The Most Embarrassing Things You've Witnessed | People Stories #442

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what super embarrassing thing did someone else do that you'll never forget i was in a disneyland bathroom stall the man in the adjacent stall was in the midst of a serious poop struggle while the ambient hammer of the bathroom may have drowned out the plop it did not silence his exclamation jesus christ that thing is huge this was already loud enough to be uncomfortable for everyone then a second voice ro dad the turd spoke and called him dad in elementary school we had a student of the week celebration once a week to celebrate a kid one of my friends a pretty nervous shy kid and when he was called up to receive the award one friday he literally crap himself in front of the entire school a teacher grabbed him and rushed off stage with him the thing traumatic nightmares are made of love you buddy freshman year of college five weeks in i had a group project my group decided to write a script and read it to the class all four of us are up there reading and semi-acting out this 10-page script and everyone in class starts kind of giggling in between lines i make eye contact with this girl i was kinda seeing and she kept laughing towards me i thought maybe a booger was hanging from my nose zipper was undone but nope ended up that the kid next to me had a boner and did the little tuck in waistband trick the head of his dong was sticking out and he was wearing a small shirt so anytime he lifted his arms or moved around everyone saw the tip of his dong everyone joked about it when he wouldn't show up to class yeah the kid next to me sure champ sfo airport a man is running down the escalator and trips at the very end face planting with so much force that he slides a little guy gets up and keeps running trips and falls on his face again then gets up and just walks good man sfo is full of stairs and he would have peeled his face off if he kept running a kid crap his pants in grade school art class it fell down his leg when he stood up and he said a duck walked into the room and pooped on the floor long time ago my friend around his early 20s at the time was dating his sister's best friend she ended up breaking up with him a few of my friends brought him over to my parents place to cheer him up my friend who isn't very emotional at all got wasted proceeded to cry and bull and chug hard liquor he then threw up in every room of my house while my family watched and thought he was dying to this day they still bring it up to me asking if he is okay it was ten plus years ago all the kids in my fifth grade class were passing out valentine's cards during our party when i finished i went back to my desk and found a huge hallmark style envelope on my desk too big to fit in the box i had decorated i confused i opened it and found a real valentine's card with a declaration of love from a classmate named vinnie my teacher saw me reading it grabbed it and cheekily read it out loud to the class i was mortified i didn't think for a moment she would be cruel enough but then she said who it was from and my heart sank vinnie hid his head in his arms at his desk began to cry and shake then ran off to the bathroom i have never seen a more embarrassing moment and i hated my teacher for the rest of the year i still do in fact i'm so sorry vinnie that's such a mean thing to do i work at an elementary school one day in class while kids were working on projects together this quirky kid jumps up on a table and puts her hands on her hips bends over slightly and yells how would you like to be raised by lias she's giving the entire room looks and pointing she goes on to say last night i walked into the living room and my mom was doing sex and when i asked what they were doing they told me yoga but come on who does yoga naked she managed to get all of this out before a co-worker could stop her omg hilarious but i'm so embarrassed for the parents my dad actually does do yoga naked every morning learned from a young age to stay out of the living room until after breakfast when i was in elementary school and second grade we had a really cruel and strict teacher she refused to let the red-haired fat girl go to the bathroom during morning prayer private school she peed her pants in front of the entire class first thing in the morning i don't recall any classmates ever giving her crap about it but i'm pretty sure no one ever forgot it my best friend from high school farted during quiet reading time in english class it must have been loud because the popular girls surrounding her looked up in disgust in a panic my friend grabbed her seat and with forced bewilderment said oh my my chair is so squeaky she then proceeds to rock and shift positions frantically but the chair doesn't make a sound clearly defeated my friend spent the rest of class burning in self-loathing my mom's story in junior high my mom was sitting near her friend in math class we'll call her dana worthington they were both sitting right near dana's crush suddenly dana rips a fart and proceeds to blame it on my mom crush turns and says yeah nice try worthington she was mortified and some 50 years later it still makes my mom laugh i was in 11th grade and my buddy was in ninth i brought him to her party with me he got obnoxiously drunk on vodka there were these two 12th grade girls that i really wanted to talk up he came with me we are standing in front of them and they were sitting in chairs so they were our level with our crotches our game is surprisingly working and he is holding it together also i thought one of the girls exclaims oh my god he is p i look over and he is peeing his pants as we chat up these senior girls that are our level with our junk