BANKS OF HEAVEN | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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may the lord bless everybody that is watching from around the world this is prophet elia and i thank the lord jesus for this amazing opportunity to come and to speak to you and to minister to you the mind of the lord jesus his desire for you and spiritual mysteries to be revealed to you for the glory of god what i love about what god has given us to do is consistently continually expose the truth of heaven amen the problem is when people here expose they always think about it on the negative side but god has opened the door for you to truly know the inheritance of the saints meaning this is something that is stored up that you need to know about great is the inheritance of the saints it's great but people don't know it so people are suffering people are sick people are not walking in the in the in the greatness of god simply because they don't know my people perish because of lack of knowledge what they don't they know about because people use that loosely but what is it you don't know about those who know their god shall do great exploits but what kind of god do i need to know which jesus do i need to know the jesus of paul who supplies all our needs or the jesus of peter who can heal you and deliver you which jesus do i need so you see there are dimensions based on who has brought an expose on god [Music] i am so excited to speak to you about the banks of heaven amen amen i just want to say something as people are sharing you have to understand every single thing we do on earth did not come from earth there is nothing you can create that hasn't already existed before adam and eve knew what clothes were god was wearing clothes the bible says his robe fills the temple the train of israel fills the temple angels are dressed in white but when adam and eve sinned they used leaves to cover themselves god came and made them ramskin for clothes so the first fashion designer is jesus is not catching me so there is nothing on earth we are inventing it's a response to already what exists if you remember the message yesterday you will understand what i'm talking about now so i want everybody to share this and to be ready i want uh facebook let me see facebook and then i'm going to speak about heavenly banks heavenly banks how they operate trust me it's not a message you think you know amen wait for me to teach you it's not what you think because people always say it but they don't really know it very i actually have never heard anybody teach about this personally i'm sure god has given it to somebody but what i'm about to give you i promise you is going to change everything amen especially in the area of understanding how the finances of heaven work [Music] are you listening to me yes sir are you ready if you already just type i am ready and we will go turn off the cold anointing please ready [Music] hallelujah lord jesus lord jesus i glorify you karabatta now i want us to go to hmm which one should i go with first let me see that will explain okay luke chapter 12 verse 33. luke 12 33 look listen to this look 12 33 bishop i want you to read loudly clearly and slowly because i want people to really hear this amen are you okay with that yes okay let's go son luke 12 33 sell that ye have and give alms provide yourself bags which wax not old a treasure in the heavens that faileth not stop right there please read it one more time sell that ye have and give alms provide yourself bags which wax not old a treasure in the heavens that faileth not keep going where no thief approaches neither moth corrupts us 34. ah stop right there oh you can read 34 read 34 again for where your treasure is there will your heart be also let me explain something i'm going to explain something for you the reality is the things you have on earth you can have them in heaven [Music] the reality but you don't take it the way you think and you don't acquire it the way you think let me help bishop and break it down sell that he may have god wants you to do business or to work so that you may have money but the idea of god is not that you may have money and eat sell that you may have money and give arms meaning sell have money and go to church and give the moment you give what does it say you provide yourself bags what is the bag the bag is you remember back in the day you remember if you watch cartoons they would put gold in a bag and then store it yeah so accounts were today we said saves in those days they did bags are you listening listen to what he says sell that he have give arms provide yourself bags wait let me let me show you what the word bag there means the word bags is balantio balation valentio is a money bag or a purse okay a money bag or a purse so god is saying now you think that somebody who has money already has a purse yes somebody who is working already has somewhere to store money but you may be having money physically but your money runs out because you don't have an heavenly account wow wow because the first time you got your money you went and spent it yes when the children of israel had their first habit harvest they took a portion of it and went to church the reason why they went to church is because they were investing in their heavenly account their first habits they gave for an account to be open that is why on earth when you want to open an account they ask you where's the money that we need to put in because you cannot open an account without money right going to the bank and said i need an account they will say okay they will do all the paperwork they will say you need money for it to be active if you don't give money it cannot be active yeah yeah in fact they will put it on hold or they will cancel it until you put money now you have an account i feel like i'm talking to myself so the children of god suffer the most because they don't have heavenly accounts some of you are using the welfare of heaven heaven is giving you handouts but then heaven gets to a place they said no this one is abusing the system because we are giving them handouts so that they may get to a place that they can build themselves up and open an account that accumulates interest that does things so that now their money on earth can be consistent but a lot of believers don't do that that is why they continue to ask for breakthroughs they pray and heaven is not give but i give i do this no you are giving because now the welfare of heaven has refused to give wow okay let's say let's close and go no let's [Applause] [Music] youtube are you there facebook i need you to share [Music] let me explain to you something spiritual right do you realize the moment you give or you become born again you give your life to jesus have you ever asked yourself why in heaven there are no old people everybody looks like they're in their prime because anything that enters heaven maintains its original state all it does is it accumulates interest right let me explain it to you amen you take your money right now you put it in the bank we all have money in the bank right but if the economy changes our money changes right amen it will not have the same power it used to have right it will go up it will go down it will not maintain the same power right but that same money that you have in the bank if you took a portion of it you invested it in the bank of heaven you opened your own account and put it in heaven no matter how the currency of the world changes yours never changes wow this is why there can be a drought isaac was in the promised land when there was a drought he sold and he ripped a harvest when there was a drought his father when there was a drought he ran to egypt abraham ran to egypt and god sent him back to that same place [Music] your issue is you don't understand spiritual things [Music] so god is telling jesus this is the lord jesus speaking in luke this is not an apostle this is not paul this is not this is the lord jesus himself he's saying listen go and sell and get money and go to church and give and remember jesus is teaching them this after he has taught them how to pray they asked him to out to pray and he told them when you have money when you go to church he didn't even say start by praying he said when you go and give arms don't let your left hand know what you're doing hide how you do it let it be secretive don't be ashore off when you're giving right he's teaching them about to give his teaching them about to pray then he finishes by saying go and sell that means that the disciples are not givers at that point wow because he's teaching them about prayer then he's saying listen go and sell he's telling his disciples go and sell and then go and give [Music] wow i feel like i'm talking to myself this is deeper so that when you now give you provide yourself an account or a money bag that doesn't get old the only bank the only money bags that get older in the earth meaning that if the currency changes the account changes but the moment you put it in heaven the account doesn't change it just accumulates what interest let me prove to you that the concept of banks in heaven already existed amen jesus speaks about the parable of the rich man that gave talents to his servants right and one of his servants said lord when you gave me this i invested it and it gave birth to this match another one said lord you gave me two i gained two more the one that he did said lord i know you love to reap where you did not sow so i feared to invest it in case i lose it so i hid it in the earth so that when you come i give it back to you god said you wicked servant cast him into outer darkness notice god is interested in interest rate wow god is interested in prophets yes when jesus failed five thousand men when he failed five thousand people after they had eaten they came to him they said everybody has it and say hey go and collect the remaining bread because god believes in interests he doesn't want tomorrow for the same people to beg for bread yes there are still 12 baskets remaining wow tomorrow we don't have to multi apply bread right amen now think about it like this if you go to the same chapter listen to this when the young boy gave jesus the bread and fish five loves to fish right jesus the bible says jesus blessed it but when he put it down they did not multiply do you know how jesus multiplied the bread he took the bread and broke it amen but when he was blessing it what was he doing jesus was putting it into the heavenly account do you realize that all the 5 000 people ate the same bread they ate one bread because remember he broke them into pieces so every time somebody ate a piece the same piece reappeared that was taken out another one took another piece another piece reappeared because remember this was not manner this was not