracle amen well yep some of us have been connected to elias generation we see papalo we see things happening but as it happens rather than celebrating you say okay god i've been waiting when is it going to be my turn right and before you know it your heart posture is changing yes yes your heart posture is changing it's no longer the joy and expectancy yeah yeah right right that will bring it forth but now you yourself have become the one that has closed the door to your miracle help us jesus you yourself have become the one just because your heart posture wow deep deep deep deep where's your vision yes how do you see not only what do you see but how do you see because you know how some people can see the same thing but everybody's interpreting it differently yeah so what lens are you using to see amen that's good what lens are you using to see that's why in the beginning i said i want you to really settle in your mind that god is not showing you things on accident if you really believe that everything about your life you are in the palm of god's hands where you are the experiences you are uh you are made privy of the information you know the everything if you can really really grasp that none of it is on accident then you will know that god is not showing you the blessings or the miracles and the breakthroughs that are experiencing just to make you be bitter right just to make you feel sad that's not god that's not our father's heart he's trying to tell you something yeah he's trying to tell you something it's your time amen it's your time amen and i thank god for grace because god will restore time he said i will restore the years i will restore time because many of us have come and gone through your season of blessing and your season of miracle but you were not positioned correctly you did not receive it correctly and so you've still been there waiting it wasn't that god didn't bring it to pass god did bring it to pass but you did not recognize it but we thank god that he is the god that will restore time amen amen so that we are able to still benefit and take advantage but the responsibility remember abortion is a choice it's your responsibility it's what you choose to see and how you choose to see and how you choose to position yourself yeah so that you will not abort your miracle so just shift a little bit yeah shift a little bit see things a little differently god loves them i'm celebrating them because i know god loves me too amen god is blessing them i'm celebrating them because i know god is blessing me too amen stay focused on jesus christ amen stay focused on it don't turn your gaze yes don't turn your gaze so that's first thing vision vision there's another thing that god was challenging me in this in place of vision because when we don't recognize it the pain of contraction that's another thing many of us have blamed the devil for what god was doing wow [Music] yeah oh [Music] this is what papalo always says on that day satan will come and say that was not me i wasn't doing that right right they were rebuking me and casting me out i was i was not responsible for that the pain of contractions when you don't recognize that it is contraction you will think it's attack yeah that's good that's good when you don't recognize that this pain is a contraction pain you misdiagnosed how many of us have misdiagnosed where we find ourselves it didn't feel like we didn't see that it was a birthday we thought it was an attack when it was contraction contraction it's the way the eagles train their eaglets and this changed my life when i understood this thing and amen when the eagles are born you know the mother they feed them like they'll take the worms and literally feed the child but at a certain point it's time for the eaglets to grow like you need to get out of the nest okay and what the eagles literally will do is they'll shake up the nest for the eagle to fall yeah like they let the eaglet fall and they have to figure out how to use their wings but the mother eagle the father go there watching over it and so as the eagle falls they're watching to see like okay is he getting it is it okay they didn't so then they'll scoop down and catch it and take it back up and be like okay they're not ready but they'll do it again and the next day they keep doing it so that the ego can now come into the fullness of its beauty what's the beauty of the ego is how it spans its wings and how it can glide on the wind that's the beauty of the ego how majestic we see them in the sky and so as long as the ego is comfortable in the nest it will never fully express its beauty and its nature and what god has designed for it and so if the eaglet then going through that shaking of the nest begins to say i rebuke you satan this is he doesn't recognize that god is trying to bring it to the fullness of its beauty and what it was created for mm-hmm amen for we to be able to spread it we spread its wings and soar yeah so some of us our nests get shaken up oh we're going through that place on the labor table of birthing out and we are completely discombobulated okay we are so distraught god what is going on everything like father what are you doing right now the nest is the place of comfort it's the same trauma that a baby has to go through we're talking about contraction as far as breathing out but also the child that is coming forth out of the womb is also experiencing a trauma right this safe environment that has been what are you doing first of all the water has drained out right oh yeah like this is no longer comfortable what are you doing why are you shaking up this place of my comfort but if the baby were to stay in that womb anytime longer it's beyond the gestation season it becomes harmful to the child if the ego is to grow into maturity on that nest it will not only destroy itself as a heavy bird not knowing how to fly it destroys the very nest because that nest is small it was not made to contain a grown ego wow right jesus jesus understanding what god is doing yes and so as we're going through all these things it's it's it's men it's a lot right it's a lot everything is acting up for some of us it's like man home everything just turns upside down my finances everything turns upside down work like every sense of stability seems to just be it's like