The Loudest Person at Smosh is...

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- Do you want a, you want a vocal warm up a little bit? (Shayne screams) Okay. (Noah laughs) - Lemme hear you say, we ho. - [Dancers] We ho. (dancers laugh) (upbeat music) - Sorry. (dancers laugh) Speak. (beep) - I've been told that I'm loud. (Shayne screams) All right, from my experience, everyone else here is also loud. (dancers laugh) And I feel today, is the time to finally settle the score and determine who is the loudest. We have a decibel reader, that one of our dancers is holding and it's going to measure the sound in this room. And we also have a bunch of instruments that we're gonna test out to, to see, how loud things can get. And it'll all culminate to a screaming competition to see if I truly have the loudest scream. - I think I'll have you beat, Shayne. I believe I can. - Does anyone else wanna throw in, say that they can get number one? - I'm just not like you. (dancers laugh) We're built differently. - I'm gonna throw in my vote for Shayne to be the loudest. Can we put the clip of him screaming into my mouth? (Shayne screams) - He's been different ever since. - I don't hear the same. - Damien, what do you think? - I think that I will not defeat you. And that way by downplaying myself and being humble, the moment when I inevitably do defeat you, everyone's just gonna be so impressed. - And also, make sure to subscribe. So you can hear our screams every week. - Subscribe as loud as you can. - Subscribe as loud as you can. - So this thing has little numbers in, as we get louder, the numbers get higher. Let's try and get as quiet as possible, so we can see what zero looks like. Cause it hears ambience, things like that. So already? And quiet. Uh-oh, could that be Noah and I, wearing the new, Hoo Hoo merch that is currently on (woman giggles) I don't know. Seems pretty sauce. Better go check it out for yourself and see. So 40. - 40 is as low as it goes. - 40 is the lowest, when we are completely silent because it's hearing the air, it's hearing the molecules throwing tantrums. - No way. - That's room tone, right Gregg? - [Courtney] That's room tone. (dancers laugh) - Boom, and that's room tone. - Let's, let's start with some instruments here. Someone pick a weapon. - I actually wanna do something else. - Oh yeah, go ahead. Anything you wanna do , Olivia. (upbeat music) - What happens next? (upbeat music continues) Ow, I hurt my face. - Keep going, keep going. - I was trying to do the WAP dance. - The WAP is at about 69. So kind of perfect. - [Dancers] Wow. - Wow. - This already is gonna be way too loud. Wait, let me get my pitch right. - Don't hold back, baby. (vuvuzela sound) - Can we World Cup this and have a teamwork? - That got up, that got to 100. - [Noah] It did? - 100.7, yeah. - Got to 100. All right, let's see if their powers combined. - All right, you do it for Greece. I'll do it for Germany. - Ew. - World Cup it, World Cup it. - Ready, ready? (vuvuzela noise) - How you doing that? (dancers laugh) Oh. - Fart. (vuvuzela noise) - It's about the same. - You got, they got to 103, it got to like 103, yeah. - 104ish. - It felt different to me, cause now I'm dizzy and tired. (dancers laugh) (vuvuzela noise) (dancers laugh) - For a second, I thought he said my (beep). And I was like, whoa. (dancers laugh) - I can't emphasize this enough. It looks nothing like this is. So stop posting that, it looks nothing like this. - Oddly specific, Damien. - It was at about a 98. - Oh, Olivia is gonna give it a go. - Oh, go for it. - Yes, baby. (vuvuzela noise) 107. - [Dancers] Wow. - I just lost like so many brain cells. - I'm gonna do an epic guitar solo. (ukulele sound) - 85. - Aw. - Boo. - Ukuleles aren't meant to be loud. - I'm looking forward to us getting copyright strike on that, because of some really, really basic person, that's like, "I'm gonna pick up a ukulele and just write a song." ♪ 85 decibels ♪ ♪ Are the best decibels ♪ - Listen, I stay away from Silver Lake, so I don't have to hear that. (dancers laugh) - I hope I blow your hat off. - Yeah. (dancers laugh) Get him. (leaf blower whirs) (dancers cheer) - Hey, got to 102. - [Dancers] Wow. - No one has beat my thing. - 107 yet, no. - Oh yeah, oh yeah, no one's beaten it? - Yeah, try. - I would like to do that, thank you very much. - Wait. (book thuds) - Did you just turn it off? - No, it turned off on its own, I'm sorry. - You are the dumbest man I know. (dancers laugh) (book thuds) - Oh, wow. - [Both] 106.7, no way. - 106.7, wait can I, can I yield it to the ground? - Yeah - Swiftly? (book thuds) - 113. - 113. - [Dancers] Wow. - That is currently the loudest sound. I was holding back. - I would like to give someone permission to hit me with this. - Oh my God. - So if someone can spank you loud enough. - Yeah, very loud. - I can try to spank you loudly, Noah. - Yeah, you're pretty strong. Just do my back. - I'll try to spank you loudly and then, you want me to do your back? Why don't I do your butt? - No, no, the skin's gonna make the loudest sound. - There's butt skin. - Come on. - All right, are we ready? Okay, here we go. (spank sound) - Dammit. - Well, it's jeans. - I don't got an ass to spank. Let's be honest. (spank sound) - Ow. - 96. - Okay. - I don't think it's gonna get, I don't think it's gonna get loud enough. - Other than, like you will bleed and be like... - Did that hurt? - No, no, no. - If it's skin, that's gonna make you bleed. Wait, Damien, can you hold this? - I can try. - And then, Noah, can I plunge you? - You wanna plunge me? - Can I plunge your tummy? - Okay. I don't have much tummy to plunge. You might not get suction. - Whoa, you're so skinny. - I know, it's a health hazard. - And then I might, can I plunge you maybe? (slide whistle sound) - Sure. - Okay, ready? - Don't, don't do it hard at the beginning. Cause it's gonna knock the wind out of me. - Don't do belly button, you'll make his intestines fly clean out. - Oh, don't say that. That's my fear. (dancers laugh) - I'm like so jealous of your stomach, right now. - Really? (plunger sound) (Olivia gasps) - No, we need, come here. I need a little more meat. I need a little more meat. - I don't know what, (dramatic sound) (plunger sound) (Courtney laughs) - 79 on impact. 