Abu Bakr (ra) - Part 1: Second to None in the Pursuit of God | The Firsts with Sh. Omar Suleiman

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so tonight we start with and I was thinking about how to title anything about Abu Bakr Siddiq love the Aloha I know anything about him falls short and so I thought the ultimate first you think about someone who is you know you think about someone who is quick to believe quick to do any good never hesitant with anything that the Prophet slice I'm asked of him and also has a natural instinct towards good it's always Elba Beckett now I struggled because it's hard to peace what part of Abu Bakr is life while the Aloha on who to take for this and I don't want this to become a biography or Seattle course I want it to become something where we you look at these people from the perspective of what it entailed to be Sabich one what it meant to be from those that were first those that were always forerunners those that were always preceding others too good and so with Abu Beckett or the Ilan Hall it'll probably take us two classes maybe three to just go over that aspect of his life and what makes him so unique in the way that he is distinguished within the books of Seattle within the books of biography so we'll kind of go to the very beginning of this Abu Beckett will the allahu taala annual is from a tribe called been attained then retain and bhanu tame is not one of those big tribes that you find in early mecca it's not venomous ooh it's not been our ID it's not one of the the major tribes been wash and these are some of the big tribes of grace that you often hear about been attained is a sub tribe of Quraysh and it's a very small tribe one of the good things about this tribe is that its noble it is it has a reputation for not being combative not being messy not not inserting itself into some of the tribal warfare that would take place it has a good reputation as a tribe people that would generally play the role of being peacemakers okay so it has the nobility of a big tribe in Mecca but at the same time it doesn't have the size nor does it participate in the type of calm that a lot of the other big tribes in Mecca participated in and when you look at the Companions of the Prophet slice um you can often group them in tribes the only two real notable tribes from been notable people from the Companions of the Prophet slice of them from Ben who team are actually Abu Bakr and Paul had two pretty big names but those are the two notable names from this tribe of Ben who came and of course all of Abu Bakr's family and all of total Haas family may Allah be pleased with them will come under this tribe of Ben retain now abu bakr his actual name what's abu bakkar his real name abdullah bin ABY Kohaku what's up Kohath his name buko hoffa also as a cunha anyone know about KO Hafez name so his name was a abdullah bin it was none i baku Hoffa is earth man Abdullah I've been there's none I'm the lobby nourishment and some of the narrations say his name prior to Islam was abdul kerim de the servant of the Kaaba and the Prophet SAW Weiss and I'm changed his name to the servant of Allah and his father is a b-boy hoffa actual name is earth not his mother is um hiya her name is the mother of good somehow it's like she was meant for this sedima been suffered while the ilaha tide on how also would become muslim actually pretty early on the mother of abu bucket table bucket has a lot of interesting names and there are meanings to these names okay there are meanings to these names for us to take lesson from who can tell me a Nubble bucket let's just put this out there from now a blue bucket means the father of what what is Becca it's the young camel so blue Becca Dodi Ilan who had a particular interest with the different types of animals that were there he had a particular interest in raising camels and so his nickname became a bucket usually if you have an interest in something or you indulge in something too much they'll call you up would the father of that thing so he's the father of the young camel that became his nickname and he would go by that for the rest of his life well the allahu ta'ala anhu there's also a nickname that he our teeth my teeth what does it eyeteeth to me the one who is freed the one who is freed and typically speaking many will look at this as a post Islam name meaning this was a name that the prophet sallallaahu ardi wa sallam gave him but if you actually look into the the history of abu bakr his name it's actually a name that his mother called him and the reason being is that abu bakr's parents abaco Hoffa and on peut had had trouble having a boy they kept on miscarrying boys so he had sisters but he could not have she could not have a boy and so when abu bakr was born and he survived the the pregnancy she called him their eyeteeth meaning he survived death he was freed from death okay so he was freed into this world pala so there's some America even in his birth that his mother actually felt compelled to call him attea and then after Abu Bakr was born she had another son so she called him more chuckling and then they had another son so she called him or taken which is Talia which is like a small idea so they all ended up with those nicknames so his name is Abdullah but still RT which is freed because he was freed from death and that he was allowed to survive and the prophets Allah Lawrence Elam took that name and he gave it another meaning so eyeteeth his name that preceded Islam but it has a post Islamic meaning that the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said man Sabra who and young girl in our t-pin mina now for younger inna hatha whoever wants to see someone who's been freed from the fire then let them look at this one here let them look at Abu Bakr okay so Abu Bakr was freed from death and coming into this world and then freed from Hellfire on the tongue of the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam what are the characteristics of him so he was born about two and a half years after the prophet sallallaahu irony was son of so two and a half years after the Prophet slicin which would put his birth here at what we keep what is it you can't say - 572 the Prophet peace be upon him was warned 570 Welbeck ability law and who was born in the year 5 approximately in the year 572 he grows up in this noble tribe very special young man the characteristics of him sound very much so like the prophets Lysanne them he loved poetry I will Beckett will do law I know had a great love for