Campmeeting 2021 Sunday PM Jesse Duplantis

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[Music] the lord is so good and gracious such an honor to be in nashville we love coming to this wonderful place got two great friends here actually four great friends glory to god i preached for them for many many years they look younger than me i think they're older to me but not by much i don't think but they do i got to get that same stuff y'all use on that head that's no no object did i say that now ladies and gentlemen i brought a coat and tie and i was looking good but pastor cowan said i can look like this is that is this okay because if you're in nashville it's africa hot right now you know i'm saying it's just africa i praise god god is so good at gracie we thank you and all you that are watching and you that are watching online if you're watching i don't know if you're streaming that live streaming that's what you call it catholic and uh god has been so good and gracious you ever get a chance to come to nashville come to this church called faith is the victory and if you're having a hard time just read the sign i say that all the time every time i get it just read the sign faith is the victory my god victory will come to you just by reading the sign you know sign sign everywhere sign remember that song look at these young people what no yeah that's going way back praise the lord my wife is here tonight kathy stand up giving my wife a hand clap with the catholic i love this is my first wife and my only wife praise god hallelujah god is so good i'm enjoying myself you know i come here i just have to say it charles i'm just at home i just feel so at home glory and then when phil and barbara walked in i said lord jesus i really at home my lord do i i just enjoy myself you know i know a lot of people but i have very few people that i'm close to and i don't mean that pridefully just the way my life is it runs all the time and but i feel so close to these these two couples here that they're just such a blessing of the lord and i mean that sincerely been known them for many many years god is good and great so come quickly joe uh joe you brought some new stuff good you got my book oh ladies and gentlemen the covert shut this thing down for a year because i couldn't get anybody to print it because they they wouldn't they're scared they wouldn't leave the house i don't know whatever it took i love the title of it because it's so true of my life it's entitled i never learned to doubt i know nothing about doubt when we released this this year in three days it became a number one bestseller on amazon three days bam i mean it just hit and so many people don't seem to understand why why why why do you doubt why doubt is mental anemia it's a form of atheism it really is it's a form of atheism i know nothing so i wasn't raised like i guess a lot of people i was and this is not being against the catholic church i was raised catholic they didn't teach me anything other than the hail mary prayer and the father prayer and i can still quote them things more border anybody have been raised catholic i bet you could still quote hail mary when's the last time a protestant church taught you a prayer think about that for me they should have taught us the book of ephesians chapter one pray that prayer lord jesus but they didn't because they said well you know we don't bring we don't pray vain repetition repetitions ladies and gentlemen if it's in the bible it's not vain it's not repetitious i hope you can get this because so many people struggle with that when you don't have to and i'm telling this thing is flying off the shelf like crazy and it's such a blessing and people say yeah but there's no butts ands if so souls god means what he says and says what he means i'm telling you this will minister greatly to you i had a person right call me and actually wrote me the other day and said i've read all your books this is your best one well this that i've been waiting to do for a long long time because you know a lot of people they go they think it's cockiness who you think you are you don't know i mean you don't have enough time for me to tell you who i think i am because i got to start in genesis page one and go all the way to the end of revelation because he wrote that bible for me i'm in that book i'm in every chapter i'm in every word and so are you yeah thank you that's right he sure didn't write it for the devil he wrote it for us i hope you can get this do do you have a copy of this uh charles phil you gotta get give me another comment and give this chart and get on the field too okay what else we got oh the big 12. huh lord jesus people ask me everything you touch prosperous yeah yes not arrogance not cockiness confidence and assurance but there's principles that i follow and i wrote this book it's not a very big book called the big 12. and when you understand you go through 12 it's not very hard it's very simple it'll actually work for you i mean it'll work for you spiritually physically financially and here's something better you won't have to wait long for it if you get the doubt out and just believe you know bible says if you believe just just believe that's it how many you knew i was coming tonight how'd you know you couldn't see me you couldn't hear me you couldn't touch me you couldn't smell me i was not in the rim of your five senses yet you got your car and drove over here what would you do pastor passed the commonwealth said uh bro jesse ain't here tonight i just want to see how many all come out on a sunday night nashville when it's hot it'd be a crucifixion on the hill out there wouldn't it this will bless you it's entitled the big 12. it's lined up online precept upon precept that's back there if you'd like to get that and oh yeah i love this this is something that i i have done all my christian life in the lord i never really preached much on this and i decided to do that and i love dvds i still got my dvd players because think if you had jesus on dvd or john the baptist you'd have to have a heavy duty one because he burned that sucker flat son i'm gonna tell you that i bought a preach hell so hot you could smell smoke around him when you got around john he's inside of the secret place where is your secret place where do you go where is just you and god and no one else some people call it a closet call it what you want where is your secret place because satan's not going to look for it why because it's a secret this will minister to you it is a blessing this is dealing more than with relationship this is dealing with fellowship hello jesus hi jesse i kind of like that it's more than being saved it starts dealing with family you see covenant that's back there if you like to get that man you got all kinds of oh yeah i am going to preach this tonight finally lord how many of you get my pardon the letter thank you i the lord gave me a theme entitled what shall i do for me now you know i get things every year and if he doesn't give me one i'll just say well i'll just preach whatever it gives me for the whole year but this here god is the reason why so many people do not have what god wants them to have because the church wouldn't allow it you'd be surprised how much the limitation that's in the church and i'm not anti-church because the bible said the gates are not prevailing against the church and god keeps saying what come on let me do let me be the father let me be el shaddai the god that's more than enough you're looking at a very blessed man here oh jesus i am one blessed puppy okay why because i let him amen and then why do you have such a relationship because he lets me bless him so a lot of time i'll get up in the morning and he always asks me what shall i do i say hey jesus what shall i do for them what do you want me to do today oh this is a this and i'm gonna preach a little piece of this this will bless you that's back that value so this is uh uh can you believe it everything's digital but i still do a physical magazine now i do a ditch i do both of them you know and this thing cost three million dollars a year to do this look at y'all so don't throw it away in front of me because i'm gonna get very angry if you do okay but most people get it on digital and things of that nature and people say i mean i've had company said when you're gonna stop printing this because you can do a digital hardly nothing no why the lord said go on every available outlet and i mean you know brother copeland's every available voice i'm every available outlet she don't travel much with me you just have to learn that mom but anyway she goes let's see she's thinking right now this here i i have people they i have one little lady in texas she reads it full then she sends it to all her friends and she expects it back and i said well you get if you get if they if they don't if your friends don't mind i'll send them to them for free no i i won't be the only one that has it because so they can come to me she's 89. you don't argue with an 89 year old woman you just say okay yes ma'am that's free to you back here if you'd like to get it go back to vegas up to the book and resource table if you so desire stand to your feet one more time stretch a little bit if you got to rub something rub it quick get it over with i want to get into the word and let the holy ghost maybe move a little bit too glory to god i believe in that okay you can be seated i want to make sure your everything is flowing well here hallelujah jesus oh i'm excited i thank you all for am i the first one out the shoot here said tomorrow night who's here tomorrow night isaac featured then who's here the next night mark hankin mark okay praise the lord i tell you what if i wish i could be here every night i'd come i wish i'd live here i'd come to this church just for the name sake jesus faith it's a victory yeah i accept that or you'd love me as a i'm a good tither oh city of the nashville praise the city of nashville oh jesus if you got your bibles i want you to turn with me to the book of second kings it's right past first kings a very simple uh passage of scripture i've preached on it many many times but i'm gonna just preach on one line in the whole passage here second kings chapter four when the lord gave me this uh he said i want you to write 12 partner letters talk about 20 21 on what shall i do for thee maybe if you say it 12 times they may let me do it now we have a lot of partners literally all over the world plus i have offices in other countries and things of that nature and god wants to do so much for us but because we have to unlearn some things thank god the reason why i've never struggled