god just pulled the rug off from under my feet right every sense of familiarity is just scattered so to speak yeah but if you would just focus on christ and just press in and listen you will discern that it's a place of birthing you will discern that it's a place of shift amen amen that out of that shaking the ego comes into the place of story out of that push that you experience in pushing out comes the beauty of that child that is birth and for the child itself out of that shaking and coming out of comfort it is now able to come out into the fullness of now beginning to grow and express all that god has destined for that child to express don't abort your miracle don't abort your miracle don't confuse the contraction for attack don't confuse the contractions for the attack the devil comes to kill steal and destroy and so the result of any damage that the enemy would ever try to inflict is for destruction but this temporary pain that god allows you to go through we spoke about this again yesterday james 1 2 he says rejoice because the trying of your faith is producing something beautiful after the pain of the contraction is the joy of the mother having the child right when you hear stories of women going through it and say man i'm never having this again or getting angry but soon after they forget because the joy of that baby is so beautiful they're willing to go through it again and have another child yeah what it produces what comes out of it don't despise the contraction work with it you know how they'll tell the woman okay breathe a certain pattern of breath let's say catch that breath and work through that contraction how you breathe the same thing the ego work through what you hear the currents or what you feel the current of the wings learn how to navigate that so a lot of us are trying to fight against what god is using to actually bring us to our place of destiny and that miracle you've been expecting and that breakthrough you've been praying for that very thing you're crying out god is like okay just work with me but just because it feels a little uncomfortable you you just want to shut off completely and guys like now work with me as the contraction comes you already breathe okay push that baby out as you're feeling the wind come okay it will spread your wings let it carry you work with god work with god if you know that you know that you know that you know he is bringing you to unexpected and if you know that you know that you know that god's word will never lie he will not lie in that moment that you find yourself wherever you are you say okay god listen right here i'm right here with you every transition for the blessing will always be uncomfortable it will always be uncomfortable and that i think is one of the things that messes us up is because we we attribute comfort to blessing when it's not comfortable it cannot be a blessing right yeah but that's not true that's just simply not true blessing and comfort are not mutually exclusive we talked about joseph yesterday think of him if his blessing was tied to his comfort then he was the most cursed of the most cursed but the scripture reveals to us he was one of the most blessed when you're able to recognize discern so that you don't abort what god is doing yeah amen because of emotion because of emotions yeah so we talked about vision number one the pain of contractions number two third is emotions yeah that's good our feelings and the society that we live in allow yourself to feel everything even if it doesn't make sense just feel it because you feel it so it has to be expressed we're not to be led by emotions we're to be led by the spirit amen amen amen amen we're not to be led by emotions we are to be led by the spirit our emotions god given absolutely yes god is an emotional god but god is not led by his emotions right imagine jesus and he's our prime example so that you do know that there is room for you to be able to surrender your emotions to god he was in the garden he felt that i said lord if it is your will let like if there's another way god like is it possible for me not to drink from this cup right he felt every bit of it he knew this is not gonna be fun jesus didn't go through the cross smiling it is because of us looking at it in retrospect we can rejoice in the in the sacrifice of the cross and we rejoice in what the cross wrought for us but going through the cross was not a fun thing you think jesus was smiling right the bible says he endured why do you need to endure endurance is necessary because otherwise emotions will cause you to abort emotions will cause you to quit when you are training when you are uh trying to build your body up whatever you're working why is endurance necessary because you need that thing that will go beyond how you feel to endure to endure the bible says this race there is a crown if we endure paul says in timothy endure hardness as a good soldier endure because if you follow your feelings you'll be aborting left right center you will never fulfill anything right you will never fulfill anything it's true if we follow feelings right we'll never finish anything that's why even the deception of love in relationships today because we think it's a feeling right that's true amen i feel love and so when i don't feel loved then there is no love yeah come on who taught us this commercials following emotions and so by default when it doesn't feel good god doesn't love me it's easy for us to say it because we're following emotion it doesn't feel good it must mean that god does not love me parents disciplining their children it must mean that they don't love their children proverbs says that he that does not discipline a child actually hates that child yeah that's true he that does not discipline hates that child it's in proverbs yes let me find it so that you don't think i'm making it encyclopedia yeah proverbs 13 24. proverbs 13. do you have it probably you can read it if you have 13 24. yeah proverbs 13 24. okay amen um he that spared his rod hated his son but he that loveth him chastened him chastened to him be times he that does not discipline the child hates him but he who loves the child not only disciplines him but disciplines him diligently that means disciplines him frequently and then so what does hebrew then tell us it