Shafi'i Fiqh Of Fasting with Shaykh Talal Ahdab

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everyone welcome to this session on the fake off of fasting in the last couple of days we listened to imam tahir and dr abdullahi going over the falco fasting in both the hanafi and the maliki school today inshallah we will go over the fakah fasting in the shafiya school we'll go for about an hour and then we'll open the floor for questions and answers the book i'll be using for this session is here on the slide it's the reliance of the traveler it's an intermediate level chaffey text written in a very rigorous language in the arabic in the arabic the translator has done a good job in down and in simplifying the language and making it accessible to to almost everyone i'll also be using a couple of other books which you will see on the slides this is a good book to to carry and if you have if you don't have the book already i would recommend that you you take a close look at it and perhaps it would be a good addition to your library the outline for this for this session we will begin with an introduction to fasting and we'll talk about the wisdom and benefits of fasting the wisdom and benefits of fasting merit its own its own session so we won't go much in detail about the wisdom and benefits of fasting because this session is is heavily skewed on the rulings and on the of fasting but we'll cover enough inshallah and then we'll move on to the integrals of fasting we'll talk about the recommended acts and the offensive acts during fasting and most importantly we'll focus on the invalidators of fasting what breaks the fast what invalidates the fast and if we have time we'll we'll go over rtcf devotional retreat and talk about it and we'll end up with various scenarios that that we encounter all the time and we'll go over them before we begin let's review some terminology that i'll be using during this session first of all let's talk about what is a day an islamic day the islamic day is like the jewish day it begins at sunset and ends at sunset so in the islamic day the night precedes the day as soon as sunset enters a new day has begun and for this reason when we look for the moon we want to look for the moon in the first day of ramadan i.e after sunset before sunset sighting the moon is of no relevance because it belongs to the previous day let's talk about daylight hours daylight hours are defined as the hours between dawn and sunset it's not from 6am to 6pm it's from dawn from the true dawn until the sun has completely set what are the night hours the night hours are the opposite it's from sunset to true dawn the word day also is used in in two meanings sometimes we use a day to indicate 24 hours i.e from sunset to sunset and sometimes we use the day as in our position to the night we use the day to indicate daylight when we talk about night hours we should also talk about midnight midnight islamically or legally or in the fica sense it's a midpoint between sunset and dawn so if sunset was at 7 00 pm and dawn was at 3 a.m then midnight would be 11 p.m it would not be the midnight that we are accustomed to so when you read the word midnight in islamic terminology or in fico terminology we're talking about the midpoint between sunset and dawn next is the day of doubt the day of doubt is the 30th of shaban because on the 29th of shabban we go out to to look for the moon so the circus of shaaban could be a doubtful day is it from shaban or is it from ramadan we will also encounter various other terms that we will be using in this session for example the word fidia phidia is like i i use the word here payment fidia is like a penalty it's like a payment penalty equivalent to the cattle photograph so the amount of payment is equivalent to the amount of payment of the cattle photo and some people who may not be able to fast they may have to pay a fidya kafara on the other hand is an expiation and it's much more um rigorous than fidya kaphara is an explanation that is used in the islamic terminology for various scenarios one of them is having sexual intercourse in the in the day of ramadan if such a case occurs then a person will have to to do a kafara next there are two terms that we will we will talk a lot when we get to invalidators of fasting the first one is cavity and by cavity we don't mean two's cavity we're not going to the dentist today we're talking about body cavities and the body cavities uh are nine and total so we'll talk about the most prevalent one that we may encounter and the next terminology is a passageway open passageway and there are various open passageways like the throat the stomach the genitals the nose anything that will allow air or food or drink or anything else to go through that's considered to be an open passageway and we're talking about open passageway and the fecal sense not in the medical sense so open passageway illegally may differ from open passageway medically so the eye which is an open passageway medically is not an open passageway legally or fecal wise so remember these terms because i may refer to them in in the session next we're on slide 4. so we begin with fasting ramadan the word for fasting in arabic is called psalm or siam we have two words in arabic that refer to fasting or sauna ramadan ramadan is one of the months in the history calendar it's month number nine and is considered to be the best of months in this month the quran was revealed and fasting ramadan is a distinctive feature of this community of this ummah as we shall see allah says in the quran fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so those before us used to fast and perhaps they used to fast different type of fasting different format but fasting as practiced by muslim is a distinctive feature of this ummah of this community and fasting was prescribed actually after immigration after the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam migrated to medina it was prescribed in the second year of hijrah and as such the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam fasted for nine years before he passed away all of which was 29 days except for one so he fasted eight eight ramadan of 29 days each and one ramadan which is full 30 days fasting is prescribed and is established by the quran by the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi and by ishmael in the quran allah place the word fasting in between two words he says he plays the word fasting is ordained for you sriam is prescribed for you after the word iman all who believe was preceded by iman and after siam came taqwa iman is foundation for siam and sriem is between these two if we have iman and we perform siam properly allah will help us achieve taqwa fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you la perhaps you may achieve or realize taqwa or perhaps you may shield yourself from from things that um cause us to be away from allah subhana wa tala fasting also established by the teachings of the prophet salallahu and the famous hadees islam is built upon five things and one of them at the end he says and fasting ramadan and also fasting is established by the ihma of of the scholarly ishmael the scholarly consensus of this community we shall move on now to slide 5 talk a little bit about the wisdom of fasting and the benefits of fasting the word taqwa is established and is mentioned in the verse in the quran and it's one of the first wisdom behind behind fasting is is to realize or to achieve the state of god's consciousness taqwa also means a shield one of the meaning and the connotation of taqwa is a shield is a fence it's something that we we it's a buffer something that we put between ourselves and the punishment of allah between ourselves and hellfire so if one has taqwa and follows the commandments of allah to the best of their ability they are actually building a shield they are shielding themselves from the tribulations of the hereafter another wisdom of taqwa is to help us develop self-control tawi do nafsi al-sabra and ramadan is mentioned described as the month of patience the months of sabbath the month of self-control another wisdom is taqwyatul is to strengthen our resolve in breaking our desires we tame our