The Meaning and Vitality and Possibilities of Increased Faith (May 2, 2021) | Jesse Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen i'm justin plans i hope you enjoy our ministry all we want you to do is like subscribe and hit the bell let me say it again like subscribe and hit the bell and you will be blessed my motivation for accumulation is revelation with no limitation why would you limit yourself when you serve a god that's unlimited or else shall die god more than enough and the bible says be you therefore imitators of god is dear children which means you ought to have more than enough more than enough what spiritual physical financial anything that you can dream because dreams have no expiration some of you want me to say it again says it again okay my motivation for accumulation is revelation with no limitation and it's just such a blessing of the lord if you've got your bibles today would you turn with me to the book of saint luke chapter 17. i want to read verse 1 and i want to talk about something that i totally believe in and that you cannot well you just can't please god without it and it produces things that are beyond your wildest dreams spiritually physically financially i mean my god if you got stage four cats it kicks it out i mean it's amazing if you're broke it fills up your coffers if you get around town or something like that people don't like it god of course favor to come upon you divine favor and it's just such a blessing now jesus i love jesus how he answers questions and in saint luke chapter 17 verse one i'll be reading out of the king james he's talking about or talking on about offenses and let me just say this you cannot offend jesse duplantis i've had the best try i didn't say you couldn't hurt my feelings you can hurt my feelings but i never let it uh evolve into offense and the reason why i don't want to become you oh i lost you right there i don't want to become what i don't like so i refuse to be offended because you can't hate me more that i love you you can give it your best shot but you're going to lose and so i want to talk jesus is talking about offense and i want to read verse 1 of luke 17 then said he unto the disciples now this is this special crowd it is impossible but that offenses will come in other ways they say well somebody's always trying to jack you up about something but woe unto him through whom they come oh so why would people want to offend you god said whoa which means stop whoa you're walking on dangerous territory here woe unto them woe unto him through whom they come it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and he casted the sea that he should offend one of these little ones you don't touch god's children why because god's going to do what they got to do you don't you don't play with god's kids sometimes people think they get away with it oh but uh-uh it won't now watch this take heed to yourselves that's a strong statement there if our brother trespass against thee rebuke him now you like that part do you have i like that rebuking if you rebuke someone else rebuke him and if he repent forgive him oh now let's don't get carried away with this jesus and if he trespass against these seven times in a day and seven times in a day turn again to thee saying i repent thou shall forgive him who somebody just cussing you out seven times in a day and i love what the apostle said in verse five and the apostle said unto the lord wow increase our faith oh lord oh jesus increase our faith why because they don't want to do that i want to talk this morning and i hope i can get through it all on the meaning this inside of the message the meaning and the vitality and possibilities of increased faith the meaning and vitality and possibilities of increased faith he says you should ask that all the time not so you can forgive somebody you don't like so that you can begin to create things the way god does with your faith that possibility of increased faith that meaning and that vitality of what it can do so i want to do a little teaching on this so if you're right if you have some uh um you know spencer and pat i'd like you to write this down if you're taking notes the first principle of the christian life is faith you don't get saved unless you get it how is it built it's built in the very structure of your soul of your mind your will your emotion let me say it again the first principle of of the christian life is faith it's built in the very structure of your soul you see a baby can't walk without faith it crawls then it gets enough faith to stand up and it may fall down but it begins because it's built in the structure of that soul of that child to go forward to do something the whole world that doesn't realize that every one of us are using faith you go to work and believe in god that your employer will pay you that's faith you get in your car and start it and believe in god that it's going to get you home that's faith what's that that's in the natural as well as a spiritual when you get born again people say you got to prove to me that god exists i don't need to what you need to do is have faith see because the evidence of faith is not seen but i want to see it but even when you see it you don't believe it you see you say i see it well i don't believe it so let me say it again the first principle of the christian life is faith it's built in the very structure of your soul see increased faith produces convictions rather than opinions write that down when your faith is increased it increa you know it produces convictions rather than opinions what is an opinion it's a transitory