Spin The Wheel, Eat The Donut! (Eat It or Yeet It #16)

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(Laughing) - Oh my god! - Eat it or Yeet it! - Guys. What's up? It's your boy, food girl. We're back at it again with another spin the wheel for the meal. - Was that on the fly? Oh no, I thought about it on the drive here. (laughter) - Reminder. No one is safe. Bibs stay on the whole time. And this theme, the theme of this episode is... - doughnuts. - Mystery doughnuts! (cheering and clapping) Here are the rules. I'm gonna spin the wheel of food after the dish is revealed whatever color it lands on, that person must eat. No one is out and no one is safe. (intro music) Do we need to line our stomachs from the gear care station? - These are good. - Pink, frosted sprinkles I love that! - Don't mind if I do. (chewing sounds) - I hate the frosting it has to go inside. - Is it the kind that puts the film on the roof of your mouth? - Hold on, Olivia actually ate more than she usually does. Like, she usually takes a little cheeto. - The fact that she's going in underneath the hood. - I'm fascinated by the way you eat. - Hold on can we see the hood? The inside, look. - Yeah, can we pop the hood on this doughnut? (laughing) - Look at that. She's a weird eater. - You guys ready for the first dish? (Cheering and clapping) (piano music) - There's actually some food under this thing. - We're gonna eat a bunch of metal you guys. - Are we still keeping our eyes closed? - No you can open them now. - Oh! - [Everyone] Three... Two... One... - Ohhhh. - Spin it. - I have feelings about this. What if there was no doughnut underneath it was just like whatever that is. (inaudible) - You're so lucky. - That looks very messy. - Did you guys ever, did your parents ever buy the peanut butter where the oil was separated? - Yes, that's the best kind. - No. - Oh, it's the worst. As a kid it was the worst. - That looks so good you're so lucky. - This does not look good. Keith, there's so many moments throughout the day. I wish I was you. This is one of them. - Are you ready? - All right count me down, guys - [Everyone] three... two... one... - I got to get it off the damn plate. - It's stuck. - [Everyone] three... two... one... - Oh, wow. - It looks good. - It's good, huh? Okay, I'm just tasting a whole bunch of peanut butter. (laughing) - Peamup, bupper. - I don't like it though. - What? - I don't like it. I don't like this much peanut butter it's drowning. - Oh my god , you're so lucky. - I don't know. I don't like the grease what kind of grease is that? - Peanut butter grease and honey - I don't like this. I don't like this Hold on do you guys like peanut butter like that? - Peanut butter in a smoothie is what making out tastes like. (upbeat music) Okay, are you ready to learn what this is, Keith? - Yeah I mean, it's peanut butter. - (Laughter) - So this is called the sticky doughnut. It's doughnut covered in peanut butter and honey. (Cheering and clapping) - That sounds good. - I want to lick my hands though but like- (Piano music) - You guys ready? - [Everyone] three... two... one... - Ooh! - Oh, no. I feel like that's coming right to me. - That looks normal. That looks normal which means I think it is definitely not. (cheering and clapping) - I will say that does look like, you know, sugar. - I was really excited cause I was like, oh, they look so nice. And then you started talking and I was like, these probably aren't going to be good. - If it's Garrett, it's probably like citric acid or just acid. Enough with the A-S-S. - Ready to take a bite? - Yes. - Okay, grab a bite. - [Everyone] three... two... one... - Big bite. - Big bite, that's a big ole' bite. (laughter) - Oh my god. - Jackie, no - It's not sugar. - What? - Is it sour? - No, it's not sour It's very salty. (laughter) - Are you gonna eat it? - I'm not gonna eat it. Bucket right here, oh my god. - Oh! - My mouth was watering. - What was it? What was the taste like? Cause I couldn't hear it. it's real salty. (laughter) - All of this, what looks like sugar, it's all salt. - Are we talking like margarita levels or is this like the Dead Sea? - It's like the Dead Sea. It could be a dead body. I don't know Garrett, what is it? - I thought I was using sugar. (laughter) - The actual thing you ate was salty doughnut hole. It's just doughnut hole and salt, baby. You did it. You did it. If you were ever curious what that maybe would be like now you know. (laughter) (piano music) - Yeah I hope there's sushi in this one. - Ooh sushi doughnut? Bro. Ramen doughnut. Ready? - [Everyone] three... two... one... (laughter) - No, no, no, no, no (cheering) - Y'all thought it was me. - I hate this. Why? I can't do this. - You just said you'd do a shot of fish sauce. What could possibly be worse? - Do you want to know something? - Yes. - What I hate the most is wet bread. - [Everyone] ewwww - Like when I see that, I wanna- wet hair and wet bread. - Wet hair? Yeah don't eat wet hair. (laughter) - Olivia, are you gonna be okay? - No, I saw a wet turd on the floor one time. Ever since then- - But where were you? - Like at a public shower. - Oh my god-- like