The Last of Us | 1x9 Look for the Light - REACTION!

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hi and welcome back to the channel We are continuing the last of us this is season one episode nine look for the light which is a very fitting title when you take into consideration the title of the first episode when you're lost in the darkness and then the rest of that sentence is look for the light and that's something that uh you know the fireflies say you probably can't notice but uh we've moved the studio into another room it's pretty much the same same setup but I still had to set everything up again but it it still it looks kind of the same this is the last episode of the first season we sort of know what's coming and I am just really really curious to see how they're going to adapt that ending do you have anything you want to say before we jump into it because I'm I'm pretty much just ready here well you know the drill I haven't slept for half a year uh the baby is on uh yeah has it on speed has us on speed dial uh so if there's weird cuts that's why and yeah uh very interesting to see uh for me I'm more interested in seeing how other people if if they get like the message this episode is gonna you know um try to try to yeah yeah get across yeah and just how people who have not played the games how they are going to respond very intrigued about that but let's wait let's let's waste no more time uh last thing I'm gonna say is of course please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already like and comment it all really helps out with the algorithm and all that and also please check out our patreon page where you can watch the full length reaction sync it up to your own copy of the episode and in that way also support the channel and we really appreciate all of the supports let's do this season finale of The Last of Us here we oh no intro we haven't had a cold oven in a long while oh it's because it's a flashback yeah I know it's yeah yeah and if you don't know who Ashton Johnson is it's the original like Elise uh voice actress oh well yeah the actor who portrayed Ellie in the games yeah and it's such an amazing job now I suppose she's at least mother yeah so that's kind of like full circle moment what okay yeah we'll talk about that in the discussion it's just a nice little thing here for the people who have played the games yeah and the Bad Boys oh this is so weird hearing that boys and it not being Ellie yeah yeah but I guess it makes sense that you know she's Ellie's Mom oh [ __ ] water broke with the water breaking but the [ __ ] first also not like not being able to scream perhaps well it's already chasing her so I don't think no oh and it's the knife it's happening right now that's what you call bad timing [ __ ] it's too late right yeah what the hell whoa it happened during the fight wow that was fast I guess you're like really pushed and oh yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa oh all usual procedures out the window here sure if she wanted to make sure that she wasn't infected yeah yeah I think that was it you know don't get any more of my blood oh God like oh damn that was mean throwing in that end right there you know first thing [Music] whoa what a freaking intro yikes fastest uh phase of pressing obviously I've heard about or seen or but yeah sorry sorry I tricked up in the middle of a fight you already kind of I don't know the fastest I've heard about so far that was like 15 seconds yeah if that wow short quick roll Birds she did a really good job though I have questions though yeah this is something that wasn't in the games obviously getting to see Ellie's mom or getting bit while giving birth that's just wild I think continuing on the flashback I think they are oh Marlene oh God we would delay getting out of this Zone I she's hungry she needs to be fair tonight I didn't want to nurse her of course she's so great I cut it before I was bit four um her name is Ellie how long have we known each other I can't kill you no please please please oh cover her ears [Music] [ __ ] oh man that is such a rough start to the episode foreign everything after birth has just been triggering when it comes to babies of course I found this in there Beefaroni Chef Boyardee but wow I can't pronounce that apparently you want to beat me or something it would be this look at him being such a dad a dad and a daddy at the same time they had a guitar in that RV it's all smashed up but I was thinking maybe I could teach you I bet you'd be great at it you want to learn how to play guitar Salt Lake City yep man Even though we know what's coming and already feel this episode is just gonna hit so hard okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building to get around that stuff find a skyscraper go up and look around this time I was thinking would blast our way through that Rubble I found some dynamite in that RV back there really no no so we're going to cut through that building find a skyscraper [Laughter] talk about bad luck military drops bombs not one of them hits the building you're trying to demolish so different now that he has embraced how he feels about Ellie yeah and you just knew it was there dropped that ladder down he calls her baby girl and oh yeah yeah gameplay wow what what Ellie oh wait oh they're actually doing it I think the whole thing's a dress yes wow hello and with the right view sickness well it's all right that looks very real somewhat greedy oh but so look at the way he's looking at Ellie yeah oh there's a whole family yeah oh is it everything you hoped for got his ups and dance you can't deny that for you look I don't know exactly where this hospital is yeah we'll find it we don't have to do this I just I want you to know that what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing I've been through every every colonies sheep Ranch the Moon too late for the moon thing but there's no halfway with this we finish what we started foreign in this series by