The Superstructure of Salvation: The Doctrine of Forgiveness (July 26, 2021) | Jesse Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen justin plans we need you to subscribe to youtube by clicking and hitting the bell if you're clicking hit the bell you'll know when we're there that's youtube click and hit the bell [Music] so micah chapter 7. i want to read something he's and he's just frustrated but he sees something in god that very people can see and that is micah chapter 7 verse 18. he says this who is a god like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity pass it by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retained it not his anger forever because he delighteth in mercy he will turn again he will have compassion upon us he will subdue our iniquities and thou will cast and thou cast all their sins into the depths of the sea now i really believe when he was writing that i think michael was thinking about when pharaoh and his armies were drowned in the depths of the sea i know of a person who had a justice trooper had a very very expensive watch and he went fishing with it let me show you the depth of the sea see there's places even now we may have been to the moon we're trying to get to mars but we can't get to some of the deepest parts of the ocean because of the pressurization that's there we might send we did get down to one of the lowest places but then the windows started cracking on this piece of machinery because of the amount of pressure that is well he was out fishing he went out there and he slapped his hand and the watch went in the ocean never to be remembered again can't go that far that's how your sin is man can't get to it this is what god this unique person called god in the form of the father the son and the holy ghost this superstructure of salvation which he calls the doctrine of forgiveness and i want to deal with that this morning so write this down if you're taking notes god is incomparable for none can do as he does let me say that again god is incomparable who could you compare him with god is incomparable for none can do as he does why because he is absolute uniqueness he's not just unique he is absolute uniqueness you cannot compare him with any thing anywhere anyhow at any time he's so far above it and when he created you he knew you'd mess up but he knew he would take your sin wash it away bury it in the sea pardon your iniquity in every area of your life if you just repent if you just asked him now that's unique this i mean he's so unique in honor think about what he does and how he does it and what he wants to do for you my theme this year was what can i do for thee what shall i do for them he's just wanting to do something for you spiritually physically and financially watch the church world can't handle it they fight prosperity and you need it they fight healing and you sick but this god this unique absolute person called god said i'll heal you i'll save you i'll forgive you i love you i delight in mercy i will forget my anger i will do everything to get you to me the philistine god dagon didn't do that he'd kill you no one could compare to the god we serve and i personally no one can compare to the christianity jesus taught about what he did let me say it again the god is incomparable for none can do as he does and why because he is absolute uniqueness write this down the fact of his ability to forgive let me say it again the fact of his ability to forgive removes the lord far beyond the sphere of comparison he will i mean it's amazing to me what he does the worst sinner the worst killer a serial killer he will forgive if they ask for forgiveness let me say it again the fact of his ability to forgive removes the lord far beyond the sphere of comparison why would god save jesse duplantis a heathen of heathens a chief of sinners who enjoyed sin greatly who didn't care about anyone but himself who would do anything to get to the top before he was born again even the removal of his wife on the day of your marriage if i am gonna do this and if you can't do it you can leave the day that's sad isn't it it's not that i didn't love it it had nothing to do with that i was completely saturated with ambition to do and i didn't care what i needed to do to get that done nothing i was willing to do it that's why the la cosa nostra the mafia said he could be one of us because you got in my way that man you talking about god buried that sucker to never rise again me i would do whatever it took with a smile on my face he said what i can't be well you never met that man and you never will you see what i'm saying see this comparable guy and when i said lord forgive me whatever billy says billy graham boom took my sin and put it behind it put it in the seat pardon all my iniquities made me the righteousness of god all happening in an instant this unique that's what michael was seeing in the midst of all his sins that's what i see today with everything going wrong with everybody going everybody crazy i just look at this unique god said they have no idea what he will do if they let him let me get these two points to you again god is incomparable for none can do as he does why because he is absolute uniqueness you ought to underline that in your notes absolute and then the second point the fact of his ability to forgive removes the lord far beyond the sphere of comparison let me tell you why because see