Boardroom Chat: What Do You Do When Everything Is Going Wrong? | Jesse & Cathy Duplantis

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hey there i'm so glad you came to our youtube channel i want you to click the subscribe button and hit the notification bell so you won't miss anything going on right here at jesse duplantis ministry remember subscribe and hit the bell and guess what enjoy hello ladies and gentlemen i'm jesse the planet and i'm kathy duplantis and we want to welcome you to the boardroom chat today thanks god i tell you we enjoy these people really enjoying these boat room chats you know we get down to where the rubber meet the roads yeah cause when we have these things you know you don't interrupt me as much i don't interrupt you as much no you she interrupts me all the time it's good but that's all right you know hallelujah god is so good i want to ask you a question you always do you ready yeah you ain't know what i'm going to say that's true what do you do when you just had your brains beat up what do we do what do you what do you do well i go to the i'm going to tell you what i do what do you do no no i'm asking you a question first i just told you i go to the lord and he gives me answers go to the lord hallelujah i don't let i don't let the devil break oh crain talk to me now your reaction to what goes wrong is very important not only to god almighty but to yourself and the people around you the apostle paul went out and was preaching the gospel and they just beat the fire out the guy and he picked a guy named silas and i like old silas because silence said man i do whatever it takes i just want to work with you paul yeah and i won't go to the book of acts chapter 16. we're going to talk about today is what do i do and everything going wrong i mean when i mean everything and it's just we're in pain here and all kinds of different things spiritually physically or financially paul the apostle in acts chapter 16 i mean people got mad at him i mean because he was preaching the word of god and verse 22 watch this and the multitudes rose up together against them and the magistrates rent off their clothes and commanded to beat them when they had laid many stripes upon them they cast them in the prison charging the jailer to keep them safely who having received such a charge thrust them into the inner prison and made their feet fast in the stock so not only were they backs bleeding everything going wrong they stuck a feet in the stocks that came moved and look what paul and silas did verse 25 and at midnight paul and silas prayed that's number one and saying praises unto god and the prisoners heard them i want to talk about songs in the night that's good whenever things going wrong instead of complaining saying i don't know what i'm going to do what jesus they start singing praises to god and why what was the reason for it because they knew that greater is he was in them than he that was in the world even though they had been beat up ferociously about that and i like what it says and the prisoners heard them what are people hearing when you're talking when everything's going wrong is it the same god when everything's going right do you give god glory when everything's going right and say boy i'll tell you someone but when everything's going right or have you changed your confession or whatever you believe in god for your tune or your soul yeah you know i mean you just totally i prefer to sing songs in the night because that just confuses the devil yeah and songs of victory not just any kind of not woe is me songs but victorious songs so in other words when you're singing with everything going wrong that confuses the devil it confuses the people around me and if you read verse 20 6 sunday there was a great earthquake wow so that the foundations of the prison were shaking and immediately all the doors were open and everyone's bands were loose now watch this i mean i mean everything going wrong and my lord didn't know what to do notice they didn't try to escape no see they were free even with the stocks on them they were free even with the stripes on their back it didn't make no difference and my god the jayla gonna kill himself and he said man don't i heard you say we we're all here and the first thing the guy said what must i do to be saved you see with everything going right and you're believing god and singing songs and not like as if that means nothing god will cause an earthquake spiritually physically and financially in your life and shut down the bonds and chains right and cause people to hear what you're saying and all of a sudden what you've been believing for god to come to pass will come to pass that's right that day they people thought they were in prison but actually it was a platform amen for them to share the gospel with somebody that really needed it well it was amazing how many many years ago mike barber asked me to go to a death row there in huntsville texas there was a woman named carla fay tucker who had got born again done a terrible crime i mean terrible and they sentenced her to die she got born again and they changed it from death road to life bro she got all those people saying now i didn't know this person but i saw her in the interview on larry king live many many years ago now watch this i didn't know this woman from adam and anybody make a long story short she began to sing songs in the night with everything going wrong she's going to die but she made up her mind and she would change death row the life role and she did and she did but what i did not know is evidently she had got some of my tapes or heard me and she began to tell the people i'm going to trust god and believe god that god will send jesse to plant us to this place to preach to you now i don't know i never heard any of that ladies and gentlemen years they executed her okay well mike asked me to go and i went and there was a letter that she had wrote and when i got there they showed me the letter she said brother jesse that's he's talking from the grave now i prayed that you would come here and preach to these people and and we changed it from death unto life and would you just preach the word of god that touched me and i've never forgot that as long as i ever lived because even when she was gone her prayers were answered she believed she believed god why because of her attitude because of their attitude songs in the night my god look what it says in verse 13 brought them out and said sirs what must i do to be saved and they said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house [Music] see so your attitude means a lot when you're standing on god's word and believing god's word that doesn't mean