poetry but somehow law he he had an aversion to poetry that contained shidduch that contains polytheism even as a young man so he loved poetry he was known to study ancestry he knew the tribes he knew where each person came from without you having to spit into a cup and send it to somewhere that will eventually be used to destroy you of Abeka don't the law I know could look at you he could tell you where you were from what you were from who your great-great-great grandparents were where this tribe mixed with this tribe Abubakar will do law and who had an incredible memory and an incredible understanding of the lineage of the arabs extremely eloquent extremely sharp very very smart and he was he you know he rose in the marketplace very quickly so he was sharp and he was he was brilliant at his trade so he was a merchant of the Aloha and his sharpness is what caused him to be very wealthy very good at trade and people love to do business with him because he was very honest all right so there's actually an Arab that wrote a poem about him being you know excelling in the marketplace getting rich off of honesty how few people get rich off of honesty so his honesty gained him a reputation in the marketplace in trade and he used to trade in garments and cloth well the Aloha I know so different types of fabrics and things of that sort and that was what gains his reputation in the marketplace in his intelligence and in his fifth law in his natural disposition he found idol worship silly okay very early on and so his father took him below Hoffa took him to the Carib as a young man and he he sat him in front of an idol in front of one of the aslam and said go ahead and worship I'm gonna go and I'll come back okay so he left him there with the idol in front of the car but just think of the image right elbow Beckett is a young man standing in front of the Kaaba there are idols in front of him he said I'm gonna go come back you know do some worship so he looked at the idol and he said yo dub he called the idol oh my god but but in a way of testing it he said I need some nice clothes so clothe me he looked around nothing happens then he said to another Idol he said I'm hungry give me food nothing happened right so then he he he kept on talking to them and he he said what is it with these they don't talk they don't benefit and he said if I pushed one of them it would break they said look what type of God hey you lead on how they just it didn't click with him even as a young man and so I will record will be Ilan who took a stone and he looked at one of the idols and he said I'm about to throw a stone at you if you're a god protect yourself through the stone at the idol it fell over I will record all the Ilan who said this is nonsense so he completely abandon idol worship and you know he practiced as you know he just he just never worship idols similar to the prophet sallallaahu race alone of course this is his best friend right the Prophet slice I'm never worshiped an idol Abu Bakr had never worshiped an idol there's one more person who I shall die alone has says never worshiped an idol or drank alcohol other than I'm not Tamas aids about the ilaha or some of those others that were honey they weren't hostile to idolatry they didn't say anything or they weren't publicly preaching against it but they didn't worship idols nor did they drink alcohol so he said there were three or she said there were three little Salah slice I'm obviously mohammad abu bakr and there is none okay so these three never worshipped idols nor did they drink alcohol they found it to be counter to their fifth law to their natural intelligence their natural goodness and that incidence of abu bakr the law and with the idols what does it remind you of when you think of a prophet who does it remind you of is there an image that comes to your mind it reminds of ibraheem doesn't it brahim at islam right this is ibrahim on islam being put in front of the idols as a kid as well and it's very interesting because Abu Beckett is nicknamed with the same title as a brahim a Sadiq the truthful one he inclined towards the truth there's sipping his in him there's a desire to the truth there's an inclination to the truth what is inside of him agrees with the truth naturally so just like Ibrahim Isis I'm extremely intelligent eloquent you know poking holes in idol worship I will back it all the Alon who is doing the same thing as a young man even in those moments now when did Abu Bakr become Muslim so there's interest there's some narrations so for example there's my Munna Bhai Maharana he says that when the prophet saw the lines that I'm went to Damascus when we said the prophets my son went to a sham twice okay I'm always gonna try to pull back other parts of this series so that you can keep on getting a full picture right the prophets lie some went to a sham twice right when he went as a very young man all right who did he go with who took him to a sham the first time his uncle Abu potted right and what happened when Abu Talib took him to a sham who saw him there I toured the narration of barreiro the monk right who saw the Prophet slice' lemon who saw signs of prophethood in him spoke of him and praised him so the narrations mentionable Becket was also part of that that group so Abu Talib was with the Prophet slicin as well as Abu Bakr and Abu Bakr grew up going to a sham and if you read the Sierra of Abu Bakr so that narration you know there are different forms of it anyway but Abu Bakr grew up going to a sham on an annual basis this was his life to go to a shop and go to Yemen on the trade routes because he was a merchant and he didn't have the constraints that the prophet's lysozyme had growing up so may more Umehara he says that the bucket or the allow on who knew of what was prophesized of the prophets lice and then and already had a feeling right knowing something there was something unique about his best friend Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we're back and we'll do a lot Idaho also you know wood was very close to the Prophet slice Elliman would take or would spend private time with him right so he's seeing signs of his character you can't spend that much time with him and not know there's something special about him so that's why it would make sense then why Abu Beckett had just clicked right away when the Prophet slice them told them I'm a Messenger of God it just immediately clicked with him right he's been seeing the Prophet slice I mean his alone time in those privates in those private