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so today's video is going to be day number five day number five of Vallon crimes week on my channel if you are new to my channel every single day this week I'm gonna be uploading a true crime case that somehow relates to valentine's day but not today and this case doesn't really relate to valentine's day I'm sorry but I mean you still get in a video and I think it's quite a long one is it a long one I can tell basically I fell behind schedule a little bit and this is a kiss that I plan to do like in the future sometime like next week but gonna have to do it today because I'm falling behind yeah the next two cases will be Valentine's Day themed but this one's not so so today we're gonna be talking about the unsolved disappearance of Russell Bolin and this has been a requested kiss from you guys for like months at this point so quickly before I get into this video I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Russell Berlin is an 18 year old boy born on December 29th 1991 in Hull in East Yorkshire in England at the time of his disappearance Russell was enrolled in a bricklaying course at Bishop Merton College and he lived at home with both of his parents on March 2nd 2010 Russell set off for college at 8 a.m. as he normally did every single day but once he left the house that day Russell was never seen again when he failed to return home from college that day his parents began ringing him texted him trying to see where he was seeing if he'd gone somewhere after college but this wasn't like him at all to not let them know where he was and his family just knew that something was wrong and so they got in contact with police and reported Russell as missing so police came to the Bolin house and they began like asking them if they noticed anything different about him that morning like if anything was off and when they really thought about it the parents noticed a couple of things when Russell left for college that morning he seemed to be dressed a little bit smarter than he normally would dress for college he was wearing a black Ben Sherman jacket blue jeans and black work boots which was obviously different to what normally wha and on a search of bristles bedroom his parents found that a pair of his brown steel to cut boots were also missing so he'd probably taken them with him that day as well so he took in two pairs of shoes with him and he was dressed smarter than normal so anyway his parents went to bed that night and when they woke up again the next morning there was still no sign of Russell he hadn't texts are cold I'll come back home at all so police contacted Russell's college to see Victor know about all of the past two days if he had been attending maybe it was just staying somewhere else but this college at the time in his course at least didn't have a register system so there was nowhere to tell if he was there at all and despite how easy you would think it would be to find out if he was there or not you can ask teachers you can ask students you can look at CCTV police just didn't bother you could just ask the people on his course if he was there and they'd be able to say yes or no I didn't see him but police didn't do that and I think by that fact alone we can tell that he maybe wasn't there because if he had been there then students would have probably come forward to police and been like oh no I spoke to him that day but the fact that no one said anything tells me that he probably wasn't there and later that day police were called to an abandoned car that matched the description of Russell berlin's car and this was 45 miles away in Bridlington it was parked at an area right on the East Coast named Benton cliffs and it had actually been there since the previous morning the morning that Russell left the house and never came back the warden had seen it that morning when it appeared there and then he went about his deer and then he saw the car again at 5:30 that evening so he looked in the window and it had an all-day parking pass so it was allowed to be there all day but then when he came back the next morning it was still there and so he knew that something must have been wrong it was either abandoned or it was parked illegally and it needed to be towed so we got in contact with and it seemed to be Russell's abandoned car like I said it had a parking pass in the window for all-day parking which was bought 11:30 a.m. that day so almost three and a half hours after Russell went missing and then the parking pass was never renewed for the second day so anyway this car was confirmed to be Russell Mullins car which also kind of in turn confirms that he never went to college that day if he was 45 miles away in Bridlington during class times so searchers took place in that area where his car was found because obviously unless you've got an ax taxi or a train or something he was probably still in that area maybe stay in somewhere and police particularly focused on this bunker nearby it was an abandoned Royal Air Force RAF bunker and so they looked at it thinking that maybe Russell was staying in there but one immediate mistake that police made in this case was that they checked the raf bunker but they never went inside this bunker was actually concreted shut so that no one could go in there so it was unlikely that bristle was in there anywhere but it was still worth checking so police instead of going inside this bunker they searched it from the outside using heat sensing equipment and if for whatever reason Russell was dead in that bunker then the heat sensing equipment wouldn't work because he'd be cold and he wouldn't show up on them so he could have still been in there and I don't know exactly how long after