says that god loves us as sons and he chastises it because of the love he has for us yes amen and so when we become emotional when we're experiencing the chastening of the lord oh god doesn't love me then you abort you quit because you didn't feel the love right rather than recognizing the workings of love you were looking for a feeling you didn't recognize how love works you didn't recognize how god works yeah and so when he didn't feel like god because you associate god with comfort and you associate god with feeling good you are bored right god puts you in a place to train you leaders even like papalo and you experience the discipline that he would give you and you experience the chastity it's like oh no this man cannot love me he doesn't appreciate me i'm out of here you walk out of the place that god has destined for you to be right because you got offended jesus happened right right right offense has been one of the most powerful weapons that the enemy has used against believers today right to cause us to avoid many things yes many things relationships that were divinely ordained right we walked out of them because of offense how we felt places that god positioned us divinely we aborted what god was working out in us the thing that he was doing in our lives because of how we felt right so what is jesus also aborted because of how he felt wow being spat on being beaten being rejected completely despised but he looked beyond the feeling you cannot be led by your feelings yes please don't be led by your feelings you will destroy what god is doing by your own hand by your own hand we have to be spirit-led yes look beyond it jesus said father nevertheless can you say lord nevertheless we're going to push this baby out nevertheless will birth this thing if the feeling of the contraction just because he felt the mom said oh no i can't do this be careful be careful what you do with your feelings yeah be very careful what you do with your feelings amen yeah take it to god he knows that you feel it and that's why he said we have a high priest that we can go to why can we go to him he says because he was touched with the feeling of our infirmities and he has been tried in every which way that we will ever be tried he understands so then he says because he does he knows what you're talking about come boldly come boldly but don't sit in your feeling and make decisions and because of how fleeting feelings are you know this saying making permanent decisions out of temporary emotions a lot of us have done that we made permanent lasting life-changing decisions out of a temporary emotion and when you came back to yourself when the emotion faded away now you're living in the repercussion and the consequence of a decision that you made remember decisions and choices today are the mother of tomorrow yeah it's true the decisions and choices you make today are the mother of tomorrow yeah that's good yeah so it can't be your feelings if we're talking about aborting miracles you cannot live by your feelings yeah there has to be a stronger value a stronger principle and what is it i want us to read matthew chapter 25 i believe matthew 25 let me see what is that thing what is that thing it's not 25. hold on where's he my t7 i think it's my december matthew chapter 7 verse 24. matthew 7 24 read down to 27. okay amen whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them i will liken him unto a wise man which built his rock upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and every one that heareth these saiyans of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and the great was the fall of it it was the fall of it this is where abortion has happened when we founded our houses our lives on our emotion yeah that's good wow god says build your life on the rock right let the rock be the foundation psalm 11 3 the psalmist asked the question he says if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do yeah there's something about foundation you know when we walk even in this beautiful building that god has blessed us with the most important part of this building is not visible glamorous as it is as beautiful and as much as we're enjoying it the most important part of this building is the foundation right yeah it's the reason why everything else that is in it can be in it right yeah but how many of you when you see a beautiful home and you walk in you say oh my gosh the foundation is so beautiful right we don't see it but the foundation is the anchor it's that thing that holds you down where even when your emotions come you come back to the word of god and you can be rooted in solid and that's why the bible says blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly does not stand in the way of sin it does not sit in the seat of the school and it says who he is planted by that river his leaves are evergreen the bible says that the righteous are like cedars in lebanon our roots go deep so that no matter what is happening around us that is like our emotions because life will happen good things will happen bad things will happen everybody is experiencing it so what is the difference then between you as a believer as a child of god as the son of god versus somebody else who does not go who does not know christ but is going through exactly the same experiences that you go through it can't be emotion it can't be emotion it's something else and that's the spirit the word of god the spirit of god we have this thing on the inside of us that even when everything looks like it's gone everything looks lost a believer looks crazy because they never can lose hope they know that this hope that i have makes not ashamed yeah they know that all things will always work out for my good regardless of how it is now there's something that they have that the world doesn't have there's something we have that the world does not have when you're led by your emotions you're no different from that that means there's got to be something else that sets us apart and that's the spirit of god to be led by the spirit not being led by the flesh so that we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh see this is right here that's the difference there don't be led by your emotions be led by the spirit emotions dwell in the flesh it's our flesh our ego our pride