bread from heaven that was enough for everybody this was a spiritual science that jesus did he took the bread that was there and put it in heaven so every time the bread was being consumed the bread was multiplying the bread was multiplying so when they ate a piece and you eat a piece and that one is eating a piece the pieces you are eating is reappearing the moment they stopped eating the moment the bread stopped reappearing i feel like i'm talking to myself i feel like i'm talking to myself i don't know if somebody is there elijah tells the widow listen listen to me feed me the moment i eat that cake the flour and the oil in your house cannot run out why because elijah was authorized to receive from that woman so that the same flower remember what elijah said it will not run out meaning she was eating the same portion every day so it was like that flower was on repeat you remember the way we used to put a song on repeat like on a cd player or or now you can just put repeat on your iphone or whatever because some people that are watching don't even know what a cd player is anymore or a cassette player we were born you know 90s children that grew up in the 90s we we we tested both worlds we saw that revolution of the technology so we are in between two eras that are completely different now the people who are born in the 2000s don't know what those things are but 90s people know right yeah yeah yeah 90s kids no i'm a 90s kid i know yes so god is putting whatever you put in heaven in a time loop amen it cannot be consumed it cannot run out and it will never works old and nobody can steal it so you know that the devil has stolen from you when you have money yeah yeah you spend it and that money doesn't give birth to another money that you gave you know that you have been robbed by the enemy it means that there is a conquer worm somewhere eating the money that you have eating the resources that you have because if i have 2 000 and i give to god that is what the bible says whatsoever you sow you will reap so if i put in heaven two thousand i will always have a supply of two thousand the moment i put ten thousands i will always have a supply of ten thousand if i put a hundred thousand i will always have a supply of a hundred thousand if i put a million i will always have a supply of millions amen because in the measure that i put in heaven is the same measure that i will always have why will i always have it because in heaven it cannot end it cannot run out it keeps coming back in the same way but if i take money and i go and do my own thing like the prodigal son that money will run out why will it run out and why will i become poor simply because of one thing i never invested it where it is out of the reach of the enemy and the economy of the earth or the system of the earth i feel like i'm talking to myself this is good roshana a says i feel like i never learnt anything in church that part so is somebody understanding this facebook are you there i feel like no one is sharing this i need people to hit those thumbs up i need you to hit those thumbs up [Music] i don't know if somebody can hear me yeah and clear is somebody catching me yes yes so the problem is people think that when god is telling you to give remember abraham was very rich because of one reason god told him leave your father and mother's house and i will bless you meaning that abraham was not in a very blessed state because he was living with his father and mother you didn't catch it god is telling him get out of your father and mother's house abraham was an old man that still lived with his parents i feel like i'm talking to myself listen i want you to play a song and and let people share then i will continue if they don't share we'll just go to giving and we and we stop please play a song put a flyer up i'm waiting for people to to share it and see how serious this is and i will continue [Applause] oh [Music] no matter what the problem is i know you can get me out of it i can always count on you i'm yours and i'm proud of it show me your grace show me all the ways i'm seeking after you show me your face keeping it 100 [Music] all i can say [Music] i know my faith [Applause] jesus [Music] now listen to me listen to me hallelujah is everybody sharing now is everybody sharing now is somebody sharing now let me see youtube youtube are you sharing now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a vacated [Applause] [Music] is everybody listening now is everybody listening are you on now are you sharing are you ready abraham was a mama's boy and papa's boy that is why there was so much delay in his life god had to peel him from his people god had to take him to somewhere whereby he could not depend on anybody he had to start depending on god wow wow do you realize that the concept of giving first fruits or giving to god started with cain and abel yes that god was interested that people are investing right then abraham comes along god tells him if you leave your father and mother go on to a land i will show you and i will prosper you in that land when abraham left he was still living in a tent and on his way there the bible doesn't boast of his wealth yet no but when he met melchizedek when he left his house he started doing offerings and sacrifices and things and you see increase started coming but by the time he met a melchizedek melchizedek gave him bread and wine the word of god and revelation right the moment he was given bread and wine the man took a ten percent of the spoils of war he gave god gold he gave him silver gave it to him melchizedek began to confess listen to what melchizedek said he said blessed is abram possessor of heaven and the earth abraham was the first man to open the bank account recognized by heaven he was the one the one of the first people not the first one but one of the first people to to be the man of the promise right to open such a dangerous account that now the angel of the lord is confessing saying listen abraham has already possessed heaven and meaning that his resources in heaven are similar to the weather on the earth that is why you are seeing now lord who is with him lord is becoming rich the moment lord leaves him lord becomes poor when lord was with abram they could not live on the same land because their servants who are fighting lord leaves him lord has no servants anymore lot is living in a city wow in fact it's jobless that he sits at the city gates just wondering what to do next no servants just him and his wife and his daughters [Applause] [Music] meaning that he was on welfare he never learned from somebody that god sent to him because he didn't land now god said okay my friend you you have to go right many of you are struggling believing god for something because you never did the right thing wow wow wow so jesus is saying you know where your heart is if you do what i'm telling you your heart will be exactly where your treasures are why is this saying where your treasures will be your heart will be also if you want lamborghini that is where your heart is there is money that is equivalent to lamborghini so where your heart will be your treasures will be also so if you want to buy a house the treasures of heaven will come and pay for the house i don't know if you understand it because your heart it does not in heaven you don't need a house you have it yeah amen where your treasures will be your heart will be also so wherever your heart will go the economy of heaven will be able to cover it yes it's good that is why the bible says god will give you your hearts what desire um we haven't even gotten deep yet wait amen so the reason why your life is like this up down down up up down up down down up corner stand around circle up down it's because you don't have an account [Music] and some of you opened an account and you overdrafted oh my goodness so the bank gave you minus they allowed you to use beyond the negative right but you're not replenishing your account they closed it they suspended your account there are men and women of god that i know that i i prayed for and they said prophet i am giving now but when god gives me the million they went and they became millionaires never showed up again a few months later a few months six seven eight months all the money some controversy happen all the money is held up they no longer have money they come back prophet i need you to pray for me i refuse because they never honored god with what they promised i didn't tell you i'm going to pray for you so that you can come back and give to me i don't need anything from anybody but when you make a vow to god and you don't honor it because now you got what you wanted i don't pray for people like that until you go and correct yourself before god if god tells me to do it then i would do it but me myself the way i know jesus i'm not going to do it yes [Music] i know so many of them that is when i started saying lord help me to build real people that know you right that is right now i started investing myself more in my spiritual children not just everybody in the same way even though i teach everybody i pour myself to everybody but especially those who are serious with the work of god i want to pour myself that there will be prophetic people there will be people that are proof even though they are not ministers they are prophetic in the business world they are prophetic in the medical world they are prophetic in the in the political world why because everything they will do they will do it honoring god amen amen [Applause] i know people who are blind god opened their eyes they said i will always thank god and i will always come to the church never came back but people who saw the testimony started coming but the person themselves didn't show up i've seen people with cancer come their spirit is removed from them god restores them and heals them but they never come back many of them are like the lepers that went to jesus jesus made them clean the rest did not come back only one came back and god made them whole so some of you give something to god amen you invested in heaven now you have an account in heaven okay everything is good you start doing things you forget to put back more into the bank of heaven now your expenses increase because for every increase your expenses change they cannot remain the same when your expenses change now because of the interest that you had in what you put in you spend you spend you spend now that your life's level has changed but your financial heavenly account does not support where you are what happens is you fall back into poverty now you only have money that can sustain you because you never added on to support your high life so now unbeliever will come to you and say but you say god blesses why are you struggling you have no answer you start saying ah those who god is