The Last of Us Episode 9 ‘Look for the Light’ Reaction

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what’s up JrSquad welcome back to our channel  it's Jyn and Ryl and today we're going to be   checking out the last of us season 1 episode  9. the season finale and we don't know what to   expect I can't believe it I was about to say I  can't believe that it's the season finale that   yeah already I mean it took a while because yeah  it was weekly but yeah I know I'm not ready to   let go and I don't know how long it's gonna take  for season two or if there will be a season two I   guess we should just get right into it though  and it's just 43 minutes not sure seriously   yeah that's crazy I would I was expecting like an  hour or more all right let's see what they have to   offer yeah to see the full uncut version of this  reaction check out our patreon the link is in the   description below make sure you smash that like  button subscribe and turn on post notifications   special shout out goes to our top tier patrons  thank you guys so much for joining our journey and   also shout out to our other patrons we appreciate  you all now let's get into it who's that oh she's about to get to give Ellie's mom that could be the case  if someone expected him her water broke yeah   she has no help there's no one to a sister yeah she's trying to protect herself in case she's in the middle of giving birth are you  kidding she's she'll probably get bitten right   anyway she's so strong she didn't even realize realize yeah yeah see so is this why Ellie is immune tiny  hands tiny feet I think this is say her name oh my gosh I knew this was Ellie I think it has  a lot to do with that infection her mom had so   she's immune because the infection went into her  system but she wasn't bitten up I don't know but   I'm thinking she says she's so tough yes she  said she said you tell him and then she said the   words that Ellie she said the the f word Ellie's  always saying that yeah she's just like her mom we found her baby oh the mom is still alive so she was supposed  to meet these people I'm thinking yeah   she held out oh she was she was trying to make  sure if anything happens it's not your fault   we would delay getting out of his own she's  hungry he's not able to feed her she needs   to be fed and I guess she's infected I didn't  want to nurse her I cut it before I was bit oh four she's not telling the truth no she cut  it after take her with you she just oh my gosh   find someone to bring her up and make sure that  she's safe and I want you to give her this oh her name is Ellie how long have we known each other oh my God you pick her up right now we've  known each other that long and then you kill me she was saying that it's not her fault  yeah I think it has a lot to do with   the fact that she didn't cut it before  being infected that's why Ellie's immune   I don't think she can kill her I  can't kill you no please please why are they trying to make me cry so early  hold her ahead so who's her dad cover her ears   she's gonna do it baby Ellie Ellie do you hear me no what well I found  this in there Beefaroni Chef Boyardee she's so sad I've never seen her that said yeah if  you want to beat me or something it would be this for games for me thanks they had a guitar in that RV  it's all smashed up but got   me thinking bet you'd be great at it  you want to learn how to play guitar my gosh she's so depressed now yeah oh yeah oh  that trauma she's starting to dissociate a lot   yeah okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through  that building to get around that that's awesome actually this time I was thinking we blast  our way through that Rubble I found some   dynamite in that RV back there really  but isn't that gonna be too much noise military drops bombs not one of them hits  the building you're trying to demolish oh okay yeah if I get you up there you can drop that ladder  down maybe we go through that way come on I'll   give you a boost okay yeah fine just you kind of  seem extra quiet today so oh I'm sorry no it's   fine remember she's always talking here with us  yeah got it all just cares he cares about her oh yeah that's Ellie the way she jumped on a giraffe what don't scare it  I won't can you hurry up come on foreign we don't have to do this I want you to  know that what do you mean what else are   we supposed to do nothing we just go back to  Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing wow after all we've been through he just isn't one   certain things that happens everything  I've done yeah you can't be for nothing okay I know you want to protect me you have  and when we're done we'll go wherever you want   always cheap ranch the Moon follow you  anywhere you go oh my God it's so cute Ellie   but there's no halfway with us we finished what  we started I'm anxious about what's gonna happen is this ephedra thing no army they had  me in one just like this with Sarah   no she was gone already oh it's for  this uh the guy who shot and missed I   figured that would have happened  later nope second day it was me I was the guy who shot and missed oh my God I didn't know Sarah died I couldn't see  the point anymore and I wasn't scared   either I was ready I went to pull the trigger I  flinched still don't know why you had a purpose   so Time Heals all wounds I guess I don't  think so it wasn't time that did it I'm glad that that didn't work out yeah yeah me  too I'm so happy they're sharing this Bond yeah   he said it wasn't time that it did it did the  healing so yeah it was her yeah because she had   purpose and yeah you know what I'm in the mood for  what you realize well she realized when he