the way it is all the way through what has just been amazing oh yeah done such a great job we had me in one just like this with Sarah no she was gone already oh Douglas look at him talking about it just well I gotta hand it to the army people they were way better at stitching you up than I was it was me I was the guy who shot and missed he couldn't live with it wow Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that went to pull the trigger a flinched still don't know why so Time Heals all wounds I guess it wasn't time that did it you did I'm glad that you guys doing that didn't work out you know what they're doing [Music] you know what I'm in the mood for what shitty puns hey yes please meteor that's terrible that was actually good that's a zero out of ten all right what did the green grape say to the purple grape review idiot it says a three out of ten seven I'll give it a five no no no what in the [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] please don't tell me those were fireflies they were positive Patrol didn't know who you were Zoe she wasn't her not even a scratch could have asked before they just attacked what the [ __ ] you are the one person I never wanted to be in debt to well but I owe you we all know yeah just take me to her she's being prepped for surgery it makes normal cordyceps think the cheese cordyceps it's why she's immune he's going to remove it from her and then we can give it to everyone cordyceps grows inside the brain find someone else there is no one else we didn't tell her we didn't cause her any fear there won't be any pain no you take me to her you take me to her right now you don't understand I do yeah she does I was there when she was born Joel I have no other choice I do walking out to the highway leaving there with his pack give him this oh it drives anything shoot him ah this is so [ __ ] prepping her for surgery without letting her wake up and telling her and just at least we're not that busy like they have time yeah yeah come on said keep walking [Music] and we're done for this yep here's the old Joel yep that's the one guy you do not want to [ __ ] with and why she specifically didn't want to owe him I love the way they're doing this stuff no mercy no [ __ ] Mercy one man army in Hell Joel it's kind of like the game right where you pick up all different weapons yeah like yeah the body count in this one is pretty much equal to the game as well pediatric surgery the hallway on the hooker how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you take her thank you [Music] I like that they linked on the doctor a little bit there yeah possibly the only person who could do this who could give them a cure can't keep her safe forever how long until she's torn apart by infected or murdered by Raiders because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved Maybe but it isn't for you to decide for you so what would she decide should have given her the [ __ ] choice even after what you've done we can still find a way [Music] what it's all right you're with me turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune dozens of them they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there the people hurt yes no I'm taking this home she must know that he's lying right the only true thing he said that said there was like people got hurt yeah you'd just come after her well she got us close enough we got to walk the rest of the way probably about a five hour hike but we can manage that remember yeah hmm well Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time she would have liked you not to say or two years the same definitely different kids awesome well she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not yeah anyway I bet you would have liked her back yeah bet I would have there it is back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed someone her name was Riley and she was the first to die and then it was Tess and then Sam that's not on you I know it look sometimes things don't work out the way we hope but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for maybe that's not what you're wearing me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true I swear okay oh yeah fat head pretty hard and it was exactly like the game the whole thing with the hospital and with Ellie and Joel and Marlene aside from like a few things like here and there when I was added but yeah but but mostly the same in of course not the beginning of the episode we didn't get that in in the game no no but I think the whole thing about him wanting to like missing the shot and everything oh yeah um what Joel told Ellie about yeah yeah that that wasn't uh uh that wasn't in the game either that's something that that we didn't know and I like I do like that little detail because it's that's quite realistic that I guess I I don't know and I hope I will never ever ever ever ever ever find out but if you do lose a child's then I think that's something that goes through the mind of every parent what what reason do I have to go on especially if you yeah you can't even talk yourself out of like because if you have more kids yeah you can you can just like I need to live on for them yeah for this if you only have one child yeah yeah yeah but again so well done so well acted and and seeing all of this again but then portrayed by by Pedro and Bella and like they they brought so much to its um already was a lot to it and from the games and with with Troy and and Ashley but but seeing it again now and we've been on this journey again with now these new versions of of Joel and Ellie it just it hits just as hard I think even though you know what's coming I also like that you know because of course some of the stuff that they've had to cut out from the story is most of the combat and the action the gameplay aspects of it all like in the game up until this point like you as Joel killed so many people so so so many but if that had happened in the series and he had been this one-man