71 on release. - Okay. (slide whistle sound) - One more time? (slide whistle sound) Three more times. (slide whistle sound) 89.5. (slide whistle sound) (slide whistle sound continues) I need silence on set, please. - So you're gonna try to get to Damien without making a sound? - Mm-hmm. (dancers laugh) - This is so dumb. (spank sound) - 72, 76. - Can I get a reading on that? Are you getting a good reading on that one? - 72. - Cool. - From this angle, it looks like you're punching her butt hole. (dancers laugh) (playful music) (Courtney burps) - 86. (Courtney burps) Shayne, can I borrow your tummy? - Oh God. - No. - Just go for it. - Really, just go for it? - Yeah. - I'm a very powerful man. - He is. - I think if we do it once, I think I can handle it. (thump sound) (woman gasps) - 101.5. - Nice. - We did it. - We did it. - We'll talk about this later, I'm sure. (dancers laugh) - Can I hit someone's back, with this? Remember how loud it was when we took turn to laugh? - Sure. - All right, ready? (thump sound) - Huh? (thump sound) - 101.9. - [Dancers] Wow. - That was my temperature this morning. - So here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna scream. We're gonna see if you all can beat it. And then I get one more chance to try to beat my own score. - Do you want a, you want a vocal warmup a little bit? (Shayne screams) Okay. (Noah laughs) - Lemme hear you say, we ho. - [Dancers] We ho. (dancers laugh) (upbeat music) (Shayne screams) - Peaked at 117. - Oh. - Wow. - Nice. - Wow. That was a weapon. - Thanks. - Get ready, Olivia's about to, totally bring the house down. - So 117 is the score to beat. (Olivia screams) - 105.9. (dancers applaud) - If I ever heard that in the middle of the night. (dancers laugh) Oh my God. - There was depth to that. - [Courtney] There was. - There was a shriek. - I heard your soul. - Ah, ah. - What? - Okay. That's my practice. - Oh, I was like, is that how you scream? (Noah screams) - 116. - Okay, almost, almost. (dancers applaud) I tried, I tried. - That was really good. - All right, Damien, you ready? (Damien screams) 116.5. - I like how quick it was. (dancers laugh) (Damien screams) - 117 is still yet to be beat. - First video of the day, uh-oh. - Okay, ready? - Yeah. (Courtney screams) So, it peaked at 117.2. - Yeah. That sounded like the loudest one yet. (dancers applaud) - Yeah, we're looking for the loud part. - [Both] Yeah. - That was the loudest. - I'm seeing start right now. - Oh my God. - Okay, okay. Thank you guys. - All right, I'll try to beat, I'll try to beat 117.5. - We're all about to be firing out some blood. - Yeah. (dancers laugh) - Shayne, Shayne, I just want you to know, this thing maxes out at 130. That is the exact decibel range of a jet, taking off of an aircraft carrier. (dancers laugh) That is literally the sound of a thunderclap, so. - Shayne, you could be a jet. - Yeah. - Let's see if you can do that. (Shayne screams) - 119.4. (dancers cheer) - Wow, wow. - Well done. Shayne the greatest sound champion. - I'm glad we have scientific proof now. - [Noah] Yeah. - Like before, it was just like, oh yeah, I just feel really bad when I scream. - Yeah. - Now it's like, oh, it's actually measured. - It might be your body shape. Maybe you're built like a church, you know. (dancers laugh) Like, really rings. - That sounds like a specific ass complement. Like, hey, yo, that guy? He was built like a church. - I was built like a church. - Like I don't know what you, I don't know what that means. - [Olivia] You are built like a church. - Care to give us a finale before we end this thing? - Sure. Glad you asked. - Kinda liked, guys. - Sorry, this, this shelf is six feet tall. (dancers laugh) So I was once in a band. - Ew, don't do that. - That's how you do it. (dancers laugh) Guys, look. (beep) Thanks for watching. I'm gonna give us some tunes. I haven't played in a long time, I don't know any songs but that doesn't mean I can't make sweet melodies. And make sure to subscribe. Make sure to go to that merch store. Make sure to click these videos after I'm done with playing. And have a swell night, guys. (saxophone sound) - Hey, if you are not done watching Smosh content well, gosh, darn, thank you very much for that. So why don't you go on and click on a different video, one right over here maybe. Or, there's another one picked out for you by YouTube, which is right over here. Hey, you can subscribe to us by clicking down below. And also check out that merch store. - You like jazz? - You like jazz? You like, you lie jazz? - You like jazz? - You like jazz?
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 597,630
Rating: 4.9832344 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, The Loudest Person at Smosh is..., challenge, sound challenge, measuring sound, shayne topp, olivia sui, courtney miller, damien haas, keith leak jr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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