Mufti Menk - Soften Your Heart with Ramadhan - 2019

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you do it for the pleasure of allah allah instructed you that is why you are going to do it yes and you will be happy to do it so you are actually doing it for the sake of allah and you will achieve goodness from it but you need to make your mind up from now this ramadan i'm going to read quran assalamu alaikum allah once again my brothers my sisters we always praise allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we seek his protection from we seek his protection against all evil and we ask him every goodness not just for us but for humanity at large and we send blessings and salutations upon muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and all those who were sent from the very beginning to remove us from darkness and to take us to the light amen and we ask allah to bless their companions and to bless every one of us and to grant us all the best of this world and the next amin my brothers and sisters every year the month of ramadhan comes and this month it brings about a different joy we become happy people mashallah during the month of ramadan especially when we're about to see the moon and then once the moon is sighted and the excitement of the first few nights of tarawih sort of dwindles we find the masjid is slightly empty and people start beginning to feel like gosh i've still got 27 days to go right and then when you're in this part of the world subhanallah it becomes so prolonged especially during these years but allah compensates it but a few years down the line you guys will be having the shortest fasts ever right we might have to come here for ramadan at that time for now you can come over by us it's fine no problem it's actually permissible to travel to a place where the fast is shorter nothing wrong to do that you can actually travel to a place where the fast is shorter in order to spend ramadan with your children or those who might not be so well or those who just cannot keep such a long fast it's not prohibited make it easy i know you're looking at me like are you going to give us the money to go on holiday you know but my brothers and sisters ramadan is a blessed month it's a blessed month when we see the moon that goodness and when you know the lights are turned on in the masjid and the people are fulfilling their salah and even in the homes the environment is such that wallahi the blessedness you feel it you can actually feel it it's different the food you consume during the evening in ramadan has a taste to it that is different from that which was eaten even if it were the same dish before or after ramadan it's a blessing but my brothers and sisters remember that that initial hype the initial high that we're sorry i'm not talking of cannabis not at all but the initial high that you feel subhanallah we need to maintain that you need to keep going the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam has taught us about how the best of deeds are those that are done regularly even if they're little small deeds but done regularly so when we start ramadan yes we're excited the first day we're with the imam we heard the whole of surah the next day we are not there why hey it was a bit long yesterday subhanallah by the way what's the score guys anyone knows one nil la hawla people are following football no it's okay it is one new by the way may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us ease people are asking us why did you time it such that you're going to cardiff tomorrow i said just as well we didn't go to cardiff today you know but my brothers and sisters that will only be understood by the football fans right so that hype we have a hype you know we support a football team and we get so excited i see people masha'allah they look so religious they weep they cry tears when their team is losing i promise you they make dua like they haven't even made for their own mother's in-law they make dua like they have never made for their family members just for a team for a ball to be kicked this way and that way the point i want to raise is look at how passionate we become we'll follow the team and keep going and the players and everything else but i promise you the season of ramadan is far more important we need to follow it with equally important with meaning with greater zeal we need to make sure that we actually have this within us to say look this is the month i am definitely going to make an effort because my brothers and sisters without an effort it's not going to come you know don't think that allah will push you along all the way no you got to push yourself because allah gave you the energy make the effort i promise you without the effort it's not going to happen if we didn't make an effort this event was not going to take place and if you didn't make an effort this event was not going to take place you made an effort we made an effort we all tried to get this thing coming get you know get it together that's why it is here and that's why we're all here imagine if somebody didn't think of it and if somebody if you guys didn't think of coming and contributing towards the success of this beautiful event with such a lovely uh you know place that a venue that we've had alhamdulillah i was just telling one of the brothers this venue is superb perhaps we should do more here subhanallah will each one of you bring along ten of your friends with you sha allah yeah and we can have a much more impressive event inshallah by the will of allah who knows well if you're really keen you