Weird Family Habits | People Stories #440

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what was something your family did that you didn't realize wasn't normal until you did it in front of others this one is kind of reverse but i still remember the first time i visited a friend's house and discovered that their dad just like lived with them all the time for context mine showed up once a year for my birthday until i was about nine then never again after that i feel bad for you although i hate my dad that my mother would scream and yell every single night in her sleep i legit thought it was a normal thing my mom has nightmares doesn't yours i dated a girl that had those and it not only creeped me out but she would start clawing and punching my mom is a yawn yellow when she yawns you can hear it from anywhere in the house one time my sister had a friend over and we were in the basement my mom yawned upstairs and my sister's friend asked was that a quality my mom yells when she sneezes in order for her to stop sneezing she has to basically sneeze really loud kinda like kacharoo one time my brother had a friend over and he thought something was going on outside it was my mom sneezing in her room dancing around our christmas tree not in like a satanic ritual sort of way only during the holidays and your usual christmas songs are sung did this every christmas throughout my childhood on my mom's side apparently it's a danish tradition i believe i brought it up to my friends one time and they thought i was insane seemed normal to little owe me dancing around the christmas tree is a required activity on christmas eve fact pretty much everyone i know does it bit as you say might just be a danish thing god we can dog gladly joel turns out that sarcasm is considered really offensive by a lot of people for my father it was basically the default mode of conversation and i was 23 years old when someone finally explained to me that no this is not how it works for most humans my dad and i speak really sarcastically but it's always a joke and we both understand that a guy i used to date insisted i was constantly being mean but i didn't think i was being mean at all he said it clicked once he met my dad and saw the way we spoke to each other we had a bag in our deep freezer where we kept kitchen scraps until garbage night it was pretty genius but creeped some of my friends out when we would raid the hot pocket stash my aunt in texas had a five-gallon bucket in her freezer of scorpions they had a lot of them down there on their property and every time she would catch one she'd throw it in the bucket with the rest of them in the freezer i never could get a straight answer why she didn't just kill them and throw them in the trash flush the toilet after peeing we tried to save water so we basically peed until someone took a dump then one day i went to a family friend's house and freaked everyone out because i didn't flush this thing can work until your bathroom gets filled with pee smell not recommended we stored bread in the microwave loafs buns rolls you name it to use the microwave we would pull it all out and then put it all back not sure why i didn't question this growing up that's just where the bread was kept i do this now if it's in the cupboard it attracts mice if it's on the counter the cat annihilates it can't win microwave bread safe it is my parents always had an open house policy we lived in a tiny house but friends were always welcome to drop by my friends were always welcome to stay the house was always full of people holidays big meals with lots of family and friends went to my in-laws strict appointment only meals are had in silence even at holidays and in 20 years i have never been allowed upstairs and neither has my daughter but she's 17 now and just doesn't visit them anymore because they are so weird husband avoids them as much as possible i'm not sure if they are the odd ones or my parents are three out of four members of my immediate family have the same condition where we grow benign tumors in our brain and spine so conversations about brain surgery and muscle wastage and loss of function are common i knew it wasn't normal but we kind of keep forgetting how most healthy people react to work i'm losing the ability to move my toes it's annoying use assorted german words in casual conversation which as a child i assumed were english until i got confused stares from friends my family has been in the u.s since 1902 my dad's family does it both ways he thought a lot of italian words were english then he visited italy and discovered a lot of his italian words were just english with an accent oh definitely casually telling my friends sexual conversations that my mom and i had turns out my mom was over sharing my whole life and i never knew it was weird mine would try to guess who masturbated and opponently called out my brother at the dinner table for being caught jerking off keep in mind i was seven people are absolutely baffled that my parents are still friends after separating and that my dad and my stepdad get along so well they even kept living together until mom bought her house dad kept the original house and when my stepdad came to visit from his home country he'd stay at home too my parents hold no elbow towards each other at all and have always gotten along well they just grew into different people and realized they wanted different things out of life their houses are 10 minutes apart and they invite one another over for dinner all the time they still help each other out when one of them needs something they still do activities together and they'll sometimes drive together to come visit me too many of my friends whose parents have separated have shared what amounts