forgiveness is contrary and let me just say it perfectly forgiveness is contrary to the nature of all things it's contrary the nature of all things won't it's payback time that's why you had to put the bible vengeance's mind saith the lord i mean i even tried to twist that i tried to spend it i said i ain't looking for vengeance i just want a little justice yeah but i wanted to do the justice you see what i'm saying no i had an agenda forgiveness is really is contrary to the nature of all things it's very hard to forgive she said what does jesus say that uh forgive your sins i'll take them with your bed and walk it was hard for jesus but that you may know that the son of man had power upon the earth to forgive sin get up and get out of here and he healed him and forgiven them of your sins then he gave something to the apostles and to you under the certain at certain times and anointings that would sends you remit would be remitting what sins you retain would be retained trust you enough to speak like he speaks talk like he talks act like he acts because you made in his image and in his likeness this superstructure of salvation called the doctrine of forgiveness you see that am i this is a prelude to what i'm trying to get to here just a man will get heavy into this but i want you to understand that see if a person breaks the law right that's not if a person breaks the law the world never quite forgives that person why they have a record you can see it he saved but he went to prison you can see with the flip of the hand he went to prison a smirk on his face now i know he's saying but we've got to watch him and that's true in one sense but you see forgiveness has to produce forgetfulness that's what god did suck it let me say it again if a person breaks the law the world never quite forgives him he got a record and he i don't care what you've done they'll say well you know he's back with the lord but you know what he did do you know what happened in 1933 no i wasn't born my daddy was barely a little baby no see that's what the world that's what the world says even though you have paid for your transgression you may have went to prison you made with that you paid for it but the world doesn't just quite forgive you because you go to get a job they want to know where you what you've done in your past you see that's the man's way of doing things but god this god this unique god and he did it all through the death burial resurrection and ascension of jesus he did it through the weakness of a person which satan could not understand he said if we would have known we'd have never crucified him he didn't know why because he has never forgotten neither he doesn't know what forgiveness is he doesn't understand salvation see what i'm saying which means soundness so if a person breaks the law the world will never quite forgive him you see people get mad at me because i like ephesians 5 1 working in my life be you're there for imitators of god as their children so i like to delight in mercy i've had many opportunities to get back at people because of a position i i attained in my ministry of people that hurt me and i could have nailed them to the wall because without sounding properly arrogant i have a voice you see what i'm saying and i've had people ask me to use it against but and i've refused to do that why because i would become like the world the reason why i don't want to do these things i don't want to become you i don't want to become what i hate do you see what i'm saying you see so what i do is i look like micah i will look to this unique absolute unique god and if he delighteth in mercy and if he pardons iniquity if he throws sin behind him and he throws in the depths of the sea never to be remembered and so will jesse because i'm made in his image and i'm made in his likeness are you understanding that even though in the natural i have a right to do some things i could do but i'm not natural i lost that part too because god put his super on my natural that superstructure of salvation the doctrine of forgiveness write this down the gospel is not a system of do's and don'ts the gospel is not a system of do's and don'ts or sanction in prohibition or sanction and prohibition but what is it but a charter of freedom whom the son is set free is free indeed do you know i can remember my sin and god can't isn't that amazing let me say it again the gospel is not a system of do's and don'ts or sanction and prohibition but a charter of freedom people get mad at me because i'm a free man but whom the son is set free is free indeed i like being free i enjoy being free it is actually a good representation of being a christian why are you so free well he made me free yeah but you're gonna be suffering you ought to be mad at somebody let's go split a church somewhere no i'm not doing that why i'm free free free at last can you hear it free at last thank god oh thank who the movement no come on listen that's what he was saying thank god almighty because only almighty can do this free at last that's a charter there something happened yeah see so the gospel is not a system of dues and don't if you do this or you don't do that you're going to be with us or sanction and prohibition we're going to sanction that person we're going to put prohibition on that no it's a charter of freedom love your enemies oh how can you do that by the superstructure of salvation and the doctrine