can always write up to light upon light inshallah and tell them that we will make sure that it happens insha'allah so if you don't make an effort you're not going to be able to achieve when the first day of ramadan comes already you should have an intention that this month i'm going to dedicate i'm going to dedicate when ramadan comes it is a month where you will feel fatigued you will feel tired your sleep is going to be upside down especially in this part of the world your chores are going to be difficult to fulfill the night is not going to be so easy as short as it is you've got to eat you've got to make maghrib perhaps the hajju becomes a little bit easier you might want to shorten it slightly you're going to have to have fajr and your sleeping times and you will also hear about the debates regarding the timings of when you're allowed to put a date in your mouth or not right all those debates are in their places you might be thinking well please tell us what's the ruling do you want to know it no you don't i might come up with a third opinion and i'm going to cause problems here i'm not from this part of the world so i leave it to the local scholars they've probably studied it more than i have but i want to tell you there can be there can be more than one correct opinion did you hear what i said i'm a person who firmly believes that if you actually in a matter of he had in a matter of you know where the opinions are valid you can actually have more than one valid opinion may allah bless every one of us and accept our fasting so it's not good enough to say your guys fasting is not accepted because you know you you ate for an hour more than we ate if it is a valid opinion based on evidence alhamdulillah or based on what scholars who are reputable are saying then alhamdulillah may allah grant us acceptance i know it's a big debate big debate the difference is what one hour two hours between in the timing approximately can someone tell me about an hour an hour's difference yeah so we ask allah to make it easy for every one of us whether you're following the later time the earlier time it doesn't mean that you're a bad person remember that so you need to have it within you in advance you need to know i'm going to be tired it's not going to be easy but i'm going to keep going because we want the pleasure of allah allah has promised you jannah and jannah is not free and jannah is not such an easy achievement when the hadith says indeed the commodity of allah is expensive it's dear which means it costs you have to pay for it if it was something so easy he wouldn't have said that that's why when there are deeds that you do and allah says in return you get jannah that deed is not going to be easy it's going to be difficult it's going to be really difficult you need to make an effort i gave an example a few days ago of how when the hadith says to serve your parents you will gain jannah you need to know that's not going to be easy it's going to be one of the most difficult things i'm ever going to be able to do especially as you get older and you've got your own family with your own kids and then you still have to juggle between your wife and your parents and so on and your family members etc that is why allah says you will get jannah you see because it's tough it's very difficult it's not easy same applies to the month of ramadan to stand with iman and to fast with iman and the hadith says you will be totally forgiven one narration says you will be given jannah what's iman and what's up iman is the conviction in your heart the belief that i'm doing this for the sake of allah for the pleasure of allah to earn the happiness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala means i'm doing this expecting a reward from allah allah promises me a reward and i'm doing this for this reward some people say i don't want to do it for the reward i don't want to do it for this and for that i just want to do it for myself well as a muslim you need to rectify that intention you do it for the pleasure of allah allah instructed you that is why you are going to do it yes and you will be happy to do it so you are actually doing it for the sake of allah and you will achieve goodness from it but you need to make your mind up from now this ramadan i'm going to read quran and i'm going to make sure come what may i'm going to cover the entire quran in this month many of us unfortunately perhaps the majority of us we don't complete the entire quran in ramadan right i want to teach you something this year that will make life so easy for you from now you can download an app perhaps on quran central you can download that app quran central choose one of your favorite reciters and guess what if the recite is reading a little bit slow what you do is let the reciter read a little bit and you repeat after the reciter and you repeat after the reciter if you have the opportunity to open the quran in front of you you can hear the recitation and read after the reciter and you just finish a quarter juice after every salah a quarter juice what's that not more than 10 minutes after every salah or sit in the evening and do it for 30 minutes you've got the whole juice done sit in the evening sit in the morning while you're waiting for iftar whatever but you need to promise yourself from now that's one way of doing things and that's for those perhaps who might not be professional in recitation of the quran and you will perfect or improve your quran but if you don't have a plan you're not going to get anywhere you don't have a goal what's going to happen that