moments for so much time now when did he become muslim abu hanifa rahim allah he says that the first woman to become Muslim was Khadijah the first youth to accept Islam was Ali the first man to accept the slab was Abu Bakr so that's how Abu Hanifa actually brought it all together okay that Khadija was the first to accept Islam from the women Ali was the first from the youth Abu Bakr was the first from the men now obviously there is the situation of waraqa which we talked about which is a very different and unique situation in of itself right well the allahu ta'ala anhu admire but when the prophets i some went to abu bakr will the allahu ta'ala anhu abu Beckett immediately told him so dr. King I believe you the Prophet slice I'm told I will Beckett what happened and his experience would gibreel and a lot appointing him as a Messenger of Allah he immediately said I believe you right so it was a complete buy-in and I will Beckett will deal law and who resembled the Prophet slice and most in qualities most in his character and so you know some of the scholars they point out the hadith of the Prophet slice some wanna Dini Holly Lee right a person is on the religion of his friends is on the way of his friend if these two were best friends if you're the best friend of Mohamed Salah Elam for 40 years right or 38 years best friend from childhood then obviously those characteristics will will match even though Josie to him Allah he points to he says look at the description of khadija to the profits mysoline when profits my son came back to the house and Khadija comforted the Prophet so I sign up by mentioning his good qualities the way that he treats his family the way he treats his neighbor the way he treats the poor the way he treats the orphans the way that he treated anyone that had a cause and he said that was the way that nada' fina who was a mac and cheese when Abu Bakr was on his way to Abyssinia to make Hitler to migrate to escape persecution if naday Tina stopped him and he took Abu Bakr to the different leaders of Quraish and said this is a person who should not be expelled and he mentioned the exact same qualities about the prophets Nisan about Abu Bakr the Khadija mentioned about the prophets lysozyme so Abu Beckett is a copy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in regards to his character and in regards to the opinion that people had of him except he was a chief of his people he experienced wealth his entire life and Imam and no Widow him o Allah said that one of the the blessings of Abu Bakr dodi law and her something to think about is that as soon as the Prophet slicin told him about who he was about the religion coming to him Abu Bakr did not think about his rank or his position or what would happen to him as a result of supporting the prophets Lysa he immediately he found the truth he immediately accepted it he immediately accepted the calling and he knew that there were going to be serious ramifications to that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said every single person that i invited to islam they had doubts at first except for abu bakr as soon as i invited him to islam as soon as I called him to allah he did not hesitate he immediately accepted the religion and he believed in me and he supported me right away now obviously it's not including Khadijah of the law and prophets lies I was talking about on the outside of his household right that Abu Bakr believed in him right away and supported him right away and had absolutely no qualms about the types of ramifications that would come but not only does he believe in the Prophet slicin he builds the community around the Prophet slice of them so he doesn't he doesn't just say to the prophets why some I believe in you he goes out and he starts calling people to Allah calling people to the religion and people start to convert right and left through the tongue of Abu Beckett remember he was extremely eloquent he had position he had rank people took his word seriously and so think about this he accounts for six so there are the 10 promised paradise in Russia Dean Wright will go through all 10 of them but we can start with 7 Abu Beckett is one and then he brought six others who else did Abu Bakr bring to us no it's not that's one talha who is inseparable from talha zu be it who else Abdul Rahman bin oath who else what is it we said zubayr there are two more a bore a beta a table inside the bin Abi what class two of those six okay Rothman and I've not have an oath we're also of that same class as a bucket right wealthy elite in their tribal status have a have a certain word so you know if man and abdomen arrow are most similar to Abu Beckett may Allah be pleased with them paja and is obeyed our youth right there young teenagers that come to Islam through Abu Bakr and of course sad and an abort vada are from some of the respectable members as well so these six that he brought to Islam other than himself obviously being the seventh these six that he brought to Islam make up with him seven of a national bascially into ten that were promised paradise so think about this all of the good deeds of AB Donovan elfin earth not have enough fun all the wealth they spent all the charity that they gave goes to the scale of Abu Bakr so it's not just Abu Bakr his own sub akka has own charity all of their charity is his and the prophets lice and I'm said the one who guides to good is like the one who does without decreasing from the original doer in any way whatsoever so every time you read a narration about the generosity of Erath nan Orrock not have been off abou Beckett all the allow and who's cashing in on the good deeds of that those are all that's all his Sabha as if he gave that to so consider his incredible generosity of the allow I'm home and then the two pools of Erath nan and Adnan have been oath the three most generous people that spent on the profit slice of them all stem from Abu Bakr well the allahu taala tadhana zubayr the neighbors of the prophets I said I'm in Jena Wright who defended the prophets lie some who were always by his side all of that goes to him we talked about Islam going to China sorry the Bernabeu across that's Abu Bakr's Dawa every person that the the thirty million people that say Lila and Allah and China stem from sad that's all Abu Bakr's good deeds right I mean think about the way that this all spreads and what this all means in terms of his good deeds and it's not just them Abu cinema-quality allahu anhu abu Salama is from the dara of abu bakr well