The Story of Prophet Yunus (AS) - Sheikh Dr. Omar Suleiman - Light Upon Light

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foreign for this wonderful conference I pray that Allah bless all of the volunteers that put this together all of the scholars that have delivered such powerful lessons thus far and of course everyone that attended hoping to increase in their love of Allah and their connection to the prophets especially our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam so when I was asked which prophet I would choose I decided to choose a prophet who Allah prioritized in telling the prophet saws about in the revelation of the Quran you know typically when I would ask people you know who do you think the first prophet Allah spoke about in the Quran is people would automatically go to Musa and of course why not musadi is made him the most frequently spoken about prophet the father of the prophets why not Ibrahim because of who Ibrahim is and what he represents and he's the father of the prophets and some would say well maybe it's and why not is the closest of the prophets to the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam as the prophet Muhammad why because there is no Nabi between them there is no Prophet between them and so the prophet Muhammad is the closest to the prophet Islam in that regard but Allah spoke about yunus first and how do we know that you know generally speaking when you're looking at the stories of the prophets as they came down in Fuller stories they came down at a very particular time of the Prophet saws life which is in the most difficult days of Makkah so in the later matkin period that's where you have the story of Yusuf the extended the extended story of many of the prophets that comforted the hearts of the pro the heart of the Prophet saws in the hearts of the Believers that were with him and then you have in the madani period in Medina when the prophet saws is interacting with the people of the book in particular you have you know extended stories of Islam and some of the the aspects of their stories that Define the creedal differences between the Muslims and the people of the book because now they're in Medina whereas some of the prophets that were more familiar to the Arabs in Mecca that had similar characteristics to them are spoken about in the early Makin period so Allah revealed different elements of the prophet's lives to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to bring about something very specific to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and through the prophet saws and so there's a wisdom in that now Allah revealed to the prophet saws and what I would like for everyone to do insha Allah is to actually memorize it is not a long Surah and it is one of the earliest surahs revealed to the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam we know that because of some of the comments some of the ayat that are made that are referring to certain people certain figures in the uh in the Seal of the Prophet saws and you find the mention of yunus but interestingly enough the first mention of yunus when he tells us about the prophets he tells us to be like the prophets and to uh to learn from the profits here Allah is saying to the prophet saws do not be like you and Assad when he called upon Allah after he was swallowed so it's not do not be like you in assari Islam of course he is a noble prophet and the prophet saws said no one should say I am better than Eunice because if a person turns back to Allah then they rise even higher to before when they ended up in the low place that they ended up and we'll see that yunus is a unique prophet in that he walked away from his people before Allah gave him permission but he's a unique prophet in how Allah elevated him as well to where the Prophet salallahu said no one of you should say that I am better than Jonah better than Eunice so let's look at these verses inshallah and tell the story of yunus in the very first way that Allah told it to the prophet saws and to the early Believers so that they could see themselves through why did Allah send this here what are some of the wisdoms that the mentioned if you look earlier on in suratul Kalam you'll find that Allah mentions a people of a garden and this was the first analogy to the quraish they were a people of the garden who had a righteous father and after their father passed away they tried to hoard their crops and to precede the poor and prohibit the poor from being able to reach their crops and so instead of being grateful for the garden that they had that they inherited from their father they did what their father would not do where their father was a generous man they would Instead try to hoard their crops and as a result they lost it all and not only did they suffer but at the same time they ended up in a situation where they started to blame one another they started to think about you know how they got to that situation so in the process of trying to be greedy and hoard their crops that were inherited from the poor they ended up losing the entire garden and all of their crops this was the first method the first analogy to quraish to the oppressors why because the quraish opposed the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam on the basis that of preserving their power of preserving their Dunya of preserving their money of preserving the authority and subhanallah you know Allah says Allah mentions the favors upon quraish that Mecca is a blessed place because of the present of a prophet Prophet Ibrahim that's where the crops came that's where the derive safety came that's where all the goodness came and had they embraced the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam then so much good would have come to them but instead the fortune was to the people of Medina and so while the people in Mecca tried to hoard and try to prohibit and try to guard their power they lost everything in the process and the people of yetrib which would become Medina gained the prophet sallallahu Islam and gain the glory of hosting a prophet and obeying Allah as the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam taught them to do so this is a powerful lesson that Allah is telling that this is your example now to the prophet salallahu the message is clear don't give up don't give up you're going to encounter some severe hardships and a few years after this Surah those hardships will get so severe that you'll see the first deaths the first murders and martyrdoms from those that follow you you'll see this harsh boycott you'll see your uncle pass away you'll see your beloved wife passed away you're going to see so much pain and persecution do not give up do not walk away Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will see you through this Mission and so it's a powerful way of Allah to prepare the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam for adversity to come and this is the way of the believer the believer is always prepared always prepared for hardship always prepared for adversity so that if the hardship comes they immediately react with with patience and with gratitude and with praise and Allah grants them Jannah as a result of that and Allah grants them perseverance as well so that the mission can continue forward and so now comes yunus so be patient with the decree of your Lord and do not be like the companion of the whale when he cried out to us while he was in deep sorrow so Eunice who is he he was a prophet that was sent to ninewa in Iraq a people in newa and Iraq and he's also known of course as the noon and he's known as yunus and there's an entire Surah that is named after him that would be revealed later it comes to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a very profound way and his story like other prophets comes to the prophet saws in phases phases with his mission this is unlike Yusuf whose story came down at one shot to the prophet sallallahu and there was a similarity to the people of the Prophet saw Islam as well the people of yunus were a people who were elitists and they worshiped Idols just like the people of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and so there was a similarity in the classism the tribalism in that sense as well as the idol worship whereas the people in Medina of course were people of the book they were looked upon respectfully by the other people of Iraq so they were a people that were admired for their wealth for their riches or whatever it is that they contained and this was of course the case of quraish in Mecca that they held an authority due to their hijacking and their manipulation of the religion of Ibrahim and the karma and the Hajj and so on so forth and just like with the prophet saws was rejected by his people in every way now yunus promised his people the punishment of Allah and as he promised them the punishment of Allah he left them before being given permission so he turned away from them before being given permission and he thought that his people had no hope and as he was walking away the clouds started to gather over the sky and remembers subhanallah when we read about some of the other peoples right when Allah tells us about the people of his salaam when he says that uh that they were so proud of themselves that they were so uh Intoxicated by the blessings that were given to them that they saw the clouds coming toward them and when they saw the clouds coming toward them what did they say they said they said these clouds are probably just coming to Reign upon us because blessings continued to descend upon us and of course rather this was what you hasten towards this was the punishment of Allah coming towards you so yunus is walking away from his people the clouds form in the sky and it seems to be that this is going to be just like the other peoples in which the clouds gather and the storms come and the people are wiped out due to their rejection of Allah and their transgression against a prophet of Allah then something very rare happens okay they're not like the people of the people of themud they're not like the people of firaun uh what do they do instead they turn back to Allah and they repent to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and seek his forgiveness as they see the punishment starting to form is already on his way out and subhanallah you'll notice that right before Allah gives the prophet saws the story of yunus that I will grant them an extension but my plan know that my plan is stable and firm subhanallah this is the mercy of Allah that he does not destroy a people right away he gives them Time and Time and Time and Time and what happened as a result of Allah giving time to some of the people of Mecca right some of the greatest enemies of the Prophet saws would only make Toba 20 years into the call of the Prophet saws right two decades later imagine if Allah had destroyed right away imagine if Allah some of these late comers to Islam right away instead gave them time they repented to Allah and instead of being on the opposite side of the punishment of Allah they became carriers of the flags of Allah and his messenger and victory for Allah was granted through them and upon their hands so what Allah is telling us is that sometimes when he extends people this is not because Allah has lost control of the situation you know sometimes you see oppressors and you see the extension that they have and you think to yourself maybe you know or you start to wonder what is it that is giving them so much time what's happening and someone someone might think to themselves well you know maybe it's impossible that they'll ever be wiped out maybe it's impossible that these oppressors will ever change maybe it's impossible that these oppressors will ever be exchanged right for better than them because it seems like their oppression is so dominant and the believer never loses hope in the plan of Allah okay and that's why Allah says that my plan is firm my plan is stable nothing is breaking my plan just let it run its course okay don't lose patience with Allah because this is part of his plan and so with the extension of time what happens there's greater training and character and faith building for the Believers there's greater reward for the patience of the Believers there is greater punishment for the enemies of Allah and there is Mercy for those who will turn back and repent to Allah and number five there is opportunity for the community why because if the people turn back to Allah then Islam will spread even further the faith will spread even further and it will be for goodness and so you have the benefits of the extension and none of that suggests that Allah has lost control of the situation rather Allah is always in control but sometimes it's hard for us to perceive that and to see that so you understand he goes out and he leaves his people and the clouds are forming in the sky you understand boards a ship in a neighboring town to leave and as he boards that ship the same clouds and the weather that he fought was there to destroy his people instead starts to to cause the storm to come upon them as they're in the middle of the ocean and the ship starts to rock right and left and the people on that ship they need to reduce weight and so they start to throw their luggage overboard but it's not enough and then they decide someone has to be thrown overboard so they cast lots and guess who's going to be thrown overboard it's yunus salaam and here he is now subhanallah the prophet of Allah thrown overboard into the depths of the ocean while his people were spared from the flood no one would have seen that a few days prior but Allah had a plan for everyone as he falls into this ocean this huge whale the like of which was never seen before swallows him and