much in my life i've never learned to doubt because i see i never had to unlearn things because they never taught me nothing so when i read the bible in the beginning god created heaven and earth and went wow man god just created the earth and when i read by his stripes you were healed i thought i'll never forget my first pastor pastor sidney rafer i mean i was so excited i said hey brother ray i found the scripture he said what's that he took our infirmity he said that's right he bore our sickness he said that's right by strike we heal he said he said yeah i said well i ain't getting sick no more he went uh uh because he was a little you know what i heard i said no no did god say that see i didn't have to unlearn you see there was no doubt there he said yeah i said then i won't and i have it isn't that amazing i've had many opportunities too he said you know people told me you know about that covet no i'm not interested in the covet covet 19. what about covet 6. i bet that's a bad boy too huh they all got numbers how many chords we got out there you know lord jesus chapter 4 verse 1 i like the old king james version because that's the one moses you know read out of i heard somebody say that that's alive what did he existed in moses now they cried a woman oh now they're quite a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying thy servant my husband is dead that's that was obadiah that's who that was obadiah right there watch this thy servant obadiah my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondsmen now isn't it amazing to me that a prophet of god like obadiah can be under a man's prophetic ministry like elisha and leave his wife in debt don't shout me down when i'm preaching good what did he miss i know what elisha would do he had a double portion of the anointing of god on his life he didn't struggle for nothing he raised people from the dead when he was dead now if you're under that kind of ministry you should not be worried about the creditors right so it's very possible to go to church all your life and never really receive the most major things that you need in life because you think god's trying to teach you something when you already know that so why would he even do that watch this now watch let me show you why i know he's debt free look what he says in verse 2. and elisha said unto her what shall i do for thee watch this and when i read that the lord said stop make that the theme for 2021. what shall i do for you notice he wasn't struggling now you know if somebody dies you know somebody say can the church help me what you know we would send some flowers you know we might be able to pay a month's rent but hey you know anyway you know elisha don't have that at all he simply says what shall i do for you then they ask you what you got in the house see god always starts with the seed everything doesn't see everything as long as the earth remains seedtime homicide everything spiritual physical and financial all you people are here because your mom and daddy sold some seed otherwise you would not be here let me just shock you they did it [Music] i don't mean that to be crude or rude but that's just the fact look everybody thinking no no they did he said what shall i do for me so when the lord gave me that he immediately asked he said now jesse i'm going to ask you something i don't know what he was going to ask me phil i just said he said what shall i do for thee i knew immediately i said i want a double anointing elisha i want double outreach i knew what i was saying because kobe shut everything down things are just starting to open up a little bit and i won't double the finance he said done he didn't say man i just say i mean don't get crazy with this thing you see what i receive is determined by what i say but what i believe if you say to that mountain what things ever you desire not him you not you you see you took the you out now i want you to write this down i'm gonna do a little teaching if i can your blessing is limited by your capacity to receive it's limited by your compassion well i know god said that but you already shut yourself down right there your blessing is limited by your capacity to receive to receive what whatever you're believing for whether it be spiritual physical financial or all three you see your blessings are often tied to what you want and what you're willing to declare your blessings are often tied to what you want and what you're willing to declare isaiah 1 19 if you be willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land and what part of that you don't understand you got to be willing you got to be obedient why because god want to load you up he says shall die not el chipo he's the god of more than enough let me say that again your blessing is limited by your capacity to receive that's what i'm telling all my partner listen to me you want to be debt-free i hadn't mentioned but i want to be debt-free i said man the homeless is debt-free man nothing why don't you be debt-free in the amount of money that you were in that house car i don't know what have you got had that in liquid finance and some financial institution now you're believing for something your blessing is limited by your capacity to receive why because your blessings are often tied to what you want and what you're willing to declare you see you've heard me say it many times i never tell god i'm never asking for a need i will never do that i will never ask god for a need that is a waste of spiritual energy he said he'll supply how many need how many need oh let me get back with it how many need so what are you doing asking him for a need when you ought to be telling him what you want boy i just lost a bunch of them right there is the lord your shepherd is the lord your servant is the lord your shepherd then you shall not when we gonna believe this when we're gonna wait another millennium we're gonna wait another century god said if you just be willing that's why i say 119. just be willing don't get mad at me if i'm blessed it ain't my fault i just will it. deuteronomy 8 18. i shall remember the lord thy god i do it every day oh god see most people uh actually focus on the wrong word in that verse thou shall remember the lord the god for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth they're looking at that wealth where the powerful word is remember it's like a spark remember i mean even spock believed in prosperity live long and prosper and you can't have what you preach against you don't believe in healing you're gonna be sick as a junkyard dog boy see your blessings are often tied to what you want and what you're willing to declare so what are you willing to declare what do you want see you know why people need money you don't want to know them can i walk around a little bit because i'm comfortable tonight you know why people need money because they don't know how much money they want look at y'all y'all look like a deer in the headlights you don't know how much money you want you want just enough money to pay your bills oh god you just get me to the end of the month and you forgot to ask for food that's your wife right you're gonna need some money because something's coming and i ain't talking about any when that baby born i thought about your whole life that's a big investment [Music] seed saw it harvest now watch this thank god for the child right wait god's going to expect you to bless them in the city bless them in the field bless them going in we'll mail it or whatever it is going out just like god does to you why would he give you a baby and let the baby starve the dead because you couldn't make her and live it oh the reason why people don't have the money they want because they don't know how much they want they just come up with some crazy figure the bible said that blessing is the lord it maketh what what is the definition of rich i'll bless you according to my glory my glory riches in glory have you ever done a study on how rich god is whoa universe now multiple universes my god your blessings are often tied to what you want and what you're willing to declare but just i don't know write this down i don't know limit you in life i don't know limits you in life and cause you to live in lack not knowing will cause a delay in your blessing because if you don't know which belongs to you you're not going to know when it passes you or gets close to you if you be if you let's not be weary and well do it for due season we'll reap it we fight now listen to me i don't know limits you in life it doesn't limit god limits you and cause you to live in lack not knowing what caused a delay in your blessing how do i know what paul said in ii timothy 1 12 for i know not i believe for i know in whom i have believed and i'm persuaded that he is able to keep what i commit to well you got do you know what you're committing to god most people don't well whatever jesus like one lady said i just bleeding for her and i'll take anything i said you're going to get anything i've seen some ugly husbands and i had one boy he was really one of the married so i'll tell any woman no you don't say that ain't no telling what you get gag or maggot ugly you know don't look around here what do you want i don't know limits you in life and causes you to live and lack not knowing what causes a delay in your blessings why do you have to wait so much well because you don't know what you want you're trying to figure it out when all you have to do is say it it's going to sound crazy to the intellectual activity the range of the research the induction and reasoning your mind's not going to handle that this is your spirit talking that's why your mind has to be transformed so your body can receive what your spirit is saying to your soul to transform it to get it spiritual physical or financial and i don't give up on nothing the reason why i married kathy she would never stop asking me to marry her it's my story i'm gonna say it the way i want she said you lying boy she said you a legend in your own mind which brings me to my point persistency persistency in asking never fails to open the floodgates of god's power to you persistent persistent don't quit ain't no quit in me they're not quitting you people are always asking me lately but jesse when you're going to retire i said do i look tired well no no no i'm always saying that i don't know i i don't think i ever will i i could i could have retired 20 years ago and lit and just go to hawaii and suffer for jesus in maui what am i going to do just play golf that'll send me to hell i tried that once i ain't doing that they said relax you know that causes you to curse when you shouldn't curse and if