Army throughout the entirety of it and this this last part where he just went on a rampage in the hospital it wouldn't have been as impactful and I am I'm sorry I can't wait to see some reactions to to this uh last episode from people who haven't played the games and and what they think of it and and seeing like because everybody knows that Joel is capable but capable of something like that to that degree killing so many people brutally is that's on a whole whole new level and I'm sure that there's a lot of people who just applauded him for us yeah that's and like rooted for him doing it yeah without thinking about like perhaps them the message here um yeah because like we are we definitely understand where it comes from like and it was even it was so clear in this episode as you said like well we start out the episode with him really leaning into him accepting oh yeah having accepted that he is her dad now and really enjoying it and really like being a dad being a dad um and then confiding in her in that way as well that was something again that they added yeah everything like I'm talking so openly about Sarah and trying to kill himself um yeah but it adds in a little bit more depth because we know like well he has definitely been hurting um he has lost people and again losing on one child and suddenly almost about to lose another yeah without even being able to tell her goodbye without even anything yeah anything and I also understand why they were trying to keep him out because he might be able to convince her not to do it you know or tell her that well you're not gonna survive this procedure and then she would freak out and and yeah yeah and then there is also the whole aspect again with Marlene saying like you're the specific person I did not want to owe because Joel is really dangerous she knows him she knows what he can do so having him act out like that and like in hindsight like if they really wanted to be brutal about it uh they should just have killed Joel or put him in Restraint to begin with and just made sure that we have him under observation until the surgery is done but they were a little too trusting there but but the thing that that really screws it all up is [Music] um taking away that choice from Ellie on both sides even though Marlene argued the like that that it should be up to her in the end she didn't even do that like it was just right in there prepper for surgery we're not even going to tell what's gonna happen and then of course Joel not giving her the choice either so it's just it being out of Ellie's hands that is that is just what's most wrong in that situation and as we said it was both sides that did not get give her any choice in this yeah um I'm sure if if you asked her she would be on board with it she just said it like all of this we've been through all everything that I've done yes it cannot be for nothing we have to see this through and I think that one of the reasons why she was so quiet was because she's pretty damn smart she might have known that that was that was an option like maybe they had to actually not just take a sample of her blood or something like that like maybe they maybe she actually had to die to save the world and I think she was just inside her own mind like slowly coming to terms with that but not saying it out loud to Joel another thing is also you she had to um work because what he said like well there's no cure the like yeah you're immune but we can't really no we we they couldn't find out what how and why yeah they're more like you and like they actually stop looking for a cure yeah believing for such a long time help save the world because that's another thing that she's been telling herself right because also I think she's also been going through the motions she even said it like she lost all these people and she feels like it's her it was like her fault in a way right or her because of her because of her yeah so she didn't want any more people to die she and she wanted wanted to make up for that so there's another thing because like if you deal with loss the same way right then you also get to a point where I was like why is it all like is it worth it yeah and it's another thing for her probably that she's been telling herself to keep going it's like I'm special I can help save the world and suddenly you wake up and it's like yeah there's no cure and um everything everything we did is just for nothing and she has to like she has to live with that she oh yeah well she has to uh digest it right because obviously yeah she was pretty damn hurt or you know disappointed um yeah yes of course like she again was coming to terms with this whole thing and had been doing it through the entire journey and everything that has happened and all the people that had to die for them to get to this point only to wake up and being told as you said then yeah no don't like that didn't really matter let's just go back and this just live our lives um that's that's that's really really tough um and then we get that last last scene swear to me what everything you told me about the fireflies is true and we know it's not and and we of course know it's not but she said okay and then they ended and that is again exactly how the game ended with the close-up on Ellie saying okay cut to Black and then that music being the same as well uh so really staying true to the souls material yeah it has it has both um like good things but also like some drawbacks but I will get into the drawbacks later yeah we will we'll get into some spoiler territory after we we're done talking about the non-spoilery stuff for the future of the continuation of the story yes yeah because there has been made yeah there's there's a part two so um but yeah um I'm a little bit curious as to see like I I'm sure that there's a lot of people applauding and rooting for uh Joel but another message that they've been trying to get across this series is that well Joel said it multiple times he's not a good person and while