the allahu ta'ala anhu was a nobleman who of course passed away and umm Salama or the ilaha and I would marry the prophets Allah why Salaam after he passes away so he brings in some of the most important people to Islam all right I'm talking about in terms of the elites and those that would give it respectability at that level and then he goes with the prophets like Selim to meet all of the different tribes us support so he's always there with the prophets my son when he goes out there to call people to Islam now was he tortured was Abu Beckett all day law and who actually going to be torture we know that the Meccans would make an example out of the week in the poor what album I could be tortured yes who dared to torture Abu Bakr this is where the picture starts to fill Abu Bakr and Pol ha belonged to been attained their noble and the nobles would be reprimanded behind the scenes they'd be beaten and reprimanded behind the scenes they weren't going to be publicly humiliated the way that the slaves be humiliated the way that the poor would be humiliated they would humiliate them privately and try to get them to renounce the religion privately because in their tribalism they did not want to humiliate their tribesmen in public because they would see that as collective humiliation of the tribe so we can only do this in private there was no one from been who tamed so the idea with the noble tribes was you take your noble ones and you punish them privately okay then who tamed small tribe no one was willing to torture Abu Bakr and Paula guess who takes the challenge to torture Abu Bakr and Paula the brother of Khadijah no fun live in Hawaii it who is known as the Lion of Quraysh a sadhaka race the brother of Khadijah radi allahu anhum who was nicknamed because of what he did to the muslims as a pond or ice the devil of Quraysh I gave a hotel about him two years ago I believe because it just how could the brother of Khadijah be such a horrible evil man to even go out and bed there to try to kill the Prophet slice alone so the brother of khadija nofa even huellas takes a rope he ties Abu Bakr and Pol ha together and he beats them and tortures them and private together with one rope crazy right somehow I mean the brother of Khadijah torturing Abu Bakr and Paula and that's why they were actually called a buddy named the two tied ones because Abu Bakr and Claudia were tied together by the same rope of nofa okay so somehow Allah I mean this is when you start to dig deep into these things you start to see it's all interconnected everything that's happening in the society is related to another part of the society and another dimension of the prophets of Allah he sums lifestyle buddy none the two that are tied together Abu Bakr and plug ha are bounded by the rope of no foot beaten and tortured only in private now not beaten the way that the slaves were being beaten not to a point of death not to a point where they're not having their skin burned off of them they're not having their their nails pulled out some of the really harsh things that are being done to the slaves they're not that's not to that level but it's enough to try to get them to renounce their faith but it's all done again away from the public sphere this isn't happening around the camera because that would be a shame on the tribe itself okay so no fun Ben asset I'm sorry no fun it Ben who waited tortures Abu Bakr and Talia now this is probably this next part is probably the most underestimated dimension of abu bakr radiallahu anhu his life and his good in the very beginning of Islam which is the freeing of slaves Abu Beckett is the Emancipator of slaves early on in Islam Abu Beckett will de la terre an ho freed multiple slaves and obviously the most famous one is who vida well the Aloha the most famous one is bernardo de la isla idle Bilal is being tortured humiliated being made an example of Belial how dare you an Abyssinian black slave with absolutely no protection in a deeply tribalistic racist society how dare you challenge Omega right I mean you're bilal radhi'allahu is is doing everything basically it's suicidal for Balad to become Muslim and Abu Bakr will do law and who goes and says I will purchase his freedom Omega well the allow an HOH who's making an example out of Abu Bakr says how much he says seven seven rupiah's and one narration 1000 Pia's or that's a huge amount of money a huge amount of money to free Bilal well the Allahu I know so Abu Bakr says deal gives him all the money takes Villa as abu bakr is taking bidder who mayor wants to throw a comment you know he just taught he almost tortured him to death he literally had him under a stone whipped dehydrated Bernardo the Elan who's barely alive he's beaten to a bloody pulp and as abu bakr know the law and who's taking Balad omega says lo out late and Idina you could have given me one coin for him he wasn't worth more than one d now for you to for you to take him and abu bakr will be allahu ta'ala anhu he says will lie if you would have said only a hundred oak Lea's I would have given it to you I would have given you everything for the lot so it was it wasn't just freeing these slaves it was it was something else and all modeled the alone who used to call Balad our master who was freed by our master our master who was freed by our master Balad was our master freed by our master abu bakr al dia la ilaha Bob about the allotted I know freed by Abu Bakr habit of new fajita freed by Abu Beckett there are some women that were freed by Abu Beckett female slaves that were freed by a bucket and it didn't matter what their status was or what benefit they would bring to this new Muslim community if Abu Beckett heard that a slave had become Muslims was being tortured for that he takes his money and he goes and he frees them there was one one woman by the name of Xun a dog and she was beaten to blindness for becoming Muslim so they beat her till she lost her sight and somehow Allah they said when Abu Bakr told the law and who went to purchase her a blind female slave what use is she at this point right they said Nawab Abbas ilaha il'allah la Rosa they said that the reason why she went blind is because of a Latin it is that the two idols so it was her insult of religion it was the gods that took her sight and when they said that she said wallah he Matador a lot when there is a one night unfair and she said I swear by God a lot and it is I can't hurt anyone nor can they benefit anyone this is a blind slave girl being pulled away by Abu Bakr with the alarm