desires we tame the desires of the stomach and the genitals in fasting fasting also help us develop a good habit and help us get rid of bad habits especially the good habits of giving da video and also in fasting there are many medical benefits we give our body a rest and we get rid of toxic materials that have accumulated within our body throughout times especially in this time of covid where i was reading yesterday that there was there was a report that they did a survey and found out that people have gained between 1.5 pounds to 2 pounds every month for the last 10 months working from home may may cause us to gain weight and eat unhealthy food so fasting can also help us get rid of that sultana the benefits of fasting and in it he mentioned many benefits some of them is elevating and rank wiping out sins breaking our desires and taming our desires increasing charitable deeds and facilitating acts of devotion he also mentioned another benefit that in fasting we are really thanking we thank allah who is the all-knowing the knower of secrets and in fasting when we fast and we preoccupy ourselves with fasting and with reciting the quran and was going to doing good deeds we don't have time to think of unworthy thoughts so fasting also help us get rid of unworthy thoughts or lowly thoughts allah elevate our rank through fasting except for fasting it is for me and i shall reward the person those who fast usually when you want to get near someone you bring them gifts you don't try to get into their proximity and to get near to them by refraining yourself from food in this case we refrain ourselves and we restrain ourselves from the appetite for our stomach and the appetite of our genitals solely for the sake of allah and it's unusual for people to get near one another in this manner so in fasting usually showing off doesn't happen you show off when you when you give gifts to other people when you invite people when you show in your ferrari but not by being by yourself and restraining yourself from food from drink from things that are appealing to our stomach and and to our desires let's begin by defining fasting fasting has two meanings has a lexical meaning and has a technical meaning so in the language fasting means to abstain means abstention means to abstain means to restrain a means to refrain says alma says i have vowed to fast for allah how by refraining from talking so to refrain from anything to refrain from a certain act whether be it reading be it talking be it listening be it anything and the language is called fasting but in sharia fasting refers to a specific thing it's it's a devotional act it's devoting oneself to god to allah through restraining oneself from things that invalidate the fast and we shall go over these things that invalidate the fast while having a specific intention for doing so we will go over the intention and what are the components the essential components of the intention and the intention will vary depending on whether we're fasting an obligatory fast or a recommended fast for the entire duration of the daylight hours i.e from dawn until sunset of a day on which it is valid to fast we will also find out that there are certain days that is prohibited to fast on those days so fasting basically is devotion to a loss panel tyler through restraining ourselves from things that invalidate our fast while having a specific intention for doing so for the entire duration of the daylight hours of days which are valid to fast on before going into the rulings of fasting let's talk about ramadan and how does ramadan begin for a person to start fasting the following day one must come to a conclusion that ramadan has begun and there are nine ways of determining that ramadan has begun we will not go over the nine ways i'll just mention a few of them number one is citing the new moon yourself if you cite your the new moon yourself then you must fast because you are now certain that ramadan has begun citing the new moon has conditions so we'll mention those conditions on the next slide or if you didn't cite it yourself citing the new moon by an upright witness not every witness not every person who sees the moon can be considered an upright witness so that's a condition so either yourself or someone that's trustworthy has seen the moon or by the ruling of the court the judge who is a mushta judge makes a ruling that ramadan has begun why because people have come to him and have given witnesses there are certain procedures that judges follow when they do these things or darwil fatwa for example in a country or by trusting someone if someone comes to you and and tells you that ramadan has begun he they have witnessed the moon and perhaps this person does not fulfill all the conditions and the qualifications of an upright witness but you trust that person and if you trust that person then ramadan has begun for you and tomorrow you must fast there are other ways for establishing ramadan if shaban for example if we complete shaban 30 days then automatically ramadan is the following day the history month is either in 29 days or 30 days we don't have any day any month which is 28 days we don't have any months which is 31 days the hedgerow months are either 29 days or 30 days so by completing shabba in 30 days automatically ramadan has has begun citing the new moon when we cite the new moon what are we interested in are we interested in the birth of the moon when the moon is born no we're not are we interested in the age of the new moon no we're not i.e are we interested in the birth of the moon only no we're not are we interested in the age of the moon only no we're not are we interested in the rise of the moon because the moon rises like the sun rises and the moon sets like the sun sets the moon has its own rise time and setting time are we interested in in the rise time of the moon no we're not are we interested in the moon and the and the uh and the time where the moon sets only no we're not so what are we interested in how do we determine that ramadan has begun by citing the new moon when we citing the new moon to indicate the beginning of a month requires the contribution of both the moon and the sun remember the islamic day begins from sunset to sunset so the islamic day is defined by the sun the legal day the fakhi day is defined by the sun but the beginning of the month is defined by the new moon when seen in the first day of the new month and the first day of the new month is always determined by sunset i.e we're interested that the moon is born we're interested that the moon has has now completed a certain age or certain number of hours we're not interested in the moon rising we're interested in the moon setting as the moon is setting we're interested in the moon setting after sunset not before sunset if it sets if the moon sets before sunset if we see the moon 10 minutes before sunset it belongs to the current day it does not belong to the new day which begins at sunset when ramadan begins at sunset that night is the first night of ramadan remember the night precedes the day in the islamic history calendar so so to summarize citing the new moon for and we have many people here in daytona and elsewhere in the world that go inside the new moon what do they do they go inside the new moon after sunset as we are told that iltamisuhu by nal maghrib seeked between marib anisha and in the first day of ramadan in the first day of the month the moon is called the waxing crescent and is is about to set and it may set 10-15 minutes after sunset so you don't have much time so people try to observe the moon and side the moon after sunset that's when the the that's when the month begins not when the moon is born not when the moon is a certain age not when the moon is visible but before sunset we want to make sure that the moon is visible or can be visible after sunset not before sunset let's move on to achamus the rulings on fasting fasting is like anything else it does not have a fixed ruling it's like prayer it does not have a fixed ruling a prayer can be obligatory can be haram can be recommended can be macro offensive and can be permissible the five prayers are obligatory the sunnah prayers are recommended praying at night