we're rooting for him because we followed him and we understand him suddenly and we feel for him and we feel for him and like I've I'm not if it was my only child going through like I don't know how to respond as well because like everything changes when you become a parent and that's like that's exactly so again not saying that we don't understand why Joel did what he did and not even saying that maybe we wouldn't do the same if we were in his position but just grand scheme of things it's a horrible and Incredibly selfish thing to do yeah killing all these people even the people that the guy who was pushing away the gun was just like I he clearly just wanted to survive this and he did not he did not fling you did not let him yeah brutally killed all these people and and as you're saying like bringing up the point of it being selfish on Joel's heart because he finally got to feel like this again and and he even that that was a part of the dialogue there between him and Ellie again and it wasn't time it was it was Ellie it was meeting Ellie caring for Ellie feeling like a dad again feeling like you have something to live for so of course in a way like he's gonna like he wants to keep that at all costs not even like he doesn't even want to give her the choice whether she wants the the surgery or not not that like he was really in a position to give her that choice because it had already been taken away from her uh by by the fireflies I guess um but but I think perhaps if if she said I had a choice and if she if she said going through this I think he might have stopped her yeah anyway I think he would have accepted it no because taking away her choice like that purely selfish yes I byproducts of moving to another room in the house is the sun is on on this side that's what I didn't really think about that anyway yeah but yeah it's incredibly selfish of him um with the yeah taking away Ellie's choice and in that way um and as I said I understand I'm a parent I I really really sometimes like you do things um I'm sure a lot of parents they have tried perhaps that trying to give their kids some uh autonomy autonomy autonomy yeah um and then it was just like not turning out the way that they wanted it to yeah but at least doing things were like it's not necessarily for the best of the child or if the kid wants to do something you're like no I won't let you do that because you might get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt yeah even though that would be the best like uh I think sorry like some overprotective parents perhaps like they won't let their kids experience uh the world um because of they might get hurt they might get hurt I know there's just like a weird example and not in the same way near as Extreme as this but I think like that's perhaps some of the same reasonings and it's it's uh selfishness right that you don't want to go through the pain of losing a child seeing a child or potentially potentially yeah or just you know seeing them get hurt because of course it hurts when your child get hurts um but sometimes they have to make their own choices they have to make their own experiences in life and you should not be the one taking that away from them because then you might end up with a kid that um resents you resent you or like gets afraid of every little thing you know if you go to the uh overprotectiveness that's and then that in the end if you feel like you can't live your life because you have a helicopter parent constantly um then well then then they might come to resent you for not letting you live your life the way you want to sure yeah yeah so that that's why I say that Joel is being extremely selfish yeah and there's even um and they they talked about this in the the podcast with uh Craig and Neil and Troy where they they talked about the notion of choice and this was back in the episode where they were in Jackson and Joel actually you know he presented Ellie with the choice like I want this to be up to you do you want to go with Tommy or do you want to go with me but it wasn't really just because he knew exactly what she was going to say there so he was comfortable letting her have that choice because he knew the outcome whereas here he necessarily didn't know like whether or not she wants she wanted to go through this but he didn't want her to so he's not going to give her the choice in this instance um and again I know how complicated the whole thing is and it like do did he really give like did he get the opportunity to give her a choice because it was the kind of sort of taken away um but like the whole situation which is mental so freaking poorly um by almost everyone involved but hey now the uh both still alive and they've uh they went to Jackson and they can live out their lives there or live happily ever after or yeah there's of course the season two coming they I think they're gonna start shooting or at least pre-production or something fairly soon which is also understandable because this is such a big hit so they wanna keep it going um part 2 is a longer story than part one so I think I've also heard them talk about they might split it up into two seasons okay uh so we can get three seasons of The Last of Us overall unless this is uh they do a part three you know game wise and then they can adapt the part three into more seasons but I also know like they don't want to go they don't want to extend the stories beyond the games at all so if if there's no part three game wise then nothing like they're not gonna adapt anything perhaps also gonna be gonna issue if they're not making a part three um it might make sense but that's spoiled or territory yes do you want to get into some of that now let's go and go we're gonna go full on into spoiler territory here for uh part two what's to come and some of the things that that we saw in this episode so if you don't want to know any of it then spoiler warning Gonna Keep It Up through the entire spoiler uh part here uh so just if you want to