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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case a very highly requested case of mine today we're going to wales in the uk south wales specifically and we're going to be taking a look at a harrowing massacre that wiped out three generations of the same family known as the clinic murders this case is gonna be a two-parter so this is part one part two will be out in the next few days make sure you've got my notifications on for my channel so you don't miss it but before we get into this case i just want to thank our sponsor for this video audible i'm sure you guys have already heard of audible who hasn't at this point they are the world's leading provider of audiobooks i've used them for years audible subscribers receive one credit per month to spend on any title in the hall of audible's library plus unlimited audible originals they also have a bunch of extras as well it's not just audiobooks they have podcasts they have daily news reads they have guided meditation and audible are doing so much to help with the current state of the world with covered 19 everyone's lives are just being shaken up kids are out of their daily routine they're out of school everyone's a lot more anxious and so to help with that audible have launched where anyone anywhere in the world can stream hundreds of titles for free no sign up required there's books for all ages in so many different languages there's something for everyone i was going to try and give you one good recommendation from the main library on audible but i have so many i use their audiobooks so much in my research as well if there's books relating to the case for example for this case i use the clitorik murders which is by john morris i listen to that whole thing it's like 11 hours long i recently listened to inside the mind of btk which is about dennis raider the blind torture kill guy and it's made me want to do a video on the btk killer so bad i personally love using audible to listen to audiobooks as i'm cleaning or doing my makeup because that's already a huge chunk of my day that i can't do anything else so i like to kind of multitask and make it productive at the same time so if you want to get your first audio book plus unlimited audible originals for free when you try audible for 30 days you can go through my link which is forward slash eleanor or you can text eleanor to 500 500. thanks again to audible for sponsoring this video i'm really excited about this sponsorship but before we get into this case i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a quick warning before we do get into it this case does involve themes of sexual assault so if that's something that you don't want to hear about feel free to click out of this video i'll be back very soon with a different case so like i said this case takes place in wales specifically believe it or not a town called clinic which is just a little bit north of swansea in the south of wales i think it's actually a village i don't think it's a town clinic village also if i'm butchering the pronunciation of any welsh locations in this video i do apologize right now i've done my best to try to research how things are pronounced but the welsh accent and the welsh language is something that's always baffled my brain so amanda power better known as mandy power was a 34 year old nurse from south wales as a young girl age just 16 mandy met the man of her dreams that would later become her husband michael power and the two of them married when she was just in her early 20s michael was a baker and like i said mandy was a nurse and even though the two of them were very talented in their careers they were very devoted to their life path they didn't quite earn enough money to to start the rest of their life to buy a house together and start a family together so shortly after their marriage they decided to move in with mandy's mother doris doris dawson and they were just gonna live there for a while until they saved up the money to buy their own house and start their own life mandy's mother doris dawson was almost in her 70s at this point and she was very loved in clinic she just had this reputation as such a wonderful woman everyone loved her and then by default they loved mandy because that was her daughter i mean mandy was loved in her own right as well but this was doris's kid if you love doris you love her daughter anyway mandy and michael moved in with doris they began serving up their money and they were getting to a decent place they weren't quite ready to move out yet but then rather unexpectedly mandy fell pregnant the two of them had always wanted children together they'd always wanted a family and you know this wasn't quite when they'd expected to have them but she fell pregnant they nearly had enough money to buy a house and so they thought oh let's just start our family early mandy gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that they named katie and the three of them all moved into their own home and shortly after the move mandy fell pregnant again and gave birth to emily two years later so now the couple had two daughters everything was going well for a while the family were very happy they were starting this life that they'd always wanted however after a few years michael power decided that he no longer wanted this he didn't want this family that he'd created he he just felt that this life wasn't for him he he'd made a mistake somewhere there were rumors of mandy having an affair with a local taxi driver but i don't know if that's 100 accurate and i don't want to sit here and accuse someone of that when i don't have the facts so it's uncertain why the two of them broke up specifically or what led to their breakup only their new however michael power did end up getting a divorce from mandy and the two of them went their separate ways michael power ended up moving on he found a new girlfriend he left mandy with full custody of the children but he was still in their life he did still you know buy them things peer child support and see them often like he wasn't a deadbeat father by any means he was still in his family's life it just wasn't what he wanted anymore and now mandy was left in that big home that they bought together i mean i don't think it was that big but it was too big for her to afford all by herself now she