plunges with him into the bottom of that ocean and Allah commands the will not to eat him but instead to imprison him imagine the case of yunus he was in the darkness of the night in the darkness of the ocean in the darkness of the stomach of the well think about how chilling of an experience that is at the bottom of the ocean in the stomach of a whale in the darkness of the night and he's being torn up by the acid within the stomach of that whale and then yunus realizes that he can move his feet and as he realizes that he can move his feet he starts to hear some of the pebbles at the bottom of the ocean glorifying Allah and so he's reminded and in the belly of that will yunus he prostrates and he says o Allah I am calling upon you from a place that I don't think anyone has ever called upon you before there is no God but you subhanah how perfect are you and I was from the transgressors an acknowledgment of tawheed Allah's Oneness an acknowledgment of Allah's Perfection and acknowledgment of his own imperfection the perfect words and as rasulullah said no one makes this Dua no one calls upon Allah with the Dua of his brother Eunice except that Allah grants him refuge and Allah relieves him of the hardship that he is in so here he is making Dua to Allah did not ask Allah to save him from the belly of the well he is making Toba to Allah and as he calls upon Allah and he calls upon him with that beautiful Allah says had it not been for a blessing from his Lord that reached him he would have indeed been left in the stomach of that whale but but instead you know and he would have been cast off onto the shore while he was to be amongst the blameworthy had he been in that state had Allah not reached him with his Blessing with his mercy and forgiven him would have been either swallowed by that whale or spit out by that whale a dead man and he is amongst the blameworthy subhanallah earlier on in the Surah by the way what does Allah begin this with that you are not by the blessing of your Lord by the narma of Allah you are not a Madman it is the blessing of Allah that you are not what they say that you are you are not amongst the blameworthy Allah you are not what they claim you are Ya Allah but subhanallah says to about you that the narma of Allah reached yunus and that's why he was not amongst the blameworthy and so the whale spits him out onto the shore and he is altered from the illness of the acids that came to him and that consumed him while he was in the stomach of that whale and he lays there and as the hot sun comes on him the hot sun meets the acid that is on his body and it Burns him and it hurts him and he calls out to Allah continuing with that there is no God but you how perfect are you and I was amongst the transgressors and so what does Allah do he allows a tree to grow and to shade him and then he allows for a nourishment to come near him so he has some something to comfort him some nourishment and a shade over him while he is able to recover you know when the prophet saws mentioned the last person to exit out of Hellfire subhanallah grows for him a tree first and then he drinks from under that tree and then the blessing starts to follow after that's on the case of yunus A Tree Grows for him and he starts to recover and as he is recovering Allah brings him back to his full self and he goes back to his people and what does he find from his people thousands of people begging him to teach them thousands of people begging him to teach them embracing him embracing the message that he thought they would never Embrace and he is coming back to them as Believers and that shows you subhanallah that it is the the haq it is the right of Allah it is the way of Allah that his guidance will reach those who will reach and we should be honored if Allah chooses us to be amongst those that are guided and guided through and we should never think that guidance lies Upon Us rather we are blessed if Allah chooses us to be vessels that receive guidance and vessels that give guidance yunus arislam goes back and he finds his people all as Believers with the prophet saws of course he would not give up on his people he would remain to calling his people until his people ran him out but what does he do he comes back in fact and a lot of those people that initially persecuted him were now trying to catch the hairs of the Prophet saws we're now trying to catch the of the Prophet saws we're now there to learn from him and to benefit from him and what does Allah say about yunus Allah chose him and made him amongst the righteous Allah him and made him amongst the righteous with his Toba he was chosen by Allah and his mistake became a source of blessing and reward rather than blame and humiliation and that is the way of Toba to Allah that when you turn back to Allah that Allah actually elevates you and so the story of yunus Ali Islam is not recited to humiliate him the story of yunus is a story of honor is a story of redemption and is a story of possibility for the Believers as they go through their Hard Times telling us to stay the course stay the course no matter what difficulties we Face upon the path of Allah and know that the victory of Allah comes with those who are patient with the command of Allah may Allah make us from may Allah make us from the patient from the steadfast make us amongst those that continue forth with what Allah has given to us and may Allah guide us and guide through US Allah I mean your brothers and sisters what I just want to end off with is something very powerful that on the hardest day of the Prophet saws who would he find in thought if he would actually find a follower of yunus so Allah sends us these these signposts Allah sends us these moments in our lives and every moment is a chance to turn back to him and a chance to be elevated and a chance to have our sins expiated so long as we react in the proper way but if this is the first analogy that Allah chose to give the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam then what about us what about us so no know that Allah promises that with every hardship comes ease and Allah promises that with every seeking of forgiveness comes elevation that Allah sees the Believers through whatever it is that they go through so long as they remain patient and steadfast may Allah make us amongst them Allah I mean [Music]
Channel: Eman Channel
Views: 339,952
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Keywords: eman channel, eman tv, imaan, iman, the story of the prophets, the story of yunus, the story of prophet Yunus, what dua did yunus make, in the belly of the whale, dua inside the whale, how did yunus get eaten by a whale, yaqeen institute, sheikh omar suleiman, light upon light, light upon light conference, light upon light online, eman channel live
Id: 7CvVWsfDKZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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