is voluntary is permissible there are certain times where prayer is is offensive and there are certain scenarios where prayer is not only offensive but also prohibited and haram same things with fasting fasting does not take a fixed ruling and that's it it's a dynamic very dynamic like prayer so fasting can be mandatory can be obligatory it can be manduba recommended can be macro offensive and can be unlawful and when fasting is unlawful there are two scenarios there are two possibilities it can be unlawful and invalid oh it can be unlawful yet the fast is valid we will not cover the unlawfulness of fasting while the fast is valid will cover the unlawfulness of fasting and while it's invalid so fasting is mandatory in many cases i shall mention a few of them ramadan fasting ramadan is mandatory is obligatory for those who fulfill certain conditions a makeup day of fast is also obligatory kaffara is obligatory a vow if you if one makes a vow to fast a certain day or if something takes place one vows to fast then that fast becomes obligatory or in certain scenarios in hajj and um fast is a substitute for fidya and for um for certain acts that happen in hajj or umrah and seven days when you go back so fasting all these days are obligatory so fasting can be mandatory can be obligatory and here we mentioned five of them fasting also can be recommended and the recommended fasting there are various scenarios there are days that are recommended yearly they only happens once a year and if you miss them you have to wait a year there are days that are recommended monthly so they happen every month and if you miss them you have to wait a month before you can pray them before you can fast them there are days commended to fast weekly so if you miss this week you can do it next week and there's another recommended fast which is every other day like some prophets used to fast so recommended fasting could be yearly monthly weekly or every other day yearly like ashura it happens once a year like the ninth of the hijra on the day of agatha it happens once a year if we miss this day we have to wait another year before we confess it as recommended fast monthly there are certain days and months like the the iem will be the white nights the 13th 14th and 15th of each month they happen every month when the when the moon is full weekly like monday and thursday they happen every week it's sunnah too fast on monday it's sunnah too fast on thursday oh the last one is every other day i.e if you want to fast all the time it's not recommended and and it was one of the habit of the prophet one of his teaching that if you do something keep doing it if we force ourselves to fast every other day and then we quit if we force ourselves to recite the quran for a week and then we quit for a year that's not continuity it's better to do something small and little and keep doing it continuously develop the habit of doing it all the time but if someone wants to fast every other day they can and it's recommended for those who who can and can can keep it up there are certain facts that are offensive like fasting on friday only to single out friday or to single out saturday or it's a single out sunday by fasting or to fast every day every day of your life you're fasting except for the five days that it's haram to fast so not only you fast ramadan but you fast also every other day except eight days there are certain days which are unlawful to fast there are five days in the year which one cannot fast and if one fast on those days not only the fast is unlawful but is also invalid the three days following the day of the doubt the day of the thirties of shaban when people are in doubt one cannot fast it on that day unless it it falls into his routine like he's he always fast every other day he always fast monday and thursday and that day happened to be a monday or thursday whenever you're in doubt ask a scholar who is in your town and they will answer you also the second half of shaban the prophet sallam used to fast shabban a lot and he used to say shaben is a month that people neglect because usually we fast in rajab we fast in other months and then shall then we're anticipating ramadan and we're preparing for ramadan and we're we would we are happy that ramadan is coming so many of us may neglect china but if one does not fast in the first half of shaban and then decides to fast the second half of shaban that's unlawful if one fasts the first half of shaban and then goes beyond the first half into the second half that's okay so there are certain rules regarding the second half of shaban you can read them in the books of of feka or you can ask someone that knows let's move on to the next slide what are the integrals of a valid first we have two integrals i need two components those components are essentials for for a valid fast and of course there's a third component which is we need a person to fast either a man or woman or child or so the integrals of a valid first is number one and near the intention and number two is to refrain refraining from things which breaks the first al-im second and of course we need people that make the nia and refrain themselves so let's talk a little bit about zaniya the intention the intention has also its own components so in the shatter school in ramadan was one must make the intention to fast for each day one fasts so it's not sufficient to make the intention at the beginning of the month to fast and manifest all of ramadan there is an emphasis on making zeniya for each day of ramadan each day one fasts so how do we go about doing this when when ramadan begins we make a new year that we're going to fast the whole month that we are we have the resolve and the determination and we made a decision that we're going to fast the whole month then every night between sunset and dawn we make a near for the following day that we're going to fast the following day i.e in the daylight so aniya li kulio mean the intention to fast for each day one fasts in ramadan or if it's an obligatory fast like kaphara or vow or the like number two one has to be specific in the knee what are you fasting because niya also implies that you know what you're doing and that you're focused on what you're doing nia implies it's like a mini project you have the intention to start it and to finish it you know the beginning you know the end and you know what's in between and you're focused on your act so you need to know what you're doing so to be specific is part of the knee so what kind of fast are you doing are we fasting ramadan are we fasting to fulfill a vow are we fasting by way of kaffara one has to be specific and number three that niya needs to take place in the night preceding the daylight so at the beginning late the knee needs to be made in the night prior to dawn between sunset and on and it's pretty easy once you develop the habit as soon as sunset takes place and you're breaking the fast you're also making the new year too fast the next day in the chaffee school the nia needs to be active in your mind not passive i.e you're aware you're focused you know what you're doing you know the beginning of the act you know the end of the act you know what goes on in between all the steps same thing with prayer when you make the knee and the in the beginning you're focused on your prayer you know what you're doing you know the beginning that beer you know the end is the slim you know all the steps that will take place in that mini project called prayer so the intention is every day and the night and be specific so one uh so one one um example of niya is it could be also the optimal way is to intend to fast the following day as a current performance of the obligation of ramadan in the present year for allah must high so you intend in the night after sunset and before dawn that you're going too fast the following day i.e in the daylight between dawn and sunset as a current performance but not it's not a makeup it's a current performance of the obligation of ramadan here we are specific we're talking about the obligation of ramadan we're fulfilling the components of the nia so we're intending to fast the following day as a current performance of the obligation of ramadan