on her and because of that a lot allahu wa sallahu she actually could see after that so her sight actually came back to her some of these people you don't hear about one that absolutely shocked me Subhan Allah I've taught the story of Abu bucket in multiple times and that I actually because I am trying to imagine the societal implications of this one of the female slaves that Abu Bakr had freed was was a woman by the name of Liu Bei Nina who was the slave girl of omar IBN al khattab radhi'allahu anhu omar was not a Muslim Alma hated Islam and when this particular slave became Muslim Rama beat her until he would get tired Subhan Allah he said I'm not stopping you because I pity you it's because I'm tired that's the type of wrath that she experienced from Omar before he became Muslim and that was one of the regrets of Alma right that he beat someone like that for becoming Muslim and Abu Beckett is the one who freed her purchased her freedoms how do I think about that who would have thought at some point the prophets lie Simon abu bakr and omar abu bakr and omar to become the two shakes of the community inseparable and in this early day of islam abu bucket is the one purchasing a beaten slave from all modeled a law on how to free her from his cruelty so he is abu bakr duldul are and who is going out looking for if he can hear the news of any one of these slaves and this is a religion that started with the slaves right this is who islam appealed to in the first place the Loretha the mistaking the weak the downtrodden the oppressed this is where tow heed the idea of monotheism really appealed because they've been brutalized in the name of those items right elbow bucket is going out and freeing them and subhanAllah his father who's not a Muslim yet Abu Hafsah says to him he says to him oh my son he said people purchase slaves that are strong or healthy or have some sort of unique expertise but they can't get from anywhere else or they purchase a slave that would get everyone else in line right people purchase slaves for reasons why are you freeing these weak ones that can't even do anything for themselves what's the point of freeing the slaves what are these people going to do for you and a bucket will do law on who responded yeah ABI in nila al-jubeir it's be him Marin de la he said o my father I am seeking with their freedom what is with Allah guess what came down as a result of that surah too late chai was reading not vassal the alot of time I know says the consensus that certain name was revealed about a bucket of the allahu taala on this particular moments where abu Beckett was freeing the slaves that no one else wanted that everyone else beats and I will Beckett will the allow I know and people start saying like maybe he's freeing Balad because something happened in the past they started to make up stories right maybe maybe there is some deal some cover because it doesn't make sense why is Abu Beckett spending all of his money on these slaves freeing all of these slaves what's you know what are these women gonna do for him what are these men gonna do for him they have absolutely no benefit to the religion and Allah responded to what abu bakr Wildey allahu anhu said in nila al-jubeir it's been him not in the law i seek with with their freedom what is with Allah huama ya hadirun de who mini remote integer in Liberty ha ha gob Hill Allah what a selfie Allah no one can compensate him for what he is doing no one can compensate him for what he is doing no one has enough money enough power nothing could stop Abu Beckett could could satisfy that craving that he had to free these people and to do this except for that which is with Allah what a sofa Allah and Allah will certainly please him Allah will certainly please him I will Beckett will be Alon who when he came into Islam he had forty thousand dinars by the time they made his robbed he only had five thousand left and most of it went to these types of things I mean at this you're not financing in in Mecca at this point you're not financing any expeditions any journey journeys of the prophets lysosome what's there to spend upon there's no messages there's there isn't much to spend fee Sevilla in Mecca so out of his forty thousand which he saved all that time he left with only five thousand because of all of the money that he was spending primarily on freeing these slaves and this is something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam recognized that there was something about the man spending very early on that he did not care about the implications of spending feasable Allah so Allah radiallahu ta'ala anhu says not that the prophets lice and i'm said man if any neroon cut man authority nada be Beckett that no money was ever more ever benefited me more than the money that was spent by Abu Bakr all of the allahu ta'ala anhu so back in when he heard that he started to cry and he said he'll annawadi in luck hey allah so allah am i and my money for anything but you Oh Messenger of Allah like Abu Bakr was embarrassed when the prophets y salaam would say that job it'll do I know abu sa'id they narrate that the prophet's lie some would spend from the wealth of abu bakr - like he would spend from his own now that that's not insulting they had that type of a relationship where elbow beca at his hand was free and spending on these good ventures right on these good things for the sake of allah subhanho wa taala and the prophets why salam would spend of it like it was his own money they shared that that's how close they were and that was an honor for abu bakr it will be a law on who to be respected and to be loved by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in such a manner now what happens as the snob starts to spread now Abu Beckett is first to believe in him from from the men right and he's someone who has a unique position he has clouds but it's not it's not it's not the type of clout that Abu jihad or Ahmad are some of the more powerful as in physically strong warriors are known for its a clout that comes through respectability through his money through his tribal you know Lee you know his tribe being elite though that's the type of clout that he has he brings in the top tier of the Sahaba in regards to the economic in the tribal class right and then he brings in the lower tier and I'm saying that in quotes very intentionally because there's nothing low about banal and above in these people right but he's bringing in all these elements of society he's building the community around the Prophet