his disappearance these searchers took place with this heat sense and equipment sources point to it being like at least a week after his disappearance so at that point it's more than likely that he was dead if he was in that bunker and maybe saying he was alive but he just kind of moved on from this bunker he'd been in there at some point and just left or maybe say it was dead somewhere else his belongings might still have been in that bunker so it would have been worth going in there to look obviously none of his belongings like a bag of a wallet or a phone or whatever there wouldn't show up on the he sense and equipment either so that could have been a massive lead that they missed and Russell's family did voice their concerns on this they didn't like the police weren't putting 100% effort into this they felt that if that bunker was searched properly then they might have found something but I mean the area around the bunker was searched quite thoroughly including like air searches and water searchers because this was right on the end of a cliff and venting cliffs is unfortunately quite a notorious suicide spot for people that want to jump off this cliff and so that was one of the big theories right from the beginning that maybe Russell had driven there and done exactly that but in the whole eight years that Russell Balan has been missing his body has never once washed up that's all like no sign of him none of his clothes none of his belongings like no part of his body has ever washed up which is normally the case of course it's possible that he might have jumped just at the right time and at just the right spot that maybe he was taken out rather than brought back in but that is quite unlikely but I mean it is possible so police spoke to the Bullen family a little bit more and tried to establish his movements and his activities in the couple of days before he went missing because say if he was still alive somewhere if he was staying in this bunker then the days before his disappearance might tell him something about that and his parents said that they did notice some weird for heavier just three days before Russell went missing he got up in the morning got in his car and he was gone until quite late in the evening he never told anyone wearing bean he never told anyone what I was doing he just never really spoke about that day with his parents and they kind of respected his privacy Russell was an 18 year old boy he is allowed to go off for the day if he wants to and so they never ask too many questions and they didn't really know what happened so police looked into Russell Bolling's debit card history to see like where he'd been spending money on that there and they found that he'd been to three different places all around the kind of Yorkshire ish area so he'd been to Bradford which is in West Yorkshire he went to York and then he went to brilliant him which is East Yorkshire and brittle internees of the place where his car was eventually found a couple of days later when he went missing it's just too much of a coincidence for him to go and visit a place 45 miles away and then his car be found there a couple of days later when he disappears you know soplease kept looking at Russell's debit card records and they actually found that it wasn't used on the day that he went missing and it's never been used since which to a lot of people does point towards Russell probably being dead because where else is he getting money from to live to buy food shelter whatever his parents have the wrong theory that maybe someone is giving him money Oh something like that but we'll get into that theory in a second but a lot of people do think that that is a big indicator that he is not still alive somewhere as part of their investigation police went and recovered any and all kind of electronics from the ball in household that Russell might have used sir phones laptops whatever thinking that maybe his online activity might kind of hint towards what he was doing maybe where it could be right now and just a side note while they were looking through these electronics they looked through Russell's father Roger Bowlings laptop and found indecent images of children 415 images of children and three of those 415 included bestiality as well and all of these images he'd actually gotten from another unnamed relative Roger was put on the sex offenders register but first no other consequences no prison time nothing really he's just a sex offender now which is a completely other case but that to me is disgusting but back to Russell as police were looking through his laptop and whatever they found that at 7:30 on the morning that he went missing Bristol had searched for the area Fenton websites that bunker that was right near where his car was parked that police kind of half searched but didn't really search and I feel like this really kind of consolidated that police were on the right track whereas before there was always the possibility that maybe Bristol kind of dumped his car there someone else did something to Russell and dumped his car there but now it looks like Russell drove there intentionally and left his own car that afternoon he searched for that area Fenton website they then found that he searched for Ravens car in North Yorkshire and I don't know if I'm saying that right Ravens car Raymond's car and this is especially interesting when you learned that the bowling family actually have a holiday home in ribbons car in North Yorkshire so immediately a theory arose that maybe Russell was there at the holiday home maybe he was stressed out he needed some space and he thought I'm gonna go to my family's holiday home and so his parents as soon as they heard this news they got straighten the car