football match you don't even know where the goal posts are and i think some players are like that the way they operate open goal post and the guy flicks it right over and you wonder gosh did you see man you know may allah grant us ease this is what's happening to us in ramadan open goal pose we're not scoring any goals because we don't have a plan we don't even know what we're supposed to be achieving here so if you have an aim and an objective and you have a goal you will achieve i one thing that you have to promise this ramadan and i made you promise this earlier i'm repeating the same thing do you remember what promise you made earlier today what was it we are going to concentrate on our forgotten on our character subhanallah we're going to you see the others we've just eaten masha'allah manchester whatever it was we've forgotten everything else masha'allah we will concentrate on our character many of us in ramadan we fail dismally when it comes to character in your home with your spouse with your parents with your brothers and sisters with your children with whoever else there may be out of the home those who work with you those you interact with muslim or non-muslim whoever they may be you must improve your character ramadan is a month of shining and ramadan is a month of working hard on your bad habits and getting rid of them if you have bad words that you add in your speech eradicate them forever not just for the month of ramadan you don't need to use those words you're a believer you're upright the respect that you will enjoy from people is very closely related to the type of language and the expressions on the face that you have and you use with the people if you have a good expression and you use brilliant language they will respect you come what may but if you have a bad expression you're looking gloomy you're looking like you don't even want to talk to the people you're looking angry all the time trust me they won't even want to come near you and if you were to talk to them harshly they will run away from you that's why we always say if you want to know if allah if allah's mercy is upon you take a look at your character i'm talking of muslims muslims we fail to realize sometimes the importance of greatness of character how do you make people feel when you walk by do you acknowledge them do you smile do you maybe greet them do you at least give a good feeling you know to the people around you subhanallah sometimes we don't and more importantly the non-muslims because today look what's happening over the globe people have such a bad misconception that is being unfortunately driven by various sectors across the globe that muslims are the worst people on earth yet subhanallah every day aren't we supposed to be struggling to be the best of people the most charitable the most compassionate people the the ones with the best language the best expressions the ones who reach out not just to humanity but even to animals we don't even reach out to animals subhanallah and this is a month of compassion it's at our doorstep are we planning to improve our character it starts today cut out your bad words learn to say i'm sorry learn to say i love you i adore you to the right people by the way yes learn to say and you you earn jannah through this you make your spouse whom you are supposed to be making feel the best feeling you give them that feeling don't you deserve a reward i mean that's the mother of your children or the father the dedication the effort the sacrifice what they've done what they do on a daily basis they might make mistakes we all make mistakes that's not the end of the world we will rectify obviously it depends what mistake they can't punch you up and then you say didn't you hear they say that the sheikh say it's okay you know it's fine you can give me another chance and you're blue and you're saying yeah i heard it you know may allah not not let that happen there is a limit beyond which obviously you you can walk out there is a limit you you don't just you know sponge in everything no there is a limit if someone is abusing you and that abuse hits a level where it is unacceptable and you are you cannot do anything about it and you would like to perhaps terminate you may follow that path may allah protect us our children our boys our girls and all those who are married and even those who are not married may allah grant you the spouses who will be the coolness of your eyes but going back to the issue of character and conduct when we say charity begins at home it really does because in islam the beginning of a charity is with your expression people don't understand that the prophet muhammad peace be upon him says a charity is to smile at the face of you the others a charity is to smile that's the word of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him a charity moments ago there was a charity raising funds right we should have all just said guys i'll give you 20 smiles i'll give you 15 smiles you can give me 500 smiles mashaallah tabaraka sometimes your smile is more desperately needed than your money do you know that i know many beggars who say you know it's just because i'm desperate but if i wasn't i would have thrown this money back at the guy's face the way he threw the money at me you don't ever throw money money is it can be converted into an act of worship with the correct intention and used in the proper way you place it with respect in the hands of the people you are giving it to you don't ever throw money never respectfully give it a lot of respect it's an emma of allah it's a boon it's a favor