blessing them they are stealing because the problem with christians is that when they are blessed they will speak good of people who are blessed the moment they are not doing good they will start to demonize those who are blessed wow they will start telling you you don't need money i rather just make heaven yeah listen everyone that has received jesus is going to heaven amen but what are you going to do for god on earth when it comes right amen that's good yeah what are you going to do for god in heaven when it comes so some of you are in the dimension of overdraft you have you have exhausted grace yes paul said i will not exhaust the grace of god some of you have exhausted the grace of god you said god bless me if you bless me with this i will never do it again god bless you you never invested it back in god for your own sake you went on to do your own thing then trouble came then you came back to god if you really lift me up again god lifts you again because he's merciful you go and do it again god if you do it again god is like nah the accountants of heaven they say papa got this one we don't trust him so god cannot trust you with heavenly finances so number one your finances don't increase because you have never opened an account right so you have no interest right you have never added remember the more money you have the greater the interest so you never add on your account you're on overdraft so your life is not changing it changed and then you overdrafted now you're running on miners you are asking for loans but now they gave you a loan then they realize you are not interested in paying they close the account your account goes to collections your account goes to what collections then there are some of you you have no account at all so god cannot even bless you because where are you gonna put it wow i feel like i'm talking to myself now listening papa that's crazy when god wants to bless you you have no room there is no account so how can god increase you yeah yeah yeah wow i want you to go to isaiah 45 verse 3 [Music] amen 45 are you there yes yes isaiah 45 verse 3 and i will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places that thou mayest know that i the lord which call thee by thy name am the god of israel one more time and i will give thee the treasures of darkness stop right there so there are different places that god has treasures amen there is a devil worshiper right now that has your mind there's a criminal right now that has your money there is just a businessman that doesn't fear god doesn't love god that has your money for the sake of the kingdom of god so there are treasures of darkness that belong to the children of light that is why the bible says this the bible says it like this the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous right notice what the bible is saying the wealth of the wicked is stored up the wicked people are rich because they have somewhere to stop the children of god have nowhere to keep because they have no accounts so god cannot do wealth transfer because a lot of christians have no account i feel like i'm talking to myself if you taught somebody that was not even a christian about this principle and they see it working they will work the daylights out of it christians will never because they don't believe in the word of god they don't believe in the truth of the word of god they don't [Applause] wow jessica asked how did adam know how to be fruitful and multiply because he saw it remember adam was a spiritual man he could see and god told him to so already from the beginning god is interested in fruitfulness interest right multiplication that is why every seed produces after its kind that is why when when sons and daughters are in film they're in acting they're in music i never stop them i pray for them and i pray that god gives them wisdom and i teach them the truth of the word of god so that when they're in those places they can take those treasures and put it in the treasures of of of heaven but now people who are not spiritual they will see somebody acting they will say you need to stop that because that is not of god where is it written in the bible right if the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous who how are we going to get it right if we are shunning the wicked if we are not sent where darkness is the bible says the light shineth in darkness so if we are together and we are all lights we don't benefit each other but when a light goes into darkness it's a different thing but is not sent to live in darkness he's sent to take things from the darkness and bring them to the kingdom of light not into the world but to take it to the kingdom of light when the lord took me out of the earth and i visited heaven the first time i remember looking at the earth the globe and it looked dark it literally was covered in darkness so we know the kingdom of light is not the earth wow i feel like i'm talking to myself here [Music] let me tell you the truth you don't do a person that is struggling a favor by telling them not to give you're not helping them [Music] that's crazy i'm telling you second kings chapter four amen verse one two three second kings chapter four verse one two three second kings uh chapter four verse first one two three yes now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha one of the sons of the wives of the prophets meaning the prophets could not solve this problem so they went to eliya i just said something [Music] thy servant my husband is dead thy servant my husband is that meaning the prophet had died and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord you know your and fear the lord and the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be one men and a creditor is coming to take two of his servants of his sons to become a servant meaning this prophet was let was borrowing from people and it was broke wow if a creditor is coming to take your children it means that you are not doing well financially he was a prophet he feared god but never invested in heaven i feel like i'm talking to myself this is why i always tell you the problem with a lot of christians especially men and women of god they are not givers right and elisha said no no no wait wait wait wait [Music] they are not givers many of the men of god that i have met in my life they are not givers wow how can you expect your people to give if you're not a giver right that's good wow are you getting what i'm saying yes yes it's a dangerous dangerous dangerous dangerous thing for you to be a man of god for you to be a woman of god for you to be a man of god for you to be a woman of god that you die you go to heaven but you never left anything for your children that creditor satan has a claim on them because remember it is greater it is better to give than to what to receive the bible says in proverbs the lender the borrower is servant to the lender so a christian should never be a borrower should always be a lender because whoever is borrowing has automatically become a slave spiritually wow so if you borrowed from the world [Music] if you borrowed from the world and you die or you are still alive and you cannot pay back satan is controlling your life now because you borrowed from the world if you come to the children of god i am supposed to just give you but if the world comes to me they are supposed to borrow from me why because now i have an ability because spiritually they are slaves or servants to me i can connect them to jesus and give them liberty because now i can control them spiritually when i pray lord i pray this person becomes saved now they have something from me that i can bring them to god but if the world also you borrow from the world the world has the ability to dig you and to bring you deeper into satan that is why some of you are working so hard to pay debt you are running after that god delivered me from debt you are fighting with that you are fighting with that is because you have become bound servant to the enemy so every money that you receive is still paying the interest of what you borrowed that is why you are living hand to mouth hand to mouth hand to mouth you only have enough to survive so that you can continue to work for your master wow but the moment you give into the kingdom of god now you have entered into another master who wants you to have interest amen amen hallelujah i feel like i'm talking to myself [Music] the hallelujah the borrower is servant to the lender yes this is why in the kingdom of god god doesn't want us to be borrowers he wants us to lend to the world because the moment we lent to the world they become people that serve us and as they serve us we bring them to god that is why isaiah 61 says and the son and the daughters of the foreigners shall be your plow men these are foreigners and they shall call you what the priest of god they will give unto your bosom and they will call you the priest of god and in their wealth shall you boast they are giving to you they are calling you the priest of god meaning they have found their deliverance the moment they gave to you they found their deliverance and they said this one is a priest of god so you think to be a priest of god is to be poor it is not wow men of god are in poverty children of god are in poverty yet god has everything for them but they have no accounts and instead of opening an account they went and borrowed yet the purpose of a creditor is to to use you all your life you borrow 100 by the time you pay it back with the interest you paid 300. so you worked extra hours to pay back what you borrowed that you can pay back in one hour that is called bondage adr says this this is why we should strive to purchase our new church exactly amen so it is not just a matter of saying i am a lender i am not a borrower in the name of jesus i will lend to nation no no no it's an action yes if you don't do it all those declarations mean nothing right faith is action why are you declaring something that is an action go and do it amen [Music] so one of the wives of the prophets the prophet has died but there is a creditor coming to take his children it means that when the prophet was alive he could not pay back right stress killed him and now they're coming to take his children wow that's crazy i feel like i'm talking to myself is somebody listening to me yes yes papa somebody type i am opening my account today i am opening my account today i am opening my account today i am opening my account today i am opening my account today in heaven [Music] so the problem is you can be a man of god and you will suffer being a christian is not a guarantee that you have a good life on earth it's a guarantee of going to heaven every patriarch that was wealthy and this is the desire of god for everybody do you know how much of the world we can help if