people think i've always had it easy and uh you know no i mean we got trouble just like anybody else but i don't pay no attention i'd prefer to confuse the devil with his own confusion than for me to give him some evidence or something i don't tell him how i feel because he'll use that yeah i go by what i believe i think that uh paul and silas knew they were coming out of that that they would be victorious because they had an assignment to go into all the world and preach the gospel they knew their their uh assignment was not ended but so even though that was a devastating situation when think they prayed and still sought god and worshiped him amen and and the earthquake came but they didn't just run out and escape they stayed there because they still were led by the spirit even in the middle of that difficult situation it was difficult if god used them to reach that that jailer and his whole household i want to read that verse 30. and the um well verse 30 and 31 in the amplified bible it says and he brought them out of the dungeon and said men what is necessary for me to do that i may be saved and they answered believe in the lord jesus christ give yourself up to him take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into his keeping and you will be saved and this applies both to you and your household as well in other words quit trying to protect yourself and let god do his job yeah see all along that prisoner that a prison prison warden or whatever he was that guy that was keeping him in the prison thought he was keeping him with those chains but they weren't chained up to those chains they were connected to god himself and that was a temporary situation and it was subject to change because they continued to praise and seek god but you said you hear paul saying even though i'm bound with this chain the word of god's not bound that's right you see now i'm saying all this because right now the world is going a hell in a hand basket my god i mean it's a nobody know what to do i mean people are just running like crazy because of cover dealt to this and running nobody's saying the right thing you got one people saying one thing you got another person saying that it's not it's called nothing but confusion you got f uh afghanistan that a lot of people died gave their lives the freedom's people now are in total control again and all this kind of stuff now you got everybody mad at president biden and then that about and people don't know what to do well i gave i got an answer for you yes sing songs in the night it doesn't make any difference occupy till he comes because that's a sign of his coming see and paul the apostle and they i mean i've never been whipped with a whip but i'll tell you one thing they say that is excruciating and that man washed their stripes took care of them and you know and watches the people that did them wrong wanted to sneak out they found out that they were romans paul said oh no no no no no you come get us and you bring us out because we deserve to let people know that what we did was right and of course they did that right and it's amazing to me what trouble you're going through what are you saying in the midst of the trip are you adding to your trouble by your confession or are you getting your trouble away by what you are saying on the other side of the coin there's always two sides of the coin see what i'm saying so i made up my mind no matter what happens in life i'm just going to believe what he said because someone it can be in the darkest place in the world will say what must i do to be saved yeah so let me ask you a question i don't hear when you get mad at me and you do which is so rare well okay when you get uh why don't you sing songs [Laughter] i should do that more often you're right and what about you did you hear it i never get mad at you i get aggravated but not mad no i think both of us you see i find that it singing will shut down anger if you just lift your hands up and say oh father i just thank you and i just glorify you and somebody's mad they can't they go uh you know that really works you know when i and i i was thinking about that today when we came to do the boardroom chat i said i was like about that because i haven't made you mad lately we have a good marriage that doesn't mean we agree on everything but that's common sense you know that's called life but what happens is it when something we're believing god for and we're getting all kind of um opposition opposition like crazy like we've had all kind of opposition but with the media we've had all kind of opposition with quote a lot of christians that were envy and jealous of us in the past and also with the government in certain areas and things of that nature and it all proved outright because we never changed what we believed we sang songs in the night we just said we're going to believe god now i bear the marks of a christian i bear the marks of believing the word of the lord jesus christ let me just say this i believe in prosperity because it's in this bible just like healing is in this bible like salvation is in this bible all the promises of god in this bible but i'm going to tell you something i have been ferociously persecuted because of that but then i realized they really didn't persecute me they're persecuting the christ that's in me and jesus took it personal when paul was saul of tarsus and he slapped him off that donkey on that road to the mask and said why are you persecuting me you see what i'm saying i mean there's some things in this bible lord jesus it's almost unbelievable impossible but it's doable see so your attitude must always be right spiritually physically and financially like i tell people about giving if you don't want to get done what are you doing don't do that but my law give and expect a return but yet we've heard all our lives growing up especially my generation give and don't expect anything but that's totally contrary to the word of god i remember oral roberts got ferociously persecuted because he said something good is going to happen to you well that's better than saying something bad going to happen to you you know what i'm trying to say so because his attitude was right about that think about that so that's what i'm talking about today what we should do when everything is going wrong is seeing and i want to say sing in other words your attitude was it don't make no difference what they do but it makes all the difference about what we do in every area of our life but that's easy for you to say but just because you got it made no i don't have it made i've been made the righteousness of god but i work out my salvation with free and trembling just like anybody else now i want