had one paycheck her nurse's paycheck she had to pay for herself and her two daughters she just didn't have the money anymore and at this point it was the mid-1990s and mandy's mother doris who was now in her mid-70s had suffered a pretty bad brain hemorrhage and she was left needing constant care she needed to live with someone she couldn't live by herself and so these two circumstances combined mandy not having enough money to pay for herself and her children and doris needing constant care meant that it only made sense if they all moved in together and it was doris mandy kitty and emily from that moment forward they bought a semi-detached house on kelvin road in clinic 9 kelvin road and they were happy there mandy was caring for her two children she was caring for her mother she still had the same job however it got to a point where she began feeling like she didn't have a life outside of that outside of her family she was constantly caring for other people that she was forgetting to care for herself and have a social life so mandy power decided to try get back in the dating game a little bit she began seeing different men here and there she saw her neighbor for a little bit they went on a couple of dates she started an affair with a taxi driver there were a couple of different men but none of them really you know swept her off her feet enough for them to become long-term and mandy knew that she wanted more than just a man in her social life you know she wanted friends she wanted you know a group of girls so in an attempt to kind of find her circle of platonic friends she decided to go out and join a women's rugby team because she'd always been interested in sport she'd always been good at it but of course having two children having to care for her mother she hadn't enjoyed it for a while so she joins this rugby team and there she meets a woman named alison lewis who quickly became her best friend they were so close they spent so much time together alison lewis was a former police officer she'd actually had to quit the police force due to mental health issues she didn't have a job at the time when she met mandy alison was just kind of trying to get herself back on the right track trying to look after her mind she was actually doing the same thing that mandy was doing by joining this rugby club she joined to make friends and have a bit more of a social life between 1998 and 1999 alison and mandy became inseparable they were always together they were always inviting each other to different things alison had a whole family she had children and a husband she would always invite mandy to their kind of get-togethers but all of this would come to a sudden end on june 27th 1997 at 4 27 a.m when police received the first of many frantic phone calls from kelvin road informing them of a house fire on the street the fire was at that semi-detached house 9 kelvin road and so firefighters paramedics police all rushed to the scene they had a quick run round the house to assess the scene and they noticed that the main blairs seem to be coming from the kitchen although the house was pretty badly burnt at this point it seemed very badly damaged even from the outside so who knows what it was like on the inside the whole house was up in flames i know i said the kitchen was the worst of it but there was fire in every window smoke coming out of every window as the firefighters began trying to put this house fire out neighbors from kelvin road were congregating outside obviously all of this commercial outside had woken everyone up and they were coming out to see what was going on neighbors called mandy's sister who was there within minutes she lived very close by and this was around five in the morning at this point and as soon as mandy's sister arrived she just broke down she didn't know if any of them were still in there this was her mother her sister her two nieces she didn't know if they were injured if they were even alive at this point neighbors informed the firefighters that they believed that everyone that occupied that house was still in there that night and then it was four girls two women and two children as soon as the fire was extinguished firefighters ran straight into the house to try to find all four of them while paramedics set up on the grass outside the house all like oxygen tanks and masks because the fire was so bad that they didn't think they were gonna get anyone out conscious they thought if they weren't so badly injured that they'd passed out they would probably have passed out from smoke inhalation so firefighters crawled up the stairs they had to keep as low as they possibly could to make sure that they didn't pass out from smoke inhalation of course they have all this gear but they still had to like crawl to get places they went straight up the stairs and when they got to the top of the stairs the first firefighter began swiping his hand across the landing to see if he could feel anyone and that was when he felt the first victim 10 year old katie and so they grabbed katie it seemed as though she was passed out at this point she was just laid on the landing they grabbed her and carried her outside onto the grass she was the first of the family recovered as katie's body was being passed outside the rest of the firefighters continued to crawl upstairs and they went into the first room which was katie and emily's bedroom and there they found eight-year-old emily she too was also passed out her body was also carried outside and laid out on the grass so now both girls were out there as paramedics were trying to attach the masks and perform cpr on them to try to resuscitate them the next victim firefighters came across was found in doris dawson's bedroom but it was actually mandy power she was found naked at the time also unconscious and so her body was carried out and laid on the grass by her daughters to be resuscitated paramedics quickly noticed as they were trying to perform cpr that there was blood on all the girls it seemed as though maybe they'd tried to escape and they'd maybe hit their head or something maybe they'd injured themselves trying to get out of this house fire but paramedics weren't really focusing on that right now their main focus was trying to resuscitate these three girls they thought it was odd but they thought that you know them trying to get out and getting injured