we have money right do you know how many people will lend to and bring them to god in the process abraham was wealthy yes job was wealthy david was wealthy solomon was wealthy the patriarchs jacob was not broke in the middle of a drought he had more than 30 pieces of silver sending his children to egypt to go and buy food nations who are going to buy food he sent his children [Music] wow [Music] hallelujah read it again my daughter starting from 1. now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen they have now some of you you are under a curse because you are paying for what your father your father owed you are paying for what your mother owed you are paying for what your great grandfather owed that is why some generational curses you don't break them by the blood of jesus you break them by sacrificing amen coming out of the cycle amen [Music] the spirit of poverty makes your mindset become a servant because it is your in your dna that they owed so that's now mindset is passed on to your blood that you just know i will be a servant all my life i just have to work and on the weekend i can enjoy that monday i'm back to working again this is just how life is [Music] my goodness i feel like i'm talking to myself hello hello [Music] there's somebody trying to call the facebook please don't call the facebook i don't answer the facebook it's the church that handles that you're distracting when people are watching live please stop are you listening to me yes so the problem is this now children of god god wants us prosperous so that we can change the world yes amen amen when we acquire this building we are going to change the world we really are going to change the world but it will take us to invest into the bank of heaven so now now the level in which we invest will be the level in which we will have to help the world are you getting it yeah amen this is why it's not always good to ask for a discount in heaven wow you ask for a discount in heaven you you play yourself this is why the lord jesus paid the full price do you hear what the bible says he paid the full price he didn't get a discount by paying the full price of being a human being and being god in flesh he was able to reap more human beings than god ever did in history so in the measure that he gave is the measure that he was what reaping god did not saw a human being who is jesus and started ripping angels amen that's good is somebody catching what i'm saying yes that is why you see some prophets they can declare things to you them themselves they are suffering they cannot produce what they are declaring because they don't have it do you realize every prophet in the scripture that prophesied something it was something that they could control yes they were not praying for god to give you they were the ones giving you because it was in them wow wow you can never supply what you don't have in your account i'll say that one more time you can never supply what you don't have in your account that's good right now the world is going through a pandemic it's going through a drought right but children of god because our accounts are in heaven we should be taking advantage amen because our economy hasn't changed yes but unless we adapt to the kingdom of the world then our economy will what change amen amen [Music] is somebody catching what i'm saying is this making sense read it again now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the creditor is come to take unto him my two so fearing the lord is not enough for you to have man the bible says in the book of james wow you say that you fear god well and good even satan fears him and trembles so you fearing god is not the difference maker spiritual yeah wow it is good but the devil does it too it means that we have to go beyond that am i communicating yes if i'm speaking to you just like you're speaking to me prophet i can't hear you type i'm you're speaking to me you're speaking to me prophet i can't hear you you're speaking to me i can't hear you you're speaking to me prophecy [Music] [Music] i don't know if somebody can hear me listen i don't know if somebody can hear me i don't know if somebody can hear me lord jesus [Music] i don't know if somebody can hear me loud and clear ready to i want this to really sink into people read keep going now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the create creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen stop right there i'm sorry i know i'm stopping it a lot here the reason why a lot of the churches not all but a lot of them are dry in revelation dry in power is because everybody wants to be the man they don't know that it's there is no shame if there is an elijah in the land go to him so that he can teach you why is elijah the problem is people will see elijah but they want to be elijah right they don't understand it's better to be elisha because you'll be greater he will add on to you what you don't have wow that's really good so you find that some people that i know that when god was raising me some of them when they saw god raising me they turned against me not because i did anything listen there is no one that can go and find any scandal about me zero amen amen no one will say oh he went to humanization zero you will never hear it you never hear it it doesn't exist but when they saw me prophesying they started saying i is using some strange powers so the devil is more powerful than god why are many people coming to jesus why are so many people growing in the things of the spirit that they are able to change the world can the kingdom of god be divided right so you sit down and you start wondering eh what is happening here what is going on here this makes no kind of sense some of the i i love them until now i just pray that one day god will help them to see that they will not waste what god put in them [Music] to them when you are not yet risen it was okay for them to be your friend because they wanted you to be under them the moment they see that god is raising you and you are on a different path you know things differently they recognize your gift they join themselves with you but when your gifts surpass theirs when they realized they became your enemy wow because now you have gone beyond the territory they know instead of saying brother i know you will right how did you get to this level yes they will never do that so what they end up being is they end up borrowing in the world creditors start coming after them that is why you find a lot of men of god always say being a man of god is so difficult there is always a tax against your attacks against your attacks against listen the devil is attacking everybody right you never had a job complaining about an attack you never had abraham complaining about an attack you never had any of the patriarchs complaining about an attack do you know why they never complained they knew through it all god is with them yes if it hit them it was because there was a lesson it was because god wanted to increase them the bible says the enemy will come rushing in as a flood but the spirit of god will raise a standard god will remove you from the level of the flood he will take you above the flood [Music] yeah but you're always saying there's so many battles or so many but that's why you keep losing because your confession even confesses that the devil has the ability to beat you and put you down right right yes elijah never said that yet elijah had problems problems are there for everybody right but problems remind us of our need for god amen that's good that's a slogan so if god is allowing more problems to come to it means that he really wants you to pay attention to him because he is the problem solver yes that's good why am i so having so many battles you go to any nations right now there are people having battles you are not special right that is why the bible says this there is nothing that has come upon you that is not common to every man but the lord will deliver you like he delivers every man you are not special because you're a man of god so people have come up with these theories because you're on the front line ah how can god put you on the front line and you have no ability to lead a nation to freedom wow let me stop i feel like please don't feel attacked i'm just correcting something amen problems are common the bible says jesus suffered the same issues that we do yes and he said because i overcome you overcome too yeah so why are you making your issues more than what jesus went through why are you making your issues more than everybody else all the attacks of children of god but my time is coming forgive us i feel like i'm talking to myself [Music] so we have doctrines we have doctrines because people borrowed from creditors yes that are coming after them my goodness that is why the holy spirit is another comforter jesus said i will send you another comforter meaning a child of god has more than one comforter amen but why can't two comforters comfort you that the problems you can be okay through during this round right right right david is saying as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thyroid comforts me yeah he was not afraid because he was comforted right why is he comforted because we have more than one comforter amen the holy spirit is the other comforter so our first comforter is god almighty in the form of our father then our second comforter is god in the form of the spirit then we also have angels that comfort us when jesus was about to go on the cross he was sweating blood the lord jesus was sweating blood and he prayed to his father father if it is your will take this cup of suffering but if it's not let your will be done the bible says that what does the bible says he says and angels came and comforted him yes but why is it that your issue is beyond the comfort of god wow wow wow jesus is sweating blood you have never sweated blood in your life right jesus christ [Music] my goodness oh my goodness yeah bishop memories are coming [Music] i will send you another meaning they already comfort us but another one is being added he's not saying i will add a second comforter saying i will add another meaning you have more than one comforters they are angels of god there is a spirit of god and there is god himself the lord said i will wipe your tears away god is saying i'll wipe your tears the holy spirit is coming to comfort you angels are there to comfort you but your problem is so big because you think that your problem is unique come on somebody comes and tells you brother and sist my brother my sister don't worry it will pass you are saying that because you don't know how how big my problem is [Music] that's true you want people to come to you and tell you oh your problem is so dumb it's so bad then you say um only god can deliver me out of this one but you