to show you something i want to go over to the book of jeremiah i think if you don't mind jeremiah i believe it's chapter 9 and you know this is what you should glory in when you understand how to function when everything's going wrong and and uh and how god will honor you and bless you first i want to read verse 23 of jeremiah chapter nine now this is all way back in the old testament it says this thus saith the lord let not the wise men glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glorieth glory in this now what is this that he watch this understandeth and knoweth me that's talking about god that i am the lord which exercises lovingkindness judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things i delight saith the lord so i found out ladies and gentlemen what god delights yeah see and i decided and episode paul right and silas yeah both of them right there and so they sang songs in the night and god said i will deliver them and did deliver them and we're talking about them over 2000 years later that's right why because they understood what god delighteth in and i like how he says i am the lord with exercises loving kindness so he delights in that judgment he delights in that righteousness in the earth because when you're in right standing that means everything's right and when everything's right and nothing going wrong it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood see pretty simple see that's what paul and silas was exercising it didn't make no difference what they did even though what they did was wrong you mean the government yeah i'm talking about beating them they shouldn't have done that but when but but when they decided to not bring judgment against them but just to delight god with loving kindness right the judgment part of it he said look y'all this is wrong right we are the righteous here and god's going to bless us and so i don't glory to that see i give god glory if i talk about uh spiritual physical and financial things in my life people say he bragging no i'm bragging on the god that done this because he delighteth that then i found out that he delighteth in me do you delight in me i do i delight [Laughter] let's pray for catholic right now oh jesus but i think this is a wonderful subject because a lot of people find themselves in circumstances and here paul and silas were in a very difficult circumstances that many most of us probably will never encounter but many people do throughout the world and so they they had an answer so when god when there's a situation that comes about in our lives that that we seem to be out of you know have no control over we can really relax and have peace in the fact that god can give us the answer for it and that's what they did they they knew what they they did all what they could do with their hands weren't they probably couldn't even raise their hands they were blocked but their voice was still available to give praise to god and unlock the forces of heaven by giving praise unto god and god intervened that day because god still had a plan for their life but you know even when the enemy attacks we know from this beautiful story that god can give us an answer and turn things around and he did that for that day it didn't even just like we said affect paul and silas but it affected that the jailer and his whole household i wonder what else happened in that town i wonder what else happened in that throughout that whole jail you know how about that revival had begun the whole district and we're still talking about it today realizing and people that are watching today maybe you're realizing that you're not bound by the situation that you have you're not you're not hindered by that you're only hindered by what you'll believe so if we believe sing praises in the night give praise to god maybe you don't know how to sing our word but you could pray in the holy spirit i like to hit it in tongues when i when a difficult situation comes i just pray in the spirit and sometimes i'll i'll just have a for a strong language in tongues and i can tell i'm praying and interceding for that situation but then there will be a shift and then i'll move into an area of peace and then i'm singing in the spirit and i know that god has already bringing forth my deliverance my peace my strength my answer i want you to read that jeremiah in the amplified you have that in yeah i have already there i want you to read from verse 23 all the way through uh verse 24. okay it says thus saith the lord let not the wise and skillful person glory and boast in his wisdom and skill let not the mighty and powerful person glory and boast in his strength and power let not the person who is rich in physical gratification and earthly wealth glory and boast in his temporal satisfactions and earthly riches but let him who glories glory in this that he understands and knows me personally and practically directly discerning and recognizing my character that i am the lord who practices loving kindness judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things i delight saith the lord that's prob knowing god personally see that's the only way you're going to sing songs at night with your back bleeding is if you know god personally that's right now you may know about god and you may know some bible stories and you may have been raised in church but do you know god you know eli's sons were raised in church and they were devil's priests yes samuel was the great probably the greatest judge i guess israel overhead and his boys were nothing but heathens and themselves says just going to church and being raised in church doesn't give you a a degree that uh everything you do god's gonna bless no you have to understand what god delights in right and we have to take personal responsibility for our own lives we can't rely upon our family or or even the pastor of our church we have to have a personal relationship with god himself that's what paul and silas had that day they knew his name they knew they understood him god had revealed themselves to him to paul on that road to damascus and his life had a total turnaround and one day he was a persecutor of the church and then all of a sudden because he encountered jesus on the damascus road he became a planter of churches amen and god used him to change the whole world we're still still talking about i look forward to meeting him in heaven great great person what and that jeremiah says that understand that knoweth me well how do you know people you fellowship with him you see now people say what makes a good marriage not just relationship but fellowship in other words you ought to be able to get along by knowing each other i know what cathy gonna do if