hear the the outro and Danish word of the day at the very end and you can jump forward and so the when the spoiler thing is gone last warning here we go because I have things to say I have things to say okay so I understand why they like they chose to keep straight to the to the story yeah but because they're because there's so many people who kind of misunderstood Joe's character or like at least the whole thing with being selfish yeah or at least they were maybe they did understand it but they were still rooting for for Joel they were still on his side all the way through and they didn't care about Ellie's choices yeah all the people who got killed sorry yeah so um we just see him go May him and we know in the what happens in the next one it's gonna bite him in the ass um I am one of the people or we are one of the people uh yeah we uh we are one of those who actually really liked the second game and I just kind of understood what kind of message they were trying to tell us with that one and there's been some things with uh like uh Kathleen's character in this season uh kind of being like uh foreshadowing of what Revenge does to you oh yeah completely yeah how can can completely Rob your mind that's gonna what's gonna happen to Ellie and also in a way also with Abby um and yeah Abby I I actually really liked Abby's character and yeah me too um the thing that I think is the drawback here from not a debt like from adapting it one to one uh from the from the games is that we don't get to see Abby's perspective uh unless they're gonna show us like some of the first things in in the in the second season yeah but I don't think they're gonna do that because I think perhaps Neil dragon is a bit too proud of his own work um so he's gonna lose a lot of people here because uh the people I gotta be mad because it ends like it starts up if you remember by um basically by Abby clubbing Joel to death um because of what happened and again her father being the doctor that he killed and he even kept like lingered on him a little bit there uh just as foreshadowing as okay there's gonna be some serious [ __ ] consequences for killing this guy in particular yeah and not just that he was the only person who might have been able to use Elise uh tissue samples and everything yeah to make a cure um but also that this is gonna haunt him like honcho yes and it was actually just from from what we got to see of him in in part two with flashbacks a really good person yeah and there's some great like like stories like there's a great um like there's some great uh interaction and some great dialogue there also showing that Abby is also necessarily not a bad person no no I remember distinctly that that Abby was arguing um because they were like in his office and he was talking to Marlene about whether or not like how they should proceed with this and Abby was actually the one being like what are you guys doing give her the choice let her wake up let her decide this uh yeah she should be able to yeah yeah and so and and us not so if they're just going to start the this like with the same thing in the second season people are gonna be taken aback and they're probably just gonna turn off and not being willing to accept what like every Abby's character Abby's uh journey and everything they're trying to tell us with the second season and that's a bit sad because what they could have done and that's a drawback is that they could have shown a little bit more with the doctor he they could show that he's a person and not just like someone but he has child he has family as well um that this like that he's a good person and he wants to do what's best for the world and like he has like he's very if I remember correctly he's very um selfless uh he wants to well save the world and but he's also a dad so so there's the whole thing with with Abby and him talking about because Abby is very much like yeah well if I had the choice I would save the world yeah just I will I would let I would I would you know let you operate or kill me yeah yeah so that I could save the world yeah and so I think also him who talked about like well um we should also kind of have have to choose if you want a life or I don't know I can't remember it's been a while anyway so just giving a little bit like um a little bit of that kind of like seeing that conversation in in the office or uh seeing because they also go out um and there's a whole thing with a zebra and them talking back and forth Abby and her father that is so if they had included that some of that it could have softened the blow of what is to come especially for for Joel but I also get you know why they don't because it is somewhat like it hurts more in the way that they're telling the story originally and putting us in Joel's shoes 100 here and that is also why people a lot of people they were just rooting for him all the way through because we don't really have a relationship to anyone that he killed here like all we care about are like it's Joel and it's Ellie and we want both of them to survive and go on um so yeah of course they could have included some stuff uh that would have made us doubt his choices even more but but then when we jump into part two you won't get that same reaction again for some people that like it's really hard to digest like of course seeing Joel getting beaten to death and you're like why why why and who the hell is this person who's beating him to death and then slowly throughout that game and especially playing as Abby you learn if you're willing to at least absorb some of that um you learn and you get to to sympathize way more with her and and seeing Joel in a totally different perspective and a whole new light uh where it's it's something that again it's in the back of our minds because we know it and they have been telling us who Joel was and and how like afraid of uh of him people are because of what he's capable of um Unfortunately they they are gonna for me at least because I just think