preachers would tell the truth they say they ain't speaking in tongues like that i won't let you know that persistence of asking never fails to open the floodgates of god's power to you i will not give up no no matter what one man said well suppose you died then i go to heaven now i personally believe ladies and gentlemen i would be totally shocked if jesus did not come in my lifetime but if this is the days of noah do you understand that you look around hey this is the days of now if he don't come get me i'll go get him i mean anyway i'm going that's not this i just want to go into rapture i don't believe in the rapture we'll stay here just stay if you want i want to go for that ride i want to go past bezos and elon musk i want to look over at jupiter and go hey look at this i want to travel the universe i'm a traveler i've been traveling since somebody but since i'm actually an adult all my except for three years of my life which were normal when i got out the museum i've traveled all my adult life that's what i do i want to go to the andromeda galaxy but he said i can have what i say he flung it with his hands you didn't read that it's his that's the glory of his riches or the riches of his glory call it what you want you see when you understand persistency oh my god take the holy ghost let me tell you why you were born here you know why you came to the earth to fill positions when you get to heaven let me give you a revelation what you do here determines what you're going to be and what you're going to do there if you think when you get to heaven you're going to be laying on the ground and angels dropping grapes in your mouth you don't lost your ever-loving mind god is a creator right now the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light you know how fast that is no you don't you know how fast that is because he's still creating he said i need positions filled because we're the body of christ you know who's going to fill those positions those that go in the rapture those the church those people in the millennial kingdom they're not going to have the same body you have they're going to have an adam black body they're going to have to eat of the tree of life to stay alive they're going to have to eat of the leaves for the healing of the nation but you will have a new body like jesus you will have liquid god flowing in your veins you know what kind of body that is this body here see this puppet it's made up of molecules and adam watch my hand i can't get through it with that new body i'd be able to go through the molecules that's why jesus could walk through the wall now the people in the learning kingdom will have this kind of body we are called to fill these positions how do i know that where do you think lucifer was when he sinned he wasn't in heaven he said i will ascend above the most high god he was here a sign and if we could get down to the bottom of the ocean to escalate the bottom of we'd find these class of whoever he was ruling this was his planning you don't think god got a sense of humor took his planet away and gave it to a guy named adam made him mad as a hornet do you see that what position will you hold when the lord spoke to me i went to shouting in my in my study he said i'm looking for positions i need to fill these things oh should i say that lord yes [Applause] i had a guy i guess i don't know what was on in my brother jesse do you think there'll be any sex in heaven [Laughter] lots of it look at that lady yes we're going back to the original plan not you you're the body of christ you've got a much higher order you're going to live in a much higher order than that for those people in the millennial kingdom he's going to say be fruitful multiply replenish the earth and subdue in other words we starting over could be why does a woman have all these eggs the minute she's born i'm talking millions now how many of them produce depends how many kids you have but i mean even people with big family compared to the millions why is that why because god doesn't waste that's right because you were created you were created to populate this universe but sin came in oh y'all listening huh what shall i do for thee this is all planned out buddy so these positions us with this new body we would be so far above what i call the natural ruling and reign if he's the king of kings who's the kings he's king over oh come on do you do you understand what's going on we're going back to genesis 1. in the milky way galaxy there's at least 400 billion planet moons and stars in it one galaxy we know of at least 400 billion galaxies with 400 billion planet moons and stars in each one of them that's what he did it's that's beyond human comprehension well if you look at your physical body as a woman it's beyond human comprehension how many eggs you got i mean how many you use in your whole lifetime do you understand the plan see and the church is going to control this and god will pick from the church the positions that are needed in the new heaven and the new earth so i may be over the andromeda galaxy you may be over some other i don't know where you going to live new jerusalem i'm going to commute i've been to that city i've been there i don't care anybody say i've been there and you won't travel by the speed of light that takes too long even if you fold in space which now they say you can't you could take a a million years and put it into a few hours no you'll travel by the speed of thought you think you there because you've got gods that's the positions some of y'all are freaking out i'm gonna get some letters on this stuff boy but it's true see if you just be willing why do you think paul was trying to get to heaven you heard him crying when everybody ready to cut he said look i fought a good fight i finished my course i kept faith now watch this then cut his head up that ladder for me a crown of writing he ain't worried about losing his physical head son a ruler a king who the king of kings is king over positions so persistency in asking never fails to open the floodgates of god's power see don't let the fear of choosing make you choose nothing so many people are afraid of choosing that they choose nothing what a waste of spiritual energy what a waste of great talent don't let the fear of choosing make you choose nothing see this i don't know stuff it's something is sometimes an excuse to just stay where you are pick and stick pick it stick me and kathy were married 51 years last sunday yeah june the 6th why pick and stick have your lover had arguments yeah who won most of them she did because i let her i knew i'd get a reaction out of that no i just joked well i got to make the sign of the cross on that on the other excuse me for that well let me say hail mary mary put a great look [Laughter] pick and stick see the fear don't let the fear of choosing make you choose nothing i don't know it's an excuse for some people just to stay where they are i never take people's opinions that are in the boat me phil i'm on the water with jesus you think i'm gonna let some fool in the boat say you're gonna be out there yo mama you can't even get out on the water and you gonna tell me what i'm doing when i'm walking this water you need the sign of the cross why are you worried about that i don't mean that to be rude what do you want to take to the opinions or the wisdom of somebody that won't get out of the boat jesus is not in the boat he's on the water and everything around him is under his feet i'll show you how powerful jesus is when peter walked out the boat phil he didn't know who he was looking at he said that be you he don't know like don't you think peter ought to recognize jesus he's the head of jesus ministry your father right you work for him right be kind of odd you say who is that that's exactly what peter's doing but you see fear blinds you fear blind you boy he don't know he's just walking he's stepping over waves phil because he got his eyes on jesus but when he took his eyes off of jesus and he looked look at the winds and the waves he figured out he was lord lord save me watch this when he he was walking in fear on the water because jesus faith phil was holding him up there a lot of people focus on jesus and they're walking in fear and they make it don't shout me down when i'm preaching good this is revelation listen to me but they take their eyes off of jesus so you won't sing and the bible said he beginning he didn't think he's just beginning to that's in one of my chapters of my book i never learned a doubt see fear blind the man don't even know who he's walking to and yet he walking on the water because his you focus on your priority you eliminate all your confusion see pick and stick the fear don't let the fear of choosing make you make you choose nothing you see i don't let critical people steal let me just say it i guess don't let critical people steal your jaw or sideline your faith critical people try to steal your joy and sideline your faith i've had more of that stuff i don't think you ought to have that yet i don't think i asked you and i don't mean that to be rude for god's sake man you didn't ask me about your call well i'm saying why you have to have a jet i said well how did you get to the how did you get to this mate well i drove my car could have took the bus you go buy a forty thousand dollar car pay insurance and oil and gas when you could have could have went for five dollars on the bus the guy look at me says so i can leave when i go when i want to come what i want that's the reason for the jet it's a tool i don't know how to fly it but i do know how to buy it my pilots don't know how to buy it but they know how to fly it i know how to buy it they don't know how to fly it but if we get together we come to faith as the victory [Applause] you see don't let critical people steal your joy sideline your faith i won't do that not that i'm better than them i'm not i don't want to sound arrogant cocky i know it sounds like but i made up my mind have you had enough of the devil have you had enough of him this is what sets you free you must awaken your conscience to believe above people's objections you must awaken your conscience to believe above people's objections god will overrule their objections he'll overrule it every time they're objecting about this and all that god just says overall it's so wonderful this is so easy to live like this but you need a good theologian to help you misunderstand it now if anybody believe in education i do i love intellectual activity i love range and research i love induction and reasoning but when it comes to spiritual things that don't hold no water because god is spirit and