form of thought floating on the ocean of life it changes with every wave just whatever hits it so why do you want to know somebody's opinion what does he think about that have a conviction about god's word let me say it again increased faith produces convictions rather than opinions see what i'm saying so i don't give people my opinion because it ain't worth nothing i give them my faith which is worth everything i like this point that i'm about ready to read because it made a lot of sense to me your opinions are just furniture that you decorate the apartments of your mind i gotta say it again i thought that's a good point your opinions are just furniture that you decorate the apartments of your mind you know you've got a lot of apartments in that mind it's jus you know it's just decoration increased faith produces convictions rather than opinion because see conviction is what changes you condemnation is what makes you feel guilty so conviction does not make you feel guilty at all it opens your eyes and your mind to the truth now someone's opinion says well i know but let me just tell you what i think about it but i thank you i appreciate that you would share that but i'd rather know what the lord says about it instead of what somebody's thinking about it so let me say it again increased faith produces convictions rather than opinions why because your opinions are just furniture that you decorate the apartments of your mind see i'd rather have a grain of conviction well let me just say like it's a grain of conviction is worth more than a whole load of religious opinion that's another good point a grain of conviction is worth more than a whole load of religious opinion i was sleeping i mean hard uh but three days ago and all of a sudden i went boom my eye just woke up it was like 3 30. and the lord said get up i got a sermon for you i said did you see the clock then he gave me a conviction to get up he wasn't interested in my opinion now i thought he could have given me the sermon at 8. i mean i immediately got up went to my study in my house and i start writing this oh man man i thought wow man i was as high as a georgia pine like they say i was just enjoying myself good god man i came back to bed kevin said uh what are you doing i said preaching that didn't impress her the next thing i heard she's gone a grain of conviction is worth more than a whole load of religious opinion see i re why does anybody need to know what i think about something that's what the lord says why do you believe in healing because he said it why do you believe in salvation because he said it why do you believe in prosperity because he said it he didn't give me his opinion on it he said thus saith the lord in every area you see so when you understand that that is the possibilities the vitality and the meaning of increased faith and you should be doing this daily instead of sunday that's why we do so much on television on social media because faith cometh it don't stack up it cometh you see people think they've been saved 40 years they've got 40 years of faith no you've got 40 years of experience which changes whatever wave too you see faith cometh coming by what by hearing not by heard i heard that then how come you're not doing it because you didn't hear it faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so you understand that's the first principle of christian life because it it it it it has a structure in your soul which is your mind your will and your emotion see that's why you can't tell me i can't receive something spiritually physical financially i don't care what number you put on money i want to believe god i can get it you see and the reason why people don't is because their opinion gets in way of their faith then they become religion religiosity which is the theological wilderness of gordon of weeds write this down increased faith is an active and i love this an active operative principle it's a principle increased faith is an active operative principle because faith without works is dead you see i don't care how much faith you got if you don't work it it don't happen see it is an active operative uh principle so dara rules when i call your name and i call it everyday in my daily devotion that's my faith as a directive as an operative principle saying by jesus stripes daryl is not going to be healed we don't put him on the heel list so i work it i'm working it every day i work it i call some of your people's names every day i say lord i thank you for the healing of my body my heart's fine and my plumbing's fine which means all the orders and stuff i pray for kathy lord jesus whatever she needs to like if she walks if she kind of lipping a little bit about something you know or whatever i asked lord you'd heal her joy lord i thank you jesus that she's told he'll marry the walk in divine health jay his back will be made whole i just thank you for you want to know what i say and i just begin to pray and i thank you for healing daryl rubes and laura deway and sidney woods who will preach the gospel again and greg and brenda lord jesus they'll be blessed beyond their wildest dreams and then gina lord jesus then wendy hallelujah and then kelly my god then donald romanga hallelujah and then tina ford and then christine bartlett and then ricky bartlett then kenneth and gloria copeland and then travis who is moose who works for me and then ron junior and oh by the time i get to the end of the list i'm walking on water see it's the conviction of faith not an opinion well i hope it work oh no see increased faith is an active operative principle because