it's a gift allah gave you a gift these gifts you don't just throw them may allah bless us this month is a month of giving it starts with your expression that's why i said i want to myself personally concentrate on my character this month i'm going to go out of my way to make sure that everyone around me feels important they feel loved they feel great they feel grand no matter what may allah make it easy for me and for all of us i'm inviting you to join me in this challenge are you ready how beautiful lovely mashallah some of the young boys out here are the most enthusiastic about it but yes it will make a difference not just with you with your families with your neighbors with those around you with your cities within your country you will change the perception of who a muslim actually is subhanallah the problem with us when we think ramadan you know people were saying you guys are going to talk the whole day about ramadan yeah we can talk the whole month about ramadan it's okay because we've got things to say that people sometimes have taken for granted when we say ramadan what do you think of fasting and taraweh what else iftar maybe what else sleeping a lot of people think of sleeping in ramadan right and sometimes we were looking for excuses not too fast any small excuse oh i'm lucky i've got this excuse i'm not fasting masha'allah oh okay subhanallah let me not say what i was about to say may allah grant us ease you know my brothers my sisters without dedication and without hard work you won't achieve you won't achieve so let's have the plan and let's fulfill it when the second night of ramadan comes in remember this day remember what we are promising today what are we promising we are saying that when the second night of ramadan comes in we won't be lazy we're going to get up and say ah i'm not going to falter i'm not dwindling i'm not going down i know we lead the tarawih in the masjids we deliver sometimes talks in the masjid we try not to prolong this year the series will not be more than 12 minutes inshallah some people come and say no please lengthen it you know hang on hang on we have to cater for those who really find it difficult to listen to a good talk so unfortunately we're going shorter and shorter and shorter there will come a time when we'll have to get up speak for three minutes and walk away because you'll be losing out on your game i think allah make it easy so remember you're gonna have to get up again and make sure it happens when we get up for tarawih and for the lecture we notice first day is packed second day slightly less third day okay fourth day is as though everyone is gone for umrah mashallah a week later they come back with a haircut and you wonder marshall how's your umrah umrah who went for umrah say oh but i thought you went for umrah no no i just had a haircut but you were missing from the masjid we can't even say you were missing from the masjid because nowadays it makes it sounds like oh so you were taking register here you know that's not what we were doing but i'm just saying guys you know come on let's this is the house of allah i promise you when we are connected to the houses of allah to the masjid it is a sign of closeness to allah if i were connected to your house and i could walk in there anytime and feel at home sit comfortably and do what i'd like in the lounge and you know help myself to the fridge and the whatever else and the food and so on doesn't that depict a closeness in relationship i can come in and walk out i promise you if you want a good relationship with allah walk into his houses more often just go more often you see the house of allah stop there salah go in salaam alaikum brothers how are you guys everything okay sisters subhanallah you know in the sense that within your own space you can also do the same subhanallah and you know what you will find a huge difference in your life very big difference because the hadith speaks about the person whose heart is connected to the masjid that person will be allah's guest on the day of qiyama special guest you came to my house so many times today i'm going to honor you that's what it is it's a hadith seven people who will be granted a special shade on the day of qiyama one of them is a person who whose heart was always at the masjids they wanted to go they wanted to do you know the calmness in the masjid is only felt by those who know it when they go before everyone else and as you enter and it's still quite empty you can feel that serenity subhanallah feel it and you come out feeling so good about things mashallah just make sure you smile at people and if someone comes uncle uncle are you the guy from the hard way you know i need to buy a wheelbarrow since we talk outside people do this they discourage you from coming to the mosque by asking you for discounts because that's probably the only time they got to stand next to you and they building a big building you know and they know we're going to save a lot of money but it's wrong to go into the masjid with the intention of meeting someone for business and this is why when people say hey you know i need to see you okay i'll see you in the masjid i say no no the masjid i'm going to see allah we can meet you in the car park afterwards outside there inshaallah and see what's happening subhanallah another very interesting factor my brothers and sisters this ramadan we quitting smoking done done some of you have already quitted and some of the youngsters saying yes don't even smoke this ramadan we're cutting smoking it's going it's being thrown out the world has thrown