of forgiveness that's how you do that bless those that curse you who how can you do that delight in mercy i've had people just curse me i said you can't hate me as much as i love you oh that'd make them matter but it's the truth you see so i refuse to preach you do's and don'ts i just tell you what the truth says what is the truth sin will destroy you the old cliche sinner take you further than you want to go keep you longer than you want to stay charge you more than you want to pay i think somebody said that many many many years ago and that's so true sin is very expensive yeah see and you have to understand that a lot of things you tell god that you did in the past he don't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about not only has he forgot it it has become non-existent see that this god of absolute uniqueness so let me say it again the gospel is not in the system of do's and don'ts some of you out there watching in a different country you get this or sanction and prohibition but a charter of freedom see that's how apartheid started in south africa the watch this it came from the dutch reform church you would think that come from the church and those dutch people wanted africa so bad that they even formed their own language called afrikant to suppress and subdue and put down the black man of that nation but some man stood up nelson mandela went to jail for 30 years but he didn't change him why what what was in him this unique ability to forgive and when he got in power boy a lot of people got they say boy are you going to get back no no i'm not going to do what they did to us you see him going to the big stadium and that was nothing but a white group of athletes and they said they wanted to shut it down he wouldn't he backed it why because he was looking through the eyes of god almighty and that's what made him a great man you see what i'm saying was he perfect no or you has nothing to do with perfection it has to do with what god's already done are y'all getting this i want to slow down enough for you to understand it because you may have some old skeletons then it's time for house cleaning how do you know when it happens it's what's happening in the world today moral deterioration write this down moral deterioration is always a record of heart alienation from god moral deterioration is always a record of heart alienation from god you can take you can say that you can see when people start getting away from god sin becomes rampant murder we don't care because there's not standard ladies and gentlemen sin will send you to hell god don't want you to go to hell well you know a loving god would not send a person there he didn't they did why does god forgive and forget write this down god's forgiveness and forgetfulness stops the wreckage of people's lives to be washed up on the beach of life let me say it again god's forgiveness and forgetfulness stops the wreckage of people's lives to be washed up on the beach of life he puts it so deep it can't be washed up the wreckage of your past deeds now what the church does sometimes they'll get around the sea of forgetfulness and they'll get some group some scuba gear and they try to get down to the bottom to find out who you are but they're gonna die trying because the pressure of forgiveness will destroy them just like the pressure in that deep will destroy you let me say it again god's forgiveness and forgetfulness stops the wreckage of people's lives to be washed up on the beach of life how does he do that he delights in mercy have you noticed my son jesse god brags on me all the time and then i shock you with that he does i brag on him all the time yeah we like each other you see what i'm saying he does my work i do his work some of y'all missed that right there lord jesus listen to what i'm saying he gets involved in my work i get involved in his work he's not a blessing he delights in it and the bible says delight yourself therefore in the lord watch this he'll give you the what the what little louder the what of whose heart whose heart whose heart law why do you have a problem receiving that because you're looking at the wreckage of the past so god's forgiveness and forgetfulness stops the wreckage of people's lives to be washed up on the beach of life i got up this morning i said hello jesus say hi jesse we had a good time last night but when i went to bed i said oh lord what a good day but when i need dinner last night with some good some friends i enjoyed myself i got back into bed i said man i said i had a good day he said i know she was enjoying yourself i said yeah he said i was enjoying watching you and we said something we laughed and we thought we had a nice time it was a blessing hallelujah i ordered some ice cream because they went no no and ate it all everybody well not everybody uh almost all of it you know it's a temptation she has a hard time slapping i said just enjoy yourself we're having a good day today yeah satan tried to hurt someone and my god they were there just smiling i said oh devil you can give it your best shot but you can't win baby you're not going you're already lost you're a loser going away to lose on the limits of retardation for as i'm concerned yeah you see had a nice time then we drove home and my god man it was just such a cathy said i'm going in my massage chair she likes that crazy chair i call it a torture chamber i don't go on that thing