in the present year we are specific we know what we're doing we're not fasting in 2022 we're fasting in 2021 and for allah most high so in arabic would be naweitu maradin an ada if the ramadan has every night you make this and if one is making aniya for kaffara one would replace the obligation of ramadan by the obligation of kaphara if one is making a vow then the obligation of a vow if one happens to be uncertain what they're doing they can make the obligation of an obligatory fast so at least to be specific but this is obligatory fest which encompasses ramadan or vow or and we do it in the night between sunset and now who must fast what are the conditions for the fast being obligatory on whom it is obligatory it is obligatory on all muslims males and females who are of sound health who are resident a person may experience three states in his life i.e i could be a traveler i could be a temporary resident i could be a permanent resident a permanent resident is a place where i call home this is home or where i was born or where i have a family my family resides a temporary residence is when i travel and i stay in a place for more than four days or i stay in place for six months or two years or 10 years or 20 years but it's not home i know i'm gonna go back and i could be a traveler traveling for less than four days or 20 prayers so those who are either temporary residence or permanent residence is obligatory on us to fast if we fall into these two categories if we are traveling we have an excuse not too fast so those who must fast all muslims who are of sound health who are residents i.e either temporary or permanent residency and are capable of bearing the fast capable of bearing the fast excludes those who are of old age or those who are sick or those who have who have a chronic illness or those who the fast exhaust them too much like being of old age and the like and on muslims who are morally responsible i.e those who have achieved have arrived at the state of the cliff the state of moral responsibility i.e they have reached puberty and are sane so they are of age and they are sane what are the conditions for a valid fast again muslims a fast is not valid from those who are not muslims and you notice here that islam or being muslim is a condition for both validity and obligators fasting is obligatory on muslims and fasting is valid for muslims sanity for a fast to be valid that needs to be done by a person who is sane so a person who is insane even for a moment the fast is broken are unconscious and they remain unconscious throughout the day i.e from before dawn until after sunset or they're in a coma or they're under anesthetics they're not fasting even though they haven't eaten anything so being muslim sanity and to be free of menstruation or postnatal bleeding so of course if menstruation and post-natal bleedings are signs allah has created these signs to tell us when we cannot fast or when let's say we are fasting but then a woman start giving birth for example as soon as a woman starts giving birth and there is post-natal bleeding the fast is broken and the fourth one is a bit tricky so i'll just mention it it's knowledge that ramadan that the that this time i'm fasting in is is possible for ramadan to occur in it this will be very useful for those who are stranded on on islands and don't have anything to guide them as to when ramadan starts or not or those who say in prison or those who have been kidnapped and locked in a basement somewhere so this is condition these are the conditions for valid fast so islam sanity and to be free of any impediment that will impede the fast i.e such as menstruation or postnatal bleeding or in temporary insanity or full-time insanity or unconsciousness or being drunk being drunk from before dawn until after sunset that person who might not have eaten anything but being in a state of darkness has invalidated their fast there are many recommended acts to do while fasting there are many and i just mentioned a few here but there are more let's just take a look at some of them so to hasten our star is recommended are you not to delay breaking the fast after sunset if we are sure we need to be sure that sunset has occurred then it's recommended to hasten the fast to hasten the iftar uh to break fast on an odd number of dates is also recommended and if you cannot water if you cannot use something else to have a pre-dawn meal so is recommended and the time for sushi begins at midnight from midnight until before dawn and midnight if you recall it's a midpoint between sunset and on it could be 10 p.m it could be 10 30 it would be 11 30 could be 12 30 it could be 1 30 pm depending on where you are and depending on the time of the year midnight is not fixed in the islamic calendar it's a midpoint between sunset and dawn so when we talk about suhu the suhu times begin at midnight so to eat something before midnight it's not called sahur it's called just eating but to eat something after midnight is called sahu so to have a pre-dawn meal is recommended to delay the pre-dawn meal until before dawn is is also another recommended act if one can do so to make duat if tar time is recommended to feed others is recommended to pray tarawih has recommended to pray winter is recommended to make russell from major ritual impurity before dawn is recommended to be extra diligent and to do extra work in the last 10 days of ramadan is recommended because ramadan one of the wisdom and benefit of it we didn't go in much detail over this is is regeneration you regenerate yourself in ramadan the first 10 days there is mercy forgiveness and freedom from hellfire so by the end of ramadan you're regenerating yourself it's like the trees every year they die and when spring comes they become alive again we die every year we accumulate we have many shortcomings and many mistakes and ramadan is now an opportunity for us to regenerate like the trees regenerate to do more good deeds is recommended in ramadan to utter more prayers and more silhouette on the prophet sallallahu is recommended in ramadan to be extra careful to eat halal is recommended in ramadan to take care of the poor and needy and to visit them and ask about them and and and care about them is extra recommended in ramadan to spend on one's family is recommended in ramadan to withhold the tongue is is obligatory usually but in ramadan it's super recommended to withhold the tongue there are acts which are offensive we are now on slide the slide of offensive acts of macro hatusta anything that will weaken our ability to fast is is not good is offensive so if copying for example which is permissible at any other time but if in ramadan it ends up weakening weakening us one should not do it tasting food because what breaks the fast is swallowing but some people have to taste the food because they either they work as chefs or they work or mothers for example they have to taste the food as long as they don't eat it they taste something and then they spit it out and clean their mouths tasting the food for no for no without an excuse is offensive not minding your own business is offensive if you keep minding the business of others and getting nosy in the business of others is usually offensive but in ramadan is more offensive cleaning your teeth in the afternoon after zohor between zohar and and sunset in the shaffer school is offensive not before some before noon but in the afternoon so using miswak in the afternoon is considered offensive in the chef risk eating too much at iftar time is offensive filling your stomach to the point that defeats the purpose of fasting is offensive let's talk about the invalidators and we'll focus on one in validator and and then we'll move on to certain scenarios to scenarios of that invalidates the fast whether they invalidate the fast or not which could also be part of the questions and answers that you may be asking so invalidators are of two types what breaks the fast are of two types there are things that break the fast and invalidate the fast but only invalidates the reward of the fast i.e the fast is still valid but it did not benefit you in any way it's like you went through hunger and thirst for no reason and as such the fast since