i i know there's certain words if i use what caused that eyebrow to hit the top of the headline certain things that were either rejoice or uh i would get a kick back on it you know what i'm saying that kind of stuff so and the only way you know that is by knowing someone see people say well i believe in jesus well wow whoopi do so does the devil but do you know jesus that's the difference see and when you know in whom you have believing you're persuaded there's another scripture that says delight thyself therefore in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart now he said delight thyself therefore in the lord now what does god delight in well loving kindness judgment righteousness in these things are the light so you got to know what god and if he delights in that then you should delight in loving kindness right you should delight in that see in every area then all of a sudden the blessings begin to flow spiritually physically financially every area that doesn't mean everything you know let me just say this everything can run down the hill fast but it's hitting a lot of stuff at the same time you see what i'm saying and in other words it's coming out all of a sudden you know the water might be nice but it may loose loosen a big boat and all of a sudden the boat is coming at you you see what i'm trying to say so who don't want something done real quick everybody likes quick we like quick because we're americans we want things done fast the problem is you got to think these things out someone was asking me and i don't get involved in political things i'm really not a political person i never have what would you do that just blows me away if you were the president and i said i can't answer that because i've never been president you know everybody says a lot of stuff till you get in that office you see what i'm trying to say and then then that's i'm not taken up for this and that but i do know this if you want to um rescue people you got to give them time to be rescued you know there's ways that you can keep the enemy at bay until you kind of get what you want out of there and then then if it goes down let it go down but i mean you know uh nobody knows that until you walk in there i really believe every president every one of them that ever took that office thought they're gonna do this they're gonna do that but when they got in that office buddy opposition everything else began to take place and all of a sudden wait a minute wait a minute because you know we are a democracy and democracy is sloppy it's very sloppy because it gives someone an opportunity to express their opinion and then it all goes it boils down to a vote and you can be totally right and voted down or you could be totally wrong and voted right you know i mean you see so it's not a theocracy you know now i run this ministry ladies and gentlemen and i don't run it with an iron hand because i don't have to i got good people but you know and and i have a board of directors and uh but i run this thing because the lord called me to build this thing and as long as i keep delighting in him which is he he likes loving kind of judgment and all the kind then i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna walk in the power of his word that doesn't mean i haven't had persecution come same thing with you and things that when kathy took over the church there was some people say well she's a woman like as if she didn't know that she'd been knowing that since she's born but she's a woman but what are you going to do about this well you know and she just gave him a great answer you see what i'm saying in other words you don't know what you're going to do till you walk through it but when you walk through it you better be prepared no matter what happens to sing songs in the night that it makes no difference what they say yeah you know david learned that and we know from the psalms how often that he talked about singing he was assigned so saith the psalms he was a psalmist and he would sing you know you can sing even if you don't know how to play an instrument we were talking about that a little bit uh in the car how jesse loves to play in the house we listen to some songs on the radio it was i said it's about the scooby brothers yes is that fun to play and he said yeah it's fun to play that lick we call that but there's something within us that we react to music and worship god created us this way david was a psalmist and he sang songs in many of his nights i'm sure and this can i read yeah before you do that i got to say what you said in that car what did i say a song came on and it it brought kathy back memories a song called why did shade a pail uh oh yeah yeah and she went oh remember how you remember jesse how were you well we used to dance to that before you know both of us in the car going oh yeah it was a good memory we're just dating why the shade that's a great song absolutely a lot of organ play little v3 that kind of stuff go ahead just thought i'd bring that to your memory yeah well that was a good memory but songs do that to us they they transport us to a place and david learned the secret of touching god's heart with his heart when he let his heart you know just sing out and psalms 95 says and it's a good wisdom for us today it says verse 1 amplified version says oh come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise amen isn't that wonderful what we're talking about is every time we talk about these things and i think the reason why you like these we give you not only our examples but we give you an example from the word of god yeah and but this is important okay he continues on in verse 3 about what that song is about he says for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods hallelujah and he goes on to say how great his god is so when you come to god pre-sing songs of praise and declare what he is in your life and what he can do rather than what the situation is saying and then verse psalms 96 is another one it goes right into it the same way it says verse one oh sing to the lord a new song sing to the lord all the earth sing to the lord bless affectionately praise his name show forth his salvation from day to day so it's a daily song you sing then he goes on to say declare his glory among the nations his marvelous works among the peoples for great is the lord and greatly to be praised he is to be reverently feared and worshipped above all so-called gods that's what paul and silas was doing i bet they had some psalms that they had memorized this kids so you know or whatever and they were declaring that so i don't have nothing to say well make up something sing a news there's some people behind the camera you know