because it's such a great story I just think that too many people who are not that they're gonna they're gonna just gonna cut off uh and they're gonna be mad they're not they so they will not be willing to understand what this show is trying to tell you and then we gotta go through that whole [ __ ] show sorry again yeah again there's gonna be so much on the internet and I just I can't go like how how can you be so willing to not get like is it I don't know if it's like a like it put it puts up like blocks for people to understand and yeah and it's not saying that if you didn't like the story in in part two that you're wrong because it's you aren't like that's your opinion it's all subjective um but but it is still like it just seemed like there were a lot of people who just played up until that point Joel died and they were like no F this or maybe they continued a little while and then they got to the point where oh I'm gonna play as the person who killed the character they that I cared about F this this is bad storytelling um I just know you go through it you know go through the whole experience and then make up your mind but even even when like get got through the whole experience they were just not willing to learn from it they were not willing to take it in they were not willing to digest it and think about it and see from from the perspective and and they just wonder what they're trying to tell you with this story yeah they just wanted Ellie to kill Abby and that's the whole thing and there's a whole theme the whole thing about revenge in the next one yeah it's like the the big theme of love in this one what it will do to people um and that you know carries over into the next one and how that will really sour you into becoming vengeful and even more violent and like some of the stuff that Ellie does going forward yeah like whoa the back side of the coin right like that's yeah how love can turn into full-on like just yeah revenge and hatred also for both Ellie and and Abby of course because Abby her father got killed here and that is why she takes revenge on on Joel but it doesn't make her feel better the whole thing with Abby's then her narrative in the or her journey in this in the second game is learning that revenge like because when she did the whole thing with Joel We Know from uh from conversations um that she did not make it did not make her feel better and she was like well okay that was like then then Revenge was the wrong choice um but that's just too late you know when you have already killed the person and then it comes by doing the ass um yeah in the form of Ellie and Tommy and everyone um but then like when it comes to with Revenge it's just like revenge is just but that's the whole thing and and then um Ellie like and a huge part of Ellie's character is that she's not becoming Abby she's not becoming Tommy she's not being completely um she's letting go she's not like being consumed by this in the end um and and she actually yeah just goes back to that farm where they live and that that was uh a little bit of a foreshadowing there because where Anna went that looked a lot like that that looked exactly like that farm I think so it wasn't just me that was thinking no no no no I was thinking the exact same thing I just didn't want to say anything out loud while we were watching because yeah spoilers um yeah or it could just be for foreshadowing probably not like that the exact farm that she goes to to live on with Dean Edward yeah looked a lot like it um again all all we're saying is yeah they could have included some things here to soften the blow they didn't so they obvious obviously still committed to telling the story in the same way I'm sure that there are going to be changes just like there were changes in in this season but like the overall core of the story Remains the Same that I think they're gonna keep doing that and I also thank both Neil Dragon but also very much Craig Mason wants to stay true to that story because he he loves it so much yeah sure you can tell it in a different way and and you can experiment with that yeah and and also because then I just know how it's gonna turn out like with all these people who are not playing the game they've seen the backlash already and so they must know that yeah exactly and it's just like it's just it's hurting me so it's personally I don't know why I'm taking it personal but I'm taking it very personal that people do not like uh understand what they're trying to do and trying to tell and in part two oh and yeah it's just it makes me so sad um because I've really really I loved this like I didn't did we get to like a a perfect 10 out of 10 when we rated the the second game if we rate it I don't know but to me to us at least it is a perfect 10 out of 10. but it is one of those games where except for the combat but that's like but that's more on the yeah yeah I do still think like that the combat was was more refined in the second one yeah more refined we're still it was so hot it was it got it got really difficult and there were portions in that game where you were just like oh I am so done with running around and killing people can we just yeah um but story wise we thought it was absolutely amazing yeah and also because here it's pretty straightforward right and the next one they kind of take the narrative and then just turn it on its head yes um maybe because like the way that it happens in the game is like you go through like the thing that happens to Joel happens at the beginning and then you play as Ellie for a while up until a point where she confronts Abby again and then you go through the whole thing that you go back in time and then you play as Abby so it's like two big portions like Ellie Abby whereas maybe in the series they can go like Ellie Abby Ellie Abby Ellie Abby Elliott Perhaps Perhaps the thing is with the first uh first season here or the first uh yeah game you have this like build up to what's like the major thing that's gonna