in the process was the most reasonable explanation for this blood after some attempts to resuscitate the three of them paramedics were trying their hardest but it was just too late it seemed as though all three of them were probably already dead when they were carried out of the house and so mandy power and her two children katie and emily were all pronounced dead at the scene now that the smirk had cleared inside the house firefighters went back in to see if they could find their fourth victim doris dawson and they found her deceased lying in her bed they checked her pulse and it was clear that there was nothing that they could do there was no point trying to carry her out to the garden instead they thought they would just leave her there in bed until the coroners got there to properly remove her body from the scene a lot of the people on site that day firefighters paramedics police officers neighbors were so affected by this this was such a harrowing scene three generations of the same family all wiped out in one blaze two young girls that had their whole lives ahead of them a loving mother a dirting grandmother even if people didn't know the power family personally they still shared their family's sorrow because this was this could have been anyone this could have been anyone's family anyone's mother anyone's grandmother it was actually one of the women police officers that broke the news of the family's death to mandy's sister her sister was just saying no please please tell me they're not dead and this police officer just started crying and she said i'm so sorry they're gone once paramedics had given up trying to resuscitate the victims and it was clear that they were already gone they began inspecting these injuries where all the blood had come from because it was actually kind of hard for them to get the oxygen masks on the victims heads because there was so much blood and injuries on their heads especially on one of the young girls they were trying to get this mask on but they couldn't get it on evenly because it seemed as though her head was disfigured from these injuries and quickly paramedics realized that yes all four of these victims had been dead for a short while before they were recovered but the fire hadn't been the cause of their death it seemed as though all four of them even doris dawson whose body was still in the house still in her bed had died from serious head injuries it seemed as though they'd all been beaten to death the bodies were taken for an autopsy and it was quickly confirmed that their cause of death had been bludgeoning all four of them had been murdered beaten over the head with different severity some more than others based on the victim's injuries the pathologist theorized that the murder weapon used had been a long heavy pull and it was used with so much force that it had actually smashed pretty much every single one of their skulls in multiple places it seemed as though doris dawson had been the first of all four of them to be killed and she was killed in her bed possibly even still sleeping and it also seemed as though she had been the only one home when she was killed so maybe she was killed and the murderer stayed in the house and waited for mandy and the children to return and the reason we know this the reason we know that doris was killed first and she was probably home alone is due to one or two pieces of evidence that are quite confusing to explain the sequence of events is kind of confusing so stick with me as best as you can i'll try my best so like i said doris dawson was murdered in her own bed it's believed that she was possibly even asleep so as the killer swung the murder weapon up into the air to hit doris they actually hit the light bulb which was hanging on the ceiling behind them and this blew a fuse and blew out the electrics in the whole house of course the killer couldn't have that if they were going to try to murder three other people in this same house they couldn't do it in complete darkness they were going to have to do something about this so once they had finished beating doris dawson doris dawson was now dead they decided to try to fix the fuse the killer went into katie and emily's bedroom and in there the girls had a tv set on top of a chair and so the killer took the tv put it on the bed so it was out of the way so that they could get to the chair they grabbed the chair and carried it downstairs to the downstairs bathroom which was where the fuse box was the killer then stood on the chair got to the fuse box fixed the fuse and switched all the lights back on in the house now this tells us a few things one the killer had enough time between the murder of doris dawson and the three other murders to be able to go and get a chair carry it downstairs fix a fuse box two the killer knew where the fuse box was in this home so perhaps they'd been there before maybe this was someone that the family knew and three the chair that was taken downstairs to fix the fuse box with had no blood on it however the tv set in kitty and emily's bedroom had blood spatter all over it now this means that emily's murder the younger of the two girls which happened in her own bedroom must have happened once the chair and the tv were already moved if she would have been killed first the blood spatter would be all over the chair and the tv but since it was just on the tv the chair had already been moved before she was killed so that was an interesting piece of information for police to know very early on because now they know that the killer had premeditated all of these murders they'd waited for mandy and the children specifically for some reason mandy power had been beaten the worst of all the victims with almost 40 injuries to her whole body she seemed to be the main focus of the attack her skull had been broken into 10 separate pieces and it seemed as though she'd been strangled at some point during the attack other it wasn't with enough force to kill her or even render her unconscious it was just you know part of the physical attack she'd actually been hit in the head so severely that one of her teeth had come out and was later found on the floor she had clear self-defense wounds all over her arms and hands so it was obvious that mandy had fought for her life she'd really put up a fight against her attacker and like i said she had been sexually