and of course i'm way older than all of them and uh uh they look a lot older than i do but i mean you have to repent of that i have to make a sign of the cross on that and when we correct before we came in to do this thing you know uh you know i i sang a song together i never heard of that before yeah what is that you know well everybody has their own generation and let me just say it since we're talking prayers my generation kathy general we had the best music let me tell you something the late 60s and the early 70s it don't get no better it just didn't i mean it and they crossed the world with that my generation playing them or they still playing that stuff because i mean you had to know what you were doing uh you didn't have a synthesizer back in those days you you had to know how to play you had to know how you better have some talent to put those things out we see paul and silas was prepared right for whatever came their way see you must be prepared no matter what happens in life because if you're prepared then you have a plan see and that's the whole thing now paul at one time was working with john mark and when the persecution came john mark said i'm out of here jack i'm going on now you know people get mad at john mark but see what paul liked john pulled him out of his ministry he was a teacher and paul wanted a boy like silas who could sing with his back bleeding one of the advantages out there right but then yet paul made a mistake ball called him a slack and all kinds of stuff john mark but then you find out later on what the apostle paul was wrong and he said bring john mark to me he's profitable to the ministry in other words he had changed he had to grow you see what happened the reason why john mark ran away didn't have a plan right what happens if this happens what happens he wasn't committed like a man asked me brother jesse what would you do if you lost everything and i'm just looking at him like i'm looking at you i mean my god suppose you had to let all your partners quit giving that's okay i would have to lay off everybody i'd have to go off all television i'd have to do everything like that but no one could take that camera that i'm talking to no one could take these buildings why because we're debt-free so me and kathy would get in the front of the ministry and sit in a rocker and rock until things got better and sing songs in the night it's just that simple see we made a plan isn't it amazing how people will rehearse the failure we never think about that until someone asks us that crazy question we rehearse the blessing he never rehearsed what's going to happen if it doesn't work we always uh rehearse what's going to happen because we believe it's going to work and we sing about that romans 4 17. even if i can't sing i'm a rabbit that's right romans 4 17 we are calling those things with be not as though they were until they are you see i don't say what i have why would i tell god that he already know that i say what i want you see what i'm saying and when you understand that when you're prepared see for us to do this uh this set here there had to be preparation going i remember we went looking for this table find this table we needed something round we needed some you know kathy wanted different things she said jesse i see this let's go over there and look at it that's okay we did so we got that we needed some a camera but see the camera can be great but if there's nobody behind it to run it and set it all together we got a guy named caleb that comes in here sets all his stuff up throws the red light on and walks out that's exactly why he's totally assured that that camera is going to work he's totally sure that me and you going to speak until we finish then i got four or five people behind the camera like this just waiting for me to say something and when i get ready close to the end then jennifer come up there like that waiting to cut the clock off so we know where we are in other words it's counting us down so we we don't keep you here all day cause kathy long went there sometimes we get a little long but in fact working on that my granddaughter was so funny she said she calls kathy mimi she's you're the long-winded woman yeah but i mean you don't know i have to teach them how to close some songs when i tell the truth okay i am telling the truth but meredith says oh mimi was long good luck i said well she had a lot to say and and had to try to get it in as quick a time as possible because the word of god is so powerful because every time you say something if you notice i asked you to read one verse i didn't ask to go read psalm 95 i didn't ask you to read psalm 96 you don't have to ask me jesse and cathy it's not just jesus that's right no what happened was revelation hit you you went let's go to psalm 95. let's go to i have another story i have another verse oh you have another verse let him read the verse go ahead oh i went to the book of ephesians which i just love jumping a little bit that's what i'm saying that's why preachers preach long because you start saying stuff and it just comes out man it it it's it's explosive so reading god has a lot to say about singing okay can you give me uh ephesians what ephesians chapter five i could read a whole bunch of verses you know verse one or you know when i read that one verse well verse 19 but there's a lot of good stuff right before it that's what i'm saying you see there's 66 books here too you can go forever you know all right so go what you got to say what you got to do can i do the whole thing you're taking my time your time is it okay yes give me a thumbs up guys is it okay okay verse 14 says that he says therefore awake o sleeper arise from the dead and christ shall shine make day dawn upon you and give you light so everybody's that was a dark place he says wake up then he says look carefully then on how you walk live purposefully and worthily and accurately and not as the unwise and witness but as wise sensible intelligent people he says making the most of the time buying up each opportunity because the days are evil and that's so true today verse 17 says therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the lord is and do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery but ever be filled and stimulated with the holy spirit this is the verse that really i wanted us to get to it says speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs offering praise with voices and instruments and making melody with all your heart to the lord and then it goes on to say at all this is the this is the keep first okay okay so i thought it was a first night be patient jesse exercise that fruit of the spirit right now the sound of