since the fast is valid one does not have to make up for that day however the reward of that day is gone so there are things that invalidates the reward yet the vast is still valid i.e you don't have to make it up it's like nullified the reward for it is gone and there are things that invalidate the fast i.e the fastest gun and automatically because the fast is no longer valid there is also no reward because one is not fasting anymore so what are the things that invalidates the fast in terms of reward backbiting all these things are hagam in ramadan they become extra haram that's why it's extra recommended to avoid backbiting and lying and slandering unlawful looking at haram things false testimony false oaths and alike and this will invalidate the first cursing people insulting people arguing with people and the prophet sallam said that many many people they they go through the process of fasting and they only get out of it only hunger and thirst nothing else and the reward for all these days is gone so controlling the tongue controlling the eye controlling the ears controlling what we read controlling what we do is developing new habits developing these habits if one is involved in backbiting when ramadan comes this could be an opportunity to to if not eliminate minimize or reduce this amount and develop a new habit regenerate yourself and the invalidators that we're interested in in the books of are also the invalid that those acts or those deeds that will invalidate both fast and reward for example apostasy if someone loses interest in islam and leave islam and become an atheist or become something else their fast is broken and their fast is no longer valid vomiting voluntary vomiting breaks the fast not involuntary if you if vomiting over overtakes you does not break the fast but to cause vomiting um to cause vomiting voluntarily it breaks the fast intercourse breaks the fast masturbation breaks the fast being unconscious from before dawn until after sunset there is no fast being insane insanity for even a moment in the day break the fast so temporary insanity as well as full insanity a woman experiencing menstruation or postnatal bleeding or giving birth health fast is also broken in fasting there is a general rule in fasting like in wudhu in pohara and purification and in evolution we have a general rule anything that exits breaks out or do nullifies will do in fasting it's the opposite anything that enters nullifies fasting so any substance the criterion for invalidators of fast can be summarized in this in this statement in the red a substance that reaches the body cavity through an open passageway and breaks the fast any substance that reaches the body cavity and the body cavity is any cavity that allows the passage of air like if i open my mouth the air goes through my throat it's an open passageway to the stomach or to the brain when you sniff something it goes to your brain that's also considered a cavity an open passageway could be could be your mouth it could be your nose it could be your ears we mentioned that the eyes are exempted the eyes although they're open medically they're not open passageway uh eyes the ear also is considered to be an open passageway legally focused may not be an open passageway medically so if water reaches the um what's it called the um the um yeah the ear canal or the the thing that vibrates then uh then fast is broken so when we take a shower and we allow water to goes inside we need to be extra careful or when we swim swimming in ramadan may you can do it without breaking the fast but you have to be extra careful so anything that's an open passageway whether naturally or artificially so if i were to any substance if i were to drill a hole in my stomach and have a tube and then have food go into my stomach through the artificial tube that's a substance reaching the body cavity is through an open passageway but this open passage we happen to be artificial not natural if someone attacks me with a knife and the knife reaches my stomach my fast is broken because a foreign substance has reached a body cavity like the stomach like the brain like in something else through an open passageway that was opened artificially if someone like nowadays wherever you go there are people shooting and stuff like this if someone shoots you and it goes into your stomach the fast is broken so any foreign substance that reaches the body cavity through an open passageway and validates the fast and from this you can think of many scenarios many scenarios however it needs to be a substance not a scent so let's say i'm i'm at home and someone is cooking and i smell good food smelling good food does not break the fast smelling roses does not break the fast smelling flowers does not break the first smelling perfume does not break the fast it needs to be a substance substance something tangible that reaches the body cavity in the body cavity it means the nostrils if it goes through the nostrils beyond a certain point the fast is broken if food goes beyond the letter orient the fast is broken if when you make wudu and you put water in your mouth the fast is not broken unless you swallow it and swallowing means that the substance has gone beyond the letter rain or i.e in the upper throat here once it goes beyond this level then the fast is broken and there are many scenarios here that maybe the questions will will probably clarify i have scenarios that i would like to go through about what invalidates the first and what does not invalidate so fast so if you remember we talked about that the conditions for fasting there's an underlying assumption in fasting like there's an underlying assumption in many of the islamic rulings in fasting the underlying assumption is that the fast is broken if you know what you're doing so if you absent-mindedly do something that breaks the fast it's it's one is excused so doing something absent-mindedly or out of forgetfulness like out of forgetfulness you eat something and then you remember it's ramadan it's excused absent-mindedly is excused out of ignorance is excused but out of ignorance is only allowed for certain people people who live far away from scholars and they have no one to ask so the access to knowledge is not is not there for them or those who are new muslims and they're still learning the rules but if someone is has been living among scholars or or has access to people who have knowledge ignorance is not an excuse so ignorance can be an excuse in certain cases but not in all cases doing something something absent-mindedly is an excuse doing something out of ignorance or out of forgetfulness as an excuse so let me see what time is it so perhaps we can stop here i'll take questions and answers and then i'll we'll take a look at the scenarios during the questions and answers maybe it will um it will come in the questions and answers that work yeah all right because it's now 6 15 i believe let me just open a file on my ipad and then we can hmm so we have 17 questions so far okay so i will read the question i can show it on the laptop as well and you can read it okay so i'm gonna choose questions randomly and then start answering them so we have one question here is it permissible to follow calculations to determine the beginning of ramadan usually when when you're in a locality you fast with the community so the community each country each community may have their own ways of determining the beginning of ramadan if you happen not to agree with those ways or you don't feel comfortable in those ways you can you can follow because citing the moon is for sure nobody disagrees on that there are certain groups that uh have started to use calculations so if you happen to be in a locality where they use calculations and you want to go with them it's up to you if you don't feel comfortable using calculations then you can do what you wish without causing without causing an uproar causing a fitness in your where you are however if you happen to be someone who believes that ramadan has begun through calculations as we mentioned here we said there are nine ways to determine when ramadan begins if you sight the moon yourself you must start fasting if you somebody tells you someone who