don't really believe it because when the message of god came you said no remember when the lord jesus in luke chapter 4 went into the temple and read from isaiah 61. the bible says that when he finished reading he said and these words are fulfilled in your hearing the bible says they marveled at the gracious words that he said and they said is this not the son of joseph we used to see in our neighborhood right who do you think you are yeah they did not marvel in the sense that god is good they marveled in the sense that so you think what you said is gonna take away my problem [Music] what other word will take away your problems the bible says there is words of comfort meaning a human being also is another comforter but you don't want a comforter you want people that will make you sink deeper in depression [Music] hey i've met people that because for me i'm not a negative person you will never find negativity in me amen so when somebody comes with a big problem i level it up and they realize oh it's not a problem my son apostle jt still tells me papa i don't know how you do it i think something is so big and it becomes so small i'm telling my son because there is no big problem hey but there are people when you speak positive they say man you're too optimistic right is there anything like being too optimistic so you want me to be afraid right is it not better to be optimistic right is it not better to have hope because of creditors that have come after you my god crazy this is why i don't like sympathy yeah to be honest with you and i'm sorry if you are among the people that are live that you did this i'm not trying to shoot a shot at you many of you did this without knowing there is nothing i hated when all this uh blm thing was really like popular when people would type i will speak for you when you can't speak people of other races am i mute i don't i'm not a victim please don't treat me like a victim i'll i will fight for you and you can't fight for yourself victimhood is bad it's not godly that's true you are more than conquerors you want to be evicted and the problem is even church endorsed these things and now they are seeing it literally burning in front of their eyes there's men and women that i saw posting oh god is about to fix this and this and they don't and i kept saying guys this is the agenda of the do you remember yes yes some people even attacked me now look at what that has produced right that the people that who are running behind it 90 of them have said no no no this thing is not even for us they came in and made you creditors now some of people are paying for it because they found themselves in more problems than they even wanted in the first place yes wow wow youtube are you there and i'm saying this out of love amen anyone that remembers i said these things yes you did i prophesied these things before they did happen yes i remember one woman of god messaged me she said by the way i am a prophet too and uh what is about to happen is there's about to be a big liberation that is gonna make us become this and this and this and i already prophesied it said woman of god god bless you right right time will tell right you know and somebody has to tell you i am a prophet also you're not a prophet right wow wow the spirit of a prophet knows who a prophet is my duty is not to come and tell you who is a prophet who is not a prophet no no i'm here to do the work god has given me yes i know the ones that are real and i know the ones that are fake and i know those who have the gift right but if you want to be co-prophet i'll call you master prophet i have no problem honoring people amen now i really i don't have a problem doing that if that's what you want to be addressed glory to be god right listen i have seen god i'm not talking about a god that you've read i have seen elohim with my eyes amen amen wow that doesn't make me special because i'm not the first one right but i'm telling you i know what i'm talking about a prophet is dead they are coming to take his sons why is it insignificant that they are coming for his sons notice she said she's and they're coming for my two sons it means that he had other he had daughters also because he's saying they're coming for my sons not coming for my two children that are boys she said they are coming for my two sons it means they are daughters now you have to know why it was significant for her to say that to the prophet because inheritance is passed on to the sons yes yes in those days that's what the bible says this it says those who are led by the spirit are the sons because to be a son is an inheritor yes now we know daughters also inherit but traditionally my daughter lolo got married to my son brown she is no longer her father's daughter in the sense of name she has become a brown man brownie stuck with brown whether he likes it or not if his father was prosperous that name brown would be honored if the name brown was dishonored he is also a man of dishonor wow that is why they did not call jesus son of david they called him son of joseph because joseph was a nobody wow is this not the son of joseph they ridiculed him yes wow when they would say son of mary they are referring to the descendant of david because mary has no seed and the descendant of david will come born of god so when they say son of david when they say son of mary they are saying a descendant of god through david but when they say son of joseph they're insulting him yes so every time they will call jesus and jesus will say the son of man has nothing he's referring to his joseph nature can you see beyond the joseph nature wow that is why i thank god for for you who are here listening to me you saw the joseph nature in prophet ely and you stood by him because you saw beyond you saw the son of mary amen wow i hope somebody understood what i'm saying i didn't say i'm jesus i just gave you a parable for you to understand [Music] keep reading now daughter uh two kings four verse two and elisha said unto her listen to what elisha said what shall i do for thee what shall i do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house tell me what you have when you go to god and you ask him lord i need financial breakthrough god says no problem what do you have in your house i feel like i'm talking to myself come on papa when god moses went to god and god told him moses i have come down to deliver the children of israel yeah he said oh god why am i going to god god says what do you have in your hand i have a stuff he said very good throw it on the ground and see what will happen god always comes to see what you have god does not come to give you what you don't have because everything that you will ever have will begin with what you have you can never receive financial increase if you don't have a dollar wow jesus could perform miracle money god could bring bread from heaven but remember everything that came supernaturally could never be sustained that fish was a one-off the bread in the wilderness was a one-off in fact they could not after the morning the bread went bad you couldn't even store it it was a one-off why could it not be sustained because it didn't come from you wow its nature is not of the earth everything that comes into the earth expires but what is taken from the earth put into the celestial world cannot expire i feel like i'm teaching better hey my goodness wow lord [Music] what do you have wow my goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] you see for the life of god to flow through you you start by giving your life if you never give anything that thing cannot be sustained wow that is what jesus said unless you are in me and i in you if jesus is just in you the fire of the spirit will stop this is why sometimes some of you you get revived and then after a little revival you become normal again then you say i can't pray the way i used to pray is because god invested in you but you never poured yourself into him if you pour yourself into him then your fire becomes consistent it will never die out he will never burn out but because he poured in you but you never poured yourself into him the fire dies then now you have to look to start another fire that is why the lord jesus told me this he says he said this to me my son i have sent you into this land to raise a people of fire not a people on fire because somebody who is on fire the fire can be quenched but somebody who has become fire he has entered into the consuming fire remember god is a consuming fire when you enter into a consuming fire then in the natural world you produce fire that cannot be quenched amen my goodness yeah facebook are you there you see we are in a season of building god's house right amen do you realize the messages i'm teaching you i'm teaching you life tools yes yes i'm not just telling you give because it is good to give god will give you billions i am teaching you why from today even after we have acquired the building by the grace of god amen for years to come you will never be in the condition you used to be thank you jesus thank you thank you hey thank you [Music] [Music] i feel like i'm talking to myself [Music] my desire is what will be deposited in you by the spirit of god amen you see i don't preach with fancy words eh no no my words are very human but the content is not humor this is first corinthians chapter two verse one being fulfilled you don't need exciting words you just need the truth of heaven yes i'm just teaching you that jesus i've met oh man may the living jesus be honored forever amen the prophet is asking her what do you have he said what can i do for you tell me what do you have in your house read it again my daughter from beginning yes now there there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying thy servant my husband sorry let me just add something read it again now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elijah the sons of the prophets some please don't get angry let me not say this [Music] one of the sons of the prophets some of you you know some of you are on a titanic but you're allowing yourself to think you're like that ben there was a band that played music until they sunk right right what were they called do you know the name they were on the titanic the name of the band yes it was just a quartet whatever they were there playing when the titanic is drowning they said guys let's play our last gig while leonardo is drowning oh my goodness youtube are you there they were playing yet the sheep is sinking right yes but the disciples of jesus are in with jesus on the boat the storm is coming and the water is getting into the boat they say jesus don't you care we are thinking jesus is wondering how can we think when i'm here right right he rebukes the storm and asks him where is your faith wow some of you you have been on the