to horror stories about it it sounds like a lot of separations are aggressive violent even and definitely not as chill as my parents separation was seriously the hardest part of all this for me is deciding whose house i'm staying at when i visit home lol my mom and i have had this inside joke where we go don't talk to me or don't even look at me in response to stupid crap i don't remember how when it started but i've been doing it since i was a we kid i didn't realize how odd it was until i said fine don't talk to me then in response to my mom telling me i couldn't get a video game i asked for and a woman in the aisle with us got offended she pulled my mom aside and told her i don't need to be talking to her like that and she needs to teach me how to respect her mayor my mom explained that it's a joke that we do but she doesn't think the woman believed her my husband and i joke like this too my friends get really uncomfortable when i roll my eyes and say i don't even like you i want a divorce and he says good you smell like wet garbage and flea market a family towel we had a towel rack and we just hang our towels it wasn't designated to anyone in particular and every few days we'd just replace the dirty towel with a clean one in college a friend came to visit our home when she very politely asked why we all use the same towel it just never occurred to me that that was weird everyone in the family extended family included likes each other and gets along one boyfriend commented that my family was weird because everyone got along no massive fights screaming and yelling each holiday bringing up decade-old grudges once or twice a year like he has never met his uncle because his dad and uncle hate each other too much tbh this is weirder to me than the guy whose dad jizzes on him i grew up in a family of deep sleepers i could sing loudly slam the door and talk on the phone at 2am and i wouldn't get a single complaint i've built some god-awful habits because of this didn't realize how rude i was when closing doors staying up late until i moved to college and had roommates sorry to my roommates jose and friends respond to sneezes with a sarcastic you are not blessed i got a lot of weird looks in school from my teachers i about killed a distant family member from a surprise laughing fit my response sent him into though lol he was actually kind of impressed we had that sense of humor at our young age i used to say bless me dang you after i sneeze was not popular thing to say in front of a teacher it seems far more common for parents to be very overtly cautious controlling of their kids activities not that my parents let us have free reign but they trusted my brothers and i to walk around the neighborhood usually in big groups bedtimes weren't really enforced after like age 10 and never on weekends ironically later i was pretty often the safe friend to the more cautious parents because i turned out real boring i was probably a bit of a special case because i've always had a touch of anxiety but i think having my parents trust kind of removed the rebellion of it same i had no curfew once i was 12 or something and i turn out boring as well but my friend's parents love me because i was such a good kid my in-laws every time they come around for a meal they'll start washing and drying all the dishes afterwards even stuff we have next to the sink from breaky lunch and if i've convinced one of them they don't need to do the dishes the next lot to step into the kitchen will come out asking why they all haven't done the dishes yet they're dutch maybe that gives this some context my husband and i will clear the table and leave the dishes beside the sink put the kids to bed then load the dishwasher my in-laws were here for a couple months and they would wash all the dishes by hand the second the meal was over i kept being like the dishwasher but they treated it like voodoo sorcery smoking indoors i didn't do it but my gf at the time had a veritable panic attack when we had my mother over for dinner it was the first and only time my mother came to visit i was born mid-seventies so i remember smoking in malls plains hospitals etc both my parents were non-smokers which made them unique enough but still every time someone came over they'd pull out these giant ashtrays for their guests such a different time apparently it isn't normal to do grave rubbings when i was little and went to graveyards with my family sometimes they would bring paper and crayons to rub old dates and names onto them like a leaf rubbing i was reminiscing on this once with my friends and realized that these rubbings weren't a normal thing to do once they all gave me horrified looks my parents were hardcore penny pinchers when i was growing up even though they both had decent jobs our water usage among other things was controlled and timed which led to me washing dishes in a certain way that minimized the number of times i opened the faucet over the years my parents tedious money-saving methods began to fade but a few things didn't our dishwashing method being one of them one night a friend of mine invited me over and i stayed for dinner i offered to help with the dishes it only took a few dishes before my friend was like what are you doing why are you washing in dirty water he then proceeded to turn the faucet wide open i felt so dang wasteful at that moment it felt like i was watching dollars bills go down the drain i was expecting his parents to go off any minute for being so wasteful but nothing happened they probably thought i was weird for reusing the dirty water this method of washing dishes was normal for them yet felt so taboo to me i was 13 you at the time sleep after the meal during holiday get-togethers just the men the