i'm telling you you got one i mean it hurt you i told lever all the time he said i'm gonna try to say don't get nearly oh no no i believe it's okay libra i'm your friend i'm trying to help you stay out of that he got another thing and he was sore for three days he said oh i hurt and i said pulls you squeeze your legs jerk you make you do this it's amazing to me not me i went to bed feeling good got up feeling good it was a blessing write this down forgiveness deals only with the past let me say it again forgiveness deals only with the past the forgiven soul needs power for the present and the future see forgiveness deals only with the past because the past never sees the future the forgiving so needs power for the present and future when god forgave me i needed power for my present and my future how do you stop drinking a fifth of whiskey a day that's just during the day you finish that about 4 30 in the afternoon then you're going to the club and now you start drinking and you drink four of those stainless steel malt cups they used to make milkshakes out of from nine to about two o'clock you are so pickled how do you stop that i needed power for the present and the future i got born again in a bathroom in boston massachusetts didn't even know how to pray the prayer of salvation i said whatever billy says well evidently the lord heard billy and accepted my prayer billy graham i drank enough scotch tequila bourbon vodka 151 puerto rican rum moonshine this stuff would start your car it would start your you could run your car on moonshine 200 proof look at glenn he's probably tasted that himself i'm telling you man put that in your body to kill you and god's mercy said we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna save this fool stop it boom cussing cussing cussing every other word kaskas god kathy said i noticed you have a new language remember that you said that to me went into that club not playing that thing and that girl stopped putting that chevy's regal scotch and water and that man and i said i don't want any and i heard myself say i can't believe i said that i don't want any body change this unique phenomenal god forgave me see forgiveness only deals with the past now i had to have something to walk in the present in the future and what i did i found me a gideon bible they're in a hotel i don't know if they're still there and i don't know it was a blessing i didn't start with the book of john that's what everybody said i started with page one that's how you read a book but it's true i started with page one it says in the beginning i said i'm at the beginning and this is me god created heaven and earth wow man i've never seen that before whoa he did i started with the word and i've kept it ever since and as i read more and read more i developed more and develop more to the point that i've actually forgot some of my worst sins and so when people say you know what you did no i didn't do that yes you did no i did not what that man died he doesn't exist i'm a new creature with a new feature in christ forgiveness deals only with the past the forgiven soul needs power for the present and the future i want this is very important what i'm about really saying i want you to write it down forgiveness doesn't necessarily change a person's character or nature forgiveness doesn't necessarily change a person's character or nature see what got born again is your spirit man now you have to develop your character and your nature to listen to that spirit man through a renewed soul and a crucified body forgiveness doesn't necessarily change a person's character nature see that's what confuses people okay let's say they're drinking a lot and they got saved or they're doing drugs and they gotta say they're so excited they came to the altar they cried shout out praise god hallelujah they got saved they can't understand when they walked out the church why do they have the temptation of wanting to drink again or they want to do the drugs again what happened it didn't change your nature or your character it changed your spirit now your spirit through a renewed soul mind will and most mean i can form this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may know that good acceptable and perfect will of god you know huh so that when these things come at you you go oh no that man died i have power now to say no to all those things and that's confusing to people so they try to spin it well you know the lord put the marijuana you know the herb the herb in the ground for us to enjoy the herb see that's an unrenewed mind forgiveness doesn't necessarily change a person's character or nature see that's why preachers mess up because their character is not equal to their gift they have the gifting of god they've been called to preach they can lay hands on the sick and they recover but they can't control themselves all right let's put it in the secular world you can make the whole world laugh robin would you just fall out but he goes home depressed and kills himself see now you understand what i'm saying yeah that doesn't mean it's because you're born again that your character and nature's been you have been changed your spirit now it's for you to change your character i will not do that and change your nature i will not look upon that god now joseph had he had power even though the spirit of god wasn't like it is today but he had such a unique love of god and