assaulted her body was found naked and with a sex toy still inside of her and it was believed that this sex toy had been inserted into mandy's body either when she was unconscious or perhaps already dead with pathologists leaning more towards the latter that she was already dead something to note here as well was there was actually no semen on or in mandy's body at all and there was no tearing or ripping or damage to her genitals so it didn't seem as though she'd been raped or that her attacker had attempted rape of course other than with this sex toy one thing that did seem off about mandy's body was that she was actually found with a silver men's wristwatch on her wrist and mandy wasn't one to wear men's things you know how some girls like to wear men's clothes i'm one of them a lot of my wardrobe a lot of my jewelry a lot of you know how i express myself in terms of clothing is men's but a lot of women aren't like that a lot of women are very feminine just like mandy she everything she earned was made for women you know she wasn't one to just wear a random piece of men's jewelry and none of her friends really recognized this watch as hers so had this been her killer's watch why how was it on mandy's body how did it end up there why did it end up there it appeared that the attack on mandy power had begun in her own bedroom and spanned across multiple different rooms she was running away from her attacker possibly going to find a weapon going to protect her family from the pattern of blood drops on the floor so pathologists are so talented there's such a science to this kind of stuff they can see by the shape of the blood drop if the victim was moving or how fast they were moving what direction they were moving and they could see when and where mandy went during this attack so it began in her own bedroom and then she ran to katie in emily's bedroom and from there she ran to her mother's bedroom which is actually where the attack ended mandy's body was found in there and you can tell from the blood drops because when they hit the ground they made like a circular pull which means they were just dropping vertically they weren't dropping diagonally as if she was running and there was actually a wound in mandy's head kind of a cross ship that corresponded with a pattern on her mother doris's set of drawers in her bedroom so mandy was still being attacked when she got into that room maybe her attacker had pushed her onto the drawers hit her head on the drawers or maybe even mandy was so weak at this point because she was so injured she'd lost so much blood that maybe she fell onto these drawers kind of head first but even then the attack continued it even continued after mandy had already passed away on the floor of doris's bedroom her attacker just continued hitting her as for the young girls the two daughters emily was found in the girl's bedroom she was the younger of the two girls eight years old and katie 10 years old was found on the landing both of them had been beaten so badly that parts of their skull were later found on the ground emily was found with several of her teeth missing which were later found on her bedroom floor and from her injuries as well you could tell that she was also beaten a few times after she was already dead emily was actually found partially undressed however crime scene investigators believe that she was probably getting changed when she was attacked because it didn't seem as though her clothes had been like forcibly removed and thrown on the floor or something it did look like she was getting changed into her pajamas of course you can't say for sure with things like that because we have no one to ask what was actually going on at that point but nothing had happened to emily there was no sexual assault or anything like that and 10 year old katie who was found out on the landing had been beaten so badly that her brain was exposed from her skull and had actually been parked with the murder weapon multiple times it seemed as though katie was the last of the far to die because the murder weapon was found with mainly her blood on it and with the placement of her body she was on the landing it seemed as though maybe she'd been trying to run away so now the crime scene search of nine kelvin road began and it was going to take three weeks which is actually the longest ever crime scene investigation that wales had ever had at that time of course they weren't just searching that one home they were searching the gardens they were searching the street they were searching the whole area around it the drains outside they were lifting up manhole covers they were searching neighbors gardens just in case a mud weapon or any piece of evidence anything from the crime scene had been ditched or hidden or discarded by the killer inside the house investigators discovered that the fire the house fire had actually been a combination of four separate fires throughout the house and they hadn't actually all been lit at the same time the first fire was lit in doris dawson's bedroom around 2 30 a.m however the fourth fire the last fire was lit an hour and a half later at 4 a.m and that was the one in the kitchen the one that caused the most damage maybe the killer was watching the fire from a distance making sure that the house lit on fire and when the first one was taking too long they returned to the house and lit the other three to speed up the process police found inside the house what they believed to have been the murder weapon it was pretty burnt at this point it was a large four foot pole with like a pointed end that had blood still on it however it was a lot lighter than they expected it to be like i said they expected it to be a very heavy pull because of the damage that it had done so it seemed as though for the killer to have done this much damage with such a light object they must have had a lot of strength they must have been using it very very hard investigators saw that a few of the rooms in the house had blood spatter all up the walls all on the ceiling and in the upstairs bathroom the bath had actually been half filled with water and that had blood in it too although what's interesting was that there was no blood spatter inside the bathroom so it didn't seem as though that had been a location in the attack it didn't seem as though anyone had been attacked or hit in there