faith without works is dead you see increased faith brings action you understand that increased faith springs out of action it don't bring it springs out of action it's committing your whole soul to god's allegiance oh you think you live breathe and eat this so god will be pleased it's impossible to please him without using it let me say that again increase faith and i love it it's so it's a wonderful increase faith springs out of action i know i'm going fast because it's pretty long sermon here committing your whole soul mind will and emotion to god's allegiance why are you saying your soul because you don't have to worry about your spirit your spirit's in 100 faith with god see what you've got to do is not be conformed but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may know the good acceptable and perfect will of god he said this is where you got to get it he said your soul your spirit's already got it that's why your spirit don't have a problem just believing anything right you've heard me say this before you go to a mall oh my god you should go to somewhere walking around a lakeside you see somebody in the wheelchair or something your spirit will look at them your spirit said go away grab them tuck them off the chin in the name of jesus ride walk your soul say control yourself food whoa let's don't get crazy with this thing spirit don't even blink boy because that's where god resides you reside in your soul that's why it must not be conformed but transformed not become but overcome do you see that oh lord let me say it again increased faith is an active operative principle because faith without works is dead why because increased faith springs out of action committing your whole soul to god's allegiance that's powerful listen to this it is a combination of personal activity and dependence upon god himself that's what increased faith is it is a combination of personal activity and dependence upon god himself when the lord told me to build my house i had to do two things get a contractor because i don't know how to build a house but before i could get the contractor i had to have the house built in my faith i had that totally just to him because you see i had to believe everybody what they told me because i'm not a carpenter i don't know how to do that if they say you know you can't put that kind of window how can i challenge that one i don't know see so i hired richard pishon and we never signed a contract did we richie had a pretty big house that's without signing a contract a lot of money out there i don't mean that privately but you know what i committed myself to him he committed himself to me we both committed ourselves to god i trusted him he trusted me we both trust god and the house began to come up isn't that amazing never had to wait on your money did it no richard sometimes say my god sometime i'd pay him too quick as he he leave the check in the truck forgot about it you know i just normally people take a long time to do all that kind of stuff when i hired daryl to do my pool you know i mean i don't know about pools but daryl did i committed to him he committed to me now when you're in a commitment situation when that person says okay it's time to pay you don't go no commitment produces that say that's faith without works is dead something has to happen so let me say it again increase faith springs out of action committing your whole soul to god's allegiance see that's how things get done and it's a combination of personal activity and dependence on god himself so when god tells me to do these things some of these unbelievable things these unbelievable impossible things i just commit my allegiance to him he said believe me for 14 satellites jesus you know what one satellite cost 500 million dollars and you got it case 100 million dollars to fly it up and put it in orbit and i think god is going down a little bit thank jesus now i mean so you want 14 what do you need 14 for seven low orbits seven high orbit so you can cover the whole planet well how much is that gonna cost six billion dollars would it be i have to prefer m six milliliter b i can't do that and god says i know that's why i'm with you i'm your partner you're my junior partner i'm the senior partner so i committed my allegiance to him how long is it going to take that's not that's not my job when he told us to go on television jesus man i thought you know how much that cost lord i mean just radio was a lot of money we were on radio first boy we'll begin the leap cheers jesus but you know what happened faith without works is dead haven't done all the stand he wasn't interested in my opinion he was interested will you do what i tell you to do i said yes i will do that he says leap and we did and ladies and gentlemen that's just an amazing thing to say and you they're watching all over the world and all the years we've been on television we've had no financial deficits whatsoever at all we've paid them all and it's into the hundreds of millions of dollars not 100 that would be cheap hundreds of million am i telling the truth wendy yeah and when they have my money she's my director fine hundreds of millions of dollars how can you how did you generate that all i did was increase my faith lord he said go go do this i go wow increase my faith he says shut up and listen it's increasing now because faith cometh by hearing see that's dependence upon him when i married kathy i said you can take it to the bank i'll take care of you now she didn't know sweat running down the back of my legs because my daddy said boy they get hungry to eat a lot more after you