this woman puts the hit on him he says how can i do this great wickedness and sin against my god see his god was greater than the passion of his body you see what i'm saying so forgiveness doesn't necessarily change a person's character or nature so i believe i just answered a lot of questions i don't know why they do that because they have to change their character and nature that's what martin luther king was trying to tell people but they expected them to be walking on the water like jesus he couldn't he's not a perfect man and the guy that was trying to destroy him was j edgar hoover and yeah j edgar who had the biggest secret in the closet too he was a homosexual and he hated homosexuals so he hated himself now that's confusion yes right in fact i used that same statement i went to the mall with kathy and my granddaughter meredith margot walker she came to spend the night we were so glad so she says uh i said would y'all like to go to the mall and you normally i go home i went to the mall when i walk because i carry the bags and all that kind of stuff so i'm just standing there and they were shocked that i just stood there and watch them spend my money i just stood there in fact i heard him calling me grandfather what you're doing i said thinking your grandfather's always thinking and i just follow them do we have your bags and man we went to all the different places shoe stores and and what school shoes and and you ever heard of school shoes at chanel but anyway i don't understand like that i don't know what that is but they had to have a little makeup and this and all kinds of stuff and do you want the bag oh yes we want the bag why you want the bag you got a big bag you stick the little chanel bag oh no ain't nobody looking at the dilla's bag i walk out dylan with that chanel bag you see people go and you know what they're thinking they've been there's some money in that bag oh that's why everybody wants the louis vuitton bags i'm talking about the paper bag i'm not talking about the purse you haven't noticed they walk like and it's so heavy but oh they're gonna hold that bag they want that bag boy that bag mean a lot why it's telling something that this is not cheap and that's okay that's fine i don't have any problem with that i never forget i don't know if the the louis vuitton store there at canal place if they still only let so many people go in i don't know if they've changed that or not but i i wasn't going to stand in that line and kathy and jody and matt are standing in that line so uh kevin i just walked over like they were in the line like y'all right there i was about this far away and i just stood there right there by the entrance and it took about i guess 40 minutes 35 finally they get to the lady says and i watch she said excuse me i said i'm the one with the money they said come on in i'm the one with the money just come on in and i i didn't do nothing but do what i'm doing now i just walked around and i noticed they were all looking at the bags and all the people were looking at me because i was the one with the money i'm not ashamed of that why should i be ashamed of that why should i act poor when i'm not poor isn't that living a lie huh see i'm not i am not ashamed to give god honor even if the world's spitting on me and mad at me now i don't throw it in their face but i give him glory on everything i do now what i'm about ready to read this point is probably the most important point in this message ready memory everybody say memory all right listen to this memory two never forgives memory two never forgives but what is impossible to us is possible to god memory never forgets now man yeah he said but you know what he did before um think about that for a minute memory too never forgives but what is impossible to us is possible to god in mark chapter 1 verse 15 he says repent and believe the gospel it's the good news i don't forget one time a man was making a confession to me i said stop you're going to put something in my memory that i need not know i'm gonna do like god i'm gonna throw it in the seal forgetfulness never think of it again so if your memory brings it up shut it down amen you haven't had it it's not deep enough in the sea yet think about that we had a wonderful time with meredith never had this she's 13 going on 27 you know how that is and so she came over and she likes to watch a movie i said you want you want grandfather to put the theater on she goes no let's talk i said talk i said yeah she goes has you ever had your heart broken grandfather have you ever had a crush i said yeah who was your first girlfriend you ready for this peggy gedre she was 12 years old living golden metal oh i didn't like that but i lived way past and my dad had moved down to venice because he had to go to work for getty all coming down there peggy and i'd get to see him once or twice oh lord so we would write letters to each other i said that's called what's that bad did you tell her no she see her memory never let's see she just proved my point she just proved my point memories he's still nailing me to the wall about that good god almighty let me go pray for this woman i need to lay hands on no i didn't and i said puppy love they call it but it still hurts it still hurts and sometimes adults don't understand that shut up boy you'll meet a girl next week oh shut up girl don't worry no no they hurt but they never let you forget