perhaps the blood had gotten into the bath from maybe the killer washing it off themselves maybe the killer got into the shower or ran a bit of a bath and washed the blood from themselves before they left the crime scene and this would explain why the bath was half full and mixed with water maybe the plug was in the bath and they had a bit of a shower and then got straight out also in the house police found mandy's mobile phone and it was very badly burnt it was unusable however this meant that police could contact mandy's phone network and ask them if there'd been any calls or texts or anything that day of running up to the murders anything suspicious but there hadn't been there wasn't really anything of interest on mandy's phone because mandy had been sexually assaulted the whole home was spread with a chemical kind of like luminol that shows up where blood has been but this chemical was for semen it showed up where semen had been and there was absolutely none in the whole home some sources said that there were a couple of deliberately burned pictures of the two daughters katie and emily it seemed as though the killer had burnt these pictures on purpose although i don't know how accurate that is since the whole home was on fire and the fire was so bad that it burnt pretty much everything there i don't know how investigators would be able to tell if something was deliberately burnt however something interesting about this crime scene was that there was a white spot sock found very close to where mandy and doris's bodies were found and this white sock was covered in blood and fibers from this white sock were found all over the house on the murder weapon on the bodies so it seemed as though the killer had used this sock as a glove so that they wouldn't get fingerprints anywhere which shows that this crime was very planned very premeditated one rather standout piece of evidence that police found in nine kelvin road was a broken men's chain like a necklace a 20 inch nine carat gold chain with a broken clasp covered in blood and this chain was very unique it couldn't be just anyone's like i said it had a broken clasp but on this broken clasp the owner of the chain had like attached some kind of makeshift silver loop and this was a gold chain so that was a very standout piece and it also had some white paint on it so maybe the owner of this chain had been a decorator or maybe they'd just been painting their own home and got paint on their necklace whatever the circumstances this was a very unique chain and this was police's only really piece of evidence to identify a killer or a suspect and so they really clung to this piece of evidence in this case other than that though there really wasn't much else that investigators could take from the crime scene that was one of the only pieces of evidence they really had because everything was so badly burned police in this case later berated the firefighters that put out the fire at 9 kelvin road for trampling over and contaminating all this potential evidence in the house which isn't exactly fair the firefighters were just doing their jobs they were called to put out a house fire and that's all they thought this was how were firefighters supposed to know that the victims inside that house were already dead they were just doing their jobs they were trying to put out that fire get these people out and potentially save their lives so yes they probably did affect a bit of evidence in the home but that can't really be helped in retrospect they were doing the best they could they were trying to save lives so at this point in the case we're still on the morning that the bodies were found and police are still at 9 kelvin road and all the neighbors are still outside and whatever and police are doing very quick brief questionings of everyone just to see their connection to the family just to you know help them get an idea of what might have gone on the family's opposite neighbour was named robert wyckowski and he was the first one to call the police on that night he woke up in the middle of the night around half past four in the morning after hearing like banging and smashing noises outside at first he thought maybe it was someone trying to steal a car or break into a house or something so he went straight to the window to see what was going on but then across the street he saw smoke coming out of 9 kelvin road so he ran and grabbed his phone and called mandy power's mobile number to see if she was in or if she was if he could wake her up or something but she didn't answer and so he called the landline and still there was no answer from monday and so he did the only thing he really could do he put on his dressing gown put on his slippers ran out into the street and began banging on mandy's door shouting to try to wake her up meanwhile another neighbor on the road had woken up from all of this commercial and he'd also ran outside the two men ran round to the back of the house and when they saw how bad the fire was in the kitchen they tried to smash the door in and when they did they were hit by all of this heat all of this smoke they were gonna try and go in and save them themselves but they realized that this was just way too dangerous they couldn't risk going in there and you know losing their own lives at this point the fire department had already been called wokkowski had called them himself before he'd left the house and a few other neighbors when they'd realised what was going on they'd also called within hours of the fire department paramedics police arriving at the scene and the family being pronounced dead mandy power's ex-husband michael power katie and emily's father had been informed of the murders he'd literally just arrived at his bakery that morning where he worked and police met him there and told him and as i'm sure you can imagine he was he was distraught he was so broken that he couldn't speak publicly on the murders for two months after they happened no matter how much he wanted her he wanted to do public appeals to try to find a killer he wanted to go on tv and you know talk about how amazing his daughters and his ex-wife was but he couldn't he just couldn't do it he did what he could to help police in their investigation he did all of his questionings no matter how hard it was for him but he just didn't do anything public with the media no appeals