slicin he's using his money to build around the prophet's Lysanne he's financing dot-com everything that has to go with that he's spending and spending and spending and spending all of this in the doubt was not public yet meaning the prophets why some has not actually publicly preached yet this is all within small gatherings but the prophets like some has not made the community wide call at this point and obviously as the community is growing around the prophets lie some there's a fear that this is going to get worse I need all the allahu anhu and this is actually narrated by ali abdullah that race were surrounding the prophet slice of lemon so they started to rough him up now this is where you see the gradual beating humility of the profits my sum and his followers in public so they were around the Kaaba one day and they started to rough up the profits why Selim they started to push him they started to pull his clothes ropa been having more eats lock the profits nice on them so they're humiliating him there there there's they're yelling at him and they're saying to him aunt Ella dijo al awliya allah in wahid oh you're the one who made all these idols into one god you're that person mocking the religion of the Prophet slice Allah and at this point there's no Hamza there's no role model there's no one that's really strong to go out there and support the prophets why some without getting themselves killed all right now okay web and I'll be more 8 he escalated when the prophets lie son was humiliated after getting beaten and slapped around the prophets lie some started to pray and when Heroku beben a beam or eight saw remember it was the one who would put the camel guts on the back of the prophet slice at him he took his his shawl and he put it around the neck of the Prophet slice I mean he started to choke him the Prophet gave an order that the Sahaba don't do anything even if provoked don't respond because ultimately what they were looking for was a brawl and then they'd have an excuse to kill them all right so the Prophet slicing them was actually it's a strategic reason to write don't don't respond let them instigate let him provoke don't respond to us I will beckon will the allahu taala an who could not help himself he heard about what was happening he came to the huddle and I'm Rebecca of the Ilan who he says the famous words a template or una regimen and you cool that up be Allah will you kill a man because he says his Lord is Allah would you really kill a man because he says his Lord is a lot now boo Becca is not going and punching or anything like that he's trying to protect the prophets i Selim and he's saying would you really kill a man like what is wrong with you people to ruin our Raja like ooh la la be Allah would you really kill a man who would say that his Lord is Allah that was enough for them to start pouncing on Abu Beckett and making it making an example of him so they took up a bucket or the Ilan Hall they rubbed his face in the dirt and they dragged it in the dirt so actually Abu Beckett will do law on whose face was covered and then they punched him punched and punched him until I will Becca told the law and who lost consciousness and they thought he might have died they didn't want him to die because if you killed him then that would be another level of this right I will back it all the Alon who was beaten to a point of unconsciousness some have been attained who were not Muslims they saw that Abu Bakr all day long who was not moving anymore so they went and they picked him up and they took him home while the Allahu tire iron Hall and the description of him his face was unrecognizable because of the swelling if you looked at Abu Beckett all day long on who you would not be able to see his face or you wouldn't be able to recognize him because of the swelling although Beckett ordeal are not a very sparse beard he only had a few hairs on his face on the Elan what's the description of him they said that the few hairs on his on his face were covered in blood and he looked I mean he looked like this well the Aloha so they started to treat him and these are not Muslims this is his tribesmen right that didn't that saw this is going too far this was the first time a person's getting beaten like this in the you know other than the prophets lice alone in the proximity of the kappa i will Beckett his mother is treating him okay like it's you've got to understand the direness of the situation Abu Beckett or the Elan tada and who he wakes up and he says Anil dose a little la where's the prophesy sir he does not even ask where am i what happened to me no sign of a lack of consciousness where is the prophets lice on them where is the Messenger of Allah they told him relax he said not until I see the prophet of Allah Subhan Allah to stop him from asking about the prophet of Allah they had to carry him to the prophets lice on them so he could see the prophets lice on embrace the prophets lice alone and he embraced him for a long time i needled the ilaha tada I know he narrates this incident he he used to cry when he'd narrate the incident I did all the Elana would cry when it cuz he remembered he was a young boy he couldn't do anything right i kneeled the Alon was a nine year old the 10 year old he can't do anything about this and I need all the allahu ta'ala anhu said i swear by allah the Abubakr is greater than the man from the family of their own who said I talked to Luna Rajan an Akula attack to lunar module and an occluder ah ba ba would you kill a man who says My Lord is Allah and he said do you know why that is and the people said why he said because the family of Pharaoh the man who said that hid his Iman he concealed his faith he said whereas abu bakr will the allahu ta'ala anhu declared his iman openly before everyone and there was a pharaoh in abu jahil and those people that were there too and he took the beating that came with that well the allahu ta'ala anhu so he said by Allah one moment in the life of a blue bucket is superior to a thousand from the family of faroan obviously not talking about Asiata the allow I know about talking about the man who abu bakr told the alar on who said just like him would you kill a man just because he said his Lord is Allah so his his whole thing right is is the Prophet okay is lost nice I'm okay and that becomes the theme of Abu Bakr all the law on whose life or one extremely important element of the life of a Beckett all the law I know that he puts the Prophet before himself in everything he responds