said it too soon no it's topical boom  rocks tastes better than Earth   rocks why because they're meteor that's terrible that one is kind of good what did the green grape  say to the purple grape Crazy idiot breathe oh my gosh Kelly oh shoot are these are these fireflies maybe  they found the maybe the fireflies found them   instead of them find the fireflies so what did  they have to do with that do that they have to   be cautious I guess right um I'm  not sure we got here pretty hard   she's there I have five men whose only job  was to protect me I still almost got killed   how'd you do it yeah for real it was  all her she felt like hell to get here well yeah she needed Joel as well we all know he  had to take me to her yeah he doesn't care about   this what what's being prepped for surgery  what surgery what surgery he thinks that the   cordyceps and Ellie has grown with her since  birth why is she in surgery it produces a kind   of chemical messenger it makes normal cordyceps  think that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune   what she's gonna remove it from her multiply the  cells in a lab produce those chemical Messengers   and then we can give it to  everyone so what's going to happen what is she saying what's going to happen  because what a such grossing inside yeah so if they do that she's going to die it  does what he's gonna have no muster artificial   find someone else there is no one else we  didn't tell her we didn't cause her any fear   there won't be any pain no you take me to her  you take me to her right now you're gonna kill   her what what is it this way so they'll  have to sacrifice her to save Humanity   there must be another way then she's the only  thing he has I was there when she was born well   you shouldn't do this I would her child I promised  this is why aren't you saving her I do understand   no you don't you don't have that bond with her  though no this isn't making any sense I have no   other choice you do like there's always another  Choice there must be another way to do this Ellie like he lost his daughter walking out  to the highway leaving there with this pack   give him this this isn't fair she gave him to have  something of Ellie I guess that's not working she   needs to bust her out of this crazy ass place  what the hell I know Marlene thinks this is for   the best but it's not it's real and it might  not work it yeah it might not work exactly   it could be just a sacrifice and  when they do it it doesn't work you guys are screwed all right I wouldn't want  want to be the one to teach looking where his   surgery is damn he was telling Ellie you  know that he should just drop this yeah   but she wanted to help I guess he had a feeling  walking he cannot leave her he said keep walking but they're gonna hear those oh my God yeah oh [ __ ] this is crazy I wouldn't be  the one to die yeah you just see it right   I'll be like you know you can go if you  were successful with getting Ellie here they had helped here and there but it was a long  journey and they survived I'd be scared of him   he's gonna kill all of them yeah even the doctor  it seems like Marlene is gonna die today yeah it's   going to be the end of Marlene too fortunately she  really had a good thing going and she found she   found a cure yeah and then they're [ __ ] it up  this isn't working out they're down for no reasons anyway there are people out there that would  want to stop hiding and stop being in fear   and they're there's a cure for this thing  and sacrificing one person for Humanity   yeah it doesn't seem that bad yeah but I don't  know I'm attached to Ellie so just like Joel apparently he'd kill the world forever and also  though whatever they're taking outside taking the   thing out of her brain it might it really  might not work exactly it's not like that   it could be a failed experiment   and then Ellie would just be gone why  they don't even know if it's going to work I won't let you take her yeah I told you  that doctor would die immediately first   and the nurses aren't they  want her to get infected   the nurses aren't able to I mean do the surgery  without that exactly without the surgeon he doesn't want her to get an infection because  of the wound oh where they had the needle yeah   so that's why he told them to cover it up you  know that's good you didn't even do anything   to the nurses because they complied right but  that doctor won't be able to hunt her again   he wants because he was the one that he was  the only one that could do it the surgery yeah she's so sweet and innocent she deserves  to live yeah and isn't Martin's Marlene still   out there yeah where's Marlene all right she could  hurt him you know can't keep her safe forever no   matter how many people you kill she's gonna grow  up Joel and then you'll die she'll leave then what   how long until she's torn apart by infected  or murdered by Raiders because she lives   in a broken world that you could have saved  Maybe but it isn't for you to decide for you   it's for her to decide I don't know what she  decide oh no because I think she'd want to do   what's right why didn't you ask her then tell her  what this real surgery is I think she'd do the   sacrifice yeah maybe she would have even after  what you've done we can still find a way this   is not fair but she's still she's still sedated  like oh my gosh she's not able to speak right now   to give her two cents how can he let her go  don't do it he has her right okay yes the drugs   are still wearing off this was the fireflies and  then one drugs they were running some tests on you   and some others it turns out  there's a whole lot more like you um oh my gosh the