the cross right now i got it go ahead verse 20 says at all this is when you do it it says at all times and for everything give thanks in the name of of the lord jesus christ to god the father amen read verse 21. you go ahead oh okay and be you go ahead i'll let you read okay since you want to go further you don't think god just blessed me verse 21 submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of god and verse 22 is for you wives i love it submit yourself unto your own husbands as unto the lord i knew i was coming out on top lord thank you jesus yeah but you read yourself right into it no but it follows right after 21 subject to one another so you have to start there people want to start 22 minutes don't speak it's not a speech you can't start at 22 unless you read 21 be subject to one another and then when the wives are subject to the i sing songs when this you're bringing confusion i'm not making confusion i just read the word but the point is you had a plan you had a plan uh-huh okay and god showed you these things i need to read it to the amplifier no wait what happened was we got to get back to the exam because see these these people that are hearing this are hurting say how do i how do i get out of this sing psalms spiritual songs in other words sing from your you don't feel like singing your soul's gonna say no but from the heart of god that's inside of you and when everything going wrong loving kind let it come out and it'll begin to change what you feel what you see and it'll give you what you're believing for but it can't in other words i don't know if anybody that can build a house without a plan you got to know what to do right right am i correct in that so when you understand that that's what that's what made those guys do that yeah their back had to be healed that probably hurt as if you know those stripes and stuff like that but they made up their mind no matter what satan does we got a plan and that's to go in the world and preach this gospel no matter what happens so that person that asked what would happen if he lost it well we're not gonna do that right but since you asked i'm not gonna just i'm gonna just say this well first thing we're protected we have an el shaddai god a god that's more than and we have partners that i trust you you trust me we both trust god and that's how we got this table that's how we got that camera you knew we needed help you you gave that's that simple and me and kathy don't ask you to do something we don't do there's a lot of time kathy will look at me in church service and she'll go like and i know what she's saying how much you want me to give today and i say uh make a decision kathy and i'll back it and she does just that's it i don't know what she's going to get i have no idea it doesn't make any difference you see because she's hearing the voice of the lord and something's coming up in the spirit say let's be a blessing to this okay let's do that and and then we get together and talk about sometimes we don't so when i'm in that position where i can't talk to her about that i said well make a decision and i'll back it how many times i went to the lord and i said god i don't know what to do and not that god was too busy not to talk to me he said well jesse make a decision and i'll back it he wanted you to grow yes but he realized he trusted me now that's a wonderful thing when you find out that god trusts you he trusted me to make that decision and he backed it and see that's what i'm talking about see when your decision was based on what you knew god would want you to do because you know him through his word you wouldn't do something that was out of line of his character you would do the honorable thing you would do the right thing you do justice i think when they when the guy put their feet in stocks shut them down i think paul said sing silas and so i said okay paul and they both started singing and because they wasn't going and complaining about what was happening to them god shook the place broke the bonds and chains saved the guy that and that put him in bonds and change right save this house and then got the people that beat him to make a public apology because they were romans and you didn't do that in those days but you didn't you didn't hit a roman right you see that's what i'm talking about so in other words your answer to what you're believing for is right there it all has to do with your attitude and what you're willing to do when you're walking through some of this stuff and i wish we wouldn't have to go through it it's like some of these things here it takes such vast amounts of money to run this ministry my god why i well the cameras cost a lot of money uh you know everything it takes to do it we just built studio c this is a news uh set that that you allow me to use in your stu this is your studio here and right across behind the camera is another beautiful set and things that now why does it cost so much well i don't know that's that's that's how business is you know but that doesn't stop us from getting it you know i mean why does a loaf of bread cost the amount it does why does a gallon of milk why does a gallon of gasoline well i don't know i mean but if you're gonna drive your car you better put some gas in it just that simple you see why do people raise prices when things get short you know what i'm saying when you well i mean why don't you just sell it till you run out but no they're going to try to make more money just in case something happens well there's a lot of things happening i wish they wouldn't be as expensive but that's all right yeah because my god and i like to say that shall supply that's right and that's all i need to say that's right shall supply yes this is his ministry i work for him no matter what the need is he shall say he does it doesn't mean yeah that's a powerful you know this message we're talking about today flows so well with what we talked about last week on the chat which is be careless be careless so that we had some testimonies that came in from that if you don't mind like you read once but notice how this they were careless and got beat but then they got the blessing of their life oh they they were able to sing in the songs in the night because they were careless they refused to take on the care of that situation that they couldn't change in their own strength so therefore they released the care of it unto god sang songs in the night so this has changed things last week well this well so many of them are sending a testimony from last week's chat uh that's we've been airing you could still watch it it's really amazing this one kate says watching from england prudence says watching from malawi uh that's