The 12 YEAR OLD Killer & Her Werewolf Boyfriend

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the youngest person ever to commit a multiple murder in canadian history spent just eight years in the justice system and now they're back out in society among the rest of us so today i wanted to scare us all and tell you the story of exactly what this person did the story of their massacre so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about the richardson family murders but quickly before we get into the case i do just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible best fiends best fiends is a super fun puzzle adventure game that you can download for free on ios and android there'll be a link down below in the description of this video you get to solve thousands of fun puzzles and along the way you collect a little team of characters called fiends and honestly this is one of my favorite parts of the whole game i love anything like bright colored and fun like cool little characters me and editor jack have been competing on best fiends for like a year now and i'm well ahead i'm like 100 levels in front of him by now i'm currently on level 210 and my next level is a hard one so i'm a bit scared he's got some major catching up to do because this is like one of my favorite games i love it to be able to like relax and de-stress i play it when i need a break from true crime research or like at the end of a long day i'll sit there in bed and play best fiends because it's just really good vibes it's all like bright colored it's cute little characters it's just a wholesome nice game and it is lightly challenging in a way that i can deal with i don't like games that are too hard and they frustrate me i can't play those kind of games but this one's like lightly challenging i feel like it's working my brain but it's not stressing me out there's a reason that best fiends has been one of my favorite games for years now because i play a lot of mobile games as well and this one i have been probably the most consistent with like i've been playing this for a long time so if you want to join me playing best fiends that's like best friends but without the r fiends then you can click the link down below in the description of this video to download the game for free and you can get five dollars worth of gold and energy when you beat level five thanks again to best fiends for sponsoring this video now before we get into it i do just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video today's case has some quite heavy trigger warnings so if any of the following is something that you don't want to listen to maybe give this one a miss today we're going to be talking about the graphic murder of a child mental health struggles including self-harm and suicide attempts pedophilia mainly in the way of like a large age gap relationship like adult child age gap relationship so that's also grooming all that kind of thing everything that comes under that umbrella we'll be talking about today so if any of that is something you feel like you don't want to listen to right now please do click out the video and look after yourself i'm sure i'll see you again some other time with a different case that's maybe a bit more suitable for you but yeah all that being said let's get into the case so today's case takes place in alberta canada and that is where the richardson family lived in 2006. this family was made up of 42 year old father mark his wife 48 year old mother deborah and their two children 12 year old jasmine and eight-year-old jacob and this family of four lived in a city called medicine hat which is known to be beautiful a really nice place to live picturesque it's got loads of forests and trees and rivers and streams just a really nice place also i've read online although it did get very very cold there it snowed a lot and the richardson family were actually really lucky when they moved there they found a house that had like a basement living room which meant it stayed extra warm during those cold months but yeah medicine hat was a really nice place to live and the family loved it it was a very safe secure area they trusted all their neighbours everyone was super nice to them it was just a great place to live and to raise your children so jasmine and jacob were four years apart and so they ended up going to the same school at one point and jasmine got quite like protective over her brother she'd always been that kind of like protective older sister and she was quite popular not like the popular girl but popular in a way that a lot of people liked her she didn't have enemies in school and so when her younger brother joined she knew that he was gonna be fine she knew that people were gonna like him but jacob already had one best friend at home that he loved it was the neighbor boy i think his name was gareth and oh my god these two were like inseparable they were both eight years old and they both used to just like go and knock on each other's doors to go and play out with each other nearly every single day and they were best friends jacob himself was such a sweet little boy he was your typical like high-energy eight-year-old he was just so excitable all the time he loved star wars he loved playing hockey i think he was on a hockey team like a kids hockey team and he really really looked up to his older sister jasmine she was like his idol and she was quite a good role model for him to have to be honest she tried really hard in school she was achieving really good grades she was on the swim team she enrolled in her school's fine arts program like she was really she was a really well-rounded person good at art good at sport good at academics like and she was really bright and popular and social and out there she was just a great older sister for him to look up to like that overall the richardson family was quite a perfect family like they were just a very typical loving close family they spent a lot of time together they went on a lot of vacations together they just seemed so happy just to be together mark the father he was a technician he was a very successful man and his wife deborah she was a stay-at-home mother and i think she'd been a stay-at-home mother ever since jasmine was born 12 years ago however in more recent years in around like 2005 2006 deborah trained to become a reiki practitioner she was really interested in all that kind of holistic um stuff both mark and deborah had a past with really severe drug addictions and alcohol addictions they were both full-blown alcoholics they took loads of hard drugs this was before they met each other i think actually because there are reports that say the two of them met in like an addict recovery support group i don't know how true that exactly is that they met literally in the group but i know that they both went to groups they got over their addictions and when they met each other because they met each other not long after that they both agreed that they were gonna help each other through this because getting over an addiction it's been like a lifelong battle to make sure that you don't go back to it and they decided that they were both going to stay sober and support each other in this for the rest of their lives so yeah they didn't drink again after that there was no alcohol in their family home they both just really supported each other through this journey they they both really had each other's backs this was a really nice supportive family all of their neighbors loved the richardson family they had tons of friends all the neighbors just said they were really nice and easygoing friendly easy to talk to but then sir this family had been absolutely perfect for years and years and years but then dynamics started to change within the richardson family as jasmine became a preteen as she became like 11 12 years old she started to change up until this point she had been a very typical like wholesome sweet good girl like i said great grades on the swim team fine arts program all of the above but now she was losing interest in like all of that she started to make friends with a different group of kids i think it was a group that she'd met in the mall and these were the alternative kids they were like the goths the emas i don't really know what this particular group kind of identified as like in terms of subgenres but they were the alternative kids goths a lot of the sources and articles and reports whenever they're talking about this kind of element of the case they all refer to it as goth although i don't know if it was strictly maybe maybe it was who knows alternative anyway but yeah she met these alternative kids and she really identified with like everything that came with it she loved the way that they looked the way that they dressed she loved how deep they all were and that like a lot of them seemed to share like mental health issues quite openly with the group she really like she just really gravitated towards everything about this group and so over time jasmine started to model herself on these new friends she started to look a lot more alternative she would wear eyeliner dark clothes um she would straighten her hair so it like went in front of her face and as this physical change happened a change happened with her personality like i said she was losing interest in everything she once liked and she was no longer that like outgoing bright bubbly girl that she'd always been now she was a lot more like quiet and reserved she was a lot more like dark and glaring it wasn't like she'd gone quiet and it was like a cause for