happen and that's is Joel killing everyone and taking Ellie yeah so this we're leading up to a horrible Choice selfish Choice by made by someone then in the second one we open basically open the game with a horrible Choice yeah and then we're gonna learn exactly so so like in this one it's easier for people to digest and why there probably were so many people rooting for Joel and why they're going to be so many people rooting for Joel is we like from the very first episode we saw him lose his daughter and then we go on this entire Journey with him and Ellie so that his choice just makes sense when we get to it no matter like how brutal how selfish it is but in the second one it opens with that brutal and selfish Choice and then we spent the whole game trying to understand why and that will turn some people off because that is a more uh challenging way of Storytelling for sure for sure nice wording there but yeah if you want to know more about our thoughts specifically on the second game we do have the game stream on the channel so you can check it out if you want to there's a playlist just called The Last of Us Part Two where we play through the entire game together side by side but I think we sum up our thoughts in the last one yes if you want to just know our thoughts and not go through all the yeah yeah yeah but I also there's a short review just which is me sitting and talking I think it's in that playlist as well so again if you just want to hear talk more about and that game that's a review that came after we've been talking about it like off screen and you know just digesting the whole game so yeah so it's probably more uh it's our thoughts but just me talking yeah and also just like condensed and more like yeah condensed yeah exactly that's a lot this is a long discussion but that's all right it is it is the last episode of The Last of Us for now and I cannot freaking wait to see how they're gonna handle the story going forward because as you can just hear from us talking here we have feelings yeah we love it opinions yes we love it but but we know that it's it's gonna get complicated if they tell it the same way that they did um I still of course we hope that they keep to the core of the story they don't change any major events but if they do choose to experiment a little bit with the order of things and the storytelling in there then we wouldn't mind we would understand at least yeah because like they can still soften the blow s we can still they can take a stop with some happy stuff yeah sure change the was so special to me about the second season or the second game is was that the way that they completely turned the narrative upside down yeah yeah and like that's that's just like stylistic or like a artistic choice they made yes and I do understand why they did it it's ballsy as all hell but it's very effective and it's exactly that's the thing it's effective actually understand what the what it is that they're trying to tell you it's like it's so powerful yeah but again yes let's see because if they want to at least trying to yes as you say soften the ball a little bit they can still do it yeah um but yeah at least that's a drawback yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's also the kind of game of the kind of story where even like we love it I haven't really replayed it that much because it's just so brutal it is so hard to get through for me it was just like the the combat didn't work for me so that's why I haven't gone through it also because it takes it takes um you have to immerse yourself with with these kind of games and I just don't have that time and energy it's my life's emotionally taxing yeah oh well I can do with the emotional taxing it's just like the whole not me not having a lot of time to do that at the moment yeah sure you just said it from the beginning haven't slept in half a year because because our child does not want to sleep no um but being parents and experiencing the story again like this and and there are just certain things that just it's way way harder um sorry yeah spoiler thing gone now um it's way harder when when you're when your parent apps are freaking lose and the opening scene oh yeah that was man oh man oh man oh man uh even though there were some things oh my god let's just yeah stay clear of that like story wise it it hit really really really really hard and it was uh expertly um like performed especially executed I think mostly especially for me having gone through birth quite recently I would say half a year that's quite recently uh I still remember things even though I was drafted up as all hell but I remember things and that feeling you get when you just okay speaking of quick uh Danish word of the day and then we'll wrap it up here um a Danish word I think it should be choice choice yes it's a it's a quick uh short one but we've talked a lot about choices getting getting the choice um so the choice in Danish is well yes a choice itvel something that Ellie didn't get and it doesn't make sense the way it's spelled but that's Danish for you yeah yes yes there you go thank you guys so much for watching going on this journey with us uh with the last of us and we're of course going to be back with the season two whenever that comes out and then check out some of the other stuff that we have on the channel and uh yeah exciting stuff coming up as well thank you thank you thank you see you very soon bye
Channel: Kat & Sonny
Views: 31,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, Series, HBO, Season 1, Story, Joel, Ellie, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Game, Reaction, Review, Discussion, Episode 9, Look for the Light, Season Finale, Ellie's Mom, Ashley Johnson, Marlene, Baby, Infected, Death, Giraffe, Hospital, Fight, Choice, Killing, Surgery, Fireflies, Doctor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 40sec (3520 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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