you worship in spirit not in feeling in spirit and in truth and if he's the way you can't get lost if he's the truth you cannot be deceived that's right if he's the life the devil can't kill me if he is what he says he is he's not a truth or some truth he is the truth so you must awaken your conscience to believe above people's objections god will overrule their objections i never forget when the copenhagen you know people preachers called me saying oh but jesse what are we going to do man you know i'm traveling what we're going to do i said the same thing we did when it wasn't here we're going to occupy till it comes you think a virus that you can't see will shut you down once you use something else you can't see that's your faith come on man since you're believing for something you can't see well belief is something you can't see believe faith evidence of faith not seen god always gives in overflowing does if you want to know it's god if it just means you need god's always more than enough he's got over 70 names he loves his name so much that when moses tried to kind of see he said you can't see me and live so i'm gonna stick in the cliff of the rock and i'm gonna put my hand in and then and when i pass by i'm gonna let you see my goodness but while he was doing that feeling charles he was proclaiming his names god was calling his name go read it in the scripture oh man el shaddai jehovah's synchronous jehovah sharma jehovah rojo jehovah ra you go read he's speaking and he said moses saw his goodness you know what that is he saw you sue because you're good he saw you charles because you're good phil he saw you son that's the goodness of god he saw me he saw everything god he saw the andromeda galaxy go into existence that milky way he saw the big bang boom all then he got so excited he wrote it by himself moses is the biggest man in all the earth now that's kind of cocky in it did you write that about yourself no when you flooded with the spirit of god that's god speaking through you he saw the goodness of god saw everything god ever did that was good god always gives an overflowing don't cap off the goodness of god with limited thinking limited faith and limited words i don't cap off the goodness of god with limited thinking or limited faith or limited words i guess you just say everything's going to be yeah i say what i want not what i see or not what i have you know when you ask god to forgive your sin do you think that's when jesus found out that you sinned no that's when you decided to get honest with yourself you see limited thinking limited faith are limited words you know how many preachers told me i would never own a plane i didn't ask for the planes so i i i didn't zoom i didn't barbara i i didn't ask i'm driving on a road going and passing a lafayette or a airport 1978. in a toyota gas car in 1958 cents a gallon and i couldn't fill up the toyota i went to full-time ministry gave all my money away because i thought you had to before i didn't know you know when you don't know you don't know but i didn't know i was planting seed i didn't know anything about that i just don't want because god told me to go and a jet flew over my head and god said look up jess i'm gonna give you a jet i thought a jet in my mind intellectual activity oh i can't even fill up a tall yoga i'm gonna fill up a jet gave me the greatest statement i've ever given given me in my whole life and i've said it here a bunch of times josiah i didn't ask you to pay for it i ask you to believe for it oh that goes off of me like a shotgun every time i say that but we talk about take the pressure off i didn't actually pay for it you're not going to get that now either you lying or god's lying i pick you see don't let your destiny and receiving pass you by i refuse to do i'm not trying to be a big preacher i don't know if y'all saw some of that we had over three or four hundred three hundred something thousand people i decided a very sad mother talk about the heaven trip did anybody see that on you you thought very soon i'll talk about that because i don't want to exploit it and but i mean i was there but i'll tell you what people going to slap crazy that happened in in 19 actually 1988 they had magnolia arkansas room 105 at the best western hotel i've had hollywood directors and producers offering me millions and millions of dollars to make a movie out of this and i told them no because they want total rights but you know they're gonna put something in there that ain't true that ain't gonna happen that will not happen you see i don't let my destiny and receive me pass me by and i would have never said it again brother but back then you know i thought god made the biggest mistake of his life to bring me to heaven i said you got the wrong man you need billy graham that's what i was thinking oh my god man i was preaching in churches of 50 60 70. i had a lot of meetings but you know small changes billing around all over the world many today 2.9 billion people on broadcast television only in 14 different languages listen to me preach the gospel every week since 2020 of january to the end of what is there's a may over 20 million what 200 something thousand people hit on us on um social media [Applause] a whole nother generation but i didn't know that then i didn't need see he was right i was wrong so you know why i did it brother because when he took me first he said go tell my people i'm coming and i'm sitting in my office my study at my house the lord said i want you to talk about i said oh jesus you know so many people have had the experience you know they just run it in the ground they try to build everything on i don't mean that to be critical just the truth i said he said no i want you to tell him you listen to me every one of you listen to me this is what the lord said he said tell them this time i'm coming sooner than they think ladies and gentlemen jesus is coming i'm telling you he is coming buddy now i'm not just saying that because of the trouble but in the midst of all the trouble we see and i call it the noah days as it was the days of noah the church can flourish in the midst of it all see if you miss this theme what shall i do for thee you will miss your opportunity and never reach your true destination what has god called you to do do you know where you're going do you know when you're going to get there man let me say it again if you miss this theme what shall i do for me you will miss your opportunity and never reach your true destination see to get in touch with god you got to use his language i built a room for god in my house i have a beautiful home it blows socks it blows people's socks on but i built i have a chapel in my house there's pews about this size in it that i got out of uh edinboro squad over 250 years old i get pictures of christ going around the walls i said this is god's room i took holy communion it's saturday when people come to see the house they go oh and everybody that criticized me about that how they sure want to look at it yo mama ain't letting no doubt and unbelief get in my house [Music] i'm bragging about that but let me tell you something my mansion in heaven i've been in that one too now i gotta i live in a mansion i ain't gonna lie about it don't get mad at me and hey my fault his will be done where his will be done where where where as it is where are you mad at me for let me look at the people stream a live stream why you mad at me i'm just being biblical the difference is i just got enough guts to say it not because i'm full of courage it's because i am giving i'm remembering the lord that god he's the one that done that i couldn't have done it if i'd have done it i'd have done it 50 years ago couldn't do it but god could let me close with this you must have fixed thoughts on who god is and what he said you can have do you know what he said you can have that's why you couldn't change abraham's mind he's 100 years old he said he considered not his body being dead he's staggering out of the promises of god and he fully persuaded yeah but would you ain't no honey old man had no baby no not any old woman gonna get pregnant but his thoughts were fixed upon what god said you must have fixed thoughts on who god is and what he said so you can have whatever you're believing for not only can god do what you ask believe god will do what you ask so i just say he will do that who do you think has nothing to do with me you focusing on the wrong situation here it's on what god said you could have what god said you could do that make him no difference he's just waiting for you to say something you know i got a good friend of mine he's a jewish guy i love the jewish people i preach in jewish synagogues the jews love me but i didn't know i'm a creature i preached one of the biggest synagogues in boston these rabbis they love me man when they see my library they freak out they go oh my god you caught what we have i said oh yeah i got the talmud i got the talmud i have it all i got it all i got the jerusalem one i got the babylon i got everything they got they go oh and all their sages ram bam they got they that's their apostle paul you know they go i can't get over that so he said i want you to come in and preach for us you see very interesting things i said well you know i'm a christian yes i said well can i say the name of jesus he goes not too much either they are not too much but okay and i looked at him and said did you know rabbi that jesus is jewish he goes huh i said what's the matter you don't like your own people that's what i'm talking about you say such interesting things i said well christianity they couldn't have wouldn't have never been birthed without judaism so i got a friend of mine we do business together and i love you he's a blessing he said jesse i said what you're going to try to convert me i said no i wish i could but i can't i told him i said god can't convert you neither without your permission see you got to believe with your heart you got to confess with your mouth now god can make you but he won't do that right see not only can god do what you ask believe god will do what you ask do you get there jesse make the word a habit and you will know it's his will to do what you ask that's second timothy 2 15 study the show thou self approved on the i work when i need to not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you've heard people say if you don't study is it possible you can wrongly divide the word of truth you didn't just say read says study which means get into this thing break it up do some things here you know you see i make the word of god and my life a habit of just living the way this bible said i