never and she couldn't get over it i said yeah oh man i like to but we broke up you had any other one i said well i was engaged one time to a a lady you were i said before i met you mimi and she cut me off she said didn't mimi if i had a broken heart i said no mimi breaks hearts that's exactly what you said don't you lie in church woman that's exactly what you said i remember let me oh wait a minute i got to put the sp i got to put the spock on her so she can remember you know spock and i does this remember she said no i just broke up with him but when she fell in love with me and i hurt her heart yes you heard it yeah see she won't let me forget that but i never broke it at least i don't think mary didn't want to know those things they want to know what's going on see and then kathy comes up with this last night and then she says you know there's nothing like an old fool i knew she was talking about me because her memory is intact she forgives but she don't forget and she said if something ever happened to me and you and he marries me and how did she say yeah you hear him say if i'm going and you marry a younger woman i want my friends to hurt you i want my friends to hurt you my buddy that is not forgiveness kevin i want my friends to hurt you slowly well i'm going to say it publicly look at this here what are you clapping for jonathan you're supposed to be on my side i'm going to say it publicly i ain't marrying a young woman i ain't married an older woman i don't believe i am and i don't think i think we're going to heaven together as far as i'm concerned now you can applaud on that so kathy this is the answer for you it's my next point forgiveness is deliverance from sin forgiveness is deliverance from sin i want her friends to hurt me i mean i got this word love just drives another you know because i don't say that often have you ever told god you love him i said he knows oh she says now i want honesty here how many of you may have had somebody break your heart and you wouldn't mind if they'd have died lift your hand up come on don't lie come on be honest lift your hand up kelly you want your friends to kill me it's about me sure that's see memory never forgives now you understand my point that's why god said i'll put it behind my back because i'll never go backwards i go forward i'll put it in the depths of see never be remembered i'll give never be remembered against you i will pardon all iniquities i will delight in mercy i'll give you an understanding on pharaoh and his army when he went down forgiveness is deliverance from sin now i want to deal with this little part and we'll close with this mercy write this down mercy is not a modern project it's an ancient charter god created mercy for us even before we were created it's not it's not a modern project mercy is not a modern project it is an ancient charter i told them i said this i had some people say you know you have a lot of black people work for you i said i don't have anybody work for me oh yeah you do i said no i don't oh i know you do i said i know you don't no i don't see i'm not gonna fall in that trap i said i have people that work for me i don't see no difference their check is the same color paper right hey i'm for you ah i'm not going to have you separate i will not yield to that world system i will not do it i mean i get blasted for that i believe in the human race god created i just love everybody i just did that's it did you know i'm a jew no i'm i'm not gonna let you step i know let me tell you something forget all the skin color junk don't forget your culture that's who you are your culture we always have difficult we have a cajun culture an italian culture you know you got all kind of different cultures that's why it's called the neutral ground that's why they had the french quarter you want to understand new orleans let me help you here new orleans french quarter they had the italian quarter but see but the italians didn't go to the french and the french didn't go to the italians so they formed something called the neutral ground so the french and the tank could come on a neutral ground and do business and go back to their perspective neighborhoods that's where the neutral ground now you think it's a place you can park your car when the flood comes no well it's used for that sometimes you know but that's exactly what it is you want to say something cathy yeah that was on canal street yeah see she remembers greatly the neutral ground yeah sometimes me and kathy have to come together on the neutral ground because i ain't going where she going and she ain't going away i'm going so we both walk together to the neutral ground and we do business we agree to disagree that we ain't mad all day long you know it makes a good marriage to do that it really does you know and then sometimes you just got to give up sometimes just any way to fight okay mercy is not a modern project but an ancient chart let me show you what it does and what forgiveness does i'm gonna go through this fast and i'm gonna come back so you can write it when you become estranged with god forgiveness brings reconciliation don't write it yet i'm gonna come back and say that again when you become a stranger god you know you did something right you something wrong you feel a distance forgiveness brings reconciliation maybe when you're indicted about something forgiveness brings justification you justified