is an upright witness side the moon then you must fast if the country you're in decide that the ramadan is tomorrow you have to fast that's not your responsibility if someone who is in astronomer or someone who knows calculations tells you that ramadan starts to murder and you believe him you happen to believe him then you have it you need to you can fast if you believe them then you can fast it's permissible to fast in the chaffee school it's it's it leans toward citing the moon not toward calculations there are a few uh opinions of scholars here and there that from that accepted calculations in the past but the majority of rolamer still favors sighting the moon what's the ruling on breaking the fast before hearing the call to prayer in a muslim country if one believes that the sun has set this is a bit vague if one believes that the sun has set i don't know what the word belief means but in terms of sunset just having faith that sunset has has come is not sufficient you need to be sure that sunset has come or close to certainty that sunset has come and there are many tools that can help you so you can use the the calendar for for sunset but sometimes the calendar they sometimes they print those calendars for five years to come or six years to come or sixty years to come so if you're not certain that the sunset is happening at 505 505 pm and give your time a couple of minutes just to be certain that sunset has arrived is gargling permissible while fasting what's important to keep in mind is that swallowing breaks are fast and if one mix will do and does will do normally and something slips by mistake it does not break the first but if someone exaggerates on mudu to the point they start gargling and gargling and gargling and then water splits it's our own mistakes because we have created the environment and the conditions for for the fast to be broken so in anything whether you are making wudu whether you put something inside your mouth you have to be extra careful not to have that thing goes beyond the throat or um causes to be swallowed another question can we brush our teeth or use toothpaste or mouthwash during the fast you can but you have to be careful because some toothpaste use sugar and when they use sugar sugar dissolves in water and dissolves in saliva so you have to if you if you brush your teeth you have to be extra careful to make sure that the sugar inside the toothpaste does not go beyond the throat i.e you have to clean your mouth and you need to make sure that your mouth is not like this but like this in order to make sure that no sugar has gone beyond the letter rain or so in all of these questions you have to be extra careful and if you're not sure of yourself don't do it or do it at a minimum level is it permissible to fast consecutive days outside of ramadan it is what's what's uh what's offensive is to fast every day throughout your life there are certain days that one cannot fast and one should not fast [Music] like the days of reed the five days of haid the days of the day of the doubt but anything beyond that one can fast construct consecutive days and one can make it a habit as well i'm gonna fast three days a week consecutively or four days a week consecutively or four days a month consecutively you can do that can you please explain what it means to hurry to break the fast should we pray maghrib first it's pretty simple once you are sure that maghrib that sunset has has happened has taken place all you have to do is just sip some water or have a date and then pray your maghreb and then have your meal so there is no um there is no conflict between uh praying maghreb quickly and also breaking the fast can you please explain what it means to hurry to break the fast i.e once one is sure that sunset has taken place one can break the fast and it's sunnah to hasten breaking the fast breaking the fast is different than having a full meal breaking the fast can be done with an odd number of dates or a cup of water or a cup of milk or anything it takes five seconds and then you pray maghrib and then you can you can have you can have your meal how can a mother with young children to care for to care for makes the most of her ramadan worship the prophet allah taught us to to give each one their you right and it's part of justice so a mother who cares for her children is actually giving the children their due right we all have rights and responsibilities and balancing out the rights versus responsibility is what we call justice i get my rights i have rights and i have obligations i fulfill my obligations i also get my rights a mother maybe has an obligation toward her children and by fulfilling those obligations she is actually giving the children their right and their jew and she's being just by doing so and and she can still make the most of ramadan because while she's caring for her children she can recite quran she can make salawat on the prophet allah she can by cooking for her children she is actually doing an act of worship and an act of devotion to allah so perhaps this is like a general answer but if there's a specific questions or case-by-case scenario maybe the question can be more specific but here maybe we should talk a little bit about breaking the fast if someone if a woman is pregnant or if a woman is breastfeeding her child can she break the fast there is a rule in the in in focal and in the shafter school whenever one life is involved and if someone breaks the fast for a good reason then only makeup is necessary when two lives are involved like a mother and her child breaking the fast for the sake of another life means that there's a makeup that needs to be done in addition to the makeup there is a fidya that needs to be paid so when one life is involved only makeup is necessary is sufficient when two lives are involved makeup and fidea a payment so let's say a woman is pregnant and she breaks her fast or she does not fast fearing for herself feeling for her life or fearing for harm that could that could happen to her she's excused to wake the fast and she can it's permissible for her to break the fast and all she has to do is to make up those days however if she falls into the condition that she does not really fear for herself but she feels for her child she's afraid for her child she can continue fasting but because she's afraid for her child she decides to break her fast in this case she needs to make up those days that she that she didn't fast in addition she needs to pay a video for each day that she did not fast so if she breaks the fast feeling for herself or for herself and her child only makeup is sufficient if she if she breaks the fast or or she does not fast and out of fear for her child only then makeup is necessary as well as fidya and it's fidya per year so if if somebody has has not fasted say two or three days they have until next ramadan to fast those days if next ramadan comes and those days haven't been fasted yet they still need to be fasted in addition if you need to be paid which is the same as the cattle equivalent of the cattle photo if a mother is breastfeeding a child or a woman is breastfeeding another child and she feels that if she were to fast there will be not enough milk there won't be any sufficient milk to breastfeed the child so she does not fast or she breaks her fast out of fear for the child in such case makeup is necessary as well as fidea so the rule is if one life is involved no video two lives are involved and the fast is broken or the fast is not made because of fear of another life then make up is necessary as well as fidelia given that mosques are closed due to the pandemic what should we do to make the most of our night worship you can play tarawih at home you can recite quran at home you can make dua at home you can say allah almost at home it can be done at home and in some schools it's preferable to do tarawih at home not in the mosque so if the mosques are closed this should not prevent us from making the most out of ramadan we can still make the most out of ramadan and and being muslim is is also being adaptable that you can survive in any environment you can survive under any conditions you can adapt to any circumstances and these are