in africa africa ahaya says greeting from canada greetings from canada yeeni watching from singapore and uh margarita is saying some great things but i want to read this one from sarah she says thank you all for sharing about being careless i grew up feeling fearful all my life but god renewed me restored me and revived me and because of that i am no longer fearful nor anxious about anything perfect love cats all fear isn't that great what was her name sarah now you have a plan sarah that's right it don't make no deal what the devil does no because you surpassed you passed all that junk and you left him with fear he's so full of fear because you no longer your faith is not contaminated in any way shape or form that's a blessing that bless me it is what else you got juvie says watching from the philippines love you both gene says i've been listening to you since 2003 and i love you too i've been uh i've been to see you when you came to alabama and in branson i'm in georgia now and now i'm watching you on my ipad so god's renewing a lot of old relationships over the years that we've connected you know because you've been preaching for 45 years 45 years i've been in full-time ministry for 43 and that's a long time a lot of interactions with a lot of great people i want to correct something right now because i thought i thought about that yesterday i always say i've been preaching 45 years been in full-time ministry of 43. i said no you've been in full time 45 when you preached that first message right there just like even though you had a job i was called to that call and i responded to that and i've been doing it ever since now i've had people say when you're going to retire i can't find that in this bible nothing wrong with it i mean i wouldn't mind that's not the issue but to do what see i'm not interested in playing golf the rest of my life for fish the rest of my life i'm interested in reaching people changing lives one soul at a time i've got so consumed with the vision that god gave this ministry and what is that vision the same vision that god gave his son jesus to go in the world and preach this gospel to every creature why do you think the kova is going nuts to stop the gospel from preaching right being preached to people because it changes lives you see everything is designed to shut this thing down but the bible said the gates of hell are not prevail against this church and that's what we do that's why we ask people to be partners with this ministry not that we need any more money when you send in your partnership i don't get a raise i don't know that that 100 of what you send goes into world evangelism that's what it's all about but yet my the salaries that i pay my people is part of evangelism because without them we couldn't do this neither everyone is a link it's like a chain all together if you look at it as a puzzle it becomes a beautiful picture but when i first built it it was a box and when i opened it up there were just pieces everywhere but thank god kathy knows how to put a puzzle together i know how to answer i enjoyed you doing and before you know it we begin to make the vision plain and then people begin to minister to and trust us and that's a blessing of the lord i didn't mean to shut you down do you have some more well there's lots of great ones we just got a little sampling here this one uh from jerry says thank you both for reaching people just where they are so many in the ministry are so busy showing everyone what they know and who they are that they forgot forgot to speak with understanding what's his name jerry jerry there's some people got so deep they drowned you know because they're trying to impress we're not trying to impress somebody we'll let you see our flaws as well as our our blessings it makes no dif i will not blink and i will not make an excuse for the blessing of god in my life whether it's spiritual physical or financial so if you ask me how was that service i will shout oh it was a great service because that's giving god glory well but i heard you're doing finance i'm so blessed i don't know do it myself i'm still giving god glory right you see what i'm saying i i it makes no difference with how they respond to it but it makes all the difference how i respond to what god does and that's what paul and silas was doing and you know what i got some silences working for me buddy oh yeah i mean a bunch of them i never forget when i hired my the oldest employee uh well kathy was the first one but i mean the guy that i was my first road guy was friends yeah he didn't hire me i was drafted i had to draft her man she wouldn't join you know i had a drafter you know i think the first four years i never got a salary i think fritz got a salary before me yeah oh yeah well you won't believe this i started in 19 actually 1976 and in 1990 i was the white said we had seven or eight people i think then on working with a man i was the lowest paid one people said you got to be kidding me why building this ministry i put god first not no more you see i put god first and how many times still put god first what you mean i will do it immediately and god began to bless me in other areas and other places that i never thought possible you see what i'm saying and when you understand it's how it's what you say and i think that impressed god so great so what about friends you were about to say yeah fritz was like a silence man we'd get they wouldn't feed us they wouldn't do anything but fritz say i'm with your boss i'm with your boss whatever it takes man and i mean we we'd eat vienna sausage in a can from a convenience store and when we first started out we'd drive all night didn't have enough money to get a hotel all kinds of but we didn't care because he was with me and you know he's been and he's still like that and i'll say this to his credit and you've heard me talk about him lord he said he wants some royalties and all them funny stories yeah yeah but i said fritz would take a bullet for me man chris you stand in front of a guy trying to shoot me because you know god called him to this ministry yeah and god called me to him and together we've been doing this and now of course we've added a bunch of people all a part of it so now he's the head of uh uh shipping and receiving i think products distribution yeah and he said he took uh he said when i left the road he took how many people 25 30 people to replace me five people at the time at a time yeah but i'll tell you what he does the job and you know when i really need what i call put the pressure on like i said i gotta fly all day all night hit australia ground running with no sleep guess who comes with me fritz i said come on free we can do it