could one man asked me not longer suppose you lost everything i said can't take what's in here but i'm gonna tell you something i'm not oh they think that man strong no no i'm not strong don't don't put this on me when i'm talking this is the shield of faith in front of me i have the shield i don't look and say is the devil gone no keep your head keep your head behind the shield for god's sake huh he ain't going away you trying he trying to shoot you you trying to kill you god i don't know why people just so slept crazy they don't even know if they're boy or girl let me give you a revelation check your equipment it'll tell you what you owe it's going to tell you what you are well i don't feel like it don't matter what you feel but i i i don't feel married that don't change it you oh i got no different what you feel i just let my light shine a person asked me this oh watch this now brother jesse i want to know what you think about black lives matter i looked at him and said what are you asking me are you asking me about black people are you asking me about the organization he couldn't answer the i said black people i'm for 100 percent i don't know they're black that's right and they don't know i'm white we the human race and that black lives matter they got some thugs in there because i saw a guy who's black who own a business and they're burning his business down he's screaming at him and he said look at me i'm black you're burning my business i put my whole life in this you think they cared you see when are we going to believe there's just one race well you know where you're going to learn it let me tell you how you learn it go to the nursery they're the greatest teachers you got a little black baby brown baby red baby yellow baby white baby they looking at each other like it they love each other they play with the toy you know they don't know don't tell them and this thing's over with i don't have any i mean you know i mean creflo dollars just how long we've been preaching together i said come on come on crap 28 20 29 he said you don't know i'm black i said thank you for telling me now i don't think of creflo diaz a black man or i don't think my mind does not i don't think that way i think of a gift god does not create mean people mean people create meaning god loves people so i just enjoy my friends of all nationality color creed i don't care don't make no difference to me why because a friend stick it closer than a brother so i don't have to make an excuse for anybody in any way shape or form i'll tell you a true story when i was uh 16 that's a long time ago i worked for a man named mr pate p.a.t he owned a lumber company called paint building and supply he was a great guy yeah i'm just trying to make a book you know what i'm saying 16 years old you could work a lot younger in those days you know there was a guy named rg i called him rg he's a black guy me and him we work together now but in louisiana in august that's africa hot sir that's 95 97 degrees 100 humidity we're sweating like mules more we're loading that lumber putting it on trucks bringing it out to the location and stuff like that there's a couple of white guys beside me in the in the i call it the warehouse or whatever whatever something but me and rg you know uh i guess they made us do all the dirty work but we didn't care you know now in those days you don't have what you have today uh you go there to to get a drink of water uh-uh what they had was a uh uh like like a bucket with a dipper with some ice in it you went over there you know get you some water like that you know and they don't care if you sweat and pass out ain't nobody cared about that stuff i remember one time he was raining and i went to randall he said where you going i said randy he said it don't rain it don't rain hit the job that's the way i was ready so man r.g said thirsty i said me too so i said go get some water so watch this audrey takes the dipper he dips it in the water boy i had cold water man he's drinking like that he he only drank about half and he filled with his butt i said give me the hat and i grabbed and i grabbed the dip and i went and these two guys they saw these two white guys they said and they used the n word can you believe that jesse drank after them and i looked at them i said what'd you say i wasn't saved in those days i said what'd you say and rg grammy said no don't don't start that i said oh gee don't bother on nothing i said me you can whip these fools i'll use this dip and make it a hammer i beat that sucker's razor i was mad boy i was hot man i was i wasn't big i wasn't small but i could hit i could hit hard you know i was just i wasn't a very big boy you know but no no don't worry about that well somebody told mr pate so mr pate come walking out there but maybe 30 minutes later got the two guys the white guys he said i'll come over here he said rg just come here he said boy it's hot out here well i'm gonna just say we say it's hot as hell out here now in louisiana that's not cursing that's a location maybe in tennessee it's causing but it's just a location [Laughter] well you know hill's hot but oh this is harder you heard people say the whole thing missed a piece here it's pretty good water so he takes that dipper the different that rg drank that up that i drank out of it he sticks it in the water now according by now the water is contaminated you know calling it out he goes whoa he said how's enough sip there would you and when the boss told you to drink your drink so he said have somebody yes sir just said let me get some and look at those two guys he said you're fired [Applause] and he said a few other words that i cannot say because it is custom catholic that's custom louisiana and rg had tears in his eyes i i didn't know how to cry because i was told never to cry i said come i said suck it up bar james rg suck it up oh don't show your emotion just suppress that you know i was wrong god had to teach me to cry kathy said that to me two weeks ago god forbid that a tear would come in your [Laughter] eyes i was raised not to cry we don't cry we men you're five years old suck it up boy i don't care if a truck roll roll over your legs put them bones back in your leg you cry let your sister cry but men don't cry any man up and raise like that hold your hand up if anybody i hope please help me hold your hand if it's true it might tell you the truth but it's just the way it was so i still struggle with that sometimes i even lie about it but i'm getting better the older i get i notice i'm getting emotional i heard president george h.w bush he said i don't know what's happened to me the older i get the more i cry well i never cried but that day i was watching a movie and i went captain said you cried no i'm like what about you but i'm doing better at least i think i am i got this they're doing better boys see i got to unlearn that that's not an easy thing when all your life you've been told we don't do that we meant i only hugged my mother once in my whole life five years old and my grandfather went come here we men we don't do that shake her hand true story my daddy at 84 years old came and apologized to me and my oldest brother every all my life i shook my dad's hand they don't hug my sister now you know women i'm talking as little boys and daddy took our money we'd work man and he'd take our money and made you feel guilty if you said anything about it anybody ever been there come on be honest yeah you know what i'm telling my straight yeah and my brother wayne he's in heaven he passed away last year he says uh dad wants to go eat with you me and euik we're going to come up to new orleans i said okay i thought maybe dad liked to eat at the country club you never seen nothing i got my dad you know so he come walking up to me feel like but for me to feel he's walking like this so i i want you to stick your hand out i went like this how you doing dad he goes and he hugged me i went oh and jody my daughter she said hug your daddy i went something wrong how you doing dad you okay i just never before never he said jesus i'm sorry i did wrong to you and my hand i asked you to forgive me me and wayne bruce said it in unison it's okay dad where the money where the money dad a lot of money he said i spin it i apologize i made you all i wanted to make you men i said dad we were five six years old just but he was raised that way and you know up to the point that he died he died almost at 89. every time he sees i didn't know i'd go and he'd say it's okay to unlearn you see to unlearn i thank god that i never had to unlearn that's why i never learned a doubt see it was easy to believe some of these unbelievable impossible yet doable things but there's some areas that i need to that i'm working on you know you work out your salvation or your soundness with reference and all not scared but of who he is and what he is when you understand that see one more story then i close leroy thompson a good friend of mine his uh anniversary is june the 5th and they were married 50 years this year ours was june the 6th and we were married 51. now he's older than i am but uh uh but not just not much but leroy is mushy i mean he loves carol and his wife she's a wonderful woman so i didn't know this we spent our anniversary together you know so we go out i said well you want to i said i'm buying this your anniversary he said well i want to make a toast to carol so i thought happy anniversary he go curling you've been the most wonderful person in my life cartesian i thought what's wrong with the man got to suck it up man what's your problem you're crying i just love you and glory all god if you're wrong that's like oh god and she just loved that cathy goes you next oh god so we went to the hotel rooms he he said you got your speech ready i said lebron i can't do that man i don't do that later on oh you got to do it jesse you got to do it i didn't sleep that night jesus man i can't do that good lord yeah you do that behind closed door but not cathy suffer sucker you're gonna say every word and look me in the eyes when you say it i couldn't get it out i tried i said you know she go ah leroy no does he can't do that come on pull on that anointing of god i said spit on yourself leroy i can't do that god had to send liberal thompson to help me sometime i didn't want to go with him on anniversary because i got to say the speech not that i didn't love her don't do that i was you don't do that the way i was raised is any man ever been raised like anybody right look at that lady says this this sucker right here needs this sermon it's hard you know a woman said honey i love you mingo me too that's telling you something