circumstances that will maybe give us the opportunity and the chance to be creative do you have any recommendations for those who cannot speak or read arabic in terms of how they can benefit from the quran let me answer this question first and then i'll go into another an extension of this question if even if someone does not speak or read arabic they can benefit from the quran read read the quran in the language that you are that you speak i read the translation of the um the first level meaning of the quran usually not all the meaning of the quran can be translated unless the two languages are similar in everything you can only translate one meaning of the areas but not all the possible meanings read those um the translation which is uh like tafsir this is like a commentary on the quran in a different language only translating one meaning of the ayat not all the possible meanings and reflect on those because the quran to everyone can benefit from the quran whether they're their scholars or their uh their children or their in the beginning uh there they just started to learn everyone can benefit and everyone can the quran can be a driving force and there's a meaning that's accessible to everyone and this meaning is powerful it can move people to do things it can move people to do good it can move people to prioritize doing good and it can move people to do to benefit now an extension of this of this question is if someone cannot speak or read arabic it's never late to start learning it's never late to start learning arabic actually it's never late to start learning anything because we are as muslims we we learn until we die we have many scholars who started learning at the age of 65. and before that they were they were janitors there was one scholar of al-azhar who used to be a janitor and one night he was cleaning and and he hit the student by mistake and the student called him out saying oh jahil you're just an ignorant man and and and the person who became an imam after he started thinking to himself yes that's true i'm an ignorant man then he started learning and he became an imam and wrote many books that are being studied today there are people who learned who started learning at the age of 35 those who started learning at the age of 45 those who started learning at the age of 65 those who started memorizing at the age of 80. seifuddinil amides when he was 80 years old and almost from memorizeali is is four volumes he memorized all of it at the age of 80 years old he said i should not leave this world until i memorized this text of course memorized the quran like a long time ago but learning is is not something that you you do when you're five years old or seven years old or ten years old only it can be done at any point in time and um the only things that prevent us from learning is ourselves because we have limiting beliefs in our brain that prevent us from from exploring what we can achieve can you offer advice for someone who has a large number of fasts to make up from previous years and is feeling overwhelmed they say a thousand steps begin with one step or a long journey begins with one step if one feels overwhelmed the first the best thing to do is to to make it into chunks i say i have 30 days to fast and i make it into chunks i say this month i'm gonna fast one day or two day and then keep doing it every month doing it continuously if you make a plan and follow this plan even if it is little and then you can increase it you can change it you can adapt it does tasting the salt and food break the fast again anything that dissolves in water we should not allow the saliva to go past the throat so if salt or sugar dissolves in saliva you have to spit it out and clean your mouth before swallowing your saliva otherwise we have a foreign substance that has gone through an open passageway and has reached the stomach so does tasting the salt in food break the fast it does not unless you swallow it but since it dissolves in saliva you have to be extra careful now not to swallow it so you you spit it out you wash your mouth and you against your your mouth and then you spray it out and and then you can swallow your saliva should women who are pregnant or nursing refrain from fasting this question we just answered briefly is if a woman is pregnant there are certain times where it could harm her or it could have an impact on her there are certain times where it it may not have an impact on her so it's up to her if she fears for herself or that harm could happen to her and she breaks the fast she can do so she can do so and she has to make up those days if she fears for her child she can also break the fast and in this case she has to do makeup as well as fidya per year should women who are pregnant or nursing refrain from fasting and it's not mandatory it's not obligatory it's it's up to them and based on experience or based on the advice of of an upright muslim doctor if an upright muslim doctor tells her that you should not fast and she should not fast because there's a substitute for that and all from experience she began fasting and then it exhausted her then she can stop fasting but should she refrain or not it's either depending on experience or depending on the advice of of an expert doctor who happens to be an upright muslim doctor i.e a muslim doctor should know about the rulings of fasting so when he advises her he advises her he or she advises her taking into consideration these rulings is it correct that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam fasted for three days straight without breaking his fast but didn't recommend that we do the same yes it's true it's correct the prophet sallam did what we call we saw i.e he linked days continuously without breaking the fast and when the companions some of the companions wanted to do the same he told them let's do atikum you are not like me and i'm not like you a beethoven ceremony i stay with my lord and he feeds me and give me drink not physical drink and physical food but i.e the the soul elevates to a point where um where the the the need for food becomes less and less our soul is not like the soul of the prophet and for this reason the prophet sallam told them do not do it and it's not for three days it's for a number of days whether it's two days or three days or more or less how can i stay motivated to do good deeds during ramadan that's a good question but it may require more information how can i stay motivated to do good deeds during ramadan good deeds does not imply that you have to do a buffet and invite everybody a good deed could be could be very little the prophet sallam talked about we have 10 minutes left talked about iman and he says the highest of which is and the lowest of which is to remove harm from the path of people and between them there are 60 plus or 70 plus levels of iman feeding people is part of iman inviting your friends and your families for no other reason just to feed them for the sake of allah that's part of iman the same thing here to do good deeds does not mean that you have to do one anything can be a good deed smiling can be a good deed so how can i stay motivated the question maybe is what's causing you not to be motivated what's causing us not to be motivated what's not allowing us to be motivated these circumstances or this environment needs to be addressed certain conditions have caused us not to be motivated if we can deal with that we can motivate it or to be with people if maybe if you're alone you cannot be motivated be with those that motivate you but perhaps more information is needed does getting the coronavirus vaccine and validates one fast this is part of the scenarios i was going to talk about is any substance that reaches the body cavities through an open passageway breaks the fast a needle does not break the fast unless it reaches the body cavity the stomach or the brain the suppository breaks fast because it's a foreign substance entering the body through an open passageway that happens to be the buttocks does getting the coronavirus vaccine invalidates once fast a needle a shot does not break the fast usually usually there are certain cases where it may and the scholars of this century are there's a couple