concern because she seemed sad it was it seemed like it was more a personal choice like she decided to stop talking and be there and just be like brooding and glary you know what i mean it was kind of like a stylistic choice to like change her her personality and her energy to kind of match this new persona that she was building for herself so yeah she made really good friends with this group they would always go to the mall they were the mall goths in their mall um they would go to a lot of rock shows together because she was getting into all the music as well that goes along with this she was in 12 different rock bands she loved misfits i know that was one of her favorite bands she really liked slipknot as well misfits and slipknot were the ones that i saw the most but yeah her and this group of friends used to go to all these different rock shows and she used to feel so grown up let me remind you she's 11 12. she more so 12 it was as she was coming up to her 12th birthday that she met these friends so already this is the kind of scene that a 12 year old should probably not be in and i think it's important to note that these mall goth friends that she was now hanging around with they were a bit older than her they were like 17 16 17 and she's 12. so maybe she is too young to be in the places that she's in i know you can go to concerts with like adult supervision at whatever age um i suppose it depends on the concert but these were like small basement shows it wasn't like she was going to see slipknot every single week in a big arena she was going to these like like dingy rockshores where there's a lot of older men you know the kind of scene i'm talking about it's kind of it really puts me on edge to think that a 12 year old girl was there and something did end up happening she met this man and i say a man because he was a man a fully grown man a 23 year old man his name was jeremy allen steinke and he saw jasmine at this show and he thought she was beautiful now she didn't look 12. i will say that but i will also say she did not look like an adult and this man is 23. maybe he didn't know that she was 12 by looking at her but she certainly looked like maybe 15 16 years old a lot of people say they would put her at 15 16. so this is a 23 year old man approaching a young girl that looks 15 16 at best but in reality she is 12. he approaches her and he starts flirting with her and jasmine likes it she likes this guy she's attracted to him back and so she flirts back and by the end of the night jeremy steinke told jasmine richardson that he wanted to see her again sometime and she said she wanted to see him too and so they did they met up a few more times over the next couple of weeks until eventually they were an official relationship and by then by the time that they are in a relationship he has to know that she's 12. like approaching someone in a bar or like at a concert or whatever you don't know their age before you go up to them so even if you could give him the benefit of the doubt which i still don't think he can because she did look she didn't look like an adult you shouldn't have been going there but by the time you're getting into an actual relationship you know that that girl is 12. she is not yet a teenager and you are a fully grown adult almost double her age and this was a sexual relationship as well which just makes me feel sick jeremy steinke was also part of this friend group that she'd met you know that would hang out at the mall and jasmine was so attracted to jeremy because he was everything that boys her age weren't he was like powerful he showed leadership over the group he was quite a dominant force in that friendship group he was like one of the main people that people like gravitated towards he was hard to ignore like his energy just kind of made a statement when he walked in the room everyone always cared about what jeremy thought he had a lot of um a lot of admirers as well mainly a lot of younger girls that he would like string along he would flirt with them as well he had a pattern he had a pattern of dating much younger women none of them as far as i'm aware are quite as bad as the age gap between him and jasmine i don't think he dated anyone as young as 12 yet but certainly a lot of young teenagers while he was in his 20s at the time of meeting jasmine jeremy steinke was a 23 year old high school dropout he was unemployed he had no intentions of going out and getting a job either he was just cursed in he did a lot of drugs as well i don't think he was addicted but he did them regularly he lived just him and his mum in a trailer park which was a good few miles away from where jasmine lived actually and growing up jeremy steinke had quite a rough upbringing a very rough upbringing actually his mother was a severe alcoholic all the way through his life and i think she still was even when he was 23. in fact it's actually been speculated that jeremy steinke could have been born with fetal alcohol syndrome due to his mother drinking all the way through her pregnancy with him nothing was ever diagnosed as far as i'm aware so this is all speculation it's literally strangers on the internet looking at pictures of him and being like he looks like he's got fetal alcohol syndrome because they do have like quite uh distinctive facial features when someone has this syndrome and supposedly jeremy looks a little bit like that adhd is also quite common in people that have fetal alcohol syndrome and as you'll see later in the case jeremy gets diagnosed with adhd so that's another reason why people think this but like i said nothing diagnosed nothing is um nothing certain there but yeah his mother was a severe alcoholic and his father was horrendously abusive to both jeremy and to his mother although mainly to his mother to his wife and that is possibly one of the reasons that his mother became such an alcoholic to deal with the abuse that she was facing from her husband every single day and so this is the kind of household that this child is being raised in with an alcoholic who is very neglectful of him his mother has since admitted that she was a bad mother to that child one of his parents is neglectful and the other one is abusive so he didn't have any kind of love in that household any support any comfort no one to go and confide in just nothing he didn't have parents really he essentially just had to raise himself and try and teach himself things and because of the kind of household that he was raised in he really didn't know right from wrong like he would be at home witnessing different types of behavior his father being violent and then he would go to school and he would be violent towards another kid in the playground and he would get told off for it but in his head he's thinking why does my dad never get told off for it at home why is it okay at home and not here so everything is very confused in this child's brain of course this isn't really an excuse for not knowing right from wrong in adulthood jeremy steinke at 23 years old should know that he cannot be having a sexual relationship with a 12 year old child like as you get into adulthood or even your teenage years if you weren't taught right from wrong as a child you should be learning it yourself through through life through experience a lot of people weren't parented very well a lot of people had neglectful parents that didn't teach them how to you know operate in this world and people do just have to pick that kind of thing up by themselves in their late teens early 20s and jeremy steinke didn't seem to be doing that but yeah it was a terrible terrible environment for him to be raised in and like i said his mother has since admitted that she wasn't a good parent neither was his father she put him in a lot of dangerous situations and i think after his father his mother had a few different boyfriends and they were also either abusive or alcoholics drug addicts she was bringing bad people around her son by the age of 13 jeremy steinke was starting to struggle with his mental health specifically he was feeling quite depressed quite anxious i don't know if these were diagnosed but he was really struggling with them he started to self-harm to be able to cope with it and it was around this time that he was diagnosed with adhd so already by the age of what like 13 14 jeremy already has so much that he's struggling through another unhealthy coping mechanism that jeremy picked up when he was literally like 13 was he started smoking weed every single day and in a young brain as young as 13 so like weed daily use of weed can affect your brain from i think under the age of 25 you're not supposed to do it daily until your brain has fully finished developing so imagine what that is doing to a 13 year old brain every single day until he met jasmine that's a decade a decade of daily weed use on a developing child's brain so i don't know what exactly it does i mean i'm not an expert but i know it does affect it i think mainly when it comes to like mood regulation and stuff like that i think that is something that can be really really effective and it was around this time when he was 13 that he also started to present in this very alternative way i think he was more into like the punk scene and the goth scene he liked to spike his hair he wore a lot of eyeliner studs spikes all that kind of stuff and as he got older and got into high school this was kind of like stepping up the whole time he started like dying his hair as he got older shaving his hair at some point and then he starts wearing a vial of blood