marry them that's what my dad said and they buy a lot of shoes oh man keep her away from the shoe store you'll go broke son just to keep her with him shoes and he thought that was funny i didn't think it was funny i was taking it serious so i found a store for shoes pay less y'all remember that still payless but it went out of business because cathy paid more increase our faith the possibilities the meaning the vitality of it right this time increased faith brings to life truths whoo now we're getting in the revelation see you understand what's in increased faith brings to life truths which seem dead and ineffectual you know the truth the bible says the truth will set you free it don't look like it's going to happen we've been believing god for that boy he ain't going to get saved do you know your faith is far greater than his sin do you know that the promises of god is far more powerful than the sins of people mom my mother tested that to the fact with me she said that boy is a heathen from hell and enjoys it i didn't care about nothing but me kathy said when we got married we fell in love with the same person jesse that's what she said i didn't care about nothing i just looked at her and said follow me i'm going somewhere now i said something that i should not have said but i was so ambitious so crazy about that rock band on the steps of holy rosary catholic church i said cathy my career is first follow me or stay here cause i'm going and she said i'm with you and we took off cold did we have it she always had my back one time we didn't have no hardly no money because i got hit by the union in dallas man and i couldn't work and i was just there so we had we went to a store with three dollars in pennies now i know what i would happen if i called my dad hey dad can you give me some money i didn't marry the girl that's just how i would when i moved back to new orleans or to the northern center watch it you know i said dad you know i got to look for a place to live you know i'm saying listen and he loved kathy he thought kathy was great i said dad you mind if we just spend you know live in your house here for he said no one one night's good i said what he said one night you got a date find a place you're married suck it up thanks dad you're welcome next day i had a place but i thought he could give me a couple of weeks kind of get on my feet you know kind of do stuff like that and that's been like that ever since you see see it it brought a truth in me that i can do this even when it didn't look like i could increase faith brings to life truths which seem dead and ineffectual see but they'll come out they'll be they will resurrect like you're believing for your kids you know you know kids can drive you nuts especially teenagers good god and and they stay longer now let that sink for a second they stay at your house longer now and they're 22 and 23 and they're still at your house good god no well i graduated my high school dad said you're on your own boy suck it up go but today man you got some of them they're 40 years old still living with mama good lord you get a job a job yeah j-o-b ain't job it's job come on boy truths become vital reality in your life and in your environment see we see that that crease faith will wake up the truth that that truth that's dead and ineffectual and it becomes vital reality in your life because it produces a different environment for you to function in that's what jesus is trying to tell these boys oh man i don't know if i can forgive somebody seven times seven he said i'll take it further seven eight times seven that's 490 times you have to forget somebody in one day how many times i counted 487 i forgive you full 488 i forgive you 489 i forgive you 490. i forgive you 491. i'm going to kill you sucker it's over now jack you got you want some trouble it comes and i said lord i did your word he messed up 491 times now leave him dead don't raise him from the dead see people counting them many times so truths become vital reality in your life and in your environment see everyone had faith in me that knew me that i would preach the gospel after i was saved but i didn't have it i said y'all don't lost shall we ever loving mine you know why because i was still thinking about the stuff i did before i was saved and god had no accounting of that at all he didn't cover my sin he washed it all away so i saw myself with those flaws god saw myself clean through the word you see what i'm saying i said i i i haven't been to bible school i i've never been to theological school he said that's a good thing there's nothing wrong with being educated i believe in education but you see he wasn't trying to intellectualize my mind he was trying to get what was in my spirit out to this intellectual mind you see what i'm saying see why because faith is independent say that faith is independent now here's the rest of the point faith is independent of experience it don't care what experience is it's independent of it faith is independent of experience and and in a way creates its objective by doing that it sees in darkness and believes without evidence it don't need no evidence though because the evidence faith is not seen because it's independent it's independent of experience yeah we tried that didn't work that's not faith that's tried don't shout me down when i'm preaching good listen to me faith is independent of experience and in a way creates its objective by doing that it sees in darkness and believes without evidence they just believe without evidence everybody won't say it if they don't need no evidence it creates evidence