it out we have to throw it out we have to cut out smoking this ramadan you know what one of the worst things ever is for a person to break a fast with a cigarette and it's happening i don't know what's going on here but i'm glad to hear that cigarettes are so expensive that people can't even afford them at times it's bad for the health it's something bad isn't it something you should quit for the month of ramadan if your heart is not going to be softened by that what will it be softened by if ramadan didn't stop you from bad then what is going to stop you from bad if allah gave you a month to reflect on your bad habits and you haven't then what is going to make you reflect on your bad habit are you waiting for something worse to happen to you than perhaps a little car accident you want to lose a limb you want to be perhaps told that you are terminally ill may allah to those who are sick and ill say amen do you want to be told about the death of a loved one what do you want to be told before you are going to change what do you want write it down it will come to you but you know what a winner is a person who doesn't wait for all of that what are you waiting what did allah give you come on you've committed enough sins cut it chop it it's over come on we know what it's all about let's now be better people well behaved we're going to go to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and we're going to we're going to live with dignity and we're going to live insha'allah in a way that we reach out to others i don't want to think just because i'm living you know reading five salah a day so i need to look at the others and say guys i am going to jannah you know you guys are not that's the attitude today i'm going to jannah you guys are not going that's how people think that thought itself is problematic it shows that your heart is diseased because to feel superior to someone is a problem you don't know upon what condition you are going to die and you actually are judged based on how the match ended you could be losing five no but the match you could win it six five do you agree and when you were five nil you're already telling people you guys are out you're not going through you you guys are totally this and then guess what happened there was a comeback six five quiet same thing happens in our deen we look at others and condemn them and tell the guys you guys there's no hope you guys it's over you've been so bad it's out and we walk like we're the big kings here you don't know tables can turn at any time they have turned and they keep turning that's why be humble be humble look at people with respect talk to them even if they are struggling with a few things help them through i was speaking about smoking i've witnessed people come out of the masjid ramadan and the first thing they do is light a cigarette straight my brother i know you probably have the excuse of saying but you know i just needed that hang on it's a month cut it out inshallah ask allah's help replace it with something healthy i spoke about exercising and burning a bit of you know calories or whatever you want through the day or even in ramadan perhaps even in the evenings depending on your timing through the day is not bad as well and i tell you if you replace cigarettes with something healthy you won't miss the cigarettes it's just in your mind people say but it's affecting my uh it's in the mind you can help yourself i know people will hear this later and comment saying no you don't know because you're not a smoker i i know because i definitely am not a smoker so much so that one brother comes to me and says okay i'll give it up but tell me will i have it in jannah what a question i'll give up smoking but will i have it in jannah and i says you know what yeah possibly if you have a fire to light it you know to get that fire you're gonna have to go somewhere else you know may allah forgive us this is the thing my brothers and sisters we're worried about what we're going to get in jannah without worrying about going to jannah it's the third time i've said it in just as many days we're worried about what we're going to get in jannah without worrying about getting to jannah how ironic how ironic so ramadan is a month of softening your problems that you have your difficulties you have your disputes you have in your family mostly are connected to a few topics a few topics number one [Music] money connected to wealth brothers killing each other because of money wealth don't worry i promise you if you can resolve your matter for the sake of allah and be the bigger one and we have disputes at home once you get married and you've got your own spouse and kids suddenly you have politics with your siblings and your parents and everyone else cut it be the bigger person yes protect yourself you know sometimes it's better to be at a respectful distance than to be disrespectfully together did you hear what i said to be disrespectfully together in one home or in each other's faces is worse than to be at a respectful distance or at a distance respectfully i prefer that i prefer to be at a distance and respectful rather than be in each other's faces when you're not even getting along we want to greet each other we want to be able to resolve matters if solving a problem is simply by saying i'm sorry when you're not really wrong sometimes be the bigger person and say those three words to resolve a 20-year dispute and walk away with a smile in your heart you know it's okay i did it for the sake of allah fine and then don't go around saying you know i had a big heart i just said