around his neck and i don't even know who's blur i mean let's be honest probably his own blood but he was wearing blood around his neck at all times actually it might not have been his blood i mean i just assumed that but it could have been because he had all those young girlfriends didn't he jasmine wasn't his first young girlfriend he'd had teenage girlfriends so the thought that it could have been one of theirs is so disturbing but this blood around his neck had a lot more of a deeper meaning for him it wasn't just like aesthetic to be like edgy it was right so he used to tell people from the age of like 1314 that he was a 300 year old werewolf and he needs to drink blood to survive so that's that's why he had it on a necklace and he was so serious about this he kept this up from the age of 13 to 23 when he met jasmine because he was telling jasmine when he met her that he was a 300 year old werewolf so and also does that not make the age gap even worse if you think you're 300 and you're dating a 12 year old i mean he's 23 though so he's 23. but back to him you know drinking blood because i feel like that's quite important to touch on i actually me personally i think he was lying and i think a lot of other people think he was lying too but he did try and like okay maybe he tried it a couple of times because he really wanted to be this werewolf that he thought he was do werewolves even drink blood i don't think they do is that part of like the mythical werewolf law but anyway he said that um there was this one time where him and his friend wanted to try blood but in food they wanted to like cook it in in food rather than just drink it straight up so they made cookies right and they put blood in the cookie mixture cooked them and they came out pink and they ate these pink blood cookies take that with a pinch of salt i don't know if that's true or if he's just making it up to make himself sound interesting but that's one thing that jeremy stanky said i think a lot of this all this werewolf stuff the blood stuff it was clearly all for attention because it's not obviously not true but i think it's probably because he was so neglected as a child he was so deprived of attention in in his family home that like now he's at school he's realizing he can tell these kids around him anything and they'll want to hear more about it so he's thinking of all these crazy things that he can tell them so that he gets attention from them but it wasn't always positive attention in fact it was almost never positive attention all this werewolf stuff and the way that he presented himself was attracting a lot of judgment a lot of bullying a lot of a lot of the kids would pick on him to be honest it was only his group like his molgoth group that accepted him for who he was and he didn't make friends with that group until he was in his 20s so during school he was a complete outsider i don't really think he had much of a friend group he had one or two friends one of the main things that the kids in school would say to him and pick on him about actually was nothing to do with the werewolf goth thing it was um they would call him stinky like a play on words because his last name is steinke that's one of the more mild things that these kids would do to him i don't know to what extent this actually went but i know it went on for years he was bullied for years and gradually this was really affecting his already very fragile mental health jeremy steinke just felt so alone in life like one of his parents was an alcoholic and neglectful one of them was abusive so his home life is horrendous he goes to school hoping to find some sort of you know friendship group or something and there everyone bullies him no one accepts him so he's really got nowhere to go no one to talk to no one to confide in he is so lonely and it was around this time when the bullying got so bad that jeremy steinke tried to take his own life he tried to hang himself and luckily he survived this attempt i don't know if there were a few more attempts after that maybe not i only read that in a couple of sources but this one particular suicide attempt this first one was quite explosive in his house although i think it did lead to him getting a little bit of help i think he sought out some counseling after that although this counselling didn't really do much for him especially not in the long term because jeremy continued to struggle with his mental health all the way up until the age of 23 when he met jasmine richardson at that rock show one thing i read quite a lot about jeremy steinke in my research a lot of different people said this was that even though he was 23 years old he had a very immature very young mind his mindset was a lot more like that of a 15 16 year old i do just want to clarify that those aren't doctors saying that that's not like a diagnosis it wasn't like a medical thing it was just more in the way that he acted the way that he kind of viewed the world it was more like that of a 16 year old he wasn't acting like a 23 year old man which is why a lot of people think he was so attracted and drawn to jasmine because because he was on that like mindset level maybe but anyway he meets jasmine at this rockshire and when the two of them come together and form this relationship all hell breaks loose and it's it's as if both of them made each other's lives ten times worse in fact it was more so jeremy making jasmine's life ten times worse so it started out with jeremy just trying to help jasmine find her like personal style a lot more because she was quite new to the alternative scene he was helping her like figure out how she liked her eyeliner and he helped her like set up a bit of a myspace thing like a myspace aesthetic helped her take her photos so yeah online jasmine's persona very quickly shifted from what used to be her like girly goody two-shoes look too like she's holding guns in pictures she's got like her hair straightened over her face she's got eyeliner on she looks like a completely different girl and this was when her parents really noticed this shift in her because up until now it was as if she'd just been like dabbling in this like alternative aesthetic and now it seemed like she was fully adopting it she was fully like taking on the lifestyle that goes with it not only that but alongside her dressing a lot more dark wearing a lot more makeup she was also starting to dress a lot more revealing and let me remind you she is 12. so her parents were really quite uncomfortable they felt like this group that she was making friends with was just leading her down a path that they didn't want their daughter to go down jasmine had never acted like this before and her parents knew that something must be causing it it can't just be her making friends with this new group and that was when they found out about jasmine's relationship with jeremy steinke as soon as they realized that a 23 year old grown man was having a sexual relationship with their 12 year old daughter they were absolutely horrified they weren't mad at jasmine because they understood that she was a victim of this instead they were angry at this man that had been grooming their daughter statutory raping their daughter they were mad at him and so her parents didn't punish jasmine at first although she felt like they were because they actually banned her from seeing jeremy steinke banned her from communicating with him calling him texting him and she felt like that was punishment because she thought she loved this man it makes sense to any adult why her parents were banning her from speaking to this man this criminal that is grooming her like we can understand that but to her she thought her parents were just being horrible to her they just didn't want her being with the love of her life you know this was all very dramatic in her head because i mean everything is when you're 12 i suppose and so jasmine saw this kind of more as a challenge she was thinking about how she was going to break these rules how she was going to manage to see jeremy behind her parents back and her parents realized that she was doing this and so they cracked down even harder they ended up taking her phone off her for periods of time taking a laptop off her cutting off like internet access and stuff like that because they knew that she was communicating with him somehow they even stopped her from going out to these rock shirts that she loved going to she used to go to them like nearly every single week and they just couldn't trust her to not see jeremy at those gigs and so they stopped her from going so as her parents are getting more and more restrictive more and more controlling of her or at least this is how she's viewing it because she doesn't see why it's just driving an even bigger wedge in their relationship because she's getting more and more angry at them they're getting more and more frustrated with her there's arguments every single day but after a while of this jasmine and jeremy actually found a way that they could communicate with each other without her parents knowing jeremy had this website that was like a social media forum kind of website called vampire freaks and he used to go on this a lot and this was mainly for people like him that thought they were a mythical creature like a vampire or a werewolf or whatever else this website housed a lot of people like jeremy and he'd been a regular on this website for a long time like nearly a decade ever since he was 13 years old and he decided he was a 300 year old werewolf but yeah there was this one feature on where you