or anything he told police that he couldn't really think of anyone that might want to do this to mandy or her children or doris i mean police were mainly looking at someone in mandy's life someone mandy knew since she seemed to be the main focus of the attack in fact everyone else police asked said the same thing that none of them had any enemies there was no one that might want to hurt mandy no one that disliked mandy the family were just so likable and easy to get on with so who did this and why it really did seem as though the family was specifically targeted for this it wasn't a robbery gone wrong nothing was stolen it seemed so personal there was sexual assault involved all of their skulls had been caved in this this was evil this was personal this was brutal after speaking with the victims friends and family police couldn't really find any suspects to look into they had no names they had no they had no one and so they began drafting up a list of potential people of interest pretty much just based on association to the family of course current partners ex-partners you know love interests are very much one to look at in cases like this and of course that included michael power mandy's ex-husband the father of the two girls however he was ruled out pretty quickly he had an alibi he was at home sleeping with his girlfriend at the time his girlfriend could say that he was home all night they lived a fair few miles away from clidec and i mean being asleep at the time of a murder isn't exactly a confirmed alibi especially because your new girlfriend could lie for you but there was also no motive here so it just didn't seem likely he wasn't a jealous ex he left her he left mandy he'd moved on he had a new girlfriend so there wasn't any resentment there there wasn't any reason for him to want to do that and he seemed to really adore his girls his daughters he was absolutely heartbroken like i said he couldn't publicly speak on this for two months and he really respected mandy they got on really well after the divorce they were really good at parenting the two girls even after the split it just didn't it didn't seem like it was him and police just could tell it wasn't him of course he couldn't be 100 ruled out because his alibi couldn't 100 be confirmed and he'd also been one of the last people to see the family before they were murdered katie and emily had actually been over to his new house with his new girlfriend to stay over the night before and mandy had come to pick them up the next morning so he'd seen all three of them on the morning of their murders of course there's always the possibility that something could have gone on there there could have been an argument something might have happened with the girls the night before but like i said this suspect theory is mainly just by default because of his relationship to all of the victims he was an ex-partner so he has to kind of be looked into but police just didn't think it was michael power they had no real reason to suspect him in the days following the murders the outside of nine kelvin road was covered in remembrance gestures for the family there were flowers there were letters there were cards there were stuffed animals left out for the young girls people that didn't even know the victims were still going and leaving something because everyone in that area was just so affected by this like i said people could relate this could be their sister it could be their mother it could be their children it was so heartbreaking for everyone that knew them or knew of them it was just so heartbreaking for the area everyone was going to leave something and these gifts outside the house were spilling out onto the road investigators had to literally step over all of these things to make their way into the house during this three-week investigation all of these things outside were also investigated by themselves because a lot of times murderers because they are so sick and twisted they like to kind of revel in their crimes and there was always the possibility that the killer might have left their own letter or card or something so everything was investigated but nothing really came of that and by the time the funerals of the family came around they had such a huge turnout thousands of people lined the streets in that area as the funeral cars were going into the church everyone in that area just felt the same pain as the victims families everyone in clinic was grieving this family but the police investigation continued on and a lot of other people were questioned mainly mandy's flings so when she divorced her husband she had a lot of just flings because she'd been married since her early 20s she was just kind of getting back out into the dating game and all of these men were questioned a fair few of these men that mandy had been seeing at one point or another had been married and so it was a route of interest to police because maybe these men were trying to cover up their infidelity maybe their wives had found out and done this out of jealousy you know there's a motive there even the men that weren't married were questioned because maybe they didn't like that mandy had moved on maybe they didn't like how the relationship ended however police didn't find anyone too suspicious in that line of inquiry almost a year and a half went by and there were no major developments in this case the team were really struggling with the lack of leads in this case because of course the whole crime scene pretty much had been burnt to the ground so there was not much to go off and they were very much relying on public appeals and people coming forward and these appeals very much focused on that men's gold chain that was found in the home hoping that maybe someone saw it and recognized it as someone they knew a chain from someone that they knew that they were all the time you know it was shown on every news station crime watch it was in the newspapers hoping that maybe someone recognized it police thought it would be easy to identify this chain because it was so unique the broken clasp the replacement of a clasp the paint on it it was so unique this was clearly not something that multiple people had but for a full year and a half no one was coming forward to claim this chain and it looked like it was going to be another dead end in this case that was finally until a year