doctors they couldn't  make any of it work actually stop looking for a cure it's the end of you  can't believe Joe where are my clothes you're   gonna attack the hospital I barely got you out  of there we'll find you some new ones on the way it's like you're my daughter now and I'm  keeping you do you realize one died yes   they all died he did it it's Marlene okay no  she's not Marlene wanted to kill you baby girl yep that's true I'm taking this home she said about Marlene though I'm sorry Ellie would have decided to  sacrifice yeah I think she would have just come after her oh he's he's heartless when it comes to Ellie  yeah she's really going to come after her   she'd regroup and find more people that  she could trust and go after Joel and Ellie   but since they know how it's happened they  can try again with someone but well she died   we gotta walk the rest of the way probably about  a five hour hike but we can manage that remember yeah she feels so bummed out because she  thinks she's not able to save humanity and   so sad well Sarah and I used  to hug like this all the time I don't know I wish you knew like  yeah to know her decision like   I think Martin Marlene should have told her  the truth like what the surgery is about I   want to say girly and stuff like that just  to know what you know that they'd have to   just force her to do it then yeah she had a  killer smile again not saying that you don't   you know why I think she'd like  you why because you're funny Ellie is funny yeah yeah anyway I  bet you would have liked her back   yeah but I would have in Kansas City you asked me  about the first time I killed summer Riley my best   friend was there and she got bit too feel poetic  and just lose our minds together and then she did   and I had to she was the first to die and then  it was Tess and then Sam that's not on you I know   look sometimes things don't work out the way we  hope you can feel like like you've come to an end   you don't know what to do next he's  right but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for  maybe that's not what you're doing to me she scares a little sweater to me that  everything you said about the fireflies   is true no it wasn't it wasn't true is he  gonna tell and tell her please I swear no I guess he doesn't want that burden on her but   I don't know she's gonna find out that was her  decision and hers only yeah to make but okay it's   over yeah it's over that's it wait is this really  the finale then maybe there's a another episode   right it's over how could it end that way what do  you mean that's the end okay you just have to wait   maybe like two three years or so stop for another  season stop but that's how long they're taking for   everything everything is about two three years  so you won't see Ellie again for now Virgil   first of all and he lied he lied yeah to her but  I think it's it's for the best right now they can   argue they can have an argument about this in the  future first of all we need to talk about this   because Marlene was saying that it's because  she was infected at Birth and the thing forms   and then the yeah the cordyceps thing that  she's already infected so yeah they're not   gonna infect her but they bite her and she's not  infected yeah what does she mean is that what she   means like when she's bitten in the Cardis steps  are inside her yes they're like oh if someone is   it's already in here so I'm not gonna take  it over oh so what is that what do you think do you think then that it would have worked  the Cure I we can't know for sure they said   they could give it to everyone I guess they  would if they would be infecting people it's   like a vaccine yeah so they'd infect you with  so that was yeah when they when you get bitten   but how you wouldn't it wouldn't attack your brain   it wouldn't wouldn't have any reason to because  it's already there just like vaccine right   something like that but I still don't know how  how would they do it just how they would create   it they would create more of it once they have the  original yeah and how would they give it to people   inject it yeah I guess they'd inject you just like  when you show up for a vaccine so when they inject   you how would it not take over your brain that's  true what if it doesn't work for some people   like anything like any cure because it doesn't  always work for some people some people they die   or they get sick and still pass away and yeah so I  guess it you would just have to try it and risk it   because either way you're not safe because the  infected are still out there and whatnot so   I don't think Marlene should have done it  without at least consent her full consent   is like to know exactly what she's doing yeah how  it's going to be done she didn't explain to her   like how they're gonna actually do it she thought she was still going to be alive  earlier I mean yeah she did but if she knew   then that she would have come back when mad  and upset about it but I think for Humanity   she would have decided okay fine I'll sacrifice  yeah because Ellie has a good heart but the thing   is for for Joel um I think he didn't want to  tell her because he he realized that she's so   sad about everything already and has so much  things to deal with so if he tells her the truth   about what happened now she's gonna be like much  worse I think she's gonna be so depressed She's   Not Gonna Wanna yeah she's online yeah she's gonna  think that oh she ruined Humanity because she   wants to live or she's going to feel guilty yeah  she's about to say so guilty so conflicted right   yeah and like her fault so many people died and  the entire world is still to be over