wrong boat aka wrong fathers then when problems arise you start looking for let me keep my mouth shut let's continue i don't want to start and people start no let me just go let's continue please in the beginning no no no verse two are you on verse two already uh almost okay keep going and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be bondman yes and elisha said unto her what shall i do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house and she said thine handmaid had not anything in the house save a pot of oil stop right there your handmaiden has nothing in the house except what a pot of oil except a pot of oil your handmaiden has nothing in the house except a pot of oil the foolish virgins had their pot of oil but they spent it on useless things when the lord came they had nothing those who are wise to invest their pot of oil when the bridegroom came their lamps could light up some of you the oil that you have in your house what is the oil the oil is what keeps you going you have it but you have never done anything with it wow the power that god gave you to produce wealth you acquired 500 1 000 10 1 billion 10 billion you slept on your oil never put it in god not understanding that oil oil works two ways if you use it it runs out if you keep it it dries up wow if you spend it it runs out if you keep it it dries up so meaning that they are not supposed to not be used one way or another right yeah yeah yeah the question is how do you use it right if i keep it in heaven i sustain it right if i use it because of the sake of the kingdom then i sustain it even for myself read that line again and she said thine handmaid had not anything in the house save a pot of oil then he said go borrow the vessels abroad abroad of all thy neighbors listen to what elijah said he said okay you have a small thing very good go and borrow vessels don't go and borrow oil go and borrow vessels from all your neighbors not your friends your neighbors for elisha to bless her she needed to increase her capacity elisha did not depend demand the oil she already had oil what you don't know is your 100 can turn into hundreds of thousands your thousands can run into millions your millions can run into billions if you put it in god the problem is are you willing to expand yourself wow my goodness so it's telling him go and borrow vessels not oil why because if i borrow a plate i can just give it back if i borrow oil now i need to work to get oil to give you back oil that's good what did it say again read it again then he said go borrow the vessels abroad abroad of all thy neighbors go abroad and borrow from all your neighbors so if you have a hundred neighbors go get all their jazz tell them i'll bring it back in the evening go borrow all their jazz go and borrow all their jazz now let me give you an example people who own uh refineries oil companies rent it from them they don't borrow it they rent it from them because they have oil to sell they need a refinery to process and to store so many times the oil companies don't store their own oil and they don't refine their own oil they pay companies to do that for them right and the profits they make because they their profit is almost 100 they have the ability to keep paying those people that have vessels yeah yeah [Music] is this making sense making sense even people who are in farming some people just go and rent farms yes wow yeah they don't go and borrow farms because if they borrow it now their profit they have to share it yeah yeah but they can rent it huh yeah even tractors to plow they don't have to own anything they can rent it yes because they have the oil to do that so when their profit comes which is a hundred percent not even 10 percent will be given to those people but they will pay them outside of their profit so it tells us go and borrow every vessel abroad every one from your neighbor continue even empty vessels even empty go and look for every vessel even empty vessels keep going borrow not a few don't borrow a few god once wanted to let me explain to you god wanted to expand this woman to be the first oil tycoon in the middle east one woman will have the capacity the riches of a whole community by herself my god my [Music] the prophet insisted don't get a few go and borrow from all your neighbors if they have empty ones even better yeah notice he did not say oil vessels means that if somebody had a jar of water pour the water out wow because what is about to be filled there you have money to buy them vessels it's no problem you just borrow the where the oil can go amen you see capacity is such an important thing in the eyes of god capacity is such an important thing to god because god wants this woman had no heavenly account now the prophet wants to help her to become the prophet of our life so that she can have a heavenly account amen keep reading and when thou art come in thou shalt shut the door upon thee when you come in you will shut the door it will be a secret no one should know what we are doing and upon thy sons and shall pour out unto all those vessels listen he said this when you come back home you take that those vessels put them in the house fill them in the house just you and your sons and you pour out that oil in all the vessels keep reading and thou shalt set aside that which is full then you will set aside that which is full meaning when they fill up you move they fill up meaning that the elisha took the oil put it in the account of heaven where it could continue to pour out yes his master did the same thing with oil and bread elisha is carrying the same ability may god give you my ability now watch this continue and it came to pass and it came to pass when the vessels were full when the vessels were full that she said unto her son she said unto her sons bring me yet a vessel bring me yet a vessel and he said unto her and he said unto her there is not a vessel more there is not a vessel and the oil stage and there's oil stopped this is the problem now the bible doesn't tell you the woman went to borrow wow the woman just used the vessels in a house oh my goodness jesus when time passed she did what the prophet said but she did it with her own vessels in the house she never went to borrow one wow [Music] this is the problem of christians you give them a prophetic instruction let me tell you a prophet is a prophet that is what the bible says when you when you when you believe god he will establish you you believe a prophet he will prosper when a prophet gives you an instruction please it doesn't benefit him it will benefit you amen my benefit is that you see jesus you touch jesus and you walk in the life of jesus amen that is my reward thank you god that is my benefit your benefit is having more oil that you can do more for god amen keep reading then she came and told the man of god she came and told the man of god and he said and he said go sell the oil and pay thy debt and pay thy debt and live thou and thy children of the rest notice he said now go and sell the oil pay your debt and whatever other oils you have live off of it start a business the problem is the woman never borrowed a lot of vessels she just borrowed what she used what was in her house because she was so short-sighted she just wanted money to solve the problem of her children the extra vessel she had was just enough for her to continue to survive wow god wants you to expand your account and your capacity now amen amen amen this opportunity for god's need is a big opportunity for you amen it's a big opportunity for us or even me myself i'm actually giving you know people don't know that i told you guys the amount i haven't said it online even me myself i'm giving amen i am the one that is the priest of the house but the priest is also doing because i want it for my family too amen amen i want also my family to be blessed i will be a fool if i allow you to be blessed and i don't get blessed amen just because god gave me the mission i don't want to be like that prophet that when god raises billionaires in our church i will be just a millionaire come on i should be a trillionaire by then are you getting what i'm saying yes i don't want to be left behind i should be the one leading the way amen this is your chance now this is your chance now amen i want now for him to put the tears there i want you now to shift your mindset for a second i want you to shift to your mindset for a second a sacrifice should cost you if it doesn't cost you it's not a sacrifice the reason why this woman it was easy for her not to push and go and borrow is because she was not sacrificing right she was just thinking of a problem some of you in the past have just given because you have a problem you want god to come through but this god is trying to give you a lifetime of solutions many are the trials of the of the of of the righteous but the lord delivered them from all you should be delivered from all your trials listen to me the legacy founders the platinum partners the gold partners the silver partners the bronze partners the the friends of revelation partners these are sizes of vessels what you're giving you're determining the vessel that will receive the oil oh yes yes yes no we don't need to go to it we are okay amen is somebody listening to me yes yes these are simply vessels that will receive your oil amen amen if you stretch yourself you get more you go conservative you have less these words don't work unless you follow the principle that is being spoken to you amen amen amen i want you to do it right now and say lord i am going to sacrifice like i've never sacrificed before i have extra understanding i want my account in heaven to really sustain me on earth amen amen the economy of another country if your account is in another country and the economy of that country controls your wealth it doesn't matter if you're in a country that is having a depression you always do well amen because your account is offshore amen amen i want you to do it right now i want you to go i want you to put the the giving information i want you to go right now to to venmo i want you to go to paypal and i want you to wire something to the account i want you to go and wire something to the account go find something that means something to you and the level that you want god to bless you i want you to do it with all your heart and say lord jesus i want to do something for your kingdom but i also want to benefit my children that after my time those who come after me those who proceed from me they will benefit from what i have they will benefit from what i left behind let me be a carrier of oil remember the bible says it is i that gives you the power to make wealth so the level of anointing determines the level of wealth business ideas will flow amen different things will flow that will bring prosperity amen he's