and it's it keeps invisible because if you can't see it the devil can't see it both of you are blind as a bat that was i don't know what's going to happen we don't know neither but something's coming do you see that it's independent completely of experience you know three banks told me i couldn't do this which you're sitting in they call it the campus i learned that from david sawstrand he said you built a campus i said a campus never thought of it like i just thought i'd build a church but if you think about it i guess it is a campus yeah you know what they said but you can't do that that was whitney bank that was first american bank that was hibernia bank you know what people used to work for do you need some increased faith no yeah you can't do that they were looking for evidence because they had learned by experience i hadn't learned by experience i walked by faith and not by sight so i said okay then i won't use you oh lord who do you think you are i want to say sit your ugly self down because i'm going to tell you who i am because in the beginning god created jesse [Music] and gave him the same stuff that he created everything else and i listened i did not deny the experiences i denied its right to affect me i wouldn't even look at the finances when i was building this i would not look at the building fund i want to look at the building front did i want to look at the building when you're getting bills 600 000 here 300 and something thousand there and that contractor ray chronic i didn't sign a contract with him on this millions and millions of dollars why had faith in me what did you show him nothing it was invisible but he picked it up he believed me how powerful belief is and that other phenomenal word called trust in free i love this is my favorite point increased faith creates a cosmos out of chaos in other words there's chaos and your faith creates a cosmology there was chaos and god said light be boom man planets stars moons you see people live in the chaotic i live in the cosmos show me trouble and i'll make it a beautiful universe don't shout me down when i'm preaching good that's what increased faith does it creates a cosmos out of chaos when we were watching that race i saw them horses straining i mean straining nostrils flared i know their body was screaming they're that close to death uh laura was telling me i said why don't they stop as soon as they cross the line she said they'd have a heart attack you see a method you see the jockey stand up you see him he'll take a buddha i guess i'm not a mile i mean a quarter of a mile swimming 3 16 so whatever you call it so he can give it time for his heart to slow down a little bit as soon as the ones that don't lose the ones that lost they'd pull that side off and hit him with a bucket of water but now the winner you got the jockey on top of him going and i'm pretty sure the horse said get off get off i did what you asked me to do get off where's my water wet where where where the born but when you're a champion you can carry any weight that's put on you you see now why i said all them horses going crazy but one of them created the cosmos out of chaos and that's what makes a champion that's why i believe in god show me a scientist that can create anything because it's a shot in the door show me a doctor that's not practicing well we're going to try this how come how come i'm the guinea pig see what i'm saying but jess i got a marriage that's in trouble oh you got chaos yeah well let's create a cosmos and it's not done by sex well i lost a few of you right there i had to wake you up that word wakes up everybody people what do you say what do you say it's part of that marriage but it it doesn't hold that marriage together what holds that marriage together faith embedded in trust see increased faith creates a cosmos out of chaos i'm gonna go over this at the answer if you miss some points it's not a doctrine faith is not a doctrine or a system of historical fact you know what it is it's faith in a person they said increase my faith what they needed was not quantity but quality what is it's faith in a person how many you save hold your hand prove it show me a document where's the certificate where's jesus signature on it where is it where is it she showed me something on that's going to die sweetheart now i'm going to rot like like a rock it's just prove it got one signed by an angel we'll take a little lower how do you know answer the question yeah you i know you know the answer he's just scared i'll jump on you if you say something wrong you're going hey yeah so invisible so unbelievable but it works you didn't listen to the meteorologists today oh you know that's the only job i know that you can get it wrong all the time and never apologize nothing against the meteorologist you know i mean i like you margaret orr i do i like it i like your hair yeah it doesn't look nice holly i think you do her hair is that correct i think i have you've done it you've done it before at times i don't know she's been at h2o watch this yeah i and they don't think twice about it all that hurricane coming uh it stopped but you don't left the house fighting all that traffic and it went somewhere else how many of you have to repent from cursing in that call increased faith creates a cosmos out of chaos it's not a doctrine or a system of historical fact it's faith in a person why do i believe what i believe i have faith in jesus see increased faith makes you think of life entirely through the eyes of trust that's what it does it makes you think entirely through the eyes of trust trust in the lord