women exchanged gifts we would all go into the living room and watch football and kinda doze no big deal did this once at my girlfriend's family christmas and evidently i embarrassed her or maybe offended someone but either way i was the only one asleep while everyone else was energetic and conversing lively with family i was woken up by girlfriend with an angry tone asking why i was asleep during the party i was comfortable relaxed and we just had a lot of food made sense to me dang that definitely seems like something that would be perfectly normal in some families and rude in others my mom made up words i didn't know this until i was an adult out in the world saying fake words and having no idea wonka george means when you've been laying or sitting down and your pants need to be adjusted goo goo baby small baby that still makes cooing sounds and probably still wears a diaper just the memorable one there are so many i used to call my dress shoes clippety clops apparently it's not normal for your parents to openly and graphically discuss their sex life with you and it's definitely not normal for your parents to have multiple partners younger than you oof that's awkward the if he hits you it's okay to hit him back rule i'm say he since i only have a brother just as long as it wasn't downright brutal or enough to have longer term consequences that a string that lasts maybe three minutes it was okay i'm older than my brother so this didn't happen but when he was a baby going through his biting stage my dad told me to bite him back i did i don't think he bit me again are we kinda itch the inside of our throat says by making this noise with our throats and putting one finger in your ear and moving it real fast apparently this is very weird and my friends still look at me funny omg we do the throat noise too it's like my whole family does it instinctively and it annoys freaks people out to no end my co-worker used to tell me i sounded like a whale when i did it which was a lot because hello allergies constantly singing my dad sings and plays the guitar my mom was in coruscan in high school and two out of my three sisters take theater class and vocal lessons and one of those sisters plays the ukulele i constantly hear people walking around the house singing and sometimes we'll do impromptu musical numbers belting out different songs from shows and movies that we like because of this i've kind of picked up a habit of singing without even realizing it my friends will tease me sometimes when we do group discord calls and they hear me start singing out of nowhere but i didn't realize how truly strange it was until i was at a party with some friends i was in a good mood so i burst into song and they all just looked at me like i was crazy that's when i realized that my house is like an iron musical 24 stroke 7 and i guess that's not very common keep singing brother i would love to sing musicals all day long my wife would murder me i envy your musical home when we have big family dinners sunday nghts thanksgiving birthday dinners christmas and just regular nightly dinner my mom would serve us each individually from the kitchen instead of putting the food on the table and letting everyone serve themselves i didn't realize how weird this was until being a guest at others family dinners and seeing that not a single one of my friends moms did this it makes a lot more sense to let people serve themselves other than children as they know what they want and how much a lot more than the hostess knows it's also a very working-class way of arranging meal times working-class families have less of a budget so letting people especially kids choose how much they want to eat isn't an option there's usually a set amount to go around so it's given rather than taken to me it was normal to have parents run out in the middle of anything for fire depth calls it didn't worry me too much until i saw a big butt farm propane tank explode as my dad went driving up towards the fire some of my friends asked if i was concerned about them getting hurt killed while out on a far call but it never occurred to me to worry about that because they've usually always came home my dad ended up in hospital a couple times but i've never worried about that now my kid s can grow up with that ha ha my dad is a stunt man so the hospital injuries are also common haha turns out other kids react with shock and tears upon hearing their parent is in the hospital with broken ribs lol i mean there's a lot of fricked up crap on my end but here's something pretty specific having dinners as late as 9 00 pm and just sitting there not talking the entire time we ate this has went on since i was around 9 or 10 crap absolutely freaked me up when i started seeing my boyfriend and his happy family eating at six and being really excited and eager to talk about their days it makes me think i'm just living with roommates rather than parents i was wildly jealous the first time i ate with a family who talked at the table now that i'm all grown up i try to be that way with the family i made but i still find myself staring at clocks while i eat sometimes having two mums a lot of the family friends were two mum households with the occasional two dad household my best friend through junior school had a single mother i must have been almost 10 when i realized that most families have a mom and a dad go for late night walks to the tim hortons for donuts so i grew up in a family full of night owls we all prefer to sleep in the day and be up at night and most of us can function on very little sleep when needed i remember on multiple occasions as a kid being like eight or nine playing quietly in my room around midnight while my parents and sisters watched tv downstairs