right away and that's that's a special characteristic he doesn't he doesn't take time he doesn't hesitate immediately response the Prophet slice I'm asked him for something he responds there's an opportunity good he responds he's always there to respond but there's also that selflessness completely putting his you know his life on the line everything that would come with being a follower of the prophets of Y Salaam and that shows in the Hazara obviously Aisha will be alone huh she says that before the migration she says that the Prophet slice of them used to visit Abu Bakr his house every day rarely would the Prophet slice of them fail to visit our house every day all right you sure is not married to the Prophet slice them yet right so she's experiencing this as the daughter of a blue bucket she said he would come either in the morning or the evening but it was rare that he would not come about the allotted on and I think his thoughts with some so when the permission for the HIDs doll was granted that the prophets my son was going to take his companions and flee to yes which would become Medina said the Prophet sly Salam came to us at noon and it was a time that he would not typically come so we knew that something was up Abu Bakr was waiting for the news of what the prophets light son was gonna do with him whether he was gonna send him in the family out alone he's waiting patiently to see what the plans of the Prophet are are they his salat - Aslam to escape to Medina so he told them a bucket of his weight no bucket is waiting waiting waiting and so when the Prophet slicin came at that time of a bekatul Dalaran who said that this has to be something urgent he's coming at a time that he usually does not come so the Prophet slice and I'm asked permission to come in and the prophets lie sunset let no one else be in the home while we speak this is a private matter and I'm Rebecca Otto the alar and I said yellow said a lot they're only my two daughters a smart and Aisha are in the room and that's it meaning they'll go to the side and it'll just be you and I that would talk the Prophet sallallaahu Hani wasalam said to him that I've been informed that I've been given the permission to migrate to do hit on Rebecca told Eli I know said a survey out a sort of luck your companionship o Messenger of Allah meaning do I get to come with you you're a companionship the Prophet sallallaahu idea was that I'm said isola yes the companionship right you'll get to be my companion Abu Bakr will the law on who starts to shout and joy crying happiness now the prophets like some is the most wanted man in Mecca everyone's trying to kill him right there's literally the biggest bounty that was known to the Meccans on his head every tribe is vying to kill the Prophet slice Allah and he just told double Becket you get to be with me in the middle of the desert while people come and try to find me and kill me all right you shall be alone has she said I when I saw my father cry like that she said them you know she said she said I didn't think and I had the knee up came in on father like that people actually cry out of joy he's weird to think of someone crying out of joy right crying to me was reserved an emotion for sadness she said in lamare to Abby yep key silica Sarah until I saw my father cry that particular moment the way that Abu Beck had cried out of joy I get to come with you I get to come with you was something that I had never thought was possible from any person well the allahu ta'ala anhu Rebecca Taulbee law under said yabba Sola I've got two camels prepared they're ready to go and I'll offer one of them to you the Prophet slice and I'm said I'll only take it if I pay for it so no I'm not gonna take my camel for Hitler from you as a gift I'll pay for it and so the Prophet slicer made that condition and they went out all of the allahu ta'ala anhu marty his salat wa salam abu bakr appointed a smart who was older and abdullah to help them in the hijra and the freed slave army to move oh hey drama before Hado was known for being a guide so harmful heydo is one of those that was freed by will Beckett all the alongside I know so he would be the guide of the Prophet slice I'm a Beckett cover their tracks Abdullah the son of Abu Bakar would listen to the news in Mecca and bring it to them on that journey so coordinate points with them an ass not all of the allahu an huh the daughter of abu Beckett would carry the food to the Prophet slice on table Beckett all of the allahu ta'ala anhu when they went out in the Hitler and I'm gonna have to end within the next few minutes in Charlotte sana so this is probably a good stopping point but when they went out in the hit on elbow Beckett or the Ilan who did something strange okay they'd be walking and then he'd go in front of the prophets Ison and then he'd go behind the prophets lie son and then he'd go to his left and then he'd go to his right and the prophets lights I was looking at him like what are you doing why do you keep on switching spots and he said yeah does a lot every time I think about the potential of someone coming from this direction I go to that direction so I think about someone might be coming from this way so I go to this way that I think someone might be coming from this way so I go to that way so he's circling the prophets lie solemn even as they're walking on this journey to protect the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and of course that's where they enter into of our folk has anyone ever been to hot felt like inside of it it's hard to get up there it's is a lot easier God photo is a tiny tiny tiny cave meaning it can fit two people and that's it yeah if you stick here if you extend your legs it can only fit one of me all right any it's a tiny tiny tiny cave I mean it hurts to actually get inside of Avadh phone and it's it's it's very very private very hard to find and you'd have to I mean you'd have to look for it but at the same time like the idea that the profits lie Simon Abu Beckett were there and Christ came to the foot of that cave so Han Allah when you're when you actually go there it's a crazy thought cuz literally if they would have looked you it wouldn't take but one foot right you'd see their limbs you'd see the the leg of a blue bucket or the leg of the prophets of Allah are you asylum so you imagine they're hiding out in this cave and while they're hiding out in this cave before they're found something happens the prophets lie some fell asleep and they're crunched up I'm Rebecca Taulbee