and do good let me say it again increased faith makes you think of life entirely through the eyes of trust you see what i'm saying so if you start at the top increase faith creates a cosmos out of chaos because it's not a doctrine or a system of historical fact it's faith in a person jesus died resurrected and coming back increased faith makes you think of life entirely through the eyes of trust how many you know jesus is coming you just know it why could you trust it you see what i'm saying that's why jesus told his disciples do some things that totally this blows your intellectual mind he said when you go out preaching don't take anything with you just go and when it came back he said did you like anything because you see that was faith in that person how many times when they stole my offerings when i first started out steal them just take them god didn't do hard this young man as a as a soldier of jesus christ oh that makes you a thief the people didn't do that the people that gave they thought it was coming i didn't get it run out of gas three o'clock two thirty three o'clock in the morning what are you going to do yeah he's right how many miles you got to go 250. happened so many times hungry one preacher gave me 10 and said if i go to popeyes and buy a coke i get a free biscuit for a week i don't eat popeye's biscuits anymore in seven days i had seven biscuits yet oh my faith was shouting thank you lord that you called me see i was creating the cosmos out of chaos and didn't realize it then here come a heathen from hell what you doing there boy go ahead and fill your car up i said that's all right because it ran out of gas i pushed it there thank god it ran out only about maybe 50 yards from the gas station but even that's is it that's hard to push a car no go ahead and fill it up that's all right sir go ahead and fill yours up and his pickup pick up he caught it he's pick him up up truck pick him up something like i said what and i hadn't eaten a week because they didn't feed me you know i remember seeing nobody knows those things they want to criticize me about that house they want to criticize me about that that plane where were you you the critical spirit where were you and god's in the heathen and a man walks out the little 7-eleven store hey i found a bag of popcorn if you like to eat it i'll take it man and he looked at me what do you do i said i'm a preacher where you've been preaching at i said about 80 miles down the road what's the name of the town i told him he said that's where i live what church you preach at i told him he said my wife didn't want me to go to that church did he give you an offer i didn't want to say nothing he said did he give you an offering i said well did they pick up offerings for you oh yes sir as young i was 28 years old he was about 60. i thought he was real old i passed that years ago he said they stole your money um he goes well son he starts cussing you feeling the blanks i mean cussing cussing and blanking it blank no good trashy blanket it blinks i'm just looking at it big guy but i got a black cloth in my car he said you hungry boy oh it touched me i think about it go in that store get some bread and some meat i'm gonna feed you throw away that popcorn i said i'll eat it for dessert oh that was hard pull that gas cap off fill that tank up then blanket it blank no good trashy blanketed i wanted to say yeah that blankety blank no jew but i didn't [Laughter] come out here with that food he said boy never quit preaching his seven hundred dollars i was crying with bologna and cheese in my mouth i started my car and had one car and it caught the gas why'd you do that trust my last point let me tell you why i did it increased faith does not ebb and flow he doesn't stop and start ebb and flow it's firm and it's always there no matter what's happening around you i don't get emotional much but when i think about that whew and every time people did that god took care of me so you know criticize me for my jet criticize me for my house criticize me because i'm debt free criticize my giving because i like to be a blessing say what you want it ain't going to change the thing because it's your opinion you don't have any conviction to understand that when the tough times come tough time don't last tough people do because faith don't ev and flow it's always there it's always there my god so increa increased faith does not ebb and flow it's firm and always there i tell all my spiritual sons and daughters now i said i will never tell you you can't do something never because the bible explicitly says you can do all things through christ who strengtheneth you now watch this before i would say i i made money coming out my ears you thank god i really got blessed that i got saved because christians would love you let me give you the word yo mama they want to keep you poor and humble y'all you can't do that why can't i do that cause you're black well like as if that makes any difference you white are you brown what ain't got anything to do with this oh you can't come here you can't speak english or learn it amen do you see do you understand what i'm saying see faith don't ebb and flow well we ran out now it's always there so when god gives me something to believe that's unbelievable impossible beyond my wildest dreams but doable he adds that are we ready jesse i said we're ready who takes the first step me but the second step is his how many times i've stepped on god's toes i stayed close to him you ain't going to well without me baby i'm with you man you know what i'm saying and i'm going to say something i'm