clearly he was marking the territory and establishing himself as the alpha male with my old aunt on the bus once she's a bit deaf so she tends to speak louder than necessary she leans over to me and in a hushed the very audible voice that everyone heard says to me omg look at that woman's ugly baby no look it's so ugly oh my god nudges at me hard look at it yeah the woman with the baby was sitting right next to us across the aisle with an ear shot cringe when i was kindergarten my class started singing the alphabet letters a boy sitting next to me was crapping himself while singing he became my best friend we are now 20 years old and i still remember that day this story is strangely heartwarming i walked into a bathroom once while some lady in another stall was in the middle of a major poop explosion as if that wasn't bad enough she started praising jesus thank you jesus splat splat but thank you thank you begone devil i was at a stoplight downtown and a group of one of those segway tours was crossing in front of me a guy near the end of the line of segway as tries to spin around and chat with someone behind him or something and just goes down like a sack of bricks now i don't know how those things work but i still assume it was a mechanical failure or some crap because this guy is now flat on his butt in the middle of downtown seattle just wrestling with this segway he's all tangled up in it and cursing flopping around and everyone's just standing there completely clueless on how to even begin to unlatch this red-faced dude from his segway it goes on like this for almost a full minute the light is green but i can't go because he's right in front of me finally he gets up and hops back on and rides away i nearly had to pull over i was laughing so hard on my way home guy that lived in the dorms at the university i went to was standing in our doorway talking to my roommate a very pretty girl married to a mlb player now that lived in the building tapped him on the shoulder because she wanted to get by and come into our room when the guy turned around he must have thought that she was raising her arms up to hug him because he wrapped his arms around her immediately very enthusiastically hugging her while saying oh hi and still after it passed the normal amount of time to hug someone he continued clutching her and started making a sort of groaning or humming sound like he was really enjoying it ugh the horror she had this fixed wide-eyed gaze right around him while this was going on and wow the shock wtf are you seeing this look on her face and her arms by her side while this man hunched over to grab her is something i will never forget but finally he let go of her she practically ran into our room and he walked away looking a little confused like he was slowly putting it together that he had made a mistake he's a dentist now so probably doing all right and doesn't remember but frick i cringe just thinking about that he remembers this dumb girl i see at the gym always says i followed by her bragging about something fitness related yesterday it was about how she can eat anything right before working out she ate an entire tray of nachos with extra quack how do i know she puked all over herself whilst doing bench press cried ran out of the gym and posted it on facebook later that afternoon a girl in my design class got up to give her presentation her computer is hooked to the projector and it's on she opens her email to find the presentation she send herself and as soon as the email is open someone in class says name why do you have an email titled turtle sex noises her head whips around to the screen and she shouts oh my god and then she jumps in front of the screen as she forgets how projectors work so turtle sex noises is now projected on her boobs and she stammers to quickly tell us that her boyfriend sent her the link the video is adorable and so on she goes on to do the presentation but the class won't shut up about the turtles so she plays the video and hides her face as this turtle makes adorable squeaky sounds as it makes love to issue and the class just loses it in high school a girl i knew had a crush on me i wasn't into her and had a girlfriend in a different school but i was always nice to her one day as she was taking her seat directly in front of me she ripped an embarrassingly loud fart people laughed but i acted like i didn't hear it poor girl i haven't seen her in probably 13 years but i'll never forget how deep the shade of red her face turned good on you for not laughing my girlfriend was sitting in the back of her history class in high school she accidentally farted while the room was silent everyone turned to look at her and she tried to play it off by turning around to look at the person behind her turns out she was sitting at the back of the room and there was only a wall behind her posted this once in another thread a kid in my school was put in a group project for a productions class he was very weird odd awkward anyhow long story short he took a camera home to review footage the next day it was time to review the project in front of the class evidently he had filmed himself masturbating but hadn't quite erased all the film by taping over it apparently the class caught just a couple frames of him jerking off right at the end of the film the class was in hour seven so he immediately ran out of class and onto the bus before the bus could leave he was approached by a group of administrative staff he ended up having a panic attack on the bus kicking screaming flailing anyhow he works at a gas station now good luck to you andrew one of my mates in high school had an absolutely massive dong everyone knew this because at every given opportunity he would turn on the overhead