i'm sorry but i know i was right these guys were still wrong because now that that wasn't genuine it's gonna go back to square one and you're gonna start the problem all over again our egos let us down my brothers and sisters our egos let us down i don't want i'm never i that's it i can't forgive i'm not going to forgive imagine when abu bakr al-siddiq whose daughter is the wife of the prophet was accused of having an affair and you know what allah clarified her name and at the same time abu bakr sadiq was so angry with one of the one of his relatives who was spreading a rumor and that relative was a poor person whom they used to spend on imagine you giving a guy a salary every week or every month and that's the same guy who's speaking bad about you and spreading rumors about your family justifiably human nature he said wallahi i'm never going to spend on this person again and allah says [Music] those whom we have given virtue to those whom we have blessed with the blessings of so many things such as wealth and whatever else they will not make a promise not to spend on their relatives they won't make up they are those whom we have blessed will not stop giving others they will not promise not to give their relatives and those who have done the hijra but instead forgive and embrace allah [Music] would you not like that allah forgives you if you want allah to forgive you forgive embrace he forgave he embraced and he was the best to tread this earth after the prophets of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he forgave and he embraced as difficult as it was are you prepared i know each one of us each one of us we have our little struggles sometimes these struggles are connected to people whom we just don't want to see yes it's there but you know the burden on your shoulders you can just remove it and release it say listen you know what it's okay even if the person is toxic and you would like to stay away from them stay away from them in a beautiful way what does that mean no comments i don't want to say anything good i don't want to say anything bad i'm just going to keep quiet and do my thing that's also fine it's the it's the least of the lot meaning it's the bottom of the list someone is toxic they haven't changed they keep harming you they keep attacking you they keep you know letting you down in so many different ways you are justified to stay away but don't hold it in your heart and don't say it to people all the time this person is like that like keep quiet someone says something say look i've got no comment i don't want to say anything i don't want to mess my mouth and i'm just going to leave the that's the least you could do so what i said today we will forgive as far as possible don't let your ego come in the way especially family and others when it gets toxic and when you know that you know what i'm not going to be able to live with this person and interact with them today i'm teaching you to forgive them but you don't have to interact with them difference when i was young and up to not long ago and still we hear people say forgive and forget i believe that doesn't exist the forgive part i can do the forget part it will take time do you agree the forget part takes time it's not in my hands to forget i will remember in fact i should remember so i'm not bitten from the same place twice should remember but i've forgiven when you forgive do you have to embrace and interact the answer is it is recommended to do so but it's not necessary if the person is toxic i've forgiven but i don't want to interact am i justified yes you are it's okay don't worry have you seen the difference now between the two there are people i'm sure in your lives you must be nodding your heads you've got a little picture cartoon popping up at the top there boom with a face that's the woman you know that's the guy right toxic which means i i don't want but i've forgiven i've let it go i'm not holding it against them oh and you make dua for them without them knowing oh allah grant them o allah bless them o allah give them more goodness why why that's tough right because when you pray for the goodness of someone else the angels are asking allah to give you the same if not more and to get the dua of the angel you're going to have to just pray for someone else you follow what i'm saying and the dua of the angel is more righteous than yours it requires a big heart allah bless them give them i remember one guy was told that you know what if you are going to make dua for this enemy of yours when you make du'a for yourself we're going to give you an enemy double did you hear that when you make dua for yourself we're going to give you an enemy double so he says okay i'd like a mountain of gold so he got a mountain his enemy got two mountains ah he's upset you've got your mountain you asked for it so what if we give the other guy or don't give the other guy it's irrelevant he asked for a beautiful castle and the enemy got two of those castles whoa whoa then he says okay do me a favor scare me half to death okay what did he want subhanallah he wanted these that body to get scared all the way to death may allah forgive us allah forgive us but this is the nature of man we cannot see someone flourish when what we have is enough for us it's more than enough for us i i want to raise one thing that ramadan should bring about we are supposed to be reaching out to the poor the wealthier we get the more miserly we tend to become and there are exceptions to that there are definitely exceptions but when you have a business for example and it's a huge