and she's all   good and she's going to be alone or maybe she'll  die anyways without helping Humanity so yeah   she'd have a lot of things to think about if he  tells her the truth and yeah that makes no sense   it's fine because parents don't tell us everything  yeah and we have to just you know live our lives   afterwards you know we find out we argue about it  so we're not this is true and he's her new Garden   if he doesn't protect yeah he's our new garden and  if he doesn't protect her like who will apparently   we're gonna kill her yeah it's I don't know  it's it's complicated it's complicated because   honestly we do want the Cure because every  no there's no one else like her right now   and yeah if the thing is if she meets someone  they always end up dying like Sam and she's   not able to do anything about that and she's not  so she's gonna be afraid to make friends now and   Joel could die too and leave her all alone  again in the world and then she'll have   to meet new people and they'll die and  guess what Marlene was trying to say is   is it worth it to save Ellie like is it worth it  because in the end yeah she'll leave or something   too like she said she'll end up leaving her  is it worth it to save her over Humanity I'm biased embarrassed for thinking that Ellie  shouldn't be sacrificed like that but or she   at least make it her own decision yeah Kyle would  feel better if it was her yeah right and whatever   but yeah if she was going to decide then if  she knew the whole truth that she's going to be   sacrificed to save humanity and she'd be like okay  I'll still do it I'd feel so bad about it because   yeah I'm so attached to Elena just like Joe but  I'd understand then that she actually wants to   do it and I guess that's much better but the way  she they were doing it they put her under yeah and   then on her knowing yeah she did the wrong thing  telling Joe what was gonna happen she should have   just kept it from Joel as well yeah oh but she she  couldn't have because he was being very persistent   he was asking her where she is and he wants to see  her and take take take him to her because yeah he   he was just he just wanted his Ellie so there's  no way they could have done it without him causing   chaos either way because if she was gonna say  wait till the surgery is over or whatnot I think   that he still would have ended them he would have  ruined it yeah so if they did the surgery without   him you know doing it before he'd still do it  afterwards because of out of Rage or yeah no one   would have gotten the carrot anyway exactly  he wouldn't allow it so I'm thinking though   Joel decided to do that because he knew like  after Marlene said maybe Elisha decide he knew   Ellie would have sacrificed that's yeah that's  why he didn't take that route yeah he didn't   wait or no for her to you know or even tell  her because he knew that she would take the   she would want to do it so that is why  he didn't tell her the truth but she's   going to find out and it's going to be  very it's going to be very bad because   then she's going to be older at that time too  and she's already so mature so when she finds   out it's going to be very bad maybe that's the  time she's going to end up leaving Joel yeah   who knows I think okay put it into perspective  how many of you would have decided to   sacrifice Ellie if you're her guardian  or parent like would you have decided   okay let her do it let her do it because it  will save Humanity would you have done that   I mean it's just when you think about it it just  shows how the human brain operates or how human   what would you say yeah like okay don't use Ellie  then use someone you're close to like Ellie yeah   think about yourself because your daughter but  your daughter or maybe your best friend or lover   think about that you're someone you love it I  think if you would sacrifice that person or allow   it to happen then to save Humanity because what's  the point of saving humans if you can't have that   person anymore yeah but that person's very selfish  it's very selfish but there's so many other people   but I guess I just want to see tell us guys yeah  who would really do the the right thing I want   to know so comment below what you would have done  or if you think Joel did the wrong thing or what   yeah I know and then there's the other  side you decide you'd be do a Joel did   or you would say sacrifice her or what do  you want Ellie to make the decision huh   knowing that Ellie would have done the  other thing which is sacrifice yourself   yeah but yeah let us know guys this is an  interesting topic I'm sad that it's over   but it is right it's a season so now you have  to go ahead and check yeah but I'm thinking   okay well I guess we'll have to say later to you  guys and for the season for this series and yeah   it was fun it was fun reacting to this yeah  thank you for watching to the end guys make   sure you like share comment subscribe and turn  on post notifications also check out the full   uncut version of this reaction on our patreon the  link is in the description below virtual hug bye
Channel: Jyn x Ryl
Views: 8,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us Episode 9 ‘Look for the Light’ Reaction, The Last of Us Episode 9 Reaction, The Last of Us S1 Ep 9 Reaction, The Last of Us Joel rescues Ellie Episode 9 Reaction, The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 9 Reaction, The Last of Us Ep 9 “Look for the Light” Reaction, The Last of Us Season 1 Ep 9 ‘Look for the Light’ Reaction, yt:cc=on
Id: pZa5bQjcZWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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