by faith when you are polluted you did something you shouldn't have done it just flat stunk forgiveness brings cleansing i wrote this down this morning uh when you are sick forgiveness brings healing when you are obstructed trying to get where you it things are shut up when you're obstructed forgiveness brings clearing why he delights in mercy so you can write it down now when you're estranged with god you know there's a little distance there something you feel it forgiveness brings reconciliation if you and your wife have had a little argument and you repent you ask forgive me or you should forgive you it brings reconciliation me somebody said again when you are a strange forgiveness brings reconciliation when you are indicted somebody says you did something you don't think you have but evidently they think you did when you're in doubt forgiveness brings justification god justifies you am i am i talking too fast you're getting it when you are indicted forgiveness brings justification now when you are polluted let's say you blow it okay you did something you shouldn't have done when you are polluted forgiveness brings cleansing he'll make you as white as snow that's a good thing when you're sick in sickness listen to me a lot of time comes from sin when you are sick not all the time but when you are sick forgiveness brings healing how did this virus got started why did it get started what is the real reason for it money shut down a powerful nation let all your people go over to that nation but don't let that nation come to you see when you are sick forgiveness brings healing and finally when you are obstructed just can't seem to get the job done when you obstruct it forgiveness brings clearing this piece of property that the church is on had 600 trees on it do you know that right here when we bought this it look it looked woods you know small trees junk we got in here my staff ricky uh his son then jason man we were cutting trees down like crazy we saved one two we say five of them they're real good ones the rest of them were just you know just i mean we had to clean snakes had to go that's it baby a new water has come in so when you obstruct it forgiveness bring clearing then we cleared it and it was going to cost us an arm and a leg to haul it all off trucks cost a lot of money so i went get the i found a man that has a chipper and we ground all those trees we look like the three pyramids do anybody remember that remember that how high them things were but we got it cleaned out boy i mean we chipped it down the sword up now watch it it was a blessing to the community i was thinking how i'm going to get all this people were backing up with their pickup trucks filling up the pickup truck so they could use it for the flower beds and all the different things they said is it okay reverend i said take as much as you want and slowly we begin to lose our pyramids you see before technology came in with people what's it called when you take a piece of paper and you run it through a machine kathy what's those machines called shredders about right here under the slab of this edifice is about 1500 boxes of invoices i've dug holes and i buried it then we pulled concrete on so let's say jesus terror and 2 000 years from now they pull up and they'll put out an invoice that he bought from a camera in 1992 because no one could put it what's the name of that shred it but then we found companies with major shredders we don't do that no more you see you had to do what you have to do because they want to accept all the boxes in the dump so i made my own dump and i dumped on it and i put dirt in it too around it to make sure that when it rots and he might never rock cause that's pretty sealed in there you won't have a cavern under the slab then i drove piling 1796 pilots through it see i got rid of all the obstruction and i cleared this land so people could build on it now let me go over there so you can get you get your notes mercy is not a modern project but an ancient charter when you are estranged forgiveness brings reconciliation when you are indicted forgiveness brings justification when you are polluted forgiveness brings cleansing when you are sick forgiveness brings healing and when you are obstructed forgiveness brings clearing why because he delights in mercy this superstructure of salvation called the doctrine of forgiveness so become what god made you to be a forgiver and a forgetter and go on about your business and do what god tells you to do now can you understand how why i can handle persecution so easily somebody said boy he just handles persecuted like i never said why i forgive and i forget i'm going about my business now there's a judgment side to god but i'm not the judger i might want to give him a few hints on how to work it but i got to watch myself on that because i don't want it to be said for my friends to hurt them just thought i'd throw that in there for some reason yeah today kathy said something freaked me out i was laying in a bed about ready to clean up she goes i got to change these sheets these things are dirty i got out of that real fast not dirty dirty but she said i don't know i thought i'm going to tell them everything kathy since your friends want to hurt me young no no no that's payback see no no she figures all that stuff out and she gets mad at me she tries to help me pull this sheet under that that thing is hard because