but i'm doing better huh well come on help me out here listen i'm gonna give an article a minute go ahead and lie then you'll repent after i get you no no it's not but y'all laughing it ain't easy now it may be easy to you now it's easy for me to look at cancer diet and i mean they're trying to cancer diabetes something terrible girl that's nothing but to say i love you in public till you're white but you can say i love you to people but i mean you know you know you're getting close here you know what i'm trying to say good lord g man [Laughter] one time kathy threw the light like a beam of light on she went speak it out to burn my pupils out of my mind i said listen woman you know if you know what are you worried about that's stupid i'm wrong i'm wrong i'm telling you some of my weaknesses i don't mind i'm wrong but i'm getting better you see what i'm trying to say you understand i asked the lord to help me i mean i know if i'd have been standing by jesus when he oh jerusalem he still crying i would say what's your problem man you got to suck it up jesus come on come on man i mean you god come on man come on suck it up you don't do that okay i just read this sign do not move the podium from this spot okay this is where pastor cowan wants it to be placed i thought that was a revelation [Laughter] some of you are baptized you want to laugh so bad go ahead just laugh it's all right there's somebody saw you walk in here now i come down to this what should it do for you this is just a little piece of this if you my partner is i take different scenes in the bible i'm writing on them and i hope you can get them and keep those 12 once the year is finished go back and read that over because all god wants to do is be a father to you who can cry who can laugh who wants to bless you beyond your wildest dreams spiritually physically financially he don't care church world does secular world does but not him now i do that with my daughter i act just like god with my daughter jody what could daddy do for you dad you do somebody no she's gonna be 50 years old in october she said dad can you believe it you're going to have a daughter that's 50. i said yeah i was there when he was born i can't believe it i'm going to be 72 next month i said yeah i can believe it yeah let me dad you do something no no you don't understand then my granddaughter i only have one daughter one granddaughter my granddaughter is meredith her name is meredith margot walker we call it eminem i see him i've never told her no she's 13. never jody's gonna be 50. never told her no kathy has many times because i'm a wimp i can't say that jordy called me up there they she said dad you never tell meredith no i said well everything she says makes sense to me what's the problem i'm gonna tell you something you may have a hard time believing but it's true i've been preaching 45 going on 46 years and god has never told me no never he has a hard time saying that because he just wants to be god kenneth copeland said if if if sin wouldn't have taken place god would have never had a serious thought he would have just blessed this family to be in the garden of eden just enjoying ourselves but sin took it over so what shall he do for you today would you stand to your feet cool let's just pray in the holy ghost for a minute if you don't know how to pray in the holy ghost then pray in english but just pray in the holy ghost and let god just be the blessing i need a couple of ushers to help me if you don't mind thank you sir i appreciate you i'm gonna go down that aisle right here you can go down you can go down [Music] come on just thank the lord [Music] can i can i pray for you sweetheart but you should stand right there stand behind her lift your little hands up to oh god [Music] oh girl by the end of this year you will shout for joy oh because see you willing now things haven't been easy but they're going to get there jesus touch her people keep praying with [Music] me [Music] don't worry about the family someone think you're a little overboard with some of this stuff [Music] but you're not you're right on target you're right where i want you to be they think you're a little too religious a little crazy with this he said ah i'm gonna show you more than you they've ever seen and more than you've ever seen so you get ready girl cause me and you are gonna party and we're gonna party together because you my daughter and i'm your god jesus touch her somebody shout somebody come on come on just thank the lord [Applause] come on people pray with me lift your hands up stand behind it the god got one word for you sweetheart yes come on somebody shout somebody he just said yes come on people pray with me now if you get nervous about this just close your eyes ain't nobody will see you just thank the lord i won't pray for that lady right there can i pray for you sweetheart come here just come on out of here come on people pray with me in the holy ghost the lord said pray in the holy ghost over here because i'm going to surprise her and i'm going to surprise the devil i'll open the doors all doors have doorknobs you can push them up but don't push them open you'll know exactly where to go what to do when to do it where to do it and how to do it because i'm i'm gonna make doors like grocery store doors before you get there they open up and then when you walk in they close behind you i have a plan i have a destiny and i have a destination for you thank you jesus oh and i saved you for such a time as this thank you jesus some people say some things they shouldn't say well let me tell you what i say about you i find no fault in you because i see your heart see i don't judge what people say i judge the heart of people jesus touch her people lift your hands up thank god for that i wouldn't mind having that myself come on boys how you doing mama can you stay right there i just want to pray for you i have so much joy that they make people mad it does i don't know why it just does but the lord said i'm gonna take a portion of your joy and place it on this lady and if you'll believe me your body will get stronger look at me i'll say it again if you believe me that's the christ in me your body will get stronger things will get better they say in english and i will cause you to forget the past because the past has beat on you terribly and i'll cause you to see the future father in jesus name touch her lord mess her honor her lord from the top of her head to the souls of if he just caused the past to be gone and the freedom of the future to be seen thank you for healing her body making her stronger every area of her life because she want to do some things and she's going to have to have the ability to do it more spiritually physically financially he said tell her to ask me for all three spiritual things physical things and financial things and see if i'll not do what i said to you this night say it for me people lift your hands up and bless god about that lift your hands up and bless god about that great so-called in god good come on can i pray for you sir would you come stand right there if you don't mind come on people keep praying with me for you that don't understand what's going on guess the spirit in operation that's all it is if he hands up young man [Applause] say bye boy jesus seemed like every time you try to do something you run into a barricade bam bam hit stop stops what lord what am i doing wrong nothing these people don't want you to prosper they say one thing in front of your face but to say another behind your back but if you'll give me a little bit more of your time i'll make them all see what i have for you [Music] and i'll cause great opportunities to come your way and you will receive what you wanted and what you believe for but here's a warning don't let that opportunity that i'ma open for you don't use it as a vengeful thing against those that tried to hurt you just let my light shine through you and my blessing and i'll help them and i'll help you jesus touch him more touch him honor him lord bless him from the top of his head to the souls of his feet he has a right lord just like anybody else that you created on this earth i decree declared today in jesus name amen thank you for letting me pray for you sir people lift your hands up bless the lord for that come here on i'm gonna pray for the baby yeah come here catherine i need your help kathy i'm gonna need your help i'm gonna lay hands on this unborn baby we're gonna get a baby filled with the holy ghost inside his mama like john the baptist said come on do you know what you're going to have a boy lift your little hands up right there both hands mom sue and barbara come on husband you can't sue and barbara both out barbara [Music] i want you okay these people are full of the holy ghost i want sue you're gonna be put your hand right there on that side barbara come on this side put your hand on this side here i want y'all to touch this baby and sweetheart i'ma just put my hand on your face father you feel john the baptist in elizabeth whoa jesus make this baby a preaching baby oh god that when these doctors they touch this child they know they've touched a special person called for such a time as this bless this lady bless this baby save 100 boys in the name of jesus we set ourselves in agreement right now that it shall be shall be i decree and declare today somebody's shouting here come on be filled with the holy ghost be filled with the holy ghost thank you people lift your hands up bless the lord bless him jesus bless him lord bless him god stay behind boys honor him i sent you a special person this child will be special i didn't say better than any other but i said special for something that i want done even as a child remember those words that i speak to you tonight because this child will say things you never thought a child would ever say jesus bless it honor him touch him lord [Music] come on thank the lord for this come on come on you can do better than that come on shout with me oh glory glory glory did god good thank you and god good [Music] i like the way he smiles anthony it brings joy to me sometimes my kids do wrong things but when i look at you and you smile it makes me remember my covenant oh that's a powerful word so smile more it blesses your heavenly father and i'm going to give you some things to really smile a lot for touch your jesus [Music] come on people somebody shout somebody will you oh god i will push the opposition's away because deep down inside you want to do something you had a lot of hindrances too [Applause] but the day of hindrance is concerning i want you to do is over i shut it down today watch what i will do in