could private message other users and they thought this was perfect both of them jasmine and jeremy could go on come up with some kind of fake username that wouldn't be able to like give away their identity and then they'd be able to talk on there and then if jasmine's parents ask she can say oh it's just my friends from school so that's exactly what they did jeremy made an account on there called soul eater and jasmine made an account called runaway devil and she actually set her age to 15 rather than 12. so now jasmine is back speaking to her boyfriend all day every day and her parents and none the wiser they have no idea that these two have reconnected and jasmine and jeremy started to plan how they were going to see each other again but they knew it was going to be so hard now because her parents had really cracked down on this they weren't they weren't letting her out of their sight really they would drive her to and from school like pick her up either side so that they could see who she was socializing with as she was leaving school making sure she didn't meet up with jeremy they had let her start going to rock concerts again but they had to chaperone the her parents would stand at these gigs with her while she watched the bands and she was really embarrassed by that so that didn't last long i think they went to what like one or two gigs and then she was like no when we're not doing this again i'm not taking my mom and dad but yeah it was going to be near impossible for jasmine and jeremy to see each other at this point in time but they were gonna try anyway because they thought they were in love they thought that they were star-crossed lovers that were destined to be together and the universe was just getting in the way you know they were so dramatic about this they thought they were soul mates they thought they were you know divinely paired together no they weren't no they weren't just a quick reminder i feel like i might do this quite a lot throughout this video but it is quite important just a reminder she was 12 and he was 23 nearly double her age that is not love that is not a relationship that is grooming that is pedophilia if you're in that kind of situation so young like i'm so sorry to break it to you honey but he doesn't like you he he likes your age he likes that you're a child he this is he's not in love with you he wasn't in love with jasmine he just liked the dynamic the age gap but to her in her head this felt so real this was her first love you know and these emotions were so intense for her that she thought that this is what love is or this is what love must be but anyway right now in the case it is april of 2006 and on april 23rd it was a lovely day outside the sun was shining it was nice and if you remember me mentioning earlier in the case that jasmine's little brother jacob had a best friend named gareth who lived in the neighborhood they were both eight years old and on this particular nice warm sunny day gareth wanted to go and call for jacob and see if he wanted to come out and play gareth looked over at jacob's house and he saw that his dad's truck was in the driveway which usually meant that the family was home and so gareth took that as a sign that he could go and knock on the door and his friends would be there so he ran over and knocked on the door and he waited and no one came so he knocked again thinking well the car is there they have to be in they might just have not heard me so he knocked again and no one came again and so now this eight-year-old boy is thinking well they have to be inside because the car's here so he decides that he's gonna try and have a look through the windows to see if he can see anyone inside the closest window that gareth could reach obviously with him being so small and so young was the basement windows you know how they're normally about knee height they're only just above ground level and so gareth ran over to this window he crouched down and looked through it and he saw something horrifying in that basement laying on the floor covered in blood was a woman's body just laying on the ground of this basement this eight-year-old child had just discovered a crime scene this poor kid is terrified by what he'd just seen and he ran screaming home to his mother told her everything and she was like you better not be lying to me about this this is serious and he was saying no mom no mom go look and so he took his mum across to this house made her crouch down by the window and when she looked in she saw this body he was right and so the mum panicked and she ran her son gareth back to her minivan and she locked them inside fearing that there could be a killer out there on the loose so with herself and her son locked inside this minivan this woman then called the police who rushed straight down to the scene they were there by 1pm so it was the middle of the day when they arrived they kicked the doors down to the richardson home and they went inside where they found all of the richardson family but one murdered in their own home there were two bodies found in the basement of the house the mother of the family deborah who was actually the one that they could see through the window she'd been viciously stabbed all over her body there was blood everywhere and the other body that was down there but more closer to the stairs it was more further in which is why they didn't see it when they looked through the windows was the father mark again he had also been stabbed to death very viciously he had wounds all over him there was blood everywhere and then upstairs was the third and final body that was found in this house it was eight-year-old jacob he was found still laying in his bed with his toys all surrounding him a star wars lightsaber in his hand and his throat slashed so police's initial theory when they looked at this scene was that this could have been a murder suicide because actually mark when his body was found it was found with a screwdriver quite close by his hand they thought that he had gone upstairs killed his son as he slept and then killed his wife and then himself however on a further search of this home one of the officers noticed a family photo sitting in the living room and it had four people in it not three there was a young girl in this picture it was jasmine richardson they had no idea that this family had another child that was unaccounted for and so immediately as soon as they see this picture they start to panic thinking well where is this girl has she been abducted by her family's murderers or has she been murdered elsewhere so within hours of her family's bodies being found police put out an amber alert for jasmine richardson they also started doing like public appeals her name and her face were all over the news telling people to look out for this girl meanwhile investigations back at the crime scene continued and one of the main things that police were doing were dotted our inquiries because it seemed like that house had been the murder scene so maybe the neighbors had seen something or heard something but literally none of them had seen or heard anything and they were all telling police just how shocked they were that this had happened they couldn't think of anyone that even might want to do this to this family because they were just so nice to everyone they were just so likable like they didn't have enemies why would anyone want to kill this family so with the forensic teams making progress at the scene of the crime they were actually able to tell based on physical evidence well they could they could pretty much tell what happened they could pretty much piece together the sequence of events based on like blood spatter and stuff like that they concluded that the first murder to take place that night the first one of them to be killed was 48 year old deborah the mother of the family she'd been killed first stabbed to death in the basement followed quickly after by her husband 42 year old mark who was also stabbed to death in that same room although there were some differences between deborah's and mark's deaths it seemed that deborah hadn't really tried to fight back she didn't have self-defense wounds or anything like that it was quite a straightforward murder whereas mark had self-defense wounds all over him he had stab wounds both on his back and on his front to show that his attacker had been on different sides of him at different points so maybe he'd been trying to run away and that's when his attacker had stabbed him in the back and like i said there was a screwdriver found not far away from his body so maybe mark had been holding that during this attack maybe trying to defend himself with it somehow but the killer did manage to overpower him and they stabbed him to death before eventually going upstairs to where jacob was still alive and probably hearing everything in his bedroom there this eight-year-old boy was the last to be murdered he had his throat slashed and also a stab wound or two to the chest and actually one of the most heartbreaking things i have ever read in a true crime case a lot of the reports said that when these officers went into the room and they saw this slash on his throat it seemed that the blood had sprayed all over his toys all around him like all over his cuddly toys that he had in bed now there are conflicting reports that say jacob was asleep he was killed in his sleep um but i don't think he was which is horrifying i think he was awake when his killer entered the room the reason i think sir and there's actually a lot more reasons later on in the case that