our disappointment everything like and the flesh was just one to sit in it dwell in it you know be justified in it we look to justify our emotions god is not concerned about that he's working out something greater he's working out something more beautiful something eternal so that the temporary doesn't faze him and we have to be the same way that's why you can say all things work together for good of those who love god who are called according to his purpose because he's bringing them to a place he's doing something in philippians 1 6 he said what being confident in this he which has began a good work in me he will continue in it he will perfect it he will bring it to maturity unto the coming of christ jesus amen god is not going to give up on me so why should i give up on myself yeah amen god will not abort god has he has done all he has loved you to the uttermost he will not love you tomorrow any more than he loves you today he's given everything already you don't have to prove anything else to him so if god has gone all the way why would you abort in the middle why would you quit on yourself when god has literally banked everything on you yeah he put his all on you like everything like i bet everything all he had he's like he put it all on you yeah amen so why would you quit on yourself if god sees such value in you god sees such he knows not even potential it's not potential in the eyes of god because it's what he knows we say potential because we don't have we can perceive that maybe it can become but god knows exactly what it is god knows exactly what it is he knows what he put in you and so when he's carrying you through certain places in certain situations he's not caught on accident he's not putting you in a place that he knows you can't handle he's not giving you more than you can bear as your emotions would like to make you think you're not in above your head he knows you and so he's incapacitated he's basically stirring up and activating that which he knows is in you like the mother eagle shaking up the nest for the eagle to come out because she knows this he has it in him he's an ego i did not produce a chicken i'm an eagle right i give birth to an eagle amen amen right yes so i expect that i know this ego my baby my child is going to be able to do it that's why i'm shaking up it's not by shock i'm not just doing maybe let's see maybe it will fly maybe no what i have is what i've deposited in my seed we are the seed of god we are the seed of god amen who he is is who we are scripture says as he is so are we in this world we are little christ as they like to say but essentially we really like christ we are christ the same class that he stands in is the same class he has caused us and brought us to stand in with him we are seated in heavenly places with christ jesus far above principalities and powers where he is is where we are so don't let your emotions rob you of what god has already put inside of you amen don't abort your miracle because you're emotional don't abort your miracle because you're emotional and so the last thing that i want to share with us today in the beginning i was talking about how sometimes you know a woman if we go back to the natural sense of pregnancy a woman could abort by ignorance you know not being aware just miscarry on accident right there are things when you look at it and it was interesting trying to study about it because some things are completely not in the the mother's control but there are certain things that when a woman is pregnant that she is told hey don't drink you know don't smoke watch what you eat watch your activities because that environment is conducive to what is growing on the inside of you and so if you do not adjust accordingly you could then cause the termination of this gestation and so our diet our diet our diet our diet what we take in can affect how we bring or whether we bring legislation to full term will that miracle happen you're believing god for your healing you're believing god to restore your body but you're in an environment that says healing ended with the apostles god doesn't heal today god doesn't do that anymore there's a contradiction yeah your diet is not in sync with what you're trying to do right what are you taking in there's a thing that we call gates into our spirit three main gates for us is our eyes our ears and our mouth and our mouth really translating even into our thoughts because we speak what we speak shapes our lives and going back to point number three about our emotions that's why it's very very very dangerous to allow your emotions to lead you because you will by subconsciously you can speak against that which god is doing because you allowed yourself to speak emotionally wow yeah that's good so we have to be very very careful that the words of our mouth the meditations of our heart be pleasing unto god yeah this tongue amen it's a gate we're shaping our world we're shaping the things that are happening by the words that we're speaking and so these gates the things that we're taking in what we are they what we're ingesting the information what are we allowing ourselves to hear what we're allowing ourselves to see what we're being exposed to and what we're speaking as a result of what we're allowing to take root in our hearts guard your heart with all diligence amen amen why for out of it are the issues of your life yeah yeah it's good some of us have aborted just because we were careless we simply were careless wow they're my friends i love them even though they don't like you just sit in it bad company corrupts good morals scripture says yep that's true we're just careless we did not protect what we were carrying nobody is ever going to protect what you carry more than you right right that's good nobody is ever going to protect what you carry more than you be sensitive be mindful be careful don't be careless some of us have aborted because of carelessness relationships that were supposed to be beautiful not even just man and woman every relationship that was supposed to produce fruit for you career-wise that was supposed to produce fruit for you uh for the future that was supposed to produce fruit for you in a network or connection but we're careless with it right yeah places that we were again like how we're talking about the