jesus name somebody shouted oh god got some big stuff for this lady big stuff come on keep praying with me in the holy ghost i'm almost finished it's all it's okay but okay come on thank the lord pray with me the holy ghost oh jesus and god and god good and let me pray for you sir i said just look that you're right have your hands up sir [Music] people said things to you as a kid growing up they didn't care if they hurt your feelings or not they just say thanks you a thinker you hold a lot of things here [Music] i'ma give you some revelation you never thought you would receive what do you do sir that's right you're an attorney attorneys ought to really be able to understand scripture because they taught to read words not just paragraphs [Music] the lord said he needs people like you because satan's gonna try to do some things but people like you will stop it because you know the law we know about the law there's a difficulty knowing about something and know it's something that's night and day see a lot of people coming to you asking questions including other attorneys [Music] oh jesus yes jesus that's powerful that's your wife you part of this too girl jesus [Music] god needs people in this last day in this last time [Music] i pray for you sweetheart you believe your shirt god is so good it's overwhelming how old are you 14. i used to be 14. see what you're going to look like oh no no lift your little hands up [Music] you can be whatever you want to be you can do whatever you want to do i promise you before this congregation that i'll go before you and behind you and around the choice is in you if you stay close to me [Music] you will reach your destiny get to your destination and i see in my spirit thousands and thousands not just a thousand thousands and thousands of people following you especially because you're gonna you say the right things you only say what the father says and you only do what the father says to do remember those words and i will make your life such a blessing to all that know you but there'll be an awesome satisfaction inside you all the days of your life that you are a person in whom i am well pleased [Music] somebody shout isn't that nice that's nice [Music] what's your name bobby have your hands up [Music] two surprises are coming bobby i asked the lord what they were he said ain't none of my business he said that's why i called him surprising because if i told you jesse you tell him i guess i would i got two good surprises for you i said well save more lord he said then it wouldn't be a surprise but it starts tonight oh jesus it starts tonight come on somebody shout somebody oh come on somebody shout for me willy that's big right there whatever that is that big right there i want to know what that i'm gonna go home and ask god when that's about a little bit lift your hands up praying the holy ghost a little bit more come on worship team lift your hands up pray in the holy ghost if you got to play an instrument that's okay but just thank god how'd that baby feel it [Music] this is for four people here tonight and i don't know who you are normally god sends me well we're gonna tell these four and they'll know it immediately you can live as long as you want [Music] don't talk to me about the end because the end is not yet but if you want me to make it an end i will but death and life is in the power of your tongue and not mine because if i say something to you say if the lord i will say life life life you haven't asked me to rejuvenate your body when you're going to do that that's for four people here tonight [Music] he said finish it i await what you're going to say about that in your private time with me and whatever you say [Music] i will honor it remember your destiny and destination is in your mouth give the lord a hand clap for that that's very powerful it's truly amazing what god will do if people will just let him [Music] i really don't want this year to end because of this theme what shall i do for them because there's so many desperate people that need help spiritual physical financial all [Music] three i got a friend of mine's getting married [Music] i'm about two months older than his his wife went home be with the lord i guess what a year and a half ago kathy two years something like that roughly he met someone very honorable man and he called me and i heard joy in his voice i love to hear joy i'm a very joyful person myself the joy of the lord's our strength he says i've fallen in love and god made it happen i never researched i never looked in it and you were the only one who would call me consistently are you okay i'm here for you you need me i said every person has a right to be happy he said do you want to know how old she is i said no no didn't have anything to do with age the world thinks that because if that was so true then abraham would have never had isaac or sarah you know what i'm talking about the situation nothing everybody has a right to be happy now why am i saying that because there's a person in here in the same situation [Music] and you want to make sure you make the right decision now i'm not going to embarrass you but let me tell you how i make decisions from my life personally and all the decisions of just to plan this which costs millions of dollars a month millions i wish it was a million but it's millions and in saint john 16 13 i based everything i've ever done on that verse how be it when the spirit of truth is come he will guide you in how much truth decision i've ever made for my ministry for my personal life i found it upon that verse because before i was born god had that verse wrote for all of us and when i found it i have such confidence in it why i've never had doubt [Music] because i'm never alone i'm guided constantly i don't even make my own footprints i feel i just step in his i only do two things in my life i only say what my father says and i only do what my father says jesus said that i adopted that in my life ephesians 5 1 be therefore imitators of god as dear children so you're going to make the right decision because you're in the right place at the right time about ready to do the right thing and joy will fill you and happiness joy is the fruit of the spirit happiness and emotional feeling you put them together you gotta on fire pentecostal an on-fire catholic on fire baptism on fire episcopalian a presbyterian a church of god a church of christ a word of faith a full gospel or symbols of god when you understand this and god will honor you so make your decision and god will honor it or like he tells me jesse make a decision and i'll back it well we stood on that many times i gave it make a decision and i'll back it that's confidence in saint john 16 13. that's not just saying well i hope there's going no no that's confidence in that that don't come overnight it takes discipline dedication and commitment and then one final thing i am finished with the world charles [Music] there's nothing in the world that just interests me when i got born again that day labor day week in 1974 i gave my life to god in a bathroom in boston massachusetts i did not need deliverance i hear people say after they say they got delivered and i understand all that don't listen to them uh but right i mean the night the day before i'm drinking a fifth of whiskey a day sending them god [Music] never have had a problem with any sin of that nature ever [Music] ask the lord why and he said this statement i love it you let the purity of the gospel go as far as the pollution of sin and created me anew so every day what will i have me to do remember there are open positions [Music] don't forget that this is the first church i said that at first convention am i correct i i i hesitated he said i've got to fill positions for the next life what you do here determines what you'll be and what you'll do when you get there use the lord that's what isaiah said can i find somebody i i use me lord [Music] use me yes lift your hands up one more time and thank you and while you're doing that father there's one here that don't know you i ask you to forgive them let them accept you as your lord and savior as their lord and savior let it not be a spirit of religion but a spirit of great awareness of god a creator who loves people forgive them of all this sin or trespass or iniquity whatever it may be i sure could use another brother and another sister in the lord i call it donald [Music] feel positions in this church here for the next life because i believe it's going to be sooner than we think [Music] let us all be found with our hand to the plow doing your work in jesus name i give the lord a standing ovation be seated for just a second you can still keep playing i almost forgot to receive an offering [Music] you know when you give to our ministry all the offerings i've ever given me charles i feel i use these two guys a lot because i've been preaching for them for years 100 of what you give goes into world evangelism i um i love to tell people what i do with finance at my visionaire conference which is coming up in july one of the greatest compliments we get is they can't get over this i show them when we received an orphan a year before this is what that where that money went to they can't get over there most people get they never know you know it goes to nothing wrong with that but i'm just saying i said this is what you gave and they just go nuts i've had so many ministers say god that's it i said well you need to know ladies and gentlemen our ministry is very blessed the lord has blessed us with a beautiful aircraft but you know god always warns me we went and preached a delaware church there in kerrville texas that way he was a singer on tbn kind of a country in western singer great guy great and um so and i know that plane like the back of my hand even though i can't fly it i know how it feels i know and kathy was with me that night normally she's not but she was with me boom and that jet that jet i mean climbs so we sit there maybe no more than about five minutes after takeoff also not the plane went whoa i mean i almost did this come on i said something's not right and with the air traffic controller did he put us on the same trajectory as another plane coming this way but thank god for good pilots they caught it and i believe the other plane caught it too so we straightened all that kind of stuff i said what happened it's a minute i said we need some better so y'all can see that quicker see the devil will try to kill you so what we're doing is i said let's find out we got something that can pick that plane up before we have a chance to see it and that's what we're doing it just came back we've