business you lose sleep over attack shop that is opened across the road selling something similar to you you lose sleep but you're a multi-million dollar company multi-million dollar store and you're worried about a small tuck shop that is across the road and you're losing sleep over it the millions you've made you're never ever going to use them in your life and your generations will probably be killing each other because they want your money not even theirs and you know what you're worried about a guy who's trying to earn something halal so what where is your iman gone in this month of giving learn to give and be happy when someone else has started up something similar to what you have started because sustenance comes from allah i learned this in some of the middle eastern countries when i was in madina and we walked into the stalls and so on when you go to buy abayas the whole lot of shops are abaya shops it makes it easy they're not upset i have one you're not allowed to have anyone else here i'm the only person here they say no it's fine i recall a story of a person i used to go and sit with the times and he found something that one of the customers wanted and then he says my sister do me a favor the shop down there has had no customers today can you please go and buy the same thing from that person and then he phones the brother he says you know what i'm just sending a customer there just baraka you know so that you can open your day i see no customers have come to you today would you do that nah bro you must buy from me where's your iman gone i rather have one less commodity sold and have be filled with blessing and get to dua that is made for me by the angels than to go out and try and grab someone else's you know opportunity may allah protect us that's the greed that man has ramadan is here to clean your greed you're supposed to be cleaning the greed you follow what i'm saying clear it up so this ramadan inshallah we want to soften the heart character conduct dedication inshallah we're going to read the quran we're going to be as enthusiastic through the month and when ramadan ends we're going to continue inshaallah with a few little things that we've gained in ramadan so that if every ramadan you move five centimeters by the time ten ramadin are completed you've moved half a meter half a meter and when 20 ramadans are over you've done the entire meeting may allah bless you all and thank you so much for your attendance this evening we ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to grant us success and to open our doors the brothers are telling me that i still have three more minutes so alhamdulillah i can continue my brothers and sisters it is very important to seek the forgiveness of allah it's the month of forgiveness do you know that the minor sins you commit are automatically forgiven without even you knowing as you do good deeds and as you fulfill your farah you've done your salah you committed one or two minor sins you've done another salah and between the two salahs there's a great possibility that allah just wiped out those sins because now you did a good deed indeed good deeds wipe out bad deeds when you do good deeds you wipe out the bad deeds so one of the ways of increasing your closeness with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala or the closeness to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is by increasing your good deeds someone told me i've got a bad habit what should i do and i said my brother this bad habit to eradicate it you need willpower you need to ask allah and you need to increase your good deeds so by increasing good you won't have much time for the bad anymore increase the good it's like a seesaw if i'm increasing on one side the other side is naturally going to become light and if i've increased the one the other one becomes light and so on so remember to seek the forgiveness of allah and to increase your good deeds so that it can remain because many of us seek the forgiveness of allah and we fall back into the sin seek the forgiveness of allah regret remorse fall back into the sin but don't allow that to happen if it does don't lose hope in the mercy of allah but don't plan it be strong learn to say no learn to just say no for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and you'll find the goodness you'll find the purity help people along and see what happens to you my brothers and sisters remember that allah sent this quran and the quran is going to bear witness for you or against you this quran will come on the day of judgment and talk about you al-quran this quran is either for you or against you let the quran be bearing witness for you by learning it reading it understanding it putting it into practice conveying it to others and understanding the context of revelation for indeed the verses of the quran have a context without understanding the context sometimes you could misunderstand things may allah protect every one of us foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Eman Channel
Views: 336,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mufti menk, mufti menk ramadhan, mufti menk ramzan, mufti menk ramadan, ramadan 2019, forgiveness, islam, muslim, mufti ismail menk, mufti menk 2019, mufti menk marriage, mufti menk lecture, mufti menk speech, islamic speech, motvational moment, islam question and answer, mufti ismail menk ramadhan, mufti menk ramadan 2019, nouman ali khan, nouman ali khan ramadan 2019
Id: kBZKvYBOlbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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