projector in a class where the teacher had not arrived yet and flop it out for all to see he wasn't embarrassed but everyone else cringed we used to call him rick's owner because his flaccid dong was as big as a can of deodorant my cousin once thought it would be hilarious to show everyone my parents included the two girls one cup video at a family birthday party to this day i have successfully avoided seeing a single second of that crap we all went out on the town with our boss after a convention walking back to the parking lot a car picks up a pay ticket at the entrance and pulls in we follow the car in on foot my boss walks past the ticket machine just as the barricade arm swings down smashing his face and destroying his glasses we all get in the car and as he drives you can hear everyone trying their damnedest to not laugh he whips around and screams in a pathetic tone stop freaking laughing at me then 10 minutes later he mispays a toll booth and another gay tom comes down it wrecks the left fender mirror and pillar of his truck as well as snaps off the arm one of my co-workers grabbed the arm as a soviet i'm laughing so hard at this poor man not one i witnessed personally but a friend of my sister took a trip to italy on their last night in rome this group of friends gets well and truly wrecked the next day the others are all for nursing their hangovers before catching the flight but this girl wants to get cultural so she goes to see the sights of rome and takes a trip to the vatican she shot herself she shat herself in the vatican then had to take public transport back to her hotel she is now known as chatigan one time in middle school we were outside and i can't remember why but i think it's because it was so nice out and we were having class outside or something everyone was with their friends and stuff and the one awkward kid in our class was laying down on the grass when everyone sees this huge boner he had no idea and everyone was pointing it out and making fun of him i felt bad he never bothered anyone jokes are on all the guys that made fun of him though because that boner was huge i work retail customer is attempting to smuggle wine bottles out of the store not in a bag no that would be too obvious right our genius middle-aged hero has decided that she will smuggle two bottles of wine out of the store by storing them beneath her dress she goes into the bathroom she's in there a while we start to think maybe we had it all wrong maybe she's just drinking two bottles of wine in the bathroom of a slightly ghetto corner drugstore finally the hero of this story appears once more from the depths of the drugstore bathroom but why is she walking funny oh no no way it can't be that right my co-worker and i are losing it laughing so hard we can't even talk the woman proceeds to waddle her way towards the front doors she's almost made it to freedom she stops to buy a bar of candy candy bought she aims for freedom when disaster strikes a crash echoes through the store the sound of breaking glass and the smell of cheap wine the amazing customer has just given birth to a bottle of wine right in front of the doors there is a moment of stunned silence from those who witnessed it and hysterical laughing from my friend and i since it confirmed what we suspected the woman continued out the doors a moment later but what happened to the second bottle of wine they sent me since i was the only female on staff that day to check the bathrooms apparently the second bottle of wine was too large and undertaking for her she also left her underwear behind i salute her as the most dedicated shoplifter i have ever seen in my career as a minimum wage employee heck if she came back and i would buy her a dang bottle of wine any woman willing to shoplift a bottle of wine that way deserves to have a drink at the end of the day tl dr woman gave birth to a bottle of wine most dedicated shoplifter i've ever seen i was at a water park in the wave pool and a girl had a boob knocked out of her bikini and didn't notice a lifeguard blew his whistle pointed and said your breast so i of course looked and saw it she simply said thank you and covered it back up but i'll never forget that big tip just hanging and feeling bad for her i'm just imagining the lifeguard blowing his whistle then standing up and doing the phoenix right objection point to her boob as he points it out in the navy you have to run a prt every six months if you fail any portion you get a prt failure on your record if you get three in a row you get kicked out of the navy i tell you that to tell you this i knew a guy in my command who was looking at getting kicked out for prt failure he absolutely had to pass his prt or he would lose his job livelihood and realistically his wife and kids part of the prt is a mile and a half run he had to do in under 11 minutes everyone runs together and we all start at the same time so they say go everyone starts running clock starts about five minutes and i look over and this guy is speed walking awkward as heck it was very obvious and very distracting i am coming up behind him i lapped him on the track and he relaxes and shoots himself no joke fills his navy issue pt shorts and keeps running he is running with a full load in his pants swinging behind him and running down his leg leaving a crap trail on the track behind him note this is official he can not fail if he quits it counts as a fail so he grits his teeth and keeps running i can't help but laugh as i'm running my prt he looks miserable but he is still running as fast as he can with crap just pouring out of his shorts i was embarrassed just watching this happen but his very existence on earth was to be determined by this run and nothing short or the apocalypse was