gonna play a song and i want you to go immediately i want you to make it full screen so that people can see i want you right now to go as fast as you can and begin to give us there playing the music and just give and then i will read those who are giving go for it now in jesus name [Music] so every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness cause without you [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] so [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am me me you're the answer that i need you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am completely wherever you want me you deserve nothingness me me you're so mighty but you're full of compassion [Music] worthy wonderful awesome [Music] to seek your holy face i'll leave my voice to honor you there's no one else like you lord i lift you i don't understand your love you're so patient you surround me with your grace it's so much forgiving the [Music] worthy wonderful awesome glory glory to you to worship [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless everybody now i'm going to go through some of the people that are giving you see have you realized something have you realized something that um these principles i'm giving you they don't need prayer they just need you to follow directions see not everything is about rapper takata machine gun glock not glock what is it magnum do you know which one that is it doesn't it doesn't need anything simple principles living principles from the heart of god the woman came to elijah elisha didn't say go and fast and pray lola why are you dying with laughter is it not the truth it has nothing to do with that it has nothing to do with the fasting and prayer amen zero you obey principles you see the results that is why when somebody tells you give to god and people start saying let me pray about it it shows you're not spiritual because you don't know god has spoken when the prophet said go and borrow evidence let me pray about it sir you see there are levels of prayer that god when you pray you pray so that you get an answer breakthroughs come or changes come because you have followed a principle yeah if you don't follow a principle and you don't go after principle you destroy yourself this is not about rubber para qatar qatar somebody is somebody catching me true deliverance you see satan is called the prince of darkness it means is the first one you have to understand darkness means ignorance the first to be what ignorant so in the bible says you are in darkness it's not saying you are in hell saying you're ignorant that is why my people perish because of lack of what knowledge do you realize that solomon if you look at solomon you look at job you look at all these people they never prayed too much they were more doers than people who pray because god is saying you telling you that just shall live by faith not by prayer have you ever asked yourself this question job loses everything he's living outside he has no house he has nothing after he reconciles with god what he needed to reconcile the bible tells you immediately god multiplied everything he had meaning what he had was not lost you didn't catch it god multiplied everything that he had if he had 50 camels they became 10 000 camels what why how is god multiplying which he doesn't have anymore the wind destroyed the earthquake destroyed the fire destroyed but the bible is telling you god multiplied everything right right right wow jesus he was stored in heaven he never lost anything when his wife is telling him cuss god and die he did not panic he knew where his treasures are that's why he kept saying god will vindicate me god will prove i didn't do anything jesus so when the devil was saying take things from him god knew that job cannot curse him because job knew where the money is wow wow or do you want to read it in the scripture so that you know go to job go to the last chapter and read what happened go to the book of job oh go go daughter you go go quick quick amen i feel like i'm talking to myself listening how is job becoming rich he doesn't he hasn't started any business job was a deep giver when his children were sinning he didn't pray he gave are you you're not catching when his children were going for parties he was giving perhaps they may have to have messed up he was offering things to god wow job you want your children to change don't just give don't just pray what does it say which one the last chapter 42 and job answered the lord and said i know that thou can't do everything and thou no thought can be withholden from thee who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge therefore have i uttered thy that i understood not things too wonderful for me which i knew not here i beseech thee and i will speak i will demand of thee and declare thou unto me i have heard of thee by thy hearing of the ear but now my eye seeth thee he is demanding because he has seen hey you are praying and others are demanding wow when you go to the bank you say hey i need 10 000 you don't ask you demand it's yours keep going wherefore i abort myself and repent in dust and ashes and it was so that after the lord had spoken these words unto job after the lord had spoken this was to job the lord said to allah elephants my wrath is kindle against thee all those people that accused him god said you my wrath is kindled against you you said he sinned and you didn't know what i was doing with him keep going and against thy two friends for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right you have not said the right things of job before me keep going as my servant job as job has therefore taken to you i take unto you what now servant baloch and sir and so god is telling him you want me to stop being angry go and give to hey you are job catching it god is not saying fall on your knees repent god is telling go and find how many bullocks seven bullocks go find seven cows and seven rams seven rams and go to my servant job and go to my servant job and offer up for yourselves offer up for yourself a birth offering a burnt offering and my servant job shall pray for you and job will pray for you so notice this go and offer an offering to job and then job will pray for you so who was the executioner of god it was job job so when you needed a breakthrough you went to job god is saying you want me god is speaking to this man it means this man could hear god god is saying don't repent go to job now you want me i'm angry i want to go to job take seven god is demanding what he should give yes so some of you you want to break a curse of no breakthrough there is no prayer for you to give come on come on wow jesus some of you want to break certain demonic powers there is deliverance whereby you cast out devils but curses some cases it's not a demon that is in you it's a pattern that needs to be cut but you destroy it by giving keep going wow um i for up to boil out seven rams and go to my servant jobs and offer up your yourself burnt offering and my servant job shall pray for you for him for him will i accept least i deal with after your folly notice this god is saying i will only accept it if you give it to job there are certain things you will never activate it from god unless you go to a man that god gave those principles when you do it in the presence of that man god unlocks the thing because god has accepted him that's what god has given it to him some of you you don't understand that there are certain revelations if i speak to you now and you go and do it to your local church it will not work because your pastor was not given this lock this key it will work where you heard the message of truth that's good that's crazy i have accepted job meaning there were men of god that god spoke to but he did not accept them in this dimension only job keep going and that ye have not spoken of me the thing which is right like my servant job elephants and did according as the lord commanded them they did as the lord commanded them the lord also accepted job and god also accepted job and the lord turned the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends also the lord gave job twice as much notice this now let me tell you the secret god accepted job but god was not going to release the breakthrough for job until they brought money wow so for god to open the accounts of heaven for job because they were closed because there was no longer transaction his account in heaven was frozen jesus so when they came to offer it before job and job is offering it to god god accepted him why is god accepting it if job gives they have no accounts job has one so job is activating his accounts but by activating his account god is now forgiving them so god is using somebody else's finances to unlock jobs hey so they are giving so that they can be forgiven but because job remember now it is not them that are giving it because god is only accepting who job so as job is giving it is as if him is the one now going back to transactions with his account so god is blessing these people for giving these people because of job's account not because of their account because their account did not have mercy their accounts did not have forgiveness my god what did god do for job when he prayed for his friends also the lord gave job twice as much as he had had before twice as much as he had had why why is there a measure of what he had because it never went anywhere because remember what these people brought was not what job had job ad more than that this was unlocking and unfreezing an account my goodness just up there we don't need to keep reading i'm going to give people one more chance yes because this message i won't repeat again yes and there is something called teshuva grace whereby when the word is being spoken you activate it then amen i'm going to give people one more chance you're going to play he made a way god just made a way for you use it before tomorrow because today's grace will be different tomorrow go for it son no matter what the problem is i know you can get me out of it i can always count on you i'm yours and i'm proud i was all i can say he made jesus jesus [Music] every second ain't no way to ruin it just keep on renewing i [Music] [Music] he changed [Music] me god bless every one of you i'm gonna go to paypal i'm gonna let me start with venmo i'll start with venmo uh amanda cambridge gave eight dollars shanice elias can you say praise god one in there don't stay quiet just say praise god we are celebrating god for them amanda cambridge gave eight dollars amen charnese gave 25 dollars lisa longo you are spirit she gave 78 dollars amanda cambridge gave another hundred dollars uh kami mcfadden gave six hundred dollars uh stephanie kipray gave 50 dollars tracy people's give twenty dollars andy ortega ortega gave 25 dollars praise god jessica amaya gave a hundred dollars my daughter god bless you wow what a powerful seed amen every city is powerful but when people hit the tears it moves me you know alex tax gave 25 dollars shaken cutlet gave a hundred dollars expansion oh no she said ruiz gave a hundred dollars brianna my daughter gave 30 dollars keisha adams gave a hundred and fifty dollars and uh maurice elias who has also been giving deep has given four dollars my daughter gave a hundred dollars alex jones gave fifteen dollars praise god terran who was here earlier my daughter the prophetess gave fifty five dollars gail my son gave thirty dollars greg diaz my son gave a hundred dollars sharon carrick gave fifty five uh five dollars and fifty five ima gonzales gave a hundred dollars lisa longo listen i'm about to be elijah to you and ask you what do you want you are scaring me she gave 333. 