and a half in one man was identified a man had called police after seeing one of these tv appeals to tell them that he recognized that chain and he thought it was his cousins his cousin was named david george morris sometimes known as die morris the man calling the police said that he'd spoken with his cousin david morris recently and morris had expressed to him that he was anxious about getting caught up in this case because he knows that he left his chin at mandy power's home he said that he'd been having an affair with mandy power at the time of her murder and he'd actually left his chain round at her house by accident the last time he'd been over which was actually the day of her murder so as soon as police heard this they went and arrested david morris and took him to the police station as they investigated this lead further when police questioned him about this chain he actually denied that it was his but then later on in the case he went back on that and admitted that it was his chin and that his cousin was correct and that he left it at mandy's house after sleeping with her one night which already looks a little bit suspicious you know why did he lie about that being his chin and then later go back on his word so police were suspicious of this man for multiple reasons so they decided to run david morris's name on the database to see what kind of man they were dealing with was this a previous criminal you know had he done anything violent in the past and they found that this man david morris had quite an extensive criminal history dating back all the way to when he was 14 years old and many of these convictions many of these charges were for rather violent things street fights drugs robberies he'd actually been done for assault at a funeral as well he'd done five years for a huge house burglary there were a number of driving offenses as well and then he continued to drive after those driving offenses so he got even more driving offences morris just had a reputation as a rather violent aggressive man and he was no stranger to prison time and police and being charged for different things david morris was 38 years old he was a scrap metal dealer and a father to three young girls and he was actually known to be a very good father to them although the same thing can't be said for his ex-partners david morris had actually been married once before however he was divorced at this point in his life his wife had left him after enduring a full relationship of domestic violence and at the time of his arrest he actually had a new girlfriend a long-term girlfriend that coincidentally happened to be called mandy who he was cheating on with mandy power and this new relationship with his new girlfriend seemed to be taking a very similar route to that of his ex-wife it was becoming violent it was becoming abusive neighbors had witnessed david morris screaming at his girlfriend one time even hitting her with a shovel in the garden the neighbors came over to try to break this up and defend this woman but when they did david morris only turned on them and threatened them on the night of the murders david morris had been at the local pub he was drinking and taking drugs with his girlfriend and all of his friends at one point in the night as he often did he got into yet another argument with his girlfriend and this was getting very aggressive i think it was actually about mandy power either way no matter what it was about his girlfriend got so upset from this argument that she just got up and left the pub and left david there with all of his friends he stayed there for a while at that pub once his girlfriend had already left and people that were also there said that he was just getting angry and angrier as the night was going on and then around 11 p.m he told his friends that he was gonna leave to go to mandy power's house and have sex with her now this version of events that i'm about to say is just theory this is not the official version of events this is what police think happened that night so david morris left the pub around 11 30 p.m and it's believed he began walking to mandy power's home he arrived there in the early hours of the morning and demanded that mandy had sex with him and she refused and if that's true police think that david didn't like that and sir in his drunken intoxicated state because he was also on drugs that night they think that he stormed inside the house and murdered mandy and all of her family and they think it was in the process of this because mandy had a lot of self-defense wounds on her arms that maybe she'd reached up and grabbed david morris's chain off of his neck and pulled it off in the attack david morris did give police an alibi but it couldn't be confirmed he said that he did leave the pub around 11 30 p.m that night but he began walking to his mother's house he was going to stay at his mother's house but it began raining and his mother's house was a fair few miles away from the pub so he began walking it started raining he didn't want to walk the full way so he turned around and walked back to his own flat where he got back in the early hours of the morning one thing that kind of goes against david morris being the killer was that crime scene investigators believe that whoever did this must have been sober you know david morris was way too drunk way too intoxicated he was on drugs he couldn't have perfectly planned out and carried out this murder you know even putting a sock over his hand to hide the fingerprints and washing all the blood from himself they just think that he wouldn't have been in such a sound mind to be able to carry out this crime so well it just seemed way too calculated way too premeditated but also the crime scene was so well cleaned up afterwards and the fires were very carefully planned you know this didn't seem like a spur of the moment attack out of anger but despite the discrepancy between the theory of events and you know this actual evidence these facts from the crime scene investigators david morris was put on trial and found guilty of the clinic murders he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 32 years however david morris his whole family and pretty much the whole community of clinic believe that he is innocent we are devastated by the verdict we are told by david's lawyers that there are god grounds for an appeal which will be commenced straight away we are confident that justice will prevail and i'm sure that you can tell from the fact that this is a two-parter that this isn't the end of the story this there's way more to this case than what meets the eye now the south wales police who carried out this whole investigation that investigated the clinic murders are renowned for being corrupt and convicting the wrong people of crimes they're actually responsible for some of the worst miscarriages of justice in the whole of the uk a lot of them came out of south wales officers have been accused of bullying and manipulating suspects or people of interest into giving false confessions they've written well they've been suspected of writing confessions and getting suspects to sign it as though it's their confession there's one specific example that sticks in my mind and i can't remember if this was actually proven to be true or if this was just you know an alleged incident that happened with the south wales police but apparently one officer actually handcuffed a man to a radiator a hot radiator until he confessed to a crime which sounds like a form of mild torture to me they've been accused of fabricating evidence fabricating statements and quotes incriminating quotes planting false evidence to frame people bribing people into giving false witness statements then notebooks and records of certain things would go missing or get damaged or you know there was just a lot of suspicious shady stuff going on with the south wales police i don't know if it's still like that but it definitely was at this time by the time of the clinic murders this kind of thing had happened in over nine different murder cases leading to 19 wrongful convictions of innocent people that were later freed 19. and when you think about the severity of this okay so thank god the uk no longer has capital punishment the death penalty because how many of those 19 people would have been executed for a crime that they didn't even commit a woman named annette hewins a pregnant woman and her friend donna clarke were wrongfully convicted of the murders of two little girls and their mother in a house fire i don't know exactly what the evidence was for annette and donna being the killers but there was so much obvious evidence against them being the killers like to say that they weren't the killers for example there was an eyewitness at the scene that day who had seen an older white man running away from the scene now that doesn't sound like a pregnant woman and her friend but police didn't take that into account at all and the two women were sentenced to life in prison and like i said annette was pregnant at the time and so she gave birth in prison she wasn't given the proper care to be able to you know give birth properly they left it until the very last minute because they didn't want her having time out of prison they left it until the very last minute so she eventually ended up giving birth in the ambulance on the side of a roundabout because they couldn't make it to prison in time because they couldn't make it to the hospital in time the prison guards hadn't let her leave the prison to make it to the hospital in time to give birth the two women spent almost three years in prison before they were finally exonerated and freed because they were innocent they didn't do this and annette missed out on two and a half years of her son's life and you know this whole thing is serious enough as it is it should have never happened but a baby's first few years of their life are the most important the things that they learn and experience at that age will stick with them and affect them all the way through their life and if their parent isn't there and if they're going through that kind of thing this baby's whole life was potentially affected their future relationships their mental health for the rest of their life because police just rushed to convict the wrong person they just wanted a conviction and they put this child's mother in prison when she was innocent another notorious case where an eyewitness testimony was completely disregarded was the murder of lynette white she was a sex worker that had been murdered in her own flat she was stabbed so many times and a white man had been seen fleeing the scene once again but somehow the homicide team ended up arresting five non-white men there was absolutely no physical evidence putting these men at the scene they i don't think they even knew lynette white or had connections to her or that area or you know anyone in her work three of those five men were convicted and they are now known as the cardiff three they were finally exonerated after two years in jail after their family and the whole of their area tirelessly campaigned for their release because they were innocent as a result of these unfair and corrupt practices a lot of police officers were suspended but they never faced any kind of criminal charges they just lost their job so it's believable that based on their track record maybe david morris was innocent maybe police had just rushed to make a conviction it had been a year and a half since the clinic murders and they were looking like they couldn't do their job they were looking like they couldn't find a killer and maybe they found the smallest connection between david morris and mandy power that chain and they ran with it and they convicted the wrong man so in part two we will explore some potentially fabricated evidence from the police as well as some real evidence that police conveniently decided to skip over and there are some very suspicious looking people with some high up connections that could have potentially covered up their involvement in the clinic murders so yeah i'll be back in a couple of days for part two make sure you've got my notifications on if you don't want to miss that 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,390,427
Rating: 4.9461422 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, horror, clydach, mandy, david morris, wales, welsh, uk, cardiff 3, cardiff three, the clydach murders, police, cover up, justice, morris, power, british, born to kill, cold case files, lynette white, alison, lewis, unsolved, innocent, crime stories, miscarriage of justice
Id: Gp5AdQXmjjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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