and raced straight to Raymond's car although sadly there was no sign of Russell in the holiday home around the holiday home absolutely nothing and extensive searches were done that but it doesn't seem as though he even went there at all so obviously Russell's connections to Raymond's car can be explained he's family as a holiday home there maybe that was why he was googling it who knows but what connection does Russell have to the RAF unka like why was he Google in that and police asked his family that they were like what is his connection to this bunker and that was when his father told them that Russell actually had a fascination with this bunker he was really interested in the bunker and its history in the 1970s this abandoned bunker it had been abandoned for a long long time way before the 1970s and then in the 70s is satanic cult moved in there and kind of set that up as their base in there there was pin all kinds of things on the walls do their rituals whatever a cult does and Russell was fascinated by what people would tell him about this bunker and sir in his free time he would research it a little bit more look at the artwork and things and Russell's family even told police that Russell had a USB stick that he kept all of this artwork on he'd found it all on the internet saved it and then put it on this USB which immediately my tink is pretty suspicious pretty creepy and I'm not gonna lie that is a big theory in this case we are gonna talk about that a lot more later but ninety percent of this artwork that the cult would draw and that personal saved to a USB stick was not typical like cult out like it wasn't old pentagrams and whatever horns I don't I don't know what call our work is like 90% of this artwork in the bunker like on the walls and things was straight-up pawn like it was all pornographic it was women and men and they just had hond that's the only kind of satanic thing that I see looking at these pictures maybe to the cult they had a lot more satanic meaning behind them and I'm not making any assumptions of Russell's character nor am I trying to be disrespectful at all but he was a teenage boy maybe that played a hand in why I was so interested in this artwork when you first hear that that he was interested in this tannic cults out work it sounds like something huge and scary but maybe this was a story of a teenage boy that found some pornographic artwork and served it to a USB you know I personally think that his interest lies more in the artwork rather than the cult itself I don't think he really cared much about the cult that's like an interesting backstory to the artwork but I think most of his research lied in the artwork but what makes this all the more creepy is that when Russell went missing so did that USB and it's never been found since so it's unclear exactly what his intentions were when he went missing on that day but a lot of people assume that because of his interest in the cult that maybe his disappearance has something to do with banca and so almost three years into the investigation three years without Brussels Berlin police decided to finally open up that bunker and have a real look inside but only at an expense to the Berlin's the Berlin family were made to pay him 1,200 pounds to open up this bunker because like I said it was all concrete had shot due to people like using it illegally like the coltan in the which I can understand because it will be expensive to open up that bunker but they should have done that in the first place when there was a chance that Russell was still alive they should have opened that bunker that should have been part of the investigation so they opened up this bunker they made his family pay one thousand two hundred pounds to open up this bunker but this isn't even properly searched it still instead of conducting like a proper police search a proper forensic search of this bunker to find any like DNA of Russell's they sent in some trainee firefighters to do a kind of training exercise in the bond craft which is something that rubs me the wrong way a little bit like I'm not saying that these firefighters were like capable of doing the job I'm sure they did a good job but if the family is paying money for you to open up this bond curve why use a serious sensitive real-life situation of a family whose young son went missing as a training exercise but either way absolutely nothing was found no sign of Russell no sign of the usb none of his belongings that were like there was absolutely no sign of Russell in there which is one thing that I thought when I was researching this case if this bunker was concreted shut how could he have got in there anywhere like was there even a chance that he could have gotten in there I'm just saying like if it cost 1,200 pounds using real like big industrial equipment to break up in this bunker could Russell have done it by himself like I was the like a little gap that it could have gotten in through and if so why couldn't a police officer have gotten through that gap and gotten searched yet right in the beginning I don't think the firefighters found any kind of sign of entry anywhere on this bunker sir how could Russell have ever gotten in there I mean I don't think he was anyway since there was no sign of him found in there none of his belongings or anything but so now we're gonna get into some theories about what might have happened to bristle when he left the house that day and we're gonna start with the most widely believed theory the one that police believed the one that I personally believe and that is that Russell bowling committed suicide one of the biggest factors that makes me believe this there over any of the other theories that we're going to talk about is the