boss do and we do it just the way it is so that's what i'm talking so maybe you've been going through some strong strong things yeah you need to start singing yeah you need someone to hook up and sing with you we'll sing with you we have a phrase in our ministry that says i'll be your too and that just means with the promise jesus says where two or more are gathered touching anything two of you agree or not agree is touching anything it will be done it'll be done i'll be you too so that's what it's at some of you need some financial help can i just be totally honest with you have you been sowing seed yeah but where was it fertile ground ah because i don't care how good the seed is if you try to plant it in the antarctica it's not going to grow why because my god is 70 below zero down there wrong conditions it's the wrong condition so you got to find out where you uh where you i like what joel osteen says you know go to a bible believing church do you know how many churches don't believe the bible they'll say well i know god said that but you know that's a metaphor no it ain't a metaphor that's the word that the lord used and he used it as an example to go do it so that's what it's all about i want to thank all our partners and friends who help us do this every week all the broadcast television that's going on all of it's paid for because of your faithful financial support and i thank you for that and i'm still getting people to tell me it's very hard to give your ministry i don't find it hard but you know what because we don't beat the money drum we're not that kind of person if you'd like to give you can go to that's my website and give if you don't want to don't you can use paypal if you want to you don't want to use it don't i'm not going to get don't fine i'm not mad still keep watching but i'll tell you one thing the anointing of increase is on me someone told me that yesterday they said i have never it is on you i said oh yes it is because god trusts me but you see you know it would come off of me just that quick if i told everybody to give to me and i wouldn't be giving myself that's wrong we went to dinner last week with some people and the lord just quickened me and said bless these people i said how much he said ten thousand dollars i said done kathy didn't blink nothing she went why and guess what happened this week we got blessed beyond our wildest dreams true it's on me and i don't mean that pridefully i glory in him because he can trust me and i know he can trust you so if you're not a partner prayer by becoming one and if god don't tell you don't do it don't do it because you're like me no you want to do this because god speaks to you if he decides to do that and god will bless you so remember this with them being in bondage and chains feet and stocks they're saying praises to the lord and here's the key to all this and the prisoners heard them and then the earthquake and everything changed how many times i have been totally persecuted over the house i live in but how many people said you gave me a vision you took the persecution brother jesse and now i have a nice place because you strengthened my vision and when they attacked me about planes god said you'll kill it with joy i stayed joyful in my spirit and i want to tell you it's been a blessing and we will continue to do so did you enjoy it today have i love you i learned some things did you learn something praise the lord and to all you people that take time to send all this this this is a lot of work they take time to do that you know even if you don't think even if you don't sing good like i don't really sing good sometimes it's hinders me you hinder me because i want to sing and you look at me like why are you singing you know but you know it's tribulation and testing trials for me when she sings but you're doing that i tell him it's just his ears are not refined enough you see that's true god's ears i am a musician i'll tell you real quick we got to get off the air don't forget when we went and saved in those days i was playing in this little nightclub we were just dating if he hadn't and i was singing this song oh my love my darling i've hungered for your touch unchained melody you know it was done by the righteous brothers kathy gets sick uh and she comes sitting no you don't have to meet me well what happens i know and so she's going to sing so i'm going oh my love she goes oh my love and i looked at eyes no it was i went i said how how can something so good sounds so bad looks so good yeah it looks so good sounds so bad but you know what i seen a miracle guy when cathy got born again god began to help her voice and i'm telling you now i can stand on the side of her and listen to her sing six feet away you know social distance you know i i often told him you have to find your audience i had i used to have this little daycare in my house quit it quit it i used to have social distance yes that's what earplugs are for too that's true too that's true and so social so i used to have this little daycare business and these i had like eight little kids every day and i taught them how to sing a few christian songs but it was fun but they love my singing is my point so that's why i said you just have to find your audience and you know what i found that god loves my voice and if i just sing for my heart just like a parent does even if they have a kid that can't sing well they love it when they hear their kids singing that's true god loves to hear your voice so just belt it out you know just don't worry about who else is around sing to the top of your lungs if you want to that's right try to irritate jesse for not me i just go to another room close the door but you know the point is is when you let your heart out god will work a miracle in your life just like you did for paul and silas trust him to take care of that difficult situation by just pouring your heart out to him and if you don't know how to sing just trust him to give you the words and give you the melody and bring peace to your heart so i'll say this and we'll close sing in the night sing in the morning sing during the day and what i mean by that give god praise and guess what your circumstances will change this is jesse and kathleen saying thank you for listening to us we'll see you soon again god bless you bye-bye bye-bye this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited [Music]
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 28,833
Rating: 4.9644337 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis, Boardroom, sing in the night, Prison, Faith
Id: xk9Kn8T4740
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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