and overhearing somebody say frick i could really go for a coffee right about now and then getting all excited because that usually meant we'd be going for a night walk and getting donuts but i didn't realize it wasn't normal for children to go out at midnight to get donuts until i was being all nostalgic with my friends in my teens and they were like wtf i was in bed by seven we buy treats for family every time we leave the house and by every time i mean every single time every time i get off work i buy a treat for my siblings to share every time someone in the house has an errand to run they come back with a treat for everyone didn't realize it wasn't a normal thing until i asked friends to wait for me while i picked out some snacks to take home using baby wipes in the bathroom when we did number two i mean i never did it in front of everyone but every friend's house except for one didn't even have the option to do so my mom when she is telling anyone a recipe or even instructing us in the kitchen uses the statement and then go g h r r r r r r other tomatoes to make a puree of it either grown up with it so i find it normal i know she means i need to grind blend juice it in the mixer grinder ghr being the human equivalent of the sound a mixer makes my sister used the same format when she was discussing a recipe in her college there were eight ten people around her who just looked confused they asked her to repeat then a friend started laughing realizing that ghr rrr means using the mixer grinder my sister took an actual minute to realize that it's not a normal way to say grind that up we had such a laugh when she came back and told us about the incident we still use ghr rrr when communicating at home when communicating to outsiders we have stopped ourselves from using that new you can't just use random noises instead of words haha blender go ghrr i'm the eldest of seven and we're a super close knit family and always have been even when i was one and my first sister was born as far as i was concerned she was my little baby doll and i loved taking care of her we went through a lot as a family around the time the youngest two twins were born because of medical difficulties so i used to sometimes write little letters of encouragement to my siblings telling them i love them and to hang in there they could re-read them anytime they needed it this slightly predates laptops phones being ubiquitous my sister and i went to a sailing camp late high school and we ended up on different boats we were expecting a working sale score but a lot of the other kids were apparently expecting more a cruise they were mostly really snobby rich kids from ny and they were kind of buttholes they didn't want to lift a finger to clean cook or actually keep the boat moving in the right direction had a few scary experiences as a result but my sister is pretty sensitive and apparently she was being outright bullied on her boat one of the older boys was literally calling her thunder thighs and she was by no means overweight though it would be just as bad if she were apparently she cried every night when she was alone we didn't see each other very often and only had a few minutes to hang out when we landed on islands she didn't tell me specifics the first time we stopped but i could tell something was off and she wasn't having fun so when we were back on the ships i wrote her a note of encouragement someone asked what i was doing and i casually said writing my sister a love note and he was like oh ah you in love with your sister and it was the tone of voice where you've just realized you're talking to an insane person and you're trying to stay cool to assess how insane they are it was shocking and kind of humiliating and it was so out of left field i didn't even know how to respond for a second especially because i'm also female and girl sisters can be more affectionate with each other and it's not usually weird i don't know why but it still really bothers me his mind immediately went to that place and everyone kind of avoided me slightly more after that i was pretty over the trip at that point so i didn't mind everyone leaving me alone i think it's wonderful that your family is so close and caring some people's lives are just so devoid of love and affection that it can seem weird to see other people being affectionate i'm sad for those folks stealing food from each other's plate at dinner time once we had finished our meal you would pick out the slowest ones usually mums it wasn't until i did it at my now wife's house that i learned no one else did this joey doesn't share food we would have a plate of sliced cheddar on the table every morning for breakfast and eat pieces of cheese as part of the meal apparently other people don't do that my dad just won my siblings and i a lot he was born in iran so he had a little bit of a language gap even as an adult and what he would do to mess with my siblings and i as he would use his finger and thumb to punch the tiniest amount of skin on our wrists and he would call it jizz because i think that's what he thought the sound of that was if you could get close enough to hear it so the scene occurred plenty of times where my brother sister and i would be running away from him in the house pleading not to get just on years later someone explained to me that the noise iranians think bees make his jews so therefore my dad was buzzing us not [ __ ] thankfully if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: weird family pictures, weird family relationships, weird family habits, weirdest families, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: 9qZW7BFsqRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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