inactivity on his debit card he hasn't spent any of his money since he left and he completely cut himself off from all of his social contacts like there was no more activity on his social medias and I mean if he had all the kind of social medias that Charlie police would have been able to find them when they said she's computer like I don't think he's been talking to anyone and I don't think he ran away like if he did he wouldn't have any money on him to buy anything food shelter whatever he didn't get out a large sum of money before he left or anything his parents actually believe that he only left the house that day with ten pounds in cash so for him to go somewhere with only ten pounds on him leave his car somewhere I never speak to anyone in his life ever again something tells me that something happened to her so not long after he left the house that morning but the reason I think it's suicide rather than murder which is a theory that we'll get on to in a minute well there's a few reasons actually the first being the location that his car was left like I said Benton cliffs is a very notorious area for people wanting to end their lives so for him to drive there a place well away from his house and leave his car there and not move it again proves to me that maybe he went there and died there but also in a search of Brussels things when police kind of went through his whole room to see if anything was missing they found a home movie and on this home movie it showed Brussels imitating committing suicide now this was quite an old video at the time he was 15 when he filmed the video and he was 18 when he went missing so there's a three year gap in there however this did seem like a really emotional video like it didn't seem like he was putting on an act or it was a jerk or whatever it looked like it had real emotion in it and I've never seen this video so I can't vouch for that myself but from what all the people say that have seen this video they said that it looked like real and Marcia and you parents confident that at age 15 when he made that tip he was going through a really hard time his exams were really stressing him out he was feeling really low and that was when he made that tape but when he went missing he was 18 that was three years later and he was doing much better than so maybe that wasn't the case and I don't want to sit here in discredit the bawling family as like witnesses as Russell's on family but maybe the Depression came back or maybe Russell just got really good at hiding it a lot of teenage boys tend to hide their emotions which is really really bad and please don't do that but maybe that is what happened maybe he shared it all when he was 15 and then decided that was a bad idea and then began hiding it and based on all of those facts the tip where his car was found the fact that he hasn't spent any money off bulk and 20 of his friends since he left police believed that this was a suicide maybe Russell went to the cliff and jumped just at the right time at the right position on the cliff and was taken out to sea and so his body's never been recovered in August of 2010 so five months after Russell went missing two human feet washed up on the shore by Benton cliffs one of the feet was bare and the other foot was in a brown steel toe cap boot and if you remember when Russell went missing his parents went and searched his room and said that a pair of his brown steel toe cap boots would miss it however both of the feet were tested in 2010 and neither of them belonged to Russell but it's up to you what you think about that do you think they tested the feet thoroughly enough or do you think maybe they should retest them I mean we've already seen that the police work in this case is pretty rubbish it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't put 100% effort into testing these feet so let's go back to the runaway theory which is our second theory and I've already told you all the reasons why I don't believe this he had barely any money his debit card wasn't used he abandoned his car somewhere he's cut off all social contacts but let's fight the other side of that per minute so Russell's family 100% job they keep saying that they know that he only had ten pounds on him and cash that day but how did I know that bristle could have been saving up money secretly for ages he might have had a couple of quid in his carry might have been a couple of quid in his pocket how like how did they know that when I was 18 years old my parents didn't know how much money was in my purse at any given time like that's just very strange maybe it's because they gave Russell all his money maybe he didn't have a job first of all it might have had a secret job that they didn't know about I don't know how much of a secretive person Russell was but say he didn't have a job and they always give him money so they always knew how much he had on him what's to say that he doesn't have a couple of quid in his car or a couple of quid here aren't there like just a bit of change you know some people have said that maybe that we had trip that he took a couple of days earlier to all those three different places maybe that was a job to get some money to run away maybe his parents are so sure that he only has ten pounds because maybe Russell told them that however someone that is looking for money to run away might tell their parents that they only have a small amount of money hoping that their parents might give them more money to help them run away again I'm not trying to make any judgments on anyone's characters I'm not trying to assume anything about Russell but someone that's looking to run away and might lie about how much money to help so said that he did somehow have the money to