Aloha and who noticed that a scorpion was coming into the cave he put his foot on the hole and he let the scorpion Pierce away at his foot to protect the prophets lie some prophets lie some woke up by his tears right I mean he couldn't hold his tears from the pain of that scorpion drilling into his foot while the allotted on protecting the prophet sallallahu wasallam then they're there and of course those that are trying to kill the prophets lie some find him they get to the mouth of the cave and if you're there you're thinking that's it it's been a good life how did he know we came this far there's no way you're getting out of that right but of course a lot protected with the nest and the birds that were there that suggested that that you know there was no one inside as well as a spider web according to some of the narrations and they didn't even think to look down because of the spider web and because of the bird's rights why would anyone or how is it possible that there would be a full deformed spider web and the birds that would be there in the nest that would be there if there were to hear was a human being that was in there so you imagined those mom where you're looking at the feet of these people and you're sitting with the prophets my Selim and the love that I will Beckett had for the prophets Lysanne the sense of duty that he had to protect him all that time and you're looking at those feet and in those moments Abu Beckett will be Allah and who starts to shake he's scared right and the Prophet slice a limb says to him now one Nuka beef name Allah who thought he thought allah said o abu bakr what do you say of two people and God is the third don't worry we're okay right none in the llaha marina don't worry Allah is with us why are you worried complete complete tranquility that the prophets lie somehow as I'm all better worried about himself was he worried about the Prophet it's worried about the prophet's life son he's not worried about himself he had no care for himself right in the presence of the Prophet slicing them and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala refers to this in the Quran is hanafi Livadia via police law he be he la tahzan ilaha Maranatha anzala allahu Sakina - who are a he well he other who be genuine lamb taro ha allah mentions when the two were in the cave and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala one of them said to the other meaning the prophets lysozyme said to his companion he saw he be he by the way that's another distinction Allah called him his companion he saw he be he laughs toxin in the Lana don't worry Allah is with us so Allah revealed his tranquillity upon him who's the tranquility coming down upon Abu Bakr that's who it's speaking about in this moment so Allah speaks about this in particular it coming down on Abu Bakr all the allahu ta'ala and now I'll end with this moment from the hidden Chawla time they get out of the cave they make their way to Medina and on the way now because the cave thought you know the vadas is actually not very far away from Mecca right right outs on the outskirts of Mecca they hadn't really started the journey yet but now they're on the way Abu Bakr will be a law I know in the prophets lie some had not had anything to eat or drink for days a smart will the alarm has not able to reach them at this point they're in the midst of the journey to Medina all by themselves and they walk into they find the home of woman on the way by the name of Omar but will die allahu taala anna omar but didn't know who they were Bedouin woman that had a house somewhere in the middle of nowhere right between Mecca and and Medina and they go in and she sees these two travelers who are in need of some something right some something to eat something to drink they are dying of thirst at this point well Matt what gives one of the most beautiful descriptions of the prophets license oh it's a long description describing his beauty describing his grace describing said I never saw a man like this in my life right describing the prophets Allah Allah and then the prophets lice I'm asked do you have any goat or sheep or anything to milk she said I've got this one that doesn't give any milk that's what that's what I have right now the prophets lie some said bring it here prophets lies some says bismillah in the name of Allah and he rubs its utters and starts to give milk the prophets like some takes a cup of that milk he first offers a table Beckett he says it should have a Beckett drink Abu Beckett Beckett says no way you first prophets like some drinks of a bucket is looking at him he says it's Rob yeah Abba Beckett said no you keep drinking prophets lie some drinks he says it's Java Beckett a drinkable bucket three times insisted on a blue bucket or the Aloha I know and I'm like who says it shall be Allah so Allah drink o Messenger of Allah and then Abu Bakr will dial our and who says Fischetti been Habib had told to wait o hetero eat I looked at him drinking and he drank until I was full like that's actually the sentence until I was full like one side when I saw the Prophet slice I'm drinking and I saw him nourishing himself I wasn't thirsty or hungry anymore right it was literally that type of a connection his thirst is my first his nourishment is my nourishment his sickness is my sickness as healing is my healing his pain as my pain as Joy's my joy everything that the Prophet slice time goes through that's how Abu Bakr will deal our and have used life living through that with the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam I want to end with or actually you know what I'll leave this for next time I'll end on that note in China we might need three for this we ask Allah Spano taught to be pleased with Abu Beckett or the law on who to grant us that love of the Prophet slice time to grant us that selflessness and to reward a blue bucket only law and hope for all of those people that he freed for the sake of Allah or brought to the for the sake of a lot to this religion that we all benefited from yes the lost panowitz Allah to grant us that companionship of the prophets like Simon genitive for those Elana I mean you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 209,477
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Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research
Id: Rck2DlxxkTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 46sec (3226 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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