installed some stuff in there and we're all looking looking at another avionic package the engineers got to work all that stuff out and uh wasn't afraid but this is where your money's going to it's gonna cost about five hundred thousand dollars this stuff is very expensive you can just pick up stuff you know just they even got some of it i don't know if it's in this particular that it'll actually divert the plane you ever been in a car now they got cars they got on cameras that if you fall asleep you know what i'm talking about some of the cars you start to cross that white light that's what i'm talking about but up in the uh air so everything's fine we will say but the guy made a mistake people are human well my pilots caught it they saw it immediately but what they need is bigger things to see those things faster so i said okay i said lord he said do that so if you don't mind the offering that you're gonna give tonight i'm gonna place it toward that i can believe for 500 people give a thousand dollars i've had it happen many times have you ever had a five hundred thousand dollar gift yeah many times have you had a million dollars yeah quite a few times and 100 of it goes to where god tells me to put it so i'm going to ask you to do your best there's an offering envelope have you all passed them out yet okay would you please all pass them out this is a jester to plan this ministry or for an envelope i want you to listen to me you're never going to hear preachers say this if you don't want to give look at me look at me look at me if you don't want to give don't we still going to be fine but the anointing of increases on my life so if you don't mind this is your money and not mine i'm going to place that toward that and then what do you believe it for you might want one of them cars that if you cross the white line it'll wake you up i don't know what you want but god does if you're telling if you're writing a check out you make it out to jdm as jessie the plants minister you'll get a tax deductible receipt for your giving on on the uh screens that's a text to give it shows you how to do that if you want to do that it's also on the envelope you can use paypal if you'd like to give in that manner or you can go to our website and hit the donate button if you don't mind i'm going to place it toward that that way we're safer and better i asked my pilots about that my mechanics i don't want to say something that's not true he said what you're saying is true it'll make us a lot safer so i'm going to ask you to do your best and um we're going to get this and pay cash for this we've already got it in the works hallelujah you got to get in line we have one person right now doing the other package that's got to be finished out and then we don't want to be number two but we don't mind being number three number four maybe number five we want to make sure that all working you can't pull over at 40 000 feet [Music] and we were coming here tonight we were at 43 000 feet smoking more and that's got very great equipment in there but this is not you not smoking but going fast guess it's smoking you're going back to when you went safe no i ain't talking about that cat but this stuff here they upgraded constantly well you know you know how technology is now i mean you think about this 15 years ago your cell phone was this big remember that what like that i mean superman don't even have a place where you can change clothes anymore some people just caught that look at the young people what he used to change in a phone booth he was clark kent and he came out superman anybody remember that i don't know if you remember but technology we're going to stay up with the technology we're going to put that in there we found we just found out about in the morning about maybe three or four months ago but when did it happen was that at delways and uh so we want that so we're never gonna have that proper look at me don't give me anything that belongs to your church or god's not gonna hurt your church to help me we don't do that we never charge churches when we come we never give anybody expenses never have never will [Music] i remember i called him littlefield your son he got hold one of my tapes and books when he says well but jesse by preaching i i got out of debt i said that's so easy to do everything i said tonight is so easy don't complicate it children are born believers until you teach them the doubt it's a learned process ladies and gentlemen so learn the right side so you don't have to unlearn and god will honor you so if you're giving you can text to give that sounds great you can use paypal you can go to and hit the donate button or if you're giving a check tonight you can make it out to jdm you will get a tax deductible receipt and we will place these things toward these projects that project there who you're offering up to the lord i want to pray over it i want to believe i won't look at me the bible says psalm 30 i'm not in that crowd and psalm 60 i'm not in that crop and some 100 fold i'm in that crop now i'm going to say something taking an offering look at me i am a wealthy man don't get mad at me and my fault god trust me you hear me say it when i talk to my partner how come you've never had a financial deficit you know what i trust you you trust me we both trust god that's just simply the truth i trust you i trust my partners they trust me we both trust god no scandals some people tried to make scandals couldn't do it they tried to put scandals on jesus even made a move about him called the last temptations of christ how stupid that was that's an unregenerated mind [Music] so people say what about all the expenses to come i don't care he didn't ask me to pay for it he asked me before you know i'm not picking up any money for the expenses there are some but i don't care why because i trust you you trust me we both trust god and god honor you hold your offering up to the lord right now father in the name of jesus i can't thank you enough for the hundredfold [Music] that anointing is on me for that lord i ask you to place it upon these everyone that's giving whether live streaming giving or write physically in this church i ask you to bless them beyond their wildest dreams and i thank you for it and i believe you for it in jesus name we pray amen and amen ushers go ahead and receive tonight's offering how do you do that oh they come up okay i'll get out of your seat and walk up these white buckets i thought that was kentucky fried chicken there for a minute so y'all come hallelujah real quickly do not touch this pulpit [Music] thank you for giving to our ministry thank you for being a partner to it thank you sir thank you thank you thank you i'd like you to write me a little letter or comment on either instagram or youtube or facebook 100 fool when the blessing of finance come out and hit you so hard it will did it for me why would he do it for you wouldn't it i mean it makes sense to me why would god love me more than he loved you wouldn't why would god bless me and i bless you i mean i treat my granddaughter like i treat my daughter ain't no difference i never told jody no and i'm never gonna tell meredith no she just made 13 phil you know what i told her i said oh m that's a big that's a big age that's a big number 13. yeah i said i said the next one is 16. oh that's a big one too oh you're gonna buy me a car i said yeah i said then the other one's 21. that's when you get sued she said what's that you don't need to know you'll find out when you're 21 years old but it ain't gonna happen big you know there's certain things in life that are big mine wasn't 13 or 16. mine was 18. got out of school graduated high school may the 31st 1967. two days later june the second i got a letter from the united states government good morning vietnam i'm on my senior weekend here i'm just a kid there nobody no different always honor veterans you don't realize what they go through always thank god i didn't have to go [Applause] [Music] they said i don't know he would have no pr cause in those days i was i was raised on the streets of new orleans you do what you got to do and never forget that full bird colonel city you scared to go i say you know how many people get killed in new orleans every night ain't nothing you just got to be on the right side of the bullet he just looked at me i want you that ain't good but i mean that's just the way i was taught all my life that's what my grandfather said somebody mess with you alligator got to eat that's how i was raised that ain't fun thank god we got saved stand your feet one more time now i'm nervous about this pulpit here keep putting my hand on it don't you think did you see this sign kevin don't want to mess it up oh let me take this off here it's been a high honor i wish i could be here tomorrow night my god the next night is it three nights y'all doing four nights whatever thursday through thursday night my lord invite your friends tell them to come because i know isaac and i know mark hankins i call mark the prince of preachers i like old mark i told him one time he was struggling hard boy many years ago and i said mark you're going to outlast the devil anyway ha ha i said that's right you will outlast the devil we started out together man did you know that now i'm older than he is but i mean we started out together now he's raised up in church and and when i wasn't enforced i mean i knew a lot about god but i didn't know god mama gave her bible stories you know that kind of stuff i wish i could be here but i i'm gonna be in idaho tomorrow night in helena montana tuesday night in tacoma seattle washington wednesday night then thursday i'll be in new orleans right kathy i think so you coming with me praise the lord i like it when kathy comes with me why [Music] i don't know we've been mad at a long time we travel a lot and i i promise you i will wear the right thing i was so glad that because if kathy would have saw me with this on live streaming and i asked her right in front of charles said i could don't get mad at me woman you brought that nice clue this might seem bad you know anyway it's a blessing thank you charles for allowing me to stand behind the pulpit that i can never move and i mean that give jesus a hand clap as your pastor comes want to turn it to you do you take it [Applause] if you want to yes don't touch that pull [Laughter] patch
Channel: Faith is the Victory Church
Views: 18,658
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: YnGX9mybUGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 9sec (6909 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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