run away see he had like a secret job or say he's been saving up money what's his motive to run away and that takes us back to the first theory that maybe his depression came back maybe he had exams drives and maybe his home situation wasn't the best and maybe he just wanted to get away from it all and just run away and there is potential evidence to support this whether you believe this or not so like I said when he left the house that day his parents were sure that he was wearing a pair of black boots and if you remember his parents have that holiday lamb in ribbons scar that he googled on the morning before he disappeared well two years after Russell disappeared his parents were at the holiday home just you know on holiday or whatever and they found the pair of black boots that Russell was wearing that day and this could mean two things well more than two things but we're gonna talk about two things maybe Russell had run away and then at some time while he was missing maybe he went back to the holiday huh maybe that's where he was staying for a while until he got his money up and maybe there in that house in remnants guy he might have changed his shoes into his brown ones and left his black boots there or another possibility is that maybe Russell wasn't wearing those black shoes on the dinner he went missing maybe they've just been at the holiday home that whole time maybe he did leave that day wearing his brown shoes and honestly that would make a lot of sense because why would he go missing and take an extra pair of shoes with him like he didn't take any other bits of an outfit just a spare pair of shoes to me it makes more sense that he was wearing brown boot was that morning when he went missing and his parents just remember it wrong and maybe those black shoes have been in the holiday on this whole time and then we have our third theory and this is the theory that Russell's own family personally believe and this is that a third party was involved in his disappearance somehow be it that someone killed him or someone kidnapped him whatever it is his parents just believed that someone else had something to do with this welcome to who or what in a second but first I want to give you a little bit of evidence as to why a third party might have been involved Russell's family believed at the time of his disappearance he was a very happy normal mentally stable person and they found it very hard to believe that he wanted to die or that he wanted to run away and one of the reasons for thinking that he wouldn't run away or wouldn't commit suicide is because he was actually really excited for the future his father had just promised him to lend him 300,000 pounds so that he could start his own business and I don't know what kind of business Russell was gonna start up with this money but to be able to have such an investment at such a young age you'd be set for life he would have a career for the rest of his life a good income for the rest of his life his parents just don't believe that he would have wanted to lose that in any way you so it must have been down to someone else because he would never end his life himself he would never run away himself so someone else must have done this to Russell and when you think about it why would Russell go to Benton cliffs I'm here for a full day of parking on his car if he just went there with the intention of committing suicide this is really really morbid but why why would you bother to pay for parking if you know you're not gonna have to deal with a parking ticket or anything like that like once you gone money isn't an issue so why why did he bother paying for a full day of parking like I could understand like if there's a traffic wad and just paying for a couple of hours or whatever just to put a ticket in your car just to avoid confrontation I suppose like money doesn't matter when you die so like he could spend the last bit of his money on a full day of parking but but why are you fall there could that potentially have been this third party involvement possibly jumping Russell's car they're paying for a full day of parking so that this car doesn't look suspicious they're abandoned by itself and that gives the person that abandoned the car they're a full 24 hours a full day of parking to cover up what they could have possibly done to Russell so the main reason that the bowling family believed that someone else was involved or someone else was at least within that morning is due to Russell's lack of money as I said earlier his parents are so sure that Russell only had ten pounds in cash on him that day and somehow they are equally as sure that Brussel only had 3.8 liters of petrol in his tank which is so incredibly specific I have no idea how they know that because they're driving Russell's car as well how do they know exactly how much petrol he had in his car exactly how much cash he had in his wallet like that's strange to me but anyway say he did only have 3.8 liters in his car Bernsen Clift was 45 miles away and with Russell's car he's kind of mod of car 3.8 liters would only get him like 30 miles not the full 45 so he would have had to refuel on his way to Benton cliffs but his parents are saying oh but you only had 10 pounds on him so he wouldn't have been able to refuel he wouldn't have been able to have enough petrol to get that whole way so someone else must have paid for him to refuel the car and his parents actually believe there's so much that they tested out this theory themselves they got in Russell's car with 3.8 liters of petrol in it and they drove from their home in West LA all the way to Benton cliffs and they actually ran out of petrol around the 30 mile mark but to keep this video as unbiased as possible I personally