probably going to get criticized i don't remember well i am going to be cursed that's all right i don't remember when i ever when my faith ebbed it's always flowed two o'clock in the morning people picked me up pulled my car and gave me gas come off of a god hit a ice slick cold flew off the road hit a tree i went oh man but thank god that the snow was on the branches and then they waited and it popped it popped the branch but it didn't it it didn't shut the i thought it could have killed me i'm in that i am in a ditch it's two o'clock and it's it's like two degrees trying to get to monroe louisiana so i could go home and man that that road was a good two and a half three mile straight i thought soon lord i said lord i'm in trouble here call wouldn't start lonely road i said god send me somebody all of a sudden i see a faint light and it got closer then i saw two lights i said that's a call it drove this man comes up then he goes how you doing buddy i said i'm in a ditch i know i see that he said i just happen to have a chain in my truck would you like some help i said oh sir he said you're a southern boy aren't you you don't know how to drive and snow and ice i said no sir he said well i'm gonna pull you out boy he pulled that truck out he said i'm amazed this car has not tore up he said them branches must have been soft i had a lot that snow probably helped you i said yes sir i said the car won't start he said hit it i said what he said started okay he said i thought i was going to get this it went oh he looked at me said i knew it work he said keep two wheels on the snow and the other two wheels on the ice i said yes sir he said it'll give you traction he said when the curve does this keep the two wheels on the snow because that ice you slide all the way down i said yes sir i said uh can i pay you oh no he said he said i've been sent i said well thank you sir so i'll see you later and he turned around and he took look it's a two and a half mile straight strip god is my witness i stand on a stack of bibles i go man and i look in my rearview mirror because you know you're going to be gone maybe 200 yards at the emotional i can't see no lights i get out the car and i look the truck was gone the lights was gone and i remembered this i was sent my god i just think an angel pulled me out detention so i stood in the road for a good minute and a half god and i heard this when i got caught keep the two wheels on the snow and i made it but my faith didn't ebb i just said lord i need some help here and i knew that these are close encounters increase my faith that vitality that meaning those pos great possibilities you see that's motivation which produces accumulation it's done by revelation with no limitation i'm jesse duplantis and i approve this message give the lord a hand clap for that oh oh jesus you think i'd get touched here a little bit when you go back to remembering those things you know yeah yeah that's something oh should i go over the points if you missed a couple of them okay i can hear the logo remember okay okay i got it just real quick i'm gonna start from the top so you can go to it real quick first i said my motivation for accumulation is revelation and has no limitation okay you got that the part the title of the sermon the meaning and vitality and possibilities of increased faith so number one was the first principle of christian life is faith it's built in the very structure of your soul and i said increased faith produces convictions rather than opinions your opinions are just furniture i love that that you decorate the apartments of your mind and a grain of conviction is worth more than a whole load of religious opinion you all got that you getting it then i said increase faith is an active operative principle because faith without works is dead let me say it again increase faith is an active operative principle because faith without works is dead then i said increase faith springs out of action committing your whole soul to god's allegiance did you get that got it it is a combination of personal activity and dependence upon god himself i could preach five hours right there then i said increased faith brings to life truths which seem dead and ineffectual i said truths become vital reality in your life and in your environment because now the truth wakes up then i said faith is independent and i love that of experience and in a way creates his objective because it sees in in darkness and believes without evidence it's amazing what it does and i love this increased faith creates a cosmos out of chaos it's not a doctrine or a system of historical fact it is faith in a person increased faith makes you think of life entirely through the eyes of trust i could preach another five hours there through the eyes of trust and i love this as i close it increase faith does not ebb and flow it's firm and always there see that's why he gave me that wonderful theme for 2021 what shall i do for thee don't let your faith ebb what are you believing for spiritual physical financial i don't know whatever doesn't make any difference don't make how big it is or how small it is can't have it all or have some just whatever you're willing to do having done all the stand stand see give jesus a hand glad for that hallelujah
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 41,872
Rating: 4.9371514 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Faith, Meaning
Id: ExsbR7LsOrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 32sec (3272 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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