you'll hear but at this point in time as soon as the police saw this boy's body the only injury that they thought he had was the slash to his throat because his duvet was pulled up all the way up to here as if he had been asleep when he was attacked which is where these reports come from but actually when they pulled this duvet down that was when it revealed the two stab wounds or one stab wound on his chest so that says that his murderer had tucked up this eight-year-old boy his corpse in bed before they left they tucked up his dead body and what could that even mean why would they do that i mean a lot of people have theorized maybe it's because they felt bad about what they did maybe they felt some remorse and they wanted to kind of i don't know do this as kind of one last apology to the child something like that but anyway that is all the evidence that they could tell from the crime scene and right now police's main focus in this investigation is tracking down 12 year old jasmine and making sure that she is first of all alive but second of all okay so the first thing police did to try to find some evidence and some clues as to where jasmine might be they started searching her bedroom they also sent some other officers to her school to search her locker to talk to her teachers talk to her friends but we'll focus on the bedroom for now it took officers probably all of 20 seconds to walk in there and find her laptop so immediately they open it they start scrolling through it and whatever and straight away they find her online secret chats with jeremy steinke and of course these chats very obviously showed the romantic nature of their relationship she wasn't innocently talking to some guy she met a gig this was her boyfriend and they could tell by the way that she was talking to it but that wasn't all they found because it seemed that 24 hours before this jasmine richardson had posted her final ever status on social media and all it said was welcome to my tragic end so as these searches had been going on obviously the amber alert had come out earlier in the day and so are the like public appeals and stuff like that and by now leeds was starting to pour in about jasmine's whereabouts loads of different people claiming to have seen her but these sightings i mean it didn't seem like she was in danger or kidnapped or like she was scared in fact she seemed very normal every time these people had seen her all these calls were saying that they'd seen jasmine but she seemed perfectly fine like she'd just been walking around talking to people smiling laughing whatever and then police got one breakthrough lead it was from a witness claiming to have seen jasmine richardson in a restaurant earlier that day apparently she was just eating with her friends and she was just fine chatting away and she mentioned something about someone being gutted like a fish could it have been that jasmine was referencing the murder of her family could she have been in on this whole thing did she have a part in the murders so now with this witness statement in mind police were starting to view jasmine richardson a lot differently to how they had so far in the case it seemed like she was just out and about in the world fine when all of her family had been murdered back at home and she seems to know about it so police sent out alerts to every other police department in the surrounding areas telling them to keep an eye out for jasmine richardson because right now not only was she a missing person but they feared that she could be dangerous and literally within hours they had a hit someone one of these police officers 81 miles away in the next province over had spotted jasmine richardson and an older man and i think they were with a couple of other people so police turned up and less than 24 hours after the bodies had been discovered they arrested 12 year old jasmine richardson and 23 year old jeremy steinke so the two of them were brought back to the police station and for the time being they were placed in holding cells right next to each other they they were cell neighbors and as they were waiting for like police to come and talk to them or to be taken for their interviews jasmine and jeremy started passing notes to each other through their cell jeremy wrote the first one to jasmine and i've got a quote from it here he said you said you want to get engaged well here's a question will you marry me if so then it's a verbal agreement apparently jasmine was very excited to receive this note and she sent him one back saying hahahaha i never thought i'd find myself hysterically laughing in a holding cell in these kind of circumstances but still hahaha you make me so happy yes yes i will i would love to so now this 23 year old grown man is now engaged to be married to a 12 year old child and let me just repeat the circumstances they've both also just been arrested on suspicion of the murder of all of her family and they're being held in holding cells and that is where they got engaged that's where he proposed to her through a note through prison bars it seems like neither of them understands the gravity of the situation that they're in like do they realize that they're literally in in a cell like i don't know they're acting like it's detention in school or something not jail potentially for life so the time came for both of them to be questioned of course they were questioned separately by different officers and stuff but they were actually both very very cooperative with the police and they both immediately confessed to all three murders both of them said that they both had a part in every single one in jeremy's interview with these police officers at some point during it he turned to one of them and he said did you ever watch the movie natural born killers i think that's the best love story of all time basically if you've never seen the movie natural bond killers before it follows this couple named mickey and mallory and the two of them essentially just go on to be serial killers together the whole movie is them killing everyone they started the first murder that they committed was actually of mallory's family her mother and her father because she was from quite an abusive background i think her father sexually abused her when she was young and so one day she called her boyfriend mickey to come around to the house and mickey killed both of them with her she she was involved but i think this is the part of the movie that jeremy and jasmine really clung to because they could kind of like they could see their own situation in that kind of in some kind of skewed where jasmine's parents weren't abusing her they weren't but to to jeremy and jasmine who were being stopped from seeing each other it feels like abuse it feels like major punishment so yeah in the movie mickey took this kind of dominant role in the murders of mallory's family so that she could be free from them and that then the two of them could run away together just like what jeremy and jasmine wanted to do so i think that tells you a lot about their mindsets towards this whole thing both jeremy and jasmine loved that movie natural born killers and i think they thought they were mickey and mallory so anyway throughout these interviews both jasmine and jeremy gave over a lot of information and police were able to piece together a series of events and i'm gonna tell you the whole thing now from start to finish so in the early hours of the morning of april 23rd jeremy steinke left his house dressed in all black i mean he usually was dressed in all black but this time it was very much intentional he was dressing this way because he didn't want to be seen oh and he was incredibly intoxicated that night i think he did this on purpose because he was nervous to do what he was about to do he drank a lot of alcohol different types as well he was drinking spirits and wine and he was also mixing a cocktail of different drugs he he did i think a whole gram of cocaine he did ecstasy and he was always smoking weed so so he's very very intoxicated on a number of different substances he is not in his right mind and he walks all the way to jasmine richardson's house when he got there i think jasmine had left the basement window open for him and then she came down anywhere anyway she let him through the basement window and like i said he was incredibly intoxicated to the point where he was stumbling and crashing all over the shop and he made a lot of noise and it woke up jasmine's parents the two of them down in the basement heard movement coming from upstairs and jeremy knew that it was only a matter of time until her parents would be in that basement and he would have to murder them and so he didn't really have much time to think he just whipped out a ski mask from his pocket put it on grabbed his knife and waited jeremy went and hid in the shadows in the basement because that way whenever the person came and opened the door they would have to come all the way down the stairs to see what that noise was and that's exactly what jeremy wanted he wanted them down in that basement isolated from the rest of the house and that is exactly what happened the first person to walk through that basement door was debra she walked all the way down to the bottom of the stairs where she was greeted by jeremy steinke jumping out from the shadows with this knife in his hand he launched straight at her and just started frenzied stabbing her debra was screaming the whole time so no doubt it woke the rest of the family up and jeremy actually managed to stab her 12 times and the one