think that he would have been able to do that journey on the petrol and on the money that he had say if he really did only have 10 pound on him he could have gone like as far as 3.8 liters of petrol could get him 30 miles and then he could have gone and filled up his tank about 4 or 5 pounds worth of petrol which probably would have gotten the rest of the way to Benton clips and then he would have also had money left over for parking after that but like I said how did they know that he only had 3.8 liters in his tank how did they know that he only had 10 pounds on him maybe add a couple of pound in his car maybe he had a couple of pound in his pocket like haha how how do they know that and not to discredit his parents at all but they were so sure that he was wearing black shoes as well but then they turned up at the holiday home two years later I mean I'm just being as real stick an unbiased in this video as I possibly can I'm never going to be biased in these videos no matter how people want cases to be portrayed I'm always gonna fight both sides of a theory okay but see his parents are exactly right and he couldn't have done this journey say someone was there to provide him with a little bit of money who could that person of being the first theory is that maybe Russell had told someone that he was about to inherit three hundred thousand pounds and maybe that person wanted that money Russell hadn't actually inherited that money yet he was gonna but he didn't actually have the money in his accounts or anything yet but this person might not have known that they might have thought that Russell already had that money and they might have thought that if they get rid of Russell they can get that money may be merciless told the wrong person maybe he told someone at school that he thought was a friend but this person just wanted the money maybe this friend asked to meet with Russell that morning maybe they plan to go to town or whatever maybe they plan to go to Benton cliffs for the day but maybe this friend had a different plan all along you know and the balding family said that Russell would have been particularly vulnerable to manipulation like this because Russell actually had a speech disorder I don't know how prevalent this disorder was in Russell I don't know how serious it was and I don't actually know what this disorder is called but you would supposedly say yes to most questions even when he meant no the word yes would just come out and so his parents think that this made him a lot more vulnerable when this person that might have wanted his money asks him to take the day off college to go and pick him up to then go somewhere with this friend like Russell just kind of had to comply and while I don't think that's an actual recognized police area I think that's just the balling family's theory I still find it very strange that it took police three months to question any of her cells friends this 18 year old young boy was missing for three months before police even bothered to ask his friends where he might be and I don't know if police I checked with the college to see if another student was maybe absent on the same day that Russell was on the day that Bristol went missing but the bowline is very strongly believed that ferry which can potentially be supported by the timeline as well like I said Russell left the house that morning at 8 a.m. and arrived at Benton cliffs and bought that parking ticket at 11:30 a.m. so that's three and a half hours in the morning but the drive from hull to bridlington is only an hour so that leaves two and a half hours where Russell was doing something that we don't know because he potentially in that two hours have gone and picked up a friend maybe they just hung out for a little bit and then they drove to Benton cliffs maybe they did something else that morning who knows or maybe this was enough time for someone anyone maybe not even just a friend to kill Russell clean up for two hours and then drive his car an hour away park it and then dump it I just can't think what Russell might have been doing for two hours that morning before he arrived at Benton like what what else could he have been doing other than meeting someone potentially working who knows and then we have the final theory in this case probably the one that you've all been waiting for me to talk about his potential involvement with that cult and one of the biggest reasons why this theory is believed among some people is obviously when Russell went missing so did that u.s. be full of the cult out there it could be very possible that this cult somehow found out about Russell's interest and his archives of all this out work and maybe they wanted to silence him I'll get rid of that artwork or something oh there is the possibility that maybe Russell tried to join this cult maybe he was successful maybe he's with them right now or maybe he tried to join them and maybe they killed him for knowing too much this does seem plausible when you team together his deep interest in the cult and his collection of their outwork and then where his car was bound by the cults old meeting points some people have said that maybe that trick a couple of days before to those three different place was maybe Russell preparing to join this cult or maybe it was like an initiation maybe they sent him to three different places to get something and of course the fact that the USB went missing maybe he took it with him when he went to join the cult maybe that was part of joining the cult that you have to collect all this stuff who knows however with the state of the police work on this case we don't know if that USB truly is missing or if it just hasn't been found it could still be in Russell's bedroom