333. oj gives fifty dollars uh jennifer elias wrote uh she gave 30 dollars and she says our church i like that spirit amen that is a deep spirit and she commented on our own giving said uh more to come and taryn my daughter gave 55 dollars again francesca oj gave 50 that is extra deep that is extra deep let me go to paper uh quickly the wires will start coming in more of them will be clear tomorrow and if you can please screenshot your your wire and email it to us so that i can read your name and honor it because i don't think in the wire the the people at the office said the wires don't really show the names so please if you can do that that will be a blessing because i want to honor you i don't want you to think that what you are doing is not seen by god amen amen okay let me go on youtube no anything on paper on paper jesus my daughter i always want to say the last name but i can alex alex castrovenia castro vani castro giovanni i know she's watching me my daughter alex i love you so much thank you for your deep seat she gave ten thousand dollars she gave ten thousand dollars extra deep amen jesus amen praise god extra deep john key geetonga my son gave 25 praise god woman of noble character that's uh uh my daughter chandelle gave 55 dollars latissia trevor trevasand gave 50 dollars fred alvardinia gave 109 praise god amen makari mak maku makuseland inc gave nine hundred dollars john osawaru gave nine dollars praise god davion maxie gave nine dollars economic con morditus been giving too much she gave over 50 000 already she's given a one dollar my daughter the nephilim gave ten dollars tiffany lewis gave 20 dollars destiny hope gave one dollar jackie kai gave five dollars [Music] gave 674 dollars charlene mcafee mcfay gave one thousand dollars robert andrews gave nineteen dollars sarah de vanport gave 250 dollars noella almeida gave 12 dollars 14 cents christine thomasos gave 1164. deborah long gave 55 dollars alpha aeba gave five hundred dollars my daughter chantel who's extra faithful gave 20 foot 22 dollars and she called me and she we spoke and she's planning something extra deep and uh tomorrow's this one tia miss guerrero gave a thousand dollars muanza mwanza gave ten dollars uh sherry dunn the nephilim gave 15 dollars teresa thomas gave 20 dollars christina gaspar gave 17 dollars my daughter ann catalina gave 350. amen rising kingdom gave to uh 200 dollars mama peggy back gave four thousand eight hundred and fifty four i i think because he charged that yeah i believe she gave five thousand right and she already had sent money before so she's gone beyond beyond ten thousand amen mama peggy i salute you praise god praise god melina alves gave fifty dollars marcello gracia gave 96 uh dollars amen josiah rosen gave 145. brandis my daughter gave fifty dollars jd gave 25 dollars gina alwa gave joseph gave 96. praise god dollars forever king publishing gave one thousand amen tabisso julie gave four dollars ministry of fire international gave 500 dollars kevin lacy gave 200 20 dollars praise god uh troy gave 82 dollars i think troy was the one who was writing i sent i sent troy we saw it troy gardena jessica turner gave 1 000. cedric jerkins gave 100. leonel and uh finba gave finba biam gave one thousand dollars public housing gave a thousand dollars amen hey this is deep hallelujah this is extra deep this is extra deep this is extra deep ah this is too much people you are doing such a great work amen and i thank god for you i thank god for you hallelujah hallelujah i i want to invite uh i think my daughter lolo and bishop van have something they want to give to god come come come come on come on up don't leave the mic now don't leave the mic sir come on up come on up gobra tabayakata okay lola you want to sit pregnant one so it's too high up okay let's shoot no no come come come stand hey what is this again can you remove the giving oh you can keep it just make sure that now take it off so that they can enter in the frame completely yeah because there's two of them there are three of them there's three of them cabra sataya barcata labranda cadabaya lord jesus i bless you amen i glorify you amen you're worthy of all praise and adoration forever thank you for all your people unless they have honored your word honor them yes god papa we just we just love and we honor you ever since we've sat at your feet our lives have been transformed our union is stronger than it's ever been god is blessing us not only with a child but a vision of where we're going amen and we got this candle this represents the light that your church is going to be in the world amen our church yes so we're partnering with you and we're going to give 25 000 bemidji gold what was gold 25 five yeah extra deep 25 bamindas extra extra extra deep you're speaking my language now and you know i love candles this is extra deep i honor you and i have to say this um bishop van is one of those sons that uh when he's with me uh when i go far if lee's not there it is him if he's not there then it is taught and they're all just amazing at doing what they do and and this is this is a testament and they give a lot by the way even before this they already had given like how much was it like ten thousand i think ten five thousand yeah they had already given amen so they are not friends of revelation but this is evidence that people are being raised that understand the mission of god when god is using a man of god to impact you you have no problem adding oil to where the train is going yeah because you know the benefits that you have received i honor you and i bless you for doing this and god will surely surely surely honor you if you as you have honored your father and as you have honored god almighty the lord will honor you i'm proud of you and i thank god especially for fololo with the good hair lola from the hood are these 25 baminda is a brick may god bless you thank you for the candle too that's prophetic i receive it thank you so much please lola please sit don't we don't want the water to break or anything thank you lord jesus i'm going to read one more one more um giving because this was email that's why i want people to email uh so that we can announce you now this this moved me big time because uh the lord jesus knows and i thank god when the lord touches people's hearts um that are able to see the ministry of of prophet lovey elia to be truly of god because to be honest with you there is nothing i want more than the people to know jesus there's nothing i want more for people to encounter the power of the lord jesus there is nothing i want more than more prophets greater prophets i mean sons you know this when you say papa i want to be like you what do i say become more i want you to be more don't be like me i already have an expiration date because of you you are my continuation you have to be far more better accurate sharp in revelation and in the prophetic in healing and deliverance you have to be more amen and uh this touched my heart because uh there's a there's a couple richard and kathy i won't say their last name because i don't want people to start looking for them but uh they sent me a very touching email and it was given to me this evening and um i don't know what to say and every one of you that has given it has touched me to the point that i don't know what to say but this touched me in a way that because i am not even sure i have met them richard and and kathy if i have met you forgive me but i i usually my character is that when i meet people i don't try to to know people so much because i don't want when god speaks to me for people to think that i speak to them because i know them right yeah yeah this touched me i'm gonna read the email for you to hear it gina alwa god bless you god bless you for for the amount that you sent 500 may god bless you amen listen to what listen to what it says the email says dear prophet lovey and the fact that they called me prophet shows that god has opened their eyes to honor because people who if you receive a prophet then you receive a prophet's reward and a lot of people will say brother lovey but they didn't do that they called prophet love and it it really touched my heart amen they said dear prophet lovey [Music] we want to honor god and partner with you we have already initiated a 555 thousand dollars thank you jesus so and so i will not mention the person's name from the office will reach out to you [Music] i'll go to the last part of the email they didn't even ask anything but listen to what their desire is we greatly appreciate you and the training of disciples prophets and children their future is very important amen these are people that god has touched to see where we are going thank you jesus and i thank god that god has touched you also to see where we are going amen amen don't stop supporting this let me tell you children of god let's fight for this let's honor god with this amen amen father honor your people as they have honored you they have honored your servant because they have obeyed the voice of your servant knowing that you sent him honor each and every one of them honor them in every area of their life because they have desired to do something for you i bless you o lord for you are good i bless you oh god that you have accepted me so you have accepted them be glorified now and forever my lord and my god in jesus mighty name amen amen amen god bless you all shalom and i will see you tomorrow morning as we continue this giveathon for the for the for the vision of god amen god bless you and i'll see you tomorrow shalom [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] 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Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 5,754
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Id: TfzJ1cNU7eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 56sec (8096 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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