that killed her was actually a 12 centimeter deep wound all the way through her heart and of course with all this screaming like i said it had woken up the rest of the family and jasmine and jeremy heard more footsteps coming down to the basement they knew it was only a matter of time until her father was in there and if the commotion had woken her father then that probably also meant that it had woken her little brother eight-year-old jacob and so jasmine decided to run up the stairs really quickly before mark could even come down and she was gonna go and distract eight-year-old jacob while her boyfriend jeremy stanky murdered her father downstairs mark had grabbed a screwdriver from the kitchen i think before he went down to the basement because he'd heard screaming and banging so of course that meant there was an intruder in the house he walked all the way down the basement stairs where he saw his wife's body covered in blood and stab wounds and then he looked up and saw jeremy steinke jumping out of the shadows once again and so mark actually turned and tried to run up the basement stairs but jeremy was too fast he grabbed him and started stabbing mark in the back after he'd stabbed him in the back a few times jeremy just grabbed mark and threw him down the stairs so he fell all the way down to the bottom where he was now laid on the ground on his back jeremy ran down the stairs to him and tried to continue the attack he grabbed the knife again to go and stab him again but mark was fighting back he was fighting for his life he tried to gouge out jeremy's eyes like shove his thumbs in his eyes he tried to like try and grab the screwdriver to fight back but he couldn't reach it i think it had flown out of his hand when he fell down the stairs but none of this is really fazing jeremy as much as mark is fighting for his life he's hitting jeremy he's doing everything he can but jeremy is so intoxicated that like you know when you get like really drunk and you don't feel pain well he's on like times a million here because he's intoxicated on every substance under the sun he is not feeling pain he is not put off by this at all at one point during the struggle jeremy did manage to overpower him again and he grabbed that knife and just started frenzied stabbing him this time in his chest and abdomen and at one point during this struggle mark looks up at his attacker looks up at jeremy not knowing that it's jeremy obviously because he's got a mask on and mark just says why why are you doing this and jeremy looked down at mark who was bleeding out and he just said because you treat your daughter like [ __ ] and she wanted it this way in turtle mark was stabbed nine times in the back and 13 times on the front one of which was actually so hard that the knife bent when it hit mark's born so now jeremy stanky is standing here in this basement looking down at his two murder victims bleeding out in front of him and he decides to just go and find his girlfriend who by now is upstairs in her little brother's room and and jeremy knew this so he walked up to go and meet her and he was carrying the knife that he had used to kill both her mother and her father and the way that they know this like forensics and stuff is because there were blood drops of both marx and deborah's all the way up the stairs that knife was dripping with their blood as jeremy was walking around with it so jeremy walked into jacob's bedroom and at this point i don't know if he'd taken the mask off or not but i do know that he just handed jasmine the knife and he went and pinned down her eight-year-old brother jacob was supposedly pleading for his life at this point he had been pleading with jasmine this whole time because he could tell what was happening to his mum and dad downstairs he knew that they were being killed and he didn't want to be killed some reports even think that he could have been trying to fight off jasmine and jeremy with his star wars lightsaber because like i said it was in his hand and that was all he really had for protection but ultimately he was overpowered and his older sister grabbed the knife and plunged it down into his chest immediately jacob screamed out in pain and jasmine said that he was making a gurgling noise and it was at this point that she started freaking out a bit i think she realized what she'd just done that she had stabbed her little brother in the chest and she just starts freaking out she gets up and she can't do anything but at this point jacob wasn't dead he was still making these gurgling sounds on the bed and so jeremy just snatched the knife out of his girlfriend's hand and slashed her little brother's throat with her that's what they both said in their initial police interviews that jasmine freaked out and so jeremy finished the job however much later in the investigation there was a police officer that went undercover as like a prison inmate to go and speak with jeremy stanky as he was awaiting trial and they had this conversation and jeremy was telling this story again of the murders and he told it quite different he said that it was jasmine that slashed jacob's throat it was jasmine that stabbed him it was jasmine that killed jacob completely jeremy didn't have a part in that at all and he said the next morning so obviously they went on the run after the murders he said that the next morning they were having sex in the car and she brought it up again the gurgling noise that her brother was making and she started laughing that whole the whole that whole thing just makes me feel sick and he was telling this undercover officer like yeah she's got a few screws loose like she's crazier than me is that one so who knows who knows who actually killed jacob but all we know is that both jasmine and jeremy knew that they were both gonna murder the whole family that night either way so they were both equally as complicit in this oh and before they left remember i said the killer had tucked up jacob in bed well a lot of people think that could have been jasmine you know trying to be the protective older sister that she'd always been and when she was asked why they had to kill jacob because obviously it wasn't jacob's rules that were stopping her and jeremy from being together it was her parents that they had an issue with not her little brother so when they were asked why they had to kill him too jasmine just said that it would have been less cruel to just kill him so that he wouldn't have to live without a mom without a dad without his sister she said it would have been too cruel to keep him alive because that's what's cruel here but anyway now after jeremy and jasmine had just murdered all three of their victims they were free this is exactly what they wanted they wanted a life without jasmine's family in it and they got exactly what they wanted so they ran they fled the house and they went on the road i really don't think they had much of a plan to be honest and exactly what they did after they left that house is quite unclear there's some reports that they went to a house party and they were seen like kissing and drinking and partying right after murdering the whole family there's other reports that said they just kind of like got on buses and like hitchhiked and just tried to get as far away from that area as they could i know they met up with friends at some point and they were all like driving around in a friend's car stuff like that like they were just living their lives kind of like a normal day i suppose if anything they were kind of hiding in plain sight like remember how they actually got caught some witness in a restaurant overheard jasmine literally talking about the murders talking about how her parents were gutted like a fish so they're talking about this kind of stuff out loud it already seems as though they're proud of what they've done because they're literally sat there in a public place trying to relive what they just did by saying it all again as part of their investigations in this case police actually went to jasmine's school and spoke to all of her school friends who actually said she'd been hinting about murdering her family for a while now but none of them had taken it seriously all of these comments that she'd been making about wanting to kill her family none of them had been like serious in nature they'd all seemed very like light-hearted jerky like passing comments like oh they're so annoying i'm just gonna kill him those kind of things and now looking back her friends were like actually she said that a lot and also let me just remind you because i know a lot of people might be quite frustrated that her friends didn't say something earlier they were 12. and i think when i was 12 if someone kept saying oh i'm gonna kill my mom i wouldn't actually think they were gonna kill them but it turned out that jeremy steinke had also been making these kind of comments to his friends but this time they were serious in nature jasmine had always been quite like jerky about it but he was telling his friends like i need to kill my girlfriend's parents because they're not letting us be together but also at the same time jeremy's friends were kind of used to him saying this kind of stuff at this point he was a very dark individual um and he used to write really like gory poetry that always had like really dark sinister themes always talking about death in his poetry um he was just that kind of guy so when he started making these comments his friends just you know it was just jeremy and even when he started posting poetry right he posted a poem detailing