seed we we were careless with it we were careless with the with how we handle that environment careless and this is the deception of procrastination too where the things that we know to do we don't do we put it off oh i won't do it right now god is saying hey adjust here now you're carrying something adjust i put something in you adjust ah not today i'll do it tomorrow god is telling you adjust adjust there's something that i'm bringing forth a just you're carrying something precious adjust but we're careless where you are now what you're doing now and the thing that you're believing god for and the thing that you've been trusting god for is there a correlation is there a connection does one lead to the other where you are now what you're doing what's your diet right your habit that's everything about your life the things you take in the way you behave your character all these things and of course the word is our mirror this is the only thing christ is the image second corinthians 3 18 he is the one we're looking as i see him and the place that i'm trusting god to take me or the thing that i'm trusting god to do in my life is this place conducive to birth that is my current habit my current um routine conducive to birth that that's good yeah that's a good question yeah god i want to be this great athlete i want to be um man i want to when i get on there whether it's a court or a field when i'm playing this for god like i want them to see but you're sleeping all day you don't take time to practice you don't take time to sharpen your craft yeah so you think it's just gonna happen next right right lord i want to be great in business i want to be uh i want my company to be excellent i want i want to be able to make a difference in people's lives like when they come to my shop when they come to my to my office i want them to really just feel the difference in how i do what i do and other people but you're not perfecting your craft you're not studying to show yourself approved the bible says your gift will make room for you what you have is what will make room for you which means you have a responsibility then in handling and caring and taking care and nurturing that thing that god has put inside of you so that it does make room for you cultivating it don't be careless don't be lazy don't be nonchalant you're carrying something abort your miracle because you were careless it's different if we say it's the enemy that attacked or there was something oh witchcraft this and that becomes a scapegoat for a lot of us in the body of christ yeah satan has been the excuse for why we are going through what we're going through because we don't want to look at the mirror and the reflection of ourselves to see that just maybe maybe just maybe i am responsible for this current place my god is a god of grace i keep saying that because it's true the moment we can recognize god i can do it by myself anyway as i'm looking at you i'm being transformed because as i'm looking at you that grace is abounding as i'm looking at you god you're causing me to do things that as i look at myself i know that it's impossible i couldn't have done this it's god and so god gets the glory to give god the glory is the ultimate recognition of ourselves because we know we can do it by ourselves and so giving god the glory is easy any man that struggles to give god the glory any woman that struggles to give god the glory i don't know that you've really seen yourself wow i don't know that you've really known yourself so i'm gonna end there for today we did four points and so before we come back and we're gonna pray together go and give so as this flower comes up please go and give sow into this ministry sow into this word and we'll come back and close [Music] [Music] but i found my salvation on the you cross me [Music] give [Applause] [Music] lord i know you're the only way the only way [Music] [Music] only you can make me [Music] is [Music] [Music] but i know you're oh [Music] [Applause] but i know you're the only way [Music] um [Music] [Music] lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] empty i wanna come to umt you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on yours so fill me full of your glory completely line my path for me and lead me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] me [Music] [Music] do you want me [Music] you're the answer that i need [Music] you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] jesus [Music] i wanna come to you you deserve nothingness [Music] me [Music] we're back hi everybody again i if you're still giving keep giving go ahead and give go ahead and give go ahead and give um we're doing the work of god and i'm excited for you even being able to partner with that that is all connected and that's a key actually to one of the ways that we can bring our miracle to pass but that's the subject for another day right so today before we close off i just really want to recap real quick what we talked about today and just leave us with this to meditate on and to position ourselves i don't think it's an accident that god is really hitting again and again about this idea of positioning there is something that god is wanting to pour out there is something that god is wanting to release and he is literally shaking us all up to have us in position to have us ready so that we don't miss what he wants to do the body of christ we have been praying we have been fasting we have been seeking god prophetic words have been released over our lives and god is saying the time for it to manifest is now and he is the god that says i watch over my word to perform it so god did not just give you a word so that it will just be forgotten in space and in limbo but he gave you that word because he intended to fulfill it he intended to make good on his promise in your life and so i challenge you i challenge you just shift your perspective be expected be joyful and let your faith be strong because god is around the corner for you as you have been seeing him do it for others that's a signal that you're in the labor room you're in the labor room you are in the labor room and it's only a matter of time until you're also holding your baby in your hands so don't give up don't give up don't quit don't get discouraged don't do it there's a lot of