of positions on that should one fast if this suspect that they may have contracted the corona virus i'm not an expert on the coronavirus but i'll give you a general principle should one fast or should one not fast needs either experience or an advice of a doctor an advisor for an upright muslim doctor that tells you if you fast you're going to harm yourself or you're going to delay the cure or delay healing yourself should one fast if they suspect that they may have contracted the coronavirus in general if someone is if something is going to harm me from experience this could be an excuse for me not to fast or through an advice of a muslim doctor of an upright muslim doctor how can someone with many work or school obligations prioritize worship during ramadan ask people who are in your situations what do they do how do they prioritize um this is also a general question that need more information to answer the specific assumptions behind this question let me just go over some scenarios and so if someone is of old age they don't need to fast and and they just do they pay a fidya someone has a chronic disea the illness they don't need to fast and they can pay a fiducia uh smoking cigarettes breaks the fast shisha breaks the first sniffing something breaks the fast if it goes beyond the nostrils suppositories break the fast any substance entering from the genitals or from the frontal from the front or the back of the genitals breaks the first endoscopy breaks the fast a tube an artificial tube going through the stomach breaks the fast any substance going through the mouth or the nose breaks the fast tasting food by itself does not break the fast unless you swallow it uh um uh smelling perfumes or smelling food or smelling incense because in many countries they have incense uh in in homes and in in mosques or in in in places of worship this does not break the fast giving blood as donation does not break the fast but if it's going to weaken you then it's offensive whatever is going to weaken you and prevent you from fulfilling the obligation of fast in an optimal way one should try to avoid but in normal circumstances if someone is not weakened and they want to donate blood it does not break the fast if it happens during the day taking blood for analysis does not break the fast putting putting ointment or putting putting honey on your skin and absorption of of the nutrition through the pores does not break the fast remember a substance has to enter the body cavity through an open passageway ear drops ear drops break the fast according to the majority there is the matter is is is is debatable amongst the scholars but the reliable position is that it breaks the fast so one should avoid it eye drop does not break the fast but there's an opinion that breaks the fast so the reliable position does not break the fast if you want to avoid it you can avoid it in the day getting a shot in your muscles does not break the fast [Music] anesthetic break the fast if it is total anesthetic and lasts for the whole day so if one is under anesthetics from before dawn until after sunset the fast is broken there actually there is no fast and it has to be fully full anesthetic not a partial aesthetic just for your hand or for your jaw but a full anesthetic and toothpaste breaks the fast if it mixes with a saliva and you swallow it so too space you have to be extra careful if you use it if one vomits involuntary does not break the fast if you vomit voluntary it breaks the fast swallowing saliva does not break the fast unless unless the saliva leaves your mouth and then goes back in if it leaves your mouth it becomes a foreign substance when it goes back in and you swallow it it causes you to break the fast how can this happen if you happen to be fixing a shirt or fixing and you're using a thread and a needle and you put the thread in your mouse and you wet it once it leaves a mouth this is now a foreign substance if you put it back in the mouth and then that saliva on the thread ends up being swallowed the fast is broken so those who works as as tailors or those who mothers fixing the the the clothes of their children they need to be extra careful uh dialysis breaks the fast cleaning your kidneys breaks the fast so that's in general and then you can any other scenarios will be similar to what i mentioned so this covers around 80 of scenarios there are 20 percent of scenarios that are not covered in this session and if you have a question please ask those questions or ask those people of knowledge in your community in your locality and they should insha allah be able to to answer you let me see i think we've answered all the questions oh does missing obligatory prayer during ramadan invalidate the fast acts of four ships are independent so if you if if one prays but does not fast we we give them credit for praying and we commend them and we encourage them to fast if those that fast without praying and there are people like that we give them a credit for fasting and we encourage them to pray but if one does not pray it does not nullify the fast if one does not fast it does not nullify the prayer acts of devotion are independent in uh according to sunnis and also according likely to shias the more tesla some of them are tesla used to link acts of worship but not in the opinion of the majority of scholars what is the correct interpretation of the hadith fasting is for me and i reward it and how do we reconcile it with the purpose of fasting as stated in the quran i.e that fasting is for the purpose of taqwa taqwa is a benefit of fasting one of the wisdom and benefit of fasting and allah is saying fasting is for me i.e a person fast for the sake of allah to get close to allah this is an act that doesn't usually happens between people if i want to get close to brother haroon i don't fast five days and then i come to him he does not care whether i fast or does not fast so getting into proximity to someone doesn't usually happen when people fast it happens if i give him a gift maybe he'll you know he'll say uh i'm gonna invite you to dinner or something but in terms of fasting uh when you refrain yourself from and you break your desires for the sake of allah and you break your habits and you tame your soul and you are actually getting close to allah attack and you're not you're not trying to show off you're at home nobody is around you you can eat anything you want but you still refrain from eating you still refrain from drinking you still refrain from sexual intercourse you still refrain from anything that that is an appetite of the stomach or the genitals just for the sake of allah and for this reason allah rewards it he says fasting is for me and i reward it because only allah the reward cannot happen from anyone else he knows what we go through and he will he is the one that will reward us as for the purpose of fasting is stakwa it's one of the benefit one of the wisdom and there are many benefits and wisdoms and they're not in conflict one last question we stopped does the covet test which requires a nasal or throat swab breaks the fast if the throat swab goes beyond the lateral rein or it breaks the fast if the the nasal swab goes beyond the nostrils here it breaks the fast so if you want to do a covet test do it before ramadan i'll do it after sunset inshaallah will stop here thank you very much for for listening to this session and uh and thank you all for listening to uh also imam imam tahir and dr abdul ali yesterday and the day before when they covered the focus of fasting according to the hanafi and and and malik schools uh thank you very much to the team here the professional team taking care of us and and and making sure that we look nice on screen and switching between the presentation and the speaker and reminding me every once in a while that we have ten minutes to go or five minutes insha allah will stop here was allah muhammad happy ramadan ramadan mubarak
Channel: Zaytuna College
Views: 101,325
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Id: 23OAb0yup08
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Length: 116min 41sec (7001 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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