she wants to be able to take a quarter oh she's been in the marines so that the quarter can bounce on the sheet you know i don't know but i've been told jesus christ i bless you so uh i said this ain't the army here i bought the sheets let's get out my way i'll just get out the way and then when i get out the way she's mad at me because i got other way you could have helped me but you told me to get out the way look at the men i'm with you man i'm with you i understand it's kind of the way you want to eat i don't know where you want to eat i don't know you pick where you anything you want to go so i pulled up the place i don't want to eat here back up the car start over what would you like to eat how about let's not eat nothing just say what you want and pray to god that they listen but you're going to get some food somewhere somehow see when you understand why that's why god had to send himself to the persons of christ i'll say that because an angel could not do this a chairman a serpent or archangel angel no they couldn't do it they didn't have the power to do it so god said i will send myself in the personage of my son jesus think about that it's kind of hard to understand how he could take such pain how he could do that because he delighted in the mercy so that you wouldn't have to do that did you enjoy it this morning did you learn something yeah see so when you understand those things you'll be the person god wants you to be not some of the time but all the time in every facet and since you're going to remember anything remember the good stuff if something blows up in your mind that's true but it makes you she said no since i'm gonna think i might as well think of something positive today i'm just gonna uh you know everybody has the little things that that bothers them and that's okay you know some women want their husbands to open up the car door some women are so fast they they don't wait for the car to open and they're already in the mall they're gonna pass the door of the ball uh some people don't want you to snack when they're cooking i want to tell you something wait till it's on the table well y'all with children and you had easter and thanksgiving and christmas dinner did any of your family take pictures of the food anybody hold your hand up with that happen i want to ask a question have you ever taken out the pictures of the food 20 years ago you should have seen this turkey has anybody ever done that no what a waste i used to sit there starving men salivating i said mama let's just eat the food instead of take a picture of it shut up boy we got tons of food pictures but that's just what they did how many you made homemade ice cream your arm got soared what went out great how many wanted the paddle inside the ice cream after they pulled it oh yeah boy and they would take it all no no no leave some of it on there boy just get it all over your face those are great times and every christmas then i ate as a child i ate with a busted lip true true story busted lip swollen got pictures to prove it cause right before the dinner my uncles would come out his sons my dad and they get the boxing gloves and my boy gonna whip your boy oh yeah and they bet on us my dad said i got 50 cents on your boy you better beat your cousin on jail and all of them will be sitting there eating like and my uncle's counting the money and change they did it every year but i got back at him because see the men always brag in front of other men about their wives i'll tell you what one of my uncle ralph used to say if i tell him esther to jump she said i heard that and he bet against me so i went up to my aunt esther who we call tatsu because he's a little fat i say aunt tatsu you know what uncle ralph said about you what she said just he said he said that every time he tell you you jump you say she said ralph come here he lied i said no i i'm not lying he said it and one day he had a busted lip payback time i sure wish we could do that again they're all in heaven probably with busted lips true story anybody ever did stuff like that but all these people get together my lord you ever have a bushari you know what the bouchard is you know you have that killing of a hog oh lord oh man and you have i mean you don't lose anything on a hog but the squeal that's it you eat his lips you eat his feet you eat his skin you wipe him out he don't exist it's like the sea of forgetfulness and one of my best jobs was to kill that hog because i hated that hog because he'd bite me i said today is my day yeah i'd ride him in twisties he throw me and he tried to bite me i said okay baby today is my dad say grandpa can i kill that sucker kill him that hug boom but then he got up i took off running in the hog bleeding like a stuck hog come after me thank god grandpa was there ain't that terrible i know y'all don't look at where every piece of chicken you eat today somebody killed it every steak somebody killed it even if he ate vegetables somebody pulled a plant up and cooked it so don't look at me weird why did you say that i don't have the foggiest idea why i said that
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 16,041
Rating: 4.9168591 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis
Id: 05zj9OYkCUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 29sec (3629 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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