going to stop him from finishing he ended up coming in 10 seconds under his time so he got to stay in but the fact that half the command had watched this guy crap his pants then run spewing crap behind him for six minutes was brutal people talked for years about that incident a little embarrassing sure but also really inspiring in a weird way it happened when i was 12 and sitting for an exam a girl sitting a few rows in front of me let out a really loud and stinky fart that made the whole room smell like crap fast forward an hour to after the exam the girl who farted refuses to leave her chair finally our teacher persuaded her to leave her chair and what we saw could not be unseen there were dire hero everywhere her dress had a huge stain and the cleaners had to jet spray the chair i noped out of the room in a flash or i would have puked as well fun times there was a science teacher in my secondary school in the uk who had a real dislike for a girl in my class no idea why she wasn't a troublemaker but he took an intense dislike to her one day she asked to use the toilet he said no she protested saying she just started her period and if he didn't let her leave she'd bleed on her seat he said she was lying and could wait until the end of class she wasn't at the end of class she stood up her seat was covered in blood as with the back of her trousers she looked at him told him she was going to report him and that he could clean up her seat himself since it was his fault it had blood on it the next class he under duress from hires up apologized to her in response she handed him a bill from her mother paying to have her expensive school trousers professionally cleaned it was awesome he never bothered her again i don't think that is as embarrassing as it is heroic witnessed a little girl at summer camp try so hard to do a pull-up that she farted i tried so hard not to laugh since i was one of the volunteers supervising the campers the fart was to propel her further obviously my best friend growing up asked this girl he liked for years to homecoming in ninth or tenth grade she asked him if he knew any sweet dance moves and he said you're i know how to break dance to which she replied show me and she began moving furniture for him he didn't know how to break dance but tried her and her friend laughed then we left it was bad can you imagine how fast that dude's mind was racing when they started moving furniture oh crap i've made a terrible mistake best just go with it some girl pooped in the hallway at school like on accident she was wearing a skirt and apparently could not make it a rumor was started about her saying that she was born without a butthole the doctors had to create a butthole for her so she could drop bombs that made it hard for her to control her functions nobody ever figured out if it was true or not to my knowledge our kids they come up with the best rumors in middle school i had a friend who was a walking disaster i could write a novel with all the embarrassing things that have happened to her for the sake of anonymity i'll only tell one she wore a knee-length skirt to school one day one of those that has a little slit on each side the slits weren't very long maybe a little over an inch on either side well throughout the day this girl somehow managed to slowly rip both sides all the way up the entire length of the skirt she was essentially just wearing a flap of fabric over her front and back by the end of the day it just so happened to be very windy while we waited for the bus outside i'll never forget her face as she stood there clutching both flaps of fabric to her body as best she could luckily she was one who was able to laugh at her own misfortunes we both got a good laugh at that one once a friend of my mom's came over my mom excused herself to go to the bathroom and her friend asked pee or poopy why when i was in the marine corps a buddy of mine went to a beach party and got stupid drunk like incapable of defending himself drunk at some point he was accosted by four or five surfer punk kids they were like 12 years old again he's a marine they basically circled him and were dart in close and hit his head then run away he finally realized he was too drunk to defend himself and too slow to catch the punks so he ran into a porta potty and locked the door behind him he then pulled out his cell phone to call for help but his drunk butt fumbled and dropped it into the toilet he had to wait almost an hour before the punk kids got bored and left by the following morning everybody had heard the story of how a couple of kids beat him up a freaking three years later he was still getting crap for it guy in high school crapped his pants for money he and the guys that paid him were all suspended from school they did not think they would get into trouble well that's a crappy situation my third day in toronto i was traveling back to my friend's apartment from the polaris convention lining up to get on the bus back downtown and a man in the front had a large suitcase as he got to the top step his suitcase fell open and out of it tumbled many different dildos and other sex toys most of them beijing kind of stained not sure whether it was because they were old or very well loved but as each one bounced down the steps he was repeating oh crap oh crap oh crap my friend and i were in shock then we just lost it and were silently laughed crying all the way back home poor bugger must have been so embarrassed if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 21,183
Rating: 4.9236884 out of 5
Keywords: most embarrassing moments, most embarrassing zoom moments, most embarrassing, embarrassing, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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