stuff that's happening even what's going on in the world right now all of that is a signal it's a signal so let the church be positioned if other people are caught unawares we should not be caught unawares if other people get caught in the trenches not us because we have inside information the point of inside information is so that you can adjust while everybody else is caught by surprise you shouldn't be caught by surprise because you knew it was coming so you need to know that your baby is coming you need to know your miracle is coming amen and so what we talked about today don't abort your miracle first thing is your vision your vision your vision if anything i live with us today is that ii corinthians 3 18 as you behold him he transforms you let jesus be your attention your focus your devotion your everything keep your eyes on him keep your eyes on him when you begin to know him when you begin to recognize him even when circumstances are happening you can even recognize him in other people you can recognize his workings around you keep your eyes on christ keep your eyes on christ let your vision be fixed on him please let that sink in let that sink in then we talked about the pains of contractions recognize the season you're in and i'm just here as an announcer to you to tell you that it is your birthing season that's it that's all like if that's my assignment today is to tell you that it's your birthing season and what you're feeling have been pains of contractions your focus has been on the wrong thing you've been attacking the enemy and praying against the devil and he's enjoying that because it's distracting you it's like okay great so they don't know no recognize that you're having contraction pains so push that baby out push it through hone in you know strengthen buckle down that's the word buckle down and push it out buckle down and push it out then emotions y'all emotions we could do a whole other sermon on this but don't be led by your emotions don't be led by your emotions especially for us women we are moody and depending on the time like your emotions will make you say things act to certain ways say but then all of us are prone to that and so there's got to be something more solid that's leading us than hormones okay like hormones can be responsible for the decisions that you make in life no god forbid be led by the spirit don't be led by your emotions don't be led by your emotions look beyond your feeling look to christ he is our example for the glory set before he may endure the cross he said father this doesn't feel good the honesty of christ should be an example for each and every believer enough of this uh fake christianity that we cannot be transparent with god because we're trying to put on a show the fake kid tell you make it no it doesn't happen papalo says it all the time no that's not real it's not about faking it be real with god christ was real he said lord this doesn't feel good father he doesn't feel nice right now but my desire is to please you therefore whatever you want nevertheless your will not mine he was honest be real with god be real father i feel this way right now but i want to please you it doesn't feel good but i want to be faithful give me grace and the bible says when he made up his mind he says angels came and strengthened him for the assignment and so there is grace available for you at the place of your surrender there is place available for you at the place of your obedience when you're willing to obey god regardless of emotion when you're willing to obey god regardless of feeling the bible says even though he was a son he learned obedience by the things that he suffered that's the suffering of the contractions we're talking about the suffering of the eagles being shaken up out of the nest and it seems like what my parents just cast me out and i'm falling in air that suffering is producing something so be willing to be obedient to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord no matter what is going on be spirit-led don't let your emotions dictate and the last thing really is protect your seed protect your environment protect your gates don't be don't abort by carelessness what are you allowing to take root in your mind what are you allowing to take root in your heart what are the words that are coming out of your mouth what are you speaking about where god is taking you what are you speaking about what god is doing in your life what are the things you're allowing yourself to see how you see remember it's not just about what you see but how you are seeing what you're seeing your perception of it the things you're listening to the things you're taking in your diet protect your seed nobody will protect it more than you protect your seed ultimately it is the bearer of that seed the bearer of that womb the woman carrying the child or the farmer that is watering his field if he doesn't take care of it nobody is going to take care of what god has given you more than you be protective of what god is doing in your life being poor be protective of what god has deposited inside of you water your seed nurture it take care of it don't abort your miracle don't abort your miracle so god bless you god bless us all it was a pleasure to be able to just share with you all today and i really really truly pray that this word will take root in your heart and cause you to be positioned in the now for what god is wanting to bring forth out of you and so we're awaiting y'all the testimonies that have been coming through the ministry of papalo have been amazing and so again for all of us that are connected to this house to this awesome man of god that is just a signal that you're in the right place you're in the right neighborhood god is passing by be ready for yours that's all i can tell you be ready for yours i'm ready for mine be ready for yours amen so god bless y'all and we'll see you next time right here we love you and keep standing strong and don't get discouraged see you next time shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 4,750
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pLdjcl33Ch0
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Length: 93min 47sec (5627 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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