at a gym? (laughter) - Like someone tried to like waffle stomp it and it didn't work? - I mean, I don't know why I'm telling you, but like it's just like wet and solid stuff. I know we don't do this on the show, but I just want to put it out there. Can I give- - How much money will you give me? That's exactly what I was gonna say. Can I give you 20 bucks? - A hundred dollars. - I'll do it for five. I'll do it for five. - I'm the president of Smosh, do you think 20 dollars-- - I'm the CEO on Smosh - That's true. (laughter) - I'll do it for five. - You're going to eat whatever this is for five dollars? - I'll do it for my home girl, I mean, and for five bucks. (laughter) I need the five now. Can you send it through like Venmo? - Yeah I'll send you five on Venmo right now. - We have agreed to a celebrity taste - Keith is going to sub in for Olivia and taste this atrocity. We need you to shake on it so we know it to be true. - Oh and y'all better not be in the comments saying, 'Olivia's such a little baby.' (laughter) - [Everyone] three... two... one... (laughter) - I can't eat this. Oh my god. (yelling and laughing) - The bucket, get a bucket - Oh, I can't watch that. Man, it taste like they just put some water in a jar and then put a doughnut in there and like served me up. That's it? That's so messed up. - Keith and Olivia, what you just ate was wet doughnut. Doughnut plus water equals hell. (laughter) (inaudible) - That's my nightmare, this is my nightmare. - I don't like wet bread either or wet turds. (Piano music) Open up. All right. - We have to eat all this? - [Everyone] three... two... one... (inaudible) - Oh wait, actually, I'm super down for this. (cheering and clapping) - Oh my gosh it's in the cart Olivia must eat today. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be full after this! (laughter) Literally it's like Garrett, Garrett went to a Japanese takeout restaurant and got all this and put it in a doughnut. - Are you ready to take a big 'ole bite? - Hell yeah. - [Everyone] three... two... one... - Nice good bite, good bite. Oh my god, that's so good. - Really? Wait tell us what's in your mouth. (laughter) - Woah, second bite? - What does it bring you to? Like, what memories does it evoke? - It's kind of like a Bánh mì. (laughter) There's miso on top of the, how did you get people to just make you like unglazed doughnuts? - I mean, they thought I was crazy. - Are those noodles on there? - Yeah noodles. You want to open it up and show the camera? So we got miso paste, doughnut, green onions. I love seaweed and Ramen. - Excellent (clapping and cheering) - Damien - You're joking. - No. We feel bad that you didn't even get to eat it all last time. Just for you to try it. - That's so sweet. That's really cute. - We could sell this, you guys. I'm not kidding. - It's good. - This is awesome. - It's so good - Excellent. What you guys both just ate was a Ramen Bar. Miso paste frosting, noodles, green onion, and seaweed. - And they're now available for sale on smosh.com. (piano music) All right. Open up. You guys ready for this? - Yeah. - Alright. - Doughnut but large-- sorry. - [Everyone] three... two... one... - Oh, that's pretty I love strawberries. (Cheering) (clapping) (laughter) - Jackie what's-- - So Ian and Damien won't eat this episode. Any thoughts before this final dish? - It looks really nice and that makes me really suspicious. But I do have faith. - Excellent. I have faith. It looks pretty nice. - Yeah. I think you'll have to just burger style like take a chomp. - I believe in you. (Cheering) - [Everyone] Three... two... one... (laughter) - Did you get strawberry in there? - Okay. - That's good too. - That's good. (Cheering) (mumbling) (laughter) - So, it's like glaze on the outside. There's like strawberry cream on the inside with natural strawberries. And there's cream on top it's the best thing ever. - Yeah. What you just ate was it cronut. - Coconut, whipped cream, and strawberry. - I love cronuts. They're the best! - Do I have stuff on my face? - A little bit of whipped cream. - Just a little bit. - Well that's game guys. (Cheering) - We eated, we eated, we public shower sheeted. Thank you guys for watching us and thank you friends for coming and sitting at this table and being punished with food and not punished also cause it's good. - Love you guys. - There's another video right here. If you want to watch it, it's been selected for you. And then this other one is also been selected for you to the fates, whether which one is the right one. You gotta pick. Are you guys hungry? What do you wanna do? - I want more pink frosted sprinkled doughnuts. - I want real food. - I want it to inject loud on my either side of those parts. - Oh my God. - Okay. Bye.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 674,415
Rating: 4.9667497 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Spin The Wheel, Eat The Donut! (Eat It or Yeet It #16), eat it or yeet it, donuts, doughnuts, mystery food, taste test, gross food, challenge
Id: AjYCZcxSsX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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