our room Russell's car our bag of anything police have just proved themselves to not really be very good on this case oh maybe he'd gotten rid of it months prior to his disappearance he might just not have been interested in it anymore and just gotten rid of this USB who knows but circling back to the suicide theory a lot of people believe that this USB went missing when Russell did possibly because he took it with him um jumped off this cliff with it a lot of people think that maybe Russell was embarrassed of having this USB stick because like I said this satanic artwork was just straight-up pornographic artwork like maybe he didn't want people to be looking through his things once he'd gone and find that and then that'd be like their lasting memory of him you know what I mean maybe it really wasn't that deep maybe he just didn't want people to find it once he died and so he just somehow got rid of it himself so that might explain why the USB is missing but another thing that really like to me disproves this theory completely is that this cult hadn't been active since the 1970s since 40 years before Russell went missing okay but see this cult did still exist but they just weren't in the RAF bunker anymore because they certainly went it was all concrete did sure if Russell really was trying to join this cult why would he Park his car there at the old location rather than wherever they're operating from now to me it just seems very very unlikely that he did join this cult or that this cult even had anything to do with it I don't think they were active at the time I don't think they'd been active for a long long time and it does confuse me why so many people believe that theory but you know to each their own I personally think that obviously he was quite interested in this cult he blocked them off a little bit and found that they're operated from a bunker that was on a cliff side maybe he then googled this cliff side found that it was a notorious suicide spot and then years later he became depressed and then decided that he was gonna do it there you know and one final theory that I have been seeing floating around the internet which I don't think has much evidence at all but you know the internet likes to think of anything and that is the Russell Berlin's own family was involved in his disappearance some people think that their behavior all the way throughout this case was just very very suspicious how can there be so Shawn as they are that Russell only had ten pounds in cash on him and that his car only had 3.8 liters of petrol in it those are two very specific numbers and two things that you wouldn't really know about your son you know they're just so sure that someone else was involved that they shut down every single of the theory like that he ran away or that it was a suicide no matter how much solid evidence there is that this was a suicide to them it's not unlike I'm not accusing anybody I personally don't believe this theory you know which theory I believe I believe that he committed suicide but a lot of people do just think that they are pushing this third party involvement a lot to the point where there are now behaving suspiciously like it's their theory or no theory like to the point where they actually filed a lawsuit against the police that were working on this case the police like I said bully this is a suicide there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that this is a suicide however the balling family felt that they came to this theory too quickly and then that influenced them looking into other theories like they believed it was a suicide so much that they didn't really want to look into other theories that just kind of decided that and that was it but that lawsuit was thrown out pretty much immediately with the judge saying that it's not really up to the court to decide if police was thorough enough and technique play police did touch all bases on this case I know they didn't do it very well but they did they kind of checked every single opportunity but what do you guys think I know my phone bothered you with a lot of theories in this video I feel like this has been a really long long video and there's a lot of different theories to choose from that but which one do you personally believe do you think he ran away do you think he was killed do you think it was a suicide do you think it was the cold oh my god I just think that all the other theories are quite easy to poke holes in I mean the suicide theory is I don't know I'm pretty solid but yeah let me know what you think down below if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me a huge thank you to all of my channel members all of their names are on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the link in the description or if you're on a desktop you can click the join button under the video if you could comment right on then maybe you'll get your name on this end card and you'll also have access to our members on the community tab where I will ask for 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,312,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makeup, tutorial, eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale 2, eleanor neale true crime, eleanor neale makeup, review, fashion, style, beauty, 2019, vlog, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, dateline, bbc, itv, russell bohling, russell, bohling, criminally listed, chills, danelle hallan, allen ivanov, libby squire, liam smith, delia day, shanda sharer, unsolved disappearance, missing, missing persons, update, news, yorkshire, hull, valencrimes, crime watch daily
Id: pPdJPlxE50k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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