exactly what he wanted to do to jasmine's parents and everyone read it all his friends read it it was on social media and no one thought to do anything about it i've actually got a bit of that poem for you now payment my lovers rents are totally unfair they say they really care they don't know what's going on they just assume their throats i want to slit they will regret the [ __ ] they have done especially when i see to it that they are gone they shall pay for their insolence finally there shall be silence their blood shall be paramount he wrote and posted that poem about two or three weeks before actually going on to commit the murders how ominous is that that everyone read this like everyone that knew him read it online and he was so explicitly saying my lovers rents are totally unfair like this this is so clearly about jasmine's parents it's crazy police went on their laptops and they actually found this post on there and as they were going through their laptops as well they actually found in their private messages between jasmine and jeremy that it was jasmine that was the first person to suggest this plan of killing her whole family i don't know if they'd spoken about it in person before obviously there's there's literally nowhere for us to be able to know that but the first mention of it over messaging it was done by jasmine and i've got the quote here as well she said raw i hate them so i have this plan it starts with me killing them and ends with me living with you and jeremy replied well i love your plan but we need to get a little bit more creative with like details and stuff jasmine's friends also told the police that she was essentially begging jeremy to go through with this plan saying things like you need to do this for me like if you love me you would do this for me and jeremy claimed that he did try and talk jasmine out of this because he felt like there were easier ways for them to be free of her parents rules i mean they could have just ran away if they really wanted to do something but ultimately he decided to go through with this plan that jasmine wanted because he'd promised her and as he said to the police i'm a man of my word and it seemed that jasmine had been set on this plan of murdering her family for a little while before it actually happened like a good few months because police went to her school and they were speaking to her school counselor and they went and got out her file and there were all these like drawings in there that she'd done and one of these particular drawings it was like a comic strip of her setting her house on fire and burning her family alive in there there were quotes on there that said like yay gasoline and haha you're burning alive and let me just remind you that this was found in her school counsellor's folder so the school counselor saw her draw this and just put it away in a file what do you mean you just watched a student draw about how they want to murder their family and you're like oh i wonder if this is going to tell us anything about her mental state put it in the file i think that's just absolutely horrifying i don't know why they didn't get like social services involved as soon as they saw that but anyway after such detailed confessions and so much supporting evidence police finally charged 12 year old jasmine and 23 year old jeremy with three counts of murder but there was actually a third person that soon came to be involved there was jeremy there was jasmine and then there was a girl called casey casey was 19 years old she was also a part of this mall goth group i think and she had a crush on jeremy like a major crush and jeremy knew that he could take advantage of this girl and so he decided to bring her on board with this plan as a getaway driver not exactly a getaway driver because she didn't drive them away from the scene of the crime but for the next like day or so she was taxiing them around everywhere she was she always had jeremy and jasmine in the back of her car and that was the car that they had sex in when she was laughing about stabbing her own brother at one point i think they'd all gone somewhere for food and jeremy had left his stuff in the car and he turned to casey and he was like okay go back to your car you'll find some stuff in the boot i need you to get rid of it i need you to clean it destroy it whatever so casey goes to this car and she opens this bag and there's knives in there covered in blood there's a jumper covered in blood i think like like evidence from this crime scene and casey just does what she was told by jeremy and she gets rid of it all and casey was actually with them when jeremy and jasmine were eventually found 24 hours after the murder she was also arrested at the same time that they were she was charged as an accessory to murder but eventually these charges were dropped because i think casey agreed to give evidence against jasmine and jeremy instead of getting any like prison time or anything she just got a year of house arrest because it's also debated how much she actually knew about the murder like when she went to go pick them up at least obviously when she opened that bag with knives and blood everywhere you can probably guess that someone's committed a murder but when she went to go pick them up and she's driving them around everywhere did she know that she was driving around two murderers who knows so anyway now came time for the murder trials and first up was jasmine who was actually 14 years old now it had been two years in a holding cell so she was 14 at the time of the trial but because she was 12 when she committed the murders she was protected not protected don't know what the word is but anyway she was under the youth criminal justice act no maybe protected is the word or at least she was supposed to be protected under this like her identity and stuff because she was a child at the time however this didn't exactly work so throughout the the trial and all the court proceedings and stuff she was referred to as just jr to you know avoid using her identification her actual name but everyone already knew who she was because of that amber alert that was sent out on the same day that all of her family were found murdered her face her name was always connected with those three murders because she was the missing daughter from that family so yeah they can try and protect her identity now that it's gone to court but everyone already knows her name everyone already knows what she looks like but that's not the only thing that this youth criminal justice act did so in canada if the criminal if the child is under 14 years old at the time that they commit the crime commit the murder then they can't be tried as an adult and that means that the maximum serving time that they can get the maximum sentence that they can get is 10 years the most amount of time that jasmine richardson was going to get for murdering her whole family was 10 years she would be out by her mid-20s it literally doesn't matter what the child has done like there could be a ten-year-old full-blown serial killer and they're not gonna try them as an adult they're gonna just give them 10 years and hope that they're fine by the time they're 20. and that is exactly what happened to jasmine richardson despite pleading not guilty she was found guilty of all three counts of murder and for that she was sentenced to 10 years jasmine richardson is actually the youngest multiple murderer in canadian history and i think that still stands to this day and in her trial jasmine and her team tried to blame everyone else but herself and while yes she was 12 years old she was very impressionable very easily influenced so yeah maybe meeting jeremy steinke did do something to her but also at the same time she was well raised she knew right from wrong doesn't matter how young you are like i think i knew that murder was wrong when i was 12. it takes a horrific kind of person to be able to sit on your eight-year-old brother's bed and stab him in the chest like i don't know how you can blame anyone else for that she tried to blame her parents for being too controlling she tried to blame jeremy for being a bad influence on her which that one i do quite agree with but ultimately those messages that police found showed that she proposed the plan first she was the one that said i've got this plan it starts with me killing my family and then running away with you there's nothing she can say she cannot put this blame on anyone else so like i said she was given 10 years but that doesn't mean 10 years behind bars this actually meant a 10-year rehabilitation process so the first four of those years are supposed to be spent behind bars but jasmine actually didn't you'll see more in a second when we talk about her mental health and like psychiatric assessments but she actually spent those first four years in like a psychiatric unit and then when she was released from there she was put on a four-year supervised um like probation program essentially where she was pretty much released back into society after four years but she was still made to like check in with a probation officer and whatever she was kind of like being supervised to integrate back into society she was still she still had eyes on her so i won't say she was fully free but she was she was out and about she even enrolled in university she went to university and got a degree while she was still serving this 10 serving this 10 years but we'll come back to that in a second we'll come back to how she reintegrated into society in a second let's talk about jeremy steinke in his trial so his defense team actually tried to take a really weird approach to this one and they said that he was not responsible for the murders because he was so intoxicated at the time how is that an excuse i've literally never heard of anyone getting away with murder because they were just so drunk they tried to get the charge moved from murder to manslaughter but of course that no you you know you went there to murder them you knew what you were gonna do this wasn't manslaughter jeremy tried to claim that he originally went to the house that night just to have a conversation with mark and deborah just to have a conversation with his girlfriend's parents try and reason with them and get them to like loosen their strict rules but he said that when he got there he was very intoxicated and apparently they ignored him and this made him snap just a seidna none of that's true i don't think i don't think he went there and even tried to talk to him i don't think they ignored him i think that's just something he made up in the aftermath and jeremy much like jasmine did in her trial he also turned on her they both tried to put the blame on each other he was saying that it was her idea i mean it was so but i think he was going a bit more overboard saying like she cooks them into it she was like begging him to do it like it was like blackmail all this kind of stuff like he was making it something that it wasn't maybe it was jasmine's idea but he was a willing participant he said that jasmine had promised to spend the rest of her life with him if he would just do this for her if he would just murder her whole family and she kept referencing the movie natural bond killers knowing how much he liked it and how much he like romanticized mickey and mallory of course none of these defenses really worked everyone in that courtroom could tell that jeremy stanky was very much a willing participant in these murders just as just as jasmine was and so at the end of his trial he was found guilty of all three counts of murder and for that he was given three life sentences his first opportunity to get parole will be in 2033 but i mean with three life sentences it's not it's not looking likely that he's ever gonna be out of prison so before both of them were sentenced actually i don't know why i've told this in such a weird way but before they were sentenced they had psychiatric assessments and jeremy's came back completely clear the the psychiatrist didn't think he had any kind of mental health issues mental illnesses disorders nothing absolutely nothing but jasmine's on the other hand was much different she was diagnosed with conduct disorder which is something that's only diagnosed in children and teens because conduct disorder is thought to be the start of what will develop into another more serious illness or disorder in adult life sometimes it's psychopathy sometimes it is mood disorders like anxiety and depression sometimes it is like personality disorders borderline personality disorder sometimes it's just aggression like major excessive aggression that these kids will grow up to have basically when a child is diagnosed with conduct disorder it needs to be taken very very seriously they need to be treated they need to be in some kind of like psychiatric care because if it's left untreated and left to just spiral out of control it could turn into something much much worse by the time the kid's an adult and that is why jasmine was sent to a psychiatric hospital rather than a prison for the first four years of her sentence then after that she was out in this like supervised reintegration back into society she went to university and actually her progress in the eyes of the law was looking good she was showing genuine remorse genuine regret for what she'd done and also just in general in her socialization with people they could tell that she was just a lot more empathetic a lot kinder just just she seemed like a different girl it really seemed that the canadian justice system had done a good job here at rehabilitating her i mean a lot of people didn't agree with her sentence when they first heard it they thought that you know if you're old enough to make the decision to murder your whole family then you're old enough to put up with the consequences of your actions and go to jail but jail like just sitting in a cell for 10 years is not going to change your mindset it's not going to change the person that you are what is going to change that is four years in a hospital four years supervised reintegration into society you know constant checking on your mental state and stuff like that that is what helped her become a normal person again after this allowing her to attend university as controversial as that was it helped her to make friends and get career prospects for the future had she just gone to jail for 10 years and then come out at 22 she had no job no friends no life she doesn't like know how to operate in the world now because it's been 10 years since she's been in it of course people go and reoffend because that's all they know but because jasmine had been allowed to build her life again with some supervision it meant that she actually had you know a life to go out there to when her sentence ended and because of that jasmine actually stayed on the straight and narrow as far as we're aware for the rest of her life up until this day jasmine's supervisory period ended on may 6 2016 and that was it she was free she was out in the world and the judge that made the ruling actually told her that he thought that her parents and her brother would be very proud of her which when i first heard that he admitted that comment i'd like i probably screamed at my laptop i did a bit of a i just think that's so i just i don't i don't like it but jasmine's family have actually said similar things like her extended family because they all stuck by her through this interestingly enough like her grandmas her aunties her cousins they all still loved her they all stayed in contact with a regular contact as well even though jasmine had murdered taken away from them the people that they loved they still stuck by her and they still believed that she could be rehabilitated into you know a decent woman and now in 2022 that's what they see they see a decent woman they see a changed woman she is no longer that 12 year old girl that was groomed and manipulated and committed this heinous crime she is a woman that has accepted her past and chosen to move forward differently i just want to reiterate that this is all what her friends and family have said i'm kind of like paraphrasing different things that i've read this is not me sitting here going she's a decent woman i personally will not be commenting on that so anything that i've said has been like stuff that i've read mini disclaimer in the middle and then last year in 2021 jasmine's whole criminal record was wiped so from now on she is literally just operating as if the whole of her past never happened she's kind of like reborn she's got a new name she's going by a new identity now so she's no longer got her criminal record so actually from now on she never has to tell anyone what she did in her past not her employer not her future partners not like a landlord or anything like she does not have to confess her previous criminal history because it's wiped and as of today um so we don't know much about jasmine richardson because she's changed her name and she's out there in the world doing whatever jeremy steinke however is still in jail to this day and he's actually changed his name not legally just behind bars he now goes as jackson may you know to try and like separate himself from the crimes that he committed he has attempted to appeal his sentence on the grounds that his was much more severe than jasmine's like yeah obviously because you're an adult and she wasn't i mean a lot of people do think jasmine's was way too lenient but i don't think there's anything wrong with his i think if there is a problem maybe hers was too lenient not yours is too much you're a fully grown adult twice her age 23 year old man yeah do your time but that is the end of this case thank you so so much for watching and thanks again to best fiends for sponsoring this video you can download the game using the link down below in the description it is free to download and remember if you do go through that link you can get five dollars worth of gold and energy for free when you pass level five so go do it a huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting the channel and helping me decide the cases that i cover all of my tier 2 members are on screen right now so thank you so much if you want to become a channel member you can click the join button down below but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up that would really help me out and if you want to watch another video i'll put you on here yeah or if you want to subscribe to my channel you can just click that thing there because i post all the time okay bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,365,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, 2022, jasmine richardson, jasmine, richardson, richardson family murders, richardson family, jeremy steinke